Episode 67: Pranic Living, Kundalini Activation, And Dissolving Ego With Marnix de Stigter

Have you ever tried to check your own identity or ego? How about utterly demolishing it with the full force of Shiva's energy? In this episode, we break out Shiva's trident and get to work. Our guest today, Marnix de Stigter, a wedding photographer, shares his journey of relinquishing ego in exchange for freedom and bliss. Only by finding true bliss in every moment; we overcome the limited emotional states of the mind and expand our heart and soul awareness to limitless levels. Although this year showed many glimpses and resulted in the breaking down of the concept of self, seeking remained. Do not miss this episode if you want to find freedom and bliss.

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Pranic Living, Kundalini Activation, And Dissolving Ego With Marnix de Stigter

Have you ever tried to check your own identity or ego? How about utterly demolishing it with the full force of Shiva energy? Our guest has been on a journey of relinquishing his ego in exchange for freedom and bliss. By finding true bliss in every moment, we can overcome the limited emotional states of the mind and expand our heart and soul awareness to limitless levels.

Marnix de Stigter left a highly successful several-year engineering career because he felt the need to let go of the constant feeling of unrest that resulted in the need to constantly do something. A period of over a year ensued in which Marnix spent sitting on park benches and walking around until this need fell away, and he could simply be comfortable with being. Although 2023 showed many glimpses and resulted in the breaking down of the concept of self, seeking remained.

After this period, he went back into the world and has worked as a wedding photographer ever since. He won the Top Ten Wedding Photographers in the World awards in his 1st year and the prestigious International Wedding Photographer of the Year Award in his 2nd year. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and shares non-duality teachings and gives Kundalini energy and breathwork sessions. He loves dancing, photography, spending time in nature, and sharing insights on the subject of duality.


Welcome to the show. How are you?

I am good. Thanks for having me.

We had the beautiful experience of being in Egypt together for eleven days. I got to learn so much about you. You gave a couple of talks on chronic living and living from a non-dualistic perspective. You were a Kundalini activator for us. You had many amazing energy that you shared with the group. It was one of the highlights of the trip getting to know you. I wanted to get deeper and find out more about you and your story. This is a blessing for me to have you on.

Thanks so much. I appreciate it. It was a beautiful trip. I meet many wonderful people. It is awesome to know you.

I got back on March 7th, 2023. How have you been since the trip?

Egypt is a magical place. It is a real connection with Egypt apart from the fact that I thought the pyramids were interesting, and I will visit them one day. Suddenly, everything came into acceleration. I was like, “That is where I'm going.” That is how things go in my life. Suddenly, something is on my path. That is what we are doing. I'm happy I went. It was such energy there, and the different locations. We had such an amazing group. It all came together quite beautifully.

The magical souls that ended up there were like the soul family when we were born. We were disconnected, and all of a sudden, we came to this beautiful moment in humanity. It is such an important time. All of us had such a unique story about how we ended up on this trip and got to connect. What were the synchronicities that happened for you to make the decision to go to Egypt?

A few years ago, someone recommended me the book The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean. That book, which is a weird book, talked about lying in the King's Chamber in the sarcophagus in complete darkness after long periods of not eating. It ticked all the boxes. I was like, “That is the things I do for fun. I would love to go there, but how on earth do you get into the Great Pyramids and lie in the sarcophagus?” That sounds impossible. The next day, I saw on YouTube a recommendation of this podcast where Robert Edward Grant is. He talks about, “I have the key for the Great Pyramids, and I lie in the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber. I also do trips over there.” I was like, “I will be signing up.”

That is similar to my experience, being on a private tour overnight in the pyramids. I had the opposite. I have been drawn to Egypt ever since I was a young kid. I was watching all these different movies like Indiana Jones and ancient history, going on expeditions, and unlocking the secrets of humanity, even little shows like DuckTales. I don't know if you remember that cartoon. Scrooge McDuck brought his nephews to the pyramids. It was always in my mind, and I always had dreams about it. In 2023, I had many dreams. The opportunity came to go on this trip.

The first thing I did was send in my application. I said, “Let's do it.” I was like, “Maybe this is not the right time.” I was trying to make up all these mind stories, which fucks us in the end. I said, “No.” The opportunity came again because I kept having dreams. My friend Brent, who you met, told me about it. I'm like, “I still have dreams. This is a sign. I need to go.” I signed up, and it was perfect.

Many things have unlocked since then, not just the people I met but also business opportunities. It is a wonderful experience. I’m blessed to be able to have had this experience. Anytime my intuition tells me something, I got to say yes. I got to go for it because you only regret the things you don't do, not the things that you do. Can you tell us a little bit about your background? You have such a beautiful story. We could go into it pretty deep if you like and explain how you had this transition in your life.

I have an engineering background. I'm quite the geek. I studied Industrial Design Engineering. For many years, I worked as an engineer mostly in China, optimizing products and factories for sending medical equipment to the West. During my entire youth study, I always had an affinity with meditation and kung fu. Over time, that grew stronger.

After working several years as a freelance engineer, that life changed dramatically. I tagged off all the boxes that life or society tells you, “That is what you need when in order to be happy.” Having beautiful girlfriends, a beautiful house, a lot of money, traveling, and healthy, you are supposed to be happy. I remember when I was walking past the mirror, and I realized, “Why do you look pissed off if you have ticked off all the boxes?” That was the beginning of everything starting to crumble. I ended up my relationship, moved out of the house, and quit my job.

A good friend knew I was into meditation, but I only did basic meditation. He said, “You should do ten days of fast and an hour retreat. Ten days of silence, not looking at other people, ten hours per day of meditation, observing the system and everything under the mind. I thought, “That is quite extreme, but why not? Let's try this.”

It was quite bizarre because, for four days straight, I heard my own voice saying, “You should go home. Meditate for 2 hours and work for 10 hours. At least, you will get something done.” That was quite dysfunctional, but there was this split in my psyche that could observe the thoughts completely. It was like, “This is bizarre.”

 It is not even my thought but the thought of the entire society because when you meet other people, it's like, “How are you doing?” You are supposed to say you are busy. That is like a barometer for how much you are worth. Instead, if you say, “Not much. I'm chilling,” people are like, “You are not helping. You are supposed to be doing stuff and making the world better.”

