Episode 66: Cosmic Throat Singer

Our 5th Chakra, or the Throat Chakra, represents our individual declaration to life and the world stating who we are. Words and vibrations that start in the mind are expressed through our vocal chords to alchemize the immaterial into the material. Welcome to the Limitless One Podcast, I am your host Anand J Sukhadia.

Today, we are blessed to learn how to open our throat chakra from a soul that has mastered this energy center through his magical music. In the words of Dr Joe Dispenza, Matthew Kocel’s music is so primal, so rich and brilliantly soulful…it touches us on a deep level that opens our hearts.”

Matthew Kocel is a transformative artist and a leader in the global sound healing movement. With over 40 years of experience as a performer and a multidisciplinary healing arts practitioner, he has mastered the art of using sound and vibration to facilitate inner healing and personal growth.

His unique blend of throat singing, overtone chant, and natural voice taps into a universal vibration that feels both ancient and new, bringing listeners into states of deep relaxation and inner peace. Through the harmonic frequencies of his voice, Matthew dissolves the boundaries of space and time, allowing listeners to experience the interconnectedness of all things.

Matthew's music has touched the hearts and souls of people from all walks of life, and his impact on their lives is truly transformative.

His message of oneness and healing resonates deeply with his listeners, inspiring them to live their lives with greater authenticity, compassion, and joy.


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Cosmic Throat Singer

Our fifth chakra, or the throat chakra, represents our individual declaration to life and the world, stating who we are, words, and vibrations that start in the mind or are expressed then through the vocal cords to alchemize the immaterial to the material. In this episode, we are blessed to learn how to open our throat chakra from a soul that has mastered this energy center through his magical music. In the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Matthew Kocel’s music is so primal, so rich, and brilliantly soulful. It touches us on a deep level that opens our hearts.

Matthew Kocel is a transformative artist and leader in the global sound healing movement. With many years of experience as a performer and a multidisciplinary healing arts practitioner, he has mastered the art of using sound and vibration to facilitate inner healing and personal growth. His unique blend of throat singing, overtone chanting and natural voice taps into a universal vibration that fuels both ancient and new, bringing listeners into deep states of relaxation and inner peace.

Through the harmonic frequencies of his voice, Matthew dissolves the boundaries of space and time, allowing his listeners to experience the interconnectedness of all things. Matthew’s music has touched the hearts and souls of people from all walks of life, and his impact on their lives is truly transformative. His message of oneness and healing resonates deeply with his listeners, inspiring them to live lives with greater authenticity, compassion, and joy. Matthew Kocel, thank you so much for that beautiful performance that you created.

Thanks so much, Anand. I appreciate it. Thanks for the opportunity to share.

It’s so wonderful to have you. Can you tell us a little bit about that piece that you sang for us?

I call that song Valhalla. There are no words, but the title reflects the feeling that I get from the music. I feel like most of my songs are carrying some type of collective memory, so I search for titles that reflect that.

It’s so beautiful. Even though you don’t use words, there’s so much being transmuted. I could feel through many of your songs like Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Indian. I feel Ancient Nordic. There are so many different types of cultures that you’re bringing into this consciousness. It’s so beautiful that we don’t need words and so much communication is done through nonverbal abilities.

I feel like with this type of music, words would get in the way. In the process of creating language, we create separation and/or classifying things and subdividing. This music is moving in the opposite direction, going towards a unifying effect.

I feel it in my heart and throughout my body. It’s this energetic field. You consider yourself a cosmic throat singer. What specifically is a cosmic throat singer? First of all, I love the title, but can you go into detail about what that is?

Throat singing is a way of venting sound is the way I look at it. It’s using the sounds of the vocal cord as they’re naturally produced and shaping the instrument, which is the human body and particularly the tongue, the lips, the placement of the jaw, and where I’m placing the sound to bend the sound and amplify specific harmonics or overtones.

A lot of people will ask, “What is a harmonic? What’s an overtone?” The best way I can describe that is if you pluck a single string on a guitar or any string instrument, we hear a note. Our brain is recognizing the pitch. That is based on the number of vibrational waves that are moving off of that movement of the string and space.

The vibrational waves, which we measure in frequency, and how often they show up in space and time, those waves double on themselves and then continue to multiply into infinity. Those multiplication of the fundamental tone are the harmonics or overtones. These are interchangeable terms. It’s like there are naturally occurring additional notes stacked on top of the fundamental tone. They’re all present in our voices. Everyone has these in their voice already. We’re just not listening to them. We haven’t been attuned to that or perhaps, as a species, we’ve forgotten to listen with that much detail to the sounds in our environment and coming from our voices.

Cosmic Throat Singer: Everyone has overtones in their voice already. We're just not listening for them.

Let’s say with the trombone, you could change the pitch by sliding the slide. That changes the shape of the instrument. You’re creating a sound with your lips going into the mouthpiece, going through the horn, and then you change the pitch by changing the shape of the instrument. Same with here, I’m creating sound with my voice and then bending it with micro-movements of the mouth, lips and tone, and jaw and where I’m placing or intending the sound to vibrate in my vessel here.

There is one particular technique that the Tuvans call Kagata. I’m not sure what the Tibetan term for it is, and there are many cultures that use this, but that low sound activates the ventricular folds within the throat, which are additional flaps that we don’t normally use that are adjacent to the vocal cords. By activating those, I get additional tones, and harmonics are being produced from the action of that sound interacting with the vocal cord. It can give me more texture to shape and undulate the multiple frequencies that come through.

One time I gave a presentation for a high school up here in British Columbia. I was singing through a microphone and the music teacher ran my voice through a spectrometer. He told me afterward that I was creating nine tones at one time. He was blown away and so was I. I wish I would’ve gotten that on film.

For the cosmic part, I had to think of some type of term to describe what I’m doing, and that was the best I could come up with. I’m not a traditional Tibetan throat singer chanter. I haven’t trained with any Tibetans, Tuvans, Mongolians, or any other of these multiple lineages of throat singing and overtones singing from around the world. Mostly it’s been self-discovery, but I feel like my intention is to tap into the language of the cosmos. Hence, the name Cosmic Throat Singer.

As you were describing this, I’m imagining the Pythagoras Theorem. It’s basically the spiral of the cosmos. In Hindu traditions, they say the om was the first sound of the universe and as om was played, then all creation happened. I know in other religions, what they talk about in the beginning was the word. When we’re creating from that space, it’s spiraling of creation. That’s what I felt when you were singing and when I hear your music a lot.

