Episode 53: Reading The Akashic Records: Tap Into A Healing Journey With Tiffany Malone

Ever since I can remember, from my first conscious thought as a young child, I had a feeling that I was here before, possibly many times, as I had glimpses of my soul's journey. And I knew that this life was just a temporary experience. Growing up being exposed to the Hindu religion, reincarnation was a big part of the teachings, along with karma (effects of actions) and dharma (righteous action). I've been on a lifelong quest to understand and connect deeper to my own soul, but also ancient wisdom, the human origin story, and the realm beyond our five senses. I've also been incredibly blessed to meet the most amazing healers and genuine individuals who can see into these realms. Today, we dive deep into learning about the akashic records and meet a beautiful woman who can tap into the infinite knowledge of the universe and all of our individual lives. 

Meet Tiffany Malone. An Akashic Record Reader, Light Language Healer, and Intuitive Channeler, Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others reawaken their soul’s journey. After receiving her first Akashic Reading, Tiffany began her journey of accessing the Akasha for others, and is a bridge between the conscious mind and the guidance of the soul. She is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your soul’s wisdom, inner power, and purpose. 


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Reading The Akashic Records: Tap Into A Healing Journey With Tiffany Malone

Accessing The Infinite Wisdom Of The Universe To Guide You On Your Soul's Unique Journey

Ever since I can remember, from my first conscious thought as a young child, I had a feeling that I was here before possibly many times over as I had glimpses of my soul's journey. I knew that this life was just a temporary experience. Growing up being exposed to the Hindu religion, reincarnation was a big part of those teachings along with karma or effects of action and dharma or righteous action.

I've also been on a lifelong quest to understand and connect deeper to my soul but also ancient wisdom, the human origin story and the realm beyond our five senses. I've been incredibly blessed to meet the most amazing teachers, healers and genuine individuals who can see into those realms. We dive deep into learning about the Akashic records and meeting a beautiful woman who can tap into the infinite knowledge of the universe and all of our lives. Meet Tiffany Malone, an Akashic record reader, light language healer and intuitive channeler.

Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others reawaken their soul's journey. After receiving her first Akashic reading, Tiffany began her journey of accessing the Akasha for others. She is a bridge between the conscious mind and the guidance of the soul. She is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your soul's wisdom, inner power and purpose. Welcome to the show, everyone.


Tiffany, welcome to the show. How are you?

I'm good. Thank you for having me.

Thank you so much for coming on. I stand here in gratitude for you. First of all, I wanted to thank you so much for coming on. This is your first show. You're sharing your eternal truth of the Akashic records with the audience and me. I was talking to a mutual friend of ours, Agatha. She told me that you're somebody I have to connect with. I signed up to do a reading with you. A couple of days later, you sent me this beautiful video. I watched it. It was about my Akashic records and some of the questions that were lingering in my mind and heart.

It touched my heart. Tears were strolling down my face. It was because everything that you said hit so many different points in my body. After finishing that and listening to it a couple of times, I felt like some layers of rust was coming off of me because I was having some uncertainty about the direction of my career and things like that. It put a lot of things into perspective. First of all, I want to appreciate and acknowledge you for that. I'm sure a lot of the audience is going to want to get a reading after this conversation because you're so magical at what you do.

I appreciate you saying that. I'm reading the Akashic records for people. Every time I do this for people, it's such an honor to be able to do that because it is a soul-to-soul connection. I get to connect with people on a different level. I get to connect with the higher self, bring through messages that they are ready to receive and help with everybody's journey moving forward with ascension and their specific journey.

What does living a limitless life mean to you?

When you connect with that frequency, you connect to the vibration of a person’s soul, records, and memories.

I love this question because for me, living a limitless life is all about tapping into my multidimensionality. When I say that, I mean not just being me as Tiffany me in this 3D state. It's me as all aspects of me and all lives that are past, present and future. That's limitless.

When you said that, it makes me think. A lot of times, it's very easy to get caught up in the fact, "I do this for work. This is what I look like. This is my linear box, my family and my routine. I get up, go to work, maybe do some other stuff, workout, come back and then rinse and repeat." We come as a soul with so much karmic baggage or layers of things that we're bringing into it. When we acknowledge that, we have to realize that we're limitless.