It was clear that if I followed this voice inside my head for the rest of my life, I would be a slave to it. In this fast and retreat, the basic is that you sit and observe any sensation in your system and any thought that comes up. I decided, “After those ten days, I'm not going to take any engineering job for the next few weeks. I will sit on the couch. I have my phone out of hand reach.” Whenever I felt the need to grab my phone, I would stop and say, “Why can't I simply be? Why do I have to do stuff all the time? What is this desire for this dopamine hit to cover up something I don't want to feel?” It was quite intense, but at the same time, I loved it.

Relinquishing Ego: In this Vipassana retreat, you observe any sensation in your system or any thought that comes up.

I live next to the park here in the City Centre of Rotterdam. I thought, “After those two weeks, why not extend this and sit on park benches or walk around a bit or around the city?” Those 2 weeks turned into 2 months. Those 2 months turned into well over 1 year where I sat and walked to become comfortable with being and not having to do stuff all the time. That was the biggest change that led to a lot of big shifts and crazy experiences. It led me with was trust in life that life knows, and the entire concept of who I am started to crumble more. That is the short version of what happened.

In Rotterdam, it gets pretty cold. You were there even in the wintertime all day long.

I didn't sleep outside. I spent 6, 8, and sometimes 14 hours outside walking.

During this time, especially when you are first new to doing an experience like this, were there times you were like, “I need to get back to the real world and start working again?” What are you doing here? Were those thoughts coming up?

I didn't have any income. It would be like, “Can I pay rent this month?” Always something last minute someone would drop by, it is like, “Could you take a picture of me? Could you help me one day with engineering issues?” A former employee has my pension plan. They said, “You haven't worked in many years. Do you want to buy off your pension plan and get some lump sum?”

Always the last minute, something would come to me, and I would be able to make ends meet. It resulted in such trust in life. It was funny because I was happy for simply being. I didn't need anything else. Still, nowadays, you can put me anywhere. It doesn't matter how busy it is. To have that constant need and ease fall away are the biggest blessing. I wish it for anyone.

When you started reflecting back on your life previously, who was Marnix as a person back then? You had a love for meditation and all these tuitions to seek more, but who is he as a person versus who you are now?

I used to be quite a nervous kid. As a young child, I felt a lot of stress and tension, but I was always aware that was something that was in the way of being happy. From a young age, I become aware of, “There is a tension in my system.” I was 8 or 9 was the first time I couldn't sleep at night. I started observing my body. I realized, “I'm tense all over.” The moment I realized that I could let go and I fell asleep immediately.

I had a lot of stress during a family situation of my parents not getting along. For many years straight, I would have nosebleeds, which sometimes lasted up to two hours. It would keep on going. I only noticed this later on. This was a way for the system to relieve the stress that was trapped in the body. I had one talk with psychologists. After that one talk, I never had a nosebleed anymore because it suppresses the tension in the household and tries to contain it, but it has to come out. I have to let it go, not resist, and hold on. It was clear how much the mind and the body are connected.

We are all tea kettles. We have to release it somehow. Some people go to alcohol, drugs, meditation, yoga, Kundalini, and activation. There are many different variables. Once we start transmuting some things that are not necessarily great for us health-wise and transmuting into something positive for us, activation starts happening inside the body, and the awareness starts flowing in. Once you get that awareness and your problems go away, that is everything in life when we get to that place of a-ha moments. It was like you get to that next level in life. You rarely ever have to repeat the same situation or experience once you unlock that secret.

Once we start transmuting some things that are not necessarily great for us health-wise into something positive for us, activation starts to happen inside the body, and then the awareness flows in.

It is such a relief. The term enlightenment, I love the part light in it. Life is much lighter. It was like you put down a heavy backpack. Even after that year in the park, there was still a seeking behavior trying to find out what still needed to be done for liberation to occur. It took several years until the last seeking energy seemed to have dropped.

As a result, there is this absence of resistance to whatever arises. I can find myself irritated or happy. I love both the Tao Te Ching and the Bible. They talk about becoming like a newborn child. Young children don't have this concept of how life should be. They find themselves happy and sad. That is how it flows. It is similar to this resistance, which is based on a concept we have of ourselves.

When you live with a concept of yourself, you're limited, and life never matches up to this concept you have of yourself. You are fighting it all the time because you need to uphold this idea you have of yourself. You come up with excuses why life isn't matching up to this idea you have of yourself. It is such a burden. You are fighting the entire time. Why can't you simply be? Why do you have to be this or that and be simply without this label and fighting the discrepancy that is going on?

Many of us have the tendency to build our own prison of the mind, where we are brick by brick with every single interaction we have, “This person looks like this.” Every time someone looks like that, they are going to be the same way. it’s creating this little box around yourself and not being fully present at the moment. I love talking about what our guests think about, what is limitless, and what it is to live limitlessly. For you, what does living a limitless life mean?

By definition, if you take yourself to be this or that and put it more concrete, if you take yourself to be this body, thoughts, emotion, sensations, or title, “I'm a photographer. I'm an engineer. I'm a Kundalini activation practitioner,” all these labels can be okay for the story. If you take yourself to be that, by definition, you are limiting yourself.

If you say, “I'm A and not B,” what you truly are is in conflict because everyone knows there is this deep-seated clarity in us that we are limitless. Whenever you say, “I'm this or that,” you are fighting that. To be truly limitless, you have to let go of the concept of yourself, of being this person that is trying to make ends meet, has to fight and uphold his or her personality, like, “I'm this.”

To be limitless, you must let go of the concept of yourself. Fight and uphold your personality.

I have been thinking about this. The more you try to build your life in the direction of your dreams, you build your ego, identity, and labels. In the reality that we live in, unless we go and meditate in a cape somewhere in Tibet, how do you navigate and dance through the waters of life when there is a certain element of currency we need to have? In order to feel limitless and be able to have limitless experiences, how do we navigate that without the identity and ego but still have those experiences that we want without living in this matrix?

In Egypt, when I woke up in the middle of the night and had to write down this poem about when we have this concept of what we want, even what we want is a limitation because our wants and desires often come from a pain in the past that we try to overcome. I want to be rich because I felt poor. I want to be strong because I was weak and bullied as a small child.

The poem is called Why Limit Yourself. This is it, “Why limit yourself to merely what you could want for when so much more is there for you to be received? Trust, let go, and die fully into the unfathomable depths of your own unconditionality.” What I try to express there is whenever the mind comes up with an idea, like, “I like to achieve that,” there is laughter inside.

