Episode 27: Evolution Of A Limitless Healer With Javier Fernandez


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be one of the best holistic healing experts on the planet? Javier Fernandez is a physio-realigning specialist and the founder of The Balance Healing Center. He is a renowned specialist with multiple accolades and an extensive health education background, a certification in biomagnetism and a degree in biogenetics. In 2016, he treated Olympic athletes and has now worked with some of the best fighters in the UFC. But Javier wasn’t always the most sought-after therapist. Today, he shares his story and the wisdom he’s gained from various mentors, along with a deep connection to God. He sits down with host Anand J. Sukhadia and shares how he provides the same gift to others through a holistic approach to healthy living.

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Evolution Of A Limitless Healer With Javier Fernandez

Do you want to learn from one of the best bodyworkers on the planet? Now is your chance. Javier Fernandez went to the 2016 Olympics as the massage therapist for the US wrestling team. In that same year, he opened the Balance Healing Center, which focuses on mind, body and soul connection. In 2018, he became a Biomagnetism Therapist and continued to study Biogenetics, Physics and Nutrition until becoming a Physio Realigning Specialist. He is fascinated with everything that has to do with the body. For the last several years, he has worked with the best fighters in the UFC and Bellator. He believes that the body is capable of healing from anything with proper command and technique. Welcome to the show, Javier. How are you?

I'm doing great. It's a pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me.

I truly believe that the body can heal from anything. We just need to get realigned. We're going to get deep into that. For my audience, I wanted to tell you how I know how Javier. I was introduced to you by the first women's wrestling gold medalist in American history, that’s Helen Maroulis. She was staying here in Jersey City. You came to visit her and she was also coming to om.life at the time. She told me, “You have to get a session with this guy. There's no one else like him on the planet.” I soon found out why.

I come across a lot of healers. In the mind, body, and spiritual space, a lot of people reach out to me and they want to work with us. When an Olympic gold medalist tells you, “You have to work with someone.” I said, “Yes.” I say yes to everything, especially I was looking forward to this. The first thing we were talking about when you were describing your therapy, it's a unique therapy that you and you alone do. The first thing you said to me which has stuck in my mind is, “Often, my clients only come to me once and I'm able to help them, and they don't need to come to me again.” That's a true healer. I want to get deep into that. Javier, just to introduce you to our audience, tell us what does living a limitless life means to you?

Living a limitless life means to me is living like Jesus or how he declared what John 14:10 says, “Whoever believes in me will do the things I have been doing and do even greater things than this.” That's something I remind myself. What that means is healing the sick, raising the dead, and believing in even greater things. That’s the prayer that I'm crazy enough to pray and probably most of your clients are. I believe that we set our limits. We decide what we're capable of and what we're not capable of. Regardless of how you see that, whether through the Law of Attraction or you want to think straight physics and biology, or believing that we're something greater, and something greater is connected. I constantly remind myself to get out of the way and remember that I'm a tool who's being used in between.

Let's get into your story. Tell us a little bit about how you got to this place and how you learned or figured out why you wanted to become a healer.

I always said that I got put here. This wasn't part of the plan. I was a professional dancer for many years. Early in my career, I had torn my ACL and meniscus. I refused surgery because it would have meant pretty much my career. Eventually, I was led to a mentor, this little old guy in his 80s like Mr. Miyagi. I walked in and this little, tiny dude looked at me, grabbed my knee, shook it and went, “I can fix it. No problem. It's going to hurt.” I was in my early twenties so I was thinking, “I got tattooed. I can take it.” I almost died on his table. I kicked him and cussed at him. I tried to jump off. At one visit, I was back to walking after not walking for almost six months with no pain. Two visits later, I was back to dancing like nothing had ever happened.

I became intrigued. I was like, “This is magic.” I stayed with him as a client for a little over twelve years. Eventually, as my life changed, he became my mentor and he taught me. One of the things that I was taught that's very different is when I see a client, my job, beliefs and philosophy is not to make you feel better, it’s to fix you. If you get off my table and you're in any kind of pain, I feel like I didn't do my job. That may not be true 100% of the time. In the 90s, it is. My goal is to do whatever it takes to figure out what the cause of the problem is, address that, and make sure that you go on your way like what happened to me. I believe that I was put there for a reason. I used to get hurt all the time. I was crazy about why I didn't listen and paid attention.

Holistic Healing: The goal is to do whatever it takes to figure out where the cause of the problem is and address that and make sure that you go on your way.

Holistic Healing: The goal is to do whatever it takes to figure out where the cause of the problem is and address that and make sure that you go on your way.

My mentor's name is Robert Harris. I called him Bob. I was like, “Bob could fix this.” That means I had a free pass to wild out and do anything, and know that I'm just going to go and see Bob and he was going to put me back together. That led me to have an amazing career. I always said that if it wasn't because of Bob and God, I wouldn't have made it. I saw him a lot because I was always hurting myself. Eventually, I realized I was part of the process. That's what allowed me to put the two together. He made me go to school before he trained me. I started with the Massage Therapy degree. I say 90% of everything that I do has come from him or from the experience of treating some of the worst patients and athletes.

My mom suffers from fibromyalgia and arthritis all my life. Going to school, I specialize in autoimmune diseases. I wanted to do whatever I could to help. I also have a heart for treating those worst patients, the ones nobody would touch. I'm like, “I want those.” In the beginning, I was curious. It was the belief that I had seen my mentor fix and help people that most doctors wouldn't lay their hands on. I knew it was possible. As that happened, first as an intern and eventually when I opened my practice for myself, I got to see that it was possible that I was able to help. The clients that nobody will touch, I'll gladly take on. That's where my faith comes in. If you come into my office or my space, it’s because God sent you to me. Therefore, we're going to help you.

Tell us a little bit about the methodology. Your mentor, how did he come up with this technique? Did he learn it from other people? Why is it that everybody learns this technique?

My mentor was taught by a Chinese master. It’s the same thing. It had a similar story. He’s somewhere in his 30s. He used to be a stockbroker and he went to see this little Chinese guy. If I remember correctly, he almost lived with this guy. He would spend so much time there until one day, it’s the same talk. He was like, “I've taught you everything I know. Now get out of here. Don't come back.” This is not taught to everybody somewhat because we are meant to put Band-Aids on things. We’re taught to treat symptoms and not to fix the problem.

In the beginning, we're teaching something that makes no sense. What I mean when I say that is when I was going to school, we were taught that if I cause you any pain or discomfort, then I should back off. It’s out of my range. I should refer you to a doctor who's going to give you surgery or pills. That makes no sense. The first time I met my mentor, I thought I died on his table because it hurt so bad. In return, I had hurt myself so bad that the only way that he was going to be able to put me back together was to manipulate those deeper layers of my fascia to allow my body to return to its proper place. That's the first reason that this is not taught.

The second reason is we've gone into this ugly place of like, "You're going to sue me and I'm going to hurt you." As a doctor or a therapist, we go, "I don't want to touch you." That went out the window. As I spoke about my faith at the beginning of my journey, I knew that God had put me here. There were some miraculous things that happened when I was going to school that I was like, "This is a miracle. There's no way." Not that I don't pray but at the beginning, I was praying all the time when somebody was screaming at my table. If I don't fix it, then they are not going to get mad at me as mad at you.

It was that faith and belief that allowed me to take this leap of faith and go, “I'm not quite sure. Let's see what happens.” To this day, my mom is in the top ten worst clients I've ever seen. She was my Guinea pig at the beginning. I'll never forget my first time, I was like, “I'm going to fix you.” I kicked her ass and she screamed and cried. It was like I was gutting somebody on my table. It was bad. I remember worrying and praying. In the end, I'm like, “How do you feel?” She's like, “I'm in horrible pain.” I had this meltdown and I'm like, “I messed up my mom. I didn't even help. I'm not Bob.”

