Episode 25: Manifesting Divine Love & Purpose With Kate Griffith


Would you like to realign yourself to find a life of purpose and manifest divine love? Meet Kate Griffith, Energy Healer, Reiki Channeler, and lover of life. Hear Kate tell her story as she sits down and talks to her Divine Partner, our host, Anand J. Sukhadia. Kate discusses hitting rock bottom and rising above, manifesting divine love and purpose. She also gets into her morning routine, journey in manifesting, thoughts on plant medicine, her life’s purpose, and meeting Anand. Listen to this episode and be inspired by Kate's journey.

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Manifesting Divine Love & Purpose With Kate Griffith

We have the most special guest and one of the most inspiring people I know. Kate Griffith is an energy healer, breathwork guide, heart-based authenticator, Reiki channeler and lover of life. She's also my intimate partner and my love. Welcome to the show, Kate. I am thrilled to have you on.

Thank you. I am blushing over here.

It’s funny talking to you over Zoom. Usually, we are always in person looking each other in the eyes. I hope this isn't awkward. I hope our audience gets a lot of value out of this conversation. How are you doing?

It’s awkward talking to you. I'm trying hard to look you in the eye and find that connection through Zoom. I hope it's felt. I’m good. Thank you for having me.

Let's dive real deep into it. Let me ask you, what does living a limitless life mean to you?

It first starts with living an authentic life. If we aren't living authentically, then I feel like we are placing limits around our lives and our own truth. It first starts with authenticity. It is using every single opportunity to grow and to learn. We have the choice in this life, whether we are going to go through life or we are going to grow through life. If you are living a limitless life, you are allowing growth to take place and seeing every single opportunity every single day. You are seeing every aspect of your life the same way that you do when you look up at the sky.

We are talking to the best version of you. When we met, we were talking about that. Sometimes, the timing of things when you meet somebody, we are always growing through things. At this moment, at the present, in anyone's life, we are the most evolved. We have learned the most lessons and it's up to us to choose how to go through that. I honor you and I'm excited to get into your story. Can you tell us a little bit about your journey on how you’ve got here to this place?

I grew up in Ohio, a super small town. I graduated with 60 kids. You can imagine how small of a town it was. I don’t even think it’s considered a town. It's considered a village with a population of 1,300 people. I was a small-town girl who had big dreams and a lot of curiosity. We moved to South Florida when I was in my early twenties and then moved to New Jersey after living in South Florida for ten years. I went through a lot of life experiences that showed me a lot of lessons. I’ve got to a place where I realized that everything I had gone through in life had pulled me out of alignment. I went through the stages of life of perfectionism, searching for validation, and then searching to find myself.

When I couldn't come up with the answers, I kept going back to perfectionism and validation. It was that same cycle. I wasn't understanding that all that I needed was in my heart. It wasn't until I hit rock bottom after having been on a reality TV show. What they don't tell you about watching yourself back on reality TV is that you are re-experiencing all of what has happened months prior when you are filming the reality TV show. The universe is humorous and is trying to get my attention. The universe is like, “How do we finally get this girl's attention? We have thrown her little nuggets along the way trying to get her attention, trying to show her how out of alignment she is. She's not getting it. She's a stubborn one.”

Watching myself back on reality TV, I realized that I wasn't crying on the show over situations that were happening. I was crying over situations that happened in my life years prior that I hadn't faced. I was dealing with situations, things that were suppressed, dense emotions and dense energy. Triggers were coming up. That's what I was upset about. I had to watch that and think, “This is what I have come to.” I had to face that.

One of the most profound things I have learned in my life was that sometimes the most challenging moments, the things that we think are the hardest and the worst possible rock bottom are the biggest blessings in our life. I know that I wouldn't be the person that I am without hitting those deep chasms of like, “All is lost.” If you follow Joseph Campbell and The Hero's Journey, we are all the heroes of our own story and we have to go through these trials and tribulations. I know in my life that it's made me even stronger. I see the progression that you have made. Tell us a little bit about that rock bottom and where you were, what your thoughts were, and then how you started climbing yourself out of that.

Rock bottom is a dramatic work term. Everyone’s rock bottom can look different. From someone looking from the outside, my life didn't look bad. I had held a career. I’m successful. I’m fit. I pulled myself together. The inside is where I didn't want to be here any longer if this is the life that I was going to live. That's how I felt internally. It felt dark, dense, and as if I couldn't catch my breath, to be quite honest. As if I was in quicksand and things were closing in around me. That's how I felt. From the outside, no one would have known that. I was good at hiding it.

We always try to put on the face for the public and then the private time is when we do the introspection. There are so many different ways that we deal with these challenges. When I was younger, I would try to work out heavily or drink alcohol on the weekends to get away from some of the things that I went through. I know you gave up alcohol. Can you tell us a little bit about that journey in itself? I know that has been a huge impact on your life and where you are now.

It was taking a look at my life as a whole and what felt heavy. It was through my personal work where I began to invest in myself. Investing in myself is where I was seen clearly. The work that I was doing and the practices where it took on were allowing me to look at my life from above. Sometimes we are so deep in our own life that we are not able to see it clearly. That's what I was doing through all of the work that I was doing. It was clear that many things in my life needed to be released and alcohol was probably one of the heaviest. The things that we need to release in our life are heavy and they take up so much space.

The moment that I decided that alcohol wasn't part of my journey any longer and that it wasn't serving me in any way, shape or form, I made that decision and never looked back. Once I decided I was cutting that out, there was no room for it at all. I don't want to say that it was easy but once I saw how my life began to take shape after cutting it out, then the decision became so clear that there's no room for it in my life. Even the hangovers and dehydration, besides that, there was no space for it. I wouldn't be able to do the work that I'm doing now if I was still allowing that into my life.