It is almost saying, “Why pollute the road with your pity little ideas of what you think you should need in order to be happy when you let go of God or divine life can give you something far beyond your imagination?” To be empty of this story of self results in the most fluent and beautiful expression of life. I don't want to pollute it with my own dreams and desires.

Our own thinking is what limits us. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about going into the quantum field where there is nothingness, and everything is potential. During one of the talks you gave, you talked about the Shiva and Shakti energy and how there is only creation in the absence of creation. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

At a young age, I was already lying in the garden at night and looking up at the stars. I realized there are only two things. There is energy and an absence of energy. It was only later on that I realized like, “That absence of energy is the Shiva aspect. That is complete emptiness that is the Shiva, The Destroyer.” This complete emptiness allows for absolute potential. That is the Shakti. It converts any form that she likes. In order for that form to arise, it needs a substratum. A basis, the Shiva, on which it can be built. Everyone has their own path as many souls as there are a similar amount of paths to liberation.

I'm a mind-dominated person with an engineering background. Jnana yoga resonated a lot with self-inquiry. There are two parts to it. First, you disidentify from the level of form by asking questions like, “Who am I?” The netty process, like, “I'm not my body. I'm not my bot. I'm not my emotions.” You sweep the floor until that what you are remains. You don't even give it a name or a concept because that would be something you can hold onto.

When you are established, at least to a certain degree there, you can dive in again. After this Vedantic part, you go into the Tantric part. You are able to embrace life completely to dive into the richness of this moment without the fear of losing yourself. It is normal that we are entrenched in the world of form. We think only in form. First, we get out and see, “I'm this that knows and sees everything in which everything occurs.”

This splits a bit like a little bit of, “I can't be touched. I'm the observer.” It is a normal thing because the world of form has hurt. This is a safe haven, but it becomes a bit cold and distant. Some people feel the need to stay there. I can imagine why. For me, there was the need to dive into life fully and embrace every moment. After that year of sitting in a park, I found myself like, “I want to dive into a life completely.” That is when I decided to go into wedding photography. I had been shooting one wedding per year because friends would ask me. I almost see that was a reintegration process into real life.

I have an ayahuasca experience where I realize the temporary nature of everything. The oceans reseeded and came back in the waves. It is going to be an eternal process. There is going to be creation and destruction. In the macro sense, the universe and the sun are someday get destroyed. It is also in our lives. To be able to make the decision every day when I go to bed, I got the intuition that I need to be able to burn everything to ash. Everything that I have is going to someday not be there, whether it is my body, relationships, or my beautiful little dog.

Relinquishing Ego: There will be creation and destruction.

Coming to the understanding that there is going to be that time of Shiva when nothing is there, and the ash is the seed for the next process of creation. When I can do that on every single day basis of going to bed knowing that, “Whatever happened now is over. Whatever thoughts I had about anyone, let's leave that in the past, and now let's create.” The moment we start bringing in those thoughts from yesterday into now, we are building that prison of our mind when we are looking at things from the same box.

Our perspective keeps getting narrower. We could continue to do this over and over, or we can make the decision to look at life through a child's eyes. The other thing I will say is when you come out of that place of the observer, I was trying to do that a lot during COVID and understanding, “There is so much chaos going on.” I step outside for a second. I was getting deep into these meditations that there were a lot of things happening in my life where people around me were passing. There were many people that passed away during these few years for whatever reason.

I was finding myself not feeling the emotion that I normally would. It was worrisome to me that I was disconnecting from being in this life versus trying to be in a higher state of consciousness. You realize that is also a flow of like getting to that place of that quantum field where everything is potential and diving back into this life and appreciating this gratitude for this beautiful thing that we have is an experience. Why not play full out and fully embrace each moment in every situation?

People close to me fall away. I was a bit shocked that I wasn't as affected as I thought I should be, but it became clear that we also have this idea in our society. That love is shown through strong emotions like grief. I had a friend once. Her mom passed away. She was holding on to this grief for many years. We dove into it. If you dive into the feeling, what is it you feel you want to achieve with this grief?

Her grief was linked to her way of showing love to her mom and respect for her mom, which is understandable, but at the same time, dysfunctional because it was preventing her from living her life. If her mom saw her in that stage, she would slap her out of it like, “You are here on earth. Enjoy it to the max, and stop with this silly game of thinking you should be sad for my absence because it is preventing you from living.”

It is quite recognizable what you said that you felt a little bit like, “Is there something wrong with me?” I have had this many times. The basic pattern that we inherit from our society is the dysfunctional part, similar to pride and shame. We hold on very much to our identities of, “I did something wrong in the past, and now I feel ashamed. I did something right, and now I feel good about myself.”

Beyond high or low self-esteem is no self-esteem. It is nice to have high self-esteem than low self-esteem but. With no self-esteem, there is no story of self, and you flow with whatever arises. That weight of the story of self drops. I find myself sometimes surprised at how happy I am, regardless of life's circumstances. That is something I try to communicate and help people with to find that in themselves. What you are and what is such, Ananda, knowing being bliss is your true nature. You don't need any circumstance to be able to touch that.

Beyond high or low self-esteem is no self-esteem. It's nicer to have high self-esteem than low self-esteem, but with no self-esteem, there's no story of self, and you flow with whatever arises.

We have to realize that happiness, joy, inner bliss, and Ananda are within us. It took me a long time. My name is Anand. It means eternal bliss and trying to go through life, trying to seek out happiness and pleasure everywhere else but inside myself. it’s developing that relationship with myself and looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself, “I love you, and thank you. I’m grateful for the life that you chose and the hardships, struggles, victories, beauty, and love, all of it. You are the one common denominator in your life. Why do you think everything else on the outside was the cause of these beautiful things?”

Once you get into that place of, “You are that creator.” Why would you create any guilt or any sadness inside the mind rather than focus on what you truly are when you strip away everything else? That is light and love. I love that you dedicated many years of your life to healing off the layers of the onion because it is not easy. To have the time and the ability to do that takes a lot of dedication and trust in the universe and the plan for you. I want to segue into you, reentering into the reality of this 3D world and getting into photography because that is a beautiful story.

I have already been shooting weddings for several years. During my graduation, a good friend of mine said, “I love the pictures you make. Could you shoot pictures of my wedding?” I was like, “Sure, let's try.” I loved it so much. I even loved it more than my entire studies, but I was like, “No, I have been trained as an engineer. I want to spend time in China.”

