Episode 50: Reject Tradition, Embrace Modernity: Why Bitcoin Is Humanity's Solution With Brant Falliaux
What is Bitcoin, and why is it bound to replace traditional finance? Join Anand as he chats with today's guest, Brant Falliaux. In this episode, Brant shares his life journey of being exposed to spirituality and inner work at a young age, his creative pursuits in music, his uninspiring time in traditional finance, and his passion for empowering his clients with life-altering wealth through Bitcoin mining. Brant goes deep into what actually is going on in traditional finance and why most banking institutions' financial interests are in direct competition with their client's Assets Under Management. This is a must-listen!
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Reject Tradition, Embrace Modernity: Why Bitcoin Is Humanity's Solution With Brant Falliaux
Brant, welcome to the show. How are you?
I’m good. Thank you for having me. It's good to be here.
I'm excited. I was lucky enough to spend some time with you. We were at a Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation Event in January 2022. That's where we first met. We were together. On the last day, you were sitting next to me and we did a four-hour meditation side by side. It was freaking cool but it was nice to have that experience. We got to chat, had lunch and talked about all the beauty and magic that's happening in our lives. I want to appreciate you for coming on. I know you're a busy guy and doing a lot of amazing things.
Thank you for having me. That was wild. The Marco Island situation was wonderful.
What does living a limitless life mean to you?
When you get into this, I get into the four quadrants. It takes me back there. I don't know if you know what the four quadrants are but these people do a Venn Diagram. It's four quadrants overlaid and then in the middle is your bliss point. Limitlessness applies to mental, physical, financial and spiritual limitlessness.
Limitlessness applies to mental, physical, financial, and spiritual limitlessness.
That's different depending on where you're at but physically, let's start there. Being able to do what you want to do physically. I like to snowboard and golf. I'm in and out of the gym. I’m not back by anything, having a good diet, being able to travel, get up and get around how I see. Financially, that means to be able to do what you want when you want to do it, be able to take vacations and go see something.
If something piques your interests like a meditation or a trait like you get on a plane, you book it and go. When we start to get into the mental and spiritual plane, that's where it's important. Mental limitlessness is constant knowledge and growth. The only constant is change. Seeking new knowledge, seeking new truth and going after the truth rather than what my ego or the world might want to filter knowledge as because then that gives me a good foundation, spiritually.
We could get into spiritual limitlessness. For me, that's being able to lay down and get into meditation so deep that I leave my body and I could lose the dream or even sometimes astral travel. This is getting into metaphysics. It’s being able to break through and experience other dimensions and beings. The information that we are able to absorb and download from those realms can create limitlessness in these realms.
I'm curious how did you start getting into this mindset of living a balanced life in all four quadrants? Was there an initial spark that led you on this path or was it over a long period?
It was taken in things over a long period. I was five years old when I knew that what we were being told wasn't it. I remember when I was a little kid, my mom took me to crystal shops. I wanted to go to the museum. I went to this powwow with these native American chiefs and shamans. It was like the Sioux, Lakota and Hopi. I'm a little kid doing fire dances with the natives. You could feel that there's more coming through. That started me on my quest for knowledge and my spiritual path. By the time I was 19, 20 or 21, I was doing drum circles and sweat lodges.
There's this epic guy who was a Hopi. They called him the corn farmer who walks between the worlds. He was leading these epic drum circles. We had a big Sequoia tree stretched with the elk skin that you could probably fit 13 or 14 people around this drum. Some of these guys that would come through were powerhouses. That continued. I did music in my early twenties, made a little bit of money, left the music project and realized, “I need to understand money.” I got into traditional finance. That's how these have been built for me. Mentors along the way are refining everything in one area or another that has got me to where I'm the most balanced I've ever been.
It sounds like you're living such a magical life. What a blessing to be able to be so young and figure out the spiritual aspect first or at least get your toes dipped in there because a lot of people wait a very long time to go after the riches and then they're like, “I'm not balanced. I have all the money and possessions but I don't have the happiness or the inner bliss.” I believe that is the foundation. If you can't be a generator of happiness within yourself, then how are you supposed to achieve more? You're not happy when you're poor and you don't have anything versus having everything and being miserable. It gets your problems even get more amplified.
You're an example of what to do in life. It took me a long time to figure out all the different vectors of life. I love this journey because the more I dive and lean into it, the more magic that happens. It's effortless, the things that get attracted to me like going to Joe Dispenza’s events. I heard about this guy. I was like, “At some point, I'd like to do a retreat or something like that,” but the universe said, “No, you're going to go.” Four of my friends in two weeks told me, “I was out of Joe Dispenza Meditation Event. I was thinking about you during my meditations. You should go.” That was 4 people in 2 weeks. That's a sign.
At the same time, my girlfriend had a friend of hers who she's been corresponding with. They're both into breathwork. She also said to my girlfriend, “I was at a meditation retreat in Cancun with Joe. I was thinking about you. You should go.” We were talking about synchronicities. We're like, “We need to do this.” It was so funny that as soon as we made that intention, Dr. Joe opened up Marco Island in Florida in January 2022. Funny enough, Kate and I booked a trip to Florida that same time. We only had to change the dates by two days. When you are tapped into this flow of energy and insight, it's effortless life.
