Episode 71: Transcending Duality & Hacking The Simulation Game W/ Robert Edward Grant

Very few people embody the very term Limitless than this amazing individual that we have as our guest today. Anand is honored to have this sacred conversation with not only one of the brightest minds in the world, but also one of the most important voices of our time. Robert Edward Grant is a successful entrepreneur having started over 17 companies and owning close to 70 patents. He is best-selling author of PHILOMATH, new release POLYMATH & pre-release and Neuromined. Robert is an inventor, artist, sculptor, music theorist, musician, and author of numerous research and patent publications spanning biology, DNA combinatorics, number theory, geometry, and physics. Robert’s mission is to integrate innovation, mathematics, natural sciences, artistic design & entrepreneurship into balanced creations intended to benefit all. Tune in to this episode as he takes us on a “National Treasure” hunt that will ultimately help us better understand ourselves and the world around us.

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Transcending Duality & Hacking The Simulation Game W/ Robert Edward Grant

When it comes to living a limitless life, I cannot think of anyone who exemplifies the very term, limitless, more than this amazing individual. It is my honor to have this sacred conversation with not only one of the brightest minds in the world but also one of the most important voices of our time. Robert Edward Grant is a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author of PHILOMATH and of the new release, POLYMATH and pre-release, Neurominded.

Robert is an inventor and founder of several corporate enterprises and is the host of Code X, an original television series on Gaia and Amazon Prime. He is an artist, sculptor, music theorist, musician, and author of numerous research and patent publications spanning biology, DNA, number theory, geometry, and physics. Additionally, he is the Former President of Allergan Medical and CEO of Bausch and Lomb Surgical, both multi-billion dollar global healthcare corporations.

As an entrepreneur, he is the Founder of Strathspey Crown LLC, Evolus Inc., AEON BioPharma Inc., ALPHAEON Credit Inc., AccessElite Corp., CEYEBER Corp., Crown Sterling Limited LLC and Theon Technology LLC. His companies, like his interests, span healthcare, security, blockchain, cleantech, smart optic technologies, AR/VR, and fintech.

He has occupied several boards of directors of several corporations and universities. He has lived in nine countries, and fluently speaks Japanese, Korean, German, and French fluently. Robert’s mission is to integrate innovation, mathematics, natural sciences, artistic design, and entrepreneurship into balanced creations intended to benefit all.

On a personal note, you will probably want to check this interview multiple times, and I suggest YouTube as the preferred place as Robert shares his screen and make some brand-new discoveries never before seen anywhere. In my opinion, Robert is one of the most profoundly important individuals walking on Earth. He displays the highest quality leadership traits that we would wish for in humanity and as authentic as they come.

Delving into his work and spending eleven days with him on an Egypt expedition has unlocked so much higher level of perspective in me and dormant potential that's waiting to come out. Robert has a tidal wave of consciousness, and his ability to communicate with such depth is truly extraordinary. Every topic we discuss can be the subject of its own three-hour episode. If you don't pick up on something right away, rest assured, your subconscious is processing it all to harmonize into your brain and heart all the valuable transmissions he shares. You are truly going to be blessed with some divine insight. One of the most important voices of our time, Robert Edward Grant, how are you?

I'm doing great. Good to see you.

It’s so good to see you too. I was so blessed to be able to spend eleven days with you in Egypt.

Can you believe it?

I cannot believe it, but my life is completely transformed in terms of synchronicities and awareness. You are so responsible for so much of that in addition to getting to see all these temples and ancient sites. I wanted to thank you, first of all, for that experience. It was incredible.

No, it's my pleasure. I remember seeing the summary video that you did, your trip synopsis. It brought a tear to my eye because I was like, “That's why I exist. I exist to help people see the world, hopefully, in different ways,” maybe a little bit of the way that I try to see the world. It was heartfelt to watch that video you made. Thank you for doing that as well.

Thank you so much. Do you know what's crazy? I almost didn't go on the trip because I submitted the video, I got in, then I had second thoughts. I was like, “I have so many things going on. Is it appropriate?” Somehow, I said no initially, and then I kept having dreams about it continuously. Our friend Brent reached out to me. He’s like, “I've decided I'm going to go. You got to come.” I was like, “Since I'm having the dreams, I got to make this happen.” Looking back on it now, if I succumbed to that mindfuck that I had like, “This is not the right time,” I would've missed out on the entire experience. I think one of the lessons I learned after that is always say yes when you have inspiration. Do not ever limit yourself in any way.

I have a belief around that, which is when the universe throws you an opportunity that's disguised as a risk. You have to take it. If you don't take it and take the risk, the next opportunity will be less risky and less opportunity. I found that to be true in life. It's difficult to do that because it often means dramatic life changes.

When the universe throws you an opportunity that's disguised as a risk, you have to take it.

That's not easy for people, especially for people like me who are tourists. We're fixed in our ways and in our signs. I just started to study astrology in a major way. I took a class, and I had always thought, “This is crazy. How are these some people?” It's always women who seem to know astrology inside and out, but every once in a while, I meet a guy who I like, Charity Croff, whom I follow on social media. He and I become friends. Charity's a super genius in the whole study of astrology.

You start looking through the history of people like John Dee, who was the queen's astrologist but also a world-famous mathematician. It is like the feminine branch of mathematics. I look at this and say, “It has taught me which areas that I would have proclivities in and then have a more difficult time taking risk regarding when the universe throws me an opportunity for learning.” All of this is just opportunities for learning.

You talk a lot about the gamification of life. We don't unlock the next level of awareness or success until we move through certain lessons. Using astrology can help that because there are certain points where there are launching pads where things can be very successful if you take advantage of them at that time. Looking at all the synchronicities in life and factoring on all your knowledge, when you merge the two, you're able to have a little clearer picture or set yourself up for more success. Was it JP Morgan that said, “Millionaires don't have astrologers, but billionaires do?”

Yes, there's something to it, for sure. I believe we all have a light body. It's called our DNA. That light body is a numerical representation of the absorption and the reflection of light, and we are that. You could say that matter is light suspended, caught between the centrifugal force of radiation and the centripetal force of gravity.

That's what we call matter. It's like sound suspended with mass. When you think of it in those terms, then you can understand how frequency and astrological position, and numerological orientations can have a huge impact on your light signature. It can have a huge impact as well on the life path that you have. You create a number for yourself that comes out of your birthdate. You have a number for yourself. In my case, it's 5/16/1969, then it's 18:03, which is the military time of my birth, then it's my name, Robert Edward Grant, translated into simple Gematria. It's the location of my birth into simple Gematria.

That number will be a large prime number. That large prime number, when I take its inverse one over that value, is going to have a completely different value that has a repetition cycle within it. A very large repetition cycle, in fact, and no one else has got that number. No one else will ever have that number. It's entirely unique to me. With that, then, you have to recognize the inverse of that value. If I am the X of that number, then the inverse of that value is my U inverse.

It's my life experience, including my Samsara path of repetition. All the proclivities that I have, the predilections that I experience, the bad habits that I carry along the way, and the shame and guilt that come along with that associated with being born a Taurus, for example. Also, the good aspects of it come along. I used to think that I was successful because I worked hard. Maybe I did work hard, but maybe that was an orientation associated with being Taurus. Taurus generally does pretty well successfully. They become masters of Earth and the material realm.

It becomes more challenging for them when they have to start to tap into their heart center. This is the path of Taurus. Taurus is about the throat chakra and the logos. Very much about that. When we consider then that you take that number for the third dimension, whatever you have to the third power. That then puts you in the third dimension. In my case, 5.1619691803 to the third power. It equals 137.5. It’s the golden angle. The golden angle is one minus the golden ratio times 360 degrees or 432 divided by pi is the golden angle.

