Episode 61: Love, Self, And Reality: My Visionary Experience With Grandmother Ayahuasca

Many are so trapped in the temporal space of reality that they forget to connect with the entities our naked eye couldn't see. In this episode, Anand Sukhadia profoundly reflects on his most recent weekend experience with Grandmother Ayahuasca. This tea allows him to seek the truth as it floods you with information in your soul consciousness. Anand reflects on the lessons his "Higher Self" and Grandmother Ayahuasca shared about the temporary nature of reality, connecting with Divine entities, and delves into his renewed mission. Walk the path to finding your higher self by tuning into this profound episode with Anand.


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Love, Self, And Reality: My Visionary Experience With Grandmother Ayahuasca

For episode 61, I’m riding solo to discuss my experience with Ayahuasca in San Pedro. It was a magical weekend, and I wrote down many things from that experience. I absorbed and downloaded so much into my heart, into my soul that I felt like I wanted to share it. It's going to be pretty jumbled because when ayahuasca comes, there are so many things thrown at you in terms of knowledge, information and what's going on in your soul consciousness. It was a floodgate. If it sounds like that when I'm explaining it, don't blame me. I'm just a messenger. Let's do this.

A couple of disclaimers before we begin. I am not dispensing any medical advice. I'm simply sharing my own personal experiences in my own truths. Since we live in an infinite world with every type of possibility imaginable, it is our divine right to seek out the truth for us individually. I encourage everyone out there to seek their own truth. What may be a great decision for me may not be a great decision for anyone else.

Start Of My Ayahuasca Experience

I am in no way suggesting that anyone do psychedelics. It's a very powerful medicine that might not be a good idea for you. It could be a great idea for others but again, I'm absolving myself of any responsibility for giving any advice of any kind in life or psychedelics. Let's get to the juicy part, the reason why I wanted to experience ayahuasca.

A little bit of background. Back in 2014, I was looking for the next evolution of my life. I was doing a lot of different things in terms of business but I wasn't fulfilled in my life personally or business in any way. In 2014, I had an opportunity to drink ayahuasca for the first time. Between 2014 and 2016, I participated in somewhere close to 6 to 7 ayahuasca instead of major out experiences combined. It made all the difference for me. It allowed me to step into my heart, follow my purpose, and give me the courage and the power to go forth with my mission. That's to inspire and transform the health of the community and the planet.

I have to do that by starting with myself. It was an experience that gave me so much awareness in life. I was very grateful for that experience. After 2016, I decided to open the business through a lot of the things that I learned. In 2017, I opened the business, and since then, I've done a couple of San Pedro ceremonies which were incredible through some guides that I know. This was the first time that I did ayahuasca, and it was what I needed.

In the last few years, with all the craziness going on in the world, it was weighing heavy on my heart, and I was having a harder time connecting with my heart. I was getting triggered a little bit. I felt like I needed the next step in my journey because I accomplished what I wanted to with my own life and what is next for me? I wanted to have a deep connection and a conversation with my soul. I decided that now was the time.

I was telling my girlfriend back in September, “Mother Ayahuasca is calling to me.” The next day, I got an email from somebody who facilitates who I know and trust. The decision was easy. The universe will always conspire in your favor. I got that email. I signed up, and about a month and a half later, I was on my way to having one of the best times of my life.

This medicine is super powerful, and I truly respect it. There was a diet to follow. I'm not going to get into all the details of the dedication and being strict with what I was eating, consuming emotionally, physically, spiritually, and also through food as well. I would suggest that you take it seriously if you are ever thinking about doing it. Respecting this medicine is very sacred. I look at it as a spiritual journey.

It's not a recreational experience by any means because you are going to face your darkest shadows in life. When you face those shadows, it's only to bring you to the place of shining light on them, and then you have the awareness to move forward from them. All the pain, the sadness, the sorrow, and all this that we carry, it's not necessary to carry but yet we do.

Going through an experience like that was able to cleanse a lot of it out and give me a fresh perspective on things when the ego wants to create all the stories in the world as to why our lives are in a certain way. When you have an experience like that like I did, it gave me complete truth straight from my soul, and I'm so grateful to have that experience.