The next day, I remember waking up and going, "She's probably beat up." My mom was raising her arms and going, "Nothing hurts. I don't know what you did. It works. I feel great." I was like, "This is real." That helped, knowing that I had seen the results. One of the things that I desperately wanted to do here and hopefully in the near future is to teach and to pass on some of the stuff that was given to me. You don't have to do exactly the same thing that I do but there are things that we can do to improve the healing process and have some instant results. Whether you're a massage therapist, chiropractor, physical therapist, or any type of healer, we forgot to look at the body as a whole. That’s the other difference. I was taught from the beginning that our body is one single piece. There is no such thing as a localized injury. I think we forget that.

A lot of times, if you're a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, you're only focused on that. Where are the healers that are looking at all the different modalities and taking all the tools, whichever tools that the client needs? I love the fact that you're continuing to learn, and you're expanding into all different forms of modalities but having a strong base. Before we get into that, let me ask you, what is the root cause of physical pain and why do people have chronic pain? Where does the injury start? Let's get into the body and why it starts malfunctioning.

Let me try to give you an example and see if that could make sense. One of the problems is asking that question. Imagine a birdcage and imagine if you press your face up against the cage and the wires, you will quickly end up with a view of the bird and you would no longer see the cage. That's what happens when we try to look at the cause of a localized injury. We focus on that and we think, "It's this." We forget that the bird is there but there's a cage that's around it. By the same token, if I turned my head and look at one of the bars, I'll quickly stop or be able to focus on that bar and won't be able to see the rest. If I step back, I'll notice right away that the bars are intertwining and creating this barrier. The same thing happens as we step back and look at the body. There is no quite one answer to what you asked me. Sometimes the problems come physically from trauma and sometimes they come emotionally.

One of the most amazing things is to realize that most diseases that I see, above 75% have come from a trauma that was not healed in the past. That consciously or subconsciously triggers and puts you back into that trauma and our body relives it. Eventually, we can start our immune system. Sometimes our physical body or our emotional body feels it. At the deepest level, our spirit begins to feel it. When I speak about spirit, for people who might not like that word, I speak about energy. We all understand that we're all made up of energy. You can feel when a person walks into the room and they have great energy or when they have shitty energy and the energy changes.

We've all experienced some form of energy. When the spirit or your energy gets attacked, you become a different person. A lot of the cool aspects of what I get to do with older clients when I'm able to fix them, you see their whole mood completely change. Some of them are like, “I've been such an asshole for years but nobody understands that I'm in pain.” Any little thing triggers you. To put it in a nutshell, I don't believe there's one specific cause. I believe it's a little different. One of the other things that I was taught and believe is in treating each client as an individual and treating each problem as an individual problem. If we think that, “If I fixed you because your shoulder hurt by adjusting this pressure point and releasing that, am I doing it to the same person?” While it might work 3, 4 or 5 times, it does not work for everybody. It's looking at it like, “What is the cause? Could it be your diet? Could it be your sleep? Is it something that you felt? Do I put that back together?”

What you said rings a bell because when I was suffering a lot of back pain, it was hard at the time to be in a good mood and to be happy around other people. I remember when I got on the table with you, I was screaming. The things you were doing with my hamstrings and my shoulder, everything was so intense. Afterwards, I knew it was for a better reason. It’s not like I ever felt like I was in danger at any point but it was intensely challenging to go through. The best part of it is you get this release going through the whole limb. In the beginning, I was almost in tears. Once it's over, tears of joy. I remember after the session, I got emotional because I don't know what it was but there's so much moving in my body that I felt like I needed a release.

I remember tears coming down my eyes and I didn't understand it at the time. It makes a lot of sense when we're trapping these emotions or spiritual things or physical things for such a long time that we create a story around that pain. We hold onto it consciously and subconsciously, we're like, “This is never going to go away.” Subconsciously, we're thinking that. When it's released, we're like, “There's hope.” I love the fact that your whole treatment, modality and life is based on faith. If we don't have faith going through things, there's no healing that’s going to happen unless we believe it's going to happen.

I want to clear something up for anybody that might be reading. The reason I caused you pain is number one, I'm fixing problems that most of you have developed through decades sometimes. Secondly, it’s because I'm going to fix you from head to toe. Let's say if I only get half of your body and I do your upper body and why your shoulder was hurting is because your hip is misaligned and I leave that there. The next time I see you, I'm going to have to re-put you back together from the top before I get to your lower half. If I can get through everything, then I can make sure that I release everything and put everything realigned.

It's one-shot. That first treatment is always the roughest because I'm fixing everything that you've done for many years. What I realized later on as my mentor was teaching me is to put the whole body back together. He didn't explain lots of things and I realize now that it’s because my brain would have busted. I didn't have the analytical aspect to understand what he was teaching me. He taught me to clear out all the energy meridians that run all throughout your body.

A lot of times when we release everything, your body feels great and you become emotional because, for the first time, you're having everything flow correctly, your Chi, your chakras, and all that energy. You're able to experience a lot of those trapped emotions sometimes instantly and sometimes purposely. If you come in and there's something that you're desperately having to hold on to, I'll walk you through it and I'll tell you. I know that when I touch you there, you're going to cry like a baby. Sometimes it's an accident like I'm releasing and a tear might come out and we don't acknowledge it like, "I don't understand. I feel like it needs to come out." It's all that pain or regret or whatever it might be that you've held onto for a while.

I remember when I first met you, you told me the story about how you ended up going to the Olympics. You got your massage license the day that you were supposed to leave. Tell us the story about that.

For those of you who don't know, up until about a few years, you had to take this crazy test. It started in 2015 or 2016. The test is like you're going to become a legit doctor. I'll give you an example of questions that I've never thought of. We would go through it in school and I was like, "This is a joke. I'm going to do some homework and study because we're never going to have to know or ask this." A question that was on my actual test is like, "Where does the sperm carry the energy, in the head, the middle or the body?” I'm studying to be a massage therapist at the time and I'm like, “What the heck? Why do I want to know or need to know any of this?” I share that because there were a lot of those questions that made no sense whatsoever.

Now, I’m so grateful because as I kept studying and realized all the things that I'm sharing that the body is a whole and when we carry energy, it makes a big choice or it makes a big difference. It took me three times to pass the test. For everybody who thinks that it was easy, it was hard work. I had already been working on people. I was working on people since the moment I started school because my mentor was training me and the only way to train me was to allow me to work on his clients. I was interning at a rehab facility. That's where Helen and the Olympian athletes found me.

I worked on Helen. I met her. I fixed a bunch of things. She was like, “If I make the Olympics, I'm going to take you as my private therapist.” She made the Olympics three weeks later and comes back. I remember it because it was funny to them and they were like, “This guy is crazy.” They're telling me how much money they have to fund to get me in there. It's over $10,000 for me to go. I laughed and I go, “Don't worry about it. God is going to take care of it.” They're like, “You don't get it.” Two weeks later, I get a call from the head of the wrestling committee and they want to meet me. They asked me some questions. I worked on some other training partners and give the okay like, “He's legit.”

I'm super excited and they tell me, “We're going to take care of everything. Forget the red tape.” They offered me a position and they go, “We got to do the background check.” I was like, “I worked at schools when I was a dancer. Check me out.” I come to find out that the background check was all my certifications. It was in the first year that they were requiring all of this. I'm like, “I haven't passed the test.” There's no coincidence. At the time, the guy was like, “I'm going out of town. You have a week. I need it by this day.” I’m like, “That's great.” I go and I sign up for the first test a couple of days before. I passed my tests after the third time. I'm like, “Thank you, God.”