It was in 2014 when I had my first Ayahuasca experience. It was clear to me that I needed to stop drinking alcohol at that time. Before that, I was drinking a lot of alcohol. Maybe I was going out 2 or 3 times a month. I was drinking so much that I would feel like shit the next day. Sometimes I would get into arguments with my friends and I didn't like who I was becoming. After Ayahuasca, I slowed down a lot. There were times that I was going out and having a couple of drinks thinking everything was fine. There were a few instances where I overdid it. I then paid the consequences on the communication with somebody or somebody was seeing it.

The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work

The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work

I have to thank you. It wasn't only until I started hanging out, spending time, and being with you and understanding your journey that I decided I'm not going to drink. Even though you fully permitted me and you hold the space for me to do whatever, I choose to be in my highest alignment. I haven't touched it and I feel incredible. Even if I had one glass of wine, which I used to love doing. Now I wake up at 5:00 AM with you and then we work out. It's such a more clear way to live my life. I wanted to thank you for that because I never thought I had an issue with it until I gave it up, then my life is much better than it was before.

I appreciate that so much. I appreciate the support of not drinking when you are with me at all. It’s funny because we don't even need that. When I go out with friends, it’s okay when they have a drink, that’s where I realized that it’s okay. I didn’t want to accept because, in society, it's like, “Let's go for a drink.” I always felt like, “What am I going to do if I don't drink when others want to go for a happy hour? Am I going to be included?” It's funny because you and I have been attracting so many people that also choose not to drink for no other reason. It’s funny, you attract what it is that you are putting out. Thank you.

As we move in transition out of one phase, then all the other stuff opens up for us. I know that you are going through this incredible rocket ship of spirituality with all the different things that you are doing. Tell us a little bit about when did your spiritual progression start and some of the things that you are doing now.

I have always dabbled in spirituality. It wasn't until this rock bottom when I said, “There has to be another way.” I wanted to start looking at alternative methods of calming myself. I was suppressing emotions through alcohol and I wanted to find other ways. I went back to my journaling, to my morning pages, meditation, reading more often, and choosing to read more than to turn on Netflix. I also began working with energy healers, breathwork, Reiki, workshops, ceremonies, Akashic records and shadow work, All of it, you know that I was diving into anything and everything that felt good. I then decided what my practice was going to entail. Nature is included in that as well as plant medicine, which you also brought to my attention. I manifested it and there it was. The main things that I do now are journaling in the morning, meditation, and then practicing breathwork and Reiki.

You are dedicated to all of it. Every morning, you will wake up, you will start your tea, you will go into the meditation room, do your journaling and then do your stretches, your workout. You are so diligent about your morning routine. I love to see that. What does a good morning routine mean to you? When you are doing it, how do you feel versus when you come off that schedule? What do you feel in that sense?

When I first started this practice, I was a little rigid. I had to have 3, 4 hours in the morning. I had to get it all done. I learned to use my intuition and what feels good in that moment. The more that I can dive into what feels good and listen to my intuition, that's all I can pull out. If it’s waking up and going straight to yoga and doing certain movements, for me, it's an intuitive practice versus, “This is what an ideal morning looks like.” Once I say that you know how committed I am to certain things, until I check it off my list, then I won't be able to start my day. I'm trying hard to listen to intuition rather than having to do the checklist.

Especially as an overachiever and perfectionist, we want to do this and this. If we miss any 1 of the 10 things on the list, we would look at it as a failure. If we replaced the word and for or, “If I journal, I do my rebounding in the morning, work out, do yoga or do morning pages.” Whatever it is, as long as we are doing something that feeds our soul, then we need to be happy with ourselves. We need to be proud of ourselves and not put too much pressure on, “I forgot to do this. What's going to happen to the rest of the day?” A trigger point for a perfectionist is always trying to do everything every single day. We have different situations and feelings every single day so it's not good to hold ourselves to too much pressure.

My mentor and I call it whitespace. Having that whitespace in the morning, you decide what goes there. I'm trying to get away from the perfectionist mentality so if I allow myself to have that time and space by continuing to wake up early. My morning routine starts the night before. You think about it but it’s having that time and that whitespace, and then knowing what to do with it and what feels right.

I want to circle back. You said plant medicine was a big catapult in your life. You said you manifested it. How did you manifest it? What was your experience like and what did you do?

As far as manifesting, in June of 2020, I had said, “What do I want to accomplish at the last half of the year?” Plant medicine was on that list. When you ask for something and the universe provides that, you better be ready to say yes. Not even a week or two after having written that list of my second half of the year, I thought I would have a little bit more time. I was like, “This will probably happen towards the end of 2020.” It was in mid-July of 2020 you came to me and said, “There's an opportunity to do a plant medicine at San Pedro. Do you want to do it?”

The thing with manifestation is if you ask for something and the universe provides it, you have to be ready to break cycles that you would normally get into, that would push that thing, item, person, whatever it is that you are asking for, that would push it away. Normally, I would probably have said, “I don't know. Let me think about it. I will get back to you.” The moment you said, “Do you want to do this?” I knew I had that opportunity to say yes.

What about plant medicine were you interested in and why did you want to do it in the first place? Why was it on your manifestation list?

I have so many people in my life over the last several years that mostly had done ayahuasca and had told me the impact that it had on their lives. It was on my list for that reason. I was getting curious and deep into spirituality. I had been told that breathwork is a similar experience or it can be when you let your mind go during breathwork to what that medicine feels like as well. Once I heard that I was like, “I can let my mind go far when I'm in breathwork sessions. Let me consider this.” You had told me and talked to me a lot about your San Pedro experiences, your ayahuasca experiences. I had that curiosity. My heart and my mind are open to any experience.

A lot of people have been told by other friends, “You should do plant medicine,” or the opposite is like, “Stay away from plant medicine.” For anyone interested in doing plant medicine, especially as the person who did it for one time and there were apprehensions, anxiety, excitement, and all these different feelings, what advice would you give to people about plant medicine?

