Episode 60: Time To Lighten The F*ck Up With Madison Malloy

The only constant in the world is change, the same goes for our self-identity, and we always have an opportunity to reinvent ourselves as we step closer to realizing our full potential. It's time to lighten the F*ck Up! From minimizing financial risks on Wall Street to crafting risqué jokes for crowds in some of New York City's most prominent comedy clubs, Madison Malloy's journey through adulthood has been one for the books— well, one book, specifically, Time to Lighten the F*ck Up: A Self-Help Guide with A Side of Humor, her debut self-help guide. Join us as we delve into Madison's transformation from identifying as a victim to boldly empowering herself by connecting with her highest power. We talk about her challenges, how she reclaimed her Divine power, and the crazy happenings of cryptocurrency with the latest FTX scandal. So what are you waiting for? Tune in now!


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Time To Lighten The F*ck Up With Madison Malloy

The only constant in this world is change. The same goes for our self-identity, and we always have an opportunity to reinvent ourselves as we step closer to realizing our full potential. It's time to lighten the fuck up. Join me as I interview my good friend Madison Malloy, as she's making her second appearance on the show.

From minimalizing financial risks on Wall Street to crafting que jokes for crowds in some of New York City's most prominent comedy clubs, Madison Malloy's journey through adulthood has been one for the books, one book specifically, TIME TO LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP: A Self-Help Guide With A Side Of Humor, her debut self-help guide. Before becoming a comedienne, the Host of the Next to Madison Podcast, Producer, and checking off author off for an ever-expanding resume, Madison's Degree in Finance led her from her home in Denver, Colorado to her stint as a fixed-income sales trader on Wall Street.

Following the market crash of 2008, she jumped into a whole new adventure by pursuing her dream of performing her comedy routine for audiences across New York City. Over the next several years, she would write and produce reality TV shows, discover her love of entrepreneurship, and become a proud crypto enthusiast.

Motivated to help others overcome negativity, find financial freedom, and boost confidence to cultivate their lives, they will love Madison's authenticity, humor, and tastefully placed explicitives within time to TIME TO LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP encourage readers to carve out their own bold paths to self-discovery. Relatable, hysterical, and ready to inspire, Madison is here to remind us all that on the way to leveling up, we need to lighten the fuck up too. Welcome to the show. Madison Malloy, how are you?

I'm good. I'm excited to be here. You are always full of positivity and joy. It's exciting, but it can be a stressful time, and everything in the markets is crazy. I'm happy to see you. You bring a smile to my face.

The feeling is neutral. This is your second time on the show. We have been friends for a bunch of years. I'm excited to get into what's going on in your life right now, and congratulations. I see that you released the book TIME TO LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP and I was lucky enough to attend your launch party, it was a wonderful night. I'm so happy for all your success.

Thank you so much. I got the book TIME TO LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP. I need more people to write reviews, so go on buy the book and then write reviews. We need more reviews.

I have done it already, but for my audience, write the review. It’s incredible. You could either get it on Amazon Digital or Barnes & Noble.

The hardback came out too. On Amazon, you can get the eBook, paperback, or hardback. In Barnes & Noble, you can get the paperback or the hardbacks. The hardback is now available, which makes it a great present. Have you read the book?

I have been reading sections of it. I haven't read the full thing yet. I should have done that before the show, but I want to hear about it from your voice. Tell us a little bit about TIME TO LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP.

You and I went to college together. We majored in business things. You and I both had similar journeys in different ways where we decided, “We are not going to do the whole corporate thing.” I went to Wall Street and I didn't like it, so I took my shot at a startup. I lost a bunch of money there but learned a lot and then decided life's too short, and I was going to follow my dream. Following my dream, I didn't do my proper due diligence, realizing how difficult it would be. Somehow, I started falling into this very scarcity mindset, depression, and anxiety.

I was a mess. I was starting to determine my value based on my bank account, and as an artist, I was worthless. I started finding ways to escape my own life. I hated it. I would go, see friends, and do whatever I could do to get out of the city on the weekends if I wasn't performing. I'd be sad on the way back. I hated my own life, and I didn't realize how bad it was.

I was finally able to get over that through multiple things, which were getting my thyroid fixed, growing, therapy, positive podcasts, and self-help books, but the most important thing was prayer. That was the most life-changing thing ever. It's interesting as I'm doing all these press for the book and I talk about everything that's happened to my life. The biggest changes and shifts were when I started praying and people be like, “You lost me at this and that.”

It's very sad because I'm like, “I'm not going away from that.” The problem with our society and why we are so broken is that we have been disconnected from God, and He is the Creator and the Master of all things. Some people say it's Universe and that's fine. I'm not here to convert anybody. I don't care. I'm saying, “You got to have something bigger than yourself that you believe in,” and for me, it was God.

You have to have something bigger than yourself that you believe in.

I remember praying at night. I couldn't break these chains. It was a scarcity mindset and it was awful. The tape recorder in my head was the most depressing thing. It was like, “How did I even function?” I would ask God, “Please take this away. Let me see opportunity. Let me get out of my own way. Let me stop thinking this way.”

It wasn't slowly but surely. It was almost instant in a way. It was gone. All of a sudden, all these opportunities started coming in. I was able to see clearly. I was able to shift into what I liked to do. I was able to step into my own authentic self versus doing what I thought I should be doing. I wasn't escaping my life anymore.

