Episode 51: Trading For Your New Life With Zach Hallford

LOTP 51 | Trading

Would you want to learn how to create an income stream that can produce limitless wealth, that you’d be able to work from anywhere in the world, where you don’t need any customers or employees, and all you need is a laptop and a unique skillset that can be learned in a few short months? Today, we get a wide perspective into the life of Zach Hallford, a 25-year-old who is creating financial freedom in only 3 hours of work per day, and teaching many others how to do the same. A born and raised Alaskan native, Zach created a 6-figure+ trading strategy, helping others find their own sovereignty in all areas of life. 


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Trading For Your New Life With Zach Hallford

Mastering Meditation, Breathwork And Forex Trading

Would you want to learn how to create an income stream that can produce limitless wealth, that you'd be able to work anywhere in the world from, where you don't need any customers or employees and all you need is a laptop and a unique skillset that can be learned in a few short months? We get a wide perspective into the life of a unique man who is creating financial freedom in only three hours of work per day and teaching many others how to do the same.

Our guest is Zach Hallford, a born and raised Alaskan native with nothing more than a passion for the mind, body and soul connection and for living a life of freedom. He created a six-figure plus trading strategy, helping others find their sovereignty in all areas of life. Growing up in the wilderness of Alaska, he became a multiple world record holder at the age of eighteen in bodybuilding and weightlifting.

Aspiring for freedom, he ventured into the exciting world of Forex trading. After several years of developing his signature strategy, he started mentoring aspiring traders in their six-figure success stories. His passion for the mind, body and soul has been infused in his ElevatedFX training and membership.

As a holistic health enthusiast, he is fascinated by the body's innate ability to heal itself. He is also honored to serve as a breathwork facilitator, mentored by the top professionals in the industry. Check out this episode. I'm super excited to have it on. After interviewing Zach, we learned about breath meditation, breathwork, his whole journey and how at the age of nineteen, he started diving into his passions. What an amazing inspirational story.


Welcome to the show. How are you?

I am doing amazing. How are you doing?

I'm doing phenomenal. I'm excited about this conversation. We have Zach Hallford, a good friend of mine. I met him at a meditation retreat and he's got an amazing story. Let's jump right into it. What does living a limitless life mean to you?

Living a limitless life means to me being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, having the confidence to be able to create that from interstate and inner being and diving deep into your health, your body, mind and spirit. In creating a limitless life, you have to be tapped into all three of those. With your health, diet, supplements, the water you drink, the sun that you go out in, grounding, things like that and meditation, breathing, connecting to your body, soul and spirit, knowing what you want and being able to create that is a limitless life and becoming superhuman.

At heart, everybody desires that. A lot of people don't know how to take that path forward or even how to get started because of all the different routines we get into. A lot of them are not healthy. Especially, it starts with the mind. We're going to unravel all this and how you figured this out at such a young age.

To let the audience know, you and I met at a Dr. Joe Dispenza event. It sounds funny because the last guests I've had are all Dr. Joe people. Sorry, everybody but I'm telling you, these are the most amazing people in the world and the conversations we're having. The elevation of my life meeting people who are living this limitless life, inspired and hard pace. It's an absolute honor to have these connections and get to spend time with you and your lovely girlfriend.

We had dinner that night at the meditation retreat. There were three couples and all of us were attending the event together. We’re incorporating this way of leveling up our relationships even more through the practice of doing it together. What's cool is that you met your girlfriend at a Dr. Joe Dispenza event.

Yes, back in January 2022 in Marco Island. She was the first person that I met at the retreat and we lived 20 to 30 minutes away from each other. We walked into the hotel. I was checking in and she started checking in right behind me. We started talking and there wasn't a romantic connection in the beginning. We started as friends, built from there and here we are.