Coming up the day of the experience was on a Friday, and I was supposed to drive out and do it that night. It was about a two-hour drive for me. I woke up to three emails. There were emergencies that I had to deal with. I go to my wellness center, Om Life, in Jersey City. There are so many things that were an issue like the sauna and the cryo weren’t working. One of the computers for my float tanks was not working. I was dealing with all that stuff.

It took me about three hours of time which I wasn't planning to dedicate but yet, handled it. I took care of all that stuff before I was supposed to go. I left on my journey. I did leave my phone on. I was thinking about putting on two snoozes but I got a text message. One of my employees is 30 minutes late, and we have a full schedule that day.

I also got a text message from a friend of mine who told me that another friend of ours, their dad passed away, and this guy was an amazing dude. He always gave me rides to school every single day. He had a very special place in my heart. That was tough to hear. As soon as I got there, I shut my phone up and said, “I want to focus on this particular experience.” Carrying all this stuff into an experience could not be the greatest thing.

I wanted to center myself. I was going to deal with all the other stuff after the experience was over. I made the decision to do this ceremony on my own. I've done San Pedro in the past and ayahuasca with ex-girlfriends and my current girlfriend, Kate. I did San Pedro with her but the thing is when I'm doing these experiences because I love these people so much that my mind is also focused on their experience, and energetically, I could feel when they are having pain.

I decided I wanted to do this for myself because I was doing myself a disservice. I don’t want to focus on anyone else at that time. I know it sounds selfish but when it comes to matters like this, I look at it as if I'm going to the school of hard knocks. I'm going to learn these lessons that I must go to the depths of hell per se and come out on the other side.

When I was doing the journey on my own, I felt like I could be more present in the moment. In reality, this life is an individual journey. If you are lucky enough to find people, family, friends, a relationship, clients, employees and people that you love and care about, they are going to walk with you for a certain amount of time either at the beginning, middle or end of your life. That's wonderful.

At the end of the day, once we perish and move on, our soul goes on that individual journey. I've gotten messages about these things in the past. It's important to focus on your happiness, purpose, and mission, and when you find the people that are magnetized toward you, it's only a positive blessing on top of everything else. Happiness is dictated by coming to it yourself.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Happiness is dictated by coming to it yourself.

Now, although I came alone to this place, as soon as I got there, I was surrounded by twelve other people that were involved in the experience. I made such deep relationships with them. Amazing souls from all over the world originally and all over the Tri-state area. I was so grateful to have those connections. I immediately have deep connections and conversations with people. You realize that the human experience is very similar.

We are all going through the same challenges. It might look different on the outside but at the end of the day, it comes down to a few things and that's self-love, realizing that our connection to the source is always there. It's just that sometimes we forget about it. When we come to these conclusions after a ceremony like this, like, “I can't believe I doubt it for a moment that there's something greater out there that my soul is a part of an important step in the evolution of consciousness for myself and also for this world.”

That's when you get it. You are like, “I totally forgot.” This helps you remember who the fuck your soul is and why you came here. Once we got there, I got there around 5:00. I had a few hours to prep my stuff away and sent a little bit of meditation and think about my intentions once more. Another thing that you want to focus on is your intentions. Why are you doing this? For me, it was to connect with my soul and have a conversation.

A real conversation, heart to heart, and see if the things that I was doing in my life were bringing me closer to my ultimate destiny or if I was doing something that I had already completed but kept doing more. I'm all about expansion and growth. This was the intention of me also to love myself, to connect deeper in my heart and get back into that flow of abundance and love at my core. That's who I am.

Around 10:00 is when the ceremonies started. Originally, we went out for a little fire ceremony, and I again stated our intentions. We went inside. It was a little bit of silence, a little bit of meditation and ayahuasca. For those who haven't tried it before, it is thick molasses. It does not taste like very good at all, and it’s going down hard. You can feel it going down your system, and it takes about an hour to set in.

When you are taking something like this, the journey is not going to be easy. My heart rate was a little bit elevated but there was also a certain calmness because I know from every experience I've had in the past that there was nothing to fear. Grandmother of ayahuasca, the spirit of the consciousness of the goddess of the universe, Mother Earth, wants to come into you to share her love with you, to shed some light on some of the darkness within you.