Bitcoin: As far as finance goes, we have this dinosaur of a model that was working many years ago. As time speeds up, now you have some of these old models that don’t make sense anymore.
Follow the breadcrumbs and that's it. I feel I'm skiing from one loaf to the next. It's not breadcrumbs. We got loaves of bread. I don't know that I've got it all figured out. I like the word journey. The key is to stay present and centered in the heart. I've got a lot more to learn. The more I learn and the more I figure out, the more I realize I don't know anything. I could refine myself so much more and there's so much more to go. I'm not that young. I'm in the middle here where I'm glad I did figure it out at 35 rather than at 50 or 55.
Moving with the understanding or at least the possibility that everything that is occurring in the spiritual planes is filtering down and creating this plane of existence. If we create our lives from that, happiness, love, unity and compassion, then all of a sudden, the life that builds out there that seems like it's out there is more of a reflection of what's going on in here. It's all connected. The synchronicities are all guiding you to a better self and the relationships and friendships you develop are more pure and authentic. It's golden.
Everything you said is 100% correct. I believe that the spiritual realm where you reside that's where you're generating your reality. Even for people who are not into the spiritual side of it, that's understandable. A lot of people haven't got to that place yet. Some read this show. Think about your physical thoughts. Whatever you were thinking years ago is getting created in your physical reality. If you say, “I want to buy a house in five years,” and you have that house, that started with that seedling. It started with the feeling and emotion. You started moving wave toward that destination. Everything that you have like Dr. Joe says is based on your previous thoughts.
Ninety-nine percent of your thoughts now are directly related to the thoughts you had yesterday and the day before. It's like a game of telephone. If you're constantly losing a little bit of that juice along the way, then you're going to get out of alignment. When you start taking ownership of your thoughts and your reality and say, “I am in charge of this destiny of life. I'm going to trust the universe but I'm going to put myself in the right direction, right thought patterns and surrounding myself with the right people.” That's important. You can change your reality in a very short time through meditation, entering that spiritual realm. Time doesn't exist there. You can create from that five-dimensional place and things can happen tomorrow rather than waiting for a very long time to see those fruitions.
That 4-hour meditation could have been 30 minutes or 2 days. I hear you on the people that are not tuned into spirituality. Everybody maybe has an event or something that occurs in their life, call it the night of the soul or a difficult time. What's cool is you have this bridge between science and spirituality. You get into particle physics, electrons, photons, biophotons, quarks and quasars. What I'm big into as well as the scientific community is quantum physics and quantum mechanics.
It's pointing back at not necessarily organized dogmatic religion but the fact that on some level, this is all connected. I got a bunch of cells in my body and none of them have a clue. The other ones are. They're all conscious. This is one thing communicating with itself. Maybe other entities are more conscious than others. The fact that everything is pointing towards connectedness, unity, oneness and mentalism, the fact that what we think how far we want to go with that or how shallow we want to stay in the kiddie pool, what we think and feel creates our reality has an impact on ourselves, the rest of the world and the people closest to us.
Unity is such an important aspect of life. Your soul and heart long for it, a deep connection with humans, Eart and your spirit, all of it. When you look at the reality of the 3D consciousness and there's so much division and hatred, it's because there's a need for that love but it's not being fueled. The opposite is being fueled that's why there's so much disharmony in so many elements of society, mentally, physically, spiritually, ethnicity-wise, race-wise and countries going to war with each other.
Even in the financial system, there are a lot of disharmonies because it's not unified. It's all taking away and being separate from each other. If there's one thing in life we have to realize, it has to be we have to go in that direction of unity because otherwise, we have no chance as a human species and eventually, all of our souls want to become enlightened but we all need to make that effort on this individual journey so then we can all reconnect as one.
I heard somebody say, “This is a good secretary but this needs to be the CEO. This is what has to run the company.” The brain is a great secretary. We need that but if we're coming from the duality in the head and look at the duality in the world, what creates all of these problems is this illusion of us versus them and separation. It goes from politics to nationalism. That's why we see a lot of these things and problems occurring. I do think that there is knowledge from duality because we come here into this realm with a limited sensory experience with how we perceive things.
What's going on, particularly because of COVID, renders all these old business models obsolete, and you combine that with inflation and the devaluation of the dollar.
I wouldn't know that it was daytime unless I knew what nighttime was. I wouldn't know love unless I knew pain sorrow and sadness. That goes for bliss, happiness and anger. I do think that there's value in experiencing duality but the duality is not like, “One side of this is right and the other side is wrong.” Both parts of duality are necessary to be balanced within the individual and perceived without judgment or choosing sides like picking my favorite team. That's how we transcend what's going on in the world. If some structure, system or whatever it be can trick you, me or anyone else into thinking, “Pick a favorite sports team. That's your team and we're going to bash on all the other teams.”