You talk about ascension. If we're ascending to this highest place to become one with God or however you want to describe it. We are all an aspect of that. We start there, separate from that and live these incarnations, lives and simultaneous experiences. We go back to that once we have all the experience that we need for our soul's journey. When we zoom out a little bit, it becomes a very vast feeling, "We are all limitless."

The Akashic records bring this forward to a lot of people. It did for me when I had my first reading. It brought back memories. I already knew it but it made me realize on a deeper level or a cellular level that I am not just me and there is so much more to me. That's what I want to bring to everybody when I do a reading for them.

When I listened to that when you were speaking and talking to me about all the levels of my incarnations, my higher self and everything, it was almost like I was getting healing or an attunement because, after that, I felt so much lighter by hearing that stuff. I'm sure subconsciously or spiritually that I knew this but consciously, there was some wall or curtain that was in the way that I couldn't see prior to working with you.

When these memories start coming through, for example, after reading and you hear about a past life that comes through, it might trigger something within you. Sometimes it comes straight away and sometimes it can be over time. You do receive healing because you're healing and connecting to your whole self. These memories bring up the entirety of your soul, not just you as Anand in this lifetime. In the readings, some healings come through angelic healings. I have angelic energy that comes and also DNA healing and ancestral healing. It's big and powerful in the readings also.

LOTP 53 | Akashic Records

Akashic Records: Living a limitless life is all about tapping into my multidimensionality.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you became an Akashic record holder or reader of this knowledge? What is the proper term?

I don't even know if there is a proper term. It's called an Akashic record reader but that is just a term. It means so much for different people. I've always been an empath like most of us. My intuition has always been very strong. When I was growing up, I was interested in animal welfare. I was always surrounded by pets and animals. I started becoming interested in animal communication. I studied it, read about it and started communicating with my pets. When I realized I could do that, it opened up something within me. This was when I was in my teens, twenties and up.

I started my business. It was pet-related. I became an entrepreneur with my business and got busy with that. Years ago, I started Akashic records. Akashic readings started coming into my field. I started hearing and seeing it everywhere. Like everybody else, I was like, "What is this?" I started becoming interested in it. I got my first reading. After that, it sparked something in me. I thought to myself, "I want to learn how to do this. I don't want to go to other people and hear it from them. I want to do this myself." That's where I started that journey.

Was there any training that you did? Was it mostly introspective meditating and asking for the calling to do this?

I did training probably because, at the time, I thought, "You need to do training. How can you all of a sudden become an Akashic record reader?" Anybody would think, "What do you do?" I started doing research, reading books and that kind of training. As it evolves, I got my way of doing the readings. I was practicing with friends. I read for myself. It took gaining confidence and experience. Once you gain that confidence, then it all opens for you.

You got the calling. Can you tell us what it is exactly? Everyone thinks it's this record book or library of knowledge but is there anything more specific you can share with us about it?

We’ve all had previous connections. That’s why when we have a conversation, we automatically feel the love.

That's where it's deceiving because if people look it up and google it, there are all these interpretations of this big library and another dimension that you go to. It's this book of somebody's life. I get where that comes from but in my experience from working within people's records, it's a frequency that's all around. When you connect with that frequency, you connect to the vibration of a person's soul, their records, their memories and the soul's journey.

It's like tapping into anything. You don't have to go anywhere to do it. You don't have to go to another dimension or do that. It's just tapping into that frequency and acknowledging that's what you're doing. I do create a safe space when I do this, which is very important because when you create that safe space, you know that the information you're receiving is accurate and true. That's so important.

When you say all the records open up, are any records blocked where they're locked up and they're not supposed to be accessed for any particular individuals until a certain time or anything like that?

I have heard that from another reader. She had various experiences with that and various reasons that she felt the records were locked. I'm sure that some can be. Personally, I've never encountered that. With everybody that I've read for, I haven't encountered that at all. That has been wonderful. I'm not saying that might not happen at some point but that's not in my experience so far.

The reason I ask is that back in 2009, I went to a place called the Nadi Astrology Center. I don't know if you've ever heard of Nadi astrology. You put your right thumbprints if you're a male and give them to this library or the holders of these ancient scrolls. If you're a woman, it's the left thumb impression. They go and find the particular leaf that's designed for your particular life. It was written 2,000 years ago by the sage Agastya. It reminds me of the Akashic records. They went into all my previous lives and my current life.