A lot of people, especially in my life, I synchronize this is a big thing. At this point, I'm not even surprised anymore. I'm expecting it always. I was down in Jersey Shore and passed by a friend of mine. She has a juice shop and I'm like, “I haven't seen her in a long time.” She has a place up in Jersey City as well. During our grand opening of my business, she helped me out a lot. I was like, “I want to set the intention of visiting her at the juice shop.”

Living a limitless life means being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and having the confidence to create that from an inner state and inner being.

A couple of days went by and we were on our last day. I didn't get a chance to go there and I see this man pull up right in front of us as we were taking our morning walk. It's Juice Basin. This lady, Reggie, stepped out of the vehicle. I looked at her and was like, “Reggie, I've been looking to meet you this trip.” It's been years since I've seen her.

It was cool that I got to see her but when we put our mind to something, the universe wants to attract it as long as we're staying in that right flow. When you and Agatha are vibrating at a certain level, you're in line together. There are 1,500 people at these events. What are the odds that you and she are in line together a couple of months later? This is the beauty and the magic of life. When we start recognizing these patterns, we can start acting upon them a little bit more with action. It's a beautiful thing.

It happens to everyone more so than we think but people don't have the awareness to see that it's happening. People that are doing the work like us, creating and developing those inner emotions, thoughts and feelings, are creating more of that. It's happening to everyone but they're asleep and not looking for it.

It's all what you focus your attention on. If you're focusing everything on negativity, fear and staying away from things rather than what you want to bring towards you, you're going to be attracting that. We attract everything that we put out. Unfortunately, for people who are having a hard time, the biggest thing to do is look inwards to see where are you taking responsibility for the things that are happening in your life.

After having a conversation with you, we left feeling inspired that there are many couples out there that are doing this work together and living consciously. You specifically were impressed. You're super mature and wise. That's way beyond your years. I’ve learned your story, heard about it and saw you're realizing this at a time when most people are trying to figure out life.

When my girlfriend and I were 25, we were making all types of decisions that were not going toward our highest purpose. At the end of the day, we had to take a little detour on our route to get to a certain place where we're feeling happy, comfortable and inner peace and a lot of success in our lives. I want to hear about everything that you're doing but before we get into that, let's go into your background and how you got to this place of realization of what you're doing in life.

I grew up in a small town, Soldotna, Alaska with about 5,000 to 6,000 people. I grew up playing sports, football, basketball, baseball, soccer and everything like that. I had a little mini-dark night of the soul when I was about 15 or 16 years old. My parents got divorced. I stopped playing every sport. I started bodybuilding and powerlifting. The gym was my escape from everything that was going on.

I lived in the gym. I would work out 3 to 4 hours plus almost every single day. It was an amazing time in my life. I was very passionate. The gym was all I thought about. As the years went on, I did that from about 16 years old until I was 19. I competed in bodybuilding shows and powerlifting meets. I set multiple world records. I won a few bodybuilding shows and nationals in powerlifting. I was successful with it but at the same time, I was also destroying my health during the process.

I was taking a lot of caffeine and not eating the best food. I took steroids for about two years. I started when I was eighteen. I was covering up a lot of emotional trauma that I had experienced when I was younger. Certain emotional events happened that got stuck in my body. I herniated two discs in my back and there was a lot of trauma that got stuck in there. I fractured my growth plate in my shoulder. It messed up the alignment in my body. It caused my body to not think the best, not be in the highest alignment with my thoughts, with what I was eating, how I was feeling and things like that.

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: When we start recognizing these patterns, we can start acting upon them a little more.

20 to 21 years old, I had my first psychedelic experience. That showed me a different world. I did MDMA for the first experience and it opened up my heart. I was like, “I haven't felt like this.” Who knows how long? I was numbing myself out with bodybuilding, the steroids and food. I was 230 pounds to 130 pounds. It shifted my perspective.

For the last years, I've been diving into holistic health and learning about the body, mind, food we eat and how certain areas in your body and traumas in your body can affect how you think. I've been diving deep into that. I started to backtrack a little bit. I started Forex trading when I was nineteen. I've been trading for years.