That is what I did. Every year someone would call me up. They were like, “Do you want to shoot my wedding?” Every time I did, I was like, “I love this so much.” In Industrial design engineering, I loved it because it is creative and technical at the same time, but wedding photography is creative and technical. It is a connection with humans and a beautiful day celebrating love. It was the perfect mix.

After that year, sitting in a park, I decided, “Let's try this.” It exploded. For several years, it was here. It was like, “It is wedding photography. You love it. You are good at it.” When I had that, so much trust came. I decided, “Let's try this for one year. It would be nice to have twelve weddings for the next year.” This was in October and November 2022. The far came to mind as a marketing idea, and it worked well that within five weeks' time, I had booked 28 weddings. I was fully booked for the entire year.

A colleague recommended I participate in awards for winning photographers. It was bizarre. There are different awards. You have to find which one is linked to your style. In the first year, I ended up in the top ten of the world. A few years later, I won the award. I ended up winning International Wedding Photographer of the Year.

It is weird because it is like someone passing away. You didn't feel what you thought you should feel. I couldn't feel the price that you think you should have. I had colleagues who were like, “We have been doing this for many years, and suddenly, Marnix comes along out of nowhere.” I won prizes, and the people would call me up or send messages like, “You should celebrate this.” There is a true appreciation of the beautiful work. Even back then, the part of the ego that remained felt like it couldn't take any credit for it because of the absence of Marnix, the photographer, that the real beautiful pictures came.

You said you had the absence of Marnix. When you were taking photos, was it mostly you were in the flow, you weren’t thinking, there was no mind there, and it was being in that moment?

Mind isn't a problem. There are a lot of people who talk about mindfulness. Mindfulness is the first step to becoming aware that there is something behind the thoughts to realize, “I can also be without thoughts. I'm not dead. Thoughts aren't a crucial element to me. It can come and go. I'm still there to be more fully into the moment and not get lost in the story.”

Shakti is also a mind because it is a form. It is not a physical form, but you can distinguish it. It is clearly like a part of a car. That is a form. Once you are established enough in the Shiva aspect, the Shakti aspect can't take you away anymore. You can't lose yourself in it anymore. Thoughts aren't a problem. During photography, thoughts arise, but they are not seen as anything different than physical objects that arise.

Once you're established enough in the Shiva aspect, the Shakti aspect can't take you away anymore. You can't lose yourself in it anymore.

That is the main thing that is dropped in here. The concept of self started to break down. We all notice when you are in love, this contraction you have here in your chest, body, throat, or head that says, “I'm here. This is the outside world.” It dissolves. You and the other blend. Similarly, with a beautiful sunset or listening to a beautiful symphony, there is this relaxation of this tension. I would have had many experiences ever since where sometimes, for a few seconds or sometimes long periods, half an hour or 45 minutes, that entire contraction wouldn't just get weaker. It was gone entirely.

In those instances, it is clear that there is no time and space. Even the concept of I am makes no sense, and it would come back again. What it did was it started to break down dramatically this concept of who I thought I was. There was this clinginess holding onto those moments where that absence of contraction was there. It was like, “I need to go back there.”

It was only several years after sitting in a park that I was talking to a good friend of mine, who, unlike me, it was a gradual process. The first glimpse of awakening to complete liberation went fast in one year. Her entire life got turned upside down. For me, it was slow and gradual. She asked me the question, “Marnix, do you still feel seeking energy?” I tried to look into it. I said, “No, I don't seem to find it.”

A few days later, I did a Kundalini activation training to become a facilitator and fully dive into the Kundalini energy. I noticed something in my chest released. That night I went to bed, and before I fell asleep, I was thinking about what she had asked me. It was like, “Do you still feel that seeking energy?” I realized I still hold on a bit more to those moments where the contraction isn't there than the moments when the correct contraction is there. There is still this feeling of being here. I was like, “I was a bit surprised. There is still this seeking energy.” I fell asleep.

At 4:00 at night, I woke up, and for 45 minutes straight, I was laughing hysterically because I realized that whether the contraction was there or not, everything is made out of the same element, namely knowing even the concept of I, it is only based on knowing. I like this simple way of describing it. If you say, “I hear the birds.” We can dive into the I, and we could say, “We walked in a Vedantic path.” Am I my thoughts? No, my thoughts come and go. Am I my feelings? No, my body also changes, maybe more slowly, but no, that is not me.

There is something that knows the situation that hears the birds. I could change the word I to nowhere. I then hear the birds. Do I know if there is a bird? I could have mistaken it for something else. There might be a sound that resembles a bird. I might have been taking some hallucinogenic drug and think there was a bird, but there was no bird.

I might be in a dream. I woke up in the morning, and a few minutes ago, I was convinced there was a bird, but there wasn't a bird. It was all happening in my mind. I can't say there is a bird. The only thing I could say if I want to break it down still to the one main element is something is known. I hear the bird becomes I to nowhere hear the known, and we go to the verb.

That would connect the subject and the object. You could say, “Do I really know that heard it?” In a dream, if I had a dream and I was walking in a park, and I heard the bird. I woke up. It was like, “Was there an actual sound going into the ear being processed?” No. Even the verb hearing distills it down. There is knowing. I hear the bird becomes the nowhere knows the known.

All layers of life only consist of one thing, knowing, which is consciousness. Even the I, which knows, is only consciousness. It was clear that whether it is a contraction or not, it makes no sense. All there is, is this. That is what, in those moments when the contraction fell away, it was always clear. The only thing I could say is there is only this. I couldn't find myself. There is simply this. What arises one dance of being one beautiful expression of life unfolding? When you take that into life, wedding photography is one beautiful happening without the struggle of the separate self trying to deal with his pains and limitations.

It is beautiful the way you describe all this and how you break everything down. It is got to be the engineer's mind because the engineers that I know that are living in their passion and purpose are fulfilled and happy. They are such incredible communicators. I know a lot of engineers. Some of them are left-brain oriented. It is hard for them to describe things even though they are analytical.

The way that you transmit your communication is like you are speaking on several levels to people. You are speaking in words and emotion, but you are transmitting higher levels of consciousness. That is what I noticed when I heard you talk, and you did that talk on the cruise and even during your Kundalini activation. The engineering background serves you well in this path you are on right now in helping many people.

