Episode 65: Overnight Inside The Giza Pyramids With Brant Falliaux

I just returned from a life-changing experience in Egypt, and had one of the most profoundly spiritual experiences of my life staying overnight on the Giza Plateau and inside the three pyramids. I even got to lay inside the Kings Chamber where I had many mystical breakthroughs. I was blessed to share the experience with my brother and great friend, Brant Falliaux and his girlfriend Allyssa. In this podcast, Brant and I share our individual and collective experience of engaging on a journey like no other. Brant is a second time guest on the Limitless One Podcast - so please check out episode 50 where we go deep into Bitcoin and traditional finance. 


Brant Falliaux has a background in traditional finance and has set his roots in Bitcoin mining, as the Founder and president of Royal Haven. He is also an advocate for unity consciousness and 5D ascension. His passion is his music project called ELOVE and his great work can be found on Spotify. His other hobbies are art, meditation, fitness, & snowboarding in his home base of Colorado. 

For all things Limitless One, visit www.anand.life and follow me on Instagram @anand.life


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Overnight Inside The Giza Pyramids With Brant Falliaux

I returned from a life-changing experience in Egypt and had one of the most profoundly spiritual experiences of my life staying overnight on the Giza Plateau and inside the three pyramids. I even got to lay inside the King's Chamber where I had many mystical breakthroughs. I was blessed to experience this with my brother and great friend Brant Falliaux and his girlfriend, Allyssa. In this episode, Brant and I share our individual and collective experiences engaging on a journey like no other.

Brant is a second-time guest on the show. Check out Episode 50 where we go deep into Bitcoin and traditional finance. Brant Falliaux has a background in traditional finance and has set his roots in Bitcoin mining as the Founder and President of Royal Haven. He is also an advocate for unity consciousness and 5D ascension. His passion is his music project called Elove. His great work can be found on Spotify. His other hobbies are art, meditation, fitness, and snowboarding in his home base of Colorado. Welcome to the show, brother. Brant Falliaux, how are you?

It's good to be here again. How are you doing?

I'm doing amazing. We have been back from our trip. I'm excited to have you on. You're a second-time guest. We have some deep spiritual stuff and travel stuff to talk about.

Egypt was a wild time.

It was more impressive than I even expected. You couldn't even imagine. I've been studying Egypt for a long time. Ever since I was a little kid, I was into Indiana Jones, even that show, DuckTales. I don't know if you remember it.

I do remember DuckTales.

You would always go to these ancient sites and unlock mysteries. That turned the wheels in my head. I always felt that I was connected to that place, especially Egypt. I've always wanted to go. This opportunity came up. Maybe you could tell them a little bit about how we found out about this particular opportunity.

This one was funny. It was almost meant to happen. We both found out about this trip. We were talking about it. You had applied, been accepted, and done your whole video and all that type of stuff. I spaced on it. For this trip particularly, people had to do a video about themselves. There's a little bit of a background check because of the group that was going out there. I've been busy working. I spaced on it. You canceled your trip or put it on pause. We had both talked about this. I was up with my girlfriend at the Gaia Event Center in Boulder watching Robert Edward Grant talk.

If you don't know about him, you need to look into his work. He's amazing. The second day, for lunch, Robert popped out and started talking to me. We chatted for 30 minutes. It was nice because it wasn't a surface-level conversation. Within two minutes, we were getting into Arthurian starships, Pleiadians, multidimensionality, interdimensional, metaphysics, and all these things. Robert goes, "You should go to Egypt." He snaps his fingers and calls his secretary Eden over who's wonderful. He's like, "Talk to her, and she will get you set up." I'm like, "I see the stars aligning here." I told you, "We met Robert. He's super awesome. I talked to him for a whole afternoon." You signed back up and jumped on that.

It was incredible. Initially, I applied when we talked about it, and then I canceled. I was like, "I have so many things going on with the business. Can I take off for two weeks?" It's all the small-minded thinking. I was like, "I should do this but it's not the right time. I'll do it next year. I'll take my girlfriend Kate. I'll go with you next year." You had some music festival in Costa Rica or something like that at the time. I kept having dreams after I said no. That's weird because a lot of times, after I make a decision, I'm good with it, and I could feel comfortable but I had this weird feeling, "I should do this."

A couple of days later, you reached out to me and said, "It's back on. I'm going." Your girlfriend is going. I started thinking to myself, "I'm going to make it happen." I reached out to the Executive Assistant, Eden, of Robert and made it happen. Ever since then, I was like, "This is going to be amazing." That was 2 months or 3 months before the trip. I was like, "It's going to come soon enough. I don't need to be thinking about it or anything like that. Let me flow from my life into this trip. Whenever it happens, it's going to be amazing." When we went there, it blew my mind from the minute we started flying over the pyramids coming into Cairo.

Ironically, we're on the same flight. That was pretty funny.

There were only four people that were on our tour. One of the guys from Frankfurt, which was a stopover going to Cairo, was sitting right next to me. Only in the last three minutes of the flight, I'm like, "What are you doing in Cairo?" He's like, "I'm going on a tour." I'm, "Who's it with?" He is like, "Some guy named Robert Edward Grant." I'm like, "We're all going too." Synchronicity started from the very beginning there. It dovetailed into the most magical experience with the most amazing people. When you got into Cairo, we were driving in. What was the feeling that you got from an emotional stance?

It was overwhelming. When we were flying over, and we saw the pyramids down there and this whole city, I instantly got the feeling of two separate worlds. The more we went through the trip, we realized whatever ancient Egypt was is so different from what's going on now. Driving through Cairo took me back. It's a massive city. Still one of my highlights of the trip is when we were driving past that massive palace, cruising, and looking at this thing. You said, "If you get a bunch of money, you got to park it in real estate." It was hilarious because we were looking at probably 200,000-square-foot castle walls guarded all around. That was hilarious.

We rolled up the Mena House, which is where we stayed. It's a nice place. It's right next to the pyramids. You see the pyramids for the first time in person driving around. I don't know if I could explain that feeling but you realize something big is going on there, and something big happened there. You can almost feel their energy from miles away. You can feel the energy coming out of the pyramids from the hotel, which was right there. I was in awe.

Giza Pyramids: When you see the Giza Pyramids for the first time, you can almost feel their energy even from miles away.

I remember the first day, not when we went into the pyramids but earlier when we went to see the Sphinx when we were driving past the Great Pyramid. You're close enough that you could get out and touch the thing. I thought, "There's no way the story that people are told about that happened there." Those things are so impressive and massive. I'm like, "I don't know exactly what was going on but there's no way people rolled those up there with little rollies and stuff like that. There's no way."

The official story makes no sense. I remember we were on the tour bus. We did a circle around the pyramids and then went into the Sphinx area. That's all called the Giza Plateau. The Sphinx is there. The pyramids are pretty much very close by, probably half a mile. With the sheer size and scale of everything going there, my heart started beating fast. I was like, "This is what I've been waiting for my whole life." I knew later that day we were going to be going inside the pyramids. The first stop we had was the Sphinx.

It's crazy because timelines don't make sense. When people talk about ancient Egypt, everyone thinks ancient Egypt is all of that stuff but there are so many different periods. We found out later that they have been finding arrowhead spears from 4 million years ago. They found skulls from 400,000 years ago and then 100,000 years ago that were human. There's no such thing as ancient Egypt.

