Episode 75: Your Soul Code With Sarah Of The Light

Just as everyone has a unique soul, we also have a unique SOUL CODE. When you unlock that code, the real magic of life can flow in abundance. Sarah of the Light, a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher, embarks on a journey to channel your soul code and translate it into magnificent multidimensional artwork. She explains the purpose of a Holy Fire Reiki and the value of our soul code. Sarah expresses how we don’t need healers but healed healers in this changing world. Sarah of the Light shares her beautiful perspective on what’s happening in this world. So don’t miss this opportunity and tune in now.


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Your Soul Code With Sarah Of The Light

Multidimensional Art & The Language of Light

Just as everyone has a unique soul, each of us has a unique soul code. When you unlock that code, the real magic of life can flow in abundance. We are about to embark on a journey with an amazing healer and artist that can channel your soul code and translate it into magnificent and multidimensional artwork. 

Sarah of the Light is a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher, Light Language Channel, Earth Keeper, Yogi, Shaman, Tarot Reader, and Multi-Dimensional Artist. Sarah knew that she could feel other people’s energy from a young age. She’s always felt different but didn’t know why. For over twenty years, she lived in Los Angeles and had a thriving career as a fashion designer. Sarah made this life switch to a healer in 2016. Her love for healing is encoded in the work that she does.

Sarah is here to help healers discover their untapped unique soul gifts and become their own best healers. It's an important part of her practice that the world we live in is being held by healed healers. She is here to activate your heart again with love and courage so that you can live your soul's purpose with grace and deep understanding.


Welcome to the show, Sarah of the Light. How are you?

I am doing well. Thanks for having me here.

It's such a pleasure to have you on. Just so the audience knows how we connected, one of our mutual friends, Daniel, told me about you. He is on Instagram, @The.Soul.Healer. He ended up getting a Soul Code reading from you and he was blown away. I met up with him right after he got this Soul Code reading. He's showing me the tattoo he's going to get of the Soul Code reading on his forearm and everything like that. I was inspired. You were on my list of people to reach out to and have on the show. We had a little discovery call. I'm super excited to learn more about the gifts that you are sharing with your clients.

Thank you. I was excited when you reached out and that I was able to share this gift with you. I'm glad that Daniel brought us together. He has this amazing tattoo with his Soul Code so there's a lot to get into.

I got a reading from you as well and we'll get into that a little bit later. The first question I'd like to ask you is, what does living a limitless life mean to you?

Living a limitless life means freedom. It means taking down all the walls and beliefs that have held you back, peeling back the layers, and coming back to your authentic self.

What's cool and interesting about what I've been thinking about is we come in as these pure souls into this world, and then we start learning, building programs and software programs inside of our brain and mind. When we came in, we were perfectly clear. We didn't have all the things in our minds that hold us back. All that stuff was learned at some point. Some maybe are past life karma but it's the process of letting go.

It took me many years to build all these things. I'm trying to deconstruct as much as I can to not have that identity and ego of what I thought I was because it's limiting me in so many ways. I want to live in a limitless way and be on this journey. This show is all about my journey and interviewing people who are also on that path. What I realized is how you become limitless when you have any type of form, ego, and identity that you're rooted in. It's very interesting playing that seesaw of acquiring knowledge and skillsets but then also letting go and trying to be as light as a feather in this world and life that we are living in.

I'm resonating with so much of what you're saying because, in Holy Fire Reiki, that's part of what we teach, deconstructing this culturally created self and coming back to the essence of who you are, this authentic self. Maybe not discarding the ego but maybe seeing the ego as unhealed. How can we heal it? How can we bring it home? It is a delicate balance as you're saying. How do we sit in that spiritual world, sit in the work but also sit in humanity and the physical? We are meant to be here as humans having this human experience and feeling it all, and then bringing that knowledge down for us to benefit from and feel peace and joy.

Deconstruct the culturally created self and return to the essence of who you are.