For many years, the center of gravity was up in the head. Once it drops down into the heart, the thoughts are a beautiful tool to express what comes through the heart. For many decades, I was lost in my head, and many people are. It is like a muscle. Imagine you have to do pushups all day because your muscle is strong and in control of you. You have to do pushups all day. During dinner, you have to do pushups. You are like, “I'm eating. I don't have to do pushups.”

It is similar to that. The mind has become dominant, and we have identified with it. That is coming back to this limitless thing. When you identify with anything, by definition, you are ruling out a lot. Once it becomes clear that you don't have a life, but you are life, there is no distinction between whatever arises. It is what you used to hold onto a story of self, and you can be truly limitless. It would be the expression. The divine wants to express through this seeming character that you seem to play, but you aren't.

Relinquishing Ego: When you identify with anything, you're ruling out a lot.

I love this analogy of Rupert Spira, who I listened to and visited a few times during my years of searching. He was like, “When you have this dream and you walk on the streets of Paris with your friend. You see the river. You see the Notre Dame. You wake up in the morning, and you say, “It happened in my head.” There was this beautiful ability of your mind to separate yourself out like, “It was me. My friend was there.” That was the river and Notre Dame. Who says this isn't the same?”

I have not been able to find any evidence that this real world isn't the same. I do this real-world thing because I have many times in the morning when I wake up. I started laughing hysterically because a few minutes ago, I was convinced that the dream I was in was reality. I was like, “It was a dream.” I'm convinced now that this is reality. It is all the same elements, knowing consciousness, a beautiful play, and a design comedy. Once you start to embrace life in such a way, it becomes a big play.

The more you understand and know, the circle of what you don't know becomes bigger. It is my feeling because I haven't reached a point where I know everything, and I don't think I ever will. Once you get to that place, you realize everything is simple, and it is being present, loved, and light. You can start creating again. The whole cycle starts over again. We try to expand our knowledge, truth, and consciousness, even for people who are highly dedicated to this practice and what is the ultimate goal.

Understanding for me is we are supposed to embrace what we want to achieve in every moment and be it. We realize we have been it all along. It is not something that is separate from us. It is not a destination out there. It is a destination here. You mentioned Kundalini activation. For those that haven't heard about Kundalini activation, can you tell us a little bit about it and what it does for people who practice it?

It is often described as a dormant serpent energy lying at the base of your spine. It is dormant because it is not activated in most people. The only moment they recognize this energy is when they are aroused. There is a surge of energy. It can also rise to other places in your system, other chakras. It will give expression to all sorts of things, creativity, love, and wisdom. It has seen as a feminine energy that is dormant but can rise. It was like the serpent rising along the spinal column. Even in the West, we know this. It is interesting to see that many cultures talk about a serpent and energy rising up. In an ambulance or a pharmacy, you have the staff, and you have this too.

Kundalini is like a dormant serpent energy lying at the base of your spine and people. It's dormant because it's not activated in most people. The only moment they recognize this energy is when they're aroused.

There is this knowledge that there is a link between this energy and vitality. In these sessions, I do a completely passive form of Kundalini. Back in the days when I was studying and doing martial arts, I got into Qigong and Nei Gong. I did a lot of stuff. I was quite good at focusing on it and making it happen. Whenever I would lose my attention a bit and drift off, it would create quite nasty effects in my system. I would almost throw up, and I realized, “I shouldn't play with these energies.” The system knows. Let's not foil with this.

During the entire process of searching for enlightenment, I strayed away from anything that is any object. Back to yoga devotional to a guru, I decided that is not my path. I don't want to link it to a certain person or deity. Tantra is a beautiful experience, but I don't want to lose myself in that. I have seen a lot of people try to do similarly as I did with Qigong and Nei Gong. They force the Kundalini up. You can go crazy if you do that stuff because the system isn't ready. There are these mind-dominated ideas like, “I know what is best.” You don't.

Your system knows. It has been beating your heart your entire life. There are millions of chemical processes going on in all your cells at this instant. If you take yourself to be your mind, your mind thinks, “I know best.” If you had to take that entire task over for a split second, you would probably be dead now. Unlike with Kundalini yoga, with a lot of breath work and forcing up the energy of the spine, it is like, “I have to open up this chakra now.” You don’t. The system has its own pace and rhythm. The only thing needed is trust that she knows what is best.

In these sessions, people lie down. There is music to calm the mind down and let go of the story of, “Am I making this up? Am I feeling this?” It also helps to set a certain vibe and energy. As a facilitator, I noticed that my crown chakra and my heart opened up, and they started to flow. It is important to see that it is not that I'm sending anything and that you are receiving anything. You don't go into a trance or anything. You simply lie down.

Some people start to see, smell, hear, and think about things in the past. Some people start to move. Maybe it is a small slight shoulder movement. Some people go into all sorts of yoga poses. The first time I saw it, I thought it was fake. Most practitioners do a lot of hand movements, which isn't needed. If the practitioner believes it is needed, it helps to get him or her into the flow state. I rarely do it. Sometimes I feel the need to put my hands somewhere in a person's body. Apart from that, I do very little. The less I do, the better.

I love this poem from Hafez, a Sufi poet who said, “I am a whole in a flute through which the breath of Christ flows. Listen to this music.” It is a complete opening through which his poetry and his wisdom flow. Similarly, a session like that can be done face-to-face, in person, or even online. There is an opening up. People, wherever they are, start moving and shaking.

It is realigning the system. The system knows how to realign itself and let go of all the tension in the body. It is beautiful to see what happens. I have had people lose their fear of flying after a few sessions. I have had people have a lot of energy in the middle of the night, waking up and like, “I’m done sleeping. I can work all day.” On our trip, we did the cup session. I used the term cup because that is the Kundalini activation process, although I didn't train to be a cup facilitator. There are different styles, and the essence is the same.

In that group, there was one person that didn't feel anything. The day after we talked, I was like, “How do you feel?” He said, “It was nice. It is very relaxing, but I didn't feel anything.” We started talking. He said, “We were on the bus, and I was sitting next to someone.” It was obnoxious. He was on his phone. We were talking, and I was like, “Either you put the phone away, and we talk, or you are on your phone, but we are not talking. It is simple. Good for you.”

I said, “Do you say these things in your office?” He was like, “No, never in my life I say something like that.” I was like, “That might be linked to it.” It is also certain inhibitions that you have or setting your boundaries that come more naturally, but also interesting stuff like connections with lovers-centric abilities. Some things open up, the system gets cleaned in a way, or our innate abilities to connect with ourselves and others float more beautifully.