They knew everything that was going on in my life and that I was going in for shoulder surgery. They had my mom and dad's names written down. They knew both my sisters were married and that one of them got married the day before. They knew I was coming in my 29th year. They went through all my pasts, talked to me about the present moment and what was happening and told me, "This is the amount of knowledge that you need to know. You're going to come back at a certain age and learn the rest." That's why I was curious about that.

LOTP 53 | Akashic Records

Akashic Records: The more you heal yourself, the more you release blocks, the more you do the shadow work, and then you free up the space for more to come to you.

I do believe that you are open to more knowledge and information at certain times but that depends on where you are in your healing journey. For example, the more you heal yourself, the more you release blocks, do the shadow work and do all that work on yourself. You free up the space for more to come to you. I do believe that's part of what they were talking about. You go through certain stages in your life. You've probably done a lot more healing than you did at that point. I agree with that.

One of the other things you told me during the reading is that our past lives and future lives are all happening simultaneously. It's telling me there's no such thing as time and it's all one moment. Can you elaborate on that a little bit and explain what that's all about?

That has been huge for me. I would love for more people to understand the concept that we were raised in this 3D reality where there is past, present and future and time is linear but in my experience, in the records and other experiences, it has become so clear that time is simultaneous. Past lives are simultaneous to your life. Future lives are simultaneous.

You imagine a timeline. Instead of past, present and future, it's simultaneous and everything runs simultaneously. This is the idea of timelines where you can tap into different timelines. When I describe my work and even in readings, I will still call it a past life because that's how we're programmed to think. It's easier to call it that but in reality, you are living that life simultaneously at this time.

That taps into that multidimensionality also. All of this is happening at the same time. I have had many readings where this past life self of a client will meet the present self. There will be an exchange, a download or healing. It says, "That past life self is waiting for this moment in time for that to happen." I see it as if it's all happening at that moment. That's back to everything in the now moment.

You're to be able to witness that. The person you're doing the reading for is not seeing that. How does that make you feel when you're seeing this reunion between the same soul but two different parts of that soul? How do you react to something like that?

There is no light without the dark.

It's unbelievable. I'm so blessed and grateful to be doing what I do, witness that and describe it to somebody. That's why in my readings, I explain and describe a lot because I want to let everybody know how powerful this connection that happens is. It's unbelievable to be able to witness that and help people because even though they might not at that moment experience it as it was shown to me, it unlocks something within them. It's almost like a time-release. Over time, that release is almost like opening up these memories and then moving on to something else. It's amazing.

Can you tell us a little bit about your process for doing a reading on somebody? You work with a lot of people you've never met before. You have no prior knowledge. There are a few things that you do ask beforehand regarding date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. You ask if any particular questions are coming up for the person. Once you get that info, how do you start preparing for that?

With the readings, the way I do it is I get specific information. I do need the full name and the date of birth. For the date of birth, I don't need to go into the records. I don't have to know how old somebody is to go into their records. That is a form of permission because you have to have permission to go into somebody's records. You cannot go into anybody's records and get information. If you try to do that, the information won't be accurate and could be false. That would be the worst thing I could imagine ever happening. That's to get that verbal or written permission to go into somebody's records.

If people have questions, normally they can send a few questions about anything that's happening within their life at this time that they need some guidance on or they don't even have to have any questions. Honestly, the reading is guided by the person's higher self and their guides. Any information that needs to come through at that time in their life, which is for their highest good, is what comes through. What I do is they send me the questions or I go in and do the reading. It's not even a meditative state.

I open up the records in a safe space. The information comes to me. I write it all down. There is some channeled writing in this. I channel words, sentences and paragraphs. It varies what comes through. It's the higher self. It is past lives. There are ancestral messages, angelic and star families that come through for a lot of star seeds. I've had so many different types of energies that have come through. Once I do the reading, I record a video that's normally about 45 minutes and then I send it to the person so that they can view it, watch it and then listen to it again.

The reason I do this instead of doing it live is that when the information comes through, for example, with these past lives and now moments meeting, it's a way for me to relay the message without interruption. It's important for me to relay it as it was given through me to the person. When you're in a conversation, questions come up. It was shown to me that this is the way this needs to come to the person as it came through me. I find that's the best way for it. There's a follow-up call or a Zoom where we can go over and clarify any questions that anyone might have.