It's not an all-or-nothing 3D versus 5D. We came into this physical incarnation for a reason. We have to understand that this is the purpose of being here and then also balancing. Remember who we truly are, which is spiritual beings. It's like having that awareness first of all, and then doing everything that we can in the 3D that can elevate our lives and happiness in doing the work that we need to on the physical plane but then also tapping into the inside. It's a dance. That's all. That creation and destruction is a dance that we can enjoy.

I've been feeling like I'm focusing on the work but not the fun and the playfulness that I had as a child to sit in gratitude for this experience. Some things don't go exactly as we plan or we want, or that concept of control. At the end of the day, this is such a beautiful gift that each of us has. As we get into it, each of us has a unique soul code to experience. I believe we decided, before we even came here, what we wanted to express in our soul and the physical. That's a lot of the work that you do in helping people realize, understand, or get transmitted some of these messages. It's very interesting to think about these things.

I agree with that. That is a big part of why I'm here, why I'm helping others, and what I'm helping them do.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got to this place?

This is a whole story in itself. When I was younger, I used to see spirits standing at the end of my bed. I could feel the energy. I could read energy. Being from New England, it was much shut down. You don't think like that. You don't see that. I shut this gift down for many years. I became a fashion designer. I did what I thought I knew. I was a very creative person. I had a twenty-year career in fashion design. In 2016, I was feeling exhausted, overworked, and overstressed in toxic environments and people. I was not feeling my best.

I ended up taking a yoga certification. It was a by-chance thing. This yoga certification cracked me open again. It brought me back to compassion for myself for the first time. It opened up my gifts. I realized at that point I wanted to help others. I knew it was going to be a long road. It would be a couple of years before I could be able to fully step into being a healer. I began to study Reiki, shamanism, crystal healing, tarot cards, and all the things. I wanted the knowledge. I wanted to know more and be the best healer to help others that I could.

I ended up becoming a Holy Fire Reiki Master. I'm also a teacher as well. I read Tarot. I do intuitive readings. I teach yoga. I guide meditations. I channel this galactic art for others. In a sense, that’s a whole of what I do. I'm a spiritual counselor and mentor as well. It's so important for me to help others see their potential. They don't have to feel stuck in life or feel suffering and sadness.

It's almost like I'm jumpstarting their heart in a way, which is very interesting for what I've been through around my health and heart. Back in 2020, I left everything behind for good. I left Los Angeles. I left my job and my apartment. I moved around a bit. I'm here settling down in the state of Maine and doing my healing work.

I talked to a lot of people at my wellness center that are in similar situations to where you were, grinding in the corporate world, feeling drained all the time, having physical manifestations of sickness, and not feeling like they're on their life path. The ones that have made the change are living incredible lives because you have to make that decision at some point. For you, was there a breaking point or a certain event that triggered you? Was it a gradual place you kept coming to where you're like, "From today onwards, I can't do this anymore and I need to ascend it to something that's a little bit more going to fulfill my heart's purpose?"

Soul Code: Those who made the change are living incredible lives because you have to make that decision at some point.

For me, being in the fashion industry and having it be such a vicious competitive place to be, I had worked my way up from assistant to associate to designer. I remember working as a designer and thinking, "I'm giving so much. I'm working until 10:00 at night and on my weekends. I'm giving so much and I'm not getting anything back. This doesn't feel right." At the time, I was very wrapped up in the way my life should look. I could say, "I'm living in Los Angeles. I'm this fashion designer. I design for all these big brand new stores." It was suffocating for me to be wrapped up in that identity.

Finally, it was taking the yoga certification that unraveled a lot of it. I was able to put that ego part of me aside and say, "I don't want to do this anymore. It's okay to change my mind. I'm tired. I'm hanging by a thread. Something's got to change. I'm going to have to take the biggest risk of my life on myself. Everyone around me is going to think that I'm nuts. They're going to think I'm crazy." They did.

They didn't support me. I had to be my biggest cheerleader and stand in my truth to leave all of that behind. It’s years and years of the corporate grind of feeling like, "There's got to be something more than this. I get five days off a year to go see my family back on the East Coast. There's got to be something more." That was my breaking point.