Be open to the experience, an open mind, and an open heart. Others have told me that plant medicine is work. My question to anyone who's considering it is if there's something in your life that you're hoping to release, get rid of or some clarity that you are hoping for, it's going to be work to find and gain that clarity. If you are afraid of the work, then you are not ready to make the change. Plant medicine can be a beautiful experience. You have to fully be open to everything that's going to come in, what's going to happen and you have to let go. It was surrendering to the experience. Even in the weeks leading up to it, I thought I was going to be nervous but there's something that once you surrender that, you are calm.

It's important to understand that you are going to get the awareness. It's going to shine a light on whatever needs to be shown but that surrendering part is the most important thing. Sometimes it's not easy to see ourselves in a certain light. If the medicine shows us, it’s going to show us clearly. A lot of times, our conscious mind can say, “This isn’t me. I don't need to make this change.” It's always somebody else who's the issue here.

When you have those blinders removed, it's up to you then to decide how you want to progress after the medicine. The ceremony is the first step, and then how do we want to move through in the weeks after that? Do we want to make the changes? Do we want to see ourselves in full self-awareness? Those are the biggest things I tell people, the takeaways. Doing a ceremony, you will get that. If you forget about it or you jump back into your old ways afterward, it's not going to benefit you long-term.

There are a lot of things that came up and in even a moment from the plant medicine ceremony that I remember vividly. It comes to me quite often. The medicine is always with you.

Divine Love: Plant medicine can be a beautiful experience. You have to fully be open to everything that's going to come in, and you have to let go.

Divine Love: Plant medicine can be a beautiful experience. You have to fully be open to everything that's going to come in, and you have to let go.

Tell us a little bit about your personal experience if you don't mind. What was the biggest takeaway that you came out of from San Pedro?

For me, it was purity. You are a beam of light and pure soul. It was the word, purity. I remember sitting on the grass looking for a four-leaf clover because there were a bunch of clovers in front of me, and then it was, “What are you looking for? Every clover that's in front of you is beautiful even if they don't have four leaves.” It was as if I was looking at my own life. “What are you searching for? What you have right in front of you is exactly what you need. Stop the search.” That's the moment I come back to all the time.

Those are moments that are ingrained in our minds and hearts forever. Whenever we have these powerful experiences, it's important to ingrain, anchor them in, feel and go back to them. In these moments, time doesn't exist. We are living in an eternal moment. It's a special sacred time in my life. It was the thirteenth anniversary of my dad's passing, I still feel my dad every single day because I meditate. I remember his wisdom and his love. He's always with me.

We move through life, we have experiences and we meet special people. Maybe we have only met them a couple of times in our lives but those connections always last with us throughout. It's important to honor that and to remember. Let's get into your modality of choice that you have been practicing and that you have started making offerings towards and that's breathwork, specifically, holotropic breathwork. There are several different names for them. Let's get into it a little bit. Tell us what it is and why you decided to dedicate some time and training to it.

In 2020, I have been on a lot of what we would call an intensive breathwork journey where almost every week, I would be jumping in to do breathwork. Through that, I personally felt that in each session, I was breathing life back into myself. The modality of breathwork of my choosing is done lying down. It's mystical in a sense and it reminds me of plant medicine. Breathing is essential in our life and you are getting to use something that is given to us that’s beautiful to move energy. It's a three-part breath of two inhales and one exhale.

There's a little work in the breathing technique to bypass your conscious mind and go deeper into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where our limiting beliefs lie, our trauma triggers, dense, dusty energy is sitting that we need to release and move on. Some of that energy isn't even ours and we need to clear that out. I get into sessions and I get deep where I'm not even in a meditative state. I'm in another dimension and clearing.

Some situations come up in my mind that I'm able to console myself now as an adult and handle that situation, all that trigger and trauma, and then release it. It's also the ability to reprogram your belief system to get rid of cycles and patterns that aren't serving and create new pathways for things that are more serving. Breathwork has been so amazing in my life and pushing me forward that I felt called to practice, begin facilitating for others and sharing it because it has been so vital to my personal growth.

The one metaphor I can give is we start our lives and we are in a car and traveling on this superhighway. Sometimes we are going fast. There are all these flies. If we never clean the windshield, we are going to have so much gunk. There was dust inside of us. Every interaction that wasn't favorable, every physical pain, emotional pain, and spiritual pain that we experience, it's all somewhere within our psyche and in our body as well.

This breathwork is incredible for unlocking it, releasing it and renewing our bodies. If we are holding this pressure in one part of our body, let’s say we had this emotional trauma and it got stuck in our hip, leg, foot, toe or ear, it doesn’t matter. From that emotional stressor, it's going to grow if we never resolved it. Eventually, it leads to a physical manifestation, whether it's cancer, some disease or a major pain in the back. These are things that can be resolved easily.

This is scientifically proven where our ancestors are transferring their DNA, emotions and traumas. Epigenetics, it's coming to us. A lot of the work that we do in the breathwork, sometimes you didn't even know that you had certain things but you were carrying them with you from ancestors and you were healing them. If we could heal the lineage in the ancestry before us, then we could pass down a renewed, pure and fresh set of DNAs for our future generations.

It doesn't even have to be healing work. I call it energy healing but others don't love the term healing. If you think of it the way that you explained, we all have that. We all need to move the energy. It helps to balance our souls. It’s a beautiful practice. I also bring Reiki into the sessions as well. We balance the chakras. Essential oils are brought in, crystals and also the sound bath at the beginning and during. You've taken sessions with me so you know. It's a beautiful experience. I had a client that said she felt like she had a massage but I didn't touch her at all. It's a beautiful practice.

I have done several sessions with you already. Each time, we focus on something different. We are working through the different chakras and clearing them out. At the end of every session, my body feels so light and loose. A lot of times, I'm sitting down doing work or I'm working out heavy and my body is a little bit sore but it feels like I'm getting so much oxygen into the body that it's alkalizing my blood and all this stuff.

