Episode 38: Kundalini Activation Process With Anastasia Armanova


Tapping the consciousness beyond our awareness is a special ritual that most of us don’t completely grasp. Anastasia Armanova joins Anand J. Sukhadia to share how you can connect with your super consciousness through the Kundalini Activation Process. Anastasia is a certified KAP Facilitator and high-frequency transmitter guiding individuals into their spiritual awakening. She enlightens on the process and journey of self-discovery that happens through guided classes. It’s not an easy feat to overcome the mundane and reach the core of our being, but with the right help, it is possible. Get to know Anastasia’s own journey of healing and how you can start yours in this episode.


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Kundalini Activation Process With Anastasia Armanova

Did you know that we can awaken our Kundalini energy with just a touch? We're going on a journey to unlock the secrets of the most sacred gifts to humanity. Opening our Kundalini is our divine right as souls. In this episode we are going to go mystical with my good friend and Kundalini Activation Process facilitator on Anastasia Armanova. Anastasia is a certified KAP facilitator and high-frequency transmitter. Her background as a coach and NLP master practitioner helps Anastasia to guide our clients through the whole process of integration of spiritual awakening before and after the activation. According to her master astrologer, Anastasia’s physical body carries the ecstasy feeling like frequency that expands consciousness and aligns people with who they really are. Anastasia, welcome to the show. I'm excited to have you on finally.

Thank you so much, Anand, for having me and thank you for spreading this awareness and bringing that to the world.

I appreciate you. You've been my friend for a couple of years now and I'm like, “I want to get you on the show.” I know you're so busy and you're getting super in demand with all the practices that you're doing so thank you so much for taking the time. Anastasia, let's jump right into it. What does living a limitless life mean to you?

To me, it means embodying the higher aspects of yourself, your superior self. Tapping into the super consciousness and being able to achieve whatever you need to achieve as long as it's ecological. Without limiting beliefs. Without any limitations. It means that to me.

It’s so everyone knows how I know you, I met you years ago online. It's so crazy because since opening up my wellness center and devoting myself to this spiritual path, I'm attracting all my starseed brothers and sisters into my life. Every single day I'm meeting more and more people. You're somebody that I met and immediately we had a rapport. We had many things that we’re like-minded, ways of thinking and everything like that. Thank you for being in my life and it's been an amazing ride. I've had so many great experiences with you through the Kundalini activation. I tell people all about it but everyone's like, “Tell me more.” This is the opportunity where we can talk about what Kundalini activation is and how it's impacting millions of lives across the world. Tell us the story of how you got to this place in life.

My spiritual life happened at a very early age. I was always a spiritual seeker up until 2019. When this initiation happened, when I was in this Kundalini Activation Process modality was trained, I would say I became a finder. Finally, I was like, “I've found it, I feel it.” I experienced that. Since early childhood, I understood we’re something more beyond that our vision precedes. That I was looking at the stars and I knew, I kind of don't belong here. I belong here but I'm not from here. I need to go to explore to expand myself because I'm coming from a very small town where the population is around 12,000 people. My soul was just hungry for all these experiences and life lessons. I came to the United States, I'm very happy to be able to be experiencing this country because with this country I was able to express, tap into who I am really and becoming who I am. With many opportunities, attending seminars, live workshops with different teachers, different modalities impacted my development.

Who are some of the teachers that you've studied from?

Abraham-Hicks, Bashar, my personal mentor, a Russian lady who has been a great impact on my life for a few years. She was guiding me in that spiritual journey. I remember first came to her and I was very open and was perceiving reality. I was very interested in mysticism and all these abilities, extraterrestrials and different worlds. At that time when it was just happening, my activations and my awakenings, I could not talk to a lot of people about that. Some of my friends were interested and intrigued to listen to me but they could not exchange the same stories.

I was searching for people who will guide me and who will teach me on that path. My mentor, my psychic friend was the first person who gave me validation. “Everything you’re telling me exists. This is real. I communicate with them. I talk to them. I channel them. It's normal. Come with me to Mount Shasta.” It was in 2012 and I was like, “My god.” It was like everything I was carrying, in my knowledge or experiences, they were so sacred and I happen to finally meet that person who will say, “It's true. It's happening. You are not imagining. You're not just fantasizing, it's the truth.” Since then, it was ten years of my development.

Kundalini Activation Process: You need to give yourself this time and space to consciously be able to process, heal, feel, and allow these emotions to flow through you.

Kundalini Activation Process: You need to give yourself this time and space to consciously be able to process, heal, feel, and allow these emotions to flow through you.

It's incredible because a lot of people have these certain feelings and then they try to suppress them or they have these otherworldly encounters and they suppress them because they don't want to be outside of the norm. When you embrace this kind of lifestyle, same with me, I never felt like I was on the traditional path the way that my family is. They're very straight edge. They go down this one road because they think that's the road to success. It's like getting a good job, becoming a doctor, getting married, having kids and then that's it, that's life. There's also the life of exploration and I think that you and I have in common. We haven't gone that traditional route but we went after things that lit our minds and our spirits up. Sometimes you take a lot of turns and twists and nothing is ever straight but when you're open to it then the people will appear. Tell us a little bit about how you attracted your mentor.