When you start realizing, “How could all of this be coincidental? Even my birthday is the number that is the plunk density of vacuum 5.16 times 10 to the -93 power? It’s the plunk density. You cube it, and you get the fine structure constant and the golden angle? All coincidence.” When we realized that we were playing in this game and I wrote this down. I commented on a post and I think it's worth reading because it was pretty succinct.

I felt this is an important concept for people to grasp. Here's what I wrote, “Change your view of what life is. It's a love and forgiveness simulation school. Experiential learning simulation that you created to learn and expand through successive challenges and tests and to learn through the presentation of dualistic opposites. To learn and fully integrate unconditional love, you must experience and no longer judge negatively its opposite, betrayal. To learn forgiveness, we must learn and fully integrate through acceptance of its opposites. People are hurting and damaging you, holding grudges and bearing enmity against another.”

Someone asked another question, I said, “Death is the pattern that leads us to new life, so is entropy the pattern that leads us to new awareness.” I truly believe that we are in the simulation game and that we choose every aspect of it. It's no longer, “Why did this happen to me?” It becomes more of, “Why did I choose this experience to learn?”

Transcending Duality: Just as death is the pattern that leads us to new life, so is entropy the pattern that leads us to new awareness.

It's so powerful. I think that a lot of times, struggle happens when we reject what we think is not us or the opposite, or somebody hurts us or betrays us. We think, “That's not me. I would never do that.” You're pushing away every aspect of you because if God is everything, you are the complete range of that.

You think that you're this. You have this identity. The opposite of that is you bring in your shadow self in order to merge into one. That's where the lessons start becoming apparent in life. We talked about this concept a little bit in Egypt and it has changed my life that I'm stopping to, like, I'm not judging anymore. I'm not judging situations, other people and even if I do, immediately, this little voice is probably your voice in my head. It's like, “Don't judge.” 

I used to do that myself with Donald Trump. That was why Donald Trump was perfect for me because I used to get so angry at what he would say and do. It's not that his ideas were totally crazy. They weren't. A lot of them were right. Most of them in fact were right. it’s just the way he communicated it with the bluster and everything. The funny thing is one day, someone said to me, he is like, “Why do you get triggered so much by Donald Trump?” I was so upset, like, “How could you? What?”

I thought to myself, “I am that I am.” The things I didn't like about Donald Trump were the same things I didn't like about myself. Every time I wanted to judge Donald Trump after that, I forced myself to say, “I am that I am.” I would say it out loud. I'd be in a meeting, the topic of Donald and I'd be like, “I am that I am.” Everyone's like, “What was that?” I'm like, “Nevermind.” I wouldn't say it, but it was a reminder for me to remember that Donald is not separate from me. I am Donald.

I think everybody who gets triggered by Donald or even Joe Biden, for that matter, put a picture of him in your bathroom mirror, and every time you look, you have to understand that is you. Everything you don't like about him is within you. It’s what you're rejecting from yourself. The same thing with Biden. Sometimes I get triggered by Biden. Sometimes I get triggered by Trump.

I got triggered by both. I'm not Republican or Democrat. What I get probably the most triggered by is the polarity and the whole concept of the polarity. Now, I had to stop and say to myself, “If I'm getting triggered by polarity, maybe there's something I need to integrate there too. Maybe I need to realize that the polarity exists for a reason.” It's for me that learning through opposites is painful at times. You might think you learned in school the didactic, that being betrayed is not good or being a betrayer is not good.

We all have the Benedict Arnold lesson, which is like, “This guy was a turncoat. He screwed everybody. That wasn't cool. He betrayed his ranks.” Doesn't that all depend on the perspective or the point of advantage? Some, we'd call it the vantage point. I call it the advantage point. Whatever we believe benefits us becomes our only ethical choices. What a fricking surprise. If you think something resonates for you because that's what you've always thought, it becomes an echo chamber of conditioning bias, your position and opinion on something. You love it when someone tells you.

You go into a chatroom on Facebook and it's like, “Everyone agrees with me.” You go to election day and you're like, “What? Who are all the people that disagreed with me? Nobody disagreed with me.” You then hate that. Thanksgiving Day at your house, meeting your parents, and you're talking about politics. All of a sudden, people don't even eat their dinner because they put their forks down and they're like, “I don’t think I can take this anymore.”

I can't tell you how many people I know that have experienced that in the last few years, but maybe the polarity exists to teach us beyond the didactic of learning it in school that doesn't embed for us is an experiential learning paradigm through simulation. In that simulation, the best way to teach is to teach through its opposite. Do you want to learn unconditional love? You're going to end up learning betrayal.

Transcending Duality: The polarity exists to teach us beyond the didactic of learning.

Do you want to learn forgiveness? What are you going to need to have forgiveness? Experience forgiveness. I asked someone this. I said, “What would you need? What do you think your life purpose is to learn?” Someone said to me, “Forgiveness.” I said, “What would you need to be able to experience forgiveness?” They said, “I need people to forgive.” Now that changes the context. Put yourself before coming to this Earth and you've got your friends up there too. Someone's saying, “I want to learn forgiveness.” Your friends are coming to you and saying, “I'll be the one that do you wrong so that you can learn forgiveness.” It's all about context, isn't it?

We don't know what's behind the curtain. We are only seeing life through this 3D. My first ayahuasca experience was so crazy because I still couldn't unravel it. I saw George Bush Sr., and people who are aware of what's going on think he's some war criminal. He’s invaded so many countries, did a lot of bad stuff and was the head of the CIA. I remember him giving me a hug and saying, “I'm doing this for your betterment and I'm doing this to play the character of the bad guy, so we can all rise up and become the hero of this story.” I was like, “What the fuck is this guy doing?” I saw him as like a lizard.

How do we know these people who are signing up to play the bad guys? As you talk about, that's only my perspective. Maybe they think they're the good guys. At the same time, maybe they love us so much on a higher dimension that they're creating this environment for us to rise as a consciousness in humanity, this division, when we push away everything that we're not or we don't think that we like. We're pushing that further apart.

We rise up that duality and realize it's all love. We're all the same and we're looking in a mirror at every single person you see, that's our lesson to learn. If we can do that, then we go into a new world that's made with love rather than what's going on now, which is a lot of fear. How do we all collectively get to that place? Are there things that we can do on an individual level?

It's a challenge on how to get to that state, but I think there are some actionable things that can be done. The first I would say is to start to learn how to integrate your shadow. Become aware of your shadow, of the parts and aspects of yourself that you have been an denial of and that everyone else can see except you. We only have eyes in front of our heads. We don't have eyes in the back of our heads. We cannot see ourselves from 360 degrees.

With that knowledge, then we should realize that there's a complete aspect of ourselves that is entirely hypocritical that we may not be consciously aware of at all. That is a key aspect of the alchemical process. It's called the Nigredo phase. It's confronting your shadow. Nigredo means blackening. Blackening is a reference to the shadow, so you'll start to notice an alchemy. I teach these in my courses. One of them is called the etymology of number and the other one is called the language of light.

We cannot see ourselves from 360 degrees. There's a complete aspect of ourselves that is entirely hypocritical, that we may not be consciously aware of at all.

You'll start to experience a lot of crows around you showing up in this simulation like black crows everywhere. Before I went to Egypt the first time was when I was deep into studying this. I remember seeing crows all the time, and then I got back from Egypt after a huge spiritual-type experience. I walked into my office. My office looks like a giant glass cube in golden ratio proportions because it's actually a perfect golden ratio rectangle.

I never thought of that when I got here but I noticed it later after the fact. You'll find these little synchronicities all throughout that. My other office was also another golden ratio rectangle that had these curved edges as well that looked like Fibonacci spirals. The address was 19181 and I realized that that was the golden ratio upside down, 16181. I was like, “That's interesting.” The street that we had our office on is called Von Karman as well.