I was happy with the life I had. I was grateful for everything I had, and then I thought, “I have got to put this in a book.” As somebody who's read a lot of self-help books, I thought they were very boring, and it was hard to totally remember and understand. Being a trained comedienne, people tend to remember jokes that hit them in a certain way that struck an emotion.

I thought, “If I make it funny or raunchy, I will create a different type of self-help book in a very saturated market and people will remember it.” I use crude references so people can remember it. When they start to feel overwhelmed or think things are so complicated, they could be like, “It's like shaving my asshole.”

I had put this in a book because I needed to share it with the world. The thing is, you don't want to save everything for yourself because that's a selfish way to live, and the universe doesn't like that. You have to give and receive. This was my way to helping younger generations primarily not get stuck in these cycles that limit their amazing infinite possibilities.

I love the change in perspective because we have had conversations in the past where you were struggling and going through stuff. I saw you when you were super happy and everything. We'd have these long conversations where you felt like you were stuck and you weren't moving forward in your career.

I believe that the universe matches our vibration, and wherever we are resonating from the inside is going to match on the outside. It's only going to mirror what's going on internally and externally. It's amazing. We all have to come to that point in our lives where we could either be a victim or the hero of our life, and not everybody has gotten to that point. For people that are still struggling from that perspective, was it all of a sudden you realize this epiphany, “I need to start praying?” Were you at such a low point that you didn't know what else to do? Was it more gradual in terms of shaping or getting yourself out of this hole?

I would tell my parents all the time, “Pray for me.” One day, my mom said, “Why don't you pray for yourself as well?” I started doing that. I have somebody that has read The Secret. I know about the Law of Attraction. I believe in the Law of Attraction. I believe in all that, but it didn't work for me because for some reason, my mind was like, “Here's your vision board. Here's your future house. Here's what you want. Get in that vibration. Stop talking about what you can afford and start saying, ‘You can afford it,’ so you can.”

It wouldn't show up soon enough. I'd go back to a lower vibration, and you have to stay in that vibration. You may not be able to see it, but it's coming because you asked for it. When I started praying, it clicked. The Law of Attraction and prayer are exactly the same thing. It's believing in something you can't see but having faith that it's going to be given to you.

The law of attraction and prayer is the same thing. It believes in something you can't see but has the faith that you will receive it.

For me, my brain worked with God. Other people's brains work with the Law of Attraction. That is a tip that I try to tell people because the Law of Attraction doesn't work for many people or else, we'd have a lot more wealthy people in the world, so people are getting stuck. Prayer was like that a-ha moment where I was like, “This is the Law of Attraction that come to life.” It was funny because I would only pray for certain things.

After the anxiety, pain, and insecurity went away, I would pray for career stuff and things would pop up, but I wasn't praying all the time. I remember when I came back to New York, I said, “I'm going to open myself up and I'm finally going to be ready to date.” Somebody said, “Have you ever prayed for a man?” I'm like, “No. I didn't want one for a long time. I didn't know. I was focused on my career.”

I did and it's amazing. I haven't found the one, but I feel like better people are starting to show up and people that were wasting my time, so to say, started to do things that made me go disgusted versus trying to figure out, “Am I overreacting?” It was amazing how that started happening. I like to explain to people that just because you may not be religious, that's fine. You don't have to be. I'm not telling you to be. If you believe in the universe, it’s similar. We are all the same. We are all connected.

It's one and the same, God and Law of Attraction. You could call it so many different things like the Law of Magnetism or whatever, but it's what you focus on and the feelings behind it. If those feelings are of a knowing like, “I'm already grateful for this happening in my life.” I gave the example a bunch of times on my show of how I met my girlfriend. I wrote a letter to her before I even met her and talked about how grateful I am to be in this relationship. I described every aspect of the relationship. I wrote that in December 2019. I read it every single day, to the point of feeling tears of gratitude at that moment. By April 2020, she came into my life. It’s going to happen.

That's amazing that you did it every day for four months. Most people would have given up after ten days, but you were like, “No.” You can't control the timing. You just have to keep in it. I have heard a lot of people have said that. They are like, “Write a letter or write down a list of the traits that you want in a partner.” It’s not so much like tall, dark, and handsome type shit but loyal, close with their family, and fun. List how you feel around them. They are nice, compassionate, and successful. That will show up. I have had multiple people do it. I haven't done it.

During that time, I was still dating and learning about people, but I was getting closer and closer with each person as to what I truly wanted. The universe will show you the signs, but you have to be ready to embrace them. The opportunity and luck will come if you put yourself in the arena enough. It’s amazing and you can do it with anything as well.

This is weird too. I like to tell people this, “If you are struggling or you feel that life gave you the short end of the stick, you are feeling sad or you are not feeling grateful. You are not putting yourself out there due to the fact that maybe you are too worried about what people think which will kill anything you are trying to do.”

It sounds so super rare, but put your mortality at the forefront of your mind. Think about your death and it's a positive thing. It's not a bad thing. When you start to worry about what people think or you start to be afraid to take chances, whether it's in business or romance, think if you heard or got a phone call that you have six months to live. Would you be so scared to do that? You'd be like, “No.” Start living your life that way. I'm telling you, that's what I do sometimes. I'm like, “Is this going to matter in the end?” I remember the other day I felt disgusted because my Botox is wearing off. Am I going to care that my Botox is wearing off if I'm dying? It's a very fixable solution. I'm going now.

