Episode 40 : Crypto Warrior: Mind, Body & XRP With John Vasquez

The time to start investing in your finances is now. The way to do that is through investing in yourself—mind, body, and XRP. That’s right! Cryptocurrency has changed the game financially for so many, including today’s guest. John Vasquez, also known as Coach JV, is the CEO of 3T Warrior Academy where he motivates people to pay attention to their health with a Warrior Mindset. John is also one of the biggest game-changers in the cryptocurrency world. With his 800,000 combined social media following, he uses his platform to empower people to change their financial destiny just like he changed his. After starting and losing multiple businesses, John managed to turn his life around and built a million-dollar company. In this episode, he joins Anand to share his financial success story and some transformative advice for listeners. Set the motion to start accumulating generational wealth with tips from Coach JV himself!


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Crypto Warrior: Mind, Body & XRP With John Vasquez

Do you want to set yourself up for generational wealth using a simple mindset and cryptocurrency strategies? This is your day to set that plan in motion. We have a unique opportunity to speak with one of the biggest game-changers in the cryptocurrency world, John Vasquez. His 800,000 combined social media followers affectionately call him Coach JV. Coach JV woke up from an attempted suicide on December 18th, 2006 to a book called The Secret. From that day forward, the next years of his life would never be the same.

After his attempted suicide, Coach JV pursued a Bachelor's degree and graduated from CBA Executive Banking School. He then scaled himself up to be Vice President at a large bank. After years of dedication to the corporation, he went through a spiritual awakening and started to see the system for what it was. He decided to leave the high-paid VP job to create a multimillion-dollar freedom company called 3T Warrior Academy, helping thousands worldwide learn the journey to freedom in health, wealth and mindset.

XRP Cryptocurrency: Money is currency. It needs to be current. It needs to flow.

XRP Cryptocurrency: Money is currency. It needs to be current. It needs to flow.

Being the top crypto and mindset coach in the world, he helps business owners and people break free from the job over broke mindset by creating a breakthrough performance in wealth-generating assets. Coach JV is also the author of two books, Owner and Creator of a top motivational podcast called JV Impacts, which I listen to pretty much every morning. He has a social media following of over 800,000 combined subscribers and is a featured leader in Yahoo! Finance’s Meet The Business Leaders Who Are Driving Positive Change In Their Industries. JV remains dedicated to his family, children, entrepreneurship and following his number one mission in this world, creating a positive impact on someone's life every single day.


Welcome to the show. How are you?

I'm doing great. Thank you. It’s such an honor. I do want to correct, though. We are a million-dollar company heading towards multimillion.

I was listening to your podcast and you were talking about breaking down the plan. I already see it in the future. You are on the way to multimillions.

I appreciate that. Thank you.

I have been watching your videos and your energy is contagious. The cryptocurrency space is such a complicated world but you make it simple to understand and digestible. There are so many volatile waves in cryptocurrency. I wanted to have you on to flow through and help share your knowledge about how to navigate through these turbulent yet life-defining times. I want to set the tone for our subscribers, Coach JV. What is living a limitless life means to you?

XRP Cryptocurrency: Do not buy anything until your assets can pay for that liability.

XRP Cryptocurrency: Do not buy anything until your assets can pay for that liability.

Living a limitless life every single day is waking up with freedom. Waking up every single day not having to worry about, whether you have money in your bank account, being able to move freely, efficiently and throughout this beautiful world that God has created for us. Living a limitless life is doing what you are truly and fully designed to do as a human being.

I'm the greatest of all time but I want to be clear about this. Every single person is the greatest of all time within their paradigm. We have different fingerprints and DNA. Living a limitless life for me is to expose my fingerprint and DNA. That’s the true reason why I'm here. My main mission is to figure out why I'm here and what I'm supposed to do on this Earth. Living a limitless life is truly living full out and becoming the true me.

Finding your soul’s calling is unraveling all the stuff that is not you and remembering why we decided to come here. It's beautiful. I was speaking to you before the show started, I noticed there are many similarities between our journeys and we will get into all that. Why don't you tell us a little bit about your background and about the last couple of years that have defined the trajectory of your life?

I left Corporate America, a high-paid vice president job, to pursue a freedom company. I had no idea what I was doing. I was a high-paid Vice President at a bank and I realized that the system was broken when I started to ask a lot of questions. As Jesus says, “Be like the children.” What do children do? They ask the question why all the time.

When I was in the banking system, I started asking why and people started to push back. It‘s like, “Why are they pushing back on the questions that I'm asking?” I started to realize that our system is heavily flawed and it's weighed a certain way. That was my new truth. Through that new truth, I didn't feel comfortable being in the banking system. It’s not that bankers are bad or people who work in a bank are bad but the system that has been created didn't align with my full true purpose.

What I wanted to do is to create freedom. I felt like I was stuck in a system. It wasn't about the people. The making is not about the people. We can all agree with that. I broke free to find my own truth. I thought I was going to be a famous motivational speaker selling books. When I launched my program and my podcast, about six months later, nobody was listening or buying my books. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. Nobody was listening, watching and paying attention but I kept seeking my own truth.

Through a powerful plant medicine journey that I went through, I had a great awakening. I came out of that. It was an interesting part of my journey. It was during the San Pedro ceremony. My Shaman said to me, “Who are you?” I said, “I'm a warrior.” He's like, “What does that mean?” He laid down on my heart. He laid and he sat there. It was interesting. A male is laying down on my heart. He's like, “The warrior comes from here. You are trying to find the warrior out here.” There was this thing that I had always been chasing, this justification, acceptance, trying to impress my father or whatever it was.