If you want to look at it, everything happened in this one area but what our tour guide was telling us after all the research he has done over the years is there are about 100,000 civilizations that were here, building, and doing these things, and had this technology. What we look at are hieroglyphs and all that stuff. What they say is it's about 3,500 BC to about 3,180 BC or somewhere around there. Don't quote me on the numbers. It's a very short amount of time. That's when they said everything was built. That's called the Dynastic Period. In learning about all the stuff that we did, it doesn't make any sense.

When they look in reverse time, look at the Sphinx, and go back to around 10,000 BC or so, the Sphinx is directly pointed at the constellation Leo at that time. That's the last time that occurred. You see when you get there that it's all lining up with stars. The three pyramids are lining up with Orion's Belt. The other pyramids are lining up with the whole constellation of Orion. It makes sense in getting out of Egypt too.

Go back with Tepe and stuff like that where these alignments were at this time that is way before anyone says that things were even going on. They're trying to tell us that there are Neanderthals running around and cavemen. All of these sites line up with the stars perfectly. The knowledge and the mathematics that it would require to do something like that are not primitive.

To a large degree, you saw in Egypt that it might not have been the exact technology. Maybe these guys didn't have 5G towers and stuff but it was obvious to me that there were technologies that existed when we were going around that far surpass what we have now, particularly in some of the rose granite or those massive 1,000-ton pieces that are carved. My girlfriend Allyssa was looking, and she found the symmetry on the face. It was so perfect that it was barely a fraction of a millimeter out. Nobody could have sculpted that.

Even though Ancient Egyptians didn’t have 5G towers, their technologies seem to have far surpassed what we have today. Their symmetry is so perfect that it was barely a fraction of a millimeter up.

They do reverse imaging of the mirror. Both sides look the same. Even in paintings and our human faces, if you take one side of your face, duplicate it, and do the reverse reflection on the other side, you look like a different person 100%. There's no way to get that perfect symmetry unless it was done in some machine or laser cut.

We're on Giza Plateau but I'm jumping to when we went to that quarry. It's a clear machined rock. It looks the same as the quarry we would have now. There is no doubt in my mind that machines were being used of some sort, looking like they were scooping this stuff out like an ice cream scoop. It's interesting. To get back to the plateau on that first day at the Sphinx, it was nice to set the pace of the trip.

When we went to the Sphinx, everybody else had to stand up on this platform. They get to see the Sphinx from over there, not because of you or me but more because of Robert. We get there and walk right down the platform. We get to touch the thing, walk all around it, and sit in between the paws. The Head of Antiquity shows up and then meets Robert there. I realized that this is a bit of a higher-level trip. That was cool. That did set the pace for some of the other things that happened that we were able to do.

We were so blessed to go with Robert. That's another reason why I made sure I jumped on this when the second opportunity came around. After this particular trip, I don't think he was planning on doing another one for quite some time because there were other sites and everything that he wanted to see. To give everyone a background on Robert, he's the guy who figured out the correlation between Leonardo da Vinci's paintings after a certain timeline in his life.

After he went to Cairo, there was a letter from da Vinci to the Sultan of Cairo at the time. He invited him over. He did some research there and spent some time there. All of his paintings after that period like the Vitruvian Man, the Last Supper, and one of the other ones all correlate to the mysteries and the mathematics of the pyramid. He must have had access to figure out what was going inside there and where the chambers were.

All this ancient knowledge is hidden now but we're rediscovering it on this trip and the things that we saw in the pyramid. They never found any hieroglyphs inside there but we were spotting lots of different images and visuals. We will talk about going to the pyramids to have the opportunity to spend overnight in the pyramids. You couldn't plan this thing unless you knew the right people. We were lucky to be able to spend two hours in all three of the pyramids.

There's the Great Pyramid, which is the Khafre Pyramid. There's the Khufu Pyramid, which is the second-biggest, and then the Menkaure Pyramid, which is the smallest of them even though they're all large. We got to go from 5:00 until almost 11:00 or 12:00. We were out there overnight. It was just our group, which was insane. I would love to go into it one by one starting with the first pyramid that we went into, the Menkaure, and get your perspective, and then I'll share a little bit of mine.

Let's go back to the Mena House. We meet out here at 5:00 PM. The Gaza Plateau shuts down at 5:00 PM. Robert has got this connection with antiquities and the government. When you go to Egypt, you can't walk up into the pyramid. You can see them but you can't go into these things unless you set something up like that.

You could tour during regular hours but you have hundreds of people in and out. Everybody's elbow to elbow. You're not going to be able to spend any time in there. The minute you go in, you're escorted right around to come out. There are narrow passageways.

There's a loop that they have set up inside there to go up and in and then get out of there. You can't go privately hang out in the King's Chamber for a couple of hours because you feel like it. The Giza Plateau closes. We walk up there. There are all these guards and stuff like that. We go into Menkaure. It had been either weeks or months before anybody had even been there. Nobody had been in there. When we went in there that night, it had been quite some time. 

We go in there. That was the smallest of the three on the plateau. Right away when you go in there, you can feel something. The pyramid is vibrating, and you can feel that. We went down into that chamber. It's interesting. There are massive rose granite chambers, floor to ceiling in both Menkaure and Khufu. We go into Menkaure, and there's this new chamber that they had dug out. I don't know what they found there.

First of all, that hasn't been open to the public ever. In probably thousands of years, people haven't been in there because they were sealed off.

We go in there and do an activation prayer for grid work. You're connecting places on the Earth grids and bringing these old sacred grids back online to try and hold the higher dimensional Earth. People talk about the 5D Earth. We activate these old grids and let the energy flow in the way that it's supposed to instead of in an inverse manner. It's good for the planet, consciousness, and where we're trying to head.

We go in and do this prayer, which was amazing. When we go into the other chamber, the floors, the walls, and the ceilings are all rose granite. It's rose quartz and granite. It vibrates at a particular frequency. Crystals are vibrating at a high frequency that is higher than liquids and gases. It's so high that it collapses back. Crystals appear to be solid but that's why they have all these properties.

To give everyone a little bit of a heads up, they use many different materials. Bringing rose granite, granite, sandstone, or limestone is from a faraway place. These things were up to 20 to 30 miles away if not 500 miles away down in quarries in Aswan. They knew different materials and rocks. They all had different properties and conductivity.

We don't know how they knew that and what experiments they did to get that. There had to have been some advanced technology that they were using to figure all this out. Specifically putting certain granite rose quartz in certain chambers brings certain harmonics. That's the other thing we will talk about. All these chambers and pyramids are attuned to certain musical sounds, hertz, and frequencies.

Robert figured out that all those pyramids are not in a foot, cubit, or meter type of measurement but in prospect ratios to one another. These ratios are constants in music. When you play the piano, the notes are different. It's different than a guitar string, for instance, but those ratios in the octave are still the same with the notes between one another. Robert cracked that one based on working with 432. The 432 tuning is more beneficial than the 440 tuning. That's a whole other conversation we can get into.

Giza Pyramids: When the perspective ratios of the Giza Pyramids were studied, it was discovered that they are constants in music.

You go in there, and it instantly became aware. Even before we went into the King's Chamber and the Queen's Chamber when we went into that chamber in Menkaure, a resonance chamber is what it is. You speak in it. The sound folds back on itself and onto you. You don't even have to be great. You can do some simple oms. With the way the sound goes out, the whole pyramid starts vibrating back in on itself. It's very activating. If I had to say it in the simplest terms, it feels like an activation of sorts.