Once you shed light on that darkness, you can transmute, transform, and elevate your consciousness. I was nervous a little bit but also realized that what happens on the other side of this is so magical that I'm okay with going through this journey and through hell to get to that other side because there, it's bliss.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Once you shed light on that darkness, you can transmute, transform, and elevate your consciousness.

Once I took the medicine, I said a little prayer and thanked grandmother ayahuasca for this moment of reconnection. I was telling her that I was open to whatever she wanted to share with me. About an hour after taking the medicine, I started feeling the effects and a little bit of a disclaimer here. There are go-to same ayahuasca experiences. Not everybody has the same experience.

Everybody's experience could be completely different. My experiences from the past have all been different. They've shared different aspects of me when it comes to business, life, creativity, love or relationships. There are so many messages that you get. My experiences are totally different, and everyone else’s experience is different. I'm sharing mine again as a disclaimer.

Our guide started singing, and I could hear and feel her voice vibrating. It was almost like these strings of electric energy going through the room, going through me, and I felt like I was surfing along the sound in her beautiful voice. Throughout the night, her and the other guys were singing. You could feel the emotion. You could feel the love of this music, and it was a physical thing. It wasn't just sound. It was tangible.

I don't know what else how to describe it but it felt like you were riding a wave on these things. As the medicine starts kicking in, I come to a couple of memories that I had. A couple of years ago, I had my buddy, Javier on my show. He was telling me about a practice he does when he's doing energy work on his patient. He breathes in God's love, and he exhales God's love. He reminds himself of that mantra as he's breathing in, inhaling, and exhaling God's love.

For some reason, it came to me as I'm right about to dive off the deep end, essentially. I take this to heart, and I am doing these mantras, breathe in and breathe out God's love. Another person, right around the same timeline she's a star astrologer. She did a reading on me. She was telling me as I breathed in, focusing on a violet light surrounding me. As I'm exhaling, I think and feel a cobalt blue exhaling out of me.

I was combining these two things, which were with me the entire time. If that's a tool anybody wants to do in meditation, try it. See if there are any effects for you. I felt like that was my armor. That was my power in this journey. As I was reciting these mantras, I was reminding myself to surrender to the experience to finally design and appreciate and be grateful that you have the opportunity to sit here and reconnect with grandmother ayahuasca.

Our guide suggested that we sit down with our back straight and try to resist the urge to lay down because it's very easy. You feel tired a little bit. With all these visuals, you feel a little bit like a medicine drunk. Very easy to lay down but I decided that I was going to sit as long as I can. It turned out that I sat the entire night from 10:00 at night all the way to 5:00 in the morning when it ended. For some reason, usually I have a hard time sitting like that but I was able to do it the whole time.

I felt that was enhanced for the medicine. That I was able to focus on the internal and not focus on going to bed or going to sleep because that's super simple, and I wasn't here for that. I felt like I was on a throne. I felt like Shiva. For some reason, Shiva kept coming to me, the eternal divine masculine, the undying, the eternal, the limitless soul that's capable of destroying darkness and anything that doesn't resonate with truth.

He walks in conviction, and every reaction that he does is with decisiveness. I felt like this energy of Shiva was coming over me to remind me to keep my power and never give away the power because the power is within your limitless souls and nobody. My experiences with ayahuasca are pretty fucking crazy. I'm sure everybody can say that but one of the messages that came early on to me is, “Do not be afraid of the mother ayahuasca.”

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Keep your power and never give it away because it is within your limitless souls.

You will see thousands of images coming to you at once, and they are all downloads. There's a lot of information and knowledge that's coming to you but if you get overwhelmed, it's hard to accept everything. You are going to be downloading all of it as long as you are present and being grateful and being thankful for sitting and being able to be in the moment.

She wants you to live your highest timeline because she brought life to you. She loves you and will show you the darkness within you for you to wake up from the illusion. She's here for you. Later on, after the experience was over, one of the other participants in the ceremony said, and it's a business arrange, “The medicine grandmother Ayahuasca needs us as much as we need the grandmother to change our lives but also to change the Earth.”

