About Anand Sukhadia

I, Anand Sukhadia, see, hear, feel and know that the purpose of my life is to Be Bliss, Enjoy Deep Love, and Create Magic for Myself and Others.

Growing up in a family of medical doctors and holistic healers inspired me at a young age to create a health and wellness center that combines ancient knowledge with modern technology. As I grew older, I put my ultimate dream on hold and pursued different entrepreneurial opportunities of varying success. I remained unfulfilled both professionally and personally. This led me to dedicate the last 18 years to developing myself on every level of my being: intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I read every book related to self-help, business, and spirituality that I could get my hands on. I attended seminars with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, New Peaks, Dale Carnegie Training, Landmark International + more. I developed an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, deep experience, and loving human connection. I trekked around the world and have been to Australia, Europe, South America, East Asia, India and the Middle East. I spent time with visionary thought leaders, shamans, gurus, psychics, billionaires, and individuals who possess nothing more than the shirt on their back. They have all been my teachers. During my travels, I discovered modern-day technologies that foster vitality, have explored ancient civilizations and learned about the mind-body-spirit connection.

In 2014, I had a spiritual experience that changed my life forever. After a four-hour, mystical "journey" with the Amazonian plant medicine known as Ayahuasca, my reality and purpose in life became crystal clear. All of the knowledge and experience that I acquired, intellectually sunk into my heart and I had a rebirth of sorts. I started living from my heart as opposed to living from my mind. I realized I was put here on this planet to fulfill for myself and spread to others the meaning of my name, Anand, which translates to "eternal bliss". I decided that I was not going to play small anymore, not live with fear, and be present in each day with love, gratitude, and service to others.

At the end of 2017, I founded my dream business, om.life Wellness, a modern recovery spa and lifestyle brand dedicated to healthy living for the mind, body, and spirit. As a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I specialize in plant-based nutrition, biohacking, fitness, holistic health, spiritual connection and heart-based business consulting to help facilitate true life transformation for those who are looking to tap into their limitless potential.

During the symphony of chaos that was 2020, I was deeply moved to launch The Limitless One Podcast. Over the years, I have had the blessing of connecting with so many inspirational beings that are living limitless lives in their fields of passions, and doing it in a way that fosters empowerment of others, contributing to making the world a more loving place while creating their own paths that most connects with their highest purpose.

My intention for this podcast is to inspire the highest potential in YOU to come out and play full-on in this experience of abundance that is life. Just 7 years ago, I summoned the exhalted versions of my inner warrior, the king, the lover and the magician to come forth within me- from that moment forward my reality shifted. You are the one you’ve been waiting for this whole time, and all the power you need to create the life of your dreams is within you, waiting to be unleashed. Are you ready?

This next leg of this journey about to begin, so let’s get LIMITLESS together. Buckle up Starseeds, Here We Go!

With Love, Anand