I was reading something that says, "Your employer pays you a salary to put your dreams on hold."

That is accurate. There's an element of security with the job but it's this false security. The security we're all looking for is within us. It's not in a job. I found that out of twenty years of working in fashion. There was no job security. People would bounce from one to the next. That taught me a lot about myself and employers, and how they view you. They want to put my dreams on hold.

Soul Code: The security we're all looking for is actually within us. It's not in a job.

It's like dangling a carrot because the more money you make up that corporate ladder, your lifestyle starts elevating to that level of income. All of a sudden, you're at this place that you think is a great place but how much have you traded off your years, time, energy, happiness, heart, and all of that stuff? The minute it goes away, it's like, "What do I do when I don't have that same level of income?" It creates a lot of stress. That's so important too.

What you were doing is that you started slow. You started taking a yoga certification course, building yourself up, and building your skillset. When it was time to make that leap and transition, it was more seamless. There are always going to be things that we have to move through and work hard at anything new. Quitting cold turkey is like quitting smoking cold turkey. It's not the easiest thing to do.

I had built up a little bit of the clientele. I was teaching yoga at a small studio in Burbank. I was doing Reiki and yoga, creating my class. I had this feel for it that I can do this. I'm building myself up and I'm ready. It took a lot of sacrifices. It wasn't the easiest decision I've ever had to make. It was the hardest. I let go of so many material things, which had such a different meaning than they do to me. I've almost sold all of my belongings. I packed up my car. It's been a transition for the past few years but I'm here in Maine with only the things that I love and that are near and dear to me. That feels liberating.

I resonate with that. I look around sometimes at my apartment and there are so many things that I don't use. My mind clutter would be so much less if I didn't have these things. Do they bring me happiness? I have a bookshelf full of books. I've read some of these books. I haven't read some of them. I plan to.

At the end of the day, if you're not doing these things, there's no passion for it at the moment, send it off to where somebody can utilize it. I feel a lot of times at some point in my life, I want to give up everything, be free, and not have that anything to be attached to in terms of material possessions. It might be a pipe dream at this moment but at some point, it would be beautiful to experience.

We're all going through that purge as a collective in humanity too and letting go of it. You're going to get to a point where it's not going to matter to you as much. You will be living that way and it will be freedom. You don't need to work a ton just to buy and consume. You can shift. You don't need half the things that they tell you. When you get to that point, it is a sense of freedom.

When you don't need half the things they tell you, it is a sense of Freedom.

Your attention and focus are on things that bring you joy and happiness rather than being cluttered in the mind and having a million different thoughts. It's like having a computer with a browser that has 30,000 different tabs on it. Now, you're focusing on ten. You can focus on ten things. It's hard to focus on that many other things. First of all, I wanted to ask, what is Holy Fire Reiki?

Holy Fire Reiki is under the umbrella of Usui but it's a contemporary evolution. It doesn't have a history of being in traditional Japanese. It's like Tibetan. It is channeled. It is channeled by the ascended masters. It's different from the original Tibetan Reiki. The attunement process is a bit different. It's a very high-frequency Reiki. I started with traditional and it wasn't for me. I did Holy Fire and I thought, "I need to teach this. I love this. It's changed my life." Shortly after I became Reiki Master is when light language started coming in. It's when I started being activated for the codes.

In Reiki, there are certain symbols that you're focusing on. Traditional Reiki is what I know. You're focused on certain symbols as you're doing the energy in the body. Naturally, as you're able to visualize and connect with those symbols, then more things open up like sacred geometry and different codes that are coming in. Let's move into the light language. What is light language?

That is such a big question because it's almost like it's encompassing all. It's the cosmic universal language. It is frequency. Everything is energy and frequency. This too can be a star language. It can be called star language as well. Their codes and energy that holds ancient information can be spoken. You can move with mood draws. I draw with codes mostly. It is something that we want to connect with the mind, we want to understand it but it's something that's felt through us. It's a feeling practice.