Somebody back in 2012 told me there’s one woman in California and she is a seer. She has this extrasensory ability and she channels. To me, it was always interesting. I always was attracted to mysticism, go into psychics or tarot cards readers. I was very conscious of whom I'm choosing to have this information from because you can have all these extrasensory abilities, if you want you can be a saint, you can be beyond a guru but my concern is who you are as a human being first. When I met my first mentor in 2012, I came to her and it was instant recognition. That love, divine energy and in all aspects of your life. Not only when she works with people and her clients in the sessions with channeling and working in higher realms of the frequency but also as the human being. As her personal trait of who she is. It was a strong connection with her and I consider her as my second mom.

When we first met, you told me about the starseed astrologer that you came in contact with. Since that, I've worked with her. Tell us a little bit about what starseeds are and how you started working with this particular astrologer.

As far as I know about starseeds, those are people who carry a certain frequency and are very important for the moments of this transition that we all go through as a humanity, as a collective. These people are emanating the frequency. They create this kind of like Egregor net that helps others to shift to a crisis that we all go through. All my life, for a few years, being on that spiritual journey I was guided to go to this seminar, this expo, be with these people or read this book. My journey led me to that astrologer and I cannot disclose her name because she's off media and she will never be on media. She does this chart only for people who have special markings in their charts. It's a natal chart but it has extra knowledge because of her abilities.

Tell us a little bit about how life has changed since you started working with her.

She has been guiding me for a few years. It happened to be just once a year for one hour but the impact on my life was tremendous. March 2021 was the last time that she worked with me because she's going to go into a different field to spread this knowledge that she has for all her life and put it behind the movies. To put it behind different information or resources to do it on another scale to expand the consciousness of people.

For five years, I've been under her supervision and it has been fantastic. I have all the recordings from the past sessions. I have goosebumps from relistening. I can backtrack what was happening because we have the technology I can with pictures, with tickets, traveling to countries. I can backtrack everything she was telling me not only with the, “You're going to go to travel to this country. You're going to meet this person.” Specific, profound information that prepared me for my life journey.

Tell us a little bit about the rest of your life journey, say the last couple of years of what your life is like.

It has been very transformative and I'm adventurous. I am staying in the present. Whatever is in front of me, emotions, feeling experiences, I'm going in if it's resonating. Within that frame, for a couple of years I have been married and divorced. Although it was not a marriage on paper, it was a spiritual, beautiful marriage but I divorced him back in the United States. I was married to a spiritual teacher, spiritual leader. A few years before I met my partner, I was on a development journey. I knew that I want to attract a partner who would be much more advanced than me.

Kundalini Activation Process: You need to heal yourself first, then welcome that new stage of your life.

Kundalini Activation Process: You need to heal yourself first, then welcome that new stage of your life.

A few years before I met him, I was in a deep spiritual sadhana. I was very conscious of my lifestyle with every information I put in my body. What I eat, I speak, I think, I listened to, whom I spend time with, I was aware and I was filtering it through the love. If it was not resonating, I was not making this choice. It was a healthy boundary discernment. Right after my initiation, after which I became a spiritual finder, I found my twin flame. It was an amazing, passionate, loving, extremely hard relationship in my life that set me on my next journey. It has been transformative because when we meet our twin flames, we are lucky because only the twin flame is showing you the aspects that you need to transform. We're not even meant to stay with a twin flame. These journeys are preparing us for our partners in life.

When I met my partner, we were traveling the world with the mission. We were going to India, Africa, Spain, Italy, Poland because he has a big following, a lot of devotees. I was able to facilitate my practice with them. We opened an ashram in Italy. I found a beautiful physical place in the middle of nowhere in a forest with 60 hectares of land. It's virgin land with wild animals and it was beautiful. We had a community leading and he still works there and manages everything. Our life journey just took us apart. I'm grateful for every moment and what happened. Even for the hardship, although it was difficult. It happened to be in March 2021 that I decided to leave this relationship. I can say I'm healed from that, even though I went through an extremely hard time.

Getting out of a relationship is never easy. There's always healing to do but when you do find somebody of a twin flame caliber where you complement each other so well and then have to make the decision for the best of both people. Going through that process, I know how painful it can be. What were some of the steps you did to heal your emotional, physical and spiritual state?

It was fascinating for me. Back then when I returned to the United States, I was writing my blog about my healing journey. I was describing how it felt because I’m completely functioning. I'm happy, vibrant and I'm excited about life but it happened in March 2021 and it happened so fast. I feel that I’m already back on my track and back to who I am because I was doing an intense healing journey. I was doing intense practicing. I was working with a therapist, I was doing my Kundalini sessions when it's a space to release whatever you have. It was releasing a ton of emotions in a short period of time. It happened to be an accelerated journey.

It was interesting that years ago, I would never speak about the pain that we are going through. I would think, “Why would I want to add extra pain on the internet or in their reality that already exists?” I think that what is most important now for me is being true to every emotion and feeling you're experiencing. It was fascinating to me how many women were texting, calling and telling me, “Thank you for being courageous and speaking out about what you’re going through,” because it literally feels like you losing your link. This is the physical pain as if you were thinking of both of you, these two people, as one being, one entity and then you experienced death.

This old grief process and mourning, you just need to give yourself this time and space to be able to process to heal, to feel to allow these emotions to flow through you consciously. If we don't have them flowing, they get stuck in our system and then it affects our wellbeing. With this modality that I'm working with, it's accelerated. It's literally you in a space that all your blockages and thinking, just eliminates that and you go into that state of pure release. You can be sad, cry and scream but then after the session, you feel the liberation of finally opening up. Finally connecting on a soul level even with this person, your ex or anybody that you have this moment with. Working with mental, spiritual and physical in an integrated way is more efficient.