It was super powerful. I'm not an amazing musician like you. Brant has got some great music you have to check out on Spotify. He uses all this sacred geometry, the sacred 432 hertz, and everything like that. Everything he does is conscious. Maybe you could tell us a little bit about that. I'm a terrible singer. I can't hold a note or a key but in doing the om, you could feel the reverberations coming back toward you. It felt like every word that was spoken in there gets amplified.

We were in that one chamber that they opened up. It was small. We have split this group of 75 into two groups. There were 30-something people in the group that we were in with Robert at the time. There was a prayer done. It was in impromptu prayer about what we're going through in humanity. We're going through so many changes. 

There's so much consciousness being raised but at the same time, there's always going to be that balance. The more the consciousness is raised, the more there's going to be darkness, but it's all part of the same oneness because you can't know divinity without knowing the other end of the spectrum, which is the lack of, the absence, or the inverse of that.

We were doing a prayer there. It was so beautiful. Everyone was in tears at that time. Everybody was holding hands. It was a special moment. At that moment, I knew, "I've been here before. We have done this before many times with the same group." The people that were in there were so open-hearted. 

It's crazy to go into a place and have such a spiritual experience, not having met any of these people. It was the first night of bonding without any words but somehow, everybody, the activations, the prayers, and the meditations they were doing all meshed together to make this beautiful symphony of love and connection. That started the trip up in a powerful way.

That was special. I did get the feeling. I don't know if it was timeline compression but you could see different strips of reality. You could almost feel them. That prayer was great. Everybody went to the next room talking about the walls. Right when we walked in and I looked up on the left, I was like, "That's a caduceus. That's DNA." I'm pretty sensitive to the energies. It sat me down. I spent some time in there engaging with it. Finally, I went over to the wall, leaned against the wall, and closed my eyes.

I don't know where I was. I don't know where that took me but it was magical, to say the very least. It was an intense experience. I felt like I was vibrating but then I also feel like I vibrated into complete oneness with everything where you can feel the field and that veil of illusion. It's not like, "I've been here with all these other people that I have met. I'm in here with all these other aspects of myself. We're all remembering the self. It's all one thing. We're all working our way back home together," which was a cool feeling.

That's beautiful. You couldn't have put it better because I felt the same way. When we went into one of the larger chambers in Menkaure, we started seeing things on the walls like the caduceus. If you ever see a medical symbol, it's the snakes going up the scepter. That's the caduceus. It's also known as Hermes' staff, double helix, snakes, and the Kundalini. There are so many different symbolisms for it. We were also seeing other stuff. We were seeing the tree of life, the flower of life, circles of life, and so many things that you would never expect to see in ancient Egypt.

There were no hieroglyphs anywhere inside any of these three pyramids. An interesting thing to keep in mind is this could have been and we believe that it's from a time way before hieroglyphics were even used. What was the purpose of these chambers? Maybe they were repurposed for several different reasons throughout the ages but there were so many different uses, whether it's energetically healing chambers or it's musical.

This is in general in all three pyramids or everywhere we went in Egypt. When you go in there, it's so grandiose. It's so enormous that it's overwhelming. The first question that comes to many people's minds is, "How did they do this?" The more I see, the more I started to think to myself. Instead of asking how they did this, why don't you ask yourself how are you capable of doing something similar and how you're able to do the same thing?

The message that they want to give us is that you have this divinity. You have this power within you. You could create whatever you want. These sites were made with so much love because they knew that they would stand the test of time and last. People would come in and would want to be curious about it. Every time I went into a different place, I felt like a different aspect of me was activated.

I don't even know how to describe it now but I feel so much lighter in all the things like some limiting beliefs that I had. When we went to these chambers, we saw hieroglyphs inside these healing chambers and the pyramids. I would have crazy night sweats. In the first four nights, I was releasing so much stuff. It was wild. I would wake up and feel so good the next day. A lot of times, it will bring up all of the challenges of your mind that you go through like your limiting beliefs, fears, and all that stuff. It will bring it up so you can move through it and move out of it.

That's what all these places wanted to show you on some level. They had their uses in the time that they were in but they also knew going forward, "How can we show the people that come here love? How can we send them healing and show them that they are divine incarnate?" Once we realize that we are that limitless energy or God's energy, then it changes our life. My life now is completely different. The trajectory is so much more amazing because I don't have those limiting beliefs I was suffering from prior.

Everybody in that group, to some degree, experienced something pretty profound there. We were all in awe and lost in the sauce going through it. Everybody is using each other as mirrors to bounce off of, "What's going on with you? What dreams are you having? What are you feeling?" Everybody is feeling each other out. Everybody knows something big is happening in not just the pyramids but all of those sites. I remember that Hathor had a completely different frequency than the Temple of Isis.

In these different places we would go to, you could stand in the middle of one of the temples and feel the energy and the purity of the energy that came through there. One of the big things that got me was that first night, we had that private visit at Hathor. You're going in. There's a backroom over here and a backroom over here. There's a flat wall of stone and a gate. You can see the hieroglyphs above it. We can't wrap our minds around this. People even don't believe it, "That's a metaphor for something else." These guys were opening star gates in the walls.

It shows a star and a gate.

Allyssa and I both put our hands and heads to tune into that wall. This space right here is, depending on who knows what to do with it, a portal to not only other places and other temples in Egypt but other places in the cosmos. That feeling was visceral. That became very real to me. Humanity is drowning in technology and starving for wisdom. 

Back then, maybe it was a different technology but they had the wisdom to go hand in hand with it. You can have all the tech in the world but if you don't build another pillar there, you don't have a house. You can't put the roof on the house. You can tell that those people were connected to the cosmos, themselves, their souls, the universe, and all the things. We're remembering now but they had it. It was lost. It's trying to come back now.

Humanity is drowning in technology and starving for wisdom. You can have all the technology in the world, but if you don’t work manually to build a pillar, you cannot construct a house.

Those were incredible. I have lots of pictures. They had a great understanding of both science and spirituality. Without one, you're lacking. We're in an age where there's not a lot of spirituality in science but if you look at the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Hindus, and the Vedic culture, everything was science and spirituality together.

Astrology was a science. Food was a science but it had to relate to the divinity within, God, and all this stuff. We're coming back to that consciousness because when you lack spirituality in science and technology, then we're not sure where to go with it. A lot of greed and things start taking over when people are not grounded in the oneness of all of us rather than, "How can I get my dollar?"

The illusion of separation is the starting point for all the problems because as soon as I don't see everybody else as myself, then we can get driven into survival. It makes sense to serve the self. What we're experiencing is a loss of self. What's going to fix it is the remembrance of self and that everyone is you and you are everyone. It's very apparent too that even in Egypt, there was this time when things were good. You can see where it started to fall off.

The illusion of separation is the starting point for all problems. As soon as you stop seeing everybody else as yourself, you can get driven into survival.

When we were going to some of those temples, whoever came in and conquered was chiseling the faces of these rulers or deities right off the walls. They don't want people to remember that because that opens up the throne for XYZ ruler to take that place and then rule over people from the top down. It's interesting to watch. You can see that play out as you're down there.

One of the things that came up is we're going through these cycles of high consciousness to low consciousness. This is the universe expressing itself. Breathe in and breathe out. They talk about Brahma's breath. When Brahma breathed in, there was creation. When he breathed out, there was destruction. It kept going on and on. Who knows how long this cycle goes? Earth has been through it many times from all the things from Graham Hancock's work to the stuff that we learned about in Egypt and how there were so many different civilizations and humanoids that lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. They find proof of it.