You are a star. Everybody is a star. They have the potential of the entire universe inside them. Why limit ourselves? Why play it small? In whatever field it is, not everybody needs to be a billionaire or even a millionaire. As long as you are providing your soul with what it needs to live this life, why you came here, what your purpose is, and how you want to connect with people.

Why are we holding ourselves back? A lot of it has to do like what you said. You are always worried about what other people are going to think. You put yourself in the middle of the mecca of that which is New York City as a standup comic. A lot of like famous people around. You're headlining with them and stuff like that. In the past, it would be hard not to look at them and say, “They have all the success. Why aren't I there?

If you look at people whom you admire and think of them, “If they can do it, I can do it.” Not put anybody above you on a pedestal because, at the end of the day, they were starting out like we were at some point. I had an ayahuasca experience and all these messages came to me like, “Why are we putting anybody above ourselves?”

Don't ever lose your power because if you hold your power and you walk your truth with conviction, that's what's going to propel you forward. You are going to overcome every single obstacle that you possibly can have. You are here right now. You are standing here now with all the challenges that you've gone through and you are strong. Why doubt your own ability to get through things and thrive?

It's true too. Sometimes when there are people around you that maybe get stuff that you want and you don't get it and you are going, “Why do they keep getting these opportunities? Why does it seem to be easy for them?” Nothing that is meant for you is going to pass you by. I read this all the time. I see it and I'm like, “It's true.”

Sometimes when things don't happen, you get frustrated, but you are like, “It could be happening in my favor because something better is coming along.” You didn't lose out on the promotion, the role, or the opportunity. It wasn't for you, but you have to stay in that face so that opportunity can come in. I got to do ayahuasca. You told me about that. You called me, and you were like, “I had the most amazing spiritual experience.”

Self Discovery: Sometimes when things don't happen, you get frustrated, but it could be happening in your favor because something better is coming along.

I was telling my dad about it on the phone. He was like, “Don't mess with drugs. Change your mind. I did LSD when I was little.” I'm like, “That explains a lot if that came through this.” I'm not little but in college. I didn’t do it. You were like, “You got to cleanse with it. You got to make sure you have a shaman.” I thought, “I don't like to do anything where I lose control,” to where I'm like, “What if I do ayahuasca and then I punch the shaman in the face?”

I would never do that, but if you are not in control. People are like, “That would never happen.” You'd be fine, but then it was like the detox. I'm doubtful, but I have to do it. I need to do it because I'm totally in that space where it's like if you can see, “What did you see?” You saw your future. You saw your mom. You heard her. I remember you saying that. I was surprised.

At the time when I first did it, I love my mom. She's great and she'd done so many amazing things for me in my life, but there was a lot of friction in our communication and I felt like I wasn't being heard. I'd always have arguments with her anytime I'd be around her because my vision and perspective of her was like, “She's not going to listen.” That was the lens through that I saw her as. I couldn't be in the room with her for more than ten minutes without getting upset or getting triggered. During this ayahuasca experience, I was able to see her growing up and all the challenges that she had to go through.

She lost her dad at the age of seventeen. He died in her arms. She had to take on looking at the path that she needed to go on, be very determined about it, and not have the time or the ability to open up emotionally, be that tender, or anything like that. Growing up, I felt like I wasn't loved the way that I wanted to be loved, but I was able to see her from that childhood growing up. Also, the fact that she gave birth to me and I should be so grateful to have this opportunity to express my soul's vision, and she supported me on so many levels.

It changed the perspective about it like that. When you look at people from a different perspective, if you look at them in a negative way, they are always going to be that way. They are not going to disappoint you because it's you who are generating those feelings toward them. When you change that perspective, the whole thing changes, and then they start acting differently. They will give you what you want when you give a vibration of love to them. That was my experience.

When you look at people from a different perspective, they will always be that way if you negatively look at them. They will not disappoint you because you are generating those feelings toward them.

That's very well said. I'm mind blown because I haven't done it that you were able to see her past visually or feel it, that's crazy.

All of the above.

Does everybody have this type of experience when they do it?

Everybody's experience is totally different. I want to put that disclaimer out there. Not everybody has visuals. It was my experience and I was lucky enough to have that, to give me a higher elevated sense of perspective. There are so many different ways in which we can get there. For you, you had to do so much introspection in your life from where you were and where you knew you wanted to be, or what your purpose is.

Tell us about sitting in that darkness. How did you keep yourself from going into bad ruts and also putting yourself in bad situations? How did you stay positive? Did you always know, “There's something great for me out there, I just need to stay with it?” How did you see it when you were in your darkest moments?

Sometimes I look back and I go, “I don't know how I got through.” I remember I was chain-smoking cigarettes at the time and I felt like I would run to the cigarettes. It was almost like a pacifier for me, but it wasn't solving anything. It was making it worse because of what it does to your body, but I would stay very busy. I would always try to be busy. I didn't allow myself to have too much downtime to get through it, but there was also a lot of joy. I was still a positive person so I could see, “This is temporary. Keep going. You are going to get through this.” Being faith-based, suicide wasn't an option.