A lot of people go, “The natural response to trauma is shutting off.” It's being an illusion or it's like, “I'm going to put it away. I'm going to distract myself. I'm going to go out with my friends. I’m going to go date right away.” It's not really fair to the next person who comes into your life. Opening and having expectations with creating something together and then you carry all those things like baggage because it just happened recently. On an energy level, it’s not fair to that person. You need to heal yourself first and then go to that new stage of your life.

I couldn't agree with you more. In the past, when I was younger, I'd get out of a relationship, I jump right into the next one. I wouldn't heal from the previous one and then I'd be bringing my shit into this new one and then projecting whatever hurt I had onto someone new. A lot of people do that and it's important to lean into that hurt and that pain because beauty grows out of it. Anytime something dies, say an animal dies in the forest, eventually it's going to wither away and it's going to go back into the soil and then it's going to come back out either a vegetable, fruit tree or whatever it is.

Kundalini Activation Process: The Kundalini Activation Process is the modality that activates your Kundalini and taps into your super consciousness.

Kundalini Activation Process: The Kundalini Activation Process is the modality that activates your Kundalini and taps into your super consciousness.

A lot of people talk about authenticity and being authentic with other people but there's not a lot of talk about being authentic with one’s self. To really dive deep and honor one’s self and those feelings that you have. If all of us did that then there would be a lot less hurt and a lot less pain in this world. Not just from a relationship point of view. When people are hurt, they want to speak out and sometimes when you speak out, it's not of sound mind, it's out of anger or it's out of, “Somebody hurt me so I'm going to hurt somebody else.” At the end of the day, when we truly understand, “If we've been hurt, to be able to forgive is the highest level of consciousness.” To forgive ourselves and then to forgive the other people to do so.

I agree with that. It's also a process of metamorphosis. A caterpillar becoming this beautiful butterfly that is filled with love for her/himself first. It's a natural evolution and natural process to attract somebody that is much more compatible with your evolved version. If you are still traumatized, if you’re still going into healing, you will attract someone similar to the person that you were with. It's going to be the same scenario, different decorations, different people but the same scenario where you get to be the person you weren't there.

We do, you and I and a lot of people that read the blog, starseeds look to constantly improve and heal themselves. Sometimes we do attract something that we think is not bad for us. At the end of the day, we have no idea about the karma were resolving. We have no idea about what we signed up for and the lessons that we still need to learn going through this process. I say it all the time, we are our own soulmates and once we can reconcile that and realize there's nothing outside of us that is needed.

Being in a loving, fulfilling relationship is important and I wish that for everyone but you can never tell what the future holds. It's always going to be you as the primary force in your life. Once you start taking care of yourself and loving so deeply within and resonating that out then you might find a relationship or you might not find a relationship. If you are okay with no matter what happens like, “I'm going to love myself every single day for the rest of my life,” then you lived a fulfilled life. You have the experiences that you need to in order to move through this whole progression.

I completely resonate with that. We have that birthright. We are born already as our own soulmates. With conditioning and programming, we just forget. We don't remember who we are. We are looking and needing others for validation as the source of happiness and joy. When we draw this attention back to us, becoming fulfilled and integrated then we are not in need of anybody. We’re just an emanation or an expression of who we truly are, the love and then it’s the progress, actual evolution.

In this world that we live in, in the last few years, it's been so chaotic, many changes, much upheaval, sadness, pain, anger and outrage. At the end of the day, everyone here on this planet is trying to do the best that they can with the knowledge that they have including ourselves. Choosing to be here in Earth at this time, it takes a lot of courage for all of us to be here to show up every single day. To show up in love takes even more courage despite the fact that there are people out there that can possibly hurt us and vice versa. I want to dive deep a little bit into Kundalini Activation Process. Tell us specifically what it is, how you got involved and how you even heard about it to start becoming a practitioner and the training.

Kundalini Activation Process is the modality that activates your Kundalini and taps into your super consciousness. It's the modality that has its own consciousness that works with the higher aspect of the human. their super consciousness, higher self. It's the transmission of the energy and gift to help. I am a facilitator and people have their own experience when they come to the session. When I came to the first opening class myself with a teacher, I didn't know anything about that. I like people who come the same with no knowledge, with no reading books or researching before. No bias, I would say. They come throwing their perception, whatever it is. It's the best way because then you have expectations and you're limiting it. It's not the same experience.

I come to this class and the teacher is doing a demonstration on his girlfriend and the person that works with them. Two beautiful women are laying down, there’s music and I don't know anything about what's going to happen. I'm looking at that demonstration. The teacher is just touching their chakra points and meridians on their body. This beautiful woman started to do beautiful movements with their bodies as if energy is pulling them. The chest and hand movements. You sitting there like, “This is a setup as if in a circus setup.” People know that they will be asked to do these tricks and like, “She's his girlfriend and she's working for him. It's not going to happen.” I was sitting there close, specifically, one knee was in a lotus position and one knee was a little closer. I feel that vibration in my knee. I'm like, “This is weird. This is some physical sensation.”

When I was receiving that, when we're all laying down around twenty people in that class and music is played, they come and touch your chakra. It's a transmission from the crown chakra down. Eventually, energy flows from up to down and down to up, in both ways depending on each individual. The way I received it, imagine the honey substance slowly going inside of your brain, expanding the brain. It’s a physical sensation. When we go on the plane, our ears pop. For high frequency, you have that sensation.