It's an ascension code for us as humanity and we're all going through this ascension. It is here to assist us and help us with our crystalline DNA, our past life memories, and our memories of where we are, understanding who we are, and what our purpose is. This light language holds codes for the soul. It's transmuted through the heart space. It's so important to have an open heart when you're using this modality. It's like those images you see of people that are sitting across from one another and then there's a light going from their hearts.

That's how I see how it's transmitted to one another. It speaks to your soul and goes into your soul. Your soul knows exactly what to do with this information. It brings these pieces of you online. It's almost like messages from other dimensions and other parts of you as well. If you're in the ninth dimension, if you're Arcturian or something, that's also your guide as well. They're going to bring information down for you that you need to know here because we're all ascending. Things are changing. The world is changing. Light language is here to assist in that ascension. It's also incredibly healing. I've seen it remove blocks and it has blown me away.

Soul Code: We're all ascending. The things and the world are changing. So the light language is here to assist in that Ascension.

Describe what happens to you. You are working with somebody. You are connected. They give you permission to read their soul code or light language. The process for you, is it that you're just having this download? Is it like an ocean dumping on you? Are you seeing things one at a time like, "This is the third dimension. This is the fifth dimension. These are the Pleiadians. These are Arcturians?" How does it come to you? Every time you work with someone, is it different in the way that it comes, the transmission?

It's interesting because it seems to be the same but different. Whereas, I'm going to sit down at my computer because I do everything on Adobe Illustrator. I'm going to sit down at my computer and open up my energy centers. I'm going to call in my guides, the person's guides, and any other compassionate beings that want to be here. I'm going to start getting into a meditative state and then I start with the pen. Oftentimes, I'm zoned out most of it. I have no idea what it's going to look like or what color it's going to be. I feel the color is important too for us as souls.

Oftentimes, I have no idea. Sometimes I can feel like they're guiding me like, "No. Put this here. This has to look like this. This has to be here. You need something here. You need to add this here." I'll do that. I'll work with them. We're working as a team. I'll know when it's complete. I will set that intention of what the work I'm doing is and what it's going to be for the person. For instance, yours was like, "I saw yours in a flash the day before I started it." I had a little Post-It and I wrote down a little image of what I saw.

I typically do the light language codes first but I started doing the interior of yours first. I knew exactly what it was going to look like and that doesn't typically happen to me. I did all that and then I added the light language and built it around it which is very different from what I've done before. It's not like I knew exactly but I just knew that I needed to build that before I channeled the codes as well. It was very interesting. I swear I blinked my eyes and it was done. I don't even remember most of it. I would say 75% of it, I don't remember.

That's incredible because I'm looking at it. It is so intricate. When you get this flash, is it ingrained into your photographic memory, and then you're able to work off of that? For me, I can't imagine having an image and then being able to flesh it out into art in the intricacy the way that you were able to. It is incredible what you've done.

Thank you. No, I didn't remember. I had a little part of it on a Post-It. The very center of it that I knew had to be there and then grow from that point. I didn't know what everything was going to look like but I had this idea for the first time and I usually don't. For instance, Daniel's, I had no idea how that was going to look, how it was going to come together, and what color it was going to be.

I do remember at the end of his guides. He had some Arcturian guides and they were very insistent that I add this last element into the image. I said, "There's no room. I don't know how I'm going to add this in." I ended up adding it and that is the tattoo that he got. That's all interesting stuff. To me, it is still a gift that I'm learning about and that I wasn't so quick to open up to. It took me a while.

Bring me back to the first time you ended up doing a soul code. Did you know that you had this gift? I'm guessing because you were in the fashion industry, you were probably doing a lot of art and able to work with these programs and stuff. How did you come up with these Soul Code artwork pieces? What was the idea behind it that you wanted to capture for somebody that they can then derive downloads from? Once it's flashed out, then I can have this forever and I can continually look at it and unlock more codes. I've never heard of a healer doing that. It's usually like a reading, a meditation, or even spoken light language but it's never been art in this way, which is very unique.