When I came back to America from that plant medicine journey, I truly became a warrior of my heart. I started to seek fulfillment through my heart and understanding that every single day I wake up, all I need to do is serve Earth, serve people and listen. I started to listen to my intuitive tug. We own a fitness facility, it got shut down through the C-word and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. We lost about 78% of our revenue. I lost all my money again for the third time. I sat and I had to let go of some dear friends that work for me. The last person that I had to let go, it was a life-changing journey because he showed up two days later and says, “I'm working for free.” We decided to work for free. He would go outside and he hugs the trees every single morning.

I’m going deep into this because this was important to the story. They cut down the tree right in front of our building. People were like, “The trees got cut down.” He’s like, “Maybe it's going to become a chair.” I said, “Huh?” He went down the way and he hugs the other people's tree down the way of the business. They were like, “What the hell is he doing?” He hugs a tree every morning and says, “We have everything we need. We don't need any money. We are fine.” We started to realize that we have everything we need.

If I needed to eat, I could walk down the street and there are orange groves. I could eat some oranges. If I needed water, if I walk into Starbucks, they legally have to give me water. I have vitamin C. If I eat a bunch of oranges, I will be fine. I'm sure I can find some lemon trees. If I knocked on people's doors, somebody would give me food. We started to adopt that we had everything we needed. We started to say, “We want to be paid to be us.”

I started to expose my crypto portfolio to the world through my Warrior Academy. We went from losing all our in-person clients and quickly, we went from 10 clients, 20 clients, 30 clients, to over 2,000 warriors going through our program worldwide, sixteen different countries. It was a culmination of the journey to becoming my true self. Now I am Coach JV, the top health and crypto mindset coach in the world. That's what I truly believe.

I live this limitless life of not caring what people think about me through waking up every single day, with intention of being good to every single human being. That cannot mean that I'm not going to make mistakes. It’s letting go of judgment and following the feeling that I have inside. That's how I’ve got to where I'm at.

Years ago, I attempted suicide because I was living again for that outward acceptance and I fell right back into it in banking. The 535i BMW, the big home, all the bills to impress people I didn't even like. It's not that nice things are not important but they don't matter to me anymore. Here we are and I have more money than I have ever had in my life and freedom. I never have to look at my bank account anymore. We are helping people break free from that system because the system was created to keep you trapped. That's where I'm at now. The journey started.

What a beautiful perspective. I don’t know if you ever read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. This guy goes on this journey to find all this external treasure because he's told there's a treasure out there. At the end of the day, once you realize the actual truth of who you are, the treasure is always buried in your own backyard. Plant medicine is one of those things for me. Also, I realize how much I was holding back my heart, opening it and truly blossoming it to help other people.

XRP Cryptocurrency: Be your own wise counsel. If we know something is right or wrong, we can feel it.

XRP Cryptocurrency: Be your own wise counsel. If we know something is right or wrong, we can feel it.

When I'm in my truest self and when people connect best with me is when my heart is open. It's apparent when my heart is closed. It's like a constant journey. The plant medicine ceremonies that I have done in San Pedro, Ayahuasca showed me that is the mark that you leave on this world. It's not about the money. Striving to do better and becoming successful at those things are a byproduct of what's internal here and inside your heart. I love that.

The other thing that I was hearing you talk about on your podcast is you have all the money that you need to survive but yet, you are not buying all the fancy cars and all that stuff. You are reinvesting it in your business, growing things and bringing on the right people in your business. Talk a little bit about why strategize that way versus, “It's nice. I will take out a couple of hundred thousand and put it in my pocket. I don't have to worry about money now.”

We will reference a Bible verse. I'm a follower. I love God for the life of Jesus. I'm non-religious but I love the Bible. It's a great guide. It's a good owner's manual. The allegory sense is for me. I read one of the stories where the person buried their money. They didn't get rewarded. The person gave their last coin and faith. Money is currency. It needs to be current. It needs to flow, number one. Number two is that we always should be making our money make money.

The book that changed my life is The Richest Man in Babylon. I ran across the book when I had lost everything for the third time. When I started to amass any money coming in, what I do is multiply it. I'm completely cash-poor. If you looked at my bank accounts, you would be like, “This dude has no money.” I'm tied up in almost all assets. I'm being transparent. I'm about 97% in cryptocurrency. I have a strict exit plan.

What I'm doing is, as I exit the market, I'm buying. I'm doing a wealth asset preservation strategy. I'm buying silver. That's wealth preservation. For example, I started my LLC for my Turo business. I'm doing anything that I can invest money into to bring cashback. I take the cash and I reinvest it right back into an asset.

I'm also going through what's called LBO training. Two big things are happening in the economy. I had it incorrect and I humbled myself because I was calling it the biggest shift in generational wealth. Cryptocurrency is a brand new asset class since 1600. It's the biggest shift in our economic history to gain or amass wealth to get that price appreciation. If you have a game plan because it's going to go up and come back down with the bear market, that's a big opportunity to amass some wealth if you do it properly.

The biggest shift in generational wealth where I'm going into next with this LBO training is Leverage Buyout Offers. Think about where we sit. Not only do we have this new asset class where you can be an early investor in something remarkable and bring the money back to the people. Number one, you can invest in the new infrastructure of our financial system. Number two, there's a whole group called the Baby Boomers that are retiring. There are 10,000 Baby Boomers a day retiring. Out of the 10,000 Baby Boomers within America, specifically, there are two million qualified businesses that are high capital, extremely low debt, high profitability and they are ready to get out.