Ears are popping and it was a beautiful, tasty sensation going down here and stop near my solar plexus point. You’re still there, your consciousness is observing even though you’re having an experience, you're always there. It started in my solar plexus point and I'm like, “A wonderful body experience,” because I already feel all amazing from here to up. “A wonderful body experience,” as if he heard me. That’s how it works, telepathically. At that moment that he touched me in my solar plexus point and the energy went down and up instantly. When I received it in my brain again, it was an explosion of ecstatic experience. Ecstatic sensation. Blissful Nirvana, ecstasy, orgasmic.

Kundalini Activation Process: When you spiritually evolve, what naturally happens is your surroundings change. When you elevate your frequency, everything around you shifts.

Kundalini Activation Process: When you spiritually evolve, what naturally happens is your surroundings change. When you elevate your frequency, everything around you shifts.

Is it orgasmic like a sexual orgasmic feeling? Would you say it's a different feeling altogether?

I always differentiate because it doesn't have anything with the sexual having sex aspects. Umagine after making love and you’re in this bliss. Every cell of your body is in a multi-orgasmic sensation. It’s vibrating in that frequency. That delicious experience. That's the differentiation. It doesn't have anything to do. You don't think about touching yourself or stimulating in itself. It's beyond. It's in the consciousness, subconsciousness, super consciousness level.

Venant, how did he develop this practice? Did he learn from somebody else? Did he create it? It's almost like he hacked the secrets of the universe and was able to draw energy out of thin air and figure out how to transmit it to others.

As far as I know, Venant was a student of David Deida, the spiritual teacher. He was traveling with his work and then he created this modality of the Kundalini Activation Process. We all have our chi, prana, this lifeforce energy and he happened to create that modality to activate that in people and take them on that spiritual journey.

When our energy centers are all blocked, what does that cause inside of the body?

What is the blocked energy? It’s just the prevention of natural flow. Of the flow of that frequency, of that chi, of that lifeforce energy. When it gets stuck at some point, subconsciously you are letting it be stuck because it should flow with consciousness or subconsciousness stopping it. Sometimes, a person has a benefit from it. A second benefit like he meets his needs having that block, like trauma or whatever. Sometimes people tend to recreate on purpose just to be in that familiar scenario.

It's like a comfortable misery. That's all they know. In terms of opening the channels, how long does that last for once you get a Kundalini Activation Process? Is it an ongoing thing? Do you need to work with a practitioner? Can you keep those channels open on your own through certain practices?

The Kundalini Activation Process is the process of surrender, it's not personal will. It happens with the facilitator first and then it can stay depending on your sensitivity. With some people it’s for a few weeks, some people a few days. That frequency is still working in your daily life, on yourself. I would say coming to the class, people get to wash their face with this high-frequency water, like holy water I would say because it's stepping into your higher self. You then go back to your life and a lot of us forget. We go to the pattern and to the same loop. To remember, we come back for the activation. The ultimate goal is to get your system trained so you don't need this third person to connect to that but we need to go through some evolution, some process of development.

What are some of the most amazing experiences that you've had personally? Have they been in class with somebody else as a practitioner on your own? Tell us a little bit about what the Kundalini activation has done in terms of your life since before starting it and then now in your life, what has opened up for you?

Kundalini Activation Process: To be transformed through a relationship with the person who triggers you the most is a blessing.

Kundalini Activation Process: To be transformed through a relationship with the person who triggers you the most is a blessing.

First of all, it was the missing puzzle of my seeking process, seeking journey. That's how I met the ex-love of my life, who was my twin flame. It was the first type of recognition because he is a very powerful human being. He's an avatar for the divine energy he transmits. That love, it's an extraordinary experience. Me being activated, already having that frequency, it was just on that level of recognition. When I facilitate, I have that sensation of bliss, of nirvana. I’m always in that feel good, amazing. When I can activate myself, it's orgasmic for me so I tap into creativity.

With a detox I'm doing, with purifying my body I happened to almost tap into telepathy. It's instant. Thinking of somebody, thinking of something and there it is. There's a call or a text message from the person that I was thinking and it was happening before but not to that extent. It’s mind-blowing how is it possible to experience that. One time, I woke up and I was thinking about one particular person. “Anastasia, you’re going to Moscow, why don't you stop by Poland on the way back from Moscow to New York.” I already envisioned, I had this vision not generally thinking, imagining. It was as if it was downloaded to me. I was seeing this group of women. We’re exchanging, we're talking and I share the experience. I was having this image and a few hours later, the people who I was thinking to contact contacted me. The specific words were, “Anastasia, why don't we organize a workshop in Poland?” Mind-blowing.

It's so beautiful. When your vessel is clean, open and you're able to feel this energy going through you. These synchronicities happen daily. At some point you're like, “Am I supposed to be surprised about this or expected because now in my life, every single day, these synchronicities are happening. I'm thinking about something, it's appearing. I'm thinking about somebody, they're calling me or they're texting me and then I call him like, ‘I was just thinking about you.’” It's happening every single day.

it's aligning with the timeline of yourself. Of resonating with everything you attract. It's a new normal. It's a beautiful and exciting journey. It was with me but with the people, I can't even start to describe the many benefits. People go to deep realizations, leaving a toxic relationship or work environment, they become strong in their boundaries. They tap into the inner navigation, inner guidance about food or every choice they need to consciously make to maintain that vessel in a pure state.