I sent all the paperwork and I remember they're like, “Everything looks great. The day is wrong on your test.” I'm like, “The day is right. I passed.” I tried to play it off like, “I knew you guys needed it so I figured I'd go and take it,” like it was no big deal. I had constant moments like that where one thing happened after the other. I don't want to say I don't have doubt but when I do have doubt, this is what I'll always remind myself. One of the reasons that I gravitated to being a dancer is I grew up with a reading disability. Until my 30s, I couldn't read. I couldn’t read a menu or a sign. I had dyslexia. I had a bunch of things.

When my mentor started training me, I had got full custody of my daughter. I was like, “God, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Here it is.” The only reason I went to school is because I felt like he was telling me, “I'm going to send you here.” Little did I know that He meant this. I go and I sign up for school. Everybody that's in my small circle was like, “I don't think this is a good idea. It's great that you want to do this but school is hard.” Nobody told me anatomy was a fifteen-letter word for everything. I get there and I'm like, “I can't even cheat correctly. This is ridiculous.” I'm praying. I'm crying. I have a freaking meltdown trying to study for my first test. I'm trying to copy and paste. I'm like, “What does this mean?” Most people can't even read anatomy so they're like, “I don't know.” I'm like, “If you don't know, how the hell am I supposed to know?”

I kid you not, I have my daughter from one week to another. I learned to read. I couldn't read a second-grade book and all of a sudden, I could understand the books in school. It was like a book got caught in my hand because I live with a book in my hand all the way through school. I ended up graduating top of my class with a 4.0 GPA. I became addicted to God and knowledge. That's one of the reasons I constantly study. Right now, where I am, I try to finish at least 1 or 2 books a week. Those are my minimums. It’s constantly feeding me. My whole life, I hated school but the reality is I hated the fact that I couldn't do it. The opportunity came.

Like the test, we can call them all coincidences. I go back and I had business opportunities and this and that. The one thing I can never call a coincidence is I learned to read. I don't have to convince anybody. I know what it was like growing up as a kid. I hated every aspect of it. Now, I'm grateful because one of the things I studied more than anything is disabilities and why my brain works a certain way and it goes 100 miles an hour. The one thing that my brain developed because I couldn't read was the ability to remember information and to see patterns. When somebody comes in, it’s one of my gifts, I look at their hip and I could tell them, “Your hip is off. Your leg is short. Your rib’s gone. You're going to hurt here.”

One of the curious things they would say, "How do you know where I hurt?" I'll push exactly where everything hurts. It's the ability that has been developed through all those years of seeing patterns, even feeling people's energy. For all these kids that have dyslexia, OCD, ADD, I have all those things, we develop certain things because we're a lot more into ourselves. We're viewing how everybody looks at us and makes fun of us. You learn to read energy. You're able to develop these things. I never, in a million years, thought that I was going to be doing this. All the things that I hated growing up are the things that I'm more thankful for than anything. If I wouldn't have gone through all those struggles, if my mom wouldn't have been in pain all those years, I wouldn't have the empathy. Not to sound cliche, life happens for us and not to us. Everything that we're going through is developing what we're going to become or how we're going to be used to serve the world.

First of all, thank you for sharing that. The biggest challenges are our biggest blessings when we look at them from that perspective. Going from not being able to read to reading anatomy, and then passing your massage test the day before you're leaving to go work on the greatest athletes on the planet, you're destined to be where you are now. We only covered a little bit of the story. When I asked you to be on the show, we had a talk right afterwards to go over and catch up because I haven't talked to you in a couple of years in person. That was only the tip of the iceberg and then there's so much more that we're going to get into. Let's fast forward a little bit. Before we even go into that, you were working with Stipe Miocic, the former heavyweight champion. I know you're working a lot with these UFC athletes. He's the best heavyweight of all time. The type of healer that you are, these people seek you out. At this point, are they coming to you? Are you actively seeking out and working with specific athletes?


Holistic Healing: Life happens for us, not to us. Everything that we're going through is developing what we're going to become or how we're going to be used to serve the world.

I don't actively seek out anything. I'm so blessed and busy that I have to take time off from Stipe because of Corona. That's a week without seeing normal clients. I'm normally booked out weeks and sometimes months in advance. I try to keep that in mind. I'm a huge fan of MMA. It's my favorite sport. When I got the opportunity to work with these guys, I was like, "Are you kidding me? I saw you on TV last night." I have developed a relationship with Stipe. I've been with him for three fights. I love his team. Me and his coach, Marcus, get along and understand each other. I feel privileged and honored to have the ability to help athletes at the highest level to accomplish their dreams and have a little piece in that. Being a dancer, I understand what it's like to depend on your body when everything feels right and what you're capable of doing.

One thing I want to make clear, I see everybody. Athletes are great but my high, if you ask me, it's not the athletes. It’s the little old lady that has been in pain for twenty years and comes in and gets on my table and is crying because she doesn't remember the last time she hasn't been out of pain. I’m being grateful for those opportunities. Because of all of that, I keep that in mind. When an athlete reaches out to me, if it's with plenty of time, I'll move my whole schedule and then make it happen. If it's not, I go, “I got twenty other people trying to get in just like you, they’re on a waiting list.” I got to be respectful of them.

One thing I've been reminded of is to treat everybody like a superstar and like they're famous because it's what I would want to be treated. When doctors see my mom, it’s what I want them to treat her like. One of the things I remind myself daily as much as I can is not to get lost in this gift and to remember it is a gift. It is my calling. We all got to make money and survive, but I don't want to get to a place where, "If I'm rich and famous, I got to go see Javier." I want to figure out a way to always give back. I'm working on a program here. I've donated my time with a bunch of healers and work for people for free to make sure that I give back and people can always afford me. Even the ones that can't afford me, I want those, the ones that have been through everywhere, seeing every doctor, ran out of money and gave up hope to go like, "Let me get one more shot at it before we go that route."

You're so humble and accessible. I remember after I had the experience with you, I was excited about it. My sister and my niece were traveling in California and I was trying to get them to come and see you but the dates didn't work out for them. You told me right away, “No matter what, I'll make it happen. You send them over to me and I'll take care of them.” It touched me so much because I know how in-demand you are. To be honest, you could be charging way more money than you charge but you make it accessible for everyone. The amount of time, effort and energy you put into every single session is remarkable and honorable. Thank you for the contribution that you give to the world because there's no one like you out there for sure.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Let's move forward. In addition to the bodywork, you also got into biomagnetism. Tell us a little bit about that because I don't know if a lot of our audience knows about that.

Biomagnetism is a scientifically proven electromagnetic therapy. It works to bring your body back to homeostasis releasing every mental and physical aspect back to normality. We place high power magnets throughout your body, normally between 1,000 and 15,000 hertz but 100 times stronger than what you would put on your fridge. It's not regular magnets. Don't go put regular magnets on your body. The way that I would explain it easier is you have polar opposites that run throughout your body. For example, let's say your heart is positive and your liver is negative. If there is an imbalance there, it creates an environment where viruses, parasites, fungus and bacteria can live. When we place these high-power magnets on you, let’s say it’s acidic, it will get it back to alkaline and allow your chemical imbalance to balance out any pH level, getting rid of anything that can be causing any kind of disease.

The reason I got into that is I went to see a biomagnetism specialist out of curiosity. I used to suffer from skin issues. It took two treatments and it was gone. I remember I was like, “Forget everything I wanted to study. That's what I want to learn.” I spent a year studying medical Spanish. Dr. Isaac Goiz is a Mexican doctor who created this. He published first in South America. All the big-time doctors were from either South America or Mexico. I'm like, “Why am I going to learn it here? Let me go learn it straight from the horse's mouth.”