Someone came to me and said, “Do you know that your street is named after the guy that discovered the vortex phenomenon?” I'm like, “Von Karman?” He goes, “Look up Von Karman Street Vortex.” I found out that this guy was around the same time as Einstein, who basically wrote the seminal work on vortices. Across the street, we have Michaelson of Michaelson Morley, which discovered the speed of light. What a matrix. I've been here for years. I knew none of this stuff when I moved in.

My address was the golden ratio upside down, in golden ratio proportion on Von Karman Street Vortex, which is also a golden ratio. Its crossroad is light. When you start noticing that you have left clues for yourself in this simulation game, then you start to realize, “What other things have I left for myself? What am I supposed to find?” The game is to find yourself. You are what you've been looking for, to find your shadow, to understand the other aspects of yourself that you have pushed into the outside world.

Transcending Duality: The game is to find yourself. You are what you've been looking for, to find your shadow, to understand the other aspects of yourself that you have pushed in the outside world.

Let's say you don't like certain things about yourself. You repress those things in yourself. Every action, as Newton said, must have an equal opposite reaction. In the simulation, the stuff you repress within yourself, guess what it does? It shows up all around you. It becomes a veritable hell for the things that you repress in yourself. Until you no longer repress things in yourself, then you'll find equilibrium with the world around you.

Even if you repress a lot of polarity within yourself because you can't accept the notion of polarity, it'll show up in the world around you as being a highly polarized world. It's a very deep perspective to realize shadow integration. Shadow integration is realizing that you, X, and the world around you, one over X can multiply back to oneness. There's another aspect of this that's so critically important and I just discovered this. You probably haven't seen this yet, but Alan Green and I posted a new film that we made.

Even if you repress a lot of polarity within yourself, because you can't accept the notion of polarity, it will just show up in the world around you as being a highly polarized world.

I saw it.

What'd you think of it?

It was incredible. It blew my mind.

You got to see a precursor to it when you were in Egypt with us.

I was a little bit late to the presentation because my flight came in late, so I was catching the end of it. I'm glad I got to see it finally.

Basically, what we found is that there's a geometric plan for the entire Giza Plateau. It's unequivocal. Anyone who understands mathematics and geometry would say, “That's epic.” It doesn't need any measurements whatsoever. We found that the entire Giza Plateau can be constructed from the key of Metatron. The thirteen circles of Metatron's cube are the thirteen musical intervals.

That's funny. Each of those musical intervals are perfect mathematical ratios, 5/4, 3/2 for the perfect fifth, 5/4 for the major third, the minor six, the perfect 4, 4/3. Even the diminished fifth, which is 45/32. Every one of these ratios can be found perfectly within the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. Are they trying to tell us that the entire musical spectrum of sound and light, therefore, because sound and light are just opposite conditions of the same things, are embedded within the proportional dimensions of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau? That's what we're telling you. It's what we're telling you.

The perfection of it is also unique because this is a very new discovery and this will be the first time I'm showing it here or even talking about it. We found and you may have seen, I did do some posts on my Telegram group about it. I haven't posted on Instagram on it yet but there's something very unique about this 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 relationship on the Giza Plateau, which is Menkaure pyramid is 5 as its height and 4 units as half of its base, so that's a major third.

A major third induces feelings of love within us, divine love. The minor sixth is its opposite. It's the inverse and it's also embedded within the same proportions. In fact, it's the exact same two notes to play a chord, except they're played in differing order and from a higher octave. There's an ascending aspect and a descending aspect of it. When we look at the Menkaure pyramid, we feel, “This is beautiful.” It's like romantic love, but there's something mysterious about it. It's darker as well. Even the stone there, it's like this reddish black color granite, which is different than the other pyramids.

You want to understand what it's about. What it's telling us, on the one hand, is romantic love but embedded within the experience of romantic love is the seed of heartbreak. It's opposite. That's the feeling people get when they listen to the minor sixth. 6 and 3 sums to 9. The third sums with six. That's why it's the inverse of it and it flips its polarity. Does time have the impact of flipping polarity on our experiences? Big question.

It makes us look differently at the experience of love, which then must be accompanied by heartbreak and the experience of heartbreak, which then must be accompanied by love. It's only a function of time and how we experience it. It might change the entire purpose of it. We look at the 4/3 relationship of the height over one-half base of Khafre. Now we've got 5, 4 and 3, so 5/4, 4/3 and then the Great Pyramid is 2/1. What? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1? 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5? isn't that the exact same number sequence denoting wave dynamics that was given to us by Nicola Tesla and by Walter Russell? Yes, it is. Also, the Pythagorean Tetracrys? It's all of that.

All the musical intervals are embedded there, but there's something even more. In all the triangles that exist, all the squares that exist and all the circles that exist, there's only 1 circle and 1 square and 1 triangle that is able to have the following dynamic. That is to have the circumference of the circle equal to its perimeter. To have the square's side length and, therefore, its perimeter equal to its area. Only one triangle has a perimeter equal to its area.

Now you're thinking mathematically and you're probably going, “What is it, Robert? Tell me.” If you Googled it, you'd find that only 1 triangle, 1 square and 1 circle can do what I said. When I say one, even though the shape is identical, it's when you ascribe unit value to it that it makes this difference. Do you have any idea what circle allows you? It's not that difficult. You could figure it out. What circle radius is required to have its circumference equivalent to its area?

I have no idea.

It's two. Let's do this with one and see what happens. See if it works. If we have a radius of one, what would be the area of that circle? Pi R squared, so R squared. R is one. 1 squared equals 1 times pi equals pi. It's 3.14159262535. It's Pi. What is its circumference, then? That's interesting. I made a linkage that I'd never made that related to factorization that popped into my mind. That's fascinating. Now we take that same one to solve for the circumference. Do you remember the circumference calculation, what the equation is?

Is it 2 pi?

Two pi R, so basically, 2R times pi is the other way to look at it. You take the radius, you double it, two, multiply that by pi and that equals 6.283. The circumference is 6.283 and the area is 3.14159. It's not a match. Let's try that for three now. Let's use a radius value of three. Radius three, then using the same approach, is going to give us what? Radius three is going to be pi R squared. It's going to be 9 times pi because R is 3 and 3 squared is 9. Nine pi becomes the value of the area. What is the circumference? It's going to be 2 times 3 is 6, 6 times pi. We have an area of 9 pi and a circumference of 6 pi. Do you follow me now?


The only one it can be because all other numbers won't work either is two. Two squared is equal to 2 time 2 or 2 plus 2. It's the same thing. Therefore, you end up with 4 pi. Four pi is the circumference and 4 pi is the area. Only one circle can do this. What's the square that can do the same thing? If you did the same thing, what square side would give you the same value in area and perimeter?


You're close. It's going to be four, so 4 times 4 equals 16. It's 4 times 4 is 4 sides then 4 squared for the area is also 16. They're both sixteen, which I'm telling you, this is not just a math lesson. There's a philosophical, metaphorical lesson in all of this. Basically, we were at four for the square side, so 4 times 4 sides equals 16 and 4 squared is also 16. That's the one square that will have its perimeter equal to its area. If the radius is two then what's the diameter of that same circle? It's four. That created fo4ur pi and 4 pi for both the area and the circumference.

The same circle creates the same square that X describes around it that allows this unique conjunction to happen. Isn't that interesting? 4 pi and 4 pi and 16 and 16 but then what's the triangle? Now the Great Pyramid, one-half of its base will create a square that when you take the height of the Great Pyramid creates a circle. When you use the height of that pyramid as the diameter of a circle, that circle will have a matching circumference to the perimeter of one-half base square of the Great Pyramid side and it's perfect.

This is unique. Only the Great Pyramid can do this. Take one-half the base, link to the Great Pyramid, which is 756 feet. Take one-half of that, you have 378 feet and then we take the perimeter of that value. That perimeter value will be the exact same as a circumference of a circle that extends from the very top of the pyramid down to the base of the pyramid. That would be the diameter used as the height of that circle.