Sports might be all right but what about politics where we can get you to subscribe to a political party and you're going to disassociate from friends and family members because you've chosen this team and the other team exists? You look at the symbolism above these things. The right and left wings are part of the same bird. Once we start to see both sides are valid and also not hate, even judge or dislike another person based on their opinions or beliefs, that's what creates all the equity in the world. We should love that about other people.
Believe it or not, we are having you on to talk about finance. We have to look at the whole spectrum of life. Can you tell us a little bit about your background? You were traditional finance. How did you get very successful in that and then you decided to pivot in life? Tell us a little bit about that journey.
I left the music industry, went back to school and figure out I needed to learn about money because I realized there was a lot I didn't know. I went to work hard at one firm. I got to where I was a manager at the next firm. It was good. All the financial advisors and everybody that I met are great people. The system is a little bit broken. I worked so hard to attain this position. It's funny because it’s like the universe testing, “Are you going to do what's right or are you going to stick with the program here?” The more I got into this and the more I realized exactly how it works, I realized that that whole system is broken. It's failing and crumbling along with a lot of other systems.
We have the pharmaceutical model of healthcare and the structure of government crumbling. There are a lot of these systems that are failing and crumbling. As far as finance goes, we have this dinosaur of a model that was working many years ago. As time speeds up and particularly with what happened with COVID, you have some of these old models that I don't know make sense anymore. I stepped away from that after seeing exactly how this and that side of finance and a lot of different moving parts. I realized, “I don't know that this is the right place for me anymore.”
A lot of people who haven't worked in finance don't have an idea of the inner workings. Can you unpack that? Tell us the true reality of what goes on in the financial system and their model of revenue versus investing other people's money for them.
This model is outdated and broken. I don't think that financial advisors are out here trying to get you. They are amazing people who want to help you but they're working within a framework that came up during the industrial revolution. We didn't have planes, computers or cell phones in this model when it was still going. You've got different areas.
Let's start with the wirehouses. Most people have seen The Wolf of Wall Street. Those firms will be called a wirehouse in my terminology. Their business model is AUM which stands for Assets Under Management. It's to get your money, bring it into their firm and charge you a percentage. Sometimes this is an annual fee and actively managed account or a fee per trade.
For instance, you've got $1 million with them and you might make 15%, 20% or 25%. You've got an active trader working for you, which is a little rare because it provides more risks to the client. Let's say you got $1 million there. This guy is making a 1.5% per trade on your total amount of money. You can make $200,000 or 20%, let's say but if he does 5 trades a month, 12 months out of the year, that is $780,000 that this dude is making off your $1 million per year. That may or may not be fair. Some guys will take those percentages and that's fine but the name of the game is not distribution and real strategic planning.
Bitcoin: You don't even have to be a master of economics, but we got debt on top of debt and then loan it again on top of more debt. What is the outcome here? It’s an unending debt. The system is built to create debt.
It's like, “Get your money, move it into their accounts and hope that you die.” I don't know that that's necessarily the best model. People have followed it and it's what's in place. Look at the market. You take a lot of these other macroeconomic factors. I don't know how stable the stock market is. You have these financial products that were created by this same system. Let's say you're middle class. You got the opportunity for an IRA because once you make above a certain amount of money, you can't have an IRA or you've got your 401(k) from your company and they're doing a match, which is great. That worked for so long. It’s 3% or 5% match.
It helps employee retention. You're going to stick with them for five years and be fully invested. A lot of these accounts are placed in a little bit more secure like ETFs and mutual funds where you can pull 9% to 12%. You can't touch this money until you're 59 1/2 or 65 or else you get penalties. Its structure of it is there to help people. What happens when COVID hits was we print $3 trillion, inflation is at 15% and you're making 9%. All of a sudden, you're losing 6% per year in your Roth IRA, 401(k) or when you have no liquidity. Let's say you did want to get into something else with your money where you can't touch it. It's trapped in this vehicle.
You have firms that are a little more balanced like the main floor where you got The Guardian, Northwestern Mutual and MassMutual. There are four main life insurance firms and their strategic planning is protection-based. If you come to me and you've got $200,000, if I'm at a wirehouse, I'm like, “Let's throw all that $200,000in the market.” You've worked hard for this. You're married, you got a wife and two kids. You're starting to build your life here and you die or your wife dies.
She gets $200,000. You've been making $150,000 a year. What does that look like? She's got what a little over a year's worth of money. If it's trapped in a retirement account, she's got to pay massive penalties to get that money. I am more in alignment with this strategy where they’re going to say, “Why don't you have some life insurance on yourself? Why don't you cover yourself and your family for a few million dollars, which is relatively cheap and there are limits based on how much money you can make?” If something happens to you or your wife, you're going to get a check and at least going to be set. That business model still encompasses AUM like Mild was paired with Fidelity.
Fidelity is the largest manager of retirement funds in the country and you would do that. Nobody is coaching you because it's not part of the business model of what business is. How do you start a business? Does it make sense to get into real estate? Yes. Do all superwealthy people own real estate? Yes, but that's not part of that business model. They can't profit off of coaching you there.