The way that this started is I had taken a class. I was in this little workshop class. That night, light language started coming into my field and I was thinking, "What is light language? I don't even know what this is but I'm hearing about it and feeling it all of a sudden." Leading up to that, my mentor had said to me, "Sarah, you're going to start working with codes in your healing." I didn't know what she meant, like codes and symbols but she wasn't talking about Reiki.

There was this one night I was in my room sleeping. These beings were waking me up. They were in my room. I couldn't see them with my physical eye. I could see them with my third eye and I could hear them. Finally, I was a little bit annoyed. I couldn't sleep. I had work the next day. I got up and wrote down in my journal, which was on my nightstand, what they wanted me to do. I still have that page.

It was adding the soul code to my healing. They explained to me that the soul code is our sacred tone. That's the word that they gave me and I would be doing this for other people. They gave me a little bit of information about what it was. I didn't think anything of it. I closed my notebook. I went to bed. I probably didn't look at it for two weeks, to be honest.

I then went back and looked at it. I said, "There's no way I'm doing this. I don't see any other healers doing this or anyone else that's offering light language." I had started to investigate light language. I said, "I'm not doing it." I shut my notebook and it was another two weeks. Finally, I got the urge to sit on my computer and play around. I always like to intuitively draw and things like that. I ended up creating this first piece with light language and codes.

At that moment, I realized, "I've been doing these drawing codes my entire life when I'm doodling on the notebooks." I realized that it was this moment of all this work that I've been doing, all this preparation, learning this program, learning all of this, I'm able to share my gift through this and how wonderful is that. That was the first time I had played around with light language. It wasn't necessarily a soul code but it was a frequency. It was a transmission for others. I then ended up doing my soul code first and then it led on from there.

It was not easy to accept this gift. I wanted to hide it, put it away, and keep it to myself because it was so out of the realm of what I had known, with yoga, Reiki, and the lineages behind that. I was so worried, "What are people going to think of me? No one else is doing this. I hadn't seen anyone else doing it. If they are, they might be doing it but it might be in a different way than how I'm offering it." That is pretty much the story about how I started. It took me a while to build trust around it. That's part of light language too. It's helped me to build trust in myself and my gifts.

The common theme amongst all my friends that are doing this work is that they're not afraid to keep going. If something in the brain, like a limiting belief, comes up, they're okay with looking, experiencing it, and moving through it, rather than, "This is the stopping point. I'm going to go back and forget about it." To evolve in this life, we have to keep going and pulling on that thread to see where it leads us. I'm in the process of that myself on many levels.

With some of the things that you shared with me, I have to re-question my limiting beliefs on certain things and understand that there's only soul growth in every situation. There's no such thing as failure or success. It's just continuing to move on in this journey. It brings us so much more ability and confidence in the spiritual gifts that we've been given. If everything was given to us on the day of conception, what would be the fun of figuring all this stuff out?

Soul Code: There's only soul growth in every situation. There's no such thing as failure or success. It's just continuing to move on in this journey.

We're in the greatest labyrinth in the universe in each life. As long as we continue to go and the attitude and the perspective in which we carry is so important, if we're looking for something, it's going to be reflected towards us. It's so important for anyone who is feeling that calling to go deeper. You have nothing to lose because at least you'll know if something is for you or something isn't for you.

Yes. I agree with that.

Amongst all the clients that you've worked with, do you find that there's an overarching theme in terms of the people that are coming into your life for these readings? Do you feel like there's maybe some connection with soul families coming in? Is everybody very individual and maybe some new clients that you might have, have a different star system, like higher beings that are helping them out?

I always ask spirits, "Send me the souls who are ready for me." The souls that are coming to me are meant to have light language in their journey one way or another. There's no how grand or small they're meant to have but they are typically advanced souls and they are open to the information and that higher knowledge that is not in the mainstream. Even mainstream spirituality yet, I don't think.

This is for the advanced soul, whether they know it or not. I find that there are a lot of Arcturian star seeds that come to me. There are a lot of different walks of life and different people who come to me. I have doctors that are coming. That would be to me the least expected to do this. I also have other healers. Mostly, other healers are coming to me.