LOTP 53 | Akashic Records

Akashic Records: We didn't learn in this past life because it's all about experiencing.

I love that process. You're getting the conscious reading from your higher self. We carry energy. If you're reading for somebody and you see their face, it might get into your head, "What are they thinking? Are they not comfortable with this?" Read it directly from the source and then let the person listen to it and digest it. I felt so good about the reading and all the messages that came through. It sparked a lot of thoughts for me to continue, journal and ask myself why was I thinking these things prior and why was I feeling these blockages.

Based on the stuff that you told me, it all tied together so well. To have the reinforcement and the conversation with you afterward two days later or something like that, the puzzle pieces all fit together. It's up to the person or the individual like myself to start making those actions, whether I want to make those changes or not or continue along the same path. Awareness is the biggest thing. Once we have awareness, then we can start making choices. If we don't have the awareness, then we're going to continue going along the same way that we have been in the past.

The great thing about it too because it's recorded is you can refer to it. A lot of people will watch the recording. It's a lot of information to digest in the first recording. I'll never forget when clients started reaching out to me after viewing it and saying that they then watched it and listened to it again without the distraction of viewing it. They felt it on a deeper level. Deeper layers and more started coming through. When you view it again 3 or 6 months later, it can even go through on a deeper level or you can see what you have done to follow through from the reading and what you haven't. That's beneficial also.

Everybody has different challenges and things that they go through. I'm sure there are so many messages that come through. Have you ever gone through a situation where the guys are giving you so much downloaded information that there's no possible way you could explain it all in 40 minutes? I can't even imagine. I'm sure there's so much more than my guides have to tell me. Is it like a faucet and you have this cup, pour enough to fill that cup and share that? Is it coming down gallons at a time and you have this little cup to fill with?

It varies. There are many readings when information keeps coming. I spend an hour to an hour and a half in the records when I am in there. I write the information down. I could spend 3 or 4 hours. There's so much that can come through. There is the intention for the person's highest good at this time. It does stay within that framework. I have had some people ask some questions.

Normally, when I first go into the records, I find that I ask for a past life that is relevant to the life at this time for that person because so much information will come through and tie into what is relevant in their life that they need to know and understand. There's so much information that I also want to get to the questions that the person asked. I have to back off sometimes.

We have the free will to choose to return and come back to learn more lessons.

The energy's coming in. I have to refocus on the person's question that they want to ask because that's important to them at this time. I've also had downloads come in where it is a download. There's so much information that it can't be relayed all in one session. I have people that come back for multiple sessions also because some people realize there's more that needs to come through but it's in their time when they're ready.

In my reading, you talked about one particular guide that you connected with. In other readings that you've done, do you have multiple guides come through to you to share the info? Are they trying to talk over each other? Is it pretty organized from their end in terms of the messages and it's all congruent to come together to you?

It varies. I've had readings where there are multiple guides. I've had readings where it's just one or just the higher self. I have no control over that. I don't try to control it because I relay the messages. I'm the channel for that. It's all directed by what is coming through for your highest good. It could be that in another reading something else will come through but it varies from one reading to the next.

You've done a lot of readings at this point. Based on the people that you have read for, everybody's soul journey is different but do you see any common elements between the people that have been attracted to you in your life for the readings? Do you see any things where pretty often the problem is common or the challenge that we all have to go through?

There are a lot of life lessons that people go through that are similar in certain readings. Sometimes I have readings that seem to be grouped. I had quite a few readings where there were a lot of people who were awakening. This Akashic reading was very new to them. The messages that came through were relayed in a way that I could tell was opening them up. It's almost like a key. They're awakening and opening up to all of this. Sometimes I see it as a key that unlocks something. I can tell that their whole world is about to open up and become vast, which is so beautiful because I love it when I get the clients who this is an awakening experience for them. It warms my heart to unlock that.

It's like a second birth for them to the next stage of their life.

LOTP 53 | Akashic Records

Akashic Records: When you go through this dark night of the soul, you learn so much and deepen your awareness of yourself.