I'm slowly incorporating meditation, breathwork and things like that into my trading course because I realize how much trading is a mirror. It's a spiritual journey in itself. All the greed, emotions and insecurities will come out in trading. I realize that my first real big spiritual journey was trading because I kept repeating the same patterns over and over again. I was wondering why those were repeating.

It comes down to how I was thinking and feeling in my body. Certain thoughts would come up. It's Dr. Joe's work. I would start thinking certain thoughts and start feeling a certain way. I would not trust myself with my trades. The loop would continue over and over again. It made me dig deeper into who I was as a person and how I was thinking and feeling.

What a time for self-development and it was only a couple of years ago. You were doing this when you were 19 or 20. Let's unpack the psychedelic part of it. You're a successful weightlifter but then you were having a lot of pain, emotional stress and misalignment. When you had that first experience with MDMA, what did you start to feel? What were the realizations you came about the way that you were living your life?

It opened my heart and I could start to feel again. I could feel for the first time feelings. I didn't cry for a long time. I was cut off from feelings like happiness, joy, abundance, freedom, sadness and everything. It opened up my eyes and I realized, “You're meant to do so much more than what you're doing.” My goals are to become a professional bodybuilder, win Mr. Olympia and do all of that.

It was a massive meditation and feeling that came within my body. I knew I couldn't sustain it because my body was starting to fail a little bit. I thought I had mono for quite a few months because my adrenals and everything trashed like my energy levels. I wasn't sleeping. My body was giving out and I knew it. It took something like that and an experience like that to change how I thought. I'm happy that it did.

To think that you were 60 pounds more and all this more muscle on you, you're walking around probably at a natural weight. When you're taking 60 pounds extra, look at all the emotional or the physical torque it takes on the body. All your organs have to support all that extra weight. It's going to take effect.

I was a skinny kid growing up. I started getting into weightlifting. Not so much for the bodybuilding part but I wanted to get bigger and more muscle on me. I spent the next years trying to get as much muscle on me as possible. As a vegetarian, it was not easy to build a lot of that muscle. I was taking all the supplements and the protein shakes as much as I could.

You are meant to do so much more than what you're doing right now.

I got to a certain point where I was getting the results that I thought I could but it's never enough when you're coming from that fear mindset of like, “I'm not big enough.” People started telling me, “You're getting a little bit too big. It doesn't look natural on you.” I started realizing it because I wasn't happy on the inside. I kept trying to build this armor on top of me.

I started getting these experiences by touching my heart, spirit and purpose. You could still be fit and look great but you don't have to have this enormous amount of muscle to feel you're complete. That's what the realization was for me. I toned it down a little bit because I was getting to a point where it was unsustainable.

It's a mind trip too because, during that process, you don't see yourself as too big. You want to keep getting bigger. I thought I was small. I look back on pictures and I'm like, “I was massive.”

After the psyched experience, did you quit cold turkey? How was the transition out of the bodybuilding world into your new passion of yours, which is Forex exchange trading?

It took several years. I had relapses every now and then. I would get that fix to come back to the gym, start bodybuilding again and want to do a show. I would get back into the gym and be able to last 1 week or 2. My body would feel horrible. It was almost like I felt how it could feel to be in a good body. I couldn't put myself through the stress anymore. I don't work out and lift weights much at all anymore because it's very hard on the body. I couldn't do it anymore.

I started doing MMA and that was a good crutch because it got me doing something physically active and moving my body in different ways that I had never moved before. I did that for 1 or 1.5 years. I competed in a few grappling competitions and that was what helped me get out of that mindset. When I was 23, I started doing yoga and stopped working out. Yoga changed my life. I started doing breathwork, which was on another level on top of yoga.

Let's get into the breathwork journey before we get into how you became a successful trainer. How did you learn about breathwork? What were your first experiences with it? Why did you decide you wanted to focus a lot of your attention and become a facilitator for it?