We signed a contract with her to bring her visions to reality in the world. She needs us to take action. We get the images from her. We get the knowledge, and then she needs us to take action and bring the messages into this world through our actions. What I remember most about this is the common theme during also multiple sessions I've had with grandmother. I had a running conversation or narration.

This entity sounded like me and even used the same humor but was way wiser than me. My feeling is that I was having a conversation with my higher self or a soul guide of mine. This voice also comes to me in my regular life. Not just when I'm taking psychedelics but it's so much deeper. The wisdom is much more profound, so I have a feeling that it's my higher self with a direct connection. Rather than my higher self giving me a connection that gets jumbled through traveling millions of miles, and the connection is not as strong.

Say the Wi-Fi connection is not as strong as I'm being shown in one, millions of images throughout this entire thing. It's like a slideshow but it's a psychedelic slideshow where everything is not just three-dimensional. Everything is tenth dimensional. During this time, I'm getting a narration of the wisdom that's being shared by this higher guide.

Lessons From Ayahuasca

I was getting life advice essentially on things I needed to change or perspectives on what to change in life. I took a ton of notes after the ceremony because there wasn't any ability to take notes during but I broke it down into a few different categories for my life. The first one is lessons about my life, which is the internal conversation I have with myself.

The first thing is always to choose love over fear because love always wins. Love is the greatest force in this universe. A lot of times, fear is around us and society through media, politics, division, and hate, and we are always hearing images of bad things that are happening. Essentially, if there's evil in this world, there has to be the exact opposite, and that's love.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Always choose love over fear because love always wins in the end.

When we sink into love, everything can be transmuted. The second thing is that you have to surrender to life. You have to understand that every moment is divine. When you can see that, then the magic starts appearing in your life. You are where you want to be, and as I mentioned before, the universe is always conspiring in our favor. If we look at life through that perspective, every person you meet, every experience you have, and everything that you think is bad could be the greatest blessing of your life. If a relationship doesn't work out and it's only a couple of days in, and you think this person is the one, thank God it didn't work out.

Why would you want to be with someone for 5 or 10 years before realizing this is not the person? Look at things as a blessing rather than a hardship or a challenge. You are going to see so many more beautiful things come into our lives. Also, looking from my perspective in life with great gifts. I have been giving so much in my life through the people in my life and through many different other blessings. With great gifts come great responsibilities. You have to consider or I have to consider how many blessings I have.

Sometimes I don't think about all of them but when I literally sat down and wrote down all my blessings, it took me hours, and more are on the way. When you get into that feeling of gratitude, then you open your arms and receive because it's always going to come more, propagate itself. I was also thinking about my body physically and how sometimes I have pain, tightness or lack of flexibility. It kept reminding me to breathe deeply.

When we oxygenate our bodies all the way deep into every cell in our body, oxygen is like shedding light on dark areas. When you shed light, you start healing. You promote growth and love flowing and circulating through your body and being okay with movement. I do yoga a lot but sometimes I get frustrated because I'm not able to do certain poses.

When you shed light, you start healing. You promote growth and love flowing and circulating through your body.

If I shifted that perspective of, “I love doing yoga, and this is the greatest thing ever.” I get to spend an hour focusing on moving the body and getting all my joint fluid moving and all my blood and lymphatic system going. That is a blessing. Not everybody gets to experience that, so focusing on the breath. There's a life force within me that's waiting to come out, and it's coming out more every single day.

With all this knowledge and all these experiences, I keep expanding and growing in my life. I wake up in the morning and am grateful because I know much more magic is coming. This experience amplifies that by a billion. I'm not even close to where my potential is going to take me. As long as I stay in the game on this road, the magic has only begun.

Those are important not to lose your power. There's no difference between me, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or any of these guys. It's just that they have a certain belief system, and it's not even about being billionaires, making money, and all this stuff. They have the vision to transform the world. I'm not saying I agree with their method of doing it but what's the difference between them and somebody who is not fulfilling their potential?