A doctor is a healer but I tend to work with other healers. They're coming to me to get a higher knowledge, expand their gifts, uplevel their gifts, understand themselves a little bit more, and get a little clarity and direction in terms of where they could go that's going to be the best for their soul or best timeline. They're going to be able to experience the most joy and reap the benefits of their sole purpose here. That's around who I work with, these other healers. You don't have to be another healer but that's generally the people who are coming.

Since having a reading with you and a session with you, what are some of the breakthroughs that people have had in their particular lives after sessions?

There are combinations for each person's unique situation and what they're going through. I've almost always seen that the following days and weeks after the Soul Code is channeled, they're having very deep metaphysical spiritual experiences. They're connecting deeper with their guides. The blocks and limiting beliefs that they had are being washed away and it happens very quickly. I have seen people have clarity about where they're supposed to go and take action to that clarity. They feel this sense of relief as to, "This is where I'm meant to be," but they're also connecting with a deeper part of their soul and themselves.

That's the important special part for them. You get to experience yourself on another level. It's like you're taking something and seeing a part of you outside of you. It changes perspective. It can change your perspective of the situation around you. I've seen fun metaphysical and spiritual experiences and wild coincidences. People were making the changes that they were afraid to make. People understanding their purpose on a deeper level is the biggest one that I've seen. Not feeling like they have to rush to do anything or have to be somewhere else but having the knowledge and saying, "I'm going to move forward in this way."

We talked about that a little bit regarding my reading. I was having some limiting beliefs on some of the things you told me regarding being a healer. I shared with you that I always looked at myself as somebody who curates different modalities and knows all the healers. If somebody comes to me, I say, "You could go here and get an amazing experience." When you told me like, "I have that ability," it's like I contracted for a second because maybe I didn't have that belief that I have that ability. Nobody is a healer on their own. Everybody heals themselves to offer that medicine. I had to sit with it for a little bit.

You don't have to do anything overnight or right this moment. Let it sit and unfold as it should. You're doing everything that you should be doing perfectly. You're on the right path. Accept who you are. As we learn and grow more, things are going to open up and there's no timeline here. One of the messages I've gotten in my life is the universe has all the time that you need to move on to the next stage of your evolution.

It could be done in 5 minutes, 1 hour, several experiences, or lifetimes. There's no timeline. There's no clock that's ticking because everything is all happening at once. It's up to you how you decide to go down that path given that new knowledge. The more inputs of knowledge that you get, the more choices that you can create to have new lifelines and experiences.

Everybody needs to hear all of that. That is such a good message. Remember that you're right on time. That is something that we can all remind ourselves every day because as humans, we want to be there, get to the goal, and do that. There's this, "should I or shouldn't I do" element. The shamans say we're the storytellers. We get to tell the story. This is our life. We get to take that power back and do it when we want to do it to a certain degree. When we're ready, it happens. Not before then.

This is our life. We get to take that power back and do it when we want to do it to a certain degree. When we're ready, it happens

That's so important. Everything is done exactly perfectly as it should be. I got my reading and you sent me the artwork. I've been having time to connect with it and look at it. Many beautiful things have been happening like synchronicities. Do you have a protocol or a suggestion? After you get a reading, it's all different but what would be an appropriate way in which you can continue to use this going forward in life?

I would be connecting with your soul code or art image daily and having it printed out. If you can do PDF, print it out even on paper and hang it in your office.

I laminated mine.

That looks so good. I love that. That is great. Having it with you is going to work with your soul until you're not here anymore. It's going to keep up-leveling you when you're ready. It's not just a one-time thing and that's what I love about it. You can meditate on it. Put it as your screensaver onto your phone, the little popup on your phone. Keep it nearby. You can take and extract the codes. Draw them on a piece of paper, hold them in your hand, and meditate with them between your palms.

Place that same paper under your pillow and sleep with it. See what your dreams tell you and what the information is. Embedded in all the codes in the artwork is a soul code specifically for you. That is that sacred tone. It is in there and it is powerful. You can use that. You can have fun with it and play with it. Use it for healing for yourself, manifestation, or whatever it is you want.