I’ve been listening to it a lot, and it’s beautiful, the synchronicities that happened for you to even come on here. I mentioned it to you briefly, but I wanted to talk to the audience a little bit about how I came into your music and then how we connected. I first started on the meditations with Dr. Joe Dispenza, who also licenses your music. One specific meditation was the Noble Walk, which is a walking meditation. I’m standing outside on the 1st or 2nd day of the event. It’s sunrise, my feet are in the sand, I see the beautiful blue ocean on Marco Island and the wind is blowing on me. I feel so much love and so much unity, and then your song comes on.

Grace. I felt something in my body change. My heart totally opened up even further. It was almost like an energy center chakra awakening of sorts. Every time I hear that song it, gives me chills. Also, your other music. I’ve been listening to your music for a little bit over a year. I was in Egypt. I was listening to him multiple times a day, and I was listening more and more. I was listening to Grace Song of the Ancients, Hope Vision, Valhalla, and then also Farewell to Atlantis.

The funny thing is that day, I was in Dendera Temple, which was an ancient mystery school. It was a healing center. I was listening to that song before. When I came home, we got back at midnight. I was listening to this song, opened up the song on Spotify, and I see the visuals. Some songs have visuals.

I look and it’s like the temple that I was at in Egypt, the Dendera Temple. That was the first thing. It’s like, “That’s crazy.” I don’t remember, but right around that time, I added you on Instagram because I was thinking about your music so much I wanted to learn more about you. Later on, a couple of days later, I was ending up my tour. We had a private tour of the Luxor Temple, which is this massive temple complex.

We were lucky enough to have dinner outside, overlooking it. As soon as we got to the dinner, I was feeling so much love because of this tour, the people that I met, and all the downloads that I got from these ancient sites. I get this DM from you. You introduced yourself and thanked me for adding you and talk to me about my business Om.life and how you would love to come on the show. It was my intention to invite you myself, but you beat me to it. Thank you so much.

The synchronicities that happened are beautiful. I think that when these synchronicities continually happen and they’re happening so much in my life, it shows me that my life is perfect and that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should. There’s nothing to worry about because everything is going to be okay as long as we’re following our intuition and speaking with authenticity and using our throat chakra, which we’ll get into a lot. Matthew, could you tell me a little bit about your background? I know you didn’t start out like this. You started out more so in traditional music and rock music.

The universe is unfolding exactly as it should. There's nothing to worry about because everything is going to be okay as long as we're following our intuition and speaking in authenticity.

I was looking for a way to connect as a teenager. I had had a spiritual awakening early on. My crown chakra opened up during a church event. I didn’t have any frame of reference for what happened to me with this energy that I felt and wasn’t able to maintain that vibration. I wasn’t buying into the dogma that was being presented to me through my family’s religion.

I threw all that away and was essentially spiritually lost at that point. Nothing to replace what I was disregarding. Music was one of the few things that made any sense to me. It made me feel like I could belong and have a sense of purpose. There was some music that would come through at special times and inspire me and help me feel connected to the spiritual realm and the higher aspects of my being.

I’ve been dabbling with different instruments, piano, and trumpet, then I picked up a guitar and wanted to sing. That was a hard leap to make. I was the youngest in my family and had been told that my words weren’t trustworthy and I didn’t have a good singing voice, but I felt this got to be able to do this. It can’t be that hard.

I started learning songs, and it’s a beautiful communal experience. Growing a little bit older, everyone wants to know what you’re going to do with your life, and all I could think of is I want to make music. I went to university for two years studying as a Music major. First, majoring in Guitar and minoring in Piano. In the second year, I took up bass. During that time of my second year of university, I was living at home as my father was dying from cancer. I was commuting to school with one of my classmates and good friend and, as it turned out, a bandmate as well, my first real rock band.

Dave was driving us to school, and I was reading the biography of Jimmy Hendrix. It’s called Voodoo Child of the Aquarian Age. As I opened up the book and started reading about a song I had never heard before, I didn’t notice Dave and put a tape in the deck, and all of a sudden I’m hearing Jimmy singing the very words that I’m reading to this song. It was in perfect timing and perfect synchronicity. I got through a few lines before I realized it hit me what was happening. I got goosebumps like crazy and interpreted that as a sign.

At that moment, I took a vow. I said, “Whatever it takes, I’m going to do this. This is my destiny.” After my father passed away, I dropped out of university after my second year and moved to the nearest big city, which, in my case, was Denver, Colorado. I joined a working rock band. This is in 1982 and in those days, there were venues everywhere you went. From small towns to big cities, there were live music venues where musicians were getting paid to make music, and that was a standard form of entertainment.

You could go on tour and scratch out a meager existence by playing other people’s music. I joined a working band, and there I was on stage under the lights and in these horrible environments. I got some good experience and played with some talented musicians. After a couple of years, I realized that wasn’t taking me where I wanted to go. I decided to focus on creating my own music and collaborating with one of the musicians that I had the pleasure and opportunity to play with. We worked on our songwriting skills for quite some time and started performing in local venues around Denver.

By making that leap to original music, it narrowed down the scope of performance opportunities. I knew in my heart this was what I wanted to do and I would always revert back to that memory of Jimmy Hendrix singing to me. I stuck with it. This went over and over through different projects that reached a certain point of proficiency and popularity, and then they would blow up or dissolve. I kept going.

Meanwhile, I’m getting more and more starved spiritually and emotionally. I was feeling quite isolated and wanted to find my connection to the source. I didn’t have any frame of reference, but that need became so huge. The pain was almost unbearable. I got to my lowest point where I had some dark thoughts. I said, “I have to go find my way. I have to find a way to connect. It’s out there, I know it.”

I went to the bookstore and found this book called Inner Power: Secrets from Tibet and the Orient. When I opened this book up, the first chapter was about the chakras. I read through the description of the chakras. I knew this is real because I have felt things there. I felt these qualities there and it all made sense. As I went from the base chakra through the crown chakra, it was all connecting. When they described the crown chakra connecting us to spirit, I knew what had happened to me as a child.

Inner Power Secrets from Tibet and the Orient

Would you mind sharing a little bit about your experience as a child when your crown chakra opened up?

I was with my church youth group. We went to see a movie that was produced by Billy Graham. Obviously, it’s something geared towards recruiting teenagers to become Christians through that path of dedicating your life to God through that window or that portal. I was out having a good time with my friends, and I had no intention of doing anything crazy. After the movie, they turned on the lights and put out the call, “Anyone who wants to come to dedicate your life to God through Jesus as your Lord and Savior, come down and we’ll pray with you.”

At that moment, I got zapped with this energy that came down through the top of my head and engulfed my body. It was almost like electricity, something I’d never felt before. I got up and zombie walked down the aisle and did the prayer and the ritual. They sent me home with a new copy of the New Testament and Psalms. I already had a Bible at home. At that point, I already considered myself a Christian.

There I was, but I didn’t find it within myself to talk to my parents or any adults, certainly not my brothers, about what had happened to me and what I had felt because there was no one speaking any type of language that remotely resembled what I had experienced. No one in the church was talking about it either, even in the youth group. There were good people around me, but I wasn’t making that connection.

