Episode 69: Extradimensional Healing & Awakening Education With Pete & Roxy

Our world is just a small part of the vast universe out there. Just imagine the wisdom we have yet to tap into! In today’s episode, we have a spiritual power couple who found awakening and extradimensional healing. Pete and Roxy are Professional Motivational Speakers, Mindfulness & Multidimensional Coaches, Intuitive Healers & Course Creators. They join us today to share how a mystical experience opened up communication with extraterrestrials and extra-dimensional light beings. Pete and Roxy awakened together and are now helping thousands of others in their healing journeys toward self-transcendence. They created Awakening Education in 2020 for individuals globally to begin their awakening journey and to help guide them to elevate their consciousness and bridge the gap between the galactic worlds and the planet. So buckle up and discover the wisdom they found from beyond our world. Get aboard a Galactic Federation Starship to start your own self-healing journeys.


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Extradimensional Healing & Awakening Education With Pete & Roxy

Have you ever had an awakening that would forever change the trajectory of your life? How about a mystical experience that opened up communication with extraterrestrials and extra-dimensional light beings? Our guests are a spiritual power couple that awakened together and are now helping thousands of others in their healing journeys toward self-transcendence.

Pete and Roxy are a beautiful married couple with two little boys from Australia. Both have been active entrepreneurs since their teenage years and have always made self-development a priority so they can be the best version of themselves. They had built and managed successful businesses and always loved to be of service and inspire others.

Pete and Roxy are Professional Motivational Speakers and are mindfulness and multidimensional coaches, intuitive healers, and course creators. They are here to help elevate humanity and planet Earth towards ascension. Their awakening journey started in August 2019. In early 2020, Awakening Education was created as an online platform for individuals globally to begin their awakening journey and to help guide them in elevating their consciousness.

They had a calling to train and learn all about multidimensionality and galactic truths. Through this process, they elevated even further by, firstly, cleaning out their inter-dimensional injuries and merging back with their higher self and soul self. This was the launching pad to connecting with higher vibrational beings including extraterrestrial and light beings from other dimensions and planets.

They felt called to help bridge the gap between the galactic worlds and this planet. With the help of galactic beings and the divine source of energy, they were able to open up even more healing technology aboard a galactic federation starship and now continue to take people on journeys for self-healing. Buckle up, Starseeds. In this episode, were ascending into 5D.


We got Pete and Roxy, my good friends from Egypt trip. We made such a soul connection when we were there. There are some wonderful souls here, and I had to have them on the show. Welcome, guys. Thank you so much for coming on.

Thank you for having us.

It’s so good to talk because it’s like a catch-up between friends, but at the same time, as our conversations go, the wealth of knowledge and all these years that all of us have been around and are experiencing and exploring the self. It’s great to be here talking with you.

I was talking to Kat about it. I’m like, “Each of us on that on that trip. Many years of self-development, so many years of soul searching and so many hardships and pain and loss and so many things, but then also overcoming all that.” You have 75 of these spiritual rock stars coming together, bringing their own superhero powers and coming together to share it all.

Every time I talk to somebody, I learned something about myself that I’ve gone through and I’ve learned a lesson from them or it’s like a synchronicity where the exact same thing happens. You put all those people together and you pretty much have my life. It’s so funny. I don’t know if you guys felt that as well.

Many synchronicities with Egypt and a lot of reflections in the other facets of the souls when we all come together. As you said, it’s like seeing the divine in all of the creations within all of us. I like spiritual rock stars. That’s good.

You guys have each other. It was beautiful. I have an amazing partner that is on this journey with me as well, but sometimes in regular life, you don’t have the same types of soul connections. I make an effort to spend more time with those types of people. You all come together at the same time, and you’re like, “This is why I’ve been working so hard because there are other people like myself doing the work.”

It’s a beautiful experience to see how many people are there. Whenever we feel lost and alone and we’re on this journey by ourselves, we’re like, “No, there are so many people out there.” For anyone reading, find your soul tribe and just look for the things that you’re interested in, join groups, and start meetups. There are always people that are going through the same thing and want to ascend to the same level in the spirit of love. We’re very blessed to have connected in this life, at least, and moving forward. Tell me about your experience in Egypt. How was it compared to what your expectations were or what you were thinking about what it would be like compared to what the actual experience was?

It’s a good question because going into it, we weren’t sure what to expect. I had been to Egypt in my 20s and had a completely different experience. It’s unawake. There I meet up with an old school buddy so there were lots of you know late nights and getting dragged through different temples and looking at different things that I didn’t take in as much of it as I later thought I could have. However, what struck me was the awe of the place.

Even at that stage, I was still going, “This is incredible.” I’ve always said to Roxy one of the places I always wanted to take was Egypt and the other is South Africa. I’ve been to both places there, and something in the heart triggered, and I’m like, “This place is special.” This time going more awake and aware, I knew that I wanted to see Hieroglyphs of Stargates, the Pleiades, and all the things that Roxy and I are into and a lot of the things that I perhaps walked past last time. I wasn’t sure whether the two of us were going to be the youngest people on the trip and it’s a bunch of oldies.

That’s what my concern was.

I was quite relieved to arrive and there was a mix. There were older people but plenty of younger people, but it was where people were at in their life. It seemed like every time you had a conversation. Do you know how when you’re around a group of unawake people or people that you don’t know that you’ve got to feel them out to work out how much they can handle? You might throw in a little heart shocker in the conversation, then you test them out with a bit of merging with your higher self, sprinkle in a little bit of multidimensional beings, and when their eyes widen, you go, “That’s the limit.”

That’s the limit just before the Arcturians or the Pleiadians.

What we loved on the trip is we could go on any topic with everyone else. Everyone was into it. That was my feeling. Yours, Rox?

I loved going over there. As soon as we land off the plane, the energy started working with our being. Pete and I checked into the hotel, there at Mina House. The veil was removed, basically. As soon as we landed, we were getting downloads and upgrades. Our vision was so strong in our sleep state and our meditations. We were both going, “This is so profound.” The energy was calling us there for a while then this trip was intercepted. Within three months, we were going to Egypt. That’s how fast it happened for us.

We didn’t have plans to do it so soon, especially with everything that’s carried out on the planet. Going there and just being spontaneous and moving into that frequency was upgrading in ourselves like merging back past lives and the energies from past lives, good and bad. It is all beautiful experiences in the duality of them, but coming back in for us, we’re feeling like new humans coming home after that trip. It is solid in our knowings, our wisdom, and that stable energy in our being. A lot of lifetimes were experienced in the lands down in Egypt. For us to go back there with these open eyes and open hearts to receive this beautiful information and energies were profound to probably say the least. 

Extradimensional Healing: We're feeling like new humans coming home after that trip, solid in our knowings, wisdom, and that stable energy in our being.

That’s so beautiful. I feel the same way. Going there was an affirmation for my soul, like, “All this work and all this connection to higher consciousness is the grounding point.” It’s like my life after Egypt because it reaffirmed everything that I thought like I’ve always had this affinity towards Egypt. When I went there, it was like, “I’m back in the homeland.” It’s an incredible feeling.

I felt like so much of my heart was open. I feel like I’m an open-hearted person, but being in each one of these temples activated like a different chakra for me or a different energy center, where the totality of everything was every single experience that I needed in order for me to move into this next phase of my life.

I feel that. When I walked into the Great Pyramid, we did the first two first then we walked into the Great Pyramid of Giza. Peter and I were tied by that stage because it was like 10:00 at night and we were still dealing with the trip over from Australia and all the rest of it. As soon as we walked in, I got your home message and this full-on activation through my whole entire being, this vibration of excitement and wisdom. I’d gotten to the point I’m like, “I’m ready for bed. I’m done.” As soon as we walked into this beautiful structure, it was on. We had so many beautiful life experiences in that experience through going into the King’s Chamber and feeling the vibration. There are a lot of memories. Our wisdom lifetimes were coming back to us as well, which was beautiful.

You guys are so very connected to not only your own souls but you do communicate with extra-dimensional and extraterrestrials as well. Based on all of that, going to Egypt, have you got any insight as to what these sites were made for?

Certainly, I think that they were probably made before the Egyptian civilization as we know it now. It was established. They’ve been there a long time. We resonate with the Emerald Tablets and the Story of Thoth, the Atlantean, bringing the wisdom teachings from Atlantis at that time to the many colonies of Atlantis. One of which being the Land of Khem, which is Egypt.