Somebody who is living on the street is an alcoholic and who's not happy. Some of us have a lot of suffering in our life. We are all born with this divine spark. Some people realize that they have this spark and continue with it. They keep growing and expanding, and some people forget. It's important not to ever look at anybody as a victim, look down on them, or judge them because everyone we meet is divinity incarnate.

Everybody is a mirror. When you look at somebody, you look down on them. You are looking down on yourself because we are all one. The people that make the greatest contribution to this world are fully in their power, and they are making things happen. Some people have a little bit more opportunity or a little bit greater luck but I believe that luck will come to you as long as you stay in the arena.

I had to think about, “How do I want to contribute to this world.” It's about living and expressing your essence every single day. Every interaction you have, the person you come across, everything that you do, if you give somebody your word or you follow up on it or do you say to somebody, “Let's get together sometime,” and never follow up, that's a weak statement.

If you say, “Let's get together. Pull out your calendar and let's put a date together,” because if something is not planned, it's not done. That's one example. When you give your word to somebody, make it count because if you don't follow through on your word, you are not affecting that relationship. Maybe that person doesn't even realize it but you are breaking promises to yourself because your word is your bond.

My prayer for everyone in this world, everyone I come across, is for them to express the fullest version of themselves, to step up, and constantly reach their highest potential. It's impossible to fully reach your potential because there are infinite ways in which you can reach your potential. I want people to tap into limitless nature, and that's my goal. That's why I started the show.

Identity And Ego

Moving on to identity and ego. What I learned is that you have to burn the bridges of yesterday to create a new possibility. You have to kill the old self, and you can't be afraid of death to transmute and rise up as a phoenix that comes out of the ashes and identity limits us. When we choose to identify as something, as part of a group or, “This is my house, my dog, my wife or my girlfriend,” we are looking at life from one angle. We are looking at life through the same perspective and don't grow outside of that.

You have to burn the bridges of yesterday to create a new possibility. You have to kill the old self, and you can't be afraid of death to transmute and rise as a phoenix.

When I say, “This is my business,” is it my business? In the grand scheme of this freaking universe, it's not. I created something to help other people. When I say, “This is my business,” I take ownership of something. There's no ownership in life. Someday, we are all going to turn into ash. When we consider our true identity, which is our soul, it's limitless. It's formless and label-less. It doesn't have a face.

This body right here will be ash one day. It's now that we have to live out our mission. If we could constantly try to destroy the ego on a daily basis and come out new every single day, then the world of limitless possibility opens up. If we think that, “I'm only making X number of dollars.” We go to bed with that. If you have back pain or something like that and go to bed with it, you wake up and look for that back pain. It’s going to find you.

It's important to destroy yesterday because yesterday was good for yesterday but today, what do you want to create? Let's try to create with a limitless mind. How do we let go of control situations? This is where a lot of obstacles of struggle come in. We want things to be a certain way but we are not allowing them to be the way that they are supposed to be.

As I alluded to earlier, I walk alone on this path, as we all do. The journey is mine alone. I don't need anyone else. The people that walk with me for a short time are a long time are blessings. I'm grateful for all of them but I must be willing to lose it all. Everything could be burned to a crisp. Burn down to zero, and then we reemerge as something new.

There is nothing that is permanent in this life, relationships, money, projects, businesses, my body, all of it. I was told to get back into my heart. Getting back into more of a limitless feeling is grounding more in nature and going for high. That brings me a lot of happiness, and I feel a lot more love for nature. I feel a lot more love for myself writing.

Writing is something that I love, and I almost forgot that I had this love. It creates a lot of new ideas in my mind. When I'm consuming other people's information or listening to a lot of podcasts or YouTube videos, I feel like my creativity starts declining because I'm not generating it internally. I’m generating thoughts for hearing things that sound great from other people. It's important.

God gave us consciousness, and that we have to respect the fact that we were born with a certain intellect and level of awareness. We could always expand it but all the truth comes from within. We have to tap into our own truth and start living that truth. The thought of, “Why did I come here to this planet?” That started coming up for me.

I was told that unconditional love was made. Unconditional love is you, and unconditional love surrounds you. I thought about all the different ancestors that had to come together to create the need. The final product as it stands now. Thousands of people, through their own life journeys, made a left versus a right or chose a different partner versus a different one or the one that they chose.

