Episode 76: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique With Lisa Armstrong

Did you know you can tap into moments of your past or past lives to experience traumatic events and heal them instantly through a special technique? Today’s guest is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique therapist. Lisa Armstrong discusses how the quantum healing hypnosis technique help in facing fear to move forward. She explains how QHHT developed and differs from the Past Life Regression Hypnosis. As they move further into the conversation, Lisa highlights the value of allowing your feelings to resurface and the power it brings to heal. Do you want to access your potential lying dormant within your heart and mind? Tune in to this episode with Lisa Armstrong today.


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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique With Lisa Armstrong

Did you know that you can tap into moments of your past or even past lives to experience traumatic events and heal them in an instant through a very special technique? Our guest is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique therapist, and I was led through a QHHT session that gave me a profound understanding of myself and merged me back with my superconscious.

With an innate quest for truth and authenticity, Lisa Armstrong never resonated with the old paradigm. With a financial career abandoned, she was drawn to the simple truth of nature. The magnetic call of the ocean led the path to a career in scuba diving and a deep desire to share a different perspective of life with others.

After building and operating an Eco Lodge in Mozambique, her passion for exploring and understanding the frontiers of human consciousness drew her on a path of self-discovery, studying yoga, kinesiology, psyche, quantum healing hypnosis, fractal psychology, breath work, and developing a passion for quantum physics, neuroscience, and microbiology.

Lisa has an intuitive understanding that we are each gifted with the potential to be anything and do anything without exception. She provides a safe space and skills in which to break through the boundaries of the conditioned human mind, allowing access to greater levels of human potential that are dormant within each human heart and mind. Welcome to the show, Lisa Armstrong. How are you? 

Anand, thank you so much. It’s so good to be here. I’m honored. I’m excited about this. 

Me too. We have been trying to plan this, and the audience knows I met you in Egypt. We went on a tour together, and people have been seeing the thread. They have been saying, “Are you going to interview everyone from your trip?” I said, “Probably because everyone has such an amazing, beautiful, and unique story.”

I’m so glad that we got to connect a little bit more after the trip was over. During the trip, I met you, and it was wonderful, but we didn’t get into these deep conversations. We scheduled a call, and we got to know each other. I had a session with you for a hypnosis healing technique that you do, which was out of this world. We will go into that as well. I am sitting here in gratitude for this conversation and for getting to connect with you on a deep heart level. 

Thank you so much. It’s one of those things where you never meet anybody by accident, and there’s always something to learn from each other, which is amazing. Thank you so much for the opportunity. 

Lisa, what does living a limitless life mean to you? 

You sent me this question before to ponder, which is interesting. I went into it. For me, it seems to be the same question that we are all pondering at the moment of what it means to be here now, alive as ourselves. When I went into limitless, what does that mean for me? It goes into this very difficult question of I’m here now, but I’m everything at the same time, so how do I balance that? 

Everyone is always talking about how we are all one. It’s like, “Yes, I know I’m all one, but I’m here, and how do we balance that?” which has been something that’s been on my mind a lot. The limitless thing was beautiful because what I came out with was we are limitless and life is this unfolding of recognizing our limitations when we need to be showing them. 

For a long time, I was trying to find all of my limits at once and fix them all at once to become, all of a sudden, limitless, and that becomes quite stressful because there’s always something else. For me, it’s surrendering to the limitlessness rather than seeking it, which has been the way that I have now approached life, which is beautiful, knowing ultimately that we are all going to end up in that pure limitless space. It’s the feeling of the limitless, and to seek limitlessness would make one feel trapped. It’s to surrender to it. Thank you for the question because it made me dig very deep. 

I love that take, and it’s very different. I have been pondering the same things in the fact that if we know for a fact we are limitless beings and then we look at ourselves in these limited body suits and the thoughts or whatever we have, it can be a little bit overwhelming. It’s like, “I will never achieve in this life full of limitless because it can’t be done. You can’t be everywhere. You can’t have every single experience all at one time.” That’s for the next evolution of our soul. It is to surrender to the fact that you are and that you can create anything, and every decision that you make is perfect because it’s exactly what you are choosing. Everything I have come to the place in my life is like everything is a choice. 

Every interaction I have with other people, every thought that I do, and every action that I create, is all based on how I want to go. You have these infinite potentials in front of you. You have so many doors to choose from, “I’m going to choose door number three. That’s going to open up a whole new set of possibilities, and then maybe tomorrow I will choose door seven.”

It’s always up to you how you want to do things. At the end of the day, it’s like choosing your adventure. I don’t know if you remember those books years ago, but I love those books. I was like, “There are so many choices.” I’m getting back into that feeling now of like, “At any moment, we can change and pivot the direction of our lives with a new choice.”