What's going on, particularly because of COVID, renders all these old business models obsolete and you combine that with inflation and the devaluation of the dollar. This is another thing that's important for people to understand. The Federal Reserve is not part of the United States government. The Federal Reserve functions as an offshore entity. They're not governed by the US and print money from nothing they call quantitative easing.
I love their terminology. They always come up with the nicest names for everything, which means the opposite of what they say.
What a sophisticated term for counterfeiting money because if you and I decided we wanted to do our counter quantitative easing and print not even $1 trillion but you and I print $1 million because of COVID, we want to do our bailout, we're in jail. That's illegal. The Fed operates to some degree to the side and above the US government. They print money and loan it to the government or the big banks, add interests and the big banks loan it to businesses or you and me.
You don't even have to be a master of economics but we got debt on top of debt and then loan it again on top of more debt. What is the outcome here? It’s an unending debt. The system is built to create debt. Someone might get me into trouble but the Rothschild family is very heavily associated with the Federal Reserve. Some people know this and some people don't. It was a very famous quote from Evelyn Rothschild that says, “There's no greater form of slavery than the enslavement of those who are under the impression that they're free.”
Understanding not only how the traditional financial system works as far as the business model goes, but where that comes from is important.
He's got a lot of quotes. There's another one that he says, “Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who runs the country.”
In a lot of aspects, it doesn't matter if it's Obama, Biden, Bush or Clinton. The Fed has so much power over the government. People don't realize this because they watch their TV and don't ask their questions. Understanding not only how the traditional financial system works as far as the business model goes but where that comes from is important.
Two aspects of the Fed blew my mind when I first heard about it. The first thing is it's owned by a collection of private banking families. They say the number is six. Six families essentially owned the entire Federal Reserve. There's nothing federal about Federal Reserve or Federal Express. It is a private company. It's the same deal. Secondly, they keep talking about the debt of the nation, “Where and who do we owe this money to?” It's these private banking families. Not a lot of people think that and realize, “We're in all these $30 trillion of debt.” This is like modern-day financial slavery and it's been going on for a very long time.
It's this dinosaur of an outdated model. $30 trillion debt, what does that mean? I believe there's roughly $40 trillion of liquid currency in the world. Everybody got all the money that they have and paid it to the United States. If we had everybody in the whole world go give all their money here, then we could take care of that but it doesn't make any sense. It's a mind game for people feeling disempowered and they can't do anything about it. You do. With that equation on loaned money, they know that it's going to create that. You have to play the system smartly and understand your percentages, savings and investment. You almost have to create a flow of money within you that is greater than the system and what's against you.
Also, the hidden tax of inflation. A lot of people don't understand the true impact that inflation has on society. We're starting to feel it for the first time with food shortages, prices of gas and food going up. There's so much chaos in everything in the world. At the end of the day, if your salary goes up by 2% to 3%, you are losing a ton of money because everything else is going up in cost.
Inflation hasn't been this high since the ‘80s. It was a little bit different situation then. We're starting to see the ramifications of what has happened here. You could say, “COVID is to blame. Fiscal policy is to blame with the reaction to COVID. It's all a set-up to head towards the great reset,” which is what's being talked about in Davos. The fact of the matter is we've printed and essentially given away about $3 trillion over the past few years and we're happy to do more of it. What does that mean for the money supply? Over 50% of all of the US dollars in circulation were minted in the past few years. What does that mean for inflation people? Is the CPI accurate? We see these numbers like 6.8% or 8%.
All these calculations were changed. If you look at the previous version from the 1990s, it's close to 30% something if you calculate the same way.
Everything is into it. Very conservatively, 15% to 18% is probably a more realistic number. There's a cool website, ShadowStats.com. It’s an alternative news source. They do a thing where they go into major cities every year and purchase the same item or 1 gallon of gas from the same place. They have an interesting take and a bunch of other cool stuff on there as well. An interesting take on inflation is 15 to 18 conservatively.
It's funny that the CPI doesn't even take into account real estate prices like that. Nobody owns homes. That doesn't matter. It makes sense. It's interesting. What it's done for investors and part of the reason why it's yielded this traditional business model obsolete is that if you're getting 12% or 13% and you're holding ETFs, mutual funds or anything like that, that's a good return according to the market.
Bitcoin: You have to play the system smart. You have to understand your percentages, savings, and investment. You almost have to create a flow of money within you that is greater than the system and what's against you.
If inflation is at 15% to 18%, you're still losing 3%, 5% or 6% of your money per year. What it's done is pushed investors farther out onto the risk spectrum to realize gains because nobody wants to lose and you might take one year to adjust so you got to make new moves and adapt. People are trying to figure out new ways to start businesses. Automation, electronic vehicles, that type of stuff, green energy solar, these things that where the industry is heading and it's also going to help keep the planet alive because that's another issue that we're coming up against. It's an interesting territory to navigate.
It is always a hard time swallowing that red pill but it's the actual reality of what's going on. We talked a little bit about how you left that traditional system and what are the things that you're doing to be a part of the solution for this whole system of money to be more empowered for yourself and also for other people. Go into that.