Also, for me, the concept of this book has been translated multiple times through all these years, and having to accept it as a perfect rendition of the almighty’s word didn’t quite resonate with me. Also, the threat of eternal torture if I slipped up and didn’t do things right or joined the wrong club or whatever. That didn’t add up. I was a very skeptical child.

It didn’t take me long to say, “No, not this,” but the feeling and the experience were real. After discovering what the crown chakra is and even years after that, it finally dawned on me, “That experience and dedication I made, that was a real dedication. No one could take that from me.” I felt from my heart that I am committing to connecting to spirit. That has been the overriding goal of my life.

There’s been distractions and detours, but this is what keeps me going, and it’s the purpose behind my music, to help people connect to this great mystery of the eternal consciousness that’s creating, maintaining, and transforming all it is. All it has been and all it will be, I see and feel it in everything now. I know that I’m never alone because it’s in me and I’m part of it. What a beautiful transformation that’s been. There’s a lot of pain on this path, and it hasn’t been all crystals, rainbows, and unicorns by any means. I’m so grateful. I look back now from this stage of the journey and see the perfection and all of it. I’m so grateful.

Cosmic Throat Singer: The purpose behind my music is to help people connect to this great mystery of the eternal consciousness that's creating, maintaining, transforming all that is, all that has been, and all that will be.

It’s like it’s only from that higher perspective we can understand that we needed to go through the pain in order to see what the exact opposite is. Everything that we experience that we don’t like is understanding what is not us versus what is us. We have to see both spectrums, otherwise, there’s no contrast in any of it.

It’s not easy to sign up for this journey because I truly believe that we make the decision to have a certain experience from whatever perspective, whether it’s we have to fulfill our karmic debts or whatever it is. The game is not fun unless we have to go through these challenges because then we come out better. Where’s the growth if there’s no friction or hardship?

I see that also playing on the macrocosmic level. For the infinite spirit to grow and to learn of itself, it has to expand into physicality, into the denser realms. If there is no resistance to the light of the creator, then we wouldn’t have a physical form. By coming into the 3D experience of reality, there is this duality, this yin and yang, this positive, negative, and opposing forces that create this dance that we’re all experiencing that we call human life. It’s pretty amazing.

One of the things I had to come to an understanding of is that it’s all a part of oneness and unity in God. To not judge what we don’t like, it’s the shadow side of us, but it is us. That which we judge or we condemn is staring right back at us. It’s so important to look at this as a game and you’re a character. Maybe you’re the good guy this time and you’re the bad guy next time. How do we know? It’s like laughing through life and understanding. You made the decision, and I made the decision. I am going to connect deeper and deeper with the source, whatever I believe God to be.

Once you make that journey and that decision, then things will unfold. Yes, we’re going to have to go through the things we have to go through, but it’s making that commitment like anything in life. Once you decide you’re going to do something, it’s going to unfold and more and more secrets will be revealed over time. You talked about the book that opened up your vision to chakras and everything like that. Can you take it from there?

The book also taught me about the power of breath and the concept of prana and chi and a variety of meditations. I was eating up everything in this book. Within a year of finding that and starting these practices and trying them out, I was loving all of it. My girlfriend at that time took me to a metaphysical store, which I had never set foot in. We walk in through the door of this strange little shop and I hear this wall of sound which is loud.

I asked the woman behind the counter, “What are we listening to?” She says, “It’s Tibetan monks.” I’m like, “What?” I’m like, “I’m into this and I didn’t even know it.” The sound shook me up. One aspect of it was very attractive to me, but I didn’t know whether to lie down in between the speakers or run out of the store. I stayed and I bought the tape. This was the late ‘80s, so we had cassette tapes in those days. We took it home and started listening and meditating to it. Also, trying to mimic their sound. I didn’t know what a mantra was yet and I had no idea what the vocal technique was, but I wanted it. I was still a bass player, singer, and rock band.

My bands were getting better thinking still going down that path, but the strange musical, the mystical almost disturbing sound was attracting me. That was in my field. I continued on my path in music and the bands. Like I said, we’re getting better. Music was getting better. There were a couple of little recording opportunities, not with record labels by any means, but more opportunities for deeper levels of creation.

I was yearning for a deeper connection to the spirit still and starting to reassess my goals as a musician that I want to be on the road for the rest of my life, even if it was playing in those glamorous arenas and all that. My soul and my heart were yearning for this more nurturing of spirit and maybe a healthier lifestyle as well. In 1994, I went camping with my girlfriend at that time. We climbed a mountain in South Park Colorado, the real South Park.

It’s a vast high-altitude mountain valley, a very interesting place. There are lots of energetic vortexes around there that are off the map. Anyway, we climbed this mountain that had no trails and cut to the top and I said, “I wonder if there are any crystals around here.” That moment I turned my head and here was this beautiful quartz crystal shining in the sunlight. I picked that up and my life changed. I was holding onto it as I drove back to Denver and wanted to change my life.

My day job at that time was as a manager of a high dollar big fancy burlesque club. I’d been there for five years, and I felt like it was time to go. This is going to kill me if I stay. I passed whatever karmic test I needed to go through this. I’m hung on in the crystals saying, “I got to get out of there. I can’t do it anymore.” I showed up for work the next day and my boss is waiting outside the club with my final check in his hand. He was laying me off because he couldn’t afford to pay my salary anymore.

He eventually went out of business or had to sell the club. My band at that time, we were scheduled to go into the studio that night and spend the week recording our demo, which I still love to listen to. I loved the music and those guys. The band broke up two months later. Within a short time after finding this crystal on the mountaintop in South Park, the ground fell away underneath my feet. I was so heartbroken from that band breakup that I knew that I’m done. I’m not doing this anymore. I put my bass aside, stopped playing, and eventually found my way into the healing arts.

I had been dipping my toe in the water and trying some introductory classes, Shiatsu, massage, and reading about reiki. I was very intrigued with energy transmission of healing energy. I dove in all the way and turned my back on music. I was on the healing path with the intention that this was part of my spiritual quest and my spiritual mission. My goal was to heal the work planet one body at a time. I was already confident in my manual skills with my hands. To me, that was a cover to run energy and connect with sorts and bring that through.

In the first year of my practice, I got the inspiration to begin holding guided meditation circles in my home. I had been exploring meditation along with the healing arts. To me, it was all one continuum. I was taking all the meditation courses that I could get my hands on and attending all these guided meditation processes, like waking the light body and flower of life.

My own meditation circle started out slow. First, it was me and one friend, and the next time, he didn’t even show up. It was me sitting there with a candle and crystals in the middle of my living room. I held the intention and let everyone I knew that I was doing this and people started to come. We were having pretty profound experiences right off the bat. It was surprising how deep we could go and how much connection we could make.