Warriors Of Love

I would be a different person. I would be a different soul. You are perfect the way that you are, and honoring those ancestors by living your best life and finding your true happiness is the best way you can honor them and also heal any ancestral. I come from an area in India where Lord Krishna lived. This God that lived on Earth.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: You are perfect the way that you are. Living your best life and finding your true happiness is the best way to honor your ancestors and heal.

My grandparents, both my dad's and my mom's side, fathers marched with Gandhi. They were imprisoned for standing up for truth and freedom for the Indian people and liberation. They were part of a successful, peaceful transition from British rule to Indian autonomy. My dad, in 2000, and he and a couple of his friends and colleagues decided to create a summit. It was the 2000 World Peace Summit at the United Nations.

He was a big part of putting the structure together. The goal of this place was to invite all religious leaders from all over the world to come and have a discourse. One of the rules was that you could not talk about the differences. You could only talk about what we have in common. What a concept. You have all these people, all these different religions but when you boil it all down, it is truly love. It should be only love, otherwise, got to be careful about what we are listening to from religious leaders if they are sowing hate, fear or propagating something that is outside of individual divine autonomy.

I came from a pretty awesome lineage and respected it. I visualized it during my experience. I know that I'm here for a reason. The things that I do in my life, there's reason for that. There's a reason why I came through these people. I know that there's more to it. There's more to the story. When I have children, my values are going to be shared with them. I also still have amazing things to do while I'm here.

I felt very blessed to come from warriors of love, warriors of light that came here to make a positive mark on this world. The next set of messages was about relating to people in my life. The biggest message is to love everyone with no expectations. Don't judge. Don't condemn. Even the people that try to hurt you learn to always forgive. Forgiveness is for the forgiver. It's not for the person that's being forgiven.

You don't want to carry any darkness in your heart or hate because that's not who you are. If you come here to love, love unconditionally. Any tension that we have with other people is an illusion. It's an energy demon. If you start hating somebody for something that they did to you, you are the one who's being affected by it, so if you can let that go and you can transmute them with the power of love.

Secondly, it doesn't matter if they accept apologies. Accept your forgiveness of them. It has nothing to do with you. As long as your consciousness is clear, you've done your part. Don't let others have power over you or have free rent inside your head because, at the end of the day, you want to be a vessel for love.

Also, I got the message that I have a lot of love in my life but sometimes I shunt family and friends who want to be around me but I'm like, “I'm too busy. I have a business to run or don't have enough free time. I'm trying to do something else.” At the end of the day, when you have a love that seeks you, and you are always complaining, “I don't feel love,” then there's a disconnect because you are not accepting of it.

If you are not accepting your family, who wants to spend time with you and love you or your spouse, your kids or your dog, you vibrate and attract what you are putting out. I have been very blessed in my life, especially after opening this business. I've had thousands of people come through my doors, and I've had the pleasure of speaking to so many people, even if it's only for a couple of minutes, 5 minutes or 10 minutes.

Sometimes I've had hours-long conversations with people but I could see the commonality between many people with the struggles, the challenges, and the stresses of life. We all share the same human experience. What I learned is that everyone wants somebody to believe in them. One of the goals that I had when opening this business, and I talked to my employees about this is, “Treat everyone that comes through these doors as if they are your best friend,” because everyone needs encouragement.

We can transmute people's energy simply with our presence. Everywhere I go, I want to resonate that type of life force with individuals. I've seen people come in grumpy, upset or unhappy. By showing a little bit of love, you can completely change their energy. The greatest gift that we can give people in our lives is the gift of presence and an open heart, even if we are faced with a closed heart by them.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Everyone needs encouragement. We can transmute people's energy simply with our presence.

The person who hurts you is hurt, and they are also an aspect of you. If you could look at everyone as a mirror and you understand things that trigger you about them are things that are internal inside of you. Treating everybody with love is the way to do it. What also came to mind is something that was hurtful to me in the last couple of years of how some of the relationships I've had with family, friends and clients ended.