We are human beings and the number one thing that we need more even so than water and food is oxygen. These days, when we are having to wear masks and everything like that, it's important for us to keep our bodies and cells oxygenated. When our cells are oxygenated, diseases and viruses can't survive in an oxygen environment. This is proven in the 1920s. Dr. Otto Warburg proved that in alkaline blood, the disease cannot grow or thrive. It's only in acidic blood. We know these things and it's so important. Oxygen is free. It's simple. Working with an amazing practitioner like yourself, we can get so many benefits mentally, physically and spiritually.

Let's get into it. When we do breathwork, we unfold or look at the triggers that are caused in our minds. Tell us a little bit about triggers, what are they? Where are they stored? How do we release them?

Triggers are stored in our subconscious. They are waiting for memory, waiting for something to happen that is similar to a particular situation. Any type of trauma or anything that's happened in our life, it's sitting there waiting to be awakened. That's what causes someone to have a trigger. The trigger is a popular word now. The trigger can be positive as well. It’s how you remember. What's funny is how we associate what is good in life is sitting in the subconscious waiting to be awakened. That’s going to happen during breathwork. Those situations might come up. We acknowledge them. You may cry or laugh during breathwork. Emotions are okay. We try to steer away from emotions so much in this life for some odd reason. The way that we feel sadness is the way that we can also relate that to happiness. There has to be polarity. The triggers, in general, are going to come up during breathwork.

You and I talk about triggers all the time and how it takes that exploration in your own self, “Why is this triggering me?” In breathwork, it's usually more internal than what’s happened in your own life. It triggers in general. It is asking ourselves, “Why is this bothering me? What is this situation? What is this bringing out in myself?” It’s happening quite often of pointing the finger elsewhere to say, “You are doing this.” That’s self-awareness. Through breathwork is where I have truly learned my self-awareness. You know that I may say something and I catch myself right away, “Let me reword that. It's not the way that I meant it.” It has been through my breathwork journey of realigning to my soul, my purpose, my heart and my life.

It's important to be reflective about how our subconscious mind because those triggers are stored in our subconscious in our world and society that everybody is looking around to be offended. They are waiting for somebody to say something that they want to be offended by so that they can go and attack that person. It's so important to catch ourselves. Why do we get angry about some things? Why do we accept somebody else's truth as our own? Adapt that philosophy and then create this fortress around that. If anything is different than that, we get upset.

Divine Love: Triggers are stored in our subconscious. They're waiting for a memory waiting for something to happen that is similar to a particular situation.

Divine Love: Triggers are stored in our subconscious. They're waiting for a memory waiting for something to happen that is similar to a particular situation.

It's important to look at ourselves and be independent but also be calm in this eye of the storm. We are going through a storm in this society between all the things that are whirl winding around us. If we could remain calm in the middle of that storm, the eye of the storm that is the most secure and safe place to be. If we are not secure and safe, then it's going to be hard for us to navigate through this crazy world that we are in.

Look internal before you start to judge externally is my opinion. Anything external, we have the option to mute, unfollow and ignore it. I don't think that we are using that option that we have as often as we should.

Can you walk us through a session? What does it look like with you?

A session begins with a conversation and the conversation is, “Where are you on your journey? What has been coming up? Do you feel like certain things in your life are lacking or blocking? What led you here to my healing space?” That allows me to understand where we are going to go during the session. The session is done lying down. I have a massage table in my space. I can also do a virtual session, wherever is comfortable for a client to lay down. I use music and the singing bowls to get into a calm, peaceful state of mind.

I then coach a client through the breathwork. I will be coaching through the three-part active breathing throughout the session. The actual breathing is probably about 35 to 40 minutes, maybe a little longer, maybe a little shorter, depending on the time that we have and the comfort level. Through that, I will be there all along the way coaching the breathing. Some visualizations will guide you through to allow you to release what it is that we might have talked about at the beginning of the session. The more information I have going in, the better so that I know where to lead and guide you on your journey through the breath.

There are a lot of time left at the end for integration. I will allow you to stay lying down on the massage table, comfy, I will do the soundbox. I have Koshi chimes, the ocean drum, and also the singing bowls to provide a little bit of high-frequency energy. We seal the work that we have done. It's nice to do that at the end. Allow the time for the client to process what might have come up in that session. After that, we will have a little bit more conversation before we are ending the session. The session is about 90 minutes because I like to take the time.

How often should one do breathwork? Is there a suggested amount of time in between or how often one should do it?

Once every two weeks is good. The integration isn't just when you are in my space. It's also after. There is a little bit of time for the mind to catch up. Dreams might be vivid as well. For the conscious mind to process everything that happened, once every two weeks is good. I have a mentorship program that is available where it would add in a follow-up call in between each breathwork session so that we can understand what has been coming up and allow any guidance and meditations as well to make sure that the integration period is going well before coming back in for the next session.

I know many wellness centers and I have come across many different healers. Not just because you are my girlfriend and I love you very much but you put much love and heart into what you do between the time of the talk before the session. You are doing the breathwork, the Reiki, the sound bath, you are doing all these things, combining all of it, and then the integration afterward. You put so much care and love into it. I know everyone who's come so far has felt the same exact way. They have had the most amazing experiences with you. You are successful in your corporate career. You can do anything that you want to. Why did you decide to start this practice of yours? What does it mean to you?

It is through my own experience. When I believe in something, I believe in it wholeheartedly. I believe in the power of breathwork and energy work. There's nothing that I believe more in my own life that has made such a difference in who I am and in finding my authenticity, my heart, finding the connection of my head and my heart, and being able to communicate fully from my heart. That’s why I need to guide others to that because I know how rewarding this life can be when you take the time and energy to live a heart-centered, heart-based life. Breathwork offers that.

You are excited about helping other people and it lights up the entire Earth when you are sharing that gift that you have. That leads me to my next question. Why did you come to Earth as Kate Griffith? What did you want to experience?