Eventually, within the year, I felt like the inspiration and the sense of what to say coming through the English language wasn’t enough for me anymore. Not being able to find words for what I was experiencing, I started to own. Immediately, people tell me how they felt the energy move through them and around them at the sound of my voice.

That got my attention. I had been experimenting with mantras at this point and overtones and hearing some of the richness and depth of sound in the voice that I never would’ve noticed belting out tunes into a microphone with a big rock band behind me. I explored that more and brought more of it into the meditations. I still couldn’t do that deep Tibetan sound, though.

I went to a workshop by a gentleman named Jonathan Goldman who is from Boulder, Colorado, and has written many books on sound healing and released several albums. He didn’t teach that technique over that weekend, but he demonstrated it once. He did one and said, “Some people are going to get this after bringing around other people who do it.” At that moment, I thought, “That’s me. It has to be me.” The next day, it came through.

I called up Jonathan Goldman’s phone number. It was his office. I got his voicemail and I left the big long, “Ooh,” on his voicemail. I said, “Thanks, Jonathan. It worked. I got the deep voice.” I hung up and I was on fire at that point. That’s how music snuck back into my life. Meditation, prayer, and healing became the music. I was gradually increasing my use of sound and melody. I would bring sound into my one-on-one healing sessions with my massage and reiki clients and more and more sound and toning in the meditations. Eventually, I started to take it outside of my living room and tried it on new audiences and it worked there. Every time I went through a new door, it was very well received.

In 2008, I decided, “This is undeniable. It’s time for me to record an album and make it official, get a website.” That’s when I made that leap. That became my main point of dharma. I still do the hands-on work and keep in touch with that part of my healing practice. For me, music is the way to make the biggest impact and the quickest way to reach multitudes of people, to give them a direct experience of the oneness of all things. They are part of this whole, we all belong here, and we are all welcome and loved. It’s all sacred.

Music is the way to really make the biggest impact and the quickest way to reach multitudes of people to give them a direct experience of the oneness of all things.

The music that you produce is so beautiful, and I know from the community of Dr. Joe. I was in Egypt, and on this tour group, 25% of the people have done these kinds of things. It’s all the synchronicities. Everyone I talk to is like, “I love his music. I listen to it.” Some guys are like, “I do mushrooms and I listen to Matthew’s music.” To each their own. Can you tell us a little bit about the purpose of getting into those lower guttural sounds and how that affects the vibration of the person singing and then also the person who is listening?

The way I see it, we exist in an infinite spectrum of vibration. We now know that there are frequencies that we can’t hear and cannot see. Those frequency ranges were already in place before we are able to see them with our fancy technology. I believe that there’s no beginning and end to the range of frequency spectrum that we are indeed existing within.

If we can tap into more of that frequency with our own voice, I think it gives us a more direct line to experience more of what we are. I feel the vibrations in my body that is coming from the throat. I feel it resonate down to my pelvic floor and definitely into my head that’s vibrating my pineal and pituitary gland. One of these days, those suckers are going to pop open and give me that divine, mystical experience that everyone wants that the overtones harmonics are in divine proportion.

I’m not left brain dominant numbers person, but I can look at the numbers and the Fibonacci sequence, the golden mean ratio, and the scale of the harmonics. It all makes sense. I believe sound is reflecting the structure of the universe and how matter takes form. We’re living in a world filled with incoherent frequencies.

First from the collective anxiety induced by the destruction we’ve incurred and are inflicting upon the biosphere that we live within, where our bodies are part of this Earth and here we are ravaging forests, water, and the air. There’s no way that we cannot feel this in our bodies. It will have an effect on how we feel. There’s the technology. We started out with radio and electronic devices and television frequencies in the air. Now we have cell phones and Wi-Fi.

Now they’re putting Wi-Fi in the sky. What could go wrong? Those are Wi-Fi transmitters in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, the very electromagnetic field of the Earth that protects us from radiation from outer space and they’re putting Wi-Fi up there. Within this soup of incoherent frequencies, if we can bring in coherence through vibration, then I know it helps me, and I see it helping people firsthand in my live events.

I get some messages from people around the world who are feeling that relief and that sense of connection by listening to the recordings as well. I’m delighted to know that the frequency and the intention are translating through the recordings which is the answer to my prayers. The main effect is like bringing coherence into a field of incoherence. We’ve known now from the HeartMath and other research that’s happening that the positive emotions of love, gratitude, etc., are stronger than the incoherent frequencies of the lower emotions, anger, fear, anxiety, and these things.

I do not underestimate the power of getting a small group together and moving into that space together. When I play the music with at least one person to share it with in person, the effect is magnified exponentially. As the Great Master said, “Where two or more are gathered, I am there,” and that is so real.

Cosmic Throat Singer: Positive emotions of love, gratitude, etc., are stronger than the incoherent frequencies of the lower emotions –anger, fear, and anxiety. Do not underestimate the power of getting a small group and moving into that space together.

I could have the most stressful day ever and sit down on my cushion with a small group of people or a large audience. Once I get to be in that mode, everything is good, everything is right, and there’s no place that I’d rather be and nothing that I would rather do than be in that. As I begin to play the music, it brings me deeper into this sense of gratitude, rapture, and connection. It deepens my field of coherence, which helps everyone else who’s present and listening to go into their field of coherence. It all magnifies so quickly. Within seconds, everyone’s having a journey.

It’s so beautiful, and I agree with you. It’s like a battle for coherence. There’s coherence distortion and then there’s actual coherence that brings us back into our heart, into our soul. You talk about what they’re doing in the sky and the atmosphere. Also, the music itself, years ago, was 432 hertz. That frequency, they moved through your body in a very beautiful way. 528 hertz as well. They changed the musical scale to 440. That’s also very distorted.

You could call it a conspiracy or whatever, but so much of reality has been distorted to keep us away from that mind-body-heart coherence. It’s important that people realize you have to go inwards and then when you go inwards, come to a place in your life where then you can share it with others and bring groups together, that Maharishi Effect you were talking about. That’s when massive waves of consciousness start getting created.

It’s like a ripple effect. It grows exponentially when we come together in this state of consciousness. I’ll give you a little example of when I listened to guttural music live for the first time. I was in Bodhi, which is in India. It’s the little town where they have this temple complex where the Buddha reached enlightenment. His bodhi tree is over there and then they have all these stupas and temples.

In this one little area that is the tallest temple that they have, there are twelve monks. They’re non-stop 24 hours a day doing this guttural chanting. They take shifts and switch out. Throughout the entire time you’re there, they’re keeping the vibration and the harmonics going in this place. When you’re inside this temple complex, you feel bliss.