I get quite a few people who are very far along in their ascension journey. It's just another step or healing for them. I find that a lot of star seeds come to me also with their star family, which is why I've been guided to do more light language and light codes. I've started a new reading, which is a live Zoom reading called Akashic Light Codes. That is channeling the higher self and whatever star beings for that person to come through. That is light codes within the body, activations and downloads. That's also beautiful to witness.

The reason I ask is that our vibrations are a magnet that attracts, meaning people have very much similar energy to me. We both do a lot of Joe Dispenza work, the conferences, the meditations and everything. With the family that gets created over there, you can have a conversation for five minutes with somebody and then all of a sudden, you're best buddies with them. I've been noticing so much more that I'm opening up to it. I'm flooded every day with these amazing people coming into my life.

Even at my center, I'm having people come in. One little conversation sparks something that blows their mind or my mind is blown. We move on from there, whether it's a five-minute conversation or the conversation continues. We're all activating each other. That's what it feels like because the world is interesting. It's an amazing time. There are so many things going on with light, dark and all that stuff. I'm curious if you're noticing the same trend. All these soul families are coming together.

You hit the nail on the head about how we're activating each other. I had a conversation with a friend about these soul families and soul tribes. We are all meeting each other once again. We have all had previous connections. That's why when we have a conversation, we automatically feel love and connection. It's because we have been connected before. I truly believe it, whether it's a five-minute conversation or we become friends, see each other and speak all the time. There is an activation that is happening between us. Some of that is predestined and then some of that is the natural flow also.

Speaking about this current timeline, based on the readings, your knowledge or observation in general and your intuition, do you have any insight into what's happening on planet Earth and all the changes that we're going through? It seems like there's so much chaos but there's also so much awakening happening at the same time.

It's all perspective. I have channeled Gaia. Gaia has consciousness as we do. We are so interconnected and interwoven with her as she ascends because this is her consciousness ascending. She chose to go through this as we chose to be here as humans and experience this ascension as humans. We are going through this together. Although it seems like we're not supporting each other sometimes when you watch the news if you watch the news or if you hear certain things, we truly are supporting each other. Gaia is also going through shadow work and purging.

When you heal, other people are healing also.

All these natural disasters are her form of healing and releasing. It's a natural process. It's not something to be fearful of. Although it's devastating when we see and hear it, this is a natural process part of her ascension. As far as what is going on, it's back to perspective. I can feel the energy that this has already happened. It's playing out. What you're seeing and hearing that you might find negative is the old energy playing out. The new energy is already here. This new Earth energy is already present. It's your perspective and feeling about that. As more people awaken, that energy is going to grow and more people are going to start feeling into that.

They say it's always darkest before dawn. It feels pretty dark. Maybe it's just my perspective but it seems there's a certain group of people that don't love the ascension of humanity to raise and step into their power and light but at the same time, I sometimes think that maybe they're playing a role in this experience. They signed up to be the bad guys but if everything is pure love and godlike, we have to see both sides of the spectrum. Maybe they're serving humanity in the best way that they can. It was a thought I had during a meditative experience I had.

I agree with you. There is no light without the dark. You have to have both. Some people might not want to hear this or tap into it but we have all been everything and done everything. My soul has experienced things that I would probably be horrified that I have done but we are here to experience. Our soul is here to grow in whatever lifetime. I have experienced the dark. I'm sure I have done many dark things in my past lives. That's all about the experience. We play these roles, bring something out in somebody else and serve our purpose. Accepting that and moving forward with that is important because, at the end of the day, we are all one. We are all returning to unity.

Talking a little bit about the past things that we might have done in previous lives, karma and all this stuff, what do you see as karma destiny versus free will? How can we go about changing it? If we have done some horrible things in the past and we're in this position where we have to move through it, it might be challenging for some people. What encouragement can you give them if they're going through a dark night of the soul at this moment?

In my experience, karma is a lesson. We have free will. When we pass, a lot of people think that if you have this karma, you're going to keep coming into another lifetime. You have to get out of this karmic wheel and karmic pattern. That's not what I've experienced. We have the free will to choose to return and come back to learn more lessons. When we do come back, it's our free will, choice and soul to come back and learn more lessons or learn the lessons we didn't learn in this past life because it's all about the experience.