I've known about breathwork for quite a few years but I have never participated in a breathwork ceremony. When I was living in Tampa in October or November 2021, there was a yoga studio that was teaching breathwork. I was like, “That seems interesting. I'm going to go do some breathwork.” The first experience was the most liberating, wild experience I've ever had.

In 2021, I have been using Hopi and smoking weed to connect with myself and do a lot of bodywork and stuff like that to connect to my spirit and body. With the breathwork journey that I had, I did it sober with nothing. It was beyond anything that I had ever experienced with any psychedelic. It came from breathing on my own. That is what brought me into breathwork and I continued with it.

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: Trading is a mirror. It's a spiritual journey in itself. All the greed, emotions, and insecurities will come out in trading.

The deeper that I've gone with it, I've been able to clear a lot of tension and tightness in my body. That has helped so much, especially with the emotional trauma and everything like that. I knew it was meant to be because the person that I looked up to is Lucas Mack. He's my breathwork trainer. He started a certification 1 week or 2 after I was like, “I want to get certified to do this.” He started his first certification and the rest is history after that. I was like, “It's time to do it. We're going to help people heal because it's helped me heal.”

That's a story for a lot of people. To feel a lot of things like weeds, different drugs and substances, people microdose all this stuff. At the end of the day, you're taking a substance to get to a place where you feel the way that you want to feel. When you do breathwork, it's inner. Wim Hof says, “Get high on your own supply.”

That's such a beautiful term because you create all these amazing endorphins. You're oxygenating every cell in the body and getting a breath and oxygen into those areas that are tight. When people come to my wellness center and complain about pain and things like that in their bodies or feel energetically blocked, I tell them, “Those stored emotions and traumas get stuck in different parts of the body. When you're able to access them and a lot of times you could do it through breath, you can release those things pretty easily.”

In my experiences with breathwork, because my girlfriend Kate is a breathwork practitioner, I released a lot of emotions. Every time I do it, I'm either in tears, laughing or feeling this divine connection that I would normally. If I had to take psychedelics and feel that way, I could feel it through breathwork. It is a little bit of a journey to get there.

You're breathing for a few minutes quite actively but once you're getting over that hump, it doesn't feel like work anymore. It feels like, “I can feel my entire body pulsating.” That's when the magic starts happening. Tell us a little bit about the breathwork that you learned because breathwork is such a big topic. A lot of people use that term but there are many different types of breathwork.

The breathwork that I do is a continuous circular heart-based breath. You breathe into the stomach, heart, neck and out. You're wanting to not pause at all on the inhale and pause at all on the exhale. You're wanting to continuously do that. We typically do that for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Usually, the first 10 to 15 minutes are the hardest.

You'll have all of your blocks, barriers and thoughts that will come up. Your ego will try to talk you out of what you're doing. Once you get past that point, your breath flows. You're flowy. You're almost being breathed instead of you doing the breathing. You can have some pretty wild experiences with it. People Astro travel almost like a DMT trip. They're feeling like they're floating and crazy emotional releases. There's so much that you can experience with it. It's empowering because you are the one that's doing it and not relying on an outside source for it.

You don't need any equipment. You could do it anywhere. It's with you at all times. It’s just that are you willing to access your power? It's something that anyone could do, whether you're in the city or nature. It's for everyone. It's our divine right to be able to have this experience and there are many amazing practitioners out there that can help. You're becoming a facilitator leading people through these journeys. Anybody can do it with the time. You make a couple of minutes in the morning and start your day off with a blast of great health.

Combine the breathwork with meditation in the morning and you're starting your day perfectly. Tuned in to your future potential.

Combine the breathwork with morning meditation and start your day perfectly tuned to your future potential.

Skip the coffee and go straight for the breathwork. It is incredible. Going on this route of being a practitioner for it, tell us why you decided you wanted to start helping others with this process.