There is nothing that you’re thinking about that’s not in the present moment. You’re looking at little dogs walking on and you’re seeing these monks meditating. It’s the most beautiful place. That’s one beautiful example, but we can create that in our own communities. What you’re doing, bringing people together, it’s so important. I’m big into the community as well. We do crystal bowl sound baths, meditations, breathwork, and all these kinds of things at my wellness center here in Jersey City. It’s becoming more and more prevalent. In every city that I go to, I’m seeing that these things are popping up.

I’m glad you mentioned the frequencies. Some people might not like what I had to say about it because, for one, I have to say that the numbers all add up and it makes sense that 432 hertz and the 528 and all that. However, what is hertz? It’s a measurement of how many sound waves move through space and a measurement of time, cycles per second.

Let’s use our critical thinking here now. What is time? What is a second? Is a second the same on Pluto as it is on Earth or in the center of the sun or on Event Horizon of a black hole or Alpha Centauri? Is a second the same? Relativity tells us that it’s going to be different. It’s based on our human experience. I question if it’s the only solution. I believe in my experience and the reflection I get from a lot of people that there are certain aspects of my music that takes people out of time.

I remember I met Tom Kenyon, who was a real pioneer of sound healing in the Western world. I met him in 2001. I remember one of the things he said was that true healing takes place outside of time and space. I didn’t quite grasp that. Now we have Dr. Joe showing us that true healing takes place in the quantum field where all the Newtonian rules break down and there is no time and space. That’s where the true healing happens, although the physical body is an entry point into the incident.

Cosmic Throat Singer: True healing takes place in the quantum field where all the Newtonian rules break down and there is no time and space.

I was told in a dream one time that I was getting this massive download, lots of words coming at me. Right before I woke up, they said, “Find the entry point.” That was all I could remember. Now I realize the entry point is all around us in every moment, in every pore, and every breath. It’s everywhere and in every atom. To be honest, true confessions, my harmonium is not tuned to 432. I measured it. It’s about 442 A. For people who aren’t familiar with the details, we’re talking about the middle A in the scale. The A 440 is the standard concert pitch.

In India, where harmonium is made, traditionally, they’re tuned by ear, so it sounds about right and they pump it out. There’s another harmonium, and that’s where I bought my Śruti as well. It’s not tuned exactly. I’ve been on websites that sell crystal bowls and some are exact concert pitches. Some are supposed to be exactly 432 pitch, but I’ve got out my tuner and played their samples. It’s not exact.

It’s great marketing. Also, when I got my first crystal singing bowl, it was tuned to the note D. I would play it for a room full of people and everyone would feel it in a different part of their body. Every so often someone would come and say, “What chakra is that bowl?” My response would be, “This is a magic bowl and I’ve programmed it to go exactly where it’s needed. It’s not confined to one chakra or another,” which is another subject, the subject of the base chakra, C, sacral chakra, D.

The chakras, which come from ancient wisdom or the Vedic scriptures educate about the chakras. This way predates Western music and the Western scales. The Vedas came out of India, and in Indian music, their scales are very different from Western music. They have notes in between our notes in the West. How could it be that the chakras are tuned to the Western concert pitch or maybe even the Western notes, whether they’re based in 432 or not? I question that as well. It doesn’t mean that if someone gets a chakra set of bowls that it’s not working because if they believe that it is, that intention is going to be trained on the frequency of the bowls. If the people who are receiving it also believe that, who am I to say that it doesn’t work?

I don’t believe that it is confined to the numbers. I can’t spend my time crunching the numbers when I’d rather go into that list and make music. Also, let’s say the shamans in the jungle sing Icaros to the people they’re giving plant medicine to, I don’t think they’re worried about what frequency their A is. Even the monks standing out by the stoop are, I don’t think they’re worried about that. It’s the intention.

It’s a trap to get caught up in the linear reductionism with sound. Not that there isn’t value in it because there’s research into what frequencies break up cancer cells, for example. That’s great. I’m not worried about that when I’m singing for a client who’s at my table. I’m trusting that in this ocean of frequencies that are coming through me, something is going to benefit them. I have never had anything happen that would show me otherwise.

In groups, too, I’m not conducting what everyone’s going to feel, what journey they’re going to have, where they’re going to feel it in their body, or what visions they have. I’m minding my own grounding connection to the Earth, connection to the heart, and connection to the source and letting them be in my awareness at the same time while I’m also focusing on creating the music and miracles that happen.

I wrote it down. The frequency of love has a very wide range. It doesn’t matter about the numbers. When you’re speaking with love and intention, it’s going to resonate. I wanted to get into specifically the throat chakra. You do a lot of work through the throat chakra, but I want to talk about the significance of it, especially in the time now that we live in. Why is it so important for us to be able to open up our throat chakra and not have the blockages in the past of shutting down our voices or not speaking our truth?

Cosmic Throat Singer: The frequency of love has a very wide range. It doesn't matter about the numbers when you're speaking with love. It's going to resonate.

Many of us were told at a young age that what we had to say was not important or not believed or we were told that we did not have a good singing voice, to be quiet, or we were not meant to be heard. We started putting on protection and protecting ourselves here. That has inhibited how we express ourselves, not just with our words, not just with singing, but in how we express our doing in the world and are beingness in the world. It’s important that we’re able to speak our truth and to live from our truth regardless of what reactions there may be. We want to live harmoniously with our neighbors and do no harm in the world ultimately and to be of benefit to life. It’s also we have to be true to ourselves.

For me, I didn’t feel heard or acknowledged to suit my inherent needs as a child and as an adolescent. I shut down and I became unable to speak my truth when I needed to for my family and became hardened in intimate relationships to speak my needs and to say what I was feeling. Getting out and singing was a step forward in my healing of that. When I made the choice to begin leading guided meditations, who was I to make that choice? There is no monk or guru. It’s a shady background. Here I am leading guided meditations, but it was what was in my heart and I knew inside me that I had something to share this connection that I felt, and I trusted it would come through me.

It was a gift that people came and received even before I started toning and omming. When you’re speaking from the heart, even words can transmit. That happened. Opening up the throat chakra is very important. We’re in a climate now in a society where many people want to shut us down if we say the wrong things that are not in line with their dogma. There’s all this backlash going back and forth from different sides. It’s complicated.

What a complicated world we’re in with all the transitions, roles, norms, and societal expectations, but we all still need each other. Even the people that we might disagree with very strongly on political matters or societal matters, we still need each other. We need to be able to communicate with each other, hear each other out, and have conversations rather than yelling at each other through the digital void or other ways of violent confrontations.

We need to be able to listen, speak our truth, and hear another’s truth. Opening the throat chakra can certainly help with that. When I teach vocal activation, as I call it, which is a throat singing and overtone singing class and lessons, I see that people come in afraid to sing or afraid to chant in front of strangers. Some of them are afraid to speak in public or groups. We start to play with the voice and expand beyond what we ever heard coming from the voice. It frees people up.