It's important to understand that the civilization before us warned us about stuff that may happen and that will happen. The biggest thing is to write our consciousness as a group or as humanity. Each person has a responsibility to get to that place in themselves to become heart-based and mind-based when they're all in connection and coherence.

We can light a torch in somebody else, and then another one. I feel it. It's happening now because, after this trip and even before, people are waking up to what life should be about. It's not about going out there, trying to make as much money as we can, trying to pay bills, trying to pay taxes, being stressed all the time, and eating shitty food. They're realizing that there's more to life. I believe that my biggest value system is human connection.

When people have a community and a connection, then they find love and happiness. It doesn't have to be an intimate relationship. You can have a connection with friends, family, and people that you have commonalities with. When we lack that and disconnect from that, then we start going off in a place that's unnatural for human beings to be isolated or to be thinking about things that are on the outside versus going inward to find what that truth is within you.

It has to be symbiotic between everyone and everything. To take that further too, we, to some degree, have divorced ourselves from nature. They talk about the confounding of tongues or getting cast out of the Garden of Eden. We are part of nature. It's not until we see ourselves as important as every animal. When we see ourselves in every rock, every bird, and every bug, then we realize that we're one other small aspect of that. We may be at the top of the food chain but the planet doesn't need us. We need the planet. When we can find that in ourselves and our hearts, we can feel that unity.

The heart-brain alignment that you talked about is huge too because then, we stop giving up our power. The only reason we turn to these corrupt forms of government, leadership, religion, or people on these pedestals is that collectively, we lack the ability to govern ourselves on spiritual, mental, metaphysical, and all these different levels. As soon as we start taking back that power and becoming sovereign beings again, that's when we have that higher harmonic consciousness start to emerge.

When that harmonic becomes more resonant and powerful than the lower note underneath it, then this now becomes the primary note. Everything that is below that, that is out of harmony, that is dissonant, and that is vibrating in a manner of conflict starts to fall away and crumble. Everybody wants the world to change. Banks are collapsing. Finance is in shambles. When all these systems start to crumble, people are like, "I want it to all be peace and love."

If you want it to be peace, love, and unity, you have to be ready for the things that are not in alignment with that to fall apart. This is a cool time because education is crumbling. You don't need college. You can do whatever you want to do. You don't need it. Banks are failing. Governments are failing. The world is falling apart. I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm here for it. Ride the wave. This is what we came for.

If you want to change, you can't do change within the same system or the same mind that created that problem. When we start giving up our power, we deserve what we give up. We give up our power to the government or whatever it is. When we say, "No, I have the power within," that's when you say no to the bullshit and then start creating the world that you want.

I was thinking about this. We will get back to the pyramids because that's what I want to get to. When we say we follow a certain group or a certain political party, if we're not calling out all the bullshit that's within that, maybe we align with a lot of the theories and the things that they do but if we're not calling that out, and this is on both sides, then we're a part of the problem. If you want to create a new system, then you need to say, "I'm done with that. I want to create anew and find people."

At the end of the day, republicans and democrats all want happiness and unity. They all want to be happy in doing the things that they love to do. They have different ways to go around it or to accomplish that but if we all think to ourselves, "This person who has a different view than me is expressing their divinity." A lot of times, we get swept up in ridiculous ideas because they're not coming from us. We're not generating them from the inside. They're being generated for us.

The moment we start taking on other people's ideas, that's when we start getting into problems. When you go down this slippery slope, the ideas get crazier. If you're on that train, you don't want to get off because everybody on that train who is with you is like, "Why are you getting off? This is a great ride," but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

On both sides of that, everybody does have good intentions. They think that their way is the right way. That's great but not if you don't ever check what you're doing and you don't ever second-guess it or at least try to open-mindedly view other points of view. To the ones of us that are doing the work, meditating, and tuning into that higher frequency, it almost becomes more comical where I can't take it seriously anymore. It's the whole political sham.

You're a sports fan. You were born in this city. I get it. You're proud of your city. You're born in the city of democrats or you're born in the city of republicans. Your parents were born in that city. You didn't even second-guess or question your political beliefs. You were told the way things are because your parents and your grandparents were that way. 

You're passionate about your team. It doesn't matter if your team is 0-12. You're still going to put on that jersey, go to the coliseum, and cheer your team on. Your team sucks. That's cool. You're proud of it. To me now, it's so comical when people get so caught up in that. It's designed to keep people divided and pinned against one another. That's it.

Let's not even say we're neighbors. Let's say we're literal brothers or cousins. I choose this left team, and you choose this right team. They can get me so angry at you or you so angry at me that we no longer feel love for one another. There's animosity there. There's some type of lower vibrational emotion that we're feeling toward each other because of a game. They won. If we can look past all that and realize we all breathe the same air and bleed the same red, then we can dissolve those structures.

It was the same thing in Ancient Rome. It's the bread and circus with the gladiatorial fights. It's the same thing going on. We're fighting over sports, politics, and the most ridiculous things. Do they define us? Does being a democrat or a republican define who you are as a person? Does it affect your life on a daily basis and everything you do? If it does, then maybe there's a problem there.

It's the systematic stripping away of all those things. It's tough for people to go into that. Get rid of all the masks that we wear.

They're identities.

This is my job. Let's get rid of that. What am I without my career? I do music. For so long, I identified as a musician. That's my identity. I make music. I've done that for a while semi-successfully. I've toured and done all that. Let's get rid of that. Let's say I'm not a musician, and I can't say that. What's left? Am I a husband? Am I a father? Am I these things? I'm not, but I'm saying this for somebody who is. How do we strip away all these identifications that we have about ourselves mentally?

Once we take enough things away, then that which we truly are remains, which is infinite consciousness, having an experience that has divided itself so that it can mirror itself and bounce back and forth off of other aspects of itself to gain information and knowledge about its true nature. With a lot of things in life, you have to do a bunch of things to figure out what you don't want to do. If somebody tells you, "Don't drink ten shots of tequila," you might listen but you're not going to know why you don't want to drink ten shots of tequila. If you drink ten shots of tequila a bunch of times and feel horrible, then you understand why you don't want to do that.

Giza Pyramids: Once we take enough things away, infinite consciousness is what will remain.

Let's divide consciousness into all of this. We have hit this point. It's all this sine wave that goes up and down. In life, you hit this bottom but then it's going to get better. You're going to peek out and then hit the bottom again. That space in between the two is how we identify with emotions, our path, and different things. The world is bottoming out on this sine wave where it's like, "We can't go any lower than that or we're going to run the whole thing into the ground." We have to turn something around here and make some changes.

It's not a bad thing too. This is part of the universe. You have to have the yin and the yang. It's always going to be that way. We could either have fun with it and try to build something beautiful or we could get depressed, sad, and all this stuff but it's not helping us. It's not helping our evolution and the evolution of the planet if we're looking at it from a black pill perspective, and there's no hope. I truly believe that we are entering a beautiful age where we're all going to be coming together and realizing, "Unity is the thing." That's what we're focused on. How do we bring everybody up?

There are tons of hope. That's why we all came here to people that are not running this one. How exciting is it to ride the ride?

There has never been a better time to be alive with all the things available to us. I want to segue back into the pyramids. Menkaure is the first one we came out of. Once all that was done, that was my first experience inside the pyramids. My mind was blown. That could have been the entire experience for me, and I would have been super happy. The way that it works is when you go into these pyramids, there are a lot of places and tunnels. You have to duck down. Some tunnels are high.