Now when we think of it in those terms, that means that the Great Pyramid can do this. Khafre pyramid, if you make a circle from its base to its height, the same exact thing, comes out to be that exact same four value because it's 4/3 relationship. We take one-half the base of Menkaure, that makes a square that X subscribes around that circle perfectly. We have three unique structures that could create this perfection of equivalency that nothing else can do anywhere else.

It begs the question, where's the triangle? Where is the triangle that allows for this same unique conjunction? There's only one triangle that does that. If you google it, you'll find it's a 5, 12 and 13 triangle. That 5, 12 and 13 triangle will have a perimeter of 30 and it'll have an area also of 30. It's the same type thing, but let's say now that that pyramid doesn't exist. Where's that pyramid on the Giza Plateau? It doesn't exist because it's in an etheric aspect. It's implied and that shape of the 5, 12 and 13 triangle is the philosopher stone and alchemy.

That is all the pictures that you'll see depicted as the 5, 12 and 13 relationship, which I can show you if you’re interested to see it. This is a crack, so you might recognize this picture. This is called the Atalanta Fugiens and it represents the alchemical marriage and the Philosopher’s Stone. It's been encrypted. It’s been around since 1618, which is the golden ratio year. It was made by Meyer.

What this basically is depicting is a man and the woman in the center and it's representing this balance of this alchemical union. It just so happens that this exact relationship of this triangle here happens to be the proportions of the 5, 12 and 13. It's the knowledge of this understanding that this is basically referring to. What that means is that here's another view of it.

The back of the dollar bill, what are the dimensions of that pyramid?


That's what I was thinking.

It's identical, so here we go. This is an encrypted message. The three pyramids create the square and circle that performed this unique aspect. The Philosopher’s Stone is the fourth pyramid on the Giza Plateau. It's in the etheric realm. It's a representation of having achieved the knowledge of that balance being necessary. It so happens as well that this is matching the exact proportions of the Vitruvian Man.

Transcending Duality: The philosopher’s stone is the fourth pyramid on the Giza plateau. It's in the etheric realm. It's a representation of having achieved the knowledge of that balance being necessary.

If we go to Vitruvian Man, all we have to do is take this and we're going to put this right on top of it. We have to expand it a bit and we do something else. I'll show you here. You'll notice there's a slight gap on this circle on both sides. All we have to do is we're going to take a line and put it right up against this thing.

I need to put a cross-section on this. It needs to go across here first. I'm going to do a perpendicular line to this. There we go. This thing is even pointing to the line. Notice that? He got his compass on this line to the center. I could take another line with this and I'll place it here. Another line and I'll place it here. I'm going to make a square at that base. It's interesting. One of the things about the Vitruvian Man is the base is wide at the base of the square than it is at the top of the square.

If I take this, place a dot for where this square would be, so we could see how narrow the square becomes at the top. I make another square, so I've got a smaller square within it. Now I'm going to change this color so we can differentiate a little bit. I can place the Vitruvian Man on top of this and I bring him back. I have to expand him now. That looks about decent.

It's around his solar or hard plexus. It's like a dagger into the heart almost. It's pretty wild.

The woman over the Vitruvian Man and the triangle of the 5, 12 and 13 is the exact same triangle. The base here is the wider width. It goes all the way out. See how this little bit goes? A little bit farther out and the same thing over here. It's coming all the way out on the side here, but then it's getting narrow. You can see where this line that he drew starts to cross over into the blue section. If I did this perfectly, which is not so easy to do on this, I have to move this around a little bit, then rebalance it slightly. Do you see how it goes all the way here? It goes all the way right up on this.

I need to rotate him a little bit. You can see that the thing is not even. What this is basically saying that the other two pyramids create the circle and the square. The Great Pyramid creates squaring of the circle, but the missing proportion is this 5, 12 and 13 relationship, which has the eye, which is above the head, broken off on the dollar bill. I could take this exact same thing and place the dollar bill over it. Let's go grab it. You're going to find there was some esoteric wisdom hidden in all this stuff. Who designed the dollar bill anyway?

George Washington. The President of the United States. I would love to see Joe Biden create a dollar bill.

How funny is that? Let's grab this.

There are so many layers.

There are so many layers of this, right?

It's so profound from the builders of it, but then also the people who founded this country and esoteric knowledge and people in secret societies picked up something here and now it's coming out through your work and through so many others that are putting this knowledge out there. What do you think the message was from the builders?

We're in a giant national treasure game. I think that's what it is and you're the treasure. Find yourself, transcend judgment and realize why you are here in this school of learning. Fall in love with it just as it is and that's what this is telling us. You are what you've been looking for, all the things you've judged and everything. What this is telling us is also about our own uniqueness. We all fall in this temptation of wanting to, in a way, fit in with the world. We all want to fit in and be like everyone else so that we can be liked and we can be accepted by others.

We start to judge ourselves for the things that we think take us away from that. Over time, we start realizing, “I'm not separate from the rest of the world. I'm part of it, but it's all one.” We start to be ashamed of our own egos and our own identification. Yet, Carl Jung calls the enlightenment process individuation. Individuation is a very different thing, though, as a concept.

Individuation means that you realize your own uniqueness, why you are here and fall in love with it. That is the real message. That is the message that is basically being told us in all of this. I believe that you have a unique note to play. Your wisdom story has its own unique aspect to it. You can find that wisdom story in yourself by embracing your own unique aspects. That’s the most important thing. Still too big.

I remember you talked a lot about in the past, you had your spiritual side and your business side. You had them separate. LinkedIn was more all the business stuff and then the spiritual stuff you were posting on Instagram. The moment you decided to merge the two and speak authentically about who you are without any apprehension, that's when your life started transforming.

That's the most important thing to realize and know about yourself. That's the journey. That’s when you realize you're on that journey. Now, look at this. This is so nuts. George Washington designs this and even down to the 3D aspect of it, it's as if he knew the Vitruvian Man's square and circle proportions. Look where the three-dimensional aspect comes. He took a line from here down through the intersection of the circle and square. Take it from right from here, right through that point right there. That then gives you the perfect viewpoint of what a three-dimensional pyramid would look like. How funny is that?

That's incredible. How did you have the intuition to figure out Da Vinci had a big role to play in all of this?

Honestly, I remembered it. Look at that, the Vitruvian Man shows up. Right above his head is the eye. Do you see that? Look at that too. Even down to the Atalanta Fugiens, it's almost like there's an eye shape right up above his head as well that then the eye occupies. How crazy is that?

That's wild. I'm also very impressed that you overlay all this stuff perfectly in such a short amount of time. It's pretty impressive.

Look at that. That's just crazy. It's epic. If I take this, you can probably see it a little bit better. I'm going to take this away for a second and I'll make this a little bit more opaque, then put this back on top of it. Look at that. I've never done this before. This is my first-time and doing it. Now the funny thing is, if I did the same thing with Mona Lisa, watch what happens. You're going to love this. That's epic, first of all. That's cool.

Now let's go find Mona Lisa. We're on a little treasure hunt now. I decrypted this because you could take the width of Mona Lisa and take Vitruvian Man and put it over Vitruvian Man such that his hands and fingertips are touching both sides of Mona Lisa. We got the dollar bill on there. You saw what the dollar bill did. Let's take this, we'll make her a little bit less opaque also and we're going to see what happens when we make her the same proportion.

We need to take down a little bit of the dollar bill so I can see the Vitruvian Man better. I'm going to take the width of Mona Lisa from side to side and make it the same as the square. The blue square that we see here. Do you see that? A lot of people like to claim that I'm doctoring this stuff to make it. You're watching me do it now, which is pretty funny. Now look what happens.

I placed the width of the Mona Lisa, which I can make a little bit wider down here, the same width as the blue square, so that his hands are basically going to the same distance as they do to the square, so from end to end. If you notice this, first of all, I'll show you something that's quite interesting. When we look at Mona Lisa, we'll notice there's something on here that's pretty weird. What is this thing right here? It looks like a shackle, doesn't it? It's like a shackle like a letter C or a sideways Omega on the chain. Do you see this chain right here? It's like a black chain. There's a hook behind her neck.