It is a beautiful practice that I mentioned to you. I have had a couple of experiences with it. I did it three times previously, back in 2020 to 2021. The moment you see the instruction going on as somebody demonstrates, you are like, “Who did she pay to come here and do this?” After I experienced it that first day, I was like, “This is cool.” I felt a little bit of movement in my body. I felt like a total emptiness in my body. I left my body. I felt like a thin piece of paper and this nothingness, which was beautiful.

The second time I did it, I started feeling all these energies moving through my body. All different parts of my body were moving. My Kundalini was rising like I was on the ground. My spine went up. I kept coming up. It was a lot of ab work, but I wasn't sore the next day. Ever since then, my Kundalini flow has been open. When I did the session with you, immediately, I could get into it. If I think about it, I can get into that flow of having these energy centers open up. It helps my meditation practice. It is a vessel that cleans the inside of your system that is able to allow subtle energy to move through it.

Relinquishing Ego: Kundalini is a vessel that cleans the inside of your system and allows subtle energy to move through it.

The only thing required is trusting that your system knows this native intelligence that knows what to do. If you had a little bit of movement, it was accompanied by far like, “Am I making this up? Am I doing it? I let it go, and what is needed will come up.”

Let your mind go there. It could do the process of elimination. Let it go there, and let it be skeptical of it. Maybe this is not moving through the motion to full trust and like, “No matter what my mind went through, I feel much better and clearer. My mind is clearer. My heart is open.” You gave us medicine on the cruise. We were on the Nile River on a private boat. You were facilitating 50 people and the combined energy. I didn't even know it because my eyes were closed, but my Kundalini was active the whole time.

In the end, when we relaxed, I didn't even know where the time was. I didn't even know I had a body. I remember coming to my mind and thinking, “Am I still alive? Am I not here anymore? Do I even have a body? Where am I? Am I in my bed?” These are some of the thoughts that happen to me when I'm in deep meditation. It is such a powerful experience with you. This was not planned at all. You just decided that. There were a couple of requests after the talk you gave. You said, “Yes, I'm happy to do it.” It is beautiful. Those are the kinds of moments where nothing is scripted and planned. You make this magic happen. It was nice.

Similarly, you are doing this show. You have a few outlines like, “These topics we want to discuss.” You let it go, and it flows. The most beautiful things in life happen when you try to control them. I went into public speaking first, and I scripted out every word. It sounds great if you have everything timed out and everything works well. If you screw up a little bit, everything goes down the drain. It is much easier to let go of any expectations and allow life to flow through you. Beautiful things like this arise.

A big part of my life is coming to that realization that you don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to script everything out. First of all, we make plans, and God laughs. We try to control every aspect rather than being there. When you are there, you are feeling the moment. When you are in your head, your head is here, and you are all the way down in another area where you are seeing this unfold, but there is a distance connection there.

We try to control every aspect rather than feeling the moment when we see things unfold.

I feel like to fully embrace loving doing this show and getting the best conversations and the most juice out of everything is to fully embrace the moment and not try to plan everything out or try to think about like what I want to say while somebody is talking. Go, and it will all flow. If I ever fuck up, I could always edit it. It is not a big deal.

When you are in a flow state like that, people know that you and life in those instances are not. You have a great basketball player, and he is doing his thing. During the movement, he is not there. Once he scored, he was like, “I did that.” Whenever you allow it to flow without the concept of the story of me, there is no separation. That is what we long for because it is our essence. We know deep down that there is no separation that it’s just seeming. That is why we long for love, beauty, and wisdom because the object and the subject merge. There is simply the beauty and the perfection of this moment.

As learning about your life unfold, can you tell us a little bit about the chronic living that you do?

It is still not completely transitioned, but maybe 80%. I have this amazing thing where things come on my path. It is the same thing with the trip to Egypt. I saw a YouTube video of this guy talking about the living of Prana. You have Sungazers, which are yogis who substitute eating by looking at the sun. They get their energy from that process. You have Breatharian, people that do breath work, and at the same time, this is exchanging food for breathing.

I heard that there is also this thing called pranic living, where you don't even have to exchange it for anything else that comes from the ether into your cells. I heard this guy talking about it. He said, “It is quite simple.” I'm not a medic. I'm not a doctor, but at the moment of conception, when the feet are growing, it doesn't have a digestion system yet. It is able to get energy into the cells and grow from the outside.

This guy talked about it, and it was funny. He was like, “I heard this voice a few times before this voice came up.” Similarly, the voice I said starts laughing when the mind comes up with a plan of what he desires. I had this at the same time when I was listening to this guy who said, “The longest period I haven't eaten and had anything to drink was five and a half months.” It sounds incredulous, but from inside, his voice says in a simple way like this, “I can do that.” My mind came, and I was like, “You eat a lot and drink tons of water.” When I heard that voice, it was like, “You might want to listen.”

I contacted this guy. This guy lives 15 kilometers away from me in the Netherlands. He said, “We should do a Zoom call.” We called, and he said, “I can start to transition with you for one week.” We spend three days together, no eating and no drinking. We go into juices. The cells are reprogrammed once they regenerate to go to their non-program cell, which is able to live off Prana.

Nowadays, I usually don't eat during the week. Monday to Friday, I don't eat. I still drink water. I feel I need to separate that. I still notice that I drink a lot less than before, but it is two different paths. I don't eat from Monday to Friday usually. On the weekend, I eat something. Sometimes I feel longer periods of eating, like 4 or 5 days and maybe 2 weeks not eating.

When we went to Egypt, I felt like before I went into the King's Chamber, I wanted to be completely clean for at least one week of not eating. After the King's Chamber, I didn't eat for three days. I love sitting with you guys at breakfast, but I'm not eating. It is fine. It is nice having a conversation and seeing everyone enjoy the food.  

I was starting to smell the strawberries. I was like, “Those are good strawberries. I wanted to try it.” I was like, “I'm going to start with strawberry.” You start up the system again, which costs a lot of energy because it has been down for a week and a half. As a result of it, I started to lose weight by eating that one strawberry because the system started up again. I had to eat a little bit to regain my weight. I still lost a little bit of weight. That is why every once in a while, I start eating again. I feel it is a matter of time. I don't want to rush it.