I wanted to share my experience with Kundalini activation. It’s pretty incredible. We met virtually online but we never met in person. One time you were in New York. You were in India and then you came back to New York and you invited me for a workshop. Originally when we spoke, we're like, “Anastasia, you should come in for a float and then you're going to do NLP or hypnosis on me.” That was the original agreement. You're like, “I want you to come to a Kundalini activation class.” I'm like, “What is that?” You're like, “Don't ask questions, just come to the class.”

I was like, “Sure. I'd rather have a one-on-one NLP session or hypnosis.” She's like, “Trust me. Come to the class.” I didn't know anything about it. I said, “I'm all about the experience. I want to see what life has to offer. Don't say no. Say yes to everything.” I ended up coming. This was an interesting time in my life. It was in January of 2020. In December 2019, I came off a Tony Robbins event. Date With Destiny, the most amazing five days that I've probably ever had. I met many incredible people. Synchronicities were happening. I was just on this snowball effect of great things happening in my life.

I ended up coming to your class. First, I set my mat down. I come to introduce myself to you, we hug each other. First time meeting in person and I sit down, everyone's getting ready for class. All of a sudden, somebody walks by me and I didn't even pay attention. They sit down right next to me. They're like, “Anand?” I look over and it was my friend, Ella, who was in my IIN, Integrative Nutrition course. We met there four years back. We were friends on Instagram but did not really talk that much. That was interesting to see that it's somebody that I know.

Another person walks by and sat next to Ella. I wasn't paying attention again. I was just preparing myself mentally. That girl looks over and she's like, “Anand?” I'm like, “This is Marina.” I know Marina from the Tony Robbins family and all this stuff. We were together in that course the previous month. It happens that Ella and Marina are friends and they met through another person that introduced the two of them and they're like, “You guys should get together.” They became friends and then they're sitting right next to me. Of all the days, you did several Kundalini activations that whole week and of all the times and the days, these people are sitting right next to us. These synchronicities are happening over and over.


I did a three-hour course with you. It was an intro course or an open course. The first time I was a little skeptical because you see these people when you're introducing it. They're orgasmic, moving their body, shaking like they're having an orgasm or whatever. I'm like, “Whatever, let's see.” The first time I go through it, I'm feeling relaxed. I'm going through certain emotions as well. I'm feeling elated at one moment. I'm feeling sadness at one moment. I'm tearing at one moment and then I started feeling the body really moving. I got a good taste of what it was the first time but I didn't feel like a full opening or anything like that. I realized sometimes it takes a little bit of time to feel it fully. Rome wasn't built in a day.

I come a couple of days later, you had a full day course that you do, these workshops. That was when I started going deep and deep. There were so many amazing things that happened in that course too but ever since that, now whenever I breathe deeply, I bring the air all the way up to my third eye, hold it there and then I release. If I do that for 5, 10 minutes, I'm able to feel that same Kundalini opening up. When I sit in my meditations, it's a powerful thing because my body feels almost like the physical body leaves and then the energetic body suddenly starts vibrating. I want to thank you for that because that's a gift that you gave me that I have now and I can utilize every time. I have to kick myself a little bit because I don't do it as much as I need to because I know how powerful it is. It's cleansing for all the emotions and all this sensory input that we take in on a daily basis. That's my experience.

What's funny is that a lot of people when I was sharing this online, they reach out and they're like, “That can't be real.” “I'm skeptical about that.” There were so many people. I said, “Have you tried it?” They're like, “I haven't tried it. I think I'm skeptical.” “If you're skeptical about it then wouldn't it make sense for you to actually sit and experience it?” It might not be for you but at least you've had the experience that you've done it and then you can make a fair judgment on it rather than making an assumption. That's a microcosm for so many people out there. They think they know something when they haven't really gone through the fire. What I would suggest for anyone is if you have any inkling to or interest in doing something, get it done, go for it because you have nothing to lose other than the experience itself.

Absolutely. I have to mention because we're talking about orgasmic sensation, it doesn't happen for everybody because everyone's experience is very different. Some people go into grief, cry and mourning about traumatic experiences that they didn't have the opportunity or didn't know how to tap in and release these emotions. Whatever was happening in childhood, they can’t tap into that. Not recreating, it's painless. You will feel the pain pressure but it's not physical. It will be like emotions going up and you need to release it.

Whatever you experienced at that moment. An amount that you perfectly need. It's guiding you. Some people are crying. Some people are laughing. Some people are visually seeing anything from the past or the future, more clarity, deeper meditations, a dialogue between you, your mind or your higher self. It's facing yourself with conscience, like with psychedelic trips, the Ayahuasca mushrooms. You are facing your own self. Whatever you have done in life, it's right there. If you're ready to face that, you're ready to face that. It's for people who are practicing, spiritually growing and evolving because you have to be ready for that practice.

When you spiritually evolve, what naturally happens is your surroundings change. When you elevate in the frequency, when you shift in your frequency, everything around you shifts. It's the natural resonance. Some people are staying in your past and it's not linear time like past, forward, back and forth. It's that you don't resonate any longer and it happened in my life that I had to leave my husband for those reasons. Because I was so aligned working in Manhattan for one month so intensively, that you were saying, “I have that gift now. You gave it to me. I can activate my debt. I do want it on myself often.” I can say the same. For one year, when I was going through a traumatic experience, through hardship.