The pyramids themselves seemed to have been from those ancient teachings and descriptions some energy creation devices for the purpose of mostly healing of the physical self, the integration of basically the mind, body, and spirit complex so that these souls can reach higher dimensional spaces with the Halls of Amenti traveling inter-dimensionally through the star gates. At that time, the consciousness of the planet was probably very high so people were aware that was something that they aspired to do.

I think it is only after the Younger Dryas period or after that great catastrophe, which pretty much everyone’s starting to agree on now. Even mainstream archaeology is basically going, “There was probably a big reset.” The pyramids were constructed before that reset. Hence, we hear the story of why all the cobblestones were almost shaken off. We saw how big they were. We were looking at them. No one’s going to come along and pick them up and take them away.

Something happened there on that land. When you’re there, you’d see it and experience it. From the way they sit on aquifers and water, the way they’re aligned with the magnetic fields of the earth makes sense that people who had evolved in an area of science are different from ours. While they might not have had an iPhone and a plastic cup and an LED screen, what they may have had was this ability to be able to work with the earth, sacred geometry, and the elemental realm to create something which seemed to heal the human physically, emotionally and mentally, so that then they could connect spiritually.

From my understanding and the readings that we’ve done, that’s our best guess. As with everyone, no one’s sure one way or the other. I’m very open to other perspectives as well. For myself and what I went through when we got to lie in that sarcophagus and there were people chanting and humming around me, I could feel my heart chakra open and that pineal gland starting to vibrate. I didn’t get very long in there. However, it gave me a glimpse that was perhaps what it was for. Is that consistent with a lot of other people you’ve interviewed on the trip?

I talked to a few different people and they all pretty much feel the same way. After the fall of Atlantis, he brought this technology over as a warning for future generations. There is an educational component. What I find is when I went inside the chamber and in any of the pyramids for that matter or temples, the first question is like, “How did they do this?” It’s so grandiose. It’s so wild. It blows your mind open.

It’s exactly done to make you expand your mind and be like, “How was this created so long ago?” It makes you want to think, “I can do the same thing if I’m made up of the same creational elements. What is stopping me from thinking bigger, thinking larger, or deepening into my heart?” Also, the aspect of meeting spirit with science and combining the two. That’s how we ascend.

When we’re looking at the science part of it, it can get very sticky as we see now in the world where there’s not a lot of spirituality or God behind the science of things that are going on. If you look at the Ancient Hindus, the Ancient Egyptians, so many ancient colors, and Native Americans, they used both. They held the sacredness of science and spirit. It was the same. It was one science.

I agree. It wants to be some vibrational instrument as well, I feel, to amplify your vibration in the body and the field, so then we can tap into higher consciousness. At that moment, I feel like that is interdimensional travel and moving in connection with Pleiadians, the Arcturians, and other ascended masters that are above in a higher frequency. The intention of raising the vibration through these instruments, the pyramids, potentially was to tap into higher intelligence.

The intention of raising the vibration through these instruments, the pyramids, potentially was to tap into higher intelligence.

In our mind is the entire universe, I believe. We have access to any of these places. Were they physically traveling to different dimensions or were they able to do it mentally and open up their pineal gland? We both have done ayahuasca, and I want to go into your experience with that. We’ve opened up our pineal glands through meditation and in different ways.

You’re in a different place, but you haven’t physically moved your body. It’s just maybe your energy or your ethereal body has moved to a different location. I think that they had this technology, and it was being used consistently by people, and more people had knowledge of it. It wasn’t held in secret back then. It’s so important that this Renaissance is coming now.

It’s so beautiful to talk to you guys because you’ve dedicated your whole life to not only ascending yourself and meeting your higher soul and your consciousness but also helping other people to get to that place. I would love to get into your background. Tell us a little bit about how you got to this place.

We weren’t always awake and aware. We were mindful. We did some meditation, and Pete taught the brain states all around the world. That was his job, speaking, but it didn’t go deeper than that into consciousness and into the healing aspect. It was very mental. When we met, I was an insurance broker, and not long after we got together, we started our own insurance brokerage. We built that up over five years, having the children on that journey.

We were juggling it like real entrepreneurs with an office and staff and babies being fed and hustling on the phone. At one point, I said to Pete, “Something’s got to give. We can’t keep doing this.” I was exhausted. The business flourished, which was amazing. He said, “Maybe we should sell and pivot in our life.” I was like, “I can’t do that. This is our main income. What would we do?” The fear started kicking in, I slept on it, then overnight something in me went, “Yes, we’re doing that.”

We sold the insurance brokerage and had one year off. That was in 2018 or 2019, this period here. We started to have this awakening. I was ordering clothes online and packages and all these things coming to the house and I’d open it. Eventually, I got to the point I was unfulfilled by that. That wasn’t going to fill this void that I didn’t realize was even there.

One night, we had a bit of a dilemma. I got triggered by Pete. He didn’t do anything wrong. He was that male character coming in and triggering that little girl in me. I moved out for a week with the kids, and that’s when our awakening happened. I sat on the beach for a week praying to anything that would listen. We didn’t believe in God. We didn’t go to church or pray over our dinner or anything like that, but we knew that there was a higher aspect. Something had created us.

We were familiar with the word God, but it didn’t feel like we had to go to church and pray with that. I was sitting on the beach praying to God or anything that would listen. At that same time, our brother was in Rythmia doing plant medicine. He sent us unconditional love on that full moon I was sitting on the beach that week, and something activated in me. I realized at that point I was having an awakening. I rang Pete and was like, “It’s not you. It’s me. I’m having an awakening.”

I love hearing that.

I moved back into the house with the kids. That was all, “Sorry, I’m having this emotional awakening.”

Are you still apologizing to him?

This is how it happened. Girl, moving out, being overreactive by the male. This is the trigger of the unhealed parts of my childhood with men, with my father, and with my stepfather. From that point, we learned about plant medicine. Dan came back from Costa Rica and shared the story. I thought, “Pete’s not going to do this. This is too woo-woo for him.” He said, “Rox, I think we need to go to Costa Rica and do plant medicine.”

Off we went in 2019 in November. We got there and back before the world had its mass awakening in that way. That’s where the journey started into the healing on the way home on the plane. The plating started communicating with us. At that point, we didn’t even realize aliens were real. This planet was only in my consciousness. We were expanding, and they were like, “Remember, you were going to have the awakening? We’re going to bridge the gap between the galactic and the planet. We’re here for the mission, remember?” I’m like, “My God.”

That was the first conversation that they had with you.

Yes, on the plane ride home from America on that Costa Rica trip. That’s when Awakening Education was born. We realized, both of us, were here for the mission. For now, we’ll talk about consciousness, not that other ET stuff. Little by little, we elevated and healed and did more healing. We went into our souls and got confident with this galactic connection. That’s when we started sharing our story online.

Pete, you had that same experience as well. You were both getting awakened or getting communicated to at the same time. Is that correct?

I would say that I needed to heal some stuff within myself before the connection was enough that I went, “There’s something to this.” I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family in and around Deepak, so going on a long trip in the car. Dad’s got the old cassettes, the book. You put it on Deepak Chopra, cassettes, Wayne Dyer, and all these different metaphysical teachers.

I’d been around the information. I’d been to Tony Robbins and other types of self-help type things, but it was all very much about self-help in order to help me achieve more. The idea is if I achieve more, then I’ll feel better, then you feel proud of yourself, you’re a provider for your family and all of that thing. What I found was when I went to plant medicine and when I merged back with my soul and healed that five-year-old boy who had that split when that traumatic stuff happened in my childhood, then I realized I didn’t need things outside myself anymore. 

Everything I needed was within, and that was the breakthrough. That breakthrough to realize that I’m enough now is something that I would call the awakening. That’s what the true process is, and it comes from spitting in the bucket. It comes from crying on the bed. It comes from the dark night of the soul where it shows you, “This is where you were.”

You don’t need things outside yourself. Everything you need is within.

When so when I was five, I took my little sister for a walk down to the creek after heavy rain. She fell off the bridge into the stream. She drowned. I had to go home and tell my mum that my little sister had drowned. That’s what plant medicine took me to. The lady lying next to me sobbing and crying, almost moaning in her experience.