Do you see this hook? The same paint. It's like black paint. Nobody notices it. It's like a smudge or something. If you look at Vitruvian Man and now we're going to take her, bring her down to zero. Notice, there's like a broken shackle. First of all, he's got like a cuff and then it's got like something that's hanging down looks like an open C that's hidden. If you look away, this even looks like it might be a shadow of some broken shackle or something, all the way over here. Can you see that?

On the right side, there is no cuff. You could see there's a line here and a fainter line right here. It literally looks like a cuff. On the other side, no cuff. We take Mona Lisa back. We've got Mona Lisa here. Let's put this in the exact position. Watch what happens. We've got the width of Mona Lisa, the exact width proportions of Mona Lisa, the same proportions as the square. Notice where her head falls.

Her head falls right inside the circle of the Vitruvian Man and what happens to the shackle? It fits over the wrist of a Vitruvian Man now. It’s like a key that goes in a lock. What the hell? Seriously, when I discovered that, I was like, “What?” The thing that his feet are resting on is the same thing that her hands are resting on. Her head is perfectly inscribed within the circle at the crown. Look where her eye is, in the same place as the eye on the dollar bill. Do you see that? Now let's see if we can bring back the dollar bill. Do you feel like you're watching National Treasure?

Absolutely. It felt like that for eleven days when we were in Egypt. Every day, there was something that we were discovering over there.

I know, it's so crazy.

It looks like a Cyclops now.

I got to just fit this in and have the base match. It does look like a Cyclops, isn't it? It's funny. Here, we've got the eye in the exact same spot as the Mona Lisa. I have never done this before. Maybe we can hide some of these things. Also, it's a little easier to see. When you're in Egypt, did you feel like you're on an adventure trip?

Yeah. It was magical. Every time I went into a different temple or a pyramid, it was like going into a different frequency. The second night that we were there inside the pyramids, going over that, like we went into Menkaure the first time and you activated. One of the chambers that we went into was closed for a very long time. It was a new chamber that was opened up.

You did this beautiful prayer for the world. You mentioned that after this trip, the world is going to seem like a very different place. We look at what's going on, so many of the old systems are crumbling. Look at the financial systems, bank closures but then also I noticed my own life had completely transformed and my perspective had changed. I don't know. 

I think going into these pyramids fundamentally changes you in many ways. I had amazing Kundalini activation inside the King's chamber and the sarcophagus. It was wild. I don’t know how to describe it. I just know that I have to continually go back there now. It's not like a one-and-done going to Egypt. You developed the first-time relationship. You're like, “I've been here before. I remember this place.”

It really never is it. You will find yourself there many times and you'll probably end up hosting trips for your friends and stuff there, too, I bet. I'm quite sure of that. Now here we've got the eye, but you could see her eye and the eye on the dollar bill in the same spot. It's like the bottom of the eye and the dollar bill. It's larger, but her eye is right here and the bottom of the eye of the dollar bill is right here. Her eye fits right within it.

Perfect alignment.

It's perfect alignment. It's like a yin-yang between those two eyes, the masculine and feminine. It's also interesting how the pyramid on the top part. This line is matching up with this line right here and matches up with this line. This line matches up, but then this pyramid becomes wider. Notice how it sticks out farther on the side. I think it means something about expansion. It's expanded somehow. I find the whole thing fascinating and all of this novus ordo seclorum annuit coeptis. If we go and look that up, so annuit coeptis.

To think these messages were left for us back in the late 1700s and early 1800s. This knowledge was there. How come it's taken so long for humanity to start unmask or starting to understand this stuff or this knowledge to start coming out?

It’s because it's only supposed to come out now. He or she favors or has favored our undertakings. Isn't that interesting? We go back to the other and the other one was novus ordo seclorum. Let's look that up.

That order of the new ages or something like that.

Everyone's going to be like, “Are you in favor of the new world order?” No, I'm not but new order of the ages. There's also e pluribus unum on there and omnia abuno, which means from many the one and the one from many. We are all divisions of the number one. We're in a pretty interesting encrypted world. It's fascinating to me because it's quite beautiful when you know what to look for. How do you know what to look for? In my case, I have them as visions that the only thing I can think of is that it's like remembering. People like remembering.

We're in a pretty interesting encrypted world and it's fascinating because it's actually quite beautiful when you know what to look for.

You talk a lot about being able to access through the work in mathematics and geometry. If you don't mind me sharing, you're able to access previous lives. Tell us a little bit about how that entryway went for you and when you started opening this stuff up to yourself.

It started probably in 2014, I think, when I started getting memories. It led to a lot of interesting stuff because what happened was I was at Harvard Business School. I met this guy who came to take my fingerprints for a company I was founding and it was actually called Crown Sterling at the time. I didn't even know the significance of Silver Crown. King Arthur was crowned at Sterling and that was what they called Camelot.

The Sterling Crown is also a reference in the Emerald Tablets. I had no idea. The Silver Crown put up behind my head a crown of silver and I had no idea what any of this stuff meant. It was clearly in my subconscious somehow. I ended up meeting this guy who was taking my fingerprints as a notary. He says to me, “Your friend was rude to me.” I said, “I'm sorry.” It was my business partner. He was an Indian guy. His name is Vic. I said, “I'm sorry. He doesn't mean to be rude. He's just still stuck in the caste system sometimes in India.” His family is Kshatriya, the warrior class or something like that.

He's explained to me all the different classes. I was laughing. I said, “What was he in his past life?” He said, “He tended the elephant cages in his past life.” I was like, “He had to shovel elephant shit? This is too good.” The guy was like the vice chairman of Bank of America at one point in his career. He was like a big-time guy and I said, “This is rich. This is so awesome.” I started laughing when I started remembering going to his apartment in Trump Tower.

He used to play golf with the Donald. I would be like, “Why do you want to play golf anyway?” The point is his house is full of pictures of elephants. The God he worships is Ganesha. I'm like laughing. I went to my partner and I'm like, “Vic, he says that you used to clean the elephant cage.” He says to me, “Elephants are the kindest and most gentle animals.” I'm dying laughing. The guy says to me, “Don't worry, I have something for you too,” and he hands me all these photographs.

He says, “Pick the photograph you recognize.” It was a picture of Franklin Delano Roosevelt giving a stump speech in 1942. I said, “I don't know why, but I recognize this photograph.” I have a photographic memory. I've always remembered things, but this is not one I could remember from this experience in life. He said, “Keep the photo. I brought it for you.” I took it back to my desk at Harvard. I was listening to a lecture on the boring subject of Production Operation Management from one of the most dynamic professors at HBS and her name is Francis Fry.

She's like this militant lesbian professor who is incredibly intolerant of people not listening during class. She comes over to me and she'd been one of my professors there. She goes, “Robert, what are you doing?” I had opened my notebook. I was taking page after page of notes but not that stuff on production operations management.

I had literally gotten back to the desk and I started drawing out all the stuff that you now see in the pages of my publication books, which were math and physics stuff that was explaining the nature of light from dark and very advanced equations and stuff too, that I had no clue what the heck it was related to. Basic stuff. People wanted to get access to this stuff and so I published it. People buy this stuff now. It's just my notebooks.

It subconsciously came to you. You weren't consciously thinking about trying to solve any of these theorems. They were coming to you.

No, then I discovered a prime number pattern, published it and it came more and more. The relationship universal equations of quantum mirror of consciousness that says alpha equals 5 minus 1. It's the relationship of how light separates from darkness. I had no freaking clue what I was doing, but it was coming out like hundreds of pages and it didn't stop. I started filing patents on it and I never ever even considered that it had anything to do with seeing that photograph.

That was an activation point for you, seeing the photo?