It's strange but it has to do with sound harmonics, energy flow, and all this stuff. Either way, it's also a metaphor for life. When you have to bend down, sometimes it's almost a humbling experience. When you're raised, and there are high ceilings, you feel more like a king and stuff like that. There's a lot that I picked up. It could be my imagination but that's the way we're going to talk about it.

As we were coming out of Menkaure, we were bending down to come out of the thing. There's the door opening. I look up, and Orion's Belt is right on top of the pyramid. Specifically, the middle one was right in front. You couldn't even write a better script. I was like, "Maybe they planned this to come out of this time but how do you even plan something like that?" That was magical. That was my first holy-shit moment. All the synchronicities are happening in this one too. This is going to be a magical tour. It was only the first day. It was the second day that we were there.

That was day two. We got in, had a little intro thing, and then dropped into that. Menkaure was good. I remember we walked out, looked up, saw Orion's Belt, and then went over. I remember walking directly up to Khufu. I don't even know if I could describe the feeling other than pure awe. It's the same thing going in there. We went into the Queen's Chamber first and did another activation prayer there, which was cool. The Queen's Chamber is not all rose quartz. It's different but that was cool.

We spent a few minutes in there, got out of there, saw the shafts that went up, and then went into the King's Chamber where the sarcophagus is. That one sat me down again. I tried to hang but everybody started chanting. Everybody was doing some oms. I had to sit down against the wall and close my eyes. I feel more. I don't see a ton in here but I feel everything.

This time, over in the corner by the sarcophagus with my eyes closed, I saw this big iridescent orb of light top through the wall. It was vibing over the sarcophagus. It has geometric patterns like an orb but not even necessarily flower of life patterns. It's completely shifting patterns but whatever the patterns were shifting was its form of communication. This thing didn't need to talk. It communicated in complex geometrical forms.

By witnessing it, it told me so much in five seconds of it doing its thing to the point where here we are. We have been home. I'm still unpacking whatever it is that I got in five seconds. I don't want to put a timeframe on it but for months, I will continue to unpack whatever the fuck happened there. I dissolved. The ground dissolved. I was in this space of nothing. My girlfriend saw the top of the pyramid crumble away and blasted off into the stars.

This is before you even got into the sarcophagus.

This was in the King's Chamber. That was before I got into the sarcophagus. I was sitting against the wall and trying to process it. That being had come in and that being had left. I'm vibing. For some reason, I knew when you got in the sarcophagus because it pulled me out of it. I grabbed Allyssa, and I was like, "Anand is in there. We should go over there now," but in a trance. I felt like floated over there. I don't remember walking. I cannot even explain it. It's something you would have to experience on your own. We went over there. You were laying in there, doing your jam, chanting up, and sending some energy in there. What was that like for you? We witnessed it.

Maybe I'll back up and give a little background. I was one of the last people to get it. From the Queen's Chamber, which was a beautiful experience, we were walking out. I was one of the last ones to leave the Queen's Chamber. I was the last one to get into the King's Chamber. It's a small room. I couldn't even imagine what the dimensions are. It was surreal. It feels like it was huge but it was probably 20 feet by 15 feet.

Maybe 35×15 or so.

People were lined up along the walls. Robert was getting in right before me. I see him make a beeline right to the sarcophagus because there are people standing around the sarcophagus. Nobody had the courage to jump in. They didn't know what the etiquette was. Do you ever see somebody hop a turnstile in a subway? Robert ran up there, jumped in, and laid down. That was giving everybody permission to do their thing and get in.

I didn't even sit down. I stood around. I took my shoes off because I wanted to feel the ground and the stone in there. It was so hot, first of all, that day. We were in the winter over there, which is nice and mild but inside the pyramid, because it's so small, it was probably 95 degrees in there. I was sweating a ton in there. Once I waited my turn, there were 5 to 6 people that went in before me but during that time, there were ten people around the chamber praying for the person that was in there and doing some healing or whichever they felt was appropriate for that person.

I finally had the opportunity to go in but prior to that, I was doing a lot of breathwork because breath is going to activate me and get me to a little bit higher state. I was doing my three-part breath, breathing into the stomach and the chest, holding it up to the third eye, and then releasing it. I keep going like that. 

I was in an elevated state as well by the time I was ready to jump in. I jumped in and lay down. We were told to do some humming or om-ing. You could hear it. It felt like my oms were hitting me constantly in waves over and over. It was so beautiful. Inside the chamber alone, I could hear my own sound. It was nice.

There were some beautiful goddesses around me. One of them channels an angel singing. She was singing. It felt like an Atlantean priestess. She was at my feet. There were other two women on my side. They were holding hands and doing another prayer activation. You were around me. I felt like I was so loved at that moment. I was thinking to myself as parts of consciousness were coming back to me, "This is such a beautiful experience. All these strangers are sending me so much love."

At that time, I was also doing the breathwork. My Kundalini started awakening. I started feeling it during the breathwork and everything like that. Laying down inside the chamber, I felt the Kundalini energy coming up from my perineum all the way up. My spine kept coming up. I was almost having orgasmic convulsions in there. I didn't even know how long I was in there. Maybe it was 5 minutes or 10 minutes. It seemed like an eternity. It was insane.

At some point, I felt my consciousness blasting out of my third eye. I left up through the pyramid and opened my eyes metaphorically. I'm in this open-air palace. It feels like Shambhala or something. I'm on top of a mountain. It was so beautiful. I could see the sky. I could see doves and eagles flying by. It's the same thing. There were a bunch of beautiful beings around me. There were Hindu gods, Egyptian gods, and Atlantean gods showering me with gold and flowers.

There was this beautiful waterfall coming on me like beautiful raindrops. It was amazing. There were black panthers and some of my spirit animals. I felt so much love. What was coming to me is they were doing these healing activations for me. The conscious mind was coming to me and saying that all the things that we hold onto and feel like shackles in our life, whether it's feeling unworthy or not feeling loved growing up, were shackles that we started creating a story for but they're not shackles.

They're as light as a feather. If you can recognize that they are a feather, at any moment, you take that feather off your heart. At that point, you start realizing that it's so simple to change the timeline by creating an affirmation for it. It served us to a certain point. It helped us get to where we got to because that pain causes growth but once you remove that, now it's time to create a new story.

At that moment, I was like, "I have to create a new story in my life. Now is the time I get to choose and not feel like I was given something. Whatever story that I created in the past is not with me anymore. Where do I want to go?" It's a choose-your-own-adventure thing. There's a story in the afterlife when the Egyptians die. Anubis takes them to Ammit, which is the god of death. They weigh your heart against a feather. If your heart is more than the feather, it means that you weren't a pious, spiritual, and loving person whose every thought resonated with love.

If it's the same, then your heart is as light as a feather. That's when you get to go onto the afterlife or the next stage of this simulation. It's the gamification of life. You get to go to the next level because everybody defines death, life, the afterlife, and all that stuff as different things but that unlocks it for you. The goal for me now is to be as light as possible and not carry too much heaviness on my body, my mind, and my heart. That's the key to eternity right there.

That's well said. That's also cool to experience all that quickly in that place in that way. You got these people. They're very intellectual. They're scientists or different government people. They're serious about their work. I love seeing people in their flow state. I love seeing people in their zone and people that are passionate about what they're doing because that's amazing. Look at these yogis and gurus. They go around laughing and smiling. Everything is a gigantic joke. It's all hilarious because they are the ones that get it.