In my mind, with the ayahuasca present, it took me and that sound and this amazing mix of it all. It took me to five on the bed, curled up, listening to my mother down the hallway, making those sounds into the toilet as she cried and reached over the death of my sister. That’s where I split. That’s where I took on carrying burdens and pleasing people. I had issues with females my whole life, pleasing women syndrome. I was pleasing my mom, trying to please my sister, pleasing my first wife, and the Law of Attraction is trying to help me to fix that, so I got three daughters and I’m trying to please them.

The universe is going, “Pete, you want to work on your female issues.” I’m there going, “If I make more money and achieve more, then I’ll feel happy.” It’s like this divine game, the illusion that we’re in, and the matrix. When you truly awaken, you see it all for what it is. Instead of going, “That was such a horrible crappy thing that happened in my life,” you smile and you see the infinite creator in it. You see that it’s part of a divine purpose that my soul had to go through.

There are some of the experiences I’ve had like deep meditation and connecting. My sister has come through, and it’s so funny how spirit could come through. She’s like, “I don’t know what you’re giving yourself such a hard time for.” She’s like, “You get born. Two and a half years later, I get born. You take me down to the creek, and I fall off the bridge and drown. You feel like shit for the next 40 years and one day, you’re going to stop being an insurance broker and you’ll start doing these calls and activating other light workers and encouraging other people to do the inner work.”

That’s what plant medicine showed me. That’s why I couldn’t go back with Roxy and start another insurance business. We could have done that because we’ve done it twice and sold them and done well. We had a model that worked but it wasn’t aligned with who we were. We went into this new area knowing nothing. It’s like you start in there, but what you do have is the power of your experience, your realization, and how that has affected us.

That in itself is the message. I’m a big believer in the saying, “What you are speak so loudly.” People can’t hear what you’re saying. In other words, you’ve got to embody the principles that you have learned and that you’ve experienced. There are plenty of people who know more than me. They’ve read more books. They’ve been into spirituality way longer than I have been on different hikes and treks and this and that and the other.

You've got to embody the principles that you have learned and that you've experienced.

When I get to know them, they’re dull, judgy, and God bless them issues. I could see it and feel it because sometimes I think people can spiritually bypass it. It’s easier to buy another book or go on a retreat than to sit there and go back to yourself at five and go into unloved, unacknowledged, guilt, shame, etc. It’s not very pleasant. I’m not saying it was pleasant. For Roxy, it is equally as tough, but she went and addressed her things. When we meet on the trip and instantly we get along, there’s been a process to get to that.

It wasn’t easy. Each one of us had a difficult path to get to that place where we can be open-hearted and allow love and friendship into our lives and be open in who we are authentically. That’s why you guys come across so strong as powerhouses because you are embodying this life. There are so many people that can talk a good game.

I’m sure there are so many influencers out there. No judgment at all. Everyone’s going through their own journey. They can say the greatest things, but their life is not necessarily happy or they’re living in true alignment. The embodiment aspect is so important. I’m very similar to you in that. I sought education and knowledge and did all the Tony Robbins events, which is life-changing. I love that stuff and all the books. I have an enormous library. I try to accumulate knowledge so much. I was understanding it up here, but the moment I did the plant medicine, it sank into my heart.

That’s like, “That’s what the missing element was.” It was so simple. The simplicity of being in here most of the time and checking in with this rather than this and traveling that enormous distance from the head to the heart. It’s only a couple of inches but is the longest journey you’ll ever make in your life.

You think you’re all good, that ego keeps you in this, “You’re sweet,” then the next minute, you’re like, “Man.” The more you think you know, the more you don’t know.

I always find that any time I’m going through any challenge, it’s always coming because of the thinking brain. Whenever I sink into the feeling, the heart space, and what would love do at this moment, then things get super simple for me. It’s like an ongoing challenge to navigate and surf this 3D world while also trying to understand the 4D and then ascend to 5D. I watched a video of yours that you guys did regarding the three different dimensions that we’re experiencing. Can you tell us a little bit about 3D, 4D, and 5D?

All around us at the moment on the planet is so much 3D. We live in a bubble in our countries. Where we live, we’re blessed that we have the freedom to express ourselves, the freedom to think, even though we might get fact-checked but you know what I mean. Most of the time, we’re free to come and go and think and move, etc. You think there are a lot of countries, a lot of continents on this planet, where there are still people in lack.

You would have seen this coming from the airport in Egypt. It struck me the number of people who are in lack vibration. It was survival, desperation, and that undercurrent of that energy runs through millions, hundreds of millions of people on this planet. For us, having this conversation, for the people reading this, the soul who’s reading this interview now would be an old soul, a soul that has come in for a mission to help those hundreds of millions of other souls who are down there low vibrationally.

There is a saying, “The rising tide lifts all of the boats.” As we work on our consciousness, we affect their consciousness of them. 3D has a lot of different levels to it. The 3rd Density or 3D that we often refer to is the lower vibrational expressions of consciousness. It is the biggest example I explain, but it’s the lack and the guilt and basic survival, then the higher up you go, you’re still into guilt and shame.

There’s there is manipulation and control. While people might say, “We’re certainly above that over here in a civilized society,” in our civilized societies, isn’t there a lot of manipulation and twisting of the truth and underhand and coercion and backstabbing? All of that would demonstrate the 3D consciousness or 3rd Density. Would you expand on any others?

Service to self is 3D, so bigger house, bigger car, the ego, and not thinking of others. It’s all service to self and, “How can I accumulate more?” A lot of people are living in this frequency on the planet, the 3D matrix, because they haven’t seen behind the curtain yet of what could be. Some of them don’t even want to look. They’re like, “No, don’t want to see that,” because it means they have to feel, and they’re in their head when we’re in 3D.

It is the separation of the self, the separation of even knowing there’s a divine or that we’re a soul walking on this planet. When we move into 4D, the 4th Dimension, we’re having this awakening now where we’re moving up in frequency. We might have had an awakening like I moved out from Pete, for example. I wasn’t happy, fulfilled, moving out of service to self, thinking about, “How can I fulfill this void that I keep trying to fill with shopping with clothes that don’t keep feeling that healed part of me?”

We’re moving into the fourth dimension, and we’re feeling our heart’s starting to open slightly. We know our emotions are starting to turn on. We start to feel things more. Instead of feeling that judgment or making a judgment, we might stop judging and have more compassion and love for people. As we rise through the frequency and raise our vibration, we’re moving into the higher sub-levels of the 5th dimension.

We have to go up through a series of densities within the dimension. There are levels of the game inside one dimension. It’s not a game, a test, or anything but it’s to raise your vibration. Every density has a frequency match to that level. When we’re raising our vibration, we’re starting to drop away the unhealed parts of ourselves. We’re shedding the layers and we’re seeing more from a higher perspective. We’re having more compassion for people in 3D, realizing they’re just babies learning how to crawl, walk, learning their consciousness.

Extradimensional Healing: When we're raising our vibration, we're starting to drop away the unhealed parts of ourselves. We're shedding the layers and seeing more from a higher perspective.

More of our DNA strands are coming online too. When we were born, we have two strands of DNA available to us. As we raise our vibration, we start to learn and grow as a soul in this lifetime and heal, and we have more of those DNA strands coming on in the fourth dimension. Some of us on the planet now are tapping in and out of the 5D, the 5th Dimension. That’s where we’re seeing a bliss state. We’re connecting with interdimensional beings because we’re raising our vibration for that connection.

We’re moving out of service to self into service to others. We might become a healer and see how we can help each other or start a podcast to share great information. It’s like, “How can I help? I’m here for the mission. I understand this mission and I’m moving into that state, that frequency of love and togetherness.”

As we do that, the collective moves up, as I mentioned the rising tide. In 1988, it started. Through 1990, which was said to be a significant year for humanity, there was a shift in consciousness. Humanity as a collective can be muscle tested. Through proper calibrations, they can get an idea as to what the overall consciousness of the planet is approximately at. Through 1988, the consciousness of the collective went over the level of 220, which is significant on the scale of consciousness. It’s called the David Hopkins Scale of Consciousness. The number of 220 was quite significant because what it meant was the planet went from being more negative to, after that date, becoming more positive.

Before, it was in a negative state, and now, it went up to 220.

That’s right, and it started to shift. The calibration of the earth now is still in and around the 220 to 250 mark. Those higher levels of 3D playing out as I was mentioning to you about the coercion, the control, and the manipulation, all for service to beings, people. It is depending on how you want to go with this conversation, whether you want to go to entities or go down the reptilian path.

Let’s go through all of the above. Let’s get into it, guys.