A lot of it stemmed from me being vocal about medical freedom and calling out a lot of the corruption that I was seeing in this world. Some of these people were strong connections. Basically, they did a 180 on me. It was hurtful but during this experience, grandmother ayahuasca taught me to forgive. If you want to reach out to people who have hurt you and say that you appreciated the connection that you shared, it's fine as long as you don't have an expectation of making any changes to them.

I did reach out to a few people with who we had strong connections previously, and a few of them replied with kindness, and others didn't reply at all. That's fine. I did this because of me. I don't want to leave any stone unturned. When I reached out to them, I did it out of the gift of my heart. If they don't reply, I still love them. I still want the best for them because I want everyone to find healing inside their heart.

The other thing is to appreciate all the people that stood by me, supported me, and loved me through all the challenges, craziness, and bad periods in my life. There are so many people in my life that have my back no matter what. I need to let those people know how much I love them. Don't worry about the people that can't see past an illusion and don't see who you are or what you are.

One of the craziest parts of this whole experience was that I was sitting at this long table like this studio. It was a bunch of mics. We are all sitting around at a table, and it's me and all my ex-girlfriends. They were all having a great time. They are all laughing and jovial. We went down the line and talked about the relationships I had with them.

Kate was there as well. She's sitting next to me. We were asking them, “What did I do poorly? How do I improve going forward to be the best partner I can be for Kate?” Everyone was very constructive, and it was a funny scene. I was taking a bunch of notes during this thing. Everyone was friendly, upbeat, and happy for me.

They were happy that I was stepping into the best version of myself. I was grateful for all of them, for the experiences that I've had with all of them. Also, seeing them in their highest light. All of the past experiences and the fires that I had to walk through chisel me into the best version of myself as I stand now. I have way more things that needed to work on and prove in my life but I was shown to honor the pain, the hurt, the love, and all the connection and honor the people and the gifts that they presented me because each person taught me something different.

Temporary Nature Of Reality

It's important. Who you are now is a reflection of everyone you've encountered in your past. One of the biggest lessons that came out of this is that I was shown how temporary this life experience is. I was shown the cosmos, time, the universe, how massive it is, and everything. This particular human life experience is so short but it's powerful because this is such a testing ground for our souls to stay. Our temporary nature is reality.

Who you are today is a reflection of everyone you've encountered in your past.

There's birth, life, and death. The cycle goes over relationships, businesses, and experiences. My life follows the same cycle as I mentioned before. At some point, it's not going to exist, and then the cycle restarts and a new form is created. Our souls are eternal, so it's important as that macrocosm. Look at the microcosm of every single day. Let your past stories, triggers, and all of it, let it go. Kill the old to create a new reality.

If you have a partner and you get triggered by certain actions, every time you look at that person, you are going to think of them as the person that sets me because X, Y, and Z. If you let go of all that and start looking at them differently and start loving them and appreciating them for their true essence, you are going to start seeing shifts. That goes with anyone in life. Be willing to burn down your beliefs and especially the ego or the day before to create a new one.

You are hopping onto different timelines and lifelines when you look at things from an open perspective and look at things from a baby’s eyes. I also spend a lot of time thinking about my girlfriend, Kate, and how simply divine and amazing that she is. I felt so much gratitude for this beautiful soul that came into my life.

I had to go through a lot of people and challenges, and struggles. I had a lot of anxiety and pain in my life, and this beautiful soul decided to come into my life and bless me, Kate. It was so important for me at that moment to honor her in the most sacred way, see her divinity each day, and support her passion. She's got so many different ideas. In the past, I thought, “It's a whirlwind. Let's come up with one idea.”

I love that beauty and that creativity and that magic that flows through her life, her body, and every interaction that she has, especially with me. She's my ultimate accountability partner. She doesn't allow me to place goals or not walk in my highest truth. The greatest power in a relationship, especially the one I have with her, is to choose to love each other every single day and communicate that life is so short to focus on anything other than what we want to create.

Life is so short to focus on anything other than what we want to create.

David Deida’s quote kept coming up. David Deida is the guy that wrote The Way of the Superior Man. He says, “Penetrate your woman like you penetrate the world,” and it's so true. You have to be fully present in the moment when you are making that love and walking that path in life. The more present you can be, and the more in your power you can be, the more you create life. You create your mission, path, beauty, and magic in all of it but it stems from who you are at your truest core.