Be passionate. We have to do what we're doing and do the work but the less seriously we take ourselves at the same time, that's the lightheartedness. You're going through the world. You may be creeping on 40 but you still have the heart of a child as you do it. Is that a possibility? The people that aren't there think you're crazy, "You're irresponsible or this and that." I'm having way more fun than they are. That's all.

The less seriously we take ourselves, the more lighthearted it can be to live in this world.

At the end of the day, everybody gets to choose how they want to go about it. If one person is having fun throughout it, who's the winner at the end? Even if you hallucinated the whole thing, the experience was laughter, the play, the games, and enjoying yourself versus somebody serious all the time and very responsible but at the end of their life, were they happy for it? Were they better people for it? There's no judgment anywhere. If that's their life journey, that's their life journey.

Especially in the last few years, coming to a place where you're living from a childlike exuberance makes all the difference. Everything else fades away. We will run into issues every single day and challenges we have to overcome or whatever it is but look at it from a child's perspective. It's not the end of the world. It's not going to finish you. You're always going to breathe and move on to the next thing. Everything is going to be okay. Breakups, business failures, or whatever are going to happen in life.

Even if it is the end of the world, that sounds exciting. It sounds like an adventure.

Let's enjoy it. Do you want to talk about your experience inside the sarcophagus?

I'm still trying to process that light being that blasted through the wall and spit codes at me. My legs are gone at this point. Robert says, "Get in there and lay down." I remember I laid down. My head was super tingling. My heart was blasted wide open. When I get into meditation, I can feel my heart field. I can feel it when it's 5 to 10 feet outside of my body. I can feel it when it's a half mile out too. Sometimes I'll get it in these meditations. I take my heart field and try to expand it to encompass the state of Colorado.

I'll go for the United States and then the planet, reach out to the sun and slowly expand out into whatever I can perceive in regards to our solar system, the Milky Way, and the next door and go all the way out and then all the way back in. When I got in there, my heart was almost too much to handle. There's this overwhelming amount of love where everything is awesome, perfect, and good no matter what the mind says. I'm like, "It's all perfectly balanced." It's nothing that my mind is ever going to conceptualize because it's balanced in opposites.

As soon as my mind wants to choose a side and think one thing is good and the other is wrong, then I'm not seeing the whole picture. As I'm laying in there, I'm already deep in it, and then I relax. It's the same thing. All the chanting and all the sound were coming back in on me. My head started tingling. I remember we were supposed to make an om. You know me. I'm loud as fuck. I have no noise control. I have no volume control. When I talk, I'm so loud.

Giza Pyramids: As soon as the mind chooses a side and thinks that the other side is wrong, you are not seeing the whole picture.

We can hear you on the other side of the room.

If I'm around, you're going to know it. I'm trying to be quiet. I'm doing my oms. I can feel the walls. Robert had to come over. I'm like, "This is cool. I wonder if I could do this loud enough to where I could lift off." That's what I'm thinking in my mind. Robert had to come over and be like, "This is a little too much." I got shushed in the sarcophagus. I was only in there for maybe 1 minute or 2 because we were trying to hurry out. It took everything that I had experienced for the first hour and 45 minutes and amplified it.

I got out of there. I was feeling overwhelmingly full. I can't even explain it. My legs felt like Jell-O. There's no alcohol or drugs. We had been fasting. Whatever I felt in there is completely organic and natural but I felt like I took all the drugs, which I can't even explain. I've had some psychotropic breathwork, stuff like that, and some pretty deep meditations but I've never had a room be able to do that.

The pyramids are pulling energy up from a nodal point on the grid right through the King's Chambers. Whatever you bring there is amplified. I remember I was so out of it. We all were like, "What is even going on?" We walked out and looked at Orion's Belt. I stumbled down the steps. I left my jacket in there. I didn't know what was going on. We all sat there in a hug. You and then the other lady that was right there were bawling, "This is amazing. This is so cool."

It was perfect weather. It felt like I didn't even have a body at that point. I remember coming out of the chamber. You were the first one that greeted me. Coming out, I was on jelly legs. You held me up and gave me a hug. I'm like, "I love you, guys." It was very powerful.

It was wild. Out of all the things you could feel, it's right up near the top.

It was beautiful. That's 2 out of 3. Those are the first two pyramids.

We were going to have a snack. I'm like, "I'm so lifted. I don't know if I want to eat food and bring this down." We kept our food on the side. In the last pyramid, I don't remember a thing. I remember walking up to it and walking back to the bus. I couldn't tell you what it looked like. I was sober. I didn't have anything. I couldn't tell you the room. Tell me. I have no idea.

It was wild. You were a very integral part of it. We go into the Khufu chamber. I was talking to somebody else who visited. They said that it's Mother Earth's energy in there. It's 432 hertz. When you sing in there, you're getting this beautiful feminine energy.

I do remember now.

There is a sarcophagus in there. It's held up with different equipment they have now. Apparently, the Ark of the Covenant was housed in this chamber inside this sarcophagus. It was pretty amazing. You all got in there. At this point, Robert went to the other group. It was just us, a couple of different faculty members, and stuff like that but we were on our own. We were all exploring.

Somehow generically, it happened. We all started going into the chamber. Everyone is trying to figure out, "Who's going to go inside the sarcophagus?" I had this vision. I'm like, "Maybe it's good to have all the lovely females that were singing for everybody going." I didn't even have to say anything. It happened. They all sat in there. There were four of them sitting inside. There were other females sitting around but then there were males surrounding that other perimeter. It happened when we all got into this beautiful group choir where the ladies were doing their shamanic singing and angelic singing.

You were on the other side of me. We were not being too loud but holding the space for the ladies. We sang for an hour and a half. We were experiencing the beauty. We were the only ones inside the Great Pyramids on that particular night. It was a full moon. It was a very special night. There was a solar flare that was going off on that particular day as well. It was way beyond anything that they predicted.

I felt like there was a lot of healing for the women in the group individually but I also felt like there was a collective healing for the divine goddess in humanity. My girlfriend Kate was having a breathwork event at that time as well. I reached out to her. I'm like, "Did you feel anything different during that? I felt this connection with all of humanity and females all around the world. They were receiving this because it is such a powerful place that we were in."

She said, "The sound bath was incredible. Everybody was getting into it. There were a lot of tears, laughter, joy, and all this stuff. There was a range of emotions." I was in there for an hour and a half. It was pretty wild to be able to do that, serve, and hold space for the group. I know that you said you were out of it. You went on a meditation. Why don't you talk about it?

I remember now that you recall that. When I tried to dig that up in my mind, it drew blank. I do not remember walking in there. I remember going around the corner to the right. I saw the sarcophagus. What we were trying to get out of the trip is to uplift and balance the divine feminine, not just for the ladies in the group but for the whole world. The sense of femininity, nature, and Mother Earth has been put in this type, "Masculinity is above and femininity is below." We're trying to bring that back up to where the two are equal parts of a hole and raising the divine feminine.

Giza Pyramids: Society has put femininity below masculinity. Everyone must go back to the understanding that the two are equal parts of a whole in raising the divine feminine.

I remember going around the corner there. I saw the room and the sarcophagus. I remember walking up and sitting there. I dipped my legs into the sarcophagus. The girl sat down. There were people sitting around me too. I remember putting up my hands and starting to hit the heart space. I remember seeing you standing up on the other side of the chamber and doing the same thing. Five minutes passed, and you could have told me that eight hours passed. I would have believed whatever you had said.