A negatively polarized being, the ultimate thing, once they’ve got everything they want, is control and power. What’s playing out on the planet now, and let’s call it the war on consciousness, is this play for power to control the masses, to manipulate the people, and to keep them in blind subservience to the 1%. It’s probably a lot less than 1% but you get the idea.

When old souls wake up, a lot of people want to follow because, within them, they are unhealed. They want to believe that the government’s got their best interest at heart. Some people believe that. Some people believe the FDA cares for their health. Figure that. We would laugh when we talk about that. Some people believe that fact-checkers are non-biased.

Who’s volunteering to be a fact-checker? No, it’s an organization that’s completely funded by certain entities. 

We’re at this stage, and a lot of people reading this would get it. I love it when you get a friend who newly awakens to all of this and you teach them all the stuff. They’ve got to learn about Adrenochrome and kids in the tunnels. They’ve got to learn about how Big Pharma, the media companies, and the politicians are all in it together, helping one another and someone starts to wake up. Let’s say they become awake to the illusion that we’re all being controlled and manipulated.

The first step when often a person wakes, and I call it socially awake, they’re moving into lower 4D, but the first thing they want to do is save everyone. They start sharing things all over the net. “You’ve got to know about this. There’s a march here. We’ve got to sign this petition, do this and do that,” because they have this moment where they go, “Everyone else is asleep and I’ve got to save them. I’ve got to shake the tree and rattle them.”

Sometimes they get angry and they go, “You’re asleep. You’re all mindless sheep.” Now, we see that and we go, “Look at that person.” They’re in anger and guilty and projecting. They’re not respecting that every single soul has got their own journey. As you move through 4D while you realize we’re all one, you also realize that free will is our greatest gift and we don’t need to get anyone to change.

The person’s got to choose to want to change themselves. How do you get them to change? The way you do it is, “By your works, they shall know you.” Be the light. You embody those principles, and the person goes, “What are you into? You seem happy. What are you watching? What do you believe? What do you eat? What do you consume? What information do you know, etc.?” That’s how the person changes, through embodying what the outcome is.

Extradimensional Healing: The person changes through embodying the outcome.

You can’t fight the war on consciousness, the war on terror, the war on whatever it is through starting a war through anger. You’re moving back down in the levels of consciousness. As you move through 4D and you realize we’re all one, you respect everyone’s free will to choose. It’s a lot easier for yourself to embody those principles, kindness, compassion, empathy, and understanding.

Someone’s horrible, difficult, and pushes your buttons, and when you’re in this highly more aware state, you’re able to go, “Listen to the poor then. They were overlooked as a child or they never felt loved or got heard. Now they’re trying to force their opinions down everyone’s neck. They’re the loud ones at the party. They’ve got to have the last say.” It plays out. Instead of going, “That guy’s a jerk,” you see that poor guy had stuff happen from his childhood. He hasn’t cleared it out yet, and it’s playing out.

As a person, you embody those principles of that 4D consciousness. You then start to tap into 5D. In 5D, you’re tapping into the level of wisdom. In the level of wisdom, you realize everything happens for a reason. Everything’s connected. That means the bad stuff too. It’s like, “Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration.”

You hear about all these things like the Law of Resonance, “They all sound so interesting,” then you go, “Why have I got a flat tire then? Why do I book this meeting with someone and they keep changing the date or canceling it or something comes up and we can’t get there? What’s the block? I’m working on this project, and I’m passionate about it. I’m putting my heart into it. Why is there a block?” If you’re not healed, you go, “It’s my fault. This must be my block, or maybe I picked up an entity the other day and it got me. That’s why the project is stifling my pineal gland.” 

There’s a fluoride.

People make up all this stuff. It’s not that. It’s you. There’s no entity. The person’s got unhealed stuff. The Law of Attraction brings you the good stuff, but it brings you the bad stuff. Whenever something is not going well in your life, that is an opportunity for us to reflect within and go, “What is this trying to show me? What is unhealed in me? What can I learn from this?” As you learn to do that, it’s like a skill.

The more you do it, the better you get. In the beginning, you first get into this. Someone does something to you. They stab you in the back or talk behind your back and you find out about it or whatever. Family’s the best trigger. Something happens in the family, and you’re like, “I’m not talking to them,” and you don’t talk for a month because it takes you a while to calm down and you get over it.

Something happens again, probably family, but you’re doing your self-help work. You’re doing some crying, some journaling and breathwork, and all these different modalities. Someone triggers you again, and this time, you’re only ticked off for a week, then you go, “It’s probably me. I’ll see them because they’re unhealed. That’s why they did it,” then it gets down to a day to get over it. It then takes an hour to get over it. Now, you get triggered but you can get over it in 5 or 10 minutes. We still get triggered. It might still be there.

There can be patterns that keep showing up in a person’s life. A person might say, “Doing the inner work, when does it stop? When does it get easy?” I love that question. The answer is it never does. However, the time it takes you to see the lesson and feel the emotion gets shorter because your relationship with yourself is improving. Your awareness is improving. That’s embodying 5D consciousness. It’s level of wisdom. When you’re in that state, you can then tap into things outside yourself that are consistent with that rate of vibration.

In other words, when you’re in 3D, it might be the analogy of the ice cube. You’re like a block of ice. You’re very dense. As your vibration goes up, you move into the liquid. As your vibration then goes up higher, you move into steam. You’re still the same person, but as your rate of vibration goes up, you can experience things a lot differently. As water vapor, we can float around, look down, move into other things, and tune into other types of matter. That’s a little bit like 5D consciousness.

As we move and integrate with more of our higher self, as we become more of a being of light through raising our vibration, this is how you can tap into higher vibrational information and higher vibrational beings and have higher vibrational experiences. You can do that through some aid like plant medicine or breathwork, but you can also do that through Kundalini yoga, the daily practice, or through the cleansing of the inner child and working on the self.

The experience of that then affects all the different areas of your life because the more you address the Law of Attraction bringing in the bad things, the more the good things start coming in as well. You end up in the right place at the right time. You’re spotting feathers and rainbows, seeing 2:00 and 3:00 on the clock, and you’re like, “I’m in the flow.”

The more you address the law of attraction bringing in the bad things, the more the good things start coming in as well.

It’s so beautiful the way that you described it. Anytime we want to level up in this game, we have to come to a new level of awareness. The same things would happen to me over and over. I’d be blaming other people, “My family is just not going to change.” The moment I started looking at people in my family differently as if they were the childhood version of themselves, the challenges that they went through, the utter hardships that they had to go through, and this is how they had to become in order to maintain sanity and to move forward in life, it started clicking in my mind. 

When we start looking at everybody as the childhood version of themselves and looking at them from a place of love, we would start to understand that that’s where everybody wants to vibrate. This is the lesson that’s going to keep coming to you in your life. Until you come to that level of awareness, it’s going to come over and over. Sometimes you meet the same people in relationships and the same things happen. “They do this and they do this and they do this.” It’s for a reason. It’s the way that the universe wants to show you. You don’t level up until we start changing that perspective. The way that you described it is perfect.

It’s funny because, like you said, we’re moving in and out of 3D, 4D, and 5D. When we were in Egypt, I felt like we were in 5D the whole time, then I feel like I came back. I was like such an involved spiritual soul. I visited my mom. There was one thing that she said that completely triggered me. I was like, “What is happening to me? I’m contracting.” We have to watch it. It’s a beautiful thing, this life of ours, because if everything was super simple, there would be no growth.

What would be the point of living in this 3D reality? We’re here for a certain reason. All the bad things that are happening with what’s going on with control, power, fear, scarcity, and all this stuff, I feel like the construct of this 3D world, whoever has been constructing it over the last thousand years or whatever has wanted to make it a place of scarcity or perceived scarcity.

The moment you start realizing, “It’s not a scarce place,” we start changing that and thinking, “We could grow an abundance of food for everybody.” The United States throws away more food to feed the entire world in a day. It’s like, “How do we start unraveling this version of scarcity?” Once people start living in love, compassion, and togetherness, then we can start ascending.

There’s got to be an element of these darker entities. They have to understand the spiritual game because they wouldn’t be able to control it if they didn’t know some of that. How do you reconcile all of that when they know the spiritual part of it? In the 4D, I know that there are many different entities that can reside in those places. Can you tell us a little bit about how that transitional dimension works? Are there negative aspects to it in the same thing as the positive?