I’ve seen people who have taken a one-day workshop and gone on and changed their life and made changes even in their career path because things started to move here again. As they continue to work with the voice and get some movement and then the free flow of energy from the lower centers to the upper centers, good things happen there and we can experience more growth.

You explained it so beautifully. When we’re speaking from our authentic selves and in our truth, it’s unlocking a superpower. We don’t all need to be musicians as long as we are speaking from our hearts and souls. What you said is so very important. It’s okay to disagree with people, but to hear them out is so important, not only for them because they want to be heard, otherwise, we’re shutting down their thought but also for our own karma and our own self.

Who are we the judge what other people think? Everybody wants to express themselves. I truly believe they’re looking to reach God at some point, whether it’s consciously or subconsciously. Even if they don’t believe in God, they’re trying to bit live their best possible life. If they think that this is some vision or value that they have, then let them speak it in.

Everybody wants to express themselves. They're looking to reach God at some point, whether it's consciously or subconsciously, even if they don't believe in God.

Let the best ideas win in society. When we start shutting down people’s voices, there’s an inherent fear, “Should I say this?” I’ve definitely caught myself from posting something on Instagram. No doubt about it. After the first 100 times, I got shadow-banned and stuff. I get some nasty emails when I talk about freedom of speech and all this stuff.

At the end of the day, everybody’s trying to express themselves in whichever way they know how. I think that the only way that we can cope is, first of all, to look at this all this chaos as an illusion of this 3D reality, to have fun with it, and dance through it. Secondly, not be afraid to be who we are and say our truth and declare it into the universe because the world needs people that have integrity and values to speak their truth these days especially.

Also, if our own belief systems can’t withstand being in the presence of someone or another person’s words or beliefs that are not perceived to be in alignment with that, then that’s pretty weak. We need to look at ourselves and like, “Where am I not being authentic?” If I don’t have that foundation or if I’m not strong in my own foundation, then I’m not going to be able to withstand that. I’ll have to shut out anything that doesn’t agree with me. We need to check ourselves and see where we’re at.

Is there any advice that you can give to people who do maybe have a little bit of that challenge to speak their truth? Are there any tips that you can give them on how to start opening up their throat chakra, whether it’s simple omming or anything else?

Yes, even humming with the lips gently closed. A lot of people are afraid to even om out loud. You can be by yourself and sometimes plug your ears even and go take a deep breath and feel the vibration move in your throat, in your head, and your body and feel it light up your cells. That has been proven to be therapeutic on a physical level and I believe on an emotional and mental level as well. Start making some sounds with the intention to gift yourself some nurturing energy. That’s a great place to start.

I think that omming or even umming with your fingers in your ears and then allowing a hum to travel through your entire body and visualize it moving through. I told you a little bit briefly about my experience inside the king’s chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt and inside the sarcophagus. This is a place where very amazing people traveled through. Jesus was there at some point learning there, and Leonardo da Vinci was there laying inside the chamber.

Even warmongers like Alexander the Great and Napoleon. Shortly after these people went in there, Napoleon and Alexander the Great, their empires crumbled because if you don’t go in with the right frequency and the right consciousness, then things can start falling apart. When I went in there, it was such a beautiful experience. I got to lie down inside this thing for a few minutes. If anyone hasn’t seen what the great pyramid looks like or the king’s chamber specifically inside the sarcophagus, there are many YouTube videos on it.

Even a simple, “mmm,” it’s this reverberation. It’s like putting your fingers in your ears, but times that by ten million and you’re hearing this reverberation of the sound moving all around you. It’s like you’re swimming in this like a whirlpool, and it’s going in the entire chamber. There’s a small chamber, it’s like 15 x 15 and you could hear it inside the entire pyramid. Even people down all the way to the bottom. It is incredible to have that experience and to have that activation. I mentioned to you I had a full Kundalini activation when I was in there doing my omming. We could get to these states. We don’t all have to go to the king’s chamber, but this was a very powerful experience that I had from doing a simple omming.

I hope I get to do that sometime.

You would love the resonance and the harmonics. All of the pyramids are attuned to different frequencies. They’re so perfect, the queen’s chamber, the king’s chamber, and the Khafre pyramid. They say the Arc of the Covenant was housed there at some point, but when you sing in there, we were singing very low. You can feel the reverberation. Apparently, it’s tuned to 432, but you’ll have to bring your measuring instrument in there to make sure.

The ancients taught us so much about harmonics and frequencies. They knew something very long ago so we should start looking into that. The connection between the music, the geometry, and how the cosmos was created, it’s all interrelated. Even in nature, when you look at that Fibonacci sequence, it’s everywhere that we look. Even though I was hanging out with my dog, he is sitting in a little Fibonacci sequence. His head is by his butt, and he is a little circle. When fetus are in, they’re doing the same thing. It’s that’s what creation is. It’s opening up from itself.

It’s this fractal continuing to unfold.

What was the story behind Dr. Joe Dispenza reaching out to you about licensing your music and putting it in his incredible meditations?

This was in the middle of lockdowns. One thing I learned from lockdowns was what Dr. Joe calls the gap. The gap is where you appear to be and where you think you are versus where you really are. I had been touring quite a bit. For example, in 2019, I lived in British Columbia and played all around my province here in Canada. I’d also played in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Texas, New York, Connecticut, France, and Belgium.

I was looking at 2020, thinking, “European tours and coast-to-coast tours are happening. It’s on.” I always receive a blessing or infusion of energy when I get to share my music with groups of people. In that process of doing that consistently, I had let my own cultivation and maintenance practices atrophy. I wasn’t being consistent with my own meditation and breathwork practices.

I have all these tools that I’ve acquired through the years on this path. I wasn’t being mindful and disciplined with it. All of a sudden, one week, I’m on Vancouver Island playing these wonderful events and teaching a workshop, and then next week everything stops. I had to continue stopping and being isolated. I started to take a bit of a nose dive energetically and emotionally. I was not prepared because of my gap.

I eventually started attempting to do concerts via livestream. That was a massive struggle. I don’t like one of those people. You’d call it a technophobe. It’s not my nature to dig into the computer and figure out how all these things work. I was trying to do live streams on Zoom. At first, the sound was terrible. It was blowing up in my face. I’m getting more and more frustrated and feeling despondent.

Eventually, that works itself out. I did lots of research from lots of frustration and started getting good sound and everything. After late 2021, out of the blue, I got an email from one of Dr. Joe’s people and said, “Would you be interested in letting Dr. Joe Dispenza license some of your music for his guided meditations?” “Okay.”

Did you know of Dr. Joe before that?