There are two reasons. It’s like the crypto space. Warren Buffett says in crypto, “Buy the fear and sell the news.” Baby Boomers are wanting to get out of these businesses. Seventy-six percent of Baby Boomer businesses over twenty years are profitable. These Baby Boomers are looking to sell their businesses. Remember what do banks want? They want loans because we are a debt-based society. Banks and wealthy people are willing to lend to these businesses because it's a no-brainer. It's a business that's passed the test of time. It's gone through September 11th, the 2008 crisis and this crisis.

My business would not be a good LBO now. We are a high volatile type market and we are a cryptocurrency company. We wouldn't be a good LBO like a medical company that's going to be around forever. The biggest shift in generational wealth is the Baby Boomers’ wealth is transitioning from them down to us. We are in this cool position. If we are in the cryptocurrency space, we can amass a large amount of wealth. What do you do with that wealth? That's the most important thing.

I'm not opposed to driving a Lamborghini or anything like that. I love cars but I have humbled myself to say, “I am not allowed to buy anything like that until my assets can pay for that liability or the Lamborghini that I buy is an asset.” Some cars are extra assets. If you see these wealthy people wearing Rolex watches, look at the type of Rolex watch they are wearing. Some of them buy it for wealth preservation. That's why they buy art, certain Rolex watches and cars. People are like, “They are showing off.” It's wealth preservation. Some cars, watches, art pieces have tax benefits. Also, you can use that for wealth.

I have a wealth preservation strategy. Anything my money goes into, it's going to generate more cashflow. For example, at Turo, you can rent your car on these ride-sharing apps. I open up my LLC, I'm going to buy my first car, and then I'm going to buy, most likely, with a DeFi loan, which won't give me any capital gains. I will buy that car. I will pay off the DeFi loan with the money that comes in from that. I have a free and clear car within a year or two maybe. That's generating $600 to $700 a month passive income. I have seven sources of income. My goal is to have seventeen sources of income, which they say most multimillionaires have seventeen sources of passive income.

That was a long description. My brain changed when I read the book, The Richest Man in Babylon. Somebody who is a chariot maker makes these beautiful chariots. They can only sell one chariot at a time. When they sell a chariot when they gain and amass that wealth from the chariot if they invest back into their company, they can grow. They should take some of that wealth and they should put it into an asset that keeps growing. They call it the brother and sister. That should have a brother. Once that has a brother, it should have a sister and that should have a brother. You keep growing it.

There’s a weird thing that happens. All of a sudden, money does not matter anymore. I'm in this paradigm. Am I super multimillionaire wealthy? No. We built a million-dollar company. I have a large crypto portfolio that if it goes away, it should go or we think it's going to go, I will be a millionaire. Am I a multimillionaire? No. If I do this strategy, I will be a multimillionaire. Anybody can do this.

I was broke a few years ago. Our business got shut down. I changed this. I had made money three times but I kept going broke. Why did I keep going broke? It’s because of this impoverished. I never changed my mindset every time I’ve got money. I grew up, I didn't grow up in poverty or middle class. There's no wealth in my family. We didn't talk about wealth. I didn't even learn how to write a check or balance a checkbook.

When I amassed some money, six figures or multiple six figures it was like, “What do I do with this money?” I spent it. I had the 535i BMW and keeping up with the Joneses. It's a mental shift. The multimillionaires and billionaires aren't doing what we are doing. They are buying and flipping corporations. That's what I'm doing with my money as we move forward.

T Harv Eker is the one who came up with this financial blueprint or financial thermostat. If your thermostat is set to a certain amount, no matter if you make a $1 million or $30,000 and it's always at zero, then you are always going to default back down because your expenses will match your thing. Some people are in debt on their thermostats and some people are in abundance but you are right. It's all mindset.

Robert Kiyosaki talks about never buy the doodads and always buy the assets. It's like having a golden goose. A lot of people will save, put their money in their IRA, 401(k), build this nice nest egg, and then they start draining from that instead of taking that and then investing in those little golden eggs so that each egg is going to produce another golden goose and now you are having multiple streams of income. This strategy has been around for a long time but a lot of people don't know it or they don't even try to try to do it.

Something like Turo, it’s incredibly simple to get in the game. People can finance a car. It doesn't even have to be a fancy car. For a couple of $100 a month, you will net 3 or 4 times that amount by renting it out. Cars are in such demand. Car rentals and Airbnb are sky-high in their pricing. It's easy. There are so many different ways that we can get passive income these days. There's no excuse not to jump into that field because there's so much opportunity for little guys and for guys that are a little bit more established.

It adds up fast. I want people to be clear on where I was at. A few years ago, I lost everything. I’ve got divorced. I moved back with my parents. I'm open on my podcast and my TikTok. If you are in business and you are not on TikTok, you have to get on TikTok. That's what built our company. TikTok is an amazing tool. It worked. It helped because I'm able to reach the audience that I'm seeking.

I lived with my parents for a couple of years after I’ve got divorced. I humbled myself. My kids moved into 1,000 square foot home and we chilled with my parents for a while. I was like, “I'm getting my shit together. I'm going to live above my means. I don't need fancy things.” I'm still wearing the same shoes. I'm obsessed with helping other people be free. All I want is my family. I consider my warrior counsel my warrior team. I want everybody else to feel like I feel. When you feel like that, you don't need fancy things. The wild part is when you finally feel rich internally, you don't need those things. If you want, rent a Lamborghini and drive it around for a little bit. You will get tired of it and return it. Rent the luxuries.