I came here to be a light, to be full of light, love and to spread that. The short of it is I am beaming with light and love. It was hibernating for some time and now that it’s out, every day feels brighter and more heart-centered. My heart keeps growing. There's so much that I want to do, expand on and give to others in that same sense.

I honor the fact that despite how busy you are and how many things you have going on, you decided to put so much effort and involvement in moving into a new direction in your life, parallel to everything else that you have going on, to give and share your gifts with the world. That's why I'm so attracted to you. You are living your truth and your dreams. It's beautiful to see.

Thank you. That's very sweet of you.

You are welcome. Let's get into some more juicy stuff into how we met and everything. Let's hear your version then I can share my version.

You own a wellness center. I happened to move nearby. Where I moved was like a safe landing for me when I was leaving a relationship. I didn't want to move into this building and come to Jersey City. It was like a temporary spot for me. I tell you that because I know that there's a reason why I moved here. I looked at so many buildings in the area. I moved here right across from your wellness center. Being into health, fitness and wellness, I went in to check it out. I happen to be in cryotherapy and you walked in. I don't remember anyone else that was there.

I don't ever remember anyone else who was at Om.life before but there's something about you. You have had the most amazing energy and that's all I remember. You were pure sunshine and light. I used to always walk into Anand’s wellness center to book my appointments rather than booking them online like a normal person would do because I wanted to feel a little of my energy. I wanted to be around it. I'm gravitating towards you because you had this energy about you.

Divine Love: One of the biggest things you can do for anyone you love and care about is offering them a safe space and support and then setting your own boundaries around how much you're willing to accept. 

Divine Love: One of the biggest things you can do for anyone you love and care about is offering them a safe space and support and then setting your own boundaries around how much you're willing to accept. 

Fast forward a little bit further, COVID happens and we are put into lockdown. You reached out to me. I reached back out to you. You asked me to go for a walk and I was like, “Let's go for a walk. It's a nice day.” We went on a couple of walks. When you are walking, you are not looking at someone, you are looking ahead of you. It wasn’t until our third walk, we stopped on a park bench and I made eye contact with you. We looked at each other and when I looked at you, you have beautiful brown eyes and these super long eyelashes, which I'm jealous of, there was something about your eyes. Looking back, I don't know if I looked at them and I saw our entire future or if I look in them and I saw our entire past from past lives. I know that I never wanted that feeling to go away and then things progressed. Our walks turned into movie nights.

I remember movie night, that was fun. Everything you said is 100% true. From my perspective, I remember walking in one day. I wasn't even on shift or anything like that. I came in and I saw somebody was in the cryo. One of my team members was facilitating for you. I walk in and you are almost at the end of the session. I see this beautiful smile, this gorgeous blonde hair. You have this amazing energy and it's freezing. It's like maybe -306 Fahrenheit. There are mostly people that are freaking out in there but you have a huge smile on your face. I was like, “She's incredible.”

It was like a month or two later that I invited you to come and maybe do a video. You are an influencer. You have a large audience and stuff. You are also doing some promotions for one of the local bloggers in the area. You wanted to dovetail your experience like a day in the life of Kate Griffith. You came in for float and sauna, and then I give you the orientations for everything. We did a video at the end. We took a picture. I remember we were next to each other and I felt this electricity. It was incredible. That was around November of 2019. I didn't see you for a little bit. You were traveling back and forth across the country for work and stuff. During the lockdown, I was checking up on a lot of my guests, my friends and people in my life.

You were checking up on other people and you didn’t check in on me?

I especially wanted to check up on you. We had a conversation because you didn’t know too many people in the area so you wanted to know about what we could do, do you have to wear masks everywhere, if any restrictions are going on in the area? I answered those questions and then I said, “Do you want to go for a walk sometime?” You are like, “Yes.” Being the person that I am, I don't hesitate. A week or two later, I asked you for a walk. It’s the first beautiful day of the springtime. It was mid-April of 2020.

We have spent time together ever since and it has been magical and it keeps getting better. I shared this in another solo podcast. If you can check out the Nadi Astrology episode, one of the astrologers that I spoke to predicted that I would meet somebody. He said October of 2019. This is after the fact when I was preparing for the show. I looked at it and the first time we first met was September 29th. You came in one day early and I manifested you. It took a little bit of time for us to fully connect. The rest will be written in history.

One other thing about our first walk, I remember while we are walking, you happened to look at the time and there was a global meditation that was happening. You are like, “Do you mind if we pause or stop for a second and take a moment?” I remember then thinking to myself, “Why do I feel so calm now?” I know that we were meditating but still, we are out and about. It’s our first time out since COVID. I was with someone that I didn't know. I remember this calmness rushing over me. After having met you but not in a let's walk what are you doing girl thing, one of my best friends had said, “Sit down and write down all the qualities of a man that you are looking for. Be specific.” I did that. Manifestation is powerful because it was right after that, that you asked me, “Let’s go for a walk.”

The first couple of walks we went on, you were very quiet. We are goofy individually and when we are together, we are always joking. We don't take ourselves seriously and we laugh our asses off pretty much every time we are together. You were a little bit quiet in the beginning. I was like, “We will walk and talk.” There was a little bit of nervousness probably on both our ends.

I don’t remember being that quiet.

You are pretty quiet.

Now, I don't shut up. You probably wish I was quiet because some days I talk your ear off and I know that you want to go back to the quiet days.

Not at all. I wouldn't change a thing about you. Speaking of being specific in manifestations, back in December 2019, it was after we met, I knew you as a client at that time. I went to an event with Tony Robbins. Everybody knows I love Tony Robbins. It was called Date with Destiny. It was a five-day course. It’s his premier event. One of the most amazing five days of my life. I met the most incredible people and changed my life on so many levels. One day, we did a relationship day. I could talk a whole day about everything that we did but one of the most powerful exercises that we did was if you are single, he had you write a letter to your future intimate partner and write it as if it's in the present and get deep into it and feel the emotions. Write down everything that you desire, especially the way it makes you feel. I wrote this in December 2019.