I didn't want to do that to my family and friends. I knew I had to fight but it was hard because people look at you on the outside and they think your life's perfect, everything's easy, and you don't have any struggles. I have a face that looks like I have a bank account of hundreds of millions of dollars. Here I was, working jobs that were so below my skill level so I could focus on trying to be famous. I don't know what I was chasing.

I don't care about fame anymore. It's because I have stepped into my power. What I care about is delivering a message that's going to impact people in a positive way. Whether that comes with fame or not, it doesn't matter. The money will come because I'm truly stepped into my purpose and my power. That's the most important thing.

When people are like, “I want to be famous whether it's in business or whatever it is.” Fame is a very dangerous thing because you'll hear celebrities say, “It's an illusion. You get certain benefits but it's more of a trap.” I always try to tell people, “Once you step into who you are and your purpose, the outside noise starts to go away.”

Self Discovery: Once you step into who you are and your purpose, the outside noise starts to go away.

Everything I do is funny. Everything I look back at, the scripts I wrote, the shows I created, and the book all have the same message. That was deep inside of me, but it wasn't so noticeable, which was how to inspire people to live better lives. If I came out with that mission statement several years ago, people would have been like, “What do you want to be broke?”

It wasn't that. It was like through these stories and entertainment, I was trying to improve people's lives, and once I was like, “That's my mission and purpose. I'm stepping into that. Whether it's in self-help or fiction or non-fiction, with everything I create and do, how can I tell a story that's going to educate people, inspire people, or make their life better?” That's why I feel like opportunities are coming.

Trust me, there are still things where I'm like, “Why is this not happening?” I always say to people, “Picture your life you are on a kayak. You are sitting in a kayak or a canoe.” I like to say kayak because it's like a river. You get on and then you can't resist the natural flow of life or else you'll fall off and you'll probably drown and you'll be gone.

If you go with the flow, let certain things come. Let it go. You are going to have a much easier life and be able to find out what you enjoy. I feel like you can't find out what you enjoy if you are bogged down by depression and what if and thoughts of others. I used to have this thing where I was like I cared more about what people thought. These are certain things that we won't bring up on this show.

I felt silenced by certain beliefs I might have had. I felt like I was in a closet and somebody said something to me that triggered that belief. For the first time, I remember going, “I don't understand what the point is,” and they lost all the power. It was like it was over. That was it. Sometimes what we fear is worse than what it is.

There are so many things on back there. First of all, if you were to make a successful the traditional way in Hollywood, in celebrity life or whatever, then you would have lost your autonomy. Many people out there say that you don't have the ability to speak out for yourself. You have to follow a program. You have to follow a script. If you had that success early on, then we wouldn't be sitting here now and you wouldn't be living your mission. Your mission is the big sale that you have. The bigger your mission is, the more wind you can capture and propel you toward your future. I love that analogy you gave about kayaking.

It's so funny why you are talking about it. I was thinking about surfing and how surfers go out at sea and wait for the perfect wave. If we are not following the right wave for us, we'll take waves and we'll crash. We won't get to the destination of our choice, but if we are waiting for that perfect wave, we time it, and we sail that, there's no better feeling than living life on your own terms. I can see that you are doing it now. Everything you do is radiating at a different level and energy, and the types of people that you want to work with are attracted to you.

It's crazy. It's a good thing. I was getting ready for some meetings and I started to feel blue. I started to feel down. I tell people this, “Just because you feel like you've stepped into your purpose and you write a self-help book that's helping people, you are still a human being. You are going to feel joy and sorrow. You are going to feel down.” The difference is that I now have the tools and tricks to identify what it is and not sit in it.

When I started to feel a little depressed, I said, “It wasn't woe is me, the old me.” I pulled up my phone calendar and I go, “When's my period coming?” that’s the first thought. The second thing I did was, “Have I been taking all my vitamins? Am I eating a healthy diet?” I know this isn't me. Your body runs. It hit me and I go, “It's been about six months. When I get back to Colorado, I need to go have my hormones checked.”

It's probably dropping a little bit. I have been on such a high of nonstop and all of a sudden, I have a little bit of downtime, but I didn't stay in it. I immediately identified it, I went and called the doctor, and set up an appointment. I made sure I put my vitamins where I wouldn't miss them, and then I got the F out of the house because I knew fresh air and seeing people, and then it was gone. There's no big deal.

Those are the tips and tricks that you have to get into. We all feel sad but how can you experience true joy if you don't know sadness? It's not a bad thing. Sometimes it's your body waking you up to be like, “Check engine light is on. Something is going on here.” Before, I would get sad and I'd be like, “My life sucks. Nothing happens to me. God forgot about me.” It's easy to go there, but you don't want to be a victim because you are truly not a victim.

We all feel sad, but how can you experience true joy if you don't know sadness?

That's so important. It's such a good message for us right now because victimhood has become very trendy. It’s one thing. You are right. All of us feel down. I have days that are tough or I'm thinking in a negative loop or whatever, but as you said, you need to have certain tools or go-to things that you know are going to work.

For me, it's grounding in nature, going outside, and breathing fresh air. Exercising is huge for us. Cortisol is running through our body so much. It doesn't give us the incentive or the motivation, but we have to be mind over matter and work first physically on our body. We need to take care of our body by eating the right foods, high vibrational foods, spending time with good people, and then also filling our thoughts with positive things.