It's very intoxicating to continue to look at it because I have it with me. Every time I move into a different room, I'm carrying it with me or I have it in my journal. I'm going to print out more and keep one in the bathroom, maybe keep one under my bed or on my phone. There are so many different ways in which you can connect with it. It is fascinating, first of all, to know that this is my unique soul expression.

To be able to have it and have it for infinity as long as I live, it'll be something I could keep going back to. It's a beautiful reassurance that there is a unique signature or fingerprint that your soul has and that you have the power to connect with it. Whereas maybe in the past, you have not. There are so many ways in which you can connect with your soul but this is a beautiful way to bring it into the 3D reality.

You can't tell me you're looking at that and not seeing that you are an advanced soul. You're seeing all of the different moving parts and information that's there for you. There's a lot they wanted you to know. That's all I know.

It's like a QR code to a million-terabyte file. What do you make of the times that we're living in from a holistic general perspective? Where do you see humanity moving? You are connecting with some higher advanced beings or extra-dimensional beings? Are you positive? Are you feeling like there could be a lot more turmoil? What is your feeling towards all of this?

That's interesting because there are so many different perspectives on what's happening. It's such a hot topic. I am very much told by my guides to sit back and be the observer. I'm not meant to be the one that's sharing all of this necessary information. I'm watching it unfold though. I'm preparing myself and my body. I feel we are in the age of Aquarius. We're going into the age of love and oneness. The Earth is changing. The vibration of the Earth is changing. Also, the frequency. We are changing as humans. That is undeniably being seen on this planet by those that are awakened.

In between all of this, one of the things that I'm passionate about is the world doesn't need healers. We need healed healers and practitioners. That's in the spiritual community something that's going to come out very soon where not everybody has the best integrity. We have to use a lot of discernment within the spiritual community.

To say of the world, it's changing. We're changing. You can feel and see it. We're moving into the age of love, unification, and Christ consciousness. We're embodying what Jesus came down to teach us, which is love. Ultimately, everything is love. We have to go through a little more shadow work as a collective and humanity to dig up all of the other things that are coming up. There is truly evil on this planet. People have been lied to for many years, decades, and lives. We're all coming to awareness. We came to Earth to be creators. We came to create love, divine love, and expression through sacred geometry.

Soul Code: We came to Earth to be creators. We came to create divine love and expression through sacred geometry.

Along the lines came the fall of humanity and the miscreation of all of that. We're coming back to our divine selves understanding that we have the right to be here on Mother Earth. It's our divine right to be happy, feel joy here, and not be stuck in cycles of suffering. It's going to take a while for us to get there but that's where we're going. We're going to start seeing ourselves rise. I do think everything is going to be okay. I always ask my guides and they say, "You're safe. It's going to get uncomfortable but we're going to be safe." It's important that we, as healers, hold the light. We don't choose fear. We choose faith. No matter what it looks like out there, we hold the light.

Thank you so much. That was so beautiful. I got chills hearing that. A lot of the illusions are being unraveled. It could be very traumatic for many people but for those that understand, the world and the universe have to be balanced. As all this muck is being pulled from the undercurrent, we're seeing how dirty things are in politics and so many places in finance, medicine, and all these things.

At the same time, people are raising their consciousness and ascending it to higher levels. I truly believe exactly what you said. We have to look within ourselves and make sure that for us to ascend to the next level, the new Earth, if we want to be leaders, then we have to look at life and ascend to that Christ consciousness.

At the time that Christ was here on Earth, he was able to inspire so many people through His life and actions. He also wanted us to all know that we have that same ability within us. If God is everything, God is not going to give just one person the power. "Just pray to him. That's it." No. Each of us has a seed of that divinity and Christ consciousness. It is a time when things look on the surface meant very bleak, especially if you watch the news, which you shouldn't watch. Everybody has that seed within us to reach that Christ consciousness.