The service to self plays here in the 4th dimension. They’re not going to graduate to higher states of consciousness if their heart doesn’t open. That is the law on growing and becoming in that higher vibrational state of the 5th dimension, manifestation, bliss, and flow. You’re not going to achieve that level without opening the heart. These beings or entities that are throwing manipulative, negative energy patterns across the globe to control and to keep the souls in a lower frequency haven’t entered into the heart space yet.

They’re addicted to control manipulation. These negative polarized beings will never graduate unless they do the inner work. That is the law of the universe. That gift is only given to the student that will do the inner work, find the inner wisdom, and open their heart to the divine, to that connection, to that love, to that unity.

Extradimensional Healing: These negative polarized beings will never graduate unless they do the inner work.

Rox talks about this in the Law of One, talking about a soul to graduate. For the scale we were talking about before, we need to move over the level of 500. Five hundred is that level where the soul officially graduates or moves on. People say, “How did he get out of this karmic link? I keep getting incarnated over and over. What if next time I’m going to incarnate low and etc.?”

In the Law of One, it speaks very clearly about graduation happening from the opening of the heart. As in this lifetime, we have to make the choice of whether we’re going to go from service to self versus service to others. Once we graduate and move over the level of 500, it incidentally is the level of love.

Are you talking about hertz?

The scale of consciousness, yes. That’s the level of love. I’d like to share too that the level of love being at 500 has above it like joy, happiness, and spontaneity. They are high vibrational calibrations above the level of love because they are the expression of love. In other words, sometimes people can be very loving. It’s beneficial on the big picture for a person to be up on a hill in the back end of Tibet hiding away from everyone in a state of love and bliss, sending that vibration out around the planet because that’s lifting. Rather, the tide lifts the vibration of the collective of the whole.

My point to that would be it’s a lot more beneficial for a person to be in that same calibration and to be walking down the street in Brisbane, Australia, or New York. As Roxy says, send and love bombs and dealing with difficult people and dealing with coercion, noise, and the real 3D. That’s more difficult is what I’m saying.

That’s the real work.

That’s harder. Being the demonstration that I spoke about earlier, that’s what a light worker is. It’s showing the way. The way you show the way is through your joy in life. That’s what the spark of the divine is. The spark of the divine is like we talked about, the children at two. The most beautiful thing about a two-year-old is they’ll smile at everyone. Even some people might say, “They’re particularly ugly.” The child smiles at them and plays with them. They don’t see the outward. They see the inward.

When you hear these terms, “You’re the spark of the divine,” part of this lovely journey is to find that spark that you came in with. Sometimes as soon as we come in as the spark of the divine, particularly if you’re reading this and you’re an old soul, you can probably relate to this. As soon as you got in your mother’s womb, you probably picked up on things that you were better off not knowing, “Mom and dad are fighting,” or, “Mom didn’t even want me in the first place,” or you get born then you’re a disappointment. You’re boy or girl number six or whatever it is and they’re like, “I got another one,” or whatever it is, and you grow up all through your life.

Right from the beginning, this pure soul gets all these different impressions, and the divine game of Lila that’s talked about is that we go through all of this. Hopefully, if we come out the other side while we’re on this planet and realize that it’s all a game in order for us to find that spark that came in. If you find that spark, you graduate. You move to the level of love.

My sister dying wasn’t a terrible tragedy that wrecked my life. It was all set up for my soul to have an experience. This is the stuff of what real spirituality looks like practically. People can talk about all the most fan-dangled things in the world, but when you live it, by their works you shall know them. Some people go, “I don’t feel passionate about anything. I don’t have enthusiasm.” I would say, yes, you do. You still probably got work to do. There’s probably some false belief in there in and around happiness or excitement, or it was probably never demonstrated by your parents.

Sometimes you can meet people who have a very narrow range of feelings. Even knowing someone like that, they’re almost a bit like a block of concrete. They smile from time to time. I don’t reckon they’ve belly laughed in years to the point where their eyes water. They probably haven’t cried into emotions and experienced that depth, which is the wonderful slingshot to get you higher. You have your ups and your downs, sling shotting you up higher as we move through this human experience.

While there are services to self-beings and entities around and while they can perfect themselves in the level of wisdom, if we merge this over with extraterrestrial races, the grays were a very good example of how a species could develop themselves very high in the level of wisdom only to realize that when they neglected the heart and the emotions and those aspects, even their physical aspect of their being, all to become more intelligent.

You pay a price because you’re not in balance. Everything in the universe needs to stay in balance. We need to stay in balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. They were very smart, but they started thinking, “We’re not going to waste energy with reproduction. We’re not going to waste energy with a robust body.” They got smaller, thinner, and frailer and their DNA started to break down. Now the Galactic Federation is helping that species to rebuild because they went down a path, which was service to self. They had realized that they weren’t going to be able to reach the 6th dimension unless they learn to feel. If we turn it to the Galactic Federation for a moment if you don’t mind.

Extradimensional Healing: Everything in the universe needs to stay in balance. We need to stay in balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Let’s pivot into that.

You’re on a roll, babe.

The Galactic Federation is wanting to help humanity so that humanity doesn’t start another nuclear war and do a reset, but what happened 10,000 years ago was when we had to have this great reset. Now we could have a great reset. Things could go one way or the other. While we’ve moved into the golden age and it’s the Age of Aquarius, the sun’s pulsing us with solar flares, and the Schumann resonance shows that consistently the ionosphere of the planet radiating at high frequencies, triggering some people, helping others to awaken and there are ascension symptoms talk, the universe is helping us, but higher levels of consciousness are helping us as well.

Not just because they don’t want us to blow ourselves up but because as we move into 5th and 6th-dimensional consciousness, we can be of service to the Galactic Federation because a soul incarnating as a human on Earth versus another planet has a massive difference on how fast and how wise that soul becomes. On a lot of planets and in a lot of different species, they don’t have free will, so they might incarnate over again, but they remember everything they’ve learned the first time.

They don’t have free will either to choose stuff like, “In this life, I’m going to sail my yacht, drink booze, shag, and live a life. I’m having a life off.” Enough with the soul work. They go from one to the other. We come in, the veil of forgetfulness, then we get free will so that we can choose not to do it if we don’t want as well. We fall under the illusion of time, and within that illusion of time ties in with that all these false things that come in with our free will.

All these complications that make our soul’s journey difficult are incredibly beautiful because we grow emotionally. We grow with wisdom and with the mind, but also we grow up in an environment that is heavily polluted. There’s junk in our air, in our food, and in our water. We’re exposed to all this electromagnetic radiation. Our DNA, the human vessel, or the physical vessel is very robust.

There is information that we provide to the Galactic Federation and, in return, they are helping us to lift our vibration as well. It’s a partnership. We are truly partners in this together. We are like the indigo child, the gifted ones that are coming up now for us. These beautiful kids are born with all this wisdom beyond their years. It’s like humans are like that, but we haven’t moved to our full potential yet. What Roxy and I like to tap into is when we tap into the Galactic Federation ship and we work with people in med-beds, helping them, the soul going, “I’d love to connect. I’m so interested, but I know I’ve got blocks. I know I’ve got things. I’m not even sure what it is.”

They can go up there, and when they lie down and allow themselves to let this higher intelligence scan over them to pinpoint for them, perhaps where they split from their soul, where the densities or the blocks lie, people can very quickly get guidance as to where they can use their own free will because no one can heal anyone.

Something outside yourself solving your problems doesn’t fix it because physical imperfections in the body are a manifestation of some underlying false belief or emotional injury that has been ignored and suppressed over and over until you can’t ignore it anymore, and it manifests itself in whatever it might be, like a tumor, an ulcer, etc. Magically fixing it doesn’t solve the problem. There are a lot of people out there going, “When are the real med-beds going to come because I can’t wait for them to come.”

They are sitting around and waiting for it.

They want to be able to do whatever and accept no responsibility. Your soul doesn’t learn from that. Come on. We know this. You can get guidance from a higher-dimensional being. You can have your intention, “I need help with my healing. Can I get some energy and some help?” It’s the same concept as a prayer. It’s the same concept of asking for divine love, God for a source, or whatever the person believes in to help them.

Once we use our free will and identify where our false beliefs or our blocks are and we let them go, there is that forgiveness and that exercise of choice. We’ve seen people. They don’t give their stomach ulcer anymore. They don’t have that problem and this and that. It was just that unhealed part manifesting itself. They’ve broken that energy flow.