It has impacted my life so much more than anything that I've ever done in my entire life. It's free for everyone. Even a little five-minute breathwork when you are in your car, at the store or something like that can change your life. We're in a very chaotic time with everything that's going on in the world and living in a stressful environment.

A lot of people’s nervous systems are gone haywire. By learning to help people take control of their nervous system through their breath, they're going to change their health and be able to attract whatever they want. When you're in a state of stress, you're not in creation mode. You're in fight or flight. Helping people clear trauma, take control of their breath and be back in their bodies and sovereignty is what has made me want to teach it.

We're not actively pursuing these endeavors. We're bathing in a sea of fear if we're living anywhere in society. The posture is going to become out of alignment. That's why you're seeing a lot of pain in the body. Our breathing gets shallow because of fight or flight. You're not trying to become centered at the moment. You're trying to figure things out.

Working in a corporate job is stressful. You got constantly reacting. When people are in a city environment, there are many people around. There's a lot of fear going around and division. There's a lot of like, “This person is that.” You have to pause and be present in the moment because the only thing that we can do is how we treat our bodies and thoughts. Getting into a breathwork practice helps you be proactive about this rather than reactive. Allow these things around us to control our lifestyle.

When people have a regulated nervous system and are connected to their heart, the fear, war and all of that stuff I don't believe would exist. I feel like all of that exists because we're in fight or flight, in scarcity and disconnected from ourselves. When we're connected to our hearts, I don't believe any of that would happen.

We're going to start mandating breathwork instead of all these other mandates that our politicians are creating. On top of the breathwork, you're layering that with meditation. You started a deep meditation practice, like me, going to these Joe Dispenza courses. Tell us about how meditation has leveled up all the things that you're already doing and how it's affecting your life.

Bodybuilding made me aware of my body. I got good at being able to contract my muscles and body awareness but it wasn't feeding my mind that much. Meditation made me aware of my thoughts and how those thoughts were making me feel. I can start to think new thoughts and reprogram how I'm thinking because the thoughts that I was thinking were making me feel a certain way. That was creating my state of being.

Meditation and stress relief as well. When I was bodybuilding and powerlifting, I got very addicted to adrenaline, rush and cortisol. Meditation has helped me ground myself, center myself, sit there and sit with the emotions that I was scared of facing when I was bodybuilding. Meditation and breathwork helped change my life.

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: Meditation makes you aware of your thoughts and how these thoughts are making you feel, so you can start to think new thoughts and reprogram how you’re thinking.

I used to do meditation once in a while. I would feel great. Not having a strong practice, I would fall into lulls, forget about it and be reactive to whatever was going on. If things were happening at my business, I would get caught up in that or feel overwhelmed with work and all this stuff. After starting a practice and doing meditation, at least 5 to 6 times a week, if not seven days a week, I’m making an effort to start my day off with the intention that this is the way that I'm going to start thinking.

It's like bodybuilding in the way that the meditation, every single one builds on top of each other and you're creating this energetic field around you. This beautiful field attracts the same types of people who you want to meet and the same experiences that you're thinking about in your head. It becomes, I wouldn't say, an effortless life but the things that are attracted to you and the synchronicities are coming towards you like a magnet, rather than you going out and having to physically create all of them on your own.

It gives you the power to create what you want in your mind.

You created this amazing practice of the mind, body and spirit through yoga, breathwork meditation and all this stuff. At a young age, you decided you wanted to break the traditional mold of going to school, getting a great degree, joining corporate work, building a nice life through earning a higher salary and everything like that. What made you decide to break that?

Everything that we’re told growing up and going to school was like, “You need to get a job, advance in that job, do well for the company and they'll treat you well.” At the end of the day, that gives somebody else the power over you. As long as you're climbing that ladder, you're seeing an evolution but if you're not climbing that ladder, you're stuck. Why did you decide, at a young age, that you didn't want to go that route and start your route?

Growing up, I was never a school person. I dropped out of high school in my senior year. I didn't graduate. If I could have dropped out when I was in 7th or 8th grade, I probably would have because I knew that what I was learning and what they were teaching wasn't going to help me in the real world. I had this feeling that it wasn't going to help me.