In my meditation, I read it every single day. It was on my phone, some of it, not the entire letter. It's a long letter but I read it with emotion. I felt it in my heart. Many days, it brought me to tears on how blessed and lucky I am to have this person and I didn't think about, “I'm going to have this person.” I already had it. I placed the universe on the notification that it's already here. We were watching Dolores Cannon. She was a famous astrologer. She died. She says, “You have to manifest as if it's already here. Thank the universe and let the universe fill in that void.” If you put in the emotion and that energy around you in that field, it's happening. I read it every single day from December and I ended up meeting you and you are everything that is on that list. I met you four months later. The rest is history.

It's a beautiful letter. I give you so much credit for being vulnerable with your emotions, your writing, and your words that you can bring that and call in exactly what it was that you were asking for. I don't think everyone is willing to do that work and read it every day. Thank you for manifesting me.

I have the letter on me. Do you want me to read it or do you not want to be embarrassed?

You can read it. It's beautiful.

I wrote this in December 2019. We had to read it to the partner that we had. We had buddies and the person that I read it to, “My love, with all my heart, I have so much gratitude for you as you are now entering my life. Thank you for waiting until I was finally ready to accept you and for allowing me to become the man that I need to be to find my purpose, discover my inner strength, live my mission and delve into the deep internal work that brought me to this moment. You helped my heart connect with parts of my untapped soul on an entirely new level of consciousness. When I see you, your electric smile, the sexy curves on your body, and your radiant eyes that hold the keys of the vaults to eternity, I know I finally come home.”

Divine Love: We are always into what we are doing and putting each other first that we want the time together so badly. 

Divine Love: We are always into what we are doing and putting each other first that we want the time together so badly. 

“A simple touch from you arouses inferno that longs to blaze the heavens with the green flame of love. Please know that I will not take you for granted as I have traveled such a long journey for the chance to find you. Through the challenges, heartbreaks, self-discovery, tears, laughter, pits of hell, and communications with God, you are my guiding light all along. While I haven't met you yet, I felt your presence walk beside me and encouraging me through the darkness. For one day, you promised me that I would see the light and have a chance to taste it. We laugh, love, grow, contribute and play. By sharing similar values, we experienced the deepest levels of love and passion as we walk this journey hand in hand towards our destiny.”

“Your deepest needs and desires are my highest priority and mine, yours. We practice unconditional love and extreme compassion. I put you first. I show up in absolute courage, presence and vulnerability. Thank you for encouraging me to experience freedom and for the deeply open connection and communication channels we have created by talking about our fears, loves and desires. We trust each other fully. We take 100% responsibility for our emotions and how we show up in our relationships. We love and appreciate one another for all the strengths, the infinite potential we hold to co-create and for all our imperfections.”

“I think of 30 things that I absolutely adore about you before focusing on the one thing that might trigger me. We practice Ho'oponopono to clear up any friction. You are the woman I have been waiting to open myself up fully to. I do not hesitate to ask for what I want. I make decisions boldly as a warrior and with an open heart. Our intimacy and passion grow stronger every day as we dive deeper into conversations from the soul and leave no stone unturned. This is how we always evolve together. The thing I most appreciate about you is when you smile at me, put your soft loving hands, one on my heart and one on my cheek, gently look at me with those angelic eyes, and non-verbally communicate to me when I'm in my head and not living in my heart.”

“I am 100% present to you and I'm able to know when you need empathy, active listening or strategy. You are God's gift to me. When I look in your eyes, you see my playfulness, masculine sexual desire, divine light and heart of gold. You were the first to truly see the true depths of my heart, which extends from my physical being to the furthest dimensions of space and time. When we make love, we experience divinity together. As I penetrate you, you feel me at the furthest reaches of your cosmic flower. You reach multiple waves of orgasm through every cell of your body. We are patient and deep. We flow like water and have hot, amazingly passionate sex.”

“My favorite days are when we sleep in and have marathon sex when we are swimming in an ocean of desire, creation and lust. We laugh, talk, explore our bodies and take a break to hydrate and eat, and then dive right back in. We plan out and define our relationships and our lives together and have so much fun in the process. In our creative sessions, we compose a masterpiece of what we want to create, experience and how we want to impact the world. We build a financial fortune together. We travel the world, grow, and hold all as sacred as we show parts of our best, most authentic selves.”

“You are the divine goddess I chose to be my partner, wife, lover and the mother of my children. You choose me as your king, warrior, lover and magician. It is our destiny to birth the most incredible children who bring our lives to the next stage of fulfillment. We are amazing parents who teach our kids by example with living in joy, experiencing deep love for one another and gratitude for all the blessings we have been gifted. We love each other's families and make no distinction between our own and theirs.”

“Our beautiful polarity to create so much love and value in this world is the template for inspiration for what couples should strive for. When we are apart for just a bit, tears of joy come to my eye when I think about how lucky I am to have a feminine beauty like you by my side. We rush into each other's arms if we are away for even just a little while. We are aware of each other's triggers yet hold each other as divine beings. This I commit to you to be a trusting man, a great man who serves and protects you and a father you want for our children. A man of integrity who lives in passion in all he does. I express my love for you without fearing rejection.”

“I win your heart every single day by leaving little notes for you. I'm committed to letting go of the rules and judgments of you if you view things differently than me. We live our growth and adventure. We have massive amounts of passive income supporting our lifestyle. We delegate responsibilities to staff that takes care of all areas of our life that free up our time to maximize our quality time together. Time is always on our side as we choose to do what we want when we want and for how long we want.”