What we’re tapping into is these higher dimensional beings and the point that now on the earth, we’re at this critical period, the people reading this, who are interested in this information. Some people might’ve stumbled on you from the Tony Robbins line and were like, “Far out. Smoke too much dope.” I’m sorry to say I’m not into any of that stuff, but what I am into is how when you clear your density within yourself, you can raise your vibration. Guess what? When you raise your vibration, we’ve got way more than just our five senses. We’ve got our five inner senses. Everyone’s heard we’re only using 5% or 10% percent of our brain. We can learn to develop our extra senses and tap into a whole lot more.

You can get guidance from higher dimensional beings.

The ETs and the extra dimensions are heavily invested in us and humanity as a whole. What is their level of how involved can they get? As you said, we’re at a very critical juncture in humanity’s time. We could either go into the great reset, which the world economic forum wants or we could go into the great awakening where everyone goes inward and starts awakening their own self so that everybody’s consciousness can get raised. Is there a point where they can interfere? We see a lot of things now that the government’s saying, “There are UFOs” but I don’t necessarily know if those UFOs are real or if it’s Project Blue Beam going on.

That’s right. You’ve got to use your discernment and watch everything through your heart compass of what rings true for you. That Project Blue Beam, Blue Book, or whatever, is probably a potential and on the cards for humanity. It’s a fear-mongering scare tactic to keep the soul’s consciousness in lower vibration. If ships started rolling in, everyone would run and hide in their homes. They’ll be overwhelmed. They’ve been programmed year in and year out for decades that off-planet extraterrestrials are here to harm us.

All the movies.

It’s playing out on Netflix now, UFO movies constantly. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s all this programming happening. It’s no different for the government and its disclosure. They’re not giving us disclosure. They’re entering an idea and putting an idea in people’s heads that this is real then they put the programming in other areas of life through television, movies, and the media.

The higher vibrational beings that we are connecting with are not going to infringe on a lower vibrational being’s free will. They’re not going to enter into this space and go, “Come on, guys, hurry up and heal.” That’s not what the divine does. When you elevate your frequency and Pete described service to self into service to others and that bliss state, that flow state, that connection to the divine, when you get to that point, you smile at these beautiful babies learning to crawl and walk. You smile at that because they get to learn and expand their consciousness through that experience. You don’t do it for them. However, when you have an intention and you raise your vibration or frequency, you get to realize you come up above the glass and go, “There’s all these beams here.” That’s what we did.

We raised our vibration and did some inner work and have the intention to explore higher intelligence and wisdom, realizing that we’re not the only frigging people in the universe. There are other planets out there, all those stars, that remembrance of Pleiadian lifetimes, of travel on ships, of galactic wars showing up in a lot of lightworkers’ dreams now to purge the fear, the pain, the sadness, and the grief of these wars.

Now, we’re anchored. We’ve come back in physicality to anchor the light. This mission is an inside job. We couldn’t do it any other way. We had to come and embody the light and raise the vibration together all around this planet. When we did that, we could then start to raise the frequency of all the people around us in our communities being multidimensional, walking down the street, and not hiding away on land with all the awake people.

Extradimensional Healing: We had to come and embody the light and raise the vibration together all around this planet. When we do that, we could then start to raise the frequency of all the people around us.

We have to be surrounding ourselves in the matrix, in the 3D, being multidimensional, and anchoring these frequencies so other people can feel this galactic information. You don’t need to do anything. By anchoring this knowledge, this wisdom, and this light frequency in your field will have a ripple effect on all the other souls at the supermarket or the kids’ school. For a moment there, I couldn’t go into the school to pick up the kids. My frequencies were wobbling. Now I’m integrated, I’m strong and I’m smiling at everyone. 

Everyone’s feeling that energy. It’s activating people. That’s what we’re here to do, to be multidimensional. When we’re ready as a collective, disclosure will happen. Real and right and beautiful connection to the Pleiadian in physical form. We’re consciously remote viewing our light bodies, our souls to a physical ship, to connect to them, to raise our vibration, and to learn this wisdom. In the future years, we will be having disclosure. They will be coming, and we will be bridging that gap.

There needs to be like around the planet, more people who want to connect and believe. We walked around those temples together, and there were hieroglyphs of the Pleiades. Remember the star clusters? There were hieroglyphs and the people were blue.

The green ones are hybrids. The blue ones are celestial or Gods. It’s crazy. It’s all written there. Even with the hieroglyphs of us, it is a star and a gate. It’s showing you, “This is a Stargate.” There’s no confusion. It is the literal translation.

For people who go, “That all sounds like a whole lot of bull,” what about that 4,000 years ago? What about in Ethiopia where people talk about the Sirian beings coming to visit them and they describe the Sirian star system? Forgive my detail on this. With the naked eye, you can only see nine of the stars. There’s a number. With a telescope, you can see two extra. In these Ethiopian texts, they talk about the eleven stars of the Sirius star system.

How the heck did they know there were eleven back 5,000 or 10,000 years ago? There were no telescopes. How did they know there were eleven? They’re saying they know there were eleven because the Sirian beings came down, taught them wisdom, showed them how to channel water and to use agriculture, how to mix different types of grasses together to get the corn, and help them. It’s written up in their scripts, and people go, “It’s just a story.”

Everyone thinks they had a big imagination. They even knew the entire rotation of the stars and how they move. I think it’s the Dogon Tribe in Africa. They have this device that has the depiction of the way that all the stars rotate in the Sirius A and B system.

What I love is most of these civilizations, all the way back, talk about visitors from the stars who come flying in. What do they do? Help, guide, and instruct. If there were hieroglyphs of people running, it would have been written. It’s not that.

They’re not shooting the laser beams into castles and stuff like going on fire or whatnot.

The other bit that I find fascinating is these beings came and they visited. They helped these civilizations, then there were all those hieroglyphs in all of those temples of the blue loaders and the pipe, and people want to get back to the stars. How do they connect back?

A little DMT.

Every single civilization from Alaska to the jungles of Borneo to all over Africa, they’ve worked out some way to get drunk, to get high, to get their mind into an altered state. Not because they’re depressed, got mortgage payments, and don’t want to roll back into the hut with the goats and go to sleep. They’re not running away from their life. They’re doing it for the wonder, the connection and the unity with all that is. 

We’ve been programmed to not explore any of that aspects because of fear, control, and manipulation. They want us to give up our free will which, on the planet a lot at the moment, seems to be the agenda. Even people are becoming more aware like you talk about. There is all this information on mainstream media now about unidentified objects and still, very much people are, “What are you going to do?” It’s like they can’t be bothered. They’re worrying about the project at work, car payments, the house, and what they are going to do with that. They got life.

I think that they’ve suffered a lot of trauma over the last few years. I don’t know if you guys noticed, but the things that were coming out in the news were hitting people over the head with so many things and so much stimulation that you can’t keep track of all of it. The CIA came out with this document about the human mind and how you’re creating a torsion field, astral travel, and all this stuff. It’s literally written in a nineteen-page paper. This came out in 2020 in the middle of COVID and all these other things.

There are many things that these truths are revealed to us. I think that it’s hard for people who are not looking to expand. They want to stay in this 3D or stay in that low scarcity frequency. It’s hard for them to awaken. The people that are looking to expand themselves are seeing all of it. It’s like a beautiful time where the more darkness there is, the more light that’s being raised and the more that’s becoming more aware of the world in terms of truth and towards more consciousness.

That was all playing out to confuse people because when you’re sitting in a state of confusion, you’re a low vibration. When you’re sitting in knowing, it’s a connected knowingness. Confusion is another tactic. It tricks the energy.

You’re able to be controlled at that time as well.

Now on the planet, we’re all moving into a time of integration, integrating what happened. We’ve got time to rest and to be backing somewhat of normal life and rhythm for most people in the matrix. They’re back into work, but they’re also reflecting. A lot of people are going, “Hang on, what happened there?” They’ve got that time to integrate. Their soul is elevating. I don’t think a lot of people are still asleep before COVID.

Extradimensional Healing: Now on the planet, we're all moving into a time of integration.

I feel like they have activated some parts of their soul and their mental construct is moving into a higher vibration because we are all doing the inner work. We’re rising that tide. The planet is shifting as well. The solar system is being activated by the sun, these solar flares. People’s hearts are getting cracked open on a minute level. The ones that are asleep in their sleepy slumber are getting activated by natural remedies. The sun is pulsing into their field to activate them and to remind them that they are a spark of the divine. They can have love, ease, flow, and happiness in their life. It’s not all 9:00 to 5:00, Monday to Friday, 2 days off, and working 5 days. I feel like we’re shifting out of that slightly as a collective.