Imagine 100, 1,000, or 1 million people reach that Christ consciousness. If 1 person can do it 2,000 years ago, imagine multiple people doing it at this moment. What world can we create on this new Earth as we're moving towards? The biggest thing is having that love for everyone and everything. We realized that if everything is God, even the things that we judge, hate, and think are evil, are also an aspect of God. Maybe it's the shadow part of it in this spectrum of duality.

We have to understand the bad to understand the truly good. Like when we have hardships in our life, we have to hit rock bottom places to ascend to much higher places. The universe will always balance those forces out. I have to remind myself that as many challenges as I have in certain ways, I know that it's all bringing me to a better place of becoming a better person and a more divine soul. It's so beautiful because when we look at the darkest parts of our life, those are usually the biggest blessings. If we could hold gratitude for them, then what can we be afraid of? There's nothing.

Becoming a healer, when you were saying, "The darkest parts," I had to come to terms with, "I could be on the street if I do all this. I could be homeless. Am I okay with that? I'm going to be okay with that." Everything changed because I took that fear away and said, "I'm safe no matter what. I am home." That's a beautiful realization that we all need to remember.

We are safe. Yes, the duality needs to exist. That's how they're all aspects of God. The light, dark, masculine, and feminine are all at play here for a reason. It's quite beautiful. We've constructed good and bad here on Earth. When you go into the higher frequencies, they don't have judgment. That's something we've created or consented to.

There is so much to unpack from this conversation but the biggest lesson and segue for me is to remember that we are safe and always have been safe from the moment we were born all the way through. Whatever things have happened to us, they happen for us, not to us. Look at life as we are the arbiters of our choice and are responsible for everything that happens to us, whether it's from a spiritual place or a physical place.

Things that we don't desire do happen to us but at the end of the day, those are necessary moments in our life that we had to go through to get to the place that we are now. Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. If we continue to walk those steps, we're always going to end up in a good place.

That's my thing. Life is happening for you, not to you. You just have to understand that there is an opportunity within the challenges you're facing.

Life is happening for you, not to you. You have to understand that there is an opportunity within the challenges you're facing.

Why do you think you came here to Earth as Sarah of the Light? What did you want to experience?

I came here to transmute a lot of darkness within my family, generational curses. I also think I came here to be of service. I do feel I may have volunteered to come here and be of service for this great awakening throughout humanity, share my compassion and healing gifts with the world, and meet other like-minded people who will do the same. That's a big part of why I am here.

Thank you for all that you share with me, my audience, and then also with all of your clients and the people that will work with you. You have such a pure soul and heart. You've given me a gift that I can use my entire life. I appreciate that. My final question for you is, what does God mean to you?

God to me means everything, love, the bigger expansive unification within all. I feel like God is everything and everywhere all the time so it is love for me, unification.

Love is the bigger expansive unification within all.

How can our audience learn more about you if they want to connect with you for a Soul Code reading, Reiki, or any of the other gifts that you share?

They can find me on Instagram @SarahOfTheLight. They can go to my website at SarahOfTheLight.com or send an email to me at SarahOfTheLight@Gmail.com. I am more than happy to give you a twenty-minute free discovery call on light language, Reiki, and anything you're looking for.

Thank you so much. It was such a pleasure to have you on. I'm so glad we could get into this show and meet up at the same time.

Thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure. I had such a blast. I love your energy and being in your energy. You're doing great things and you're going to do so many more great things that you're not even aware of and that's the exciting part.

I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

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About Sarah Lachance

Sarah of the Light is a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher, Light Language Channel, Earth Keeper, Yogi, Shaman, Tarot Reader, and Multi-Dimensional Artist. Sarah knew that she could feel other people’s energy from a young age, but she’s always felt different, and didn’t know why. For 20 years, she lived in Los Angeles and had a thriving career as a fashion designer. Sarah made the life switch to a healer in 2016. Her love for healing is encoded in the work she does. Sarah is here to help healers discover their untapped unique soul gifts and become their own best healers. It's an important part of her practice that the world we live in is being held by healed healers. She is here to help activate your heart again with love and courage so you can live your soul's purpose with grace and deep understanding.


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