I get established in our firm. I've got clients. I'm in a management position where I'm able to bring on people if I want. I watch MassMutual buy $100 million with a Bitcoin. That's a life insurance company. For the purposes of this and transparency, MassMutual has essentially drained its securities arm. Their business model is to push whole life insurance, which used to work because you're guaranteed a percentage, which is 4% to 5%. Now it doesn't make any sense because you're still taking a big loss. Why is this life insurance company that's been around a long time buying $100 million with a Bitcoin?
You watch fidelity invest in Bitcoin mining. They bought 20% of marathon digital holdings. You're seeing companies like Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, BlackRock and Riot Blockchain pop up. Those guys are here in Colorado in Castle Rock based out of. You're seeing Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley offering Bitcoin to wealthy private clients. The funny thing is they're still sticking with this traditional finance model of they'll sell you the Bitcoin but they're going to keep it. It's not in your cold or hot wallet. You own Bitcoin but it's technically their Bitcoin. They want their hands on it.
I'm seeing this come through and COVID hits. We're not even in the office anymore. No suits and ties. I'm on Zoom calls with all my clients. I'm just watching what's going on and after six months, it's like, “This is going to be big.” You’re seeing every major player in the game like BlackRock Securities. These guys manage $7 trillion. The US, China and BlackRock securities are technically the third wealthiest country per money in the world. They all are making massive entry points into digital currency, particularly Bitcoin. You see on the news like, “Bitcoin is so volatile.” I'm like, “Something is going on here. I have such a big window into this world.” These guys are going to make sure that they don't lose.
It will also lower the price and everything like that. They're getting good entries. People like Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett said it is rat poison and these kinds of things. Jamie Dimon a couple of years ago is like, “Don't put money in Bitcoin. It's a scam.” Meanwhile, he is filing patents to create his digital currency point for JPMorgan. It's insane. You have to look beyond the layers of what they're saying and doing.
I was into Bitcoin back in 2016 or 2017. I was investing in it, not into mining at this point. The blockchain and SHA-256 have sound money. This eliminates human error for the most part from currency. Fast forward to where I'm looking around, I threw some money into Bitcoin mining. I'm like, “This makes sense. Your dollar cost average to an asset that you appreciate, you think is going to do well and believe in. You do that over some time and everything ends up well for you.”
I start mining and seeing what's going on with COVID. Based on my investment strategies and the decisions that I was able to make, I was still a little bit in equities securities, traditional markets and trading options. I'm pretty good at doing that as well. I realized that I was doing better than our GA and VP at our firm combined. I'm like, “Why am I listening to these guys?” I'm trying to tell them, “This is coming. We should try to align with this.” The system is so tight with the SEC, rules and regs that they have to wait for the changes to come from the top and tell them that they're allowed to do this or that. It has nothing to do with the people. It has to do with the flaws in the system.
I'm seeing all this and I realized, “I don't need this job at all. I go full fledge into Bitcoin mining, play around in the DeFi space a little bit,” but Bitcoin mining makes the most sense to me. I don't see El Salvador legalizing Ethereum, Cardano or Dogecoin as its national currency there. They make Bitcoin their national currency. One of the countries in Africa made Bitcoin legal tender as well. You've got several other countries that are following suit. The US government has got a bunch. Nations are holding Bitcoin. It all made sense. I'm like, “I got to jump at all the signs that they're already talking about the breadcrumbs.” I'm glad I did. I'm in a way better space and have way more freedom. I don't answer anybody anymore. I brought some of my close clients, friends and family members with me.
Bitcoin is the apex currency ten years down the road.
A point on that regarding regulations of the financial institution is that they can't necessarily invest in Bitcoin in many ways. This is the first time in history where the little guy or the small fish can front-run the big guys. If you start listening to CNBC and all these corporations telling you how Bitcoin is so bad like, “It's the worst thing in the world. You're going to get scammed and lose all your money,” every single person that's invested in Bitcoin, as long as you're in it for a four-year cycle, you're going to be making money. Not just a little bit of money but good returns on everything. If you look at it as a long-term investment, it could be the greatest singular asset that this world has.
It's digital and liquid. You can move around with it. If you have a piece of real estate in California, you can't carry that to Costa Rica when you move. There are a lot of tax implications and all this kind of stuff. For anyone who's looking to learn a lot more about Bitcoin and why it's so powerful, Michael Saylor is a great person to listen to. His take on why Bitcoin is the Apex asset in the history of the world.
He's a monster. I was down in Miami at the Bitcoin conference, standing 5 feet away from the guy while he gave a post-presentation talk. He gets it. He's smart and has done well with it. Apex currency ten years down the road and liquidity is important. At this point, you've got an asset that's appreciated at an average of 200% per year for 1 decade. It's the best asset that's ever existed. I still think there's another decade in it before we see it start to mature based on mining and as far as the supply goes. It is for the little guy.
I did want to mention this for those who do have an IRA with Fidelity. They announced that you are able to allocate 20% of your IRA to Bitcoin, which is huge. You won't own the coins or be able to send them to your wallet but at least you will have exposure to an asset. There are only Bitcoin, Ethereum and other things on the DeFi platform that are outperforming inflation. There are only a couple of things that are doing it. What makes sense is, “Let's get behind those things.”