I love hearing this hero's journey of yours, going through all the challenges, getting it back on the right track and then realizing your truest self. Several years ago, you were in a corporate job and felt stuck. You felt like you couldn't get out but you felt like you needed to stay there. There are so many people that I talked to that feel stuck like that as well. What would you say to them? What can they do now?

This is what I tried to do. It depends on your corporation but I will speak the way it should have gone. I tried to start a side hustle when I was in Corporate America. My company pumped me with that or my boss did. It was an interesting dynamic. Start a little side hustle. Practice something like Turo. Finance a car and practice entrepreneurship.

The thing that you should be doing is the thing that you are daydreaming about every single day. That thing that you daydream about, “I would love to do that.” You can do it but there's a process that you have to go through. I'm blunt with people. I'm launching Uncommon 1% where I'm teaching entrepreneurs how to do what I do. In my first video, I was like, “This shit is going to be hard. It's going to be difficult. I'm not giving you something where you get rich quick.”

It took us three years to finally figure it out. We almost went out of business three times. I spent my whole 401(k). Thank God, I did because the key was to continue to seek to find myself right. Once I became my true authentic self, it was like a firework went off. Now it's this whole thing. There's a process you have to go through. The first is going to be judged. Especially if you are in a corporate job, you are going to go through judgment and that's the hardest part.

XRP Cryptocurrency: People are more concerned about their money than they are their health.

XRP Cryptocurrency: People are more concerned about their money than they are their health.

You are then going to go through this judgment-to-respect phase. Most people don't make it through that because they are trying to step out. They’ve got a plan B. Get rid of plan B. Create another plan A. Do not have a plan B because if you have a plan B, you are one foot in and one foot out. When I left, I burned every bridge behind me. I even was talking shit on my way out. I was like, “I'm done. I'm not going back to Corporate America.” I’ve got my CPA Executive Banking certificate. I could go run a bank and I could go be a CFO or something. I was like, “I'm done.” I walked away. There was no plan B. All I did was kept stepping in faith.

I always talk about the apple seed. I learned this with my Shaman through my plant experience with San Pedro. I have worked with him twice. If you can see yourself as an apple seed, you have to plant the seed in fertile ground. Remember, once the seed goes into fertile ground, which is people, places, things and environment, it has to go through a ten-year process to bear one apple.

You have to ask yourself a question before you step out, “Are you willing to wait patiently for ten years?” Give yourself that. If it happens in two, great. If it happens in three, fantastic. If it happens in five, great. Set your mind on ten years because there are 10,000 hours of mastery and then ten years for an apple seed to bear one fruit.

Think about the apple. It has to grow the roots and then it has to break through the ground in a violent process. It has to build its trunk and then it has to get the bark around it to protect it. It has to build the branches and then all of a sudden, it bears one apple. This is what tripped me out in my last plant experience. It bears one apple. After it bears one, there’s a multitude of apples. Now we are in that multitude.

My Shaman tripped me out he goes, “Do you know what's crazy about an apple tree? It never eats its own apples. It keeps growing them and giving them away.” I'm like, “Wow.” We went through this and I was like, “I need to keep giving away this knowledge and give it away to as many human beings as I can.” The money starts to flow to you.

Know that there is a process you have to go through. You are not going to outsmart the process. I want to be clear about that. Think about it. When you work out, you are in the fitness. When you work out, what do you do? You tear down the muscle. You rip it apart to build it back up. It's only going to build back up if you eat and rest properly. You have to go in there, work your ass off and beat the crap out of yourself to build yourself back up. That's where people get scared. They put their foot in the water and it's like, “I'm going to test it out.” Go for it.

You are going to have pain either way. The pain of talking shit about your boss. Your relationship is falling apart not because you have a bad relationship. It’s because you have a million monkeys on your back when you go home. You are walking in the door and you are carrying the anger from your boss and all this shit-talking at the watercooler. When you walk by your spouse, you play this ignore game. It's not the toilet seat. It's the fact that you are out of alignment with who you truly are.

If both human beings within a relationship are in alignment, it would be like a goalpost. They would be winning. They come together in a union. Both are in alignment. What happens is it's this unequally yoked thing, spirits are unaligned or whatever it is. One person is going on the spiritual journey and the other person is relying on them because their job sucks, “I need you for my energy.” That's what's happening with our world.

I have been there. It makes so much sense. There are three things I took away from your experience and your advice. Patience, commitment and flexibility are important. You set out to start a gym and then you didn't have the opportunity to have that gym because they closed it down because of the C-word. If you were putting all your eggs in that basket and then saying like, “It's got to work,” what you did is you looked around your environment. “What does make sense? What else can I provide value to?”

You went on a whole different tangent and that became your breakthrough business. It's freaking important to not be tied down. The same thing with my business. I have a wellness spa. When people come through and we are closed, how do I make money? There are all these different ways. I have to realign, look at different scenarios and opportunities to be able to continue what I'm doing and expand beyond that.

I love the Bible as an owner's manual. God says, “Be in silence with me. Sit.” What I did during this is I let one of my dear friends go. Here's the exact story of what happened. I had this moment where I yelled at God, Omnipresence, Buddha or Allah. Whatever you believe in, I believe you. I was outside and I was like, “Fuck you. Fuck this. I'm fucking done. This is bullshit. I have gotten divorced. I have lost $375,000. I'm broke. Fuck this man. I'm out.”