I know Spanish but I didn't know anything about viruses and parasites. It’s like learning a whole new language. Eventually, I started taking online courses. Dr. Miguel Ojeda Rios gave me my certification for biomagnetism and biogenetics. Biogenetics changed everything for me. Biogenetics constructs with biomagnetism. What it does is allow you to scan through energy. In biomagnetism, we would put one magnet let's say on your heart and if there was an imbalance, I would have to go to your legs and see if there was a change. That would take forever. When biogenetics was introduced to me, for shits and giggles, I grabbed the client and I was like, “Let me see.” When the body answered right away, I was like, “What happened?”

I remember, Jesus, who is my mentor for biomagnetism, he's the guy who healed me. He's like, “That's not supposed to happen. Normally you spend a couple of years and then it happens.” I was like, “It just happened. I don't know what to tell you.” At that moment, I got excited and intrigued, “What is this?” It helped me understand energy at the highest level. It helped me believe some of the stuff at the beginning. One of the reasons I studied physics was because I would freak people out. In the first couple of years, I would come in and everybody's like, “How do you know how to do this?” I would put my finger somewhere and I was like, “You’re hurt there and I'm going to fix it. The problem is here.” Everybody was amazed. I always said, “I don't know. It’s a gift. God told me.” That resounds for everybody.

The moment I studied physics and I realized, “We're just energy.” What I'm doing is I'm manipulating the energy around you to facilitate the energy that I'm giving you to produce healing at any level, physical or emotional. In Eastern medicine, this has been done for thousands of years. We call it Chi. We talk about your chakras, realigning and clearing them. We did do energy work as he taught me but it was never named that. It wasn't breaky. It wasn't this. People ask me all about that. I was taught to feel and to hear. Some of it was weird. Sometimes I could hear what was going on with the client. Sometimes I would feel like it's there and I knew that you were holding onto anger or regret.

The moment that I pushed, it was like waterworks. It was scary, cool and weird at the beginning because I was like, “I know I'm helping. I know how to fix it. Do I know how to explain it or understand it? Not at all.” Once the vocabulary through biomagnetism and biogenetics make sense, I was like, “This is real. It's not weird anymore. You can't tell me. I don't need you to believe in me. This has been scientifically proven.” It’s some mixture of biogenetics and biomagnetism. There are things out there that have come from that and that I've studied. I wasn't doing them as much but it feels like I keep getting called that way. I’m enjoying the journey now. Much has happened, which I'm sure we're going to talk about, in the last several months that has completely changed everything. I'm enjoying that aspect.

I love the fact that you keep unlocking these new levels of knowledge and adding them to your tool belt. When somebody comes into you, do you automatically know, “I'm going to do bodywork and then biomagnetism or maybe just bodywork?” Do you incorporate all of the things in every session for someone?

Not everybody wants all the things in every session.

Let me make it clear that when I come to see you, I want all of the things.

A few come in and there is some trapped emotion that's screaming at me. Sometimes you come in through my door and I’m like, “I'm sorry.” I could feel everything. When I feel everything at those moments, I go, “You were brought here for this. You didn't come for what you think you came for. You came because your knee hurts, but really your mom passed away and you've been holding onto all this regret.” At those moments and only on those moments, I go, “Let me fix your knee. Let me slowly see if you're ready but this is what you came here for.” Most people are receptive.

For example, athletes come to me and I'm very respectful. They didn't come here for the emotional stuff. They don't need me to tell them about what happened to them as a kid. There are some athletes that probably didn't see me for years and I've never once been like, “Let me tell you about this.” I might know about it but I'm going to keep it to myself. What happens a lot of the time is people are like, “You got to go see Javier do the works.” Work means I’m going to put you through the works and we're going to do everything. They don't know what they're signing up for but you signed up.

At that point, as I begin to tell you, “You have trauma from this day and that day.” They’re like, “What is this? Are you a magician?” What I used to hear all the time was, “Are you doing black magic?” I would laugh and say, “Yes, but I work for the other side.” It wasn't that funny to them so I stopped saying that. I was like, “Let me explain what's going on.” Once you get an idea of what I do, then most people come in for both. In the beginning, I call them weird mainstream people. I didn’t want to be the weird guy. As I came into this field, I wanted to be medical and professional. That's how I learned.

When I interned, it was a clinic. I went down that route. As biogenetics and biomagnetism blew up, I started helping people. It also took a while. The more that I could scan and I was able to tell you where the imbalances were, what you needed to change in your diet or your supplementation, that was scary. I'm like, "This knowledge is coming. I'm making all this stuff up." Slowly, with the class, I was like, "Try this." I then saw the results one thing after another. Finally, I was like, “I can continue to run away from it or I can accept it and be like, ‘I'm here to help. If you want it, I'll humbly give you all the information I have.’” It’s now the goal.

As I learn one thing, the goal has always been to get to a place where I could put you all back together and tell you everything all at once. It's the vocabulary. That's why I constantly keep studying because I know it’s there. A lot of times, I'm like, “It was right there. I just need to get it out.” The goal is to be able to do that to every client. Slowly, I've finally accepted that this is what I'm going to do, that I don't need to be medical, that there are plenty of cool people out there, and people want and need a little more. They can call me the weird guy but I'll help them.

You’re bridging so many gaps too. The more you study, the more you can explain to people in the language that they need to learn in. You could be doing all this energetic stuff and if people don't get it, they're going to be like, “Hold up.” You're explaining it to them from a physiological and anatomical way with scientific studies and proof. That's going to win a lot of people over. I know a lot of healers, especially in the spiritual spaces and especially you because you're doing a lot of physical work too. Your body takes a toll on it. Also, energetically, when you're knowing so much about somebody emotionally, how do you protect yourself in terms of being a healer and not carry those physical pains from people, and also the exertion that you give and the emotional stress of having to know this person was abused as a child or whatever you come across in that?

There’s a lot. I'm not perfect. I'm a bit of a wild child. For the most part, I live like a monk. I restrain myself from anything that stimulates my body. What I'm saying is that I don't do this all the time but I do this for long periods of time, sometimes a year or six months. No alcohol, no drugs and no sex. I pray. I read my Bible every day. I don't meditate every day. That's something new. That's something that I'm starting to do. I take bath at least every other day. I spend an hour a day stretching and doing breathing work. All these things, some of them I did. Praying and seeking God, I did from the beginning. Not because I thought I needed it to do this work. I was so grateful for the miracles that happened in my life.

There are periods in my life where I came back to normality to quickly realize that I didn't choose a normal life and that if I wanted this, my life had to be different without getting too weird if I do something spiritual. To make that clear, that comes very little. It’s not a big part. People do come with stuff like that. The moments where those happen if I live this life that I'm telling you on a normal basis, I don't hesitate for anything. It's like, “Let's go. I'm ready.” That's a huge piece. The number one thing I search for in my life is peace. Anything that takes me out of my peace, I don't want no part of it. That’s one of the biggest reasons. Not just the spiritual aspect but when somebody comes in and most doctors won't touch them or they're in some serious pain, the ability to have the peace that person has been brought to me for a greater purpose comes from all those things.

Some of the things like taking a bath, I didn't understand it until I experienced what ugly bad energy was. To intake that and to take somebody's disease or emotion, and try to pray and do all these things, and not be able to get rid of them, I was like, "This is real." I'm super skeptical. That's why the vocabulary has been developed so that I could share these things because I know what it's like to be on the other side. I'd be like, “I don’t believe in none of that. What are you talking about?”