“We are playful and laugh for no reason and create fun in everything we do. I'm addicted to finding new ways to give you pleasure and feel an outpouring of love as you are always looking to add so much joy into my life. We complete and one-up each other on how well we treat one another with gifts and affections we shower upon one another. Attracting you has been the greatest blessing of my life. At the end of it all, all I want to do is look in your eyes and tell you, ‘I'm sorry, I love you, please forgive me, and thank you.’ As I fade out of this world, embark on the next. With love, Anand.”

Ladies, he’s mine.

I love you.

I love you, too. You sent that to me and I have read it many times since but every time I read it, it brings all of the same emotions from the first time that it was sent to me and I read it. I have no words for you. I know truly in my heart that 100%, you wrote that for me.

Getting on to manifesting the right relationships, you and I both found each other at the right time when we were both willing to do the inner work and clear through a lot of the things that were not serving us in life. For anyone who's looking to manifest the right person, what advice do you have for them at this moment in their lives?

I would disagree that we didn’t meet at the right time. We met when I was going through a lot but I also know that I asked for certain qualities in a man. When you showed up, part of manifestation is being willing to look at yourself and things you need to get rid of in your life. If I was going to use timing as a reason for us not to work, it was because I created that drama, stressor and resistance. That resistance will allow you to chase me. We want to be chased. “If there's no friction, then how's he going to run after me?” Every movie we see.

I have to get rid of that thought process. I had to look at myself and say, “What do I need to get rid of in my own life or thoughts around our relationship and our relationship feels to have the ability to feel him?” I also had to look at myself and say, “I'm trying to manifest this individual and these are the qualities that I'm asking for. Am I all of these qualities back? Am I asking for something? Have I looked in the mirror to say I am also all of these things so that I will recognize them? If I'm not giving myself love, how am I going to accept love? If I'm not trusting of myself, then how am I going to trust another person?”

I had to dive into all of these things and take a look back because I wasn't exactly linking up quality for quality with you. I had to do some more work but while I was going through things, you allowed me that space, the support, and gave me the safety with your own boundaries set, though. You allowed me to move through what I was moving through. Maybe it's because you saw that I was going through what I was going through and I wasn't just letting it happen to me. One of the biggest things that you can do for anyone that you love and care about is offering them a safe space and support, and then setting your own boundaries around how much you are willing to accept.

It’s important to hold space for somebody. You never showed me anything outside of integrity. There were a couple of points where there was a situation or two that might have come up and I did give you the space that you needed. I sent my love and gave you that space regardless of whatever outcome would happen. The biggest change in my life is you can hold a space for people but don't be attached to anything. I told you, “However anything progresses from here, know that I have so much love in my heart for you because all you have shown me is kindness and love.”

Divine Love: If I'm not giving myself love, how am I going to accept love? If I'm not trusting of myself, then how am I going to trust another person?

Divine Love: If I'm not giving myself love, how am I going to accept love? If I'm not trusting of myself, then how am I going to trust another person?

At that time, we weren't saying the L-word but I did tell you that night that I do have so much love for you. You are writing little notes to me during that time I was doing a show for my business, doing short ones. Every time we get together, you are like, “I took some notes on this one. You might want to ask this question next time.” It was so kind to see how much you supported me throughout everything. You know I was going through a hard time having to shut my business down but at the same time, it was such a blessing.

That time between March and June 2020 when my business was closed, I finally had for the first time, in close to three years, a little bit of time and space to a deep breath, be myself, and be present in the moment without having to run a business and have to do anything else. We can either see things as a curse or a blessing. Everything I see in life is an opportunity and a blessing. That time with you was some of the most sacred time. We had endless dates. You are working but it wasn't as stressful.

Something in your letter references the time and space. What we hunted for those months was the ability to dive into who we both are at our core. Readers can see from your letter, there's nothing off-limits for us to dive into. It was so comforting for the two of us to be able to converse in such an honest way but still offer that safety, support and love with no judgment at all times. When things didn't quite feel right, you set your boundaries.

I had to move through some things before I was ready. I was learning at that moment how to be in my heart. It's still a constant battle of head or heart and I'm trying my hardest to always keep the two working hand in hand. Even when I know I need a moment because I'm in my head if it was a stressful day at work or something that I needed time, that's what you always offer, the time, space and safety to come back home in our body to meet where we both deserve to meet.

The way that it does between us works so well because you bounce back quickly. If it took you a week to get back to that place, honestly, admittedly, it would be hard for me but you are so self-aware. When you need your time, you tell me, “I need a minute. I need to ground myself. I need to breathe through some things.” Being fully present with where your emotions are, on both sides, it's important to be communicative about that and ask for space, and then to come back to love. That’s why we work so well together.

Our communication style is not going to change as long as we are fully open in our communication, share our feelings, and not get triggered by the other one when we express our desires and our needs. We have done a great job with that so far. We are two people that are self-aware and understanding that when we come to the table and did something that we could have improved upon or not as compassionate as we could have been, we are self-aware of that. We come back to a space of love. As long as we honor our love for one another more than any egoic communication, ways or anything like that, and for anybody reading, it's so important to drop your ego and choose love rather than choosing to be right all the time in relationships.

The other aspect of a good match is having similar values. A lot of times, people talk, “We are aligned. We want to have kids.” What are the actual values that turn you on in life? For me, it's love, contribution and growth. I'm always trying to become a better version of myself. You are committed to that. You want to contribute to other people in spiritual ways and in health in so many different modalities. That's my mission in life and then a strong connection. We are deep lovers and we seek to have this strong connection, and then have a love for everybody in our lives when we come across them. You are being obliged.

I strive to be that and that's why we connect so much. When people are together and they are not aligned in values, it's not that there's anything wrong with them individually. It's just that you have to look and see if the connection and the value systems match. If they don't match, then it's certainly a conversation that needs to have, or at least if you could connect on two or more, it makes a good relationship but if it's three or more, it's even better. We are aligned in that.