Here's why I know that we were in there for a lot longer. It's because we had two hours in there. There were only two chambers that we went into. By the time we got in there, that was the first thing we did. We all got in there. We were shutting the place down. We were being told, "You have to finish up." It wasn't that long to get to the actual chamber. It didn't take that long from what I remember. Everything is a blur. Maybe I'm getting things mixed up but it's such a place. Two hours in each one of these is not enough. We have to do this again. We have to run it back.

In 2024, there's that solar eclipse in April. That would be a pretty cool time to do it because the solar eclipse happens right over America. Egypt is on the other side of the world. That would be a good time to pull through some more energy, especially to ground in some of the light codes that are coming from the sun now.

For sure, we will reach out to our people and probably look for a select group of very elevated people to come with us to do some prayers, activations, and stuff like that. If anyone is interested, you could reach out and submit some applications we could create.

We should put out some fields. I do think 12 or 13 is a pretty group size to roll with given how that all works.

That was such a powerful experience. We could go all day talking about this trip and everything but I wanted to get your permission to talk about this. There was an experience the last night that you had. I already left Cairo, and you had one more day there. There was a very special activation that was happening with some of the members that were there.

The names will mean nothing to anybody but you. Marnix is a heavy lifter on the spiritual side of things. McKayla is as well. They decided that they were going to go back into the King's Chamber, do some more grid work, and try to activate Saqqara. They had asked us to initially go to Saqqara and hold space.

Saqqara is a little bit outside of Egypt. It's a very special temple. It's complex. A massive sarcophagus is there.

We were not able to go there. We all meditated and tuned in. They all went into the King's Chamber, to be honest, in a complete effort of a timeline shift. There are a lot of souls that have chosen to ascend way showers in this spiritual thing, doing the work and all that. There are some souls that have chosen to remain in 3D Earth but as we go through this mitosis, there are a lot of souls that are in the middle. 

They don't know. If they were given a little push, they would probably elect to bump up timelines and go with that route. The intentionality with that group was to go in there, do some grid work, bring Saqqara back online, and bring more of these ancient grids back online, the Lemurian grids particularly. We were holding space for that.

You were staying at the hotel.

Pete, Roxy, the Aussies, Allyssa, I, Janolof, and Victor did the whole meditation thing. I'm a feeler. I can go in, open my heart, expand it, and harmonize everything in that space. That's what I'm doing. I'm doing what I know to do, holding the space for them, and sending good vibes. Roxy is very in tune. She was seeing some images. Allyssa, my girlfriend, saw Saqqara and a beam of light come out of the pyramid at some point. It worked. Roxy felt the same thing. She had seen some octopus entity that was trying to cloud the situation. Some giant came into the room or a light being, "We're not going to have that." It cleared that mess up. She's in tune. You should have her on your show.

We're talking about getting them on.

We did that. We all held space for them and bumped back into McKayla at the airport getting onto the plane. We all had a Zoom call about it a week after we got back. Everybody told what they experienced and saw. It's cool to be a part of it. That stuff is fun, not just in Egypt but maybe some of these other temples. I'm going down to Machu Picchu and doing some work. We have already spent a lot of time going to the pyramids like Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza in Tulum and Coba and doing these things in Mexico because I felt called to visit those sites, bring codes there, and also receive codes back out. That was a cool experience. Anywhere the grid work can be done is helpful.

You're carrying every emotion forward with you. If you're in an elevated state or in a loving state, you're leaving an energetic resonance. This has been monitored. You could do Kirlian photography and see the energy field grid of yourself. It makes sense that anywhere you go, you're carrying that field. It's important to monitor what our emotions are and what our thinking is at the time.

If you're walking past somebody or judging them and sending them a negative message, there is an energetic exchange that's going on. It's important for us to make sure that we're vibing in a place of love as much as possible. It's not always easy but because we are doing that and we're going to these sites with an intention, it does make a difference.

It's so beautiful that we got to go with a group that is so conscious enough. Not only do they want to improve their lives. They want to make the people in their lives better but also for the planet. Everybody that was on this trip cares about the direction and the future of humanity and wants to see this planet evolve into something more of a 5D consciousness where there is so much more love, unity, and togetherness because that's what we're capable of. We already saw the dark stuff and we already know what we don't want. Let's go out and now create the positive part of it.

It's good.

I wanted to thank you so much for coming on. It's always a pleasure talking to you. It's awesome to catch up. This is two days of the trip we talked about but there's so much more we could get into. What are your last thoughts on why you think these sites were built in Egypt?

From all the information that I have been able to gather, dig back on, and tried to find, it seems to me that there was a civilization called Lemuria. There's another triangle over the edge of Peru to Easter Island up to Hawaii and back down. This was the Lemurian civilization. It's almost predating the Atlantean civilization if you read about the rumors of Atlantis. You had Atlantis over on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. You read about this entity who's renamed Thoth by the Greeks but his real name was Djehuty. He was non-human. He was some type of interdimensional being.

If you read The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, it talks about how Atlantis fell. Thoth came over and built the Great Pyramid. From all the knowledge I've been able to gather, it appears that Atlantis crumbled in the last deluge and went into the ocean. Some of the high priests and priestesses and some of the entities there that were running brought that technology and that knowledge over to the Nile River because it was a perfect place to create a civilization.

That's where we get the pyramids and all of those sites that you see up and down the Nile. The more ancient ones, especially the Osirian are much older than some of these other sites like this pre-dynastic Egypt thing. They were trying to preserve those higher levels of connection and the ability to come in and out of this world and go wherever else they were going. It was a preservation of the downfall of Atlantis. That's what it seems like to me.

It's a beautiful summary. All the stuff that we're seeing and all the knowledge bases are converging into this central theory, which I very much subscribe to. In conclusion, how has your life changed? What new perspectives have you had since coming back from this trip that you're going to carry forward?

First of all, everything that I was trying to make happen so hard before this trip is lining up in bigger ways than I could have hoped for this trip. Second, internally, I feel lighter and way more at peace. My meditations are amazing. I came home and slept fifteen-hour nights for 2 or 3 days. I couldn't even process what had happened. I feel so content and happy. I want to experience some of these other sites around the world that are not quite on the Giza level but on places on the lay lines.

I do feel like there has been quite a bit of a timeline shift. I feel more whole entirely going through my day, interacting with people, and everything. I am far more conscious of the energies and how they're affecting me. Time is speeding up. As we get closer to 5D, the manifestations will happen instantaneously where I feel more like setting boundaries and filters on what I'm going to allow into my consciousness. 

Time is speeding up as we get closer to 5D. Manifestations will happen instantaneously. Humans must learn how to set boundaries and filters on what they will allow into their consciousness.

I was watching a movie. It was Everything Everywhere All at Once. There are portals, killing, this great evil, gore, and blood. I couldn't handle it. I can't even have that being part of my reality anymore. I'm not jamming with it anymore. This trip and the sites were downloads and things there but whatever happened that night in the pyramids, and you feel the same way too, is what catalyzed this massive upward spiral. Honestly, we probably have to touch base in 3 months or 6 months to figure it out because I'm still unpacking it all.

It's like a psychedelic experience. You talked about the sacred geometry that you saw. It was going crazy. There are a couple of things. When people do psychedelics, ayahuasca, or DMT, and when they're blasting off, the first thing that they're cracking through is they're going through almost like a wormhole with tons of sacred geometry. There has to be something involved in the spirit and the pineal gland that relates to mathematics and geometry as a language of God or a higher consciousness.