In the beginning, when my mentor first taught me, he tried to teach me to seal myself off and to energetically create a barrier around me. I thought that was all mumble-jumble. I was like, “I want to learn how to put the body back together.” The first moment I experienced that it wasn't mumble-jumble and the things that I felt, and then being able to ask the client, "Why do I feel this?" In the beginning, the one that changed and made me wake up, without sharing too much personal information, the client worked at a morgue. People die all the time. When I touch it, I was able to feel a lot of ugly stuff. I was like, "This is not normal." To ask the client how they believe, they were like, "I talk to dead things since I was a little kid and see spirits." I was like, "What?" All of a sudden, without knowing, I was like, "I don't believe but I felt some stuff. Let me pay attention." I started researching that.

I keep a cup of Himalayan salt. For those of you that don't know Himalayan salt, it’s one of the purest things. It comes from the ground. It controls and pulls energy. All those stuff that I thought was stupid and made up, but then I tried it. You then felt the difference. Different things will happen in that cup. Once too much energy gets pulled in there, the cup will overflow and white gunk comes out of it. Even though I was seeing it, I was like, “Whatever. Maybe because we do this.” There are times where that happens in a day, a week and sometimes in a month. It depends on what was I doing, who was I working on, what was I pulling out, and being able to see the difference.

Where I saw the Himalayan salt changes was when I started doing the biomagnetism stuff. In the physical stuff, maybe I would change that cup once or twice a month. In the biomagnetism stuff, 1 or 2 days and that cup would be overflowing. I was like, “I'm doing some real work in here.” I always tell myself and this is something that I learned from a book. The only thing that stuck with me was this quote, “I finally got to the point where my brain couldn't trick me into believing it was a lie anymore.” It was something so real that I had experienced that I was like, “I could pretend it’s fake but it kept happening.”

As much as I can, I’m living a holy life. I read my Bible every day. I journal and workout. My minimum workout is 100 pull-ups. Most of the time, they’re fingertip pull-ups. That's so my body could withstand the type of work, especially when I get to work on professional athletes. Some of them like Stipe feels like a stone wall. I remember I touched his legs and I was like, “This feels like metal. It doesn't even feel real.” I get a lot of people that say, “I want to do something like what you do.” One of the things I remind them which I've had to learn is, “Be careful what you wish for. Are you willing to pay the price?”

What I mean by that is I don't workout. I want to be fit and all that stuff but the number one reason I workout is I'll break myself. The first couple of years, I thought I was done. For most people that do any type of bodywork, our lifespan is about 3 to 5 years and then we're done, and then we have to retire. We end up with carpal tunnel, tendonitis, all these crazy things, or you hurt your back. I'm aware. My mentor retired in his 80s. I plan to do the same. I'm not only health aware but I realized that if I want this, which I asked for, I must be willing to do the things. I ice my hands in an ice bath at least 2, 3 times a week. Those are little things that I do.

The number one thing that is different is I've never been into anybody's office. If you're reading and you're a person of faith, I play Christian music whether I'm in my office or if I'm invited somewhere like my phone. That does a couple of things. It reminds me that I'm just a tool and I'm working. It allows me to live in this faith mentality of like, "Let me get out of the way. Let me hear, feel and be guided." Also, if something weird or if bad energy comes in, I'm protected. I'm in this place. It keeps my mind focused. It's a bunch of things. I have periods in my life that I'm like a little monk. I don't do anything but just go to work and tell you all these things. I have periods of my life that I'm human and I have to go do all these things. I realized that this is what feeds my soul. Normality is not what I've asked for. It's supernatural stuff that I want. I'm happy and excited to see what's next.

You live in the righteous path. In Hinduism, they call it dharma, living in integrity and in the lights. Darker energies cannot come in or take on. When you're living in a life of a lot of alcohol or drugs or lots of sex and things like that, that's when those entities can start taking form inside your body in terms of pain, emotional stress, spiritual stress, and all that kind of stuff. It's beautiful to see other people and connect with people that are staying in that light and walking in the path that Jesus and Buddha taught us. All the stuff that you've taught us was the first five years of your healing journey. That's like a lifetime for most people. What I learned about you is that's not even half the story. Let's get it to the next part of it. Tell us a little bit about your life in the last few months.

Holistic Healing: Money, fame, anything you can think of, if your health goes, you'll give it all back. You'll take it all and you realize that if you don't have that, nothing matters.

Holistic Healing: Money, fame, anything you can think of, if your health goes, you'll give it all back. You'll take it all and you realize that if you don't have that, nothing matters.

I'll tell you where the drastic change happened. On the second day of November 2020, I had a severe car crash. I totaled my car. Physically, I was okay, but I ended up with a devastating concussion and I lost all my short-term memory. My head would burn and would feel like a knife was going through my right eye. I couldn't sleep for about a solid month. The only days I would sleep were after 3 to 4 days, I was fatigued and I would pass out. It wasn’t like, “Let me stay home and rest.” My brain was stuck on fast-forward. Imagine having that horrible song that you sing all day and you hate the song but being like that all the time. It was pretty devastating. Physically, my body took a beating.

Prior to this, I was probably in the best shape of my life. I had been plant-based for over a year and a half. I was doing it. I wanted to see what I was capable of. It sat me down. When I say I had no short-term memory, there were days I would come home and have dinner with my daughter and she was like, “How's your day, dad?” I was like, “I can't remember one single client.” It was scary. At the worst, I would start mumbling and stuttering. If I didn't stop, I couldn't speak. In those days, I cried like a little baby. I was like, “This is real.” I realized that we’ll give it all back for our health. It's cliche but it is the truth. Money, fame, anything you can think of, if your health goes, you'll give it all back. You'll take it all and you realize that if you don't have that, nothing matters.

Be careful what you wish for. In this process, I did everything that Western medicine had to offer. I was like, “Let's do it.” I was seeing 3 or 4 doctors a day. It took about a month and then my sleep got better. It didn't do too much. My head and eyes would burn. I cut up all social media, no TVs. A lot of the things that I said about meditating and bath and doing all that, that's all I did. There was nothing else in my life that I could do. I could come to work, thank God. It's not funny, there's no coincidence but the moment I was at work, it was the best I felt.

Every day I would pray like, “God, I'm going to go help people. Now you help me.” If I wasn't at work, I was devastated. I learned to meditate because I was in severe pain. Life has a weird way of working out. I say weird because if you haven't experienced a lot of the meditation, the spiritual stuff, the energy, it's weird. It makes no sense. My head would feel like it was about to blow up. I got this TrueDark glasses. If anybody has concussions or anybody who meditates, I 100% recommend them.

Did you have the yellow ones or the red ones?

I have both. The ones I'm talking about, the ones I recommend are the red ones. The yellow ones are for the day and they take in light. The yellow ones were harsh. Sometimes they would make my head hurt more because it would make me focus and I couldn't at the time. The red ones, I would put them on right before sleep and they would light everything down. I remember a specific day, it was the first time it happened, my head was bouncing. I tried it right around Christmas. I was like, “I'm going to go shopping.”

I was doing okay because I hadn't done anything other than meditate, stretch and take a bath. That was my day, wake up, pray, and do a little twenty-minute workout because that's all I could withstand. After that, I was fatigued. I went to the mall and my head blew up. I lasted an hour and I ran home and I was like, "I was dying." I put these glasses on. I put earplugs in. I went into a dark room. When I say I recommend them, you think you're in the dark. You think that when you close your eyes, you're in the dark until you put these glasses on and you realize, “There's so much light that comes into this room regardless of how closed everything is.”

In those days, I saw visions. I remember the first time, I'm like, “I'm tripping. What is going on?” I saw colors and visions. I felt like I was high. My body was like, “Boom, boom.” I saw auras. I astral projected. All these weird things. I was like, “Hippies and monks say these things. There's no way.” I realized quickly that I never had focused at that level. I was in so much pain and all I wanted was my head to stop burning. That was when I began to realize and I meditate with a purpose. I know that what I'm trying to do is to connect at the level I was able to connect during that week. It took about a week for my head to calm down. That week was rough but it taught me so many different things.