It's also that conversation. Whenever I'm opposed to having any type of conversation about anything, I don't know any topic that would be off-limits and it's so comforting to know that and know that every conversation can be from the heart. Without ego, mine probably pops in more than yours does, I can slightly have it but I come back. That is what is so attractive. I don't remember the last time that we turned the TV on. We are so always into what it is that we are doing and putting each other first that we want the time together so badly.

Every evening doesn't even seem like enough time to get in all the things that I need to say and we need to talk about. Sometimes, I drive you insane because it will be bedtime and I'm having a thought or something coming in. I need to download it, get it out and process it. I'm webbing it all together and it's late. I know it's a lot but you are always there holding space, even if you aren't in the healing world. Holding space for one another is the most important thing that you can do and offer.

Another great thing to do is setting an intention for the type of relationship you want from the beginning. For those who are looking to manifest, beware of the traps. It's easy to get physically attached to somebody and have a great connection that way but not talking about the important stuff. We had those deep connections at the beginning, even during our walks and stuff like that although you didn't talk that much. It's important to share what you want out of our relationship and being forthcoming, transparent and integrity in every connection that you have.

In the process of trying to manifest the right person, it has taken me some time. I have engaged a few years ago. I met people in the interim but I always set the intention. I don't know if this is a great example or not. When you get a book from a library, sometimes you get a brand-new book but if you trash it and put it back, you are leaving something bad for the next person. If you can get some book that's a little bit weathered or worn and you could treat it or maybe repair it a little bit. Let's say you are trying to fix anyone. Treat it with love, and then put that book back with love.

Everybody you come across understands everyone is going through their personal journey. Not everybody might be the person for you. Understanding that we are all divine beings and that we are all connected and we are all one. When we treat another person or lie to them or treat them outside of integrity, then it's only going to karmically affect us later on. It's not creating the best ripple if we are damaging somebody else along the way. It’s important to treat everybody with respect, even if it's not the person that you are going to end up with.

You are always willing to hold space, safety, be supportive and kind to whomever it is that you meet. With me and with anyone, there's a boundary that you set around your own energy. At some point, we have to not walk together on that same path and that's okay. You maybe have a friend that you made in that relationship and that's okay as well. Am I a weathered book? What kind of book am I? I'm confused.

You were the most beautiful, shimmering, golden-paged book I have ever met. We are all perfect. We are exactly where we need to be. I want to thank you for coming on. I wanted to end this by asking you, what does God or spirituality mean to you? What role does it play in your life?

For me, it's knowing that we are all one. There's something out there that's greater than me, something more than this human experience that we have. When something is going on in my own life, coming back to that and knowing there's something greater than what's happening at that moment, and finding that oneness with source, Mother Earth. Allowing that to run through me and meet in my heart space is the connection that I make to God's spirituality.

How can we learn more about you, Kate?

You can find me on Instagram, @IAmKateGriffith and also at IAmKateGriffith.com. You can find me at Om.life because I'm there quite often.

Everybody, book a session with Kate if you are in the area. It is life-changing. You are also going to start doing group events at OM as well as in your healing space. I’m very much looking forward to that. It's so exciting to work with you and to be in your life. I’m a blessed man, what can I say?

Thank you. I am blessed as well. I love you so much.

I love you, too.

Important Links:

About Kate Griffith

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I want to be of service in this life. I want to leave a trail of sparkles & hearts (think fairy dust) wherever I go, whomever I touch. I want my fairy dust to spread the magic of kindness, love, and compassion for the world around and for one’s self.


Well, you see from the page “I am Kate Griffith” but the real juicy stuff is the work that I have done to proudly stand tall in who I am, what I believe in, and the impact that I want to leave behind (yes, the fairy dust impact) From the time I was young I always felt that I was different, yet never being able to fully understand why I felt this way. I spent years trying to fit in, whatever that meant at the time. I spent years suppressing emotions, searching for validation, filling voids, and playing the losing game of chasing perfection. I was a puppy trying to chase their tail, except they are really cute when doing so… this battle for me wasn’t as cute.

You can see where this is headed- a complete dead end, exhausted, rock bottom. I was so out of alignment with who I am at my core that I was in fear of living another day like this. Please note: at the time I thought this was just a lot of bad luck, bad timing, bad choices etc. I wasn’t quite aware until later what my heart needed, what I needed, or even what alignment felt or didn’t feel like. I just knew I was on a desperate search to find myself.

Through intuition, self-love, commitment to healing, & the beautiful mentors in my life- piece by piece my story was rewritten & my spiritual connection strengthened. Experiences in life are all webbed together, and sometimes very tangled, and it takes time and patience to unravel them slowly, carefully. Over time, my past was met with acceptance and gratitude. My future was met with open arms, ready for magic to take place. This took coming face to face with old deeply embedded wounds and beliefs, pealing back layers of programming and perceived reality to find my truth, find my heart, find my Divine Light.

I tapped into my power, the empathetic power that made me feel different for many years. I tapped into the power that allows me to feel things deeply, the one I tried to suppress for many years. I finally tapped into the ability to live from my heart, communicate from my heart, and authentically move through life proudly as I am Kate Griffith. Each day as I show up in this world confidently my authentic self, I surrender to peace, happiness, and love that I am (we are) so deserving.

I went on a search to find myself, in finding myself I began to love myself. In loving myself I began to lead with my heart. In leading with my heart my life’s purpose was discovered. Each and every day, leading with my heart allows my desires and passions to come more alive (you know “pinch me, am I awake" type stuff) Life is and will always be my greatest teacher, I am humbled by the lessons and the gifts I have discovered in this lifetime & I am beyond grateful to share with you.

I believe very much in synchronicity, if you are still here, if you are still reading, I ask if you feel in any way similar to the way that I describe? I ask which is the greater fear- living life inauthentically or the fear of diving into the deep waters of your truth, finding who you are at your most authentic core? I believe in you & believe your authentic self is just waiting to be set free, to shine!


Episode 26: Biohacking For Immunity With Nadeem Jiwani


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