My CFO said something remarkable. It's like superhero shit. He goes, “You are a fucking legend. Get back in there.” Something jarred me. He’s like, “You have been talking shit. You are a warrior. Get back in there.” I opened the door, I went back in and I sat in a chair. I'm like, “God if you are real, if this is all real, this universe, this secret, all this shit I have been doing, give me the answer.” I sat there and no answer.

A day goes by and a cab shows up in my business. He's now a business partner. We gave him ownership. This is why we gave him ownership. He shows up and he’s like, “I'm working for free. I'm going to start filming how you live your life. People need to see how you live your life. You are disciplined.” I’ve got paid to be me. He's like, “Start telling people what you do.” I did a video on crypto because that's what kept my family eating.

I sat in silence and God was like, “Here's what I want you to talk about.” Seek wise counsel but make sure the counselor is wise number one. Make sure they are going where you are going and that's not rooted in jealousy. That's one important thing. Number two is to be your own wise counsel.

We know if something is right or wrong. We can feel it. We can feel if that person around us is right. We feel that energy, especially when you become more aligned. You clear your gut, you clear your mind and you get more aligned, you are fasting, you are working out and you are doing the wellness spa. As you said, starseeds attract each other.

The reason I attempted suicide is I was an opioid addict. I was hanging around crackheads. I even think about that. I was going to crack houses to buy stuff. Think about it. I was a clean-cut dude. I’ve got out of the military. Six years later, I'm a crackhead. Like attracts like. It's that simple. I was buying opiates on the black market. I always joke that if I ran for president or governor, there are pictures of me out there somewhere on the internet that somebody is going to find. I already put it out there. Go look for them. If you can find them, post them. Let's get it out of the way. I did some crazy shit to buy drugs. I know it's out there.

I do it on my YouTube channel. I’m like, “Go find them. If anybody can find them, I will pay you some money to expose me. Put it out there.” That's the power of who you are and who you surround yourself with. You are what you think. I was thinking about impressing people so much. The person that I was impressed by was taking opiates. I had an injury and I’m like, “I look up to you. That's what you do.” I went down to hell. I came back and I live in heaven on Earth. I don't know where I went with that paradigm part of it. It's important to find your truth. You’ve got a picture in the background. It's up here. It's in here and it's internal.

It's seeking that counsel from other people. It's got to be wise. Also, you have to listen to your heart because your truest self always knows the answers. No expert outside of you knows better than you would. It's clearing all the bullshit. It's disconnecting from the TV who's telling you to think one way, the movies, Hollywood or whatever it is. You have to know who the fuck you are every single day and what your purpose in this world is. Let's get into how you’ve got started in cryptocurrency and mindset coaching.

XRP Cryptocurrency: You can sit back and argue the system, or you can play the game and bring the money back to the people.

XRP Cryptocurrency: You can sit back and argue the system, or you can play the game and bring the money back to the people.

Mindset coaching started when I was in Corporate America. I attempted suicide but I build myself back up through a book called The Secret. I started watching Tony Robbins, Les Brown and Eric “The Hip Hop” Preacher. I started plagiarizing from all these leaders. I started following their steps, getting up early in the morning, meditating, praying. I know what the hell I was doing. I started doing high-intensity training versus bodybuilding training. I started to see that my life started to change. I moved up fast.

In about 2013, somebody said, “How did you move up quickly?” I’m like, “Shit, I don't even know.” I was physically and spiritually hungry. I had a daughter I couldn't even take care of. I was hungry to get back on track. I started to write down the patterns I followed. I wrote a book called You Must Believe Way of Life. After I wrote that I'm like, “I'm going to go around the world speaking about it.” It did nothing. This is encouragement because every tool or resource you create, hold on to it.

I kept living my book, I wake up at a certain time, I meditated, I pray, I create vision boards and I have learned true manifestation. I left Corporate America thinking I was going to be some famous motivational speaker around mindset, achieving greatness and all that stuff. I realized I hadn't done shit with my life. I went through this massive trial and tribulation to rebuild into who I am now. Now people come to me versus me seeking speaking gigs and stuff like that. My book, ironically, is the whole premise of our Warrior Academy. That book I wrote in 2013 has now taken us to a million-dollar company because it's a true model of how I live my life.

How did I get into crypto? That's how I’ve got into a mindset fitness and all that. I started a company called 3T Fitness. It’s a gym and it evolved into a Warrior Academy. Now it evolved into a warrior generational wealth-building mindset company. Crypto is interesting. I’ve got into crypto for a couple of years. A gentleman walked into our gym and he was like, “Have you ever heard of crypto?” I had watched Teeka Tiwari 5 Coins to 5 Million. I was a banker. That's a paradigm shift.

We were told crypto is a fraud when I was in a bank. Jamie Dimon was pushing that into all the bank's heads. We were like, “If you don't ask questions, you accept.” That's why Jesus says, “Be like the children, they ask why all the time.” I didn’t ask questions. I’m like, “Crypto is a fraud.” I’ve got introduced to Teeka Tiwari 5 Coins to 5 million. I start to understand the infrastructure of crypto.

Somebody walks in here and says, “Have you ever heard of a coin called XRP?” I was like, “No, I haven’t.” He’s like, “You’ve got to check it out.” I had gotten into crypto and I looked at it. Now I'm an ex-banker. I went to CB Executive Banking School. I learned how to scale banks in a simulation system from the ground up and I ran banks. I was like, “Holy shit. If I had this technology when I scaled my banks, I could win the whole SWIFT system. This is remarkable.”