Yes. This is the periodic wave of elements in the form of flowers of life. Those are all the elements right in there, as musical notes. There's only one element moving through its periodicity. I was writing all this stuff down, filing patents on all of it. I got lots of patents on this stuff now.

Where are we at, like 60-something patents you have?

About almost 70 now. I got another few. Even the relationship of speed of light and time, all this stuff started coming out and I didn't even connect it to the photograph that I saw. I didn't even think of it like that. This is another view of periodic wave of elements forming like an Alpha Chi Omega.

That triangle looks like the pyramid we saw.

How weird is that? I know and this was years before. What the hell? That's weird.

It's insane. A lot of the great discoverers and inventors of our time, Tesla, Da Vinci, even Ramanujan in India, creating these advanced theorems in physics.

All this stuff was on 24. I've been a student of Ramanujan.

Carl Sagan, Francis Crick, all these guys said they were interacting with some all other worldly information sources. You are living such a limitless life and are able to not only have ambition but also execute on this ambition and create so much. When you're tapping into this knowledge base, what are you communicating with?

Sometimes it's clairsentience. It comes into my mind. There's no way to describe it other than it's like a eureka moment and I get them all the time. It's not like I have to go in this meditative place to get it. It's like, “That's it,” then I go and look and there it is.

It’s like we're on a show and you get an insider, “Let's put this in there,” and it's there.

It's bizarre. It can come in real-time and I've learned to trust it. I don't argue about it anymore. That's been fascinating too. That whole idea of it coming naturally and now I just trust it. There's no mistakes in it, either. That's the bizarre thing. I go back and look at my early work and see how much it's evolved. It hasn't. It's the same. It's like it was timeless or something.

I put this stuff in books because I thought I don't want to lose it. I wrote it in a book called PHILOMATH and another one called POLYMATH. I've now published six books in total in the last few years. Look at this book. This is on Amazon. It's been out for a few years now and in all geometry, it's number two now. It's been the highest-selling book in geometry for the past few years in number theory. This is next to like Euclid's Elements and stuff. Most elegant equations and like, “What? Really?” When you look to see, because I have all these different versions of it and the way we put it in, so we could track it as the book version of it. That was the Kindle version and here's the book version. Also, the same thing. 

Transcending Duality: PHILOMATH: The Geometric Unification of Science & Art Through Number

The world is ready for your information. I think that we're hungry as a collective to know this stuff. It's part of our divine right and your ability to translate it, to communicate it. When I first met you and I was listening to some of your talks, I was like, “This is way over my head.” I always pushed away geometry and mathematics, even music. I always had maybe bad experiences when I was younger. I pushed it away and I saw the spiritual-like the feeling part of it, but I pushed away the science aspect.

I'm starting to learn through meeting you and listening to your stuff and going into other avenues and finding that you have to merge the spirit and the science together. What you're presenting is making so much sense from people's intellectual space and also their hard space. I think that's where your education is different than so many of the other things that are out there.

Look at this. The number three book is PHILOMATH now in number theory. The last time it was number one. It doesn't matter. It's always around this stage. The number three book is PHILOMATH in number theory. It's also the number 8 book and the number 11 book. Seriously, this has got to be a matrix. How is it that I have written a book that's been the number one selling book that goes up against every preschool, math book, you name it, freaking everything? Even Euclid's Elements is over here, which is like, seriously? It makes me laugh. You find someone like Stephen Hawking who's way down here somewhere, God Created the Integers. I don't even know where his book is. You could imagine all these academics probably going, “What in the fuck?”

It's the way it has to be.

It's all new math. The entire book is all newly discovered mathematics. Of all the things that you want to try to fake the world on, you would think if they were a fraud, they would pick something a little easier than math to do it. The entire book is newly discovered mathematics. That should put it into context. That's a mind-boggler right there. I think that's how Ramanujan described it as he would get these bursts of information that he said came from the Universe or from God. It's the same type of thing. 

For me, it's like I just remember it. I see it perfectly and what I'm learning now is that it used to be that I'd have it once every 2 or 3 months and it would be like three days of download. I'd be in download mode for three days. Susie, my wife, would be like, “We're not going out this weekend.” It was like that. It started becoming more consistent. It wasn't 3 weeks anymore or 6 or 9 weeks. It was like every week and then it was every day then it's multiple times a day.

We found new patterns that we just discovered. You met Naomi, one of our research mathematicians. We discovered a new pattern on number theory that is seminal that basically shows that DNA is the structure of all semi-prime numbers. It literally forms DNA. It's an interwoven tapestry in the exact same shape and helical spiral of DNA. It's not just in dual-strand DNA. That's why no one noticed it before. It's in twelve-strand DNA. It's 24 strands. What the hell?

Now we can use this to factor and break elliptical curves. We're talking about time itself is the encryption that separates us from the fifth dimension. It's the fifth dimension that is the love dimension. Once we learn to transcend beyond duality and no longer judge negatively everyone and everything around us, then we start to come into balance. When we come into balance, we start to transcend all the aspects of duality.

The most important of those aspects is the dualistic nature of time itself, splitting our now into past and future, light and dark, black and white. It's non-dual. Once we realize that, then you can start tapping into the higher order, higher dimensional aspects of the self, which includes all of your incarnations that are existing simultaneously to now.

You can quantum jump into each of those existences of you anytime. I know that's hard for people to grasp. They'd probably say, “He's totally full of it.” I'm discovering new mathematics and publishing it. You don't need to believe it. I don't even care if you do. It doesn't even matter to me. The people that are meant to see it will see it. The people that are meant to understand it and comprehend it, will. People that aren't, aren't. That's okay. I accept it all and I love it all because that's part of the learning.

Once we step out of that dualistic nature and start love, peace and forgiveness, that's the glue that holds it all together. During another ayahuasca experience I had, I met Jesus. First of all, he gave me a big hug. He said, “The only message I want to share with humanity is love, peace and forgiveness. Everything else, don't worry about. It's those three things and you'll ascend.” Now as we want to enter 5D consciousness, Jesus came at a time when he reached that 5D consciousness and shared it with everyone else. I think right now, everybody who's ready to ascend is going to enter into Christ's consciousness. That's what the difference in the ages are.

You're right. It's intended to be this way. It's intended to shift the world. I couldn't be authentic to it. That's why I stopped having a different LinkedIn profile than the rest of my profiles because I had to be authentic. It's hard to let go of those things. I talked about being a fixed Taurus at the very beginning. It is hard to let go of the accouterments of life, the comforts of life. Eventually, you will shed all the aspects of the ego and find your own individuated self at the center.

Transcending Duality: It is hard to let go of the accoutrements of life. But eventually you will shed all of the aspects of the ego and find your own individuated self at the center.

A lot of people think it's like people go through a spiritual path, then they start off with narcissism. Narcissism is a doorway. That's the process of you coming to the end of your separation or delineation of the self into two aspects. You start realizing, “Why am I in patterns that keep repeating over and over again? Why do I keep having the same experiences? What's going on?” Through that process, you'll have a life crisis. The life crisis, instead of looking at it and blaming other people for what happened to you, you say, “I have to recognize because I can see the patterns. I have to recognize this has been a pattern of my life.”

Either I'm part of the problem or I could continue on this same path. If I don't recognize that, I'm part of the issue, then I'm probably going to have the same experience over and over again. Doing the same things and expecting a different result, that's the definition of insanity. When you start to realize that it's you, not the world around you, that needs to change, that becomes the doorway to higher knowledge and awareness.

You start realizing, “The world around me is just a reflection of me. The stuff that's inside me that I'm repressing in my life is showing up as an imbalance in the world around me.” You can easily fall into the temptation of thinking, “I'm bad as my individual self. I need to be here in service to everybody else.” You become a social justice warrior without even realizing that the things that you keep judging, whether it's deforestation or killing whales or whatever, any cause might be, and they could be very worthy causes, but they hold you back from doing what Jesus told you to do. Accept.