I'm an NLP master practitioner. When I was going through that, I forgot everything. I was in that loop, in that moment, that I was already aware that it's not very healthy for me so I have to get out. When I got out, I was by myself in New York, facilitating so many classes and being washed with his frequency. It aligned with who I am. When I went back to Italy, I was suddenly feeling like, “Why did I see this color so much brighter than they are?” It was as if I took off my glasses. Not the pink glasses because I will never eliminate my pink glasses, it's my lifestyle but sobering up in that aspect. Seeing the reality as it is, not how I wanted to see it always. I was able to see not the illusion. I understood it's not my nature. If I'm staying here, I'm going against my nature and it's a sin. It’s a sin to betray yourself.

We were talking a little bit about that emotional trauma that we had maybe in childhood or it could even be ancestral but let's keep it to someone's physical reality in their body. Let’s say emotional trauma happened. Say somebody told you you're a terrible singer when you were younger and then all of a sudden, every time you feel the urge to sing, talk or just express yourself or you're told not to talk or whatever. There's a seed that's planted in the physical bank account. At some point, if you're not moving through those emotions, releasing them or sitting with them, understanding them to be able to release it then it's going to cause some issues in that physical location.

There was this study on the different types of cancers and different types of emotional traumas that people have had. Pancreatic cancer was related to public shaming. It was a Canadian study. Steve Jobs was one of the examples. He was the CEO of his company, the founder, all of a sudden at one point he got fired from there and he was publicly shamed. That caused such an emotional trauma towards him that it ended up resulting in cancer later on in his life. Who knows if that's true but this was one of the studies that somebody did and they put out information on that.


It makes a lot of sense where the emotional traumas are being put inside of us and we have to somehow be able to release them. KAP is an amazing way to do it. Breathwork also is another way to release these traumas. At the end of the day, we have to face what’s not serving us and what's hurting us. If we're conscious of it or we're not conscious of it, KAP can get to the subconscious roots and scrape out whatever is stuck inside of us.

You don't even have to be conscious about it. Sometimes the traumatic experience occurs or sometimes it doesn't occur in your mental. You don't even understand why the emotion came out. You don't have to think about it or intellectualize it, just release it. That's the beauty of the KAP modality. You don't have to think about it with a meaning to it so when you release it, it doesn't matter what that is. It's the purpose. It was released and liberating. That served the purpose.

You brought up Ayahuasca and psychedelics. Can you tell us a little bit about your experience? Have you done it? What has your experience been like?

I'm a very curious person and I've done Ayahuasca twice in my life, the first time in 2013. I just started to eliminate meat from my diet. I was at the beginning of my spiritual journey. I was preparing myself very consciously that I need to eliminate these and that and don't watch anything with heavy emotions before I go on this trip and it was in Manhattan.

I don’t recommend it for anyone to do their  first experience in Manhattan but mine was pretty powerful, I'd say.

It would be much more incredible if it was done in nature but it was as powerful as in nature. I experienced that physical, ego, death, everything. I saw the hell in the settings, in the venue, in the people. I saw that. It was not resolved. It left some questions in my consciousness because I was not scared, I was very aware of what's happening. I was like, “My god,” and then I'm like, “I'm dying.” My body became the grape into the raisin very fast in front of my eyes. I'm like, “I'm still here.” It was incredible.

When I was working with my therapist and my therapist happened to be a person from Russia, she also has a shamanic background. A medium. She can tap into the astral and higher realms. She was explaining that the purpose of the Ayahuasca is to go through this ego death process. It was incredible that I got there for the first time. When it was the second time, after my initiation in 2019 to this KAP modality. I was activated and emanating that frequency. I came to a circle in nature with beautiful women. We were doing it in the daytime. Usually, it’s happening in the nighttime. It's beautiful, sunny and we have these shots. I was the first one, there happened to be five of us, the first one takes the first one and hits it.

I'm already observing that person number four is bawling for ten minutes and I don't feel anything. I'm like, “It feels good.” It's like my natural state. I feel loved. I see everything is love. Everything is beautiful, heart expansion. I'm like, “I paid for it. I poisoned myself already.” I need to go fully in, otherwise, it's damage to my body and a waste of everything. I go to the shaman and our shaman at that time had a person next to him, a Brazilian woman that didn't speak English. They were co-facilitating a process and playing music. I'm going to hit them and I'm saying, “Can I please have some more?” Because I've heard you can do that in a second shot or whatever. I'm like, “Can I have some more? Because I don't feel it as I know how it can be felt.”

This shaman woman from Brazil is telling us something in Portuguese. He translates to me like, “She says, ‘What do you do here? You don't need any longer. Your aura is golden.’” These moments happened in my life many times when people are telling me nice things. Not only people, it's the people who have extrasensory abilities and they channel this information. They tell you something like, “We have that.” A part of you is like, “It sounds too good to be true,” or, “What do you want from me? I'm going to still buy your book. You don't need to give me all this nice, beautiful information.” Over time, I observed people from around the world. My natal charts, my Indian palm reading, profound astrology that was able to for my fingerprint, the Nādi Astrology. You're familiar with that, it is profound. I did it in India.