The SWIFT system was built before the internet. It's an old archaic banking system. It takes a long time. There are a lot of human error within it. I can't remember what organization but about 16% of their failure is in regards to the transactions. It's slow, clunky, expensive. It's expensive to move your money out of countries that some countries can't even get their money out of their country. It costs more.

I love financial inclusion. I love what it was about. I didn't understand that a lot of people in crypto hated XRP because it's a centralized banker coin. I started to understand it and I said, “This is my truth. I believe in this technology.” I started to get into it. I'm an obsessive-compulsive person. I dove into crypto and I started spending 8 to 9 hours a day researching it and the rest is history.

What I did is I had gone broke. I had some cryptocurrency. I started driving Uber. I started doing the Gary Vee strategy. There's money everywhere. If you say it’s your fault, it's your fault. I started flipping. I would go to thrift stores. I would take it back and fix it up. I would flip it. I was doing everything and I started putting money into crypto. I was buying XRP at $0.13, $0.17. I was buying VeChain at $0.00. I built this little portfolio that was $10,000, it went $30,000, and then it went six figures. I learned the game by being obsessed with it. I had already gone over 10,000 of mastery by going deep.

Now we have a crypto company. We have a research team. We have a technical analysis team that's in Germany. I'm like, “You are what you focus on.” I'm speaking all over around cryptocurrency and I'm like, “Why is that?” There have been people that have been in it since 2017 and I'm doing way more speaking than them. It has nothing to do with I have more knowledge. It’s because I have devoted my life to freedom. That's what God presented to me. That's how I’ve got into crypto.

I decided to add it to our academy and people are more concerned about their money than they are about their health, to be honest with you. What God told me to do is give people what they want and then when they come in, show them what they need. As they come in through crypto, we heavily encourage them to go through a 120-day challenge, which is a workout program, nutrition, subconscious mind programming, goal setting and vision board creation.

The people who go through our 120-day challenge are ten times more successful and stick with the program not only financially but spiritually. God is like, “Here's the vehicle because everybody is worried about their finances. Once they get in, show them what they need because wealth is here.” It was from being silent and listening. It’s like, “God, what do you want from me?” That's how I’ve got here. I wake up every day and I feel blessed to be talking to you. I'm grateful. Anybody can do this. That's the part that blows my mind.

It comes through in everything that you say. Your energy and heart, you open it up and you are transparent with your audience. You talk a lot about fear, uncertainty, doubt and getting beyond that, especially in this crypto space. Even XRP is going through that SEC lawsuit. There's so much to the backstory. Can you tell us a little bit about all the things you have uncovered?

Let's talk about the players in the game first, and then we will go into the lawsuit and what's happening with America. It’s the only person that's pulling the brakes on XRP. We study the players in the game. Remember, whatever they are doing, do the opposite. That's the rule that I live by. It's changed my whole life financially. Whatever they say, do the opposite because they are not telling you their game plan. It's the art of war. They are like, “Look over here.” As Jamie Dimon said that Bitcoin is a fraud in 2017, they were investing in Bitcoin.

They were trying to create their own ChaseCoin, JP Morgan coin or whatever at this same time.

It's developed. They have the JPM coin and Ethereum-type blockchain. It's nefarious stuff. We know that's the game. Play the game. Look the opposite way. Do what they are doing. Let's talk about the players in the game. You have to look at who's who and what's what. Look at Gary Gensler who's the head of our SEC. Gary Gensler came as the head MIT professor for cryptocurrency. Before that, he was the head of the CFTC. These are organizations within our economics and how they run our economics.

Look at Brian Brooks. He left the Head Legal Counsel of Coinbase, which is a top cryptocurrency exchange. He became the head of our operation of currency control. During his short tenure there, he allowed Federally chartered banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, that's what a Federally chartered bank is, to custody your cryptocurrency. In his short tenure, he leaves and then becomes the CEO of Binance US. He left so we will talk about that.

Jay Clayton was the Head of the SEC before Gary Gensler. This is important to understand this stuff. On December 18th, 2020, One River Capital increase its position in Bitcoin and Ethereum by $600 million. This plays into the game. Jay Clayton throws out an SEC lawsuit. I will never forget it. I had to quarantine myself because of the C-word. I was in a hotel quarantine. My phone starts blowing up on December 22, 2020, and everybody was like, “They are suing XRP. I'm out.” I was like, “Bye, Felicia. Have fun.” I know the game. I was like, “See you.” I started buying more before they de-list it. I didn't know they are going to de-list it.

By December 23rd, 2020, Jay Clayton abruptly leaves the SEC. Guess where he went? To consult for One River Capital, a cryptocurrency firm. You have Bill Hinman who was a former SEC Chairman. He consults for Andreessen Horowitz. He has a $2.2 billion cryptocurrency fund that Bill Hinman consults for. Rosie Rios was the last person to sign. She signed a $100 bill and she's also quoted saying, “I'm responsible for bringing in a new type of currency.” She's now on the Board of Directors for Ripple. I study the players in the game and that's how I make my investments.

The fact is we are in the 50-year Jubilee. in 1971, we detached from the gold standard. August 15th, 2021 was the 50-year anniversary of detaching from the gold standard. We are in an extremely overvalued stock market. In history, more money has been printed since the inception of Bitcoin. We have quantitative easing happening. Low-interest rate environment. It's extremely grim for the normal everyday person that has been following this over a broken system.

Inflation, throw that in there, too. People are losing money by the second.