Tell us a little bit about what Bitcoin mining is if you could break it down for us. A lot of people have heard the term and do not necessarily know what it is.
I used to be able to mine Bitcoin on a laptop. Bitcoin mining is big warehouses and a small one of these is 50,000 square feet. You can do it in a smaller operation but you've got these computers called ASIC computers or Application Specific Integrated Circuit computers. They look like big toasters with fans on them and do one thing. They solve algorithms to mine Bitcoin and what you have in SHA-256 or Secure Hash Algorithm 256. These computers are told, “We have all these variable inputs but we have to solve for one specific output. The output is known.” Every computer in the Bitcoin network globally is constantly working to try to solve that algorithm. The one that does it gets hashes as the block and it gets rewarded the Bitcoin.
If that computer happens to be in your Bitcoin mining operation or at least in your Bitcoin mining pool, then all of the people will share the rewards of that. The beauty of this is each block builds upon the next block. The first block that was ever hashed over decades ago is still in the blockchain and it's still there. There's a record of the transactions and everything. As this builds upon itself, it creates a huge level of stability and it would take a lot of computers. Somebody would have to control over 50% of the Bitcoin and 50% of the network to crack this code. You couldn't hack it.
If somebody even wanted to hack it, they would have to decide between if they wanted to go back years ago and alter one block or if they just wanted to use that computing power to mine more Bitcoin. It always makes sense to mine more Bitcoin. In essence, that is what Bitcoin mining is. It takes the human error out of money and creates digital perfect money. I don't even like the word money because it's very scarce digital real estate. It is what we're creating.
You talk about the decentralization aspect of it. It keeps integrity. You talked about the human error before. You might have human error simple mistakes or companies that are trying to steal money from people. There are so many scenarios of theft in financial markets and nobody ever gets held accountable. In Bitcoin, you cannot game the system because the system is decentralized. Every single note, mining rig and person that owns Bitcoin is a living, breathing part of that system. You can’t essentially change anything. You have all this transparency. If you want to look at a transaction from years ago, it's all there and if the wallets are public, you’ll know exactly who has it.
Bitcoin: The Bitcoin network uses about the same amount of electricity or less than the Visa MasterCard payment system.
You do hear some of these stories of, “Somebody lost this Bitcoin.” At that point, we should get into how that happens. The decentralization of this and what it's meant to be is all of a sudden you become the bank. You are the banker. Where hacks happen and stuff like that is because people keep their Bitcoin on some random exchange. What they've done is they've been tricked into giving up their power. They put their Bitcoin on this exchange and the exchange is not insured, gets hacked or someone runs poles and takes all the money. The cold wallet is a good terminology.
Essentially, it's offline. It's like a hard drive and you have your passwords.
I've got a bunch of them and one that's not even unwrapped yet. You have your security keys. If you write down your passwords, don't let anybody see them and keep your money in the blockchain on your cold wallet, nobody can take that from you. It's the safest, purest, most secure asset and storage that there is.
You talk about how it's done on such a large scale. For smaller fish, if they wanted to get involved in it, how would it work? Is it too late? A lot of people say, “It might be too late to get into these kinds of things for someone that’s a little bit smaller investor.” Let's say they’re under $1 million.
For the number's sake of things, one Bitcoin miner is under $10,000. For new-gen technology, it’s S19, 110 Terahash Bitmain. That miner based on Bitcoin’s price will break you even on the amount of Bitcoin it mines versus what you could have bought cash two years roughly given difficulty, give or take a little bit. If you want to go long on Bitcoin, you can still get into mining. $50,000 to $100,000 would get you in the game. You have to pay your electric bills. I don't think you go do this on your own because you might be able to gear up your house to handle 1 or 2 miners. Past that, you are going to burn your house down. It takes a lot of power.
Around these things, you can find hosting. I've done hosting for friends, family and stuff like that. That works. I don't know if you've met Romain at their retreat but he runs a fund in Dubai. He is an amazing guy. I’m working with a couple of other people within that community to create a token or a coin that allows people to fractionalize Bitcoin mining where if they own even $1,000 of this coin and stake it, they're getting a payout every month of rewards from a particular Bitcoin mining operation to give people exposure to this. I do firmly believe that this is about empowering the people. That's why it started and moving.
It's not about Fidelity buying $500 million with Bitcoin miners and getting all the Bitcoin for themselves. It's like, “How do we get this into the hands of the people so that they have some stable ground to stand on after the storm is over?” What's going on with the dollar? There are a couple of different ways for the small fish. If you're just getting into things and moving into the space with $5,000 or $10,000, you go buy some Bitcoin, maybe split it 50/50 into Bitcoin and Ethereum and get that on a cold wallet. As that scales up, you can look at other opportunities. I could leave an email or something for you.
If anybody wanted to reach out to you about different options, you can help them out. That would be fantastic. It requires a lot of electricity. A lot of people who talk negatively about Bitcoin mining talk about the electricity costs and how it’s bad for the environment. Can you tell us a little bit about the reality of that versus what’s being talked about in terms of how dangerous it is?