People are getting cracked open a little bit and a little light is pouring into people. Even at my wellness center, we do a lot of breathwork and different events. People come in who has a 9:00 to 5:00 mentality yet seek something different. When they’re coming and having these amazing breakthroughs, crying and going into past lives, going into childhood traumas, and things like that, they’re able to have feeling back. Whereas, when you’re in a corporate environment living right next to Manhattan, it’s very high-paced. There’s not a lot of compassion or heart in a lot of corporations.

For them to be able to have a little glimmer of that feeling back, then they’re like, “This is possible.” They start seeking more and more. By holding space and by being the embodiment of love and being there for people, we can open up those possibilities. That’s what it comes down to. Is there any tipping point that humanity needs to get to in order for the floodgates of light to come down for us to ascend out of 3D, 4D, and to 5D?

We feel like 8% of the planet should be awake and aware to be able to transition into that highest state as the planet and as a collective. Not to be disheartened, we’re not that far there yet, but it’s going to happen rapidly. The energy speeds up on the planet. Our vibration is moving a lot faster now. What could have taken 10 years could only take maybe 3 or 4 years now because the frequency sped up.

Extradimensional Healing: We feel like 8% of the planet should be awake and aware to be able to transition into that highest state as a collective.

We feel like we’re probably only at 1% of those awakened souls, which doesn’t feel very empowering, but we are moving fast. A lot of people are waking up. Like we said before, they’re cracking open slowly and slightly. The mass awakenings haven’t happened yet. We’re the way showers. A lot of us that were on the Egypt trip even are the way showers. We’re still rejuvenating our own souls at this time. Our work hasn’t begun yet.

We’re all going to have to leave the others behind us. Those mass awakenings are yet to come, and they will awaken. The planet is going to awaken. The way show is for now and the light work, we feel like everyone’s awake, but no one is awake. You go to the shops, and a lot of people are asleep still. There are some people that you catch their eye and you smile. You know, “I think you’re awake,” and that’s beautiful, but they’re few and far between.

In this next part of the awakening, the great awakening is going to happen. It’s about to move. That beautiful sun is helping us. With the planet, she’s strong. She’s not weak. She’s moving into a higher state. Part of it wants us to enjoy her planet, to enjoy the gift of life, being human, moving through the forest, swimming in her seas, enjoying the divine experiment, and to live and breathe Earth. The galactic calls it the Blue Pearl because it looks like this beautiful Blue Pearl floating in space. We’re here to make the shift but then move into this beautiful awakening of love, unity, and togetherness and embody the divine. 

As you say, the sun is shining. It’s shining right on my face. I’m very lucky that I get two sunrise and sunset because we have glass buildings right across the street from us. I get a reflection of the sun, so this is the reflection of the sun coming on me. Normally, the sun rises in the East. I’m still looking East, but it’s still coming back to me.

That’s so good. Let there be light.

With this shift or this major awakening, is it going to happen in our lives in your view?

I feel like yes. I don’t know if you feel this, but we’ve come back for this. We’ve got front-row seats to the greatest show in this universe, to be honest with you. The way we’re all so young and this has all shifted already, we’ve still got many years to see this unravel. It’s happening. Look at the world now. We’re magnifying what war and separation are. We’re seeing behind that illusion. There’s no more false allowed on the planet anymore, only truth. Once we see that consciousness, it gets dissolved and neutralized quite quickly so we get to move up into higher states. The energy is speeding up, as I said before. We’re on a trajectory now.

It’s the same thing with ourselves like we talked about earlier. Every insecurity and everything that you need to move through is going to be magnified until you understand it. The same thing happens in our world where all the bad things are happening, like war, horrible economy, politics, corruption, and all these things. They’re being amplified for us to laugh at it and be like, “That’s exactly what I don’t want, but I’m going to embrace its existence because this is the polarity.”

Everything has to exist in this creational soup. We can then start understanding, “I can’t judge anything on the outside. It’s all inwards. Where is this lying within me? How can I heal that part of me?” The more of us start opening that possibility up of healing ourselves, the more we’re going to heal the planet because you can’t start doing things with the planet without understanding what it is we have to go through first individually.

That dark night of the soul, we’ve experienced that through the beautiful medicine, the spirit Mother Ayahuasca. I feel like the planet is going through its dark night of the soul at this point in time as well. There’s growth out of that. When we die, we are reborn. That’s the cycle that we all need to be used to because that’s growth. That’s the consciousness elevating and raising. It’s a beautiful way home. Going home to be reborn again is a beautiful journey. It’s not to be scared of.

Going home to be reborn again is a beautiful journey. It's not to be scared of.

Pete, what do you think?

I certainly feel the things you both said. I agree with that. It’s certainly an exciting time here on the planet. I feel like everyone needs to remember timelines aren’t set. We decide the time in every moment through the power of our choice. I’ve got a brother who says, “That’s not going to happen in my universe.” He goes, “You stay in your universe and I’ll be in mine.” We laugh about it. You hear these terms, “You’re the creator of your own universe.”

All of us is the creator of how all this is going to play out. The more awareness and the more work that we do, the higher we go up on that scale of consciousness. One thing we didn’t make clear earlier is that the higher on the scale of consciousness you are, the more you counterbalance. There are thousands of people who are down in lack, survival, or poverty mentality in their calibration. That such is the strength of the light. You always hear that, “One small light in a dark room has so much power.”

It’s like those small lights. Look at us. We’re all around the world, but we’re out having an effect on rising that tide on consciousness. The calibration of the earth affects the timelines. In each billionth of a second, we are moving into creating a new reality for ourselves. Someone says, “Should I build a bunker? Do I need a go back in case this happens or that happens? What should I be doing moving my money around?”

If you move into trusting your intuition on what you should do and feel and if you get a strong feeling one way or the other, trust it. If you run around going, “Have I got enough water? Should I do this? Should I do that?” hatch what state you’re in. If you go into fear and survival and lack when it hasn’t even happened yet, it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. For us, we need to be very aware of the conversations that we have and the message that we put forward to say nothing is set in stone.

What Roxy and I get a lot when we connect into the ship is we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. A lot of us would prefer to do this the easy way without some cataclysmic shift, some major financial collapse, and some very destructive war-based event. We can still shift into the new earth and enjoy the golden age without that needing to be the catalyst. If it needs to be, then so be it, but everyone realized, too, that we could certainly influence that through our vibration.

I feel so positive about the future talking to you guys. I felt this for a couple of weeks now after the Egypt trip. I was like, “We’re here for it.” We got a smile on our faces, regardless of what happens but this is what we came here for. To follow up on that, why do you think you guys came here to planet Earth? What experience did you want to have?

All of the above. We had the awakening at a perfect time. Pete and I had lived our life. We’d gone on trips together. We were in the 3D and not knowing anything. All of a sudden, we had this awakening. We saw behind the veil and learn everything about this planet and the mission and why we’re even here. For me, it is having that complete experience from start to finish.

It is through the lowest pain in the 3D matrix of suffering and pain, growing up in the household that I did to overcoming that, healing that, seeing the light and the infinite creator moving closer to the source, having the awakening, and then experiencing a connection to the galactic. For me, having that massive spectrum of experience was probably why I came in here. It was fun and fireworks the whole entire way. It’s so fun and exciting now that I know that, and I can see it. I can see that gift in the divine in my journey. That’s what I adore, so I think that’s mine.

I remember tuning in and feeling into how am I going in my life. I’ve got five kids. I’ve done all sorts of different jobs and all sorts of different experiences. I was feeling into, “I’m learning so many things and integrating these experiences.” I was in a deep state. I went into an ayahuasca journey and tuned into, “How well am I going?” I asked for an update.

I was shocked that the energy was going, “You’re doing all right, but you could do so much more.” I was like shocked but a little bit like, “I think I’m a nice guy.” I like to think that I’m generous with energy. When you ask that question, it’s a good question, “What did you come in here for?” What I came in here for is to remember how powerful I am. How powerful we all are, but for me, it’s my journey, so I’ll talk about it from my perspective of how powerful I am. 