When we are in a victim mentality and we choose to stay there, then we have no concept of what it is to be in ecstasy or to be in bliss. We live in this range in the world, but so many people are living in a very low frequency. If they were to step out and say, “Instead of complaining, being a victim, or thinking somebody else is the problem here, why can't I go and find what makes me happy and then find the extreme other end of the spectrum?”

Once you experience happiness, then you are not going to see the world as your enemy or everybody else as the problem. You are going to think, “I can generate my own happiness.” It's important for people when they are stuck in those things to do whatever they can to at least experience a little taste of that other side because once you are there, you are not going to go back to remaining in a rut.

I know you are a big Tony Robbins guy. You've been to his seminars and he's wonderful. I still need to go to one of his things. One of the things that he said that I like to bring up as much as I can because it's so important and I feel like it also makes life simple is, “When you operate on a belief system that life is happening for you, not to you, it changes everything.” It's 100% true.

Self Discovery: Life is happening for you, not to you. It changes everything.

Think about that for a second. If you are going, “Life happens to me,” you are stepping into that victim mode. Let's say you break up with somebody you are truly in love with or they dump you and you think, “Life happens to me,” you are going to wallow in your sadness. You are going to feel bad. You are going to do whatever you can to get them back. You are going to watch 100 hours of stupid TikTok videos telling you all this bullshit.

If you are like, “Life happens for me,” it was like, “I was meant to learn this lesson. I am meant to grow somehow and maybe now I'm going to be closer to meeting the person I'm meant to be with. What can I learn from this relationship that's going to make me stronger in the next?” That's one example. Another example, I was dying to get a meeting with this one person. It’s so hard to get a meeting with this person. They were going to be in the office that day and I was going to meet them. I was like, “Perfect. He's going to come in. I'm going to meet him. I'm going to win him over and it's going to be great.”

I get notified by his friend, “He's going to the office.” I'm like, “Perfect. Let him know.” I get an email from his team going, “We got an event at the office, we are going to have to cancel in-person meetings,” and I'm like, “This sucks.” I then go, “Life happens for me.” Also, that day I wasn't feeling as energetic as I normally would. I felt a little clouded. I probably wouldn't have had the best first impression. Needless to say, I haven't met him yet, but I keep getting closer to people that know him even better. I won't say the guy's name, but I was at a meeting with one of his best friends and the book was sitting in front, he took a picture and he sent it to the guy with my website.

It's amazing when you go, “Life is happening for me, not to me.” I will bring this up. I had a guy as I'm starting to date again. I forget that there are mean people in the world. I'm trying to go on this like, “Everybody has a good heart.” I'm somebody who's like, “Don't sleep with people if you are not in a relationship.” That's the new me. I have had my fair share of fun.

This person told me exactly what I wanted to hear to get exactly what they wanted, and then essentially said something rude about something that I believed in and I never heard from him again. Normally, that would be so devastating and I would start questioning, “What did I do? Where did I go wrong? How could I have been different? How could it have been better?” I said, “Thank you for dodging a bullet. Holy crap. This person is crazy,” and it was over. I'm on the life happens for me, not to me.

Imagine you were with them for 6 months or 1 year, and then find out what their true colors are. It's always a blessing.

I said, “It’s a bummer, but life happens for me. I got some action.” There were cobwebs starting to grow. At least I got some action. It was good. I can't say it was bad. I'm like, “I can wait another six months.”

I believe that the universe is conspiring in our favor always at all times no matter what we think. We have to zoom out to see, “This didn't work out with this person.” Was it supposed to be if you have a heightened state of awareness? Did this person display the qualities which I am seeking? It will always reveal itself. As long as you are on your personal path, the right person will show up at the right time for you.

Sometimes when you look back at life, you are like, “Why do certain things happen?” I always tell my friends this when they are upset about some guy or girl they were dating. When you write a self-help book, you become the number one person for people to go to. They will say to me, “Should I write this? Am I overthinking?”

My advice to anyone, whether it's business, romance, or friendship is, “Never send in a text what you are not comfortable with them showing to a friend. Make sure you reread it. You might be angry, have emotions, or feel hurt. If you are okay with them showing it to five of their friends, ‘Look what this person wrote me,’ then send it. If you are not, do not send it. How you feel in that moment is going to be different than how you feel next week. Time is the cure for everything.”

Self Discovery: How you feel in that moment will be different from how you feel next week. Time is the cure for everything.

That's good advice for anyone. Any text message you send, like an employee, business partner, friend, or anyone, imagine anything that you are going to send out is going to be shared with somebody, so is it okay for you to send it?

Think if it would be in the paper for the next day and your mother's going to see it. We get in the heat of the moment. Trust me, we have all sent texts that are like, “I hope they erase that old chain,” back in the day. You just don't know. I always think that no matter how hurt you are, you may feel good at the moment if you are mean or say explicitly about them. Once you are over it, you are like, “You are not going to feel that great about it.”

Maybe at the moment, you are like, “Fuck that asshole,” and that feels good. Two days later, you are like, “I wish I never said that. That didn't do me any good. It gave me a quick high and now I'm like, ‘That's who I am and I don't care anymore.’” Somehow subconsciously, I have always been wired that way a lot, which is good because I don't have a bad reputation. You knew me when I got my heart shattered years ago. I was like, “This was the love of my life.” It’s the best thing that ever happened to me because I grew so much, but I never said anything mean to him even though I was so hurt.