I haven't seen it as this karmic pattern or wheel that you can't get out of because we have free will. We have that power. As far as learning the lessons and getting through the dark night of the soul, most of my most difficult lessons have been learned when I'm going through that. When I go through it and look back on it, I've been so grateful for everything that I've been through that I thought was breaking me at the time.

Akashic Records: Isn't it such a gift to be awakened, understand what you're going through and know that it's a dark night of the soul, that you're going deeper within yourself and moving forward as a soul and that there are so many other people who have awakened and people that are in your community and your circle that can help you on that level?

I can't imagine my life if it was just all love and light because there's no dark without light and the other way around. You do go through it and experience it. It's all about experiencing, healing and becoming that stronger person. When you go through this dark night of the soul, you're learning so much, deepening your awareness of yourself and learning your strength because when you come through, you are more powerful and empowered to move forward.

Every dark night I've gone through like losing my dad or having multiple businesses fail forced me to go inwards to tap into my true power, take one step at a time and climb myself out of these holes of these dark places in the mind because they have served me more than any of the best days could have in my life. I realized that anytime there's a challenge, I can't dwell on it too much.

I have to continue to move forward in this life because, at the end of the day, we're still here. With all the challenges we have gone through, we're still standing with a smile on our faces. If none of that stuff could hurt us in a way that would stop us from keeping forward, then what other experience can we have that would? We have to appreciate and celebrate our strength and ability to climb out of these situations.

Isn't it such a gift to be awakened, understand what you're going through and know that it's a dark night of the soul, that you're going deeper within yourself and moving forward as a soul and that there are so many other people who have awakened and people that are in your community and your circle that can help you on that level? Think back to when you didn't realize what you were going through. You didn't know what the dark night of the soul was. It was just heaviness. It is a gift for all of us to be aware of that and know what we're moving through. That's very powerful.

To even raise the ante and have the gratitude for that is to appreciate that moment as much as you can because when you have gratitude for the worst, you have gratitude for everything good, positive and beautiful in life. You mentioned star seeds. What role do they play? Are there any insights into where star seeds came from and what they need to do? How can they serve the best in this timeline?

In my experience, star seeds are in human form but from different star systems and chose to be here in human form for the ascension of Gaia and humanity at this time. All star seeds play a huge role. I do believe that all star seeds are souls who are willing to take on this challenge, who are old souls and who have a lot of strength to be able to go through this human existence and come back again in this human existence.

Coming to earth and living as a human is one of the hardest things that we, as souls, can choose to do.

In general terms, star seeds are here to help raise the vibration of humanity, consciousness and the planet. That's what star seeds do. I do believe that each star seed individually has a deeper purpose. That can vary from what you do. For example, you're doing this show and reaching out to the people that you reach out to. That is a beautiful thing. People are learning, moving forward with this information and digesting it.

We all have these smaller roles that we play but when you meet another star seed and you connect as we were talking about with your soul family, you can feel the energy. As more people awaken and as we remember and connect, you can feel the light and energy. That's our purpose. What we're here for is to connect.

Every time it reminds me that there are so many people out there that are living in this moment in this role of star seeds. The more I meet them, I'm like, "I'm not alone." Don't ever feel like you're alone doing this because sometimes it can get challenging in everyday life. I always try to live a righteous life where I'm living the path, walking towards the light, loving everybody I interact with and trying to not let my ego step in the way of that even if somebody disrespects me or inflicts harm on me.

It's challenging. We would love everybody to wake up in a sense but when people are not ascending, we continue to do what we're doing because we can't force anybody. Everyone has free will. You don't want to inflict or step into their free will. It's living our purpose and inspiring other people around us and whoever we can inspire. That's great.

For those that don't, then my guess is at some point, not in this life and maybe in another life, they will ascend. That's the prayer I have for everybody. It feels like it's necessary for this timeline or this planetary experience that we're going through. We need more people waking up to what's going on and how we can be together in unity and all march as one.

People do have free will. You can't force somebody to wake up. It's going to happen when their higher self is ready. Honestly, we need to live our lives and work on our triggers when somebody is not very friendly or acting in a manner that can be upsetting. I'm always working on myself and my reaction because they are seeing that even though they might not acknowledge it.

Akashic Records: You can't force somebody to wake up. It's going to happen when they're ready when the higher self is ready.