More miners have gone online but the Bitcoin network uses about the same amount of electricity or less than the Visa or MasterCard payment system. When you go swipe your Visa and MasterCard, all of those machines plugged in globally, the Bitcoin network is about on par with that. It's not using some ridiculous amount of electricity that's causing global warming, ruining the planet and all that type of stuff. We've got an operation in Pennsylvania and we have these old industrial towns. It’s huge turbines, power plants, coal power plants and are still producing energy. If that energy doesn't get used, it gets wasted. It dissipates into the grid.
We should start to try to make not only Bitcoin mining but all of our energy green.
What many of the miners are trying to do is to go find efficient and affordable power. You go to a town where the power is being wasted. The electricity is being paid for. You can even create some jobs and stabilize the grid entirely. You don't have huge up and down fluxes in the grid. You go put 5, 10 or 15 megawatts worth of power live in one of these old towns that built this infrastructure for a bunch of steel plants, paper mills, production and machine factories.
All these factories are shut down. The real estate is not being used. You go do it like that and there are a lot of valid arguments toward it. On the flip side, do I think that we should lean towards solar, wind and hydroelectric? We should start to try to make not only Bitcoin mining but all of our energy green. I do. We need to head in that direction. If I'm still driving a gas-powered car, I can't get that mad at the Bitcoin mining.
There's a term FUD, Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Bitcoin has been attacked with so many different variations of this fear throughout its existence and every single time, it's something new. Every two years, there's a China flood story about how they're going to ban crypto altogether. Every single year, it's the same deal. It lowers the price. It's a great opportunity for people to get into it and then the price shoots up. These are all ways of attacking one of the types of assets and currencies that empower the people. That's where this whole show is about. It is how do we get empowered? Not just emotionally, spiritually, physically but also financially as well.
A funny thing about China. They have banned Bitcoin mining officially from their people and throughout the whole country but because of the network, we can see where the hash rates are coming from and where miners live. Citizens of China are not allowed to mine Bitcoin, trade in it or do anything but the government is one of the largest Bitcoin miners in the world.
They moved it all to Africa.
What I love about that is it creates transparency. It's a great threat to their system and the way they do things over there. They got a lot of things going out of control. China is spinning out of control.
It's an evil genius move on their end. Don't empower the people but make the government a lot richer by spending so much money on mining. A lot of people don't know that every single corporation that's in China, especially if they're a big corporation, you don't do anything without getting permission from the government.
All the rigs and everything went over to Africa, where it's legal and they have a lot of control and influence over politics, government and financial systems in other places around the world. Where do you see the economy heading? A lot of people talk about the verge of a recession if the stock market is crashing and the crypto market is not doing so well. I have a little bit more faith in that over the long-term. There are food shortages and all this stuff. Where do you see us?
This is not intended to scare anybody. Inflation is going to keep getting worse. The Fed is doing rate hikes to try to curb inflation and the real estate market. I don't think that's a fixed. They printed too much money and gave it away. Prices are going to increase. Recession is a kind word. BlackRock has $7 trillion so they can manipulate the stock market to some degree. If you look at the numbers on Wall Street and Main Street, things do not add up at all. The stock market is artificially propped up by toothpicks.
We're not going to see a huge change. I don't think we're going to be spun into chaos or anything but we're going to slowly watch things, gas and homes get more expensive. That's going to occur in the upcoming years. We get to a point where the dollar loses its status as the reserve currency. People are waking up to not only what inflation is but what the Petrodollar is if you've heard about this. Essentially, all these countries that we have wars within the Middle East, we liberate them. We put our politicians into place or our people that are agreed over there that we have relationships with.
We force them to sell oil in us dollars. That's called the Petrodollar. As we start to make this move away from oil into green energy, I don't know that the US dollar, other than us being the big bullies of the world in this militarized nation, has tons of tons of value. We consume a lot as a nation but we don't produce a whole lot. Things are headed there. I don't think there's cause for panic. I do think it’s getting away from the dollar as much as possible and into more stable assets. I love Bitcoin and Ethereum. I don't think it's leaning into the future but gold and silver will hold some form of value over the dollar.
Bitcoin: Inflation is going to get worse. Prices are going to increase. Recession is the word.
Real estate is going to keep pace with inflation. It's how it works. That's where we're headed and those are the moves to start thinking about and making. For the digital currency markets, if you look into the having events of Bitcoin, every four years, you see a price spike and a pullback. We saw a bull run price spike at the end of 2021 due to the having event in 2020. That's also why we saw the price spike in 2017, ironically four years before 2021, the same thing with 2013. The next months or years as we establish a new price floor on Bitcoin is a good time to make entry points into the asset. The next big bull run price surge will be at the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, with a peak somewhere around December of 2025.