Another aspect of our relationship is that we are working so hard on building a business together and doing a lot of amazing things in our lives, projects and creations and all that stuff. Were important to make sure that our cups were totally filled and to create time for activities that will fill our cups. One of the things I had in my mind was that as soon as I got back, no matter how busy we were, let's wake up early in the morning. Let's go down to the beach, spend some time with our dog and have a real moment of connection there.

As soon as I got back, we did that. A lot of times, we are like, “We have no time. We got to do this and this.” If we are not creating and carving those times out to have our joyfully expressed, then what are we doing here? We work our entire lives but we are missing out on these moments of true connection. It's a beautiful thing when you can fill your cup consistently and on a daily basis, individually and together.

We first make time for activities that fuel our souls. That's a new law. In the life that I'm creating with Kate, I can't help but not think about my little boy, Onē, my little puppy, my golden doodle. This guy is pure love and fun. All he wants to do is spend time with his mom and dad, and explore. He's got his own free will. He came here with a mission.

Let him do as he pleases. Let him be a dog. Give him the socks, the treats, all the love, and all the attention that he needs because he fills our lives with much love. He's my most amazing, sweet, adorable angel, crazy freaking puppy. He's opened my heart so much. One thing that I realize is that he's temporary too. We have him for a short little period as our guest. The same thing goes for Kate, my family, and my mom. I have already lost my dad and my friends. The same thing with everyone I ever encounter.

This life is a short-term rental. I'm here for it. I'm here to experience it all, laughter, bliss, joy, success and emotions, all of it. That's a microcosm of what I experienced, the notes, and all that stuff that I took. As I talk about this experience, I don't know how it's going to translate because there's so much information that I came through. I can elaborate on every single one of these points that I talked about for a long time and have full deep conversations with my body but I wanted to freestyle because it also helps me sink back into that moment and realize how freaking lucky I am in my life.

Grandmother Ayahuasca: Life is a short-term rental.

Lucky for everyone that reads this and for the ability and the opportunity to share my voice and my experiences and live a life that I don't have any experiences that I can't have because everything is coming towards me in the way that I want to experience them. I am so fucking grateful. I love every one of you guys. You don't even know how much I think about how grateful I am for the people in my life and all the people that have reached out on this show to talk about how certain episodes have reflected and inspired them.

It makes a big difference because I'm lucky to have many different experiences in my life and know many great people. It's awesome to be able to hear their stories about how they live limitless lives. I'm going to try to do a little bit more sharing about my own life because I am living this on many levels and care about making this world a better place through love, compassion, unity, and connection. This is why I do it. This is why I came here on this planet, so thank you. I love you.

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About Anand J Sukhadia

Anand J Sukhadia is a first-generation American of Indian Descent. Being around Allopathic and Holistic Health Practitioners throughout his upbringing , Anand knew his calling was in bridging together the best values of East and Western worlds and do it with a spiritual and holistically health-related flare.

Anand is also the Founder & Director at om.life Wellness Modern Recovery Spa located in Jersey City. om.life is an eco-modern wellness sanctuary that marries ancient healing knowledge with new technology. om.life has been named as the Best Breakout Business in Jersey City in its 1st year and is the most unique wellness experience in Hudson County, NJ. In just under 5 years, they have aided over 10,000 individuals in stress management, athletic recovery, and lowering inflammation through their unique suite of holistic health modalities. (www.om.life)

He is also the host of the Limitless One Podcast, a conversational platform that interviews individuals living a limitless life by being aligned on their soul’s purpose.

Anand’s mission in life is to inspire & transform the mental, physical and spiritual health of his community and planet at large. Anand loves to travel the world, connect with other open-hearted beings, and is continually seeking truth and light through his meditation, self-development, and other spiritual practices.

You are invited to learn more about Anand via his Instagram @anand.life and on his websites www.om.life and www.anand.life. For public speaking, advertising and other inquiries, please contact anand@om.life.


Episode 62: Power, Pleasure And Purpose: Awakening Your Spirit And Sexual Energy Centers With Linda Bogdanov


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