The more we try to cancel things, we're going to get canceled eventually. The whole world will be canceled and nothing can get created.

The things you try to cancel in yourself, it's like stepping on one end of a garden hose. The other side's going to pop out. It's like it's a cause and effect. You try to repress something within yourself, it's just going to show up in the world around you. It doesn't go away. You finally realize, “I could be at one with this. Let me accept it all and start falling in love with the journey.” A lot of people think that Earth is an escape room that needs to be escaped. I don't believe that.

If you try to repress something within yourself, it's just going to show up in the world around you. It doesn't go away.

I believe that the only way to transcend this world is to fall in love with it just as it is. No exceptions. Fall in love with it just as is. Fall in love with yourself just as it is and just as you are. You will be able to live your life without judgment and access your other lifetimes. That is the key, the doorway into higher dimensional experience.

There's no doubt in my mind about this, zero. I've experienced it myself. Until you experience it yourself, you'll never be able to fully grasp what I mean and that's okay. If we all lived in the second dimension and someone came along and said, “There's a depth dimension,” if an apple fell through our world, all we would see is slices of an apple going through our world. We wouldn't necessarily see the full depth or aspect of an apple.

Some guy comes along and says, “I saw there's a depth.” Everyone's like, “You're crazy. You see stuff that's not there. You have pareidolia,” but it's just higher-order ascension. The things that are in the higher dimension are subtle. They're not wacky in-the-face things. They're subtleties. You have to get used to seeing and perceiving the subtle nature of things. Psychedelics can help, no doubt about it. Psychedelics don't bring you an illusion. They reveal the illusion you're already in.

I think that's a powerful thing to recognize. You get a new way of seeing the world around you then when all of this happens, then you come back to the center point, which is, if I'm part of the universe and the universe is me, then who is Robert? Why does Robert exist? That brings me back to what we started with. The circle that has circumference that's equal to its area. The square that has perimeter that's equal to its area. The triangle that has a perimeter that's equal to its area.

These are the unicorns. The unicorn convergences and the three pyramids on the plateau represent these exact shapes and proportions and squaring the circle as well. If it's the unicorn, then is that not a metaphor for who we are, that our uniqueness and understanding our uniqueness is our greatest purpose? The universe has placed us here to observe itself through our unique eyes of perspective. The things that we didn't like about ourselves, we try to push away from ourselves were the things that the universe created us for.

The universe has placed us here to observe itself through our unique perspective. The things that we didn't like about ourselves were actually the things that the universe created us for.

We are here to experience the world through our eyes so that we can feed an Akashic record and allow the universe to expand and grow through our perceptions, our emotional states and our experiences. That's why we're here. We expand the universe through our own unique perspective that no one has ever had before and no one will ever have again. That is when you truly fall in love with the self for who you are. That, I believe, is enlightenment. It's individuated.

This is why Carl Jung wrote the book Aion, about the individuation process. I don't think it's a coincidence. I founded a company years ago that is going to have a major event that will be it's coming out and it's Aion, which is another name of Thoth. The Aion card in tarot. I didn't know who it was when I first founded the company. I remember seeing it in New York Stock Exchange in a vision in 2011 when I came up with the name.

I saw a vision of a company with a ticker symbol, AEON on the New York Stock Exchange. I was like, “I got to look up and see if I can get that name,” and that name was taken by other companies that, in the meantime, sold. They lost their name. I grabbed them as soon as I could then got the ticker symbol, the stock exchange, and all the things that go along with that. I later realized in the tarot that the Aeon card is the Thoth card, where Thoth is sitting on a throne with Maya dancing in front of him, the illusion.

I learned from Muhammad, our mutual friend in Egypt, that the city name of Heliopolis used to be Aeon. That the name of the guy who designed the Great Pyramid was an architect that took the name of Hemaion, sometimes referred to as Hemiunu, Hermaion, Hermis, Trace ma Justice. This is an incredible matrix of our own making.

I don't even like to use the term matrix. It's a creatrix. Once you break this boundary, then you are free to create and to live in your world in balance. It doesn't mean that you're all of a sudden, “I've achieved enlightenment now. Life is easy now. Bring me the wine and grapes,” like someone should have a palm frond. No, it's not the way it works. There's no one on this Earth that's any better than you.

There's no one that's worse than you and there's no one that's better than you. There is no better then. That's a hard one for people to grasp. What about all the evil people? What about the pedophiles and everything? They're all reflections of you that are creations of yours. One of the things that happened in physics is that it proved that, with the latest Nobel Prize, local realism is false. There is no materiality.

Can you imagine the impact of that knowledge now in science? Materialism is dead. The concept of materialism is dead. Don't believe me? Look it up. The cover of Scientific American, local realism proven false. Does that mean that when I'm not observing something or when no one is observing something, maybe that thing doesn't exist? That's what it means or maybe it simply exists as a wave of potentiality. When you start thinking in those terms, then you can understand why someone like Jesus would explain the concepts of faith moving mountains.

It's this fabric that has the potential to create anything. It's only the intention of each person that's going to paint their canvas. I know you mentioned that some time ago on another podcast. It was like, “Every possible reality happening all at once is not necessarily the case.” It's only what the intention or the observer is seeing. That's what's being created.

You can also experience retrocausality and we all experience it every day already. When we have a bad experience, we can look back on that experience and say, “That was the worst thing that ever happened to me. That was terrible.” After a few months, you start seeing the wisdom of it and what you learn from it. Very often, in my case, at least, I look back on the hardest times of my life with the new perspective that is, “That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't believe it.”

The time showed the change in polarity, just as looking at Menkaure pyramid gives us this feeling of, “It's love. It's beautiful.” Also, in the same proportions is embedded the design of heartbreak, it's a function of time. It helps us to change our perspective on everything we experience. The universe isn't happening to me. It's happening for me all for my learning because I'm in this school of learning what Jesus told you in your ayahuasca medicine. That it's about love, peace, acceptance and forgiveness. That's what this world's about. It's not about learning better judgment and being a better judge. It's about learning how to love and how to be loved.

Robert, why do you think you came here to Planet Earth as Robert Edward Grant and what did you want to experience?

I think it's right hidden in my astrology. A lot of people know the following things about astrology. Most people know what their sun sign is. That's the month you're born in and what your astrological sign would be. Most people also might know their rising sign. If you get people that understand themselves a little bit further in astrology, they might know their moon sign. They might even know their ruling planet, but very few people know the shortcut to enlightenment.

The shortcut to enlightenment is knowing your North Node. The North Node is like your North Star. You can spend most of your life and your last energetic signature in your last lifetime is basically your South Node. You now move into a new opposite position from your last lifetime. My last lifetime was in Virgo. The opposite sign of Virgo is Pisces. That means my last lifetime, I judged a lot of things related to sexuality.

I carried a lot of the hang-ups I carried from that lifetime because Virgo represents virgin. If you look at the last 2,000 years, we've been in Pisces. Pisces is the two fish swimming in opposite directions tied together with a rope. They're not complimentary to each other. They're opposites of each other, but it's all in our perception also. The shadow integration that had to be done was that of the virgin, very judgmental. What did we have in society? Jesus comes along.

Before Jesus, Isaiah talked about the Lamb of God and this is in the time of Aries. You had people talking before that about bulls and everything, a lot, which would've been the Taurian age, each age being about 2,160 years. Jesus comes along and he starts giving all these analogies of fish, “I shall make you fishermen of men.” What were the other things that came out of that for the last 2,000 years?

The symbol that we had from a religious and spiritual perspective that have been so pervasive and powerful have been the fish for Jesus, Pisces and the Virgin. The Virgin Mary. We even worshiped the Virgin Mary in certain religions, in Catholicism, for example. These symbologies and antipathy that we have towards women in sexuality, in particular, has been this repressed notion that like, “What?” We judge it. Women have judged themselves.