Yes. I met him when he came to Vancouver in 2006. A friend of mine was promoting him here, and I had not heard of him. I’d seen the movie What the Bleep, but I wasn’t following him. I met him briefly. “Hi, Dr. Joe. This is Matthew. Matthew, Dr. Joe.” “Hi. Nice to meet you.” We met, but I had been listening to some of his books on Audible.

I’d listened to little bits or a chapter or two. I’m like, “I know that,” and I’m reading some of his books or excerpts from his books and watching some interviews. “I know that. Got that.” After what I experienced during lockdowns, I realized, “Maybe I don’t have this down so perfectly.” It was humbling. I already had the book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself on Audible and started to say, “I better give this more attention,” especially after I met him via Zoom and he starts using my music. I’m like, “Universe, hello.” I got into the book, and it’s been amazing in helping me to make these changes in myself and to learn to discipline myself and be mindful of taking care of my practices.

I’m not perfected yet, but I’m working on it. It’s been an incredible honor to have Dr. Joe using my music with his guided meditations for his healing groups and that it’s being played at his live retreats around the world. I could not have asked for a more perfect alignment of the demographic to share my music with. It’s the ultimate silver platter for my music. People are having peak experiences with my music as the soundtrack for having life-changing healings with my music as a soundtrack. Thank you, creator. Thank you, life.

What a blessing and yet the blessings that you bestowed on thousands of people, including myself in your music. His organization is running like first class. The people are so incredible. He has access to any musician that he could want to work with. The fact that he chose yours, there’s something special about your music and it deeply touches me. I think about it all the time.

I listen to it all the time, and I believe that after this show, more and more people will start learning about you and getting the word out even more. It’s been such a blessing to have you on. Matthew, what is the most mystical experience that you’ve had in your life other than the crown chakra opening?

There’s been quite a few. The first one that comes to mind did involve psilocybin, to be upfront. There’s a place in Colorado that my dear friends and former bandmates discovered off the trail about an hour and a half Southwest of Denver. We found this clearing. On one side of a clearing, which is halfway up this rock outcropping, the rocks are naturally formed like ocean animals.

There’s a whole wall of this cliff face that is shaped like fish, sharks, whales, porpoises, and a big turtle at the top looking over it all. I’ve done a lot of solo camping there and gone up there with friends and had ceremonies without any plant medicine. In a perfect world, my ashes would be left there when I leave this body.

This one particular day, I was up there with three friends. We ate some beautiful mushrooms. The first thing that I noticed is my vision became very clear, like eagle-eye vision. I could see the detail in the tree bark and in the rocks and everything. I’m not so young anymore and my vision is not where it used to be. That day all of a sudden, it’s got crystal clear.

As that happened, I began to notice that I could feel the consciousness of all these elements, the rocks, the trees, the plants, the birds, the sky itself, and the clouds. I realized it was the feeling that it’s all alive and it’s all part of me. I went up and found this little perch and said, “I’m going to watch the clouds for a little while.”

As I did, I reclined, I looked up, and there were these clouds. All of a sudden, it opened up like this funnel or a tunnel in the clouds. I could see feminine silhouette faces on either side going into it. All of a sudden, a flower of life or some sacred geometry form comes down from that tunnel and touches me. One of our group was off exploring, wanting us to go look at this beautiful rock that he found. My other two friends saw me in awe of the sky. They laid down and looked up and then I saw that tunnel turn towards my friend on the left and it sent a pulse to him. I didn’t say anything. As soon as the pulse came, he said, “Whoa.” It turned to our other friend and did it to him.

It kept moving back and forth to us, sending us these pulsations of sacred geometry form. It was alive. It was interacting with us. Meanwhile, Dan’s over here across the way saying, “Come over here. Check out this boulder.” We’re like, “No, we got one.” He kept persisting. We’re like, “No.” Finally, he comes over and looks at us, we’re all laying back, looking at the sky in awe. He looks up and the tunnel turns to him and sends him a pulse. He goes, “Whoa.” He does it again. We all start laughing, and it broke the spell. We ended up going around and enjoying nature at that point.

The next day, I remembered that about six years or so prior, I had dreamed of that experience in a non-medicine sleeping dream. In that dream, I remember there was a circular phenomenon in the sky that was undulating. I realized that I was interacting with it consciously and it was changing with my intention. There was a small group of people with me. One of them was making vocalizations as they saw what was happening. That person in the dream was in the same proximity to me as a friend who joined us last and experienced it in waking life. That was pretty cool.

Psychedelics are a gateway. Have a responsible use and look at them as medicines, doing them in proper ceremonial aspects. Same thing with me. I had ayahuasca many times. It was one time. I was in Sedona sitting outside. It was after pretty much an experience. We were sitting on a couch fireplace. It was me, my friend, and my ex-girlfriend on my right side. The sky opens up like a vagina almost.

Cosmic Throat Singer: Psychedelics are a gateway, provided that you’re using them responsibly and doing them in proper ceremonial aspects.

This blue light hums out and it stands there. It zips across the sky, stops on a dime, and then slowly descends the mountain. It was definitely a UFO. It was so neon blue. What’s crazy is that we were having lunch earlier that day and nobody ever says this in conversation, but he’s like, “I think we’re going to see a UFO tonight.” We ended up seeing one. I love psychedelics.

The mushrooms might be the first life form that terraformed the Earth. Certainly, it’s an ancient form of consciousness.

That mycelium complex is basically communicating everything that’s ever happened here on Earth and the knowledge of all that decomposed matter goes into it. It’s like a fiber optic system that we can’t even imagine how powerful it is.

When you look at the cellular structure of the mycelium web under the ground, it looks very similar to the neuron web of the brain and the web of stars in the universe, the galaxies, and everything.

That’s a coincidence. Nothing to make of it. We’re crazy.

Nothing connected here.

Matthew, why do you think you came here to Earth as Matthew Kocel and what did you want to experience?

We come into this life with most of us completely forgetting who we are and what we are and to step into the mystery and begin that process of remembering. It’s like the greatest treasure hunt in the universe to come in, have your memory slate wiped clean, and be put in a situation where there’s no or little reinforcement of the interconnection of everything and the truth of our being and to find that.

I’m convinced that this point that my purpose for taking on this life form is to share the experience of that interconnection of all things, the fractal nature of our existence, the entanglement of our existence, how everything is connected and interacting at every level of the universe, to experience and learn love in human form, and to love all of this from this perspective as a human being. It’s this little point of the infinite consciousness, like a nerve ending coming out from the great mass of consciousness coming into the 3D realm to experience body life and death, gain and loss, all the emotions, all the feelings, all of it. To find a way to love within all of that experience. That’s the purpose.

What does God or spirituality mean to you in your life?