Secondly, we do a lot of Dr. Joe Dispenza's work. When they do brain scans of people in high meditation in the gamma state, the delta state, and all this stuff, they're freezing it and seeing, "This is sacred geometry." The brain is creating these electrical patterns of sacred geometry. There has to be something to it. One of the things that I got turned back on in my life is loving math. I stopped loving it for a very long time, and now I and my girlfriend have started to draw sacred geometry and do different things. It's cool.

Apparently, it's going to activate a lot of bigger-perspective thinking in life. I'm looking forward to that journey. Speaking of math, I can't have you on it without asking you a little bit about it because you're a big finance guy as well. You're into bitcoin and mining. What is your take on the economy, where we're heading, and stuff to look out for people protecting their wealth and stuff?

I'm sure you know about the SVB collapse. Another bank was acquired by one of its fiercest competitors. I'm sure that was not fun. Signature Bank in New York collapsed. I had thought PNC was looking rough. Deutsche Bank is still looking rough. We're looking, at this point, at a global banking issue. It's all because of fractional reserve banking. The Fed had tightened the monetary policy to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

They were pulling money off the table while they were raising the rates with good intentions. The intention here is to raise interest rates and curb inflation because, during COVID, they printed a couple of trillion dollars and gave that money away. There's no other outcome than inflation and these types of issues. This isn't my opinion. This is a fact of how the system works.

These banks all failed and collapsed. Bank runs are happening left and right. This is the most intense we have seen since '08 and maybe a little more intense to some degree. The Fed decided to create some new programs for the banks and print another couple of trillion dollars. I love the trillion-dollar coin idea. They're talking about minting this gold coin. It might be worth $250,000 or so. It's gold. Maybe it's 10 to 12 ounces of gold at most.

Giza Pyramids: Banks are collapsing left and right, the most intense since 2008. The Fed just decided to create some new programs for banks and print another couple trillion of dollars.

Unless they're going to build this massive dope coin in which case, it's still only worth a few million at most by weight but they're talking about minting this coin, stamping it, and saying that it's worth $1 trillion because they said so. They're going to hold it in a vault and create more false value because they decided they can. They think that's going to solve things.

On one side, it's a little less alarming that they have printed this $2 trillion. They're making sure deposits over $250,000 are insured. They took care of SVB. They're taking care of these banks. It's good and bad. We're probably not going to see a total bank collapse and total failure of all the banks, which is nice because that would have been bad.

Everybody wakes up in America one day, and every bank except for Chase and Wells Fargo is collapsed, "You can't get your money out. It's gone. We don't have it." That type of situation is bad. That would have been bad but what printing another $2 trillion is going to do to inflation is the dollar is going to continue to inflate. The dollar will lose more value as time goes forward.

There was a conversation where the Saudis are now talking about selling oil in other denominations than USD, which would strongly devalue our dollar because we've got contracts with all these Saudis through OPEC and these big oil juggernauts to where they will trade oil and sell oil in US dollars. It puffs up the value of the US dollar.

They're opening up major refineries in China. I believe they announced.

They're open to dealing again. With some of the decisions America has made, the way we have treated them, and everything, it's cliché to say business is business but at some level, it's a very high-level global geopolitical business. It is what it is. I get it. On the good side, it's not just the US dollar that's inflating to all eternity. When we were in Egypt, the Egyptian pound had lost 50% of its value to the US dollar in three months. Other governments and other denominations of currency are inflating as well.

The dollar is still strong, but it's also not a fun idea to be either losing money in the stock market or seeing 7% to 10% gains per year when your dollars are inflating at an effective rate of 15% to 25%. There's a book. This guy went over 50 different governments and economies that blew up and collapsed like Argentina. You can even talk about Ancient Rome. Once they diluted the silver, the currency became worthless. It all starts with the monetization of debt. As soon as you monetize debt, then you start to slowly inflate. Eventually, it turns into a hyperinflationary state because those systems always end in the same way.

As soon as you monetize debt, you start to slowly inflate. Eventually, this turns into a hyperinflationary state as those systems always end in the same way.

I don't think it's anything to freak out about immediately. Even if you do freak out, you can't do anything to change it. As far as what steps am I taking, I don't know necessarily the exact right move but I'm a big advocate for Bitcoin. It's deflationary. It's going to keep going up in value now. 2024 probably is a good time to accumulate and buy Bitcoin. By the end of 2024 into the beginning of 2025, we will see a $100,000 Bitcoin or more.

It's a good way to hold that asset, which is not just US dollars but your Bitcoin is good globally. You can have it in your private wallet. Another lesson to be learned here is sovereignty. We talked about that. If I put all my money in a bank and trust them, and then they make bad decisions, I'm screwed at the end of the day, whereas I can have a cold wallet. I would highly advise only keeping Bitcoin and Ethereum in a cold wallet at your house. Don't put it on an exchange. Don't keep it on Coinbase. Don't keep it at FTX.

Coinbase got sued by the SEC.

FTX collapsed as well. We saw that coming from a mile away. You keep it in your cold wallet. People are buying gold and silver, which I don't think is necessarily some grand investment strategy but if the dollar inflates to another 15% to 20% per year for the next five years, the value of silver and gold will hold. It will be worth more dollars while your dollars are able to purchase fewer things. I wouldn't put the farm in silver and gold but I do not invest in stocks but have the pressure coins ounces at home. That's a good idea. I still think real estate is a great idea. If you own a home or anything, that's wonderful.

It's scary to say and it feels weird to say the diversification away from the US dollar, but I'm not the only one saying this. If you look at what Robert Kiyosaki is saying, he's saying what I'm saying but with way more dramatic effect, "This is coming. It's going to be a bad type of situation. The bottom is going to fall out of the market." They can bail out the banks. If they keep pushing inflation, then that's great that the banks are fine but all that weight falls on the American people.

That's what's going on macro. I do think that getting out of the dollar to some degree is good. I don't think there's cause for panic, "Pull all your money out of the bank," but I did grab some cash out. We will probably maintain at least 1 month or 2 worth of cash sitting at the house in case something does happen. I'm sure there will be a fix but it would be a pain in the ass to try to go to SVB to get $2 million out. All of a sudden, they're like, "We don't have your money." Having a little bit of cash on hand and a little bit of silver and gold on hand is a good idea. I do think the heavy accumulation of Bitcoin and Ethereum is a good idea.

Giza Pyramids: Getting out of the dollar is a good move to some degree. There’s no reason for panic when pulling your money out of the bank, but be sure to have some savings in your house in case something happens.

Thank you for that. It's not financial advice but he's making a lot of sense, everybody. Thank you so much for coming on. It's always a pleasure. I had such an amazing time with you in twelve days. In case anyone hasn't read our previous episode, please check that out. I met Brant at a Joe Dispenza event back in January 2022. He is one of my closest friends and brothers. It's amazing how quickly you can develop friendships with people when you all have the same alignment and values in life.

Thanks for having me back. This was fun as always. You have to get out to Colorado and see what it's like out here sometime.

Brother, thank you so much. I love you.

Thank you. I love you.

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About Brant Falliaux

Brant Falliaux has a background in traditional finance and has set his roots in Bitcoin mining, as the Founder and president of Royal Haven. He is also an advocate for unity consciousness and 5D ascension. His passion is his music project called ELOVE and his great work can be found on Spotify- His other hobbies are art, meditation, fitness, & snowboarding in his home base of Colorado.



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