Eventually, after trying everything that was Western medicine, I was like, “Let me call every connection, every weird, amazing healer that I've met along the way and see what happens.” The first one was shocking. There were three but I'll share at least two. Somebody got me connected to this healer from Tokyo, a world-renowned guy. He does this thing called the Jung Wan method. This is one of the things where I say I'm the biggest skeptic. I say that because, through biomagnetism and biogenetics, one of the things that we do or that therapists do is that they treat people with what they call distant healing. I was like, “This is already far-out stuff. I'm not going down that route. I'm not about it.” I knew it. I somewhat understood it. I don't want to say I didn't believe it. It's just weird.

They tell me about this guy and he's like, “We'll do a Zoom call.” I'm desperate at the time. I talked to him on the phone first and he explains what it is. Because of biogenetics, I understood most of it. I'm like, “This is what it is. Let's go.” We do a call and then he tells me, “It's not just your head, it has to do with your liver. Some of it has to do with attachments, energies, past lives, and all this stuff. We're going to open it up.” He started saying these crazy numbers like, “3,755 to the third power, open it to the universe and delete.” I'm trying to hold it together. My head is hurting. I'm trying not to laugh the whole time, I'm like, “This guy is just taking my money.”

By the time the conversation ends, my head feels better. At this time, I'm like, “Whatever. I've been sitting here for an hour listening to this guy.” It was weird because some of the things he said made 100% complete sense. It was 50/50. Some of the stuff was dead on and some of it was so far out that I was like, “I don't know.” He said, “I'm not telling you that it's not going to come back. I want you to pay attention. If it does come back, does it hurt the same? Does it come back as frequently? Do you feel exhausted?” Two to three days go by and I noticed that every symptom that I had was at least 50% better. Not some of them but everything was 50% better. I'm like, “What the hell?” I'm a skeptic but I'm not a fool.”

I started digging. I was like, “What is this method?” I started looking up some videos and listening to some things. Some of it resounded with some stuff I had learned in the past. After about a week, for shits and giggles, I'm like, “Let me try some of this stuff out.” I tried it with my sister, her boyfriend, some of my friends and some clients. Lo and behold, everything that I tried to fix got better. Not 90%, not 50%, everything. There wasn’t one thing and I was like, “What?” There were weird things like phobias went away. I was able to raise hormone levels. I had clients that had gunk that would come out of their nose. I've been to every weird specialist and nobody knew why. It would happen every once in a while.

I would share the story, “This and this happened. This man helped me. It took me a couple of minutes. Try it out for shits and giggles. If nothing happens, great. If not, I'll see you in a month and we could laugh about it.” Nobody made it a month. Everybody would call me or send me a text within a week or less and be like, “Javier, I don't know what the F you did but everything is gone.” There was some emotional stuff. It was like, “I can't even get mad at my wife.” It was wild. Six weeks go by, I'm like, “This is weird.” I called this guy back and I said, “Can I pay you for you to explain what the heck is going on?” I tell him everything. I explained and he just laughs.

He's like, “I've been waiting for you to call me back since the first day. I want to be respectful.” I'm like, “That's weird.” He was like, “You didn't call me for your head. You called me because of this.” I was like, “What do you mean because of this?” He was like, “Are you not curious how come you can do all this stuff and you don't know what you're doing?” I'm like, “That's exactly what I'm calling you for. What do you mean?” He's like, “I know it's going to be hard for you to understand but you've been doing this for many lives before this.” I was like, “What?” He's like, “Yes.”

My instinct is to go like, “That's bull shit but I'm living it. Tell me more.” We have this conversation and he explains. The thing that got me with these three healers that I met the first time, some of them not even the first time, none of them wanted my money anymore. He didn't take money. He's like, “You call me anytime you want. We'll talk. I'll guide you. I'll tell you where you could go. I'll answer any questions.” I was like, “What?” My first mentor, when he first met me, on the first day, he's like, “You come to me whenever you want. If you don't have money, it's okay.” That's how it has been for most of my life. I call them little wise, old men.

You have multiple Mr. Miyagis there, not just one.

It blew my mind. We touched a little bit before about biogenetics. I tried to run away from it a lot because it's out there that I was like, “I don't know if I'm ready or I want this.” To go back to your original question about a few months ago is I started accepting that it’s okay. I'm not meant to just do one thing. Things finally happened that I no longer worry about what people thought. I’ve seen miraculous things with individuals. Even if I had that little piece, I know I had that little piece to deal with it. I know God is in control of everything. I finally understood that I’m meant for something else and that it’s okay to become like one of these weird and amazing people. I say it’s weird because we don't understand them. Until we live that life, we can begin to understand what we're capable of or what's possible.

When I spoke to this guy, I asked him, “How did you do all this stuff?” He meditates 3 to 4 hours before and after work. That’s seven hours a day. It was a reminder of what is possible. I completely got rid of my headache. I’m 50% better, which is a lot. Before, it would still hurt but it wasn't hurting that bad. I’m still in pain. I’m still struggling. Neurologically speaking, there are still some things that I'm still not 100%. For the most part, my memories come back and my head doesn't hurt. What took my headache away is I get invited to this ayahuasca ceremony. At the time, I was like, “Are you crazy? My head is messed up and you want me to go take some hallucination drugs? Are you out of your mind?” That's what I thought ayahuasca was.

I study and I read. It led me to realize that we have misconceptions of many things. You didn't even find out what it is. You heard about it. Somebody told you but you don't know about it. They keep asking me and I'm like, "I'm not doing it." They were like, "Why don't you come and meet the shaman? He's world-renowned. He lives in Columbia. He's here for a little bit of time." I'm like, "I'm going to go talk to him. I'm not doing no freaking plants.” I get invited to the ceremony. I showed up until the end of the ceremony. At first, this is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It was not at all what I expected. They’re playing pretty much the same type of music I play in my practice, which is Christian music. They're singing to God except it’s live and it's in Spanish with Indian dialect. I'm like, “This is not what I thought was going to happen.”

I finally get to go and meet this guy. I sit there and he puts his hand on my head, does a little prayer, blows tobacco on me, and spits Agua de Florida on me. Instantly, my head starts burning and never burns again. I was like, "What?" That happens and I'm like, "Maybe I'm at this moment." He had one of his team members come and they asked me, "Do you do breathing work?" I was like, "Yes, every day." He's like, "What do you do?" I'm like, "I inhale for four, hold for five, exhale for three." He's like, "We're going to change that." This lady comes and she's like, "From now on, you're going to inhale God's love. You're going to exhale God's love." In a matter of minutes, I felt like I was on drugs. I had to sit down and grab onto the chair and I was like, "What happened right now?" Anytime that I meditate or do breathing work from now on, I instantly have a spiritual connection. It made it so much more powerful. For anybody who has any kind of faith, I will 100% recommend that you do that. You're opening the door to many things. You're installing your nerve pathways to doing so much more.

You’re opening up your pineal glands, your soul, your consciousness, your connection to God. It's all of it.

That whole day, I was thinking, “It's going to come back.” I'm working on the team and there’s nothing. It never came back. What I was reminded in those months is that if we have the ability to believe, regardless of the venue where we are taken up and connect to the universe, to God, to our higher self, to whatever you want to call it and step out of the way, anything and everything is possible. I say that because I live this kind of life. I live, I pray, I believe and I see miracles, you name it. I still was super skeptical. I still was like, “This is fake.”