He couldn't even give me the closure I needed. I had to work even harder to get out of that horrible mental state and depression, but I did and I grew and it was the biggest growth forever. Because I never resorted to being mean because it wasn't who I was, that person and I are still friends. He goes out of his way to come say, “Hi.” He bought my book. He listens to my podcast.” Now, it's done, but we are friends. I was like, “This is great. Had I reacted and been like, ‘Fuck you,’ we wouldn't be friends.”

Forgiveness is more for us than it is for the other person.

It always is. That's why when I got that thing that happened to me with that guy. I wrote back. I responded in a way that he might have found cuckoo. I knew if he shared it with multiple people, they would be like, “What a nice person. You were wrong. She was right.” I was saying, “Just because you may not agree with somebody, it doesn't mean you have to wish harm upon them.” That's what's causing this hatred in this very difficult world. When you can't stand somebody, you should pray for them instead. When you pray for them or you compliment them before you insult them, the insult loses its power.

When you can't stand somebody, you should pray for them, and when you pray for them or compliment them before you insult them, the insult loses its power.

You disarm them 100%. You don't know how to react.

That's what I wrote to what he said. I'm sure at that moment he was probably like, “Life is great. Rainbows,” but I'm happy I sent that. I'm like, “I hope he showed everybody that text.” He didn't because I put him in his place of shame in a good way. That's another message and it's another piece of advice I have been telling people too. It's easy to be like, “I can't stand this person,” especially with the divisiveness and politics. Before you insult somebody, you compliment them. You give them 2 or 3 compliments. I swear if somebody that works at The View is reading this, please book me on The View.

They need to have you as a full-time person.

Not full-time. I don't want that much negative energy around me, but I feel like they should bring me on for a segment. I could flip these women around. They'd all be happier. The show would be better. Their viewership would be more positive. Here's the thing, it's nonstop hatred and it's like, “Who watches this crap?”

It's intentional. They do it to rile people's emotions up.

Here's the thing, I want to go on The View. We are going to have a rule on this episode. Before you insult anybody, you have to say two nice things about them. They can be as simple as, “Great suit, nice hair, or nice voice.” You have to say 2 to 3 things that are nice about the person, and then you can say whatever you want. I guarantee you the whole thing would change.

It's great advice. Trust me. I have said compliments about people that I never thought I would, but all of a sudden, the need to insult them went away. It's gone. The View people must go home so miserable. I don't watch that because I have a job, but when I do see clips of it, it's like, “What is happening here? This is such a hate-filled thing,” but the devil's here. I'm not saying he's on The View.

Some might disagree with that.

People like to tune into this drama, which is why it’s reality television and I create reality television. It's so popular because you get that drama, but we don't always need that drama. Fear obviously sells, which is why people keep clicking into the news. I have been in New York. I am at a great place and a fantastic neighborhood. I got so lucky. However, there's no television in my room and I'm always running around. There's a big living room, but instead of a TV, there's a grand piano. It’s beautiful, but I don't have the ability to watch the news or turn on the news. I will go to business news to get all that stuff that I need, but I have never felt happier.

It's a vampiric energy. I will recommend book for you too after we get off. It talks about the pendulum and how this energy needs both sides. It needs the division because it could swing harder and harder, and it's constantly feeding this energy to get this thing in motion. This entity on its own keeps growing on its own. It's its own life force, but everybody who feeds into it, like any debates that we have about say the jab, people's rights, abortion, or whatever it is, you need both sides to get so fueled in their anger and hatred in order to create this.

What if we step off these pendulums and realize, “Everybody's looking to be happy and looking to live a good life in the way that they think they should?” it’s understanding and respecting the fact that other people might disagree with you on something, but not hating somebody for the ability to express their own free will. This is a lot of the problem with politics, it's like the WWE. You think that in the world of limitless possibility, there are only two sides to every argument. Why does that make any sense on the planet?

If you have a business and you have one decision to make, it's never binary. There are always many options that you can choose from. Yet, the same parties. They are getting further and further divided. At the end of the day, they all go to the same parties afterward. They all shake each other's hands when the cameras turn off. It is a show to absorb our energy. The more energy we give it, the more power we are giving them and the less power we hold ourselves. It's important to stay autonomous and off these pendulums because you don't want to be a cog in their wheel.

That's why when I gave that example before when somebody said something to me, they are like, “You are so great, but the problem with her is she's like this.” Instead of feeling like, “Something's wrong with me.” I'm like, “Yeah. Your point is?” I owned it. All of a sudden, it went away. Had I fought back and like, “That's not true. I don't know what you are talking about,” I fed the energy.

Instead, I was like, “Yeah, so?” It's amazing when you own shit, how everything loses what it was supposed to do. You are like, “Okay.” It’s the greatest way to win an argument. You'll win every time. They start arguing with you and be like, “I agree. Makes sense. Thanks for bringing it up.” Even though you may not agree, you win in the energy field.

You are zapping them into continuing the flow because when you don't argue back with them, they have nothing to say, then it ends. We are both big crypto people and you've had the pleasure of interviewing some of the biggest names in crypto on your podcast Next to Madison, and I have been on the podcast twice. Tell us about what you are hearing about all this going on. It looks to me like it was a setup from day one and the fact that this guy has been partnering with the FTX, I'm sure most people know about what's going on. Do you want to give the breakdown of what's happening or do you want me to do it?