To me, God is that source from which we all come and from which everything comes. We can try to define it. We can give it a form or personality that we assign to it, and it will let it interact with it. In that way, we can have any deity that we choose to interact with, yet it’s beyond that. In Taoist philosophy, they call it Wu Chi. This is pure consciousness. Before the yin yang, positive and negative, and male and female duality is formed, there’s the absolute.

In Hinduism, that might be referred to as the Godhead. It’s beyond the triumvirate of this new Brahma and Shiva. It’s before that absolute source. It’s also what is creating our atoms and the subatomic manifestations in every moment. To me, God is a verb as much as it is a thing that is happening. This is happening.

All these atoms are appearing and disappearing and the subatomic particles are appearing and disappearing at every moment. This God is becoming this realm all the time because it wants to, or maybe that’s what it does. Maybe that’s what it is. That’s what life is. It’s awareness becoming and expanding from the most subtle possible realm into the densest realm and expanding from there as well. Always expanding, growing, reproducing, and repurposing.

We know that energy does not die. It changes form. The atoms, our bodies, and all of this around us are all recycled stardust. It’s also sound. It’s vibration moving, expressing consciousness, and expressing its form. That’s why I say that sound is the creation threshold point where the mind becomes matter, thought becomes form, and the word becomes flesh. This is what sound is when we interact with that awareness.

Cosmic Throat Singer: The atoms, our bodies, all this around us is all recycled stardust and it's also sound. It's this vibration moving, expressing consciousness, expressing its form.

What a way to bring this sacred conversation altogether. Thank you so much. How can we learn more about you?

My current website is OmShaman.com. I’m going to be transitioning that to MatthewKocel.com. I’m on most of the social media channels, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. I’m not on Twitter currently. I decided to get out.

It’s a landmine in there.

It wasn’t doing anything for me. I don’t have any perfect use for this so I got out. My music is on streaming services, but when people get on my email list, that’s the best way to stay in touch. You can do that through my website. I send things that aren’t going to be put on the streaming services. Those are some live recordings or videos that are being shared or things that I will share with people who are communicating with me or allowing me to communicate with them first before I put them out to the general public. I also forgot to mention I have a new band.

I never thought I’d be in a band again, but here it is. It’s too good to pass up. We’re called Aum Yatra. Om is the cosmic sound, the sound of creation, and Yatra is the journey of bliss in Sanskrit. We are seven members, aside from myself. We have a classical soprano who also plays keywords and is wonderful. We have an Indian sitarist and vocalist who is a master of his instrument and a beautiful human being and a wonderful voice.

The producer and engineer of my last two albums is Mark Fenster, a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist. We have a percussionist and a guitarist. All these people are all-star. The guitarist has played on and produced multiple platinum albums, Anthony Anderson. Our soprano is Chloe Hurst, our percussionist Ron Stelting, sitarist, vocalist, Sharnjeet Singh Mand and Mark Fenster. Our seventh member is our sound engineer, who is coming on as a full partner. He is with us at all of our rehearsals and records us as we rehearse. He will be our live sound technician as well, Stefan Nowarre.

We’ve had our premier show. We’re going to do our album release concert on June 3rd, 2023, in Vancouver. It’s a small venue. It will hold about 70 or maybe 80 people max. I’m excited about it. After the first performance, some of the people in our audience were comparing us to a New Age version of Pink Floyd. What a gift. I’ve struggled for decades now to classify my music. When people ask me, “What do you sound like?” there it was gifted to us after our first performance, a New Age Pink Floyd. There we are.

It all comes full circle. You’re playing the harmonium and singing, I’m assuming.

Yes. I’ll be wielding all my other instruments. I call my instruments my weapons of mass ascension. They’re all at the ready, although I never say that term at the airport.

Definitely not or on phones because everything’s tracked these days. You got to do it in person. Om is the name of my business, Om.life, and Yatra means a journey to bliss. There are beautiful synchronicities all around. Is it going to be on Spotify when you guys start the album?

When we release the album, I’m going to lobby for us to release one song at a time to the streaming services because that’s the smarter way to release music in this market. If you put it all out at once, then it’s all out. If you release single songs every other month or monthly, then it gives you an opportunity to promote each one and to be top of mind and to get the word out consistently.

My friend who I interviewed about our trip to Egypt did the same strategy. He launched one song at a time. He gave it a couple of months in between so he could get the word out. It’s a wonderful strategy.

For any musicians who are reading and wondering about that, that’s the way to do it. Also, to connect with your audience directly through email and give them things that they’re not going to get through the streaming services and develop a relationship. That’s what I want to do anyway with my fan base and people who listen to my music. I want to connect. Let them know I’m a human being and I care about them, how the music is affecting them, and to know that their experience is real. It’s coming. It’s my prayer.

I went to your website and I wanted to purchase some of the tracks, so I went there and it’s a minimum donation that you have there. It’s a beautiful way to allow the audience to come in and understand your music a little bit better and not to put too much of a burden on them. That goes to show your integrity and your love and passion for all this. One other side note, in the Joe Dispenza world, they do mind movies, which are basically like vision boards but in movie creation. You’re creating all these things. I purchased that music of yours, and that’s the soundtrack of my life now. I’m going to watch it every single day.

Are you putting Mind Movies out with the music?

No, just my own, so I’m creating basically a video, a fourteen minutes or so of everything I want to create and getting in the state and the feeling of everything that I want to do in this life, experiences, connection, and all this stuff. Your music will be in the background of it.

What an honor. Thank you for reminding me of that. I want to start doing that and putting some out on YouTube and sharing them.

That would be beautiful.

Thank you.

Matthew, thank you for being the soul that you are and for creating such beautiful heart-touching and soul-touching music. It’s an honor and this manifestation that I created. Having you on here feels like a dream. Thank you so much.

It’s truly a pleasure and an honor for me as well, Anand. Thank you.

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About Matthew Kocel

Matthew Kocel is a transformative artist and a leader in the global sound healing movement. With over 40 years of experience as a performer and a multidisciplinary healing arts practitioner, he has mastered the art of using sound and vibration to facilitate inner healing and personal growth.

His unique blend of throat singing, overtone chant, and natural voice taps into a universal vibration that feels both ancient and new, bringing listeners into states of deep relaxation and inner peace. Through the harmonic frequencies of his voice, Matthew dissolves the boundaries of space and time, allowing listeners to experience the interconnectedness of all things.

Matthew's music has touched the hearts and souls of people from all walks of life, and his impact on their lives is truly transformative.

His message of oneness and healing resonates deeply with his listeners, inspiring them to live their lives with greater authenticity, compassion, and joy.


Episode 67: Pranic Living, Kundalini Activation, And Dissolving Ego With Marnix de Stigter


Episode 65: Overnight Inside The Giza Pyramids With Brant Falliaux