It was a real reminder that if I live like this and everybody else doesn't necessarily, how disconnected have we become from our true self and our possibilities? Because of all of it, I accepted it. I understood that my concussion was what I was asking for in a weird way. It’s the closest I've been to God. I never prayed so much because my head never hurt so much. It also made me a step away from all my distractions, not having TVs and social media. It made me focus and pay attention to the things that matter. All the things that I thought I wanted in my life don't even matter anymore.

Me and my daughter’s relationship has never been better. It was a few months where I would come home and either be in so much pain and I would go straight to the room. I would snap at her and I couldn't control it. Also, it gave me a piece of understanding. I treated so many athletes with concussions and we say as a doctor, therapist or whatever, “I know what you're going through.” If you've never been through a devastating concussion and your brain has never malfunctioned, I'm sorry. I’ll let you know that we have no idea. You can't have an idea. You can't comprehend.

There were times that my sister would talk to me and scream. We have that kind of relationship. I wanted to cry for no apparent reason. I walked out of the room and I was like, “I'm losing my mind.” It made me appreciate the little things like having those conversations. I sit with my daughter every day when I get home and we catch up on the day. It’s beautiful, all those things that I desperately wanted. As most parents know, at the age of fifteen, it gets interesting. They think they know everything. It's been a blessing to have built such a relationship to reconnect at a deeper level. We both understood that tomorrow is not promised. It's not like dad will be there or she'll be there. You don't know. Everything could change in a blink of an eye. If you don't appreciate the moments that you have now, you may never have them again.

Everything stems from gratitude. Be grateful for today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. We don't know when we're going to move on to the next evolution of our soul's journey. A lot of times we think, "I have this degree. When I have this amount of money in the bank account, then I'd be happy." It'll never be that way if you have that perspective. Having the perspective of gratitude at the moment, that's when you win the game of life. Every day from that is a blessing. It's like you're playing with the house's money when you come to that understanding and realization.

That’s one of the reasons why I was excited. One of the things I kept saying the whole time in the first couple of months studying and going down this route, I was like, “I'm going to write books. I'm going to do this when I get older, when I learn, when I get this next degree, and when I'm a doctor,” then I couldn't remember anything. I was terrified. Everything that I had studied and learned went out the window. It was there but I couldn't analytically explain it and put it together. I was like, “If I could just get it back, I'll tell everybody. I'm not keeping anything to myself.”

When you went to the ayahuasca circle, did you take the ayahuasca?

I didn't take ayahuasca. I took something and I thought that this happened. That was cool. I don't know anything about it is the reality. I'm in a period of cleansing and connecting. God willing, I'm going to go to Colombia and go spend a retreat with this man and experience what that is. I'm thankful to be around wisdom. Things are possible. A humble and amazing guy who does this for a living and travels all around the world and heals all kinds of people. The best part is, as I got to know him as a man, I went back to work on his team and want to be grateful for whatever they needed. He does so much. All the money that he makes is all for health centers. It's all for Colombia. Everything in the retreats and the plants is put back into helping people and share this beautiful culture that he comes from.

The ancient Incas and ancient Colombians all had some variation of ayahuasca. They had different names for it. There's so much richness in that ancient knowledge. It's so beautiful to see that this lineage has been carried forward for thousands of years, and it hasn't been destroyed based on all the intrusion from the West and all this kind of stuff. Growing up, I never did drugs or anything like that. I grew up in a Hindu household. It opened my eyes to be open to learning as much as I can. I always was respectful of the other religions and stuff. During my ayahuasca experience, it showed me that everything is love. That is the only truth in this universe.

When we had the phone call, I was telling you that I met Jesus. It was such a beautiful experience. It was during my ayahuasca experience that I was walking down this beautiful land and this road. There was this crystalline tower in the distance. I started walking up and then there was this staircase that went around the outside of the tower. Around the staircase, there were these little platforms. At the first platform, I ended up seeing Buddha and I sat with him and I meditated. I don't know how long it was but I felt that beauty of when he reached enlightenment.

I went to the next platform and I met Jesus. He took my hand and we sat down. He was like, "Know that I love you and I love everyone, all of God's children. The only thing that I want to teach everyone is love, peace and forgiveness." If you can master those three qualities in life, then you can master your life and you can move on to the next layer of understanding the next evolution for the soul. When we have any anger, hurt, jealousy or any of that stuff towards other people, and if our heart is not full of love, it's going to be difficult for us.

You also told me that whatever he did in his life, he wanted to show everybody that we're all capable of this. We all are these limitless beings. Once you start understanding and tapping into this going inward, then we understand all this stuff that you're going through, all these experiences, some are challenges and some are beautiful landmarks, every single thing along the way has brought you to this moment in life. You started on your journey. It's beautiful to see this evolution and to have gratitude for it all. That's where you win the game of life. I love to see that you're doing that.

Something that I would like to share about my quest since I've been exposed to all these amazing people, and to take something that they say that makes them seem weird, and try to understand it and express a vocabulary that can be relatable to everybody. Most people grew up religious. I grew up Catholic. I became Christian. If you ask me now, I'm spiritual in the sense that I understand that everything is connected and that we're all on our own path and we understand. A lot of times, we have this misbelief like, "You saw Buddha and Jesus? What drugs are you on?"

What I wanted to share is that when you take something like ayahuasca and other stuff, what it does is it allows you to have that moment to happen without you freaking out or running away from it or going like, “There's no way.” I'll give an example. I get a lot of people that come to see and follow me. They're in the spiritual path and healers. They go, “I want it all.” I laugh because I go like, “Do you want it all? Do you know what that means?” I have healers who are friends and they work with angels, guides and entities. If you don't know anything about that, it's scary. You go to their offices and the lights turn off, the lights move, and the chairs move. They’re like, “That's just Tom.” To them, it’s the most natural thing.

Realizing not only the type of work they do and how many people they work with made me think, "If that happened growing up and your lights turned off or the chair moved, what do most of us think? Your house is haunted. There's a ghost, a demon." We label these things not knowing what they are. I remind people when they're like, "I want it all." Do you want it all? Are you ready to see it? If Jesus appeared to you and you weren't on something, would you even say it was Jesus? Would you accept it? Would you be like, "I made that up?"

I wanted to share that because a lot of times, it’s like, “You were on drugs.” Maybe or maybe not. Maybe even if you weren’t on drugs, what makes you think that Jesus can't talk to you at that moment? It's in those moments that we desperately want, need or calling out that he'll be there. I don't know other religions the same way that I know where I grew up so I can't speak on them but I believe that it's all of that. The Bible says, “If you seek, you'll find. If you knock, the door will be open.” Most of us don't want to find and see. We're okay with what we've been told.

I always ask people when we have a damaged view of what that is to you up there, God, Jesus, Buddha, the universe. Why is it damaged? Is it damaged because of what that belief is? Is it damaged because something else happened to you with a person who was supposed to be religious or holy? We all forget that broken people go to church. Why would most of us come to any religion? It's because we've been hurt, broken and seeking. The only difference between you and the other person is that they're able to cover their hurts a little better. They're human. When we forget that, we get hurt and we walk away from our beliefs, whatever belief that is, or some of us find the truth.

I've been down this journey and I opened my mind to, “I want to know.” I'm seeking God every day. I'm praying every day. I'm doing all these things. One of the biggest things that I try to share is that make sure that your faith is okay so that you understand that when you find it and that door gets open, you don't go, “Everything is a lie.” You weren't showing this piece because you weren't ready for it. Now that you are, it’s a piece of the puzzle. The more that you put that puzzle together, the more these other pieces will come into your life.