When I was eighteen, I dropped out. I looked at everyone around me that was following the typical mold and I knew it wasn't right for me. I was very controlled by my dad when I was a kid. I wanted the freedom to be able to do whatever I want whenever I wanted. I didn't want to have a boss telling me, “You have to go to work and work X amount of hours.” I wanted to have the ultimate freedom to be able to live on my terms and not have anyone tell me what to do.

I worked an oil field job when I was nineteen years old for six weeks or so because that was the thing to do in Alaska, work in the oil field or become a fishing guide. I knew it wasn't for me. I was working the night shift, twelve hours. I was making pretty good money at the time but I knew that it wasn't for me. It wasn't sustainable and what I wanted to do with my life wasn't going to be from that. I quit that.

I started trading around the time when I started working in the oil field and the rest was history. I dove into trading. I still worked odd jobs for the first 2 to 3 years until I got on my feet a little bit. When I turned 22 to 23 around that timeframe, I was like, “I'm never working a real job ever again in my entire life if I don't want to.” We've been doing that ever since then.

Meditation gives you the power to create what you want in your mind.

What got you into it? What FX trading gave you the inspiration like, “I'm going to put all my effort into this field?”

It was the freedom to be able to do it on your phone. I saw these YouTube videos of these guys pumping it up, traveling the world and making thousands of dollars. I was like, “I want to do that.” I was always into numbers and patterns. I knew that I could figure it out. One of my friends joined this Forex MLM group and started trading. They showed it to me and I ran with it.

I traded a fake demo account for 1 or 2 days. I put money into my account and started trading right away. I did it well with it, surprisingly. I'll tell you a story about this. The first trading account that I had was a $100 trading account. For 2.5 weeks, I flipped a $100 trading account to $5,000, $6,000 or something like that. During that time, I withdrew $2,500 or $3,000. I blew the rest of that $3,000.

For the next 2 to 3 years, I lost quite a bit of money learning how but what happened was the worst, best thing that could have happened to me. It was the best thing because it showed me what was possible with it. I got the money, withdrew it to my bank account and had it so I knew it was legit. It was the worst thing because I thought it was going to be so easy. I was like, “I'm going to be a millionaire in a month.” It's been a journey. It's not easy but it's worth it.

What makes you a great trader? What are the qualities that successful traders have versus the people that aren't successful at it?

The strategy that I've developed over the last few years is a good strategy. It is having the confidence, believing in yourself, trusting your analysis and understanding having the awareness. If you are in a negative state, not feeling the best, abundant or happy, don't trade because you're going to attract that if you're not in the best mood. That's what I learned during the first few years.

I was emotional trading and wasn't in the best mood. I was having things going on in my life. I was in a scarcity mindset so I was attracting trades like that. Having the awareness that, “I'm in a good state now. I'm going to hop on the charts and look.” You're going to attract trades like that. Be centered within yourself, grounded, not greedy, not emotional and have the confidence in following your analysis.

All the background work that you've done in breathwork meditation, how has that increased your ability to trade more successfully now than when you first started?

I had to do a lot of reprogramming. There are still times when I struggle a little bit every now and then with not trusting myself. I had a lot of trader PTSD from the first few years losing quite a bit of money. It was manifesting over and over again. I was aware that it was manifesting so I was trying to see why it was manifesting.

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: If you're not feeling your best, if you're not feeling abundant or happy, don't trade because you're going to attract negativity.

Doing the breathwork and meditation made me aware of why it was manifesting. The thoughts that I was thinking were creating the feeling that was causing me to act a certain way during a trade. It helps me reprogram how I thought and felt about trading. It's made me attract different trades because trading is all about your mindset.

Would you say the strategy remained the same? Was your mindset changed or did you develop different strategies? It took you a while to develop a certain type of analysis strategy.