The biggest hindrance to me being more of all that I could be is me, my stories, my judgments of myself, my internal dialogue, my false beliefs, my relationship with myself, how I think I portray myself to the world, and what I hang on as being important, as getting back from the world in terms of validation is all a hindrance to me understanding who I am and what I am. It’s an ongoing process as I learn to juggle this because I feel like I’ve got more to do. I’ve got to be more loving, kind, less judgmental, and more open, yes to myself but to others as well. Anand, you know me. You’ve been around me. I feel like I’m doing a good job but I’ve got way more to give.

I love that saying, “Once the mind’s been stretched by a big idea, it never goes back to its original size.” After that experience, I came away thinking, “I need to be way more loving.” I’m not even nearly there. It was quite humbling for me when you think you got it together, then you realize you caught yourself. You don’t know anything. You’re doing great, but you’re not there. I need to admit that. I’m still learning to now explore myself and my own journey and to try and be the best me I can be. Some days, I get sick of it all and on. I want to put on some music, drink a beer, and be a human for a while. I sit around pondering this all the time. 

Sometimes I’m like, “I am over this spiritual shit for a minute. Be human for a sec and be normal and not get too caught up in it all.” I laugh that I can even say that because that’s the truth. It’s lovely to be able to give yourself a break for a sec and not place pressure on yourself that you’ve got to be anything more than whatever you feel like being at that time. Sometimes you can have guilt or expectations that you’re not feeling connected enough or you’re not this or that or the other. There’s all this expectation that we have, even when we’re on the right track, if you get my point.

It's lovely to be able to give yourself a break for a sec and not place pressure on yourself that you've got to be anything more than whatever you feel like being at that time.

I feel the same way. This is why I love doing this show because it’s all about interviewing people that are looking to live a limitless life in whatever field of passion they choose. We have this infinite potential. Are we ever going to be able to reach it? Is it possible in this lifetime? Probably not. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure. We can choose to play as big as we want or as small as we want. We could take a break at any point, but the real lesson for me is understanding not to be so hard on yourself because when you’re taking a break, you are thinking about, “I should be more productive.”

When I’m being productive, it’s like, “I’m doing so much of this. Why don’t I take a break?” It’s just being comfortable with where you are at every given moment and finding joy in that presence. Once we can live in the eternal present moment, that term that Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about, that’s that quantum field where everything is available to you. The more I go through this life and learn the lessons, it’s finding joy. That’s the simplest part of this journey yet also the most complex in order to get to that place.

It is not having those expectations all the time of becoming a better version of yourself because you can keep growing and learning and doing all the self-development, then you realize at one point, “It’s pretty simple,” where you can chill out, be nice and kind to yourself, and be loved. You could forget everything else but be loved. Once you get to that place, it’s a place of nothingness. You’re like, “Let’s go create again.”

It’s flowing in and out of those potentials. You guys are incredible. I want to just express my gratitude for you guys coming on. I know you’re super busy and you filmed a new show. We’ll go into that once it launches. I’ll have you back on. I know a lot of our guests and the people that are reading this are going to want to learn more about you and work with you. Can you tell us a little bit about the work that you do and how you help individuals?

We’re connecting to a Galactic Federation Ship. That’s off-planet. Everyone can access it, but we tune in and take their light body or their soul up to the plasma ship to use plasma med-bed technology. This is a 5th-dimensional ship that’s physical with over 200 beings aboard. The size of the ship is massive. It’s like a football field. We’re accessing only one level at this point in time.

We train people. We take people up there to learn this information. Our business is Awakening.education for anyone that wants to feel or feel called to learn more about the galactic consciousness that we’re tapping into. We’re connecting generally with the Pleiadian and the Arcturians. We do also have higher vibrational beings coming into the session as well, which is super exciting. 

The intention is for a galactic connection to bridge the gap between planet Earth and the galactic. That is one of the intentions of the Galactic Federation at this time. Alongside that is to elevate the consciousness of the souls on the planet to help them raise their vibration and heal. We have to do the inner work to be able to tap into that intelligence and that wisdom in these higher frequencies.

It’s amazing we learned about the balancing of the energies on the trip and about how this is the age of the divine feminine starting to move back into harmony with the divine masculine. I’ve noticed in the last few months in sessions that a lot more of the Andromenon beings are coming through. They embody the divine feminine energy and show people a lot of patterns or blocks to do with how that divine feminine energy is played out in their life.

Personally for myself, it came through in the many different issues I’d had with females, even to the point where the left side of my body, the feminine side, is the side where I’ve had all the breaks, the broken foot, the broken toe, the broken arm, the squashed finger and all the fillings in my teeth. They’re all down the left side of my body, the feminine side, which is the side where I’ve got various issues, etc.

There’s a pattern to everything. We laugh now, Roxy and I. Everything’s a pattern, and as our awareness goes up, we see them more around us in everything. We talk about all of this. We’re Pete and Roxy on YouTube and we put out a lot of our information for free. Most of what we do is for free. It’s on YouTube. People can jump on there and go through everything from our very first videos on our ayahuasca experience to see what we were like back then to now and how along the way we guided people through like navigating a relationship.

It’s amazing to be in a relationship with someone. When they’re upset and when they run into the room and slam the door and you go in because as a male want to fix it, “Is everything all right?” she can say, “I need to be alone. I’m working through some stuff.” You don’t go, “It’s me. Is she going to leave me? Maybe I didn’t wash up those dishes. Maybe it was that or whatever.” I am completely comfortable with that now but not in the beginning.

When people have got kids, a relationship, or a partner who’s completely asleep and they’re wanting to learn and awake, and their partner’s completely uninterested, for us, to be able to guide and help a person navigate that, this is where we can assist and to help people. It is when a person has to go to Christmas and they know they’re going to walk into a room of asleep people.

That’s a huge market right there.

Judge them. That’s the stuff we talk about, and we laugh about it together. We get you to bubble up beforehand so all that negative shit doesn’t get on you. You bubble up and go in there but still be who you are. You can shine your light. You don’t have to start sitting there and talking about chakras and energy fields with them. You can sit in there, be centered in your power, and own what you have.

People can do that when they’ve cleared their block throat chakra from when they were seven and they got told to shut up and stop playing with fairies and their imagination got squashed. You should get in there and do your homework. The child wants to play out in the garden because they had that natural connection with the elementals. All this stuff is buried in people. They’re shut down here or they’ve got a wall around their heart or they’re sacral. They can’t feel love and express their feelings properly.

All these different issues are locked in people, and we help them to highlight what they are for the individual. I clear that out in a real-world sense. It’s like, “We don’t live in the back of all of that.” I’m not into festivals and all of that. I’d probably like to go. I think it would be great, but we’re applying this to normal everyday life as much as we can.

It’s amazing. Your approach to it all and your heart space is so admirable and needed at this time. I’m so glad you guys awakened to who you are to be able to serve others. It’s amazing to see people on the other side of the world, Australia, and everyone that I meet from other countries. There are so many people like you that are serving humanity in so many ways.

Our soul tribe is all finding each other. This is what this life is all about. It is finding our soul brothers or soul sisters. If anybody is reading this and feels a connection, which I’m sure everyone is going to, please start looking into what their work is. The YouTube videos are incredible. They have an Instagram, @Awakening_Education as well. What is the website?

www.Awakening.education and the YouTube is Pete and Roxy.

Thank you, guys, so much. I appreciate it and I love you, guys.

Thank you, Anand.

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About Pete & Roxy

Pete & Roxy are a beautiful married couple with two little boys from Australia. Both have been active Entrepreneurs since their teenage years and have always made Self-Development a priority so they can be the Best Version of themselves. They had built and managed successful businesses and always loved to be of service and inspire others.

Pete & Roxy are Professional Motivational Speakers and are Mindfulness & Multi-dimensional Coaches, Intuitive Healers, Course Creators -they are here to help Elevate Humanity and Planet Earth towards ascension. Their awakening journey started in August 2019 and In early 2020, Awakening Education - was created as an online platform for individuals globally to begin their awakening journey and to help guide them with elevating their consciousness

They had a calling to train and learn all about multi-dimensionality and galactic truths. Through this process,they elevated even further by firstly cleaning out their inter-dimensional injuries and merging back with our higher self and soul self.

This was the launching pad to connecting with higher vibrational beings including extraterrestrial and Light Beings from other dimensions and planets. they felt called to help bridge the gap between galactic worlds and the planet. With the help of galactic beings and the divine source of energy they were able to open up even more healing technology aboard a galactic federation starship and now continue to take people on journeys for self-healing via med bed Technology.



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