Here's the thing. There's obviously any time something big happens, you are going to get what people refer to as conspiracy theories, which all seem to be the truth. What's the difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory? Six months. I'm not saying that they are, but there are a lot of circles if you go back to it to where you are like, “The timing was odd to become that successful overnight is nearly impossible.”

The pieces weren't making sense and the fact that nobody was watching these people, especially after a huge collapse where billionaires got almost wiped out which was Terra Luna, which you were affected by, then Celsius came, and then Voyager. I don't know if Voyager was for Celsius, but all these things came that nobody was keeping a better eye on this person and that he kept getting richer and richer. He was like this white knight that could never be touched.

The whole thing is when you can print your own money, and that's what they did by the issuance of this coin to plop stuff up, but then they are saying that he was behind maybe the collapse of Terra. He was behind these other things to bring down the competition. He was also in Congress fighting for regulation for crypto, but all these other crypto influencers were like, “This doesn't help us. This helps you. It doesn't help the people. Crypto is for the people.”

It only helps the people with all the money.

They were fighting back on it, and then everybody loved this kid. They couldn't go through the bull market. Things started to collapse and then everything was exposed. I feel like there's so much that we are not hearing, but here's the thing. A lot of these companies will have an earned program where you can earn a good percentage because you are taking the risk of them lending it out. They were lending your crypto and taking positions on it without telling you so you weren't getting any benefit anyways. They were using it as their own piggy bank, and then it came out that he raised $469 million for the company, but $300 million of which he took personally.

He took a personal loan of $1 billion dollars using customer funds. Let me explain it real quick. When you put your money, Bitcoin, Ethereum, or whatever coins you have on their exchange FTX, they are supposed to hold those coins in custody and they could do rewards programs and things like that through very non-risky loan assets because when they are loaning people out, they are holding 3 or 4 times more of the value of their coins in order to give them cash.

Once the loan is paid off, they would give them back their crypto out of custody. They were taking all these funds. They were co-mingling them and then they had elevator research which is their hedge fund essentially. They were loaning back and forth billions of dollars of customer funds. When the liquidator came in because they declared bankruptcy, he said that there was no track record of anyone's money and how it was being held separately. Everything was essentially all together. There were no records of individual people who had coins on there or what they had.

It's so crazy because the FTX platform is partnered with so many different organizations. The World Economic Forum was their go-to crypto people. He was giving a speech at The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. They were partnered with Ukraine. All that money that was sent by our government over there. Ukraine was depositing in FTX. There are so many weird things. They donated $40 million in this last cycle to the Democratic party and some Republicans as well.

It shows you all these people are working together. The craziest part about it is that at the very end, once they declared bankruptcy, there was a hack and all this money, all of a sudden, disappeared off the exchange. All this liquid cash and then all their data got deleted. How is this all happening all at once? There's so much money laundering going on here. Sam Bankman-Fried was shown to be paying himself $1 billion in a personal loan. What is he doing with that money?

He's not going to be doing much considering he's looking at a life sentence.

Let's see if he takes the fall for it because there are quite a few people involved, probably people we don't even know about. The head legal counsel was also behind that poker scandal where they were years ago. The same exact thing happened. There was a fail-safe in the system where all the money was sent off-site and it went missing. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but all these factors are not kosher. It does not make any sense unless it was set up like this from the beginning to become a money laundering organization.

Here's the thing too. We may find out exactly what happened or we may not. There could be some very powerful people that are in bed with this. Was he a fall guy? Did they create this? Did they help create this for a money laundering thing? There are 1 million things and rabbit holes you can go down. Karma's real. Here's the thing about the blockchain. It's a public ledger.

There are probably multiple banks on Wall Street, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, you name it, who have done some shady shit. That is illegal, but you don't have access to their ledgers. It's not public. You don't know. They could have done the exact same thing, money laundering, illegal shit, and they were able to cover their tracks and bounce back. I'm not accusing, but let's be real.

They also have fractional reserve banking. If they have $100 in deposits, they can loan out $1,000. They then loan that $1,000 out and they can vote, loan another $1,000 out based on each $100 that they have.

The blockchain is public. You can follow this hack that happened in real-time and how it's going. It's transferring here, then it's transferring there, and then it's going to this wallet. Like Ethereum, they are thinking it's going to totally dump, which is fine by me because I got to pick up some because I was a little bit affected. I'm like, “Dump it.” Should I put a buy-limit order on it like $600, because they are going to dump all this ETH? They became the second largest holder of ETH because they hacked the system. People are like, “Is it Sam? Is it Caroline?” I call her Harry Potter. She looks like Harry Potter. Who are these people?

These people look like goblins.

The next time somebody looks like they dress up as Harry Potter and fuck their friends, I'm going to be like, “Hard pass. I'm out.” Before you've been like, “They are nerds. They know what they are doing,” Hard fucking pass. I'm like, “How did nobody see this coming?” I'm like, “If you look like you dress up like an animal to have sex with people, I'm out.”

The weirdest part about it is these large funds like Sequoia. How do they not do any due diligence or were they in on this? Who knows what's the truth? They didn't have any accounting system whatsoever.