What happens is those who have awakened to this new reality of cryptocurrency understand how the system works. This is my opinion. You don't have to take my advice and this is not financial advice. There's going to be a massive separation between the rich and poor. The middle class is going to get wiped out. This is Jerome Powell saying this. Jerome Powell said, “We are coming back to a new economy leveraged towards technology. I am worried about the middle class, the mom-and-pop shops. Retail businesses, the restaurants that have been open for a long time, noncorporation, Amazon and Walmart are all going to dominate the system.”

You can sit back and argue the system or you can play the game and bring the money back to the people. That's the only two options you have now. You can end up extremely poor in arguing against the system the whole time or you can become a Buddhist monk, sit and relax. You can play the game and live heaven on Earth and bring the money back to the people. I have been called nefarious that I'm going to enter the mouth of the beast. When people say that stuff, I'm like, “Okay.”

If I look at this phone, this is a tool. With this tool, I can watch pornography on it and I can read the Bible on it. It's not the tool, it's the user of the tool. If I put a gun in your hand, you could use that to hunt food for your family or you can murder somebody. If I put XRP in someone's hand and/or Bitcoin or Ethereum and someone amasses a huge amount of wealth, they could take it to strip clubs. They could buy Lamborghinis. They could do all the stuff that I did back in the past or they can build a freedom company and free people's minds.

Being in the spiritual world, December 12th, 2020, we went through Capricorn to Aquarius. In the religious world, they call it The Rapture. In the spiritual world, we say that we are going into a new open awareness. Every sector knows that we are going through something. The Shmita is in September 2021. That's a seven-year Shmita cycle. I learned that from WatersAbove Crypto.

I watched the YouTube video you did.

He blew my mind. I was in banking and I didn't even know about the Shmita. That hits in September 2021. The Shmita goes for one year every seven years. JP Morgan says, “If you want to get rich, read the charts. If you want to become a billionaire, follow astrology.” JP Morgan has been quoted saying that. They follow the moon cycles, astrology, esoteric type stuff. It's a cycle and there's nothing new under the sun as it says in the Bible.

Humans are humans. Every seven years, there's some sort of collapse, and then it resets, a new group of wealthy people comes out of it. I'm not sure where I went with that. I went deep down the rabbit hole. Here we are now. We have an SEC lawsuit going on in America. The only country that’s saying that XRP is a security is America. All the other countries have deemed it non-security. It's all by design. It's to bring in a new Howey Test.

The Howey Test was based on orange orchards way back in 1954. They were like, “If you buy the oranges, it's deemed the security. You are buying an investment.” It doesn't make any sense. They were doing a Howey Test on a new asset class since the 1600s. I want to put this on as many videos as I can. I believe that XRP and the ripple case are to bring in a new Howey Test. If you are invested in the asset, it's like a bow and arrow. First of all, it hasn't reached this all-time high, which is about $3 and some change.

We have gone through one of the biggest bull runs that we ever did. It's a great thing that it even hasn't hit that. It was $0.80 and now it’s $1.20.

Imagine having a bow and arrow and their hands are shaking. Once that shaky hand releases, that thing is going to go straight up. If it does get settled, that's going to be the biggest crypto news in history. Everybody is going to FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. There's going to be a big flood of people coming in. A bunch of American companies is probably going to jump on board the distributed ledger technology. There's some stuff going on with the SDI. I'm working on facts, figures, numbers, logic if you watch the YouTube video I did. Also, on the 23rd of August, 2021, the SDR is going to start printing at the SDR level. Not only reprinting into infinity at the country levels but the SDR is going to start printing and putting into countries. It’s literally like they are crashing the car.

Is the SDR the Special Drawing Rights? Was that the IMF?

You’ve got it. That's how they regulate currencies. It's a bag of currencies and they use them to monitor or regulate the amount or the value of the currencies. What we are thinking is that there's going to be a cryptocurrency SDR-type of thing that will run. In 1944, they tried to create a one-world economy. Monetarily, it didn't work out. In 1971, maybe that's why they detached from the gold standard so they could create this printing machine to put us in this position to be in a nefarious position.

There are things you have to think about too economically if you are not believing in crypto or you are on the other side. It doesn't matter about crypto. Think about 2008. I went into banking right when the collapse happened. Who in the government allowed those loans to even go out? I was an Executive at a bank. How did banks approve non-income stated loans? You can be a stripper, walk in there and get five loans with no income stated loans interest-only for seven years. People were looking at million-dollar homes with no income stated. That was on purpose. I was in banking but I left banking.

We were doing our live and Jesus says, “Be like the children because children ask the question why over and over.” We get annoyed as adults and we say, “It’s because I said so.” Don't ever say that to a kid. You are stifling their innovation. If they say why, answer why “Here's why.” What happens is, as adults, we stop asking why, especially if money is involved, we stop asking why. I was making a ton of money as an Executive and then I started asking why. I'm like, “I don't want this money. I'm out. I don't care if I go broke. I'm going this way. I'm going to go find my truth.”

I started asking why about everything, “Why should I do plant medicines? Why did I get these answers in the plant medicines? Why is it this way?” I'm like a little kid now. When I hear something I'm like, “Why is that? Why should I go into an ice bath?” “Here's why.” Now I feel better. We’ve got to start asking why again. We were built into the system where we have been shut down. We stopped creating. If you want to kill a human, stop them from creating.

Beautifully said. In the world that we live in, you are not supposed to ask any questions about anything other than official narratives. I refuse to do that. When somebody has a good connection with their spirit and their soul, you know that transparency, truth, light and everything should be open. We can discuss, talk about things and come to the right conclusion for all of us, and the benefit of the individual and the community at large. When someone tells you, “Don't ask any questions. Follow it this way and be a good little boy or girl.” It triggers me. It's against my spirit.