My chart, soul imprint or blueprint in my life of what I'm supposed to do, what I'm doing. When I connected the dots, “They say about the same thing. I need to not be shy about it when they talk about it. When they tell me to examine information. I need to take it and I need to embody that.” Even in 2012 and 2013, it would be still like a mystery to me. Now I'm advanced in my knowledge, in my practice, in my realizations. I am finally fully tapping into the full expression of who I am here and what I’m here to do. When they were telling me, “Your aura is golden,” it was another validation. I sat back and they said, “Thank you for bringing love.” It's not that bring love, everybody's love. Love is everything, everything is God but transmitting that state of consciousness in that field and holding the space for others. That was my purpose in this Ayahuasca second trip.

A very similar story to me. The first time I did it was in New York City and I had that full ego death. I was able to experience any not-so-great interactions with people in the past and able to see it from their perspective, if somebody hurt me, if I hurt somebody. I was able to heal that. I reached out to them after the session was over and make sure that we're all reconciled and we're good. Either apologize or forgive. My life just took off. The second time I did it, it showed me that, “If you're not living your purpose now, what are you doing?” From then on, I started my journey towards building the center and wellness.

I haven't touched Ayahuasca since 2015. When we do this work like Ayahuasca or some other astrology like Nādi Astrology, they want you from a higher sense, the universe, God, whatever, once you get to a certain level before you're ready for the next one. You have to do the work in the real world. It's not only taking Ayahuasca all the time because we all know people that drink Ayahuasca every single week, month or whatever it is and then talk about how great it is. It's almost like a drug for them. It's not done in a ceremonial setting where you're taking it and then you're using what you learned in there, all this stuff that you're downloading, you have to now put into your life.

If you're not doing that then you're not going to get the lessons going forward. It's almost like a joke or a habit or some recreational thing. At the end of the day, once I went through this process, there are a lot of things that I'm ready to move forward from in terms of leveling up in my life. I think that I'm feeling a calling to do Ayahuasca again. I think that I'm ready for the next level of life and bringing this to a larger scale. It's so important once you do the psychedelic or the experience to then move in the direction of what you're learning in that.

I can't agree more because I see and I observe people who are going every weekend and they get to use that as an excuse, “It's a recreational drug.” It's the spiritual, the gathering, a spiritual ceremony. What else can be more spiritual than that? They can be addicted to that. It can be like going to a nightclub activity gathering. It's also an escape from reality because they get there, they connect to all their state of consciousness then they close the door and go back to their normal life. If we’re not embodied to taking it to the whole everyday life aspect, we are not using it properly. I am not against any recreational drugs, Ayahuasca or many other more natural plant medicines. For people who tend to be very much in their minds, they block the higher state of consciousness. They are not perceiving what is beyond the consciousness and to get them to break open to the mind and to perceive, “There is something more.”

When I was a kid, I was seeing that there is something more than just here. For these people, it's very useful but not very often. Knowing that we can get into that state of consciousness, we don't need the substance, we can use the activation, we can tap into. For people who can’t get there by themselves, they need a facilitator. Remember when I was saying that they wash their face with high-frequency water, the holy water and then going back and you need to wash your face again. I'm doing these immersions half the day, six hours of the group sessions and I differentiate women and men separately. In those sessions, people get to dive in in the pool of that holy water and embody that for their longer-lasting effect in life.

In addition to the six-hour sessions, tell us a little bit about some of the other offerings. I know you do one on ones and open sessions as well.

I do open sessions on Thursdays and Saturdays in Manhattan. I do private sessions on the requirement. Also, I do online group sessions, online private sessions and immersion days, which happen twice or once per month. It’s fantastic and ground shaking. I have a beautiful testimony from a girl who experienced that last time with me. She was writing that she was experiencing the pain from trauma, releasing and crying. It felt like she was going through a birth channel and I was her midwife. It was a process of rebirth coming back to that subtle reprogramming. It's a mind-blowing experience.

Thank you for sharing about your practice. I highly recommend everybody to experience this. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. To have the ability to have access to somebody like that is rare because you're one of few in this whole area.


For 1.5 years, I was the only one on the East Coast. Many people from neighboring states were traveling to visit me too. I was traveling to India, Africa, Russia and Italy. I was living in Italy a little bit. Every time I was coming back to New York, I was overly booked because people knew, “She's the only one here.” There are many more, a few more than many. Every facilitator has their own frequency imprint and people who resonate choose their facilitator or activator.

Switching gears a little bit. We're living in an interesting timeline for Earth. I respect your opinion on your overall view and perspectives on things. What is your interpretation of what's going on in humanity and Earth at large?

My interpretation is that the Earth and humanity go through a natural cycle of evolution, collective agreement, interpersonal relationships. It's normal. We're blessed to be facing, believing and experiencing what we are going through with this COVID situation when people were caged in their apartments without an opportunity to go to explore and to live as normal. We get to be with the people who trigger us the most. Who is that? Our partners and our family. It was a bootcamp of transformation. It was collective enforcement of awakening and it had to happen. People like me and you, other teachers, mentors, healers are holding the space for people who are going through that and being overwhelmed.

For me, back in 2010 and 2012, I was having my first awakenings. It was weird. There were not a lot of people who you can talk to express and you will be understood because it was weird at that time. In my dream, I am being abducted and I cannot speak about that. I would be weird or cuckoo. Now, it's mass media and I’m like, “How amazing and fantastic is my life. Welcome to my life.” It's a natural cycle and it's fascinating. I can be judged like, “She's living in her bubble world. Everything is lovey-dovey.” I went through hardships. 2020 was hell for me. If it exists on Earth, it was that with my own things I was facing, I was seeing. The beauty of it is to go through that, to have things in front of you to be seen and to be transformed through relationship, father, mother. The person who triggers you the most is a blessing to bring up in front of you because if we see it, we transform it. If we don't see it, we carry that as baggage. From that baggage, we create.