The strategy that I use is all self-taught. There are a lot of programs out there. I've taken a few different programs. The strategy that I use has developed and evolved over the last years as I've done more of this work. I developed it from that higher state of consciousness from doing the work. The strategy has changed quite a bit and being able to execute it. Having a great strategy doesn't mean much if you can't execute it. You have to be able to predict the market before it happens. It was allowing me to be able to execute it a lot better.

In addition to trading your money, you decided to help, coach and mentor others on the systems that you use. What inspired you to start teaching about it versus trading your money?

When I first started doing it and making money, I was posting about it. I was doing the little Facebook and IG flex a little bit. I started to get people messaging me, asking me like, “Do you teach this? I'm interested in learning how to do this.” It found me. I had a lot of people that messaged me and I knew that I had something different from what other people were teaching. It only made sense to create a business teaching people how to do it.

There are a few ways to go about things. If people want to get into training, you could try to do it all on your own. It could take you years to do it. You did all the hard work. The other option is leveraging people's wisdom and knowledge. If you can find people that are successful, mentors and things, the path to success is way quicker and you're learning through their mistakes. Hopefully, you could implement it and add your own to it but there are always ways of shortening that time for the learning curve. I truly believe that understanding and learning from masters in their perspective feels the best possible way to go rather than winging everything.

One of the best things that I've done in 2021 is finding mentors and being around people that are where I want to be. The learning curve has shifted. I have some students that are already making 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% to 100% in a few months after starting their first trip live account. Some students in my account hadn't blown any accounts, meaning they lost all of their money. I blew probably 50-plus accounts when I first started. The strategy that I have is very easy to learn. I've made it easy. They have a fresh slate. They don't have all of the negative thoughts, feelings and PTSD from the beginning that they have to rewire as I did. It's very easy to teach new people if they're willing to learn.

Is this a course for people with a lot of experience or can somebody come in with zero training experience on any level and learn in certain earning multiple streams of income like a secondary form?

Probably 60% to 70% of the people have prior experience and around 30% to 40% have no experience at all. I would typically prefer someone that doesn't have any experience at all. It's easier to teach them because you don't have to rewire them. They're a fresh slate. You can teach them the strategy, how to think and how to feel during it and they're off and running.

A great strategy doesn't mean much if you can't execute it.

One of the reasons I wanted to get you on is because learning about what you do is fascinating and how you created this abundant life and limitless life where you can work from anywhere. You work about three hours a day. Your trading more time to do the breathwork and all that stuff. You have a lot of freedom in your day.

As a business owner earning income from my business, there's a lot of work involved. Sometimes I do sixteen hours a day. I realize over time and learning from successful people that most multi-millionaires have anywhere from 5 to 7 sources of income coming in from all different ways. I own a wellness spa. If we go into recession, I have to understand the reality of what could happen to my business.

I'm trying to create different streams of income. That's one of the things that my girlfriend, Kate and I were interested in learning about what you do. We decided to sign up to work with you because it's an awesome way to create a life. One of the things we want to do is be able to work from anywhere, not be limited in the amount of time and effort we have to put in. You don't need any employees or customers in this certain business. You could work when the market is going down and make money when the markets are going up.

There's a little bit of risk involved. There's a little time commitment to learn this stuff. When you truly get an understanding and where you can be cashflow positive on these trades, it's only good to learn this stuff. We don't know what's going to happen in a recession. Many different industries can be affected but if you can take control and be self-responsible for generating your income and the other ones fall apart, it's important to at least set ourselves up for anything that might happen in the markets. Why do you think that you came here to earth as Zach Hallford? What did you want to experience in this beautiful experience?

I experienced a lot of “darkness” when I was younger. Depression, anxiousness, a lot of darkness and emotional times. I feel like I am here to help lead people out of the darkness, help heal people, help them process emotions that aren't serving them for their highest good and help them control and regulate their nervous system. We are in a very dark time in the world for the majority of people who are in scarcity, dark and fear-based world. I am here to help heal people and bring people out of that.