That's the thing too. I know people that sold portions of their funds to this company and they are totally blindsided. They felt duped and sleeping with the enemy type thing. You can only do so much corruption and so much bad for so long without getting caught. Was this God, was this the Universe saying, “Enough?”

We are calling this time period that we are in the great awakening, and as the cards keep falling, people are getting wiser about what's going on and how corrupt and dark our world is. The more that everybody sees how evil these people are that we once put on a pedestal, they will start to wake up and then bring in more light and we can fight the ETH or Jesus comes back, one or the other.

Self Discovery: But the more people see that everybody sees how evil these people are, that we once put on a pedestal, they will start to wake up and bring in more light.

That was a beautiful clip right there. Going back to the blockchain, you are right. Blockchain technology has not failed ever since Bitcoin was started. It was designed to be decentralized. All the things that are happening with all the scams going on in traditional finance being involved in cryptocurrency are showing them how corrupt those guys are, the centralization of power, and how bad it is whether it's in politics, money, or anything. Crony capitalism is the type of finance we have in this world right now. It's not real capitalism. What happened right now is not real blockchain. Blockchain has not failed since day one.

It's not a scam. Centralization is a fucking scam. When you give people too much power and they go from having a 4-inch cock to a 12-inch cock, you are in trouble. It’s power of the penis.

The power to the people is decentralization. That's our take on crypto. What's next for you, Madison? After this book, I'm sure it was a transformational experience, first of all, to write down all your major thoughts in life and to have them in print. It must feel accomplishment to have it written down so it's not all in your head now. What are you doing next?

It's very in-person. I feel like I published my diary which is fun. I had to give my real-life experiences to be able to verify and be like, “This is why I know how to help you because this is what I went through.” I had to put a lot of personal stuff in there. I can't say too much. I will come back on it, but this has led to another great opportunity. It’s not necessarily in the self-help area, but I have more novels coming out in 2023. I'm very excited about that.

There will be another self-help book. I'm going through a bunch of these crazy exercises in the self-help success area to figure out and try to crack the code for myself. That will be another book, but then other books are coming. I'm creating shit that I can, but I'm going with the flow. I'm trying not to be like, “What's next for me?”

It's amazing what one great thing leads to the next great thing and the next great thing, and so it's good. I'm going to say this in a positive way. Besides more books, I don't know what's next and I'm happy about that because I want to let it come to me. I don't want to be closed to opportunities that I didn't see coming. That's that. In Amazon or Barnes & Noble, the hardback is now available. I'm happy about that.

One great thing leads to the next great thing.

How can we find out about you? What's the best place to go?

You can go to my website, MadisonMalloy.com. It's got a link to buy the book. I will eventually be going on a speaking tour so that information will be there as well. You can follow me on Instagram @RealMadisonMalloy. you can follow me on Twitter @MadisonMalloy. TikTok @RealMadisonMalloy. Buy the book on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. If you want to stalk me, I'm extremely easy to find. How about it?

Welcome back to Instagram. I know that your account got hacked.

My account got hacked and it was so hard to build it back. By the grace of God, I became friends with somebody and I started working on a project for them, and they were so kind to introduce me to their social media company, and these people are unbelievable. They are not cheap, but they are so good. I don't see all the behind-the-scenes stuff, but all my friends were like, “Who are these people? They are annoying, by the way.” They are saying that, not me. I love them.

They are like, “Every time I open my Instagram, you are on my discover page. Every time I scroll through, you pop up. You are everywhere.” It's leading to a bigger buildup, so that's been good. I came to New York to sell a book and I'm leaving with new friends, opportunities, and a new best girlfriend that I fell in love with in a friendly way. She's my PR person that has changed my life. We have changed each other's life. There are people I'm hanging out with. Maybe I will leave New York with a new best friend and the love of my life and countless opportunities. It's limitless. Anything can happen.

Thank you so much for coming on, Madison. You are such an inspiration. I love seeing the growth in your life and all the success. I'm blessed to have you as a friend. Thank you so much.

The feeling is mutual. Thank you for having me.

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 About Madison Malloy

 From minimizing financial risks on Wall Street to crafting risqué jokes for crowds in some of New York City's most prominent comedy clubs, Madison Malloy's journey through adulthood has been one for the books— well, one book, specifically: Time to Lighten the F*ck Up: A Self-Help Guide with A Side of Humor, her debut self-help guide.

Before becoming a comedian, the host of the Next to Madison Podcast, producer and checking 'author' off her ever-expanding resume, Madison's degree in finance led her from her home in Denver, Colorado, to her stint as a fixed-income sales trader on Wall Street. Following the market crash of 2008, she jumped into a whole new adventure by pursuing her dream of performing her comedy routine for audiences across NYC.

Over the next 12 years, she would write and produce reality TV shows, discover her love of entrepreneurship, and become a proud crypto enthusiast.

Motivated to help others overcome negativity, find financial freedom, and boost their confidence to cultivate lives they'll love, Madison's authenticity, humor, and (tastefully placed) expletives within Time to Lighten the F*ck Up encourage readers to carve their own bold paths to self-discovery.

Relatable, hysterical, and ready to inspire, Madison is here to remind us all that on the way to leveling up, we’ll need to lighten the f*ck up, too.


Episode 61: Love, Self, And Reality: My Visionary Experience With Grandmother Ayahuasca


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