It's insightful. Thank you for coming on and sharing all this knowledge. For me, there is so much common sense but for a lot of people, it's shocking to know about what's going on behind our economy, what's being talked about, what's being done behind the scenes and then also, where we see ourselves in the next months to years? It's an interesting time. There are lots of opportunities. People get scared of recessions but at the same time, millionaires and billionaires are made during these times. Keep your eye on the ball and be aware of what's going on. Don't panic. Don't sell out of things if they don't make sense and don't just get scared and hoard all the money in cash because that's not necessarily what's going to help you in the long run.
These big players are these guys who came from nothing and are billionaires. When everyone is panicking and selling, that's when they're buying because it's always going to bounce back. That's an accumulation opportunity.
Why do you think you came here to Earth as Brant? What did you want to experience?
On some level, I heard the Earth call me out because she is alive. With the time cycle and the period that we're in with her development and soul growth, she's going through it. I feel like I came here as a soul because I could maybe bring in a particular frequency. A lot of these star seeds or whatever you want to call them, maybe the better term would be more evolved or slightly more advanced souls that have a little bit more experience in time to come here to help hold a higher frequency so where we can create this harmonic above fear, anger, chaos and stuff like that. That's one of the reasons that I came here. It's exciting to come to a planet where the light walks with the dark and there is so much craziness going on. To come and observe a situation like this is wild. I came for the party.
It's crazy because it is the time of a great Renaissance and spirituality. Light is being shown on a lot of the darkness in society. When you see things unfolding and breaking apart, it's a good thing because the paradigms that were used to run the system weren't necessarily in the best interest of everyone. Those things are being shed to light. A lot of people are waking up, call it the Great Awakening or whatever you want to call it. It's a fascinating time to be alive. I signed up for this. I came here for this reason because with everything crashing and merging, we get to build new. What we're here for is creating this new world with everybody based on love, harmony and connection. It can be magic and heaven on Earth as if everybody's intentions are aligned in that regard.
These systems that are failing are doing so very organically, even into technology and digital assets. It is more organic than we may realize. Having conversations like this is a personal revolution of consciousness that each needs to take responsibility for. My truth isn't necessarily meant to be exactly your truth or anyone else's truth but it's everyone's responsibility to spend a little bit of time each day in quiet meditation in their heart, figuring out what that truth is and how to best embody that truth. Asking the question, “How can I be of service and help other people?” Once we realize that unity consciousness aspect of everything, we can hit critical mass quickly. There's a whole shift in global consciousness. That solves all the problems and every issue that we're dealing with.
I love conversations like this because other than the four-hour meditation, we probably spent twenty minutes having this most amazing conversation at lunch about Bitcoin. It shows the reaffirmation of people like yourself and me who live separate lives and then come together as a soul family returning to each other and going to events like we just did. Everyone you meet has the same kind of energy and love. They're playing their part in this puzzle piece of the world.
For those getting down, thinking that they don't have anyone around, there are so many groups of people that are living this path to enlightenment. Find your tribe and a fellow star seeds in your area. Every single area has. Everybody is becoming awakened. Once you activate yourself, then you can help other people on their journey to finding themselves better and then creating more love and harmony. This 3D experience is just an experience. We're all souls coming from another place. We all want to make this experience a better one. Many people are doing it. Thank you, Brant. I appreciate it.
I saw something that said, “Your new life is going to cost you your old one.” When you start to transition into this, people might fall away. Let them go. You might leave a job or move areas. Who knows? Stay in your heart. Trust and follow the universe because it's going to be scary at first but 2, 3 or 5 years down the road, it's going to be a way better place to be. It feels more like home. It's scary because I've been through it. Find your tribe. Anything that doesn't resonate in your heart or above, let it go. Don't cling to old stories about yourself and people. Don't cling to old patterns. Letting all of that stuff go on an individual level is how we see it happen on a collective level.
There are all these systems falling apart in society. The same thing is happening in the macro. You will also notice a lot of things that don't serve us are going to come unraveled. That's a good and beautiful thing. Do not be scared of it. It's always moving us in the right direction and the universe wants to take us in. What does God or spirituality mean to you? What role, if any, does it play in your life?
It plays a massive role. I wake up every morning and meditate, sometimes for a couple of hours just getting lost in it. God spirituality, Yahweh, Brahma, the all in all. There are a lot of different names for it like source, the field, whatever you want to call it. It is us. It comes through us. It has divided itself into all these different aspects of itself so that it can communicate and interact with itself to learn more about itself. Everything is God. The center point of that is in the heart. If we can stay there, then we stay more connected to that. Walk with it every second of every day, if possible.
You're such a beautiful soul. I'm glad we got to connect like this. How can we learn more about you?
If there is somebody that is reading this show and is your people, I'm happy to give an email link. I'd be happy to take a half-hour call with anybody for free to answer some questions. You could Google me.
Thank you so much for coming on. I'm sure everyone is going to love this. We'll have to do this again
Thank you for having me. Hopefully, we'll see you in Marco Island or Nashville.
We're going to make it happen.
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About Brant Falliaux
Brant Falliaux has a background in traditional finance and has set his roots in Bitcoin mining. He is also an advocate for unity consciousness and 5D ascension. His passion is his music project called ELOVE, while his hobbies are art, meditation, fitness, & snowboarding.