The whole Mary Magdalene thing that she’s a prostitute.

For lots of people, they think that Mary Magdalene was a whore. They confuse her with this notion of being a prostitute. Even some of the segments of the Bible that talk about, I think it's Matthew 7 that talks about, “He who had no sin cast you the first stone,” type of thing at her. It's the same concept. We vilify the people that don't inure to this archetype of virginity. What are my South Nodes and North Nodes? My South Node is Virgo, that judgmental, Earth-oriented aspect and that fits in line with my Taurus, but my opposite is to become now a mystic.

My North Node in Pisces means to become the mystic. That's my destiny. To teach esoteric wisdom to the other aspects of myself, the people around the world. That's what I'm in alignment with now. That's the life I'm living now. It's not like I want to be a religious leader because I don't. I don't want to be paid anything for doing what I'm doing because I don't. I don't want to create some church. Religion, to me, is teaching judgment where spirituality teaches non-judgment and that's why I'm here.

Religion teaches judgment. Spirituality teaches non-judgment.

The leadership that humanity needs is somebody who's going to teach about self-empowerment for all rather than listen to what I say. If you don't, you're going to be in trouble. You're going to go to hell.

I'm here to decrypt the messages I left myself through time. I'm here to remember what my purpose is and to reveal the secrets and mysteries that have meant to be revealed now. To play my part and not to give a man a fish but to teach people how to fish for themselves.

Robert, I want to thank you so much for coming on. You're incredible. I know you have a lot of things going on and I don't want to take up too much of your time, but what's the best way to follow the work that you do?

You could follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I'm on all the platforms. The best way to get my information is also to be on my website, Robert Edward Grant and subscribe. You can hit the subscribe button on the first page. There's also a television show on streaming TV on Gaia called Code X. We will be doing Season 2 and Season 3. Gaia has been hounding me, so we're going to do that. I have enough material for three more seasons at least.

They're probably going to want me to do a binge-watch material thing because the show's done well. Also, you can find all my work in music. I wrote a new tuning standard called Precise Temperament Tuning. My YouTube Channel is another place to go and my books, PHILOMATH, which I showed you and POLYMATH and the Mirror of Consciousness Series, which is the books of all the handwritten notes, etc.

You could see as you go through time on these, they're very basic in the beginning. I didn't use a compass and straight edge. They were like words vomit almost. It's like, “I got to get this out,” and now they're far more beautiful and much better artwork and everything. It's like I've improved. I've become an artist through this whole process and I didn't even ever intend to be. When I started recording all this stuff, it was to get it down and not lose it and forget it. Now, every time I do it, it becomes artistic. It's a beautiful artistic expression. That's where I would recommend to go, the websites and my YouTube channel, etc.

You're such an inspirational guy. I see you keep unlocking different levels to your life and to your awareness and to your work. I think that you're showing the way, everybody else can realize how much limitless potential we all have and that's one thing that I came away with on this trip that we went on, is like, don't ever consider yourself that you're playing small. Be grateful for everything that you have accomplished. Know that there's so much more that you sing your song authentically and don't ever hold back. I want to thank you for being the person that you are and for authentically sharing this.

Let’s do this because I made this recording, which I think is in alignment with what you're ending with here. Maybe we'll end on this because it's the point that you would like to make from this. It's interesting. Could you tell people what was the one big thing that you took away from Egypt? You may have already expressed it. You talked about the limitless potential and all that stuff but what would you say to people? How do you express it now to people? What do you say to people when you say, “Going to Egypt was?” Finish the sentence.

It was an activation. We talk about QR codes all the time, going into these temples, looking at these heiroglyphs, I think that the builders knew that you weren’t going to maybe understand literally the translation, but when you’re looking at these things, subconsciously, they're coming into your mind, your subconscious.

When I was on the Nile River, we went on a cruise for seven days. Every single night, I woke up in night sweats because I was downloading so much stuff. Being on the Nile River, this healing river, the people that we met, we danced and laughed. We had such a great time together, the camaraderie. Some of my best friends I met on this trip and each person has a special gift that they share with the world, listening to your knowledge and acclimating to all of this stuff.

There are so many levels of appreciation I have, but I fell in love with myself. You have to constantly go through that process in life of falling in love with yourself and loving yourself deeper. One of the biggest takeaways from that trip is falling in love with myself. During the trip, there were a lot of things that came up in terms of limiting beliefs and all this stuff.

I was able to move through a lot of it and heal a lot of it. Talking to every single different person on the trip, each person had a story that was almost identical to my life. It's almost like this soul family coming together and I look at the totality of it all. I realize that I look at everybody and it's me and I am them. It's incredible.

That is what it is on that note and thank you for that. 

“Fairly, the only real obstacles we face in this world are the ones we truly believe in. If you think you can or you think you can't, you'll be right. That's the Henry Ford famous quote and it goes back to the whole story of Star Wars, which is another hero's journey. Luke Skywalker had to find his own darkness. He had to go and battle Darth Vader, who later he finds out is his father. He had to crack his mask then see that it was his face inside the helmet.”

“We all have to go through that moment. We all have it and that's the shadow integration part that precedes being able to raise to higher states of consciousness and awareness. If you can integrate your shadow, that's what Hermeticism teaches above all else. Integrate your shadow, understand who you are and understand these principles are all principles that must carry through. They're like the base fabric of this existence but actually because astrology, alchemy, all these things, esoteric wisdom, they're all tied together. The weights and measures, all of this. There’s also Thoth, Meditron, these same figures throughout history are ones who gave us weights and measures.”

“We think that it's all arbitrary. They're all mathematical constants, all of them. Do you know that six feet, which is a fathom, which is father and mother fathom, mother backwards. 6 feet minus 1 meter is the oiler number and it's probably equally important to pi. We think that these are all arbitrary units of measure. Isn't the foot some King's foot? No.”

“In a mental construct, in a game of mentalism, maybe by the choice of your zodiac in this game construct, Maya, it determines how successful an abundant life you'll have. You thought that this was all your own work. Things maybe came easier for you in some ways and other things were harder for you because this was the path you chose along your hero's journey.” 

“It's beautiful when you start to look at it from that perspective. You start to become one with this higher mind and realize that there is a purpose to my life. It's not to be here and die. I'm here to learn something. I'm here to learn love. I'm here to learn acceptance. I'm not here to learn judgment. I'm here to learn and transcend judgment and experience love.” 

I think that says it all.

Thank you.

Thank you. It’s great to see you. Hopefully, we'll see you again soon.

For sure.

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About Robert Edward Grant

Robert Edward Grant is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling author of PHILOMATH, new release POLYMATH & pre-release and Neuromined.

Robert is an inventor, founder of several corporate enterprises, and the host of ‘Code X’, an original television series on Gaia and Amazon Prime. He is an artist, sculptor, music theorist, musician, and author of numerous research and patent publications spanning biology, DNA combinatorics, number theory, geometry, and physics.

Additionally, he is the former President of Allergan Medical and CEO of Bausch and Lomb Surgical, both multibillion dollar global healthcare corporations. As an entrepreneur, he is the founder of Strathspey Crown LLC, Evolus Inc., AEON BioPharma Inc., ALPHAEON Credit Inc., AccessElite Corp, CEYEBER Corp, Crown Sterling Limited LLC, and Theon Technology LLC. His companies, like his interests, span healthcare, security, blockchain, cleantech, smart optic technologies, AR/VR and fintech. He occupied several boards of directors of several corporations and universities.He has lived in nine countries and fluently speaks Japanese, Korean, German and French. Robert’s mission is to integrate innovation, mathematics, natural sciences, artistic design & entrepreneurship into balanced creations intended to benefit all.



Episode 72: What It Means To Be Human With Vincent Daranyi


Episode 70: Elevating Your Spirituality Through Sacred Music With Barry Goldstein