By talking to you, I know that you feel the same way. Some of the hardest things and darkest moments in our lives were the biggest blessings. Without those things, we weren't able to become more self-aware, understand where the trauma is coming from, take ourselves out of those dark holes and get to a place where we can find happiness within and be a generator for that.

By living your life, you're going to be an inspiration. You get into the helping of others, make it a priority in your life and help them get out of their holes. When people are living from a place of an open heart and more love in their life, a lot of the other things and all the distractions that happen in the darkness like you're talking about in this world, which we all know what's going on, that falls apart. If every single person turns their light switch on, we bring more light into this dark world.

I truly believe this experience of earth is as if we could create our heaven or hell inside of this space. Spend time with the right people, evolve your spiritual mindset and realize that at the end of the day, this is a short little experience. We're here for a short amount of time and we move on to something else as our souls evolve. We could be creating something in terms of karma and all that through our actions, deeds and thoughts. We could create a better life for ourselves in this life and also in future lives or try to learn the same lessons over and over.

It's all within us and we are divine beings. How can I reach that? How can I get closer to the divine within me? Everybody is different in the way they approach it. My mission for everybody and my life is to get to the place where how can I help the most amount of people? I see that you're on the same path. It's beautiful to see, at such a young age, come to this realization. Thank you so much for all the work that you're doing here. What is God or spirituality mean to you? What role does it play in your life, if any?

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: Trading is all about your mindset. A scarcity mindset will not help you attract trades.

I believe we are all bits and pieces of God. What is the definition of God? I'm not entirely sure. Is it a creator? Is that the definition of God?

Whatever the definition is for you. Everybody looks a different way. You could say the creator, the great intelligence or the great spirit, as the Native Americans say. It's all the same thing. It's just the way that we want to describe it.

Knowing that I am God, you are God and we are all creators. We have the opportunity to create anything we want. I believe we're all one. We are all God. That's the role that it has in my life. It makes me understand how much power I have with being able to create whatever I want.

With all the things that you've come to the realization about and all the success you've had, you're on your life's purpose. How do you want to look at the next years? What is your vision for your life and the things that you want to do over that time or even past that?

Traveling the world, trading, doing breathwork, healing people, building a big community and helping heal the world. Constant expansion and growth, that's where I see myself in the next years.

How can our readers learn more about you?

Instagram, @Zach_Hallford and email if you're taking a little social media detox, ZachHallford1@gmail.com.

Is Instagram the best place to reach you if people want to learn more about your coaching program for FX trading?

Instagram would be the best.

LOTP 51 | Trading

Trading: If you can find mentors and people who are very successful at things, the path to success is way quicker because you're learning through their mistakes.

Please be able to look out. There are a lot of fake accounts on Zach. Make sure you're following the right one.

I will not DM you asking you for your crypto. I will not do that. If it's one word, “Hello,” that is not me.

Thank you so much for coming on. I look forward to learning from you and this beautiful journey that you opened this door in our lives. We're very grateful and excited to jump on board. I hope our readers are taking a lot from this.

Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure for my first show. I loved it.

You did great. Thank you so much.


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About Zach Hallford

A born and raised Alaskan native, with nothing more than a passion for the body-mind-soul and for living a life of freedom, Zach Hallford created a 6-figure+ trading strategy, helping others find their own sovereignty in all areas of life.

Growing up in the wilderness of Alaska, Zach became a multiple world record holder at 18 in bodybuilding and weightlifting. Aspiring for freedom, he ventured into the exciting world of Forex trading. After 6 years of developing his signature strategy, he started mentoring aspiring traders into their own 6-figure success stories. His passion for the body-mind-soul has been infused in his Elevated FX trainings and membership. As a holistic health enthusiast, fascinated by the body’s innate ability to heal itself, he is also honored to serve as a breath-work facilitator, mentored by the top professionals in the industry.


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