I feel that there is this free-fall process in all of these things. Someone asked me, “Why would you want to live of Prana?” An idea came up that it is similar to a love relationship. If you are in a relationship and you need the other, it is going to fill. You might grow up, evolve, and do a lot of work on yourself, and you will be able to stand on your own two feet and be okay with the things you feel are missing in your life.

If both of you have done this, you can have a beautiful relationship, but it is often in between those two that you feel I need to be able to stand on my own feet. There is a dependent relationship. It is like, “No, I don't want any relationship.” There is a beautiful relationship in which love can flourish, and the love for being with each other expresses itself beautifully.

Similarly, with food, we have an addiction to food. We need it, but it is not a beautiful relationship. It is like that needy, clingy love relationship. I want to go out and be able to live without. It is not food negation. It is food freedom to eat whenever the desire comes to experience this part of life but not be dependent on it.

Being able to live of Prana gives so much like you are in a deep meditation the entire time. You are more connected to everything. Once you start eating, you become aware of what types of foods are and what their effects are. You could almost say a veil that comes in front of the eyes the moment you start eating. Everything becomes a bit more blurry and distant.

Relinquishing Ego: Pranic living is like you're in a deep meditation the entire time. You're so much more connected to everything.

It’s having that coherent and conscious choice to be able to decide what you want to do rather than requiring it. We always think, “Three meals a day.” My little kindergarten version of this is I decided to give up sugar. Starting in January 2023, I made the willpower decision. In the first two days, I was like, “Dessert would be nice, or a little bit of coffee with chocolate.” It was what I usually do. After that, I give it up.

It was easy once I made the decision. When we went to Egypt, I was like, “I'm in Egypt once, and I would love to experience it.” Not that I need the sugar. I didn't have any desire to have it, but I was like, “I want to have this experience of enjoying the dessert. I had a couple of days, and it was fine. Once I got back, I stopped again. For a couple of days, I took a little bit of effort or willpower, and I was done. It has been several weeks that I haven't had any sugar, and I feel great.

It is not all or nothing. We can dance through life and make decisions, but having the empowerment to make those decisions is the whole game. It’s deciding from a place of power rather than a place of need. With relationships, it is the same thing. I talk to my girlfriend about this all the time. I was like, “You and I have been through so much. We know what we want in a partner. We found it, but if this doesn't work out, it is not like our lives are going to be destroyed. We are strong, independent people on our own. We don't need each other, but we are happy to choose each other every single day.” It is a place of being empowered and not having that need, “This person is going to complete my life.”

I talk to many people on a daily basis. I have a wellness center here in Jersey City. The number of people that came in was like, “I'm heartbroken. My girlfriend left me. My boyfriend left me.” It is this step of understanding that you are your ultimate relationship that you need to be in love with, and everything else doesn't matter as long as you have yourself. That is the most important thing.

Stepping into something with empowerment is the best way to do it because these attachments are going to still continue to attract the same types of people if we are coming from that place of neediness because the universe wants to teach us the lesson. You chose to have this lesson when you signed up to come here. It is going to keep repeating until we move through it.

What you touched upon is that in order for a beautiful relationship to flourish, your relationship with yourself sets the bar. You are only able to connect with another up to the level that you are able to connect with yourself. If you want to feel and understand your other, you need to dive into it your own feelings. Your relationship with yourself is crucial. It sounds a bit harsh, but the word love is often misunderstood. It is often in duality as opposed to hate or judgment.

Relinquishing Ego: You can only connect with another up to the level that you can connect with yourself. So if you want to feel and understand your other, you must dive into your feelings.

If you truly love your girlfriend and she would say, “I would be happier with someone else,” it would hurt. If you truly loved her, you would say, “That is the choice you have to make.” It is going to hurt, but you, being happy, is the most important thing. I, being happy is the most important thing. You should do what makes you the happiest. I should do what makes me the happiest. If it can switch like that to hate, it was tainted a lot with your own traumas. Often, we find ourselves in relationships that have some linkage to our parents' upbringing. You were also there. We had a talk about relationships. It was in a group session.

It is just the guys talking.

He said something during this talk that there is one common element and demeanor. It is you. I had a series of short relationships of only a few months. I could find this one doesn't like this. That is why it didn't work. A good friend of mine was like, “Do you find a common denominator?” I started to dig and dive in. I realized, “My parents stayed together for the children, but they weren't happy.” I would fall time and time again for the same type of woman, which I even point to a term like, “Pretty face, sad eyes.”

You told us about this. Can you go into this?

There is a beautiful woman, but there is a spark in her eyes. The hero would come up like, “I can save you, darling.” It is a recipe for disaster. Even though I was aware of it, it kept on coming up. It was several years ago. I danced salsa. They have a shortage of men. Sometimes the school would call me up, “Can you participate in this lesson?” At the end of the first lesson, I saw my ex-girlfriend walking in, and I saw the corner of my eyes and the far game, “Are we going to go through this game again? Haven't we learned our lesson?” She was beautiful, but she twinkled her eyes like, “I’m sad.”

It was interesting because she was aware of her patterns also. The first day we were together, I said, “I like you because of this pain I have with my mom and my dad.” She said, “I like you because of this pain I have with my stepdad.” It was a few years of going away, coming together, and going away until we both could process it. This is how beautiful relationships can be to let go of our traumas. It is interesting to see. Ever since, I have sometimes seen those types of women before, which triggered me. It is not there anymore. Relationships can be such a beautiful accelerator for seeing what our undealt traumas and issues are.

It is the ultimate growth and mirror for ourselves and what is holding us back in life. My girlfriend and I talk about it all the time. We are the biggest mirrors. It’s stepping into that and taking responsibility for how we thought about the past relationships, what we learned from them, what we take into it, and how we come up with the best version of ourselves for ourselves and the other person.

Relinquishing Ego: We are our biggest mirrors.

If you are coming into a place where this torsion field is love and positivity, and you are meeting somebody in that same torsion field, and you come together, it creates a beautiful, magical life together. I would rather be on my own creating that than being in a relationship that doesn't have that beautiful symmetry, cohesiveness, coherence, similar vision, and path. It took me a while to figure out how to love myself, and still on that path, but the biggest game changer in anyone's life is the moment they realize that they are divinity and treat themselves as such. That is where all the growth happens. It becomes a game of what you want to experience.

That has gone because, for most people, it is abracadabra. You are like, “What are you talking about? I need a car and a girlfriend. I will be happy.”