The thing is the puzzle is never complete until our lives are finished. We have to continually walk in this faith of knowing. The perspective I keep is that every experience is there for me to get to the next place in life. I'm collecting all these pieces, putting together the map, and I'm formulating my thesis of what this life is, what I'm here to do, and what my purpose is. We're all going as we do. We try to make the best out of this life in the way that we can. I find that the more I have to look inward because there are never any middlemen to reach God.

Don't believe anyone else. Look within yourself because God and spirituality are within us. When we tap into that moment, we tap into that eternal knowledge base, then we started getting the best answers rather than having other people tell us what those answers are. We're living in a world where COVID is a big thing going on. How do we stay healthy during this time? With all the knowledge base on health and healing that you know, how do you keep yourself healthy? We're not giving any medical advice but what would you suggest for others on how to stay healthy?

The most important thing is to look at it as a whole. Are you getting the right amount of sleep? Are you exercising? Are you eating well? Are you taking time for yourself? The number one thing I'm always amazed by is when I ask somebody, “When is the last time you did something for yourself that didn't involve your kids or your spouse?” Most people can't even remember. What that means is that you never gave your mind a break. If you were to workout 7 days a week, 20 hours a day, you would quickly understand that your body would break.

What do you think your mind is doing when you never take that time to go do something? When I say go do something, you're not thinking about the twenty chores or the kids or the spouse that you have to do but where you disconnect from the world, whether it's meditating. Some people can go watch a movie. Some people will sit and watch a movie and be thinking about twenty things. If you're not that person, don't do that. Do something new. Go jump out of a plane, shoot a gun, dancing, something that requires you to be present because, in those moments, we disconnect.

The number one thing that we could be doing is looking at it as a whole. What I mean by this is we all got to be aware. We should care about our health. We should not just go day to day without anything. Instead of going, “I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that.” How about we do a little bit of everything? The ultimate goal is for you to be healthy and around and not worry when different things come up like the Coronavirus and not panic. I take care of myself. I exercise. I drink my water. Drinking your water is another big thing. If you're trying to flush toxins, think like a restroom, what happens when there is no water in the restroom? Everything gets clogged. What happens when you’re dehydrated? Everything is clogged. We have to look at the whole picture. Take care of your nutrition, your recovery, and your sleep. That's the best thing you can do.

Self-care is not selfish. It's the most important thing. God forbid, when you're on a plane and there's some turbulence, they tell you to put the oxygen on yourself first, and then you put it on your kids. If you're not taking care of yourself, how are you supposed to take care of anyone else? Why did you come to Earth here as Javier Fernandez? What did you want to experience?

I came to Earth here to push my limits first and then to push everybody else's limits. Only uncommon men push the boundaries. In return, only uncommon men make change happen in the world. It’s to push myself to find out. That's why I was on the journey of trying to figure out for myself physically and health-wise before my accident happened. With the work and what I fulfill I've been called to do is to remind people that we're so much more than a physical body. There's a spiritual and emotional aspect.

If we can learn to combine, that's happiness. That’s heaven here on Earth. We find peace, we have harmony and we become the thermostat. What I mean when I say that is we walk into a room and we decide like, Everybody's having a shitty day. I'm going to make it better for everybody and not just for myself. My energy is going to see everybody.” It's easy to feel when somebody has bad energy. Every once in a while, somebody comes in and they're vibrating. I feel like I'm glowing. All of a sudden, I'm like, “I’m not usually thinking about it. This is amazing.” You're reminded that we're all supposed to be there. What would it be like if we were all vibrating at that level where we knew? That's how we truly manifest, where we're no longer worried about anything. We're declaring this is what we want, this is what we're going to go get, and you're expecting the blessings and the grace to come.

I would want to push all boundaries, the things that make no sense. We'll bend the laws of physics.

We think that we understand even what that means. Whether every 100 years or 50 years or whatever, we continuously go, “We found out that that's not how it is. It’s this.” One of the things everybody talks about is how the Earth got started, the Big Bang, religion and all of that. Now we're like, “We don't believe it was a Big Bang. It’s an alternate universe that physics believes. It was a creation by something else.” Don't let somebody else tell you, go find out for yourself.

The answers are all there. I love that. The question we should ask is do we want to be a thermometer or do we want to be a thermostat? Are we reacting to our environment? Are we creating that environment? That's the question we all have to ask, especially understanding the fragility of life at this point. Many people have passed away. Who do we want to be in the time that we have? Are we going to live in fear or are we going to live in love, and choose to live on purpose? I know yourself and myself, we’re going to choose to live on purpose. Even if we have two days left or if we have 80 years left on this planet, or more with all the biohacking stuff that we’re going to start learning.

I'm planning to live at least 120 or maybe 150.

What does God mean to you?

Gratitude, grace and love. I believe that God lives within us. Are you living in a way that people look at you and ask, "Tell me more about this God that you know? Why do you feel this way?” I want to be those people. I met those people. I'm like, “Why are you so happy? What's going on?” Embodying God's presence and what he called us to. The time where we live now is like, do you worry about everything? You can't be both. You can't have faith and worry. You can't believe that God's taking care of you and go, “I might.” Which one is it? God means everything to me. It’s what I live for. He's done so much. I started running after God because I was grateful. I was like, “I’m in all these things that didn't make no sense.”

I remember the first day I walked into church and my life flipped around. Before I went down this path, I had no job and I had stopped dancing. A bunch of other things we're not going to get into. I remember going, "God, here's my life." The only thing I ask him for and not knowing what I was asking is I wanted something supernatural. I was like, "Here's my life but I don't want an ordinary life. I want an extraordinary life." Those were my words. I didn't even know that this extraordinary was going to come. Instantly, I walked out of the church, I got a job that day. All these things started moving and here I am. It's always been a reminder that when I humbly searched for him and give it to him, he answered. Above and proceeds like he does all the time. God is where I put my trust.

It's been such an honor to talk with you. How can we learn more about you?

You can learn more about me on social media under @FernandezPhysio or FernandezPhysio.com.

For all the people reading, if you're out on the West Coast or if you're on the East Coast, take a flight out there when you're going on vacation and meet this man and get treatment. It's honestly life-changing. This guy is transforming the world and healing. I honor you. Thank you so much for being a beautiful light and soul in this world.

Thank you for your time. It was my pleasure. Blessings to everyone.

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About Javier Fernandez

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Javier Fernandez is a successful Physio Realigning and Biomagnetic Specialist; with concentrated training in Craniosacral Therapy and pathological diseases. Javier has an extensive health education, graduating from Carrington College Pomona with academic excellence, and achieving a Bio Genetics Degree from the Institute of Centrobioenergetica.

In 2015 he revolutionized the approach to healthy living when he founded The Balance Healing Center. The first center to bring healing to the whole’ person providing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing all under one roof.

Javier has successfully worked with high performance combat athletes. Treating severe injuries and tough case such as; tears, sprains, bulging disc, spasms, and dislocations. Along with extreme physical, mental, and emotional imbalances on a regular basis.

His knowledge in the field of Biomagnetism (a scientifically proven therapy known to restore mental and physical health without the use of prescription drugs) allows him the ability not only to implicate the treatment of external problems -by manipulating deeper layers of the fascia/muscles allowing ones skeletal structure to return to its proper placement; but as well as internal issues through Biomagnetism - employing the use of high-powered magnets to balance pH levels, allowing the body to function in its optimal condition.

His insight and ability to help clients heal quickly became widely known and highly recognized as he became the official Massage Therapist for the US Olympic Wrestling Team at the 2016 Olympic Games.

Javier currently works alongside some of the worlds top athletes including UFC champions, Belletor fighters, professional dancers, and most notably, Olympic athletes that range from wrestlers, gymnasts, and ice skaters.


Episode 28: “The Plant Poet” With Edgar Soto


Episode 26: Biohacking For Immunity With Nadeem Jiwani