We dump it on somebody else's life too. Rather than dumping garbage, we want to dump blessings. The person that triggers us the most is the biggest blessing in our life. What if the worst day in your life was your best day if you look at all the things you've gone through to get to where you are now? I fully honor that. Anyone who's going through pain, to be able to come out with a smile on your face and feel gratitude for this situation, that's the game of life. If you figure that out, you've already won the game of life. Everything else is a blessing on top.

I want to emphasize that. From my explanation, it might sound too good to realize and to make it in the real world for the person who’s going through a hard time. I'm coaching my clients as an NLP practitioner and as the coach beside the Kundalini Activation Process to integrate modality activations and everything. People are going through their transformation and some people think, “The things she said are too good to be true.” It's not easier said than done. I went through that moment, which is called the dark night of the soul. We all go through that and it's a blessing because it's ego structure and you're tapping into who you are.

I was in the process of crying hard that I was losing my voice for the week. It was intense. I can speak about that. I can show not to prove to people I don't care but I have videos that I videotaped myself that I went through that extremely hard pain. You can imagine that I felt that. It's not sarcasm. I'm smiling because I'm happy to have it because I will not be the person I am now and I'm like, “You’re growing.” To me, it felt like the pain if I was departed or if I was cut without anesthesia. The pain I went through was raw. Even in that process, you're able to go through and it's your choice how long you want to devote to this healing process. We can be healing our own life. It's a belief that when we’re traumatized, we need to be healing.

Give yourself time and space consciously that you want to do this work to heal yourself mentally, physically and energetically because we can begin to reprogram. We’re rewriting the history of whatever happened to treat the mind. It liberates you from pressure and pain associated with that. It's consciously your choice because we can get stuck in that healing process as having an excuse for our healing, “I'm delaying everything I was doing. I am healing.” I went through that. Everybody will understand. That is your excuse to live your life. We are all in different levels of consciousness of perceiving how it works.

I am being an example that it's doable. It's doable faster than you think. The first time I went through that, I went for a few years through that because I was eliminating. I was like, “It didn't exist. I'm going to distract myself.” I never lived through the emotions that were necessary to live through. Now, at the moment of the healing, everything came back from several years ago and I was released, mentally, physically, spiritually and energetically. I am here now smiling, open and liberated.

What is the point of life if everything was easy? We'd get all the lessons early on. It's the constant evolving of life, the unfolding of paths, moving through challenges and cleaning karma, that's all a part of it. We laugh and love the journey and be grateful for it because this is the only journey that we know and this is what we have to do. It's important to love your life and fall in love with yourself and realize you are your soulmate. Anastasia, why did you come to earth as Anastasia Armanova? What did you want to experience?

It was two different questions because of what I wanted to experience in life. I wanted to send my mom to the space that she would be in because the time timeline is different. She would come back around the same age, our age. We would be at the same level of age. I wanted to experience that, interestingly. I came to this life as Anastasia Armanova as we all came with our standards of gifts and talents and to be the full expression or representation of not just the physical body but the imprint who aren't here as energy. What is life’s purpose? It’s to be fully who you are. Find something that you are passionate about, you love and it brings you joy. When you are in that frequency, you emanate that frequency and it's impactful to others. It's not about, “What profession should I do? What is my life purpose?” It’s being your expression every day, being in love with yourself and being who you are. I'm here to show that it’s possible.


What does God or spirituality mean to you?

God is all it is. God is everything in everything. The question would be the difference between dark and light. God is dark and God is light. Dark is the same light without knowing itself it's light. It's the intensity of light. The dark room, when we open the door, starts to know itself in light. God is everything. That was always my interpretation and my interpretation of the world. God is everything.

How can we learn more about you, Anastasia?

I have a website, go to Purity Sensation and you can find about the project that I'm working on. It's called Purity Sensation. It’s the modality that I'm developing, a full detox for the physical body, mental body and spiritual energy body to get yourself to this super consciousness, the psychic abilities, manifestation and extra abilities. It's a problem for the new organically evolving human. I also put information about the Kundalini Activation Process there on PuritySensation.com. You can find me on email, KapByAnastasia@gmail.com. I have also a Facebook page, KAP by Anastasia. I'm holding these immersions for men and women. You can find information there. Everyone who is resonating with that is welcome. I'm looking forward to facilitating this beautiful journey and set you on this spiritual evolution.

It's a real honor to work with you, what a blessing. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul in this world. Everyone appreciates you.

Thank you, Anand. I'm honored, humbled and blessed to be on your path. Thank you for spreading this knowledge and collecting people like me. It's important to spread this information to others.

Important Links:

About Anastasia Armanova


Anastasia Armanova is certified KAP Facilitator and a High frequency transmitter.

Her background as a Coach and NLP Master Practitioner helps Anastasia to guide her clients through the whole process of INTEGRATION of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING before and after ACTIVATION.

According to her Master Astrologer, Anastasia’s physical body carries the ecstasy-feeling-like frequency that expands consciousness and aligns PEOPLE with WHO THEY REALLY ARE.


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