It is important for them to go after it, get there, and realize that everything unfolds onto the next path. That conversation that all of us had was about ten guys. We were talking about the challenges guys go through and some of the things we are all working through. This is a beautiful conversation. I would love to have a part two to that one day we could do it on Zoom with all the guys.

It was also beautiful because the entire group was from people all over the world connecting in this way and seeing this universal, which we know, but it is nice to experience in such a way.

At the end of the day, we are all going through similar things. It doesn't matter what you have gone through in life. If you are successful or not successful financially, it doesn't matter at that moment. Everybody was there for each other. That is what family and community are all about. Every type of experience you could have all put together. You see the beauty in each person because they remind you of an aspect of yourself.

That was a microcosm of the entire group where somebody was telling us the story. He was saying that he went through an ayahuasca experience. He had this download that every girlfriend he hurt or did something bad to said something bad. He healed that at the moment. He apologized and forgave the people that hurt him. He made immense spiritual with the people that he did bad things to. He started reaching out to them after the ceremony. He was like, “I'm sorry if I hurt you. I forgive you.” That made such a big difference.

That is the exact thing that happened to me after my first ayahuasca experience. I spent the next six months reaching out to all the different girlfriends, all the family members, and all the people that I hurt. I was able to see it from their experience, situations, or whatever happens. I wanted to make amends. Once you start clearing all the feelings of negativity towards someone else, your life starts elevating because you are done with that. Otherwise, we are carrying that forward.

That is one example, but all the conversations I had and every story matched something in my life that was important for me to go through. It’s beautiful the way that everybody came together on this trip. Marnix, tell me, why do you think you came here to planet Earth as Marnix, and what did you want to experience?

I don't believe in the conventional way of reincarnation, although I did do regression therapy with a good friend of mine for three and a half days straight. It is pretty intense. I experienced it firsthand. It felt like in that life tremendous and terrible ways of dying. At the same time, it was clear that I didn't feel myself to be this body. It sounds strange because you are living two things at the same time.

Yes, I'm living through this person called Marnix, a guy from the Netherlands, a photographer. At the same time, it is clear that anything is me. If it is known, it is me. The screen you are sitting in New Jersey, the camera, cars outside, anything is me. It feels like that perspective of a center has fallen away during this lifetime. However, when you say, “What is your purpose? Why did you come here?” I have a remembrance of something which happened before I was born.

I remember coming back to it a few times in my youth. What happened there was I was asked the question. It was written on a piece of paper. These are difficult questions. If you had to choose to only have one arm or one parent, what would you choose? These questions were such a heavy interrogation that all I ended up screaming out was, “I'm not old enough to answer these questions.” The voice said, “At the end of this life, what is it you want?” I said, “The only thing I want is wisdom.” That seems to be quite in line with how this life has unfolded. There is a strong longing for wisdom about what this is. That answers the question of, what is it I came to do here?

What do you believe God to be? What does spirituality role play in your life?

I love the beautiful saying, “I searched for God. I found only myself. I searched for myself. I found only God.” There is this arising out of complete emptiness, out of complete potential form to play a divine comedy. It is our concept of good and bad. They ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil keeps us lost in this game that says, “This moment is not good. I need that.”

God is both good and evil. That is true love. When we talk about unconditional love, people don't like the unconditional part. They like the love part, but the unconditional part means that the guy who screams at you or, if you want to go more extreme, a dictator, is also unconditional love because we need those experiences in order to taste the sweetness of life. We need the bitter.

To taste the sweetness of life, we need bitterness.

When I walk on the streets, and I see a homeless person, a beggar, or someone who is lost in their story, they are all adding to this experience because it is one collective experience that allows any of us to fully embrace this moment. If you dive fully into this moment, you let go of the story. You dive fully into what you are experiencing now. The sensations of your share on your butts, the smell of whatever is in the room, the air that you breathe in and out, there is such a richness and beauty. That is what God is.

There is this whole immersiveness of life. I have many times that I start laughing hysterically because if you dive into a life completely, how beautiful is it to be able to experience this as if you are a separate person inside a world, on a spinning planet, going around other planets around the sun? Who comes up with this shit? That is fucking amazing. This is God. This is what our pitied little minds conceived of. We don't need to because this existence and experience is the beauty of God. It is not different from you or me or anything that is known. I said, “The subjects, the verb, and the object are all one.” They are all the same essence of knowing consciousness, which is God.

We will have to do part two and talk about non-duality. I'm sure we can go into that subject quite a bit. Marnix, I wanted to thank you so much. That was heartwarming and soul-touching. To be able to connect with you and be your friend is a real blessing in my life. How can we learn more about you? Is there a website that we can go to if anybody wants to get coaching or do Kundalini activation with you?

First of all, it is completely mutual. Thanks for showing up on the trip and meeting each other. My company is called Unconditional Attention. I give non-duality teachings also online on Instagram and YouTube and also one-on-one. For the Kundalini, I do in-person, mostly in the Netherlands, but also abroad every once in a while, and I do them online. It can be in a group session.

I did this with a few people in Los Angeles at different locations. It works well. Sometimes it is one-on-one. It is beautiful to see how these things are independent of distance. It is normal because energy doesn't have a boundary. To experience it is beautiful to see how this can help people live a lighter life without the heavy story of self.

What a freaking time to be alive. We are 5,000 to 6,000 miles away from each other. I see you crystal clear. We are having this amazing conversation. If we were born 2,000 years earlier, or even 200 years, it is not possible. This life is beautiful. I look forward to connecting for part two and staying in touch. I hope everybody checks out his YouTube channel. He got some beautiful shorts and longer videos where he goes deeper into a lot of these subjects. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

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 About Marnix de Stigter

Marnix de Stigter left a highly successful 10 year engineering career because he felt the need to let go of the constant feeling of unrest that resulted in the need to constantly "do something". A period of over a year ensued in which Marnix spent sitting on park benches and walking around, until this need fell away and he could simply be comfortable with just "being".

Although this year showed many glimpses and resulted in the breaking down of the concept of self, seeking remained.

After this period Marnix went back into the world and has worked as a wedding photographer ever since, where he has won top ten wedding photographers in the world in his first year, and the prestigeous International Wedding Photographer of the year award in his 2nd year.. Marnix lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and shares non-duality teachings and gives kundalini energy & breathwork sessions.

He loves dancing, photography, spending time in nature and sharing insights on the subject of non-duality.


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