It's against your spirit because you know we are supposed to ask questions. As humans, we are supposed to keep asking why.

Tell us a little bit about 3T Training Academy and how people can get involved and understand more about what you do there.

Some people get confused so I will explain the two different business models we have. 3T became a conglomerate of multiple companies. We have our Warrior Academy. We have our Uncommon 1% where we have a waiting list. We teach people with an entrepreneurial mindset that know how we built our company, the funnels, the email campaigns. We don't do any marketing. People find us. It's an ecosystem that we use.

We have Uncommon 1% where we teach people how to build that infrastructure Bootcamp. Everything is a Bootcamp for us. We have the Warrior Academy. It's the crypto mindset and subconscious mind programming. They can find all of it by going to my TikTok, @CoachJV_. @CoachJV_on Instagram. There are a ton of fake accounts.

Watch out for the fake accounts.

It's insane. It's sad. You can officially find it through my YouTube channel, 3T Warrior Academy Crypto. If you type in Coach JV in Google, you will find everything. You will find our Warrior Academy and our YouTube channel. You should start with our YouTube channel. There's so much free content on there. We put out 2 to 3 videos a day. I put out probably 2, 3, to 4 TikToks a day. There are thousands of free videos. If you don't want to join the program, that's fine. Start seeking and you will find. That's what we do. I have a podcast, it's The Coach JV Podcast. It used to be JV Impacts. It's me unhinged every single morning.

Why do you think you came here as Coach JV on planet Earth? What did you want to experience?

I came here to shift my generation. I'm a generational shifter. I know that for a fact and in my heart of hearts that I came here to leave. Now, what I mean by leaving it in the universe is I follow the life of Jesus. I have looked up to the life of Jesus. I love the story, whether it's a story or he lived. He was a powerful human being. I want to be that type of figure that leaves an impact on millions of people where I'm spoken about for a long time. Not for the ego but for allowing people to see that they are free. That's why I'm here. I believe that and I knew that when I was a little kid.

What happened was, as a little kid, it's nobody's fault but that's why I attempted suicide. Every time I would express this inner knowing, people would push me down and be like, “Stop thinking outside the box.” I was trying to question everything and then it got stifled. I didn't get the girls, I became seclusive and a bodybuilder. We come here on Earth to find that.

I don't know what happens after we die. I don't think anybody knows. We can all guess based on our leader or wise counsel. I'm pretending that the way I leave is the way I come back if we come back. That's how I'm pretending. If I died now, I would be pretty happy with coming back where I'm at. I'm not satisfied with where I want to go. I also want to be a great role model for my kids. In the first three years of my daughter’s life, I was a drug addict. I’ve got a second lease on life. I’ve got blessed with my son and my daughter. My son was born so my son gets to see a completely different dad than my daughter did.

I'm looking at their picture and I'm motivated to show my daughter her true self. It’s not to repair anything because what I did was by design in regards to who I'm supposed to be. You can see it through my daughter. If you see her, she's a beautiful soul. People ask her if she wants to go to college and she's like, “Absolutely not. I’m not going to waste my parent’s money. I'm going to go travel the world.” She has a game plan. I'm like, “Good.” People give her so much shit for that. I'm like, “Good. Travel the world.” She's like, “I'm going to be an airline stewardess. I'm going to go work for an airline and I'm going to travel the world. I figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.” I'm like, “That's awesome.” That's my job. They are my teachers and my job is to learn from their teachings.

What an amazing way to wrap up. Thank you for your time. One of the translations for the term warrior or Samurai in Japanese conquers himself. Every single time, every day, we have to look inwards and slay those dragons within so that we can provide more love and light in the world. Sometimes, externally, we have to be a warrior and stick out for what's right. I applaud you. I'm glad you are in this to fight for humanity, light and wealth generation for many people. Thank you, Coach JV. I appreciate you.

Thank you. It's an honor.

Important Links:

  • YouTube – Coach JV and WatersAbove Crypto

About John "Coach JV" Vasquez

John  Vasquez.jpeg

Coach JV woke up from an attempted suicide on December 18th 2006 to

A book called “The Secret.” From that day forth, the next 15 years of his life would never be the same.

After his attempted suicide, JV pursued a bachelor’s degree and graduated CBA executive banking school and then scaled himself up to vice president at a large bank. After years of dedication to the corporation, he went through a great spiritual awakening and started to see the system for what it was. He decided to leave the high-paid VP job to create a million-dollar FREEDOM company called 3T Warrior Academy, helping thousands worldwide learn how to journey to freedom in health, wealth and mindset.

Being the top crypto and mindset coach in the world, currently, he helps business owners and people break free from the JOB - just over broke- mindset by creating breakthrough performance in wealth-generating assets. JV is also an author of two books, owner and creator of a top motivational podcast called JV impacts, has a social media following of over 800k combined subscribers and is a featured leader in Yahoo Finance “Meet The Business Leaders Who Are Driving Positive Change In Their Industries”.

Today, JV remains dedicated to his family, children, entrepreneurship and following his number one mission in this world: creating a positive impact on someone’s life every single day.


Episode 41: Living A Conscious Life In An Unconscious World With Jai Sugrim


Episode 39: Creating Opportunities And Helping Veterans To Live The Most Fulfilling Lives With Brett D'Alessandro And Alexa Modero