To a certain level, they're understanding that when we live in our truth and our light. I'm not talking about walking around with high vibes all the time. We're human. We have things happen to us but it's always coming back to the fact. Be aware of the triggers and how you're reacting, be in that moment of it and process it. That's healing. When you heal, other people are healing also. That's how I view it. People are going to awaken when it's their time.

We can't expect anybody to change. It has to start from within. Be the change that you want to see in the world. You can't expect anybody to be different because their purpose and life's journey are different. They come from different places. We come from different places. I always have to look inward. The triggers only happen inside of us, not outside of us. It's so important to be introspective about that and continually look for those moments in my life where I'm stepping outside of that to realign myself. Thank you for that message. Why do you think you came here to Earth? What did you want your soul to experience?

I ask myself that a lot. Coming to Earth and living as a human is one of the hardest things that we as souls and star seeds can choose to do. People feel connected to themselves as interdimensional beings or have these lives off planet Earth. We wonder all the time why we chose to come here because it seems so unnatural for the world to be this way when you see the darkness and feel the energy and the heaviness but that's exactly why we did choose to come because this is one of the hardest things that we can do. Living as a human and being here previously and at this time of ascension is what we chose to do for our soul's journey to help humanity.

I truly believe that's why I chose to be here because I knew it would be tough. I was giving myself that challenge to come back, especially at this time. This is a pivotal time for my particular journey to be here when I see all of this ascension as a plant growing from the Earth and sprouting. It's so beautiful. There's so much more to come. I keep thinking, "In the next lifetime for my children or grandchildren, imagine what it's going to be like then." We're the boots on the ground. We're here at such an important time. I'm grateful that I chose this.

After seeing all the things you have seen in the Akasha, what do you think God is? What is spirituality to you? What role does it play in your life?

Spirituality is everything to me. It's the model of my life. It's how I live my life. When I interact with other people, I'm always attempting to be aware of how I am speaking to other people and treating other people. We have our moments. We are human but it's to bring spirituality in and honestly to realize that we are one. When we meet somebody who is an energy we don't want to be around, then they can come across as very aggressive. I see them as an aspect of myself. We are all one.

When I do that, I can't feel any dislike or hatred for them because they are an aspect of me. I try to bring spirituality into every aspect of my life. I have two teenagers. I've been so fortunate to be able to homeschool them for many years. To be able to bring that into their lives and have spirituality become a part of their lives also is everything to me. It's the way I live my life. I'm trying to focus on the now moment also. That has been very important to me. I'm bringing that aspect into my life.

Tiffany, I want to thank you so much for coming on. Your aura is glowing from here to the moon. I felt that the first time I saw you and talked to you. This is the first time we're seeing each other face-to-face over Zoom. Honestly, it's speaking to you and finding out that you found your path and that you're living your purpose. If you, me or anyone reading this hasn't stepped into their calling in life, how tragic would that be?

It is the time for us to ascend from humans to spiritual beings. Ever since I could remember, since my first conscious thoughts when I was three years old, I always knew that I'm in a body suit. I'm here for a short amount of time. It's just an experience. Growing up in the Hindu tradition, I learned about reincarnation. I'm like, "That makes sense."

With all the different mystical and magical things that are attracted to my life and meeting healers and amazing readers like you, I feel so gifted that I'm able to have this platform to share it with people who may not have had that exposure. I want to thank you so much. You're truly an incredible soul. I have so much love in my heart for you.

I feel the same way. I'm so grateful to have been able to meet you and connect. It's the Dr. Joe community that got us connected. We're all meeting and connecting with each other. I'm very grateful.

Thank you so much. If anybody wants to connect with you, get a reading and learn about their Akashic records, how can they learn about you?

I do have an Instagram account. It's @TiffanyAliceMalone. You can also email me. It's TiffanyAliceMalone@Gmail.com.

Thank you so much. I'm sure everybody is going to love this conversation.

Thank you, Anand. I appreciate it.

You're very welcome.


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About tiffany malone

Meet Tiffany Malone, an Akashic Record Reader, Light Language Healer, and Intuitive Channeler, Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others reawaken their soul’s journey.

After receiving her first Akashic Reading, Tiffany began her journey of accessing the Akasha for others, and is a bridge between the conscious mind and the guidance of the soul.

She is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your soul’s wisdom, inner power, and purpose.


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