It’s having the courage to seek new opportunities and challenges rather than staying the same, and that’s what creates that limitless life of having that awareness that we can do this at any moment we experience this limitless nature. The essence is within us, and we have to be able to step into that power and also surrender to the universe because the universe is always going to be an ally to us as long as we understand that it is the ally. 

I love the way you put that. It’s interesting because, for me, that question has been whatever decision that almost brings fear, I started to recognize that fear as that’s the fear of the unknown. The fear of the unknown is nothing other than stepping through into a completely different and new experience, which is opening up more levels of potentiality.

A lot of my journey, especially in the last few years, has been facing fears. It is the fear that keeps us limited. The fear is an illusion if we understand that and know that we don’t need to prevent that ourselves from anything. It’s transcending. On the other side, fear is something that we could never have imagined. A lot of my journey, having seen what happens when you meet your fear face on and go, “I’m going to do this. I’m terrified, but I’m going to do it anyway,” it’s something that does open up those opportunities even at a subconscious level. Life starts, and you feel more liberated when you have done something that you were fearing, and then you release yourself from the limitation of fear. It’s beautiful, the way you put it. Thank you. 

Fear keeps us limited. Fear is an illusion if we understand that it's preventing us from anything.

Let me ask you a question. Are you the type of person like myself and many others who want to face the fear because we know there’s always that magic on the other side? Has there ever been a time when you went straight after fear, and you felt like, “This was bad for me?”

Off the top of my mind, categorically, not at all. I can’t think of a time that I was worse off after facing a fear head-on, but there’s that feeling. It’s almost like an exhilaration. It’s like going on a rollercoaster ride. It’s like, “I’m terrified.” Once you are on it, it’s so exhilarating and that feeling of exhilaration. Afterwards, you feel so limitless.

You could take on the world. Going back to, “I will start here,” I started my life trying to be a financial career. I studied at university, but nothing filled my soul. Nothing felt exhilarating because sometimes we can replace the word fear with exhilaration. It depends on our frame of reference. It gives our bodies the same feeling.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Sometimes we can replace the word fear with exhilaration. It just depends on a sort of frame of reference.

It’s something exciting, something we have never done before, and something that’s new. I never felt that at all. For me, it’s this life, and then you get a job. Everybody is going through that or has been through that at some point in their lives. It’s a deep questioning of like, “Is this it?” I was about to embark on a financial career along with all of the friends that I was graduating with from university. I can still remember a telephone call. A friend of mine said, “Will you please come with me and drive five hours to visit my brother, who’s a diving instructor in another part of the country?” I can still feel on the phone going, “Five hours drive. I couldn’t be bothered.”

She twisted my arm and I ended up arriving there and got onto the beach in time to see everyone coming off the diving boats filled with such amazing energy. All of them were like, “This was the best dive of my whole life.” At that moment, I was like, “I need to do this. This feels quite exciting.” For the first time in my life, it was like, “Life doesn’t have to be the way that I thought it or we’d been told that it should be.”

On that day, I signed the application and then did all the training courses up to being a diving instructor. That has to have been one of the most powerful experiences of my life because what it means is, day-to-day, what you are doing is staring deep into somebody’s eyes while they transcend their body’s fear of death. 

Every single survival mechanism written into the body is there. You must hold your breath when you put your face under the water. To watch people taking their first breath underwater and watching in their eyes, they are overcoming their body’s inbuilt subconscious deep survival instincts to keep it alive, and they overcome that. To watch that and to be holding a space, nobody can learn to take that first breath, and nobody can learn to scuba dive, but you have to do that yourself.

It is to watch people progress through that, and it was just scuba diving. It was a little four-day course, but people’s lives changed profoundly after that because they’d faced their fear. Once they’d faced that fear and stepped themselves way into the unknown, it was almost like they became limitless. They felt they could take on the world and stay in touch with some of them afterwards. 

It was incredible because everything shifted in their lives. They were brave enough to leave that job that they hated or they were brave enough to try that new hobby that they’d been wanting to do. They couldn’t find the time, all these subconscious reasons that we make not to do new things, and step into the unknown. My life was living in that joy and to find like, “We can love life every single day and do what we love doing every single day.” That was the most profound experience. I often draw a parallel between what I’m doing now, which is more expanded states of consciousness, and that thing with those times then because they were equally the same. It made me realize that there’s no correct, right, or wrong path to this. 

We each have our fears, and we are going to face them in different ways. The beautiful thing for me in teaching scuba diving and any of the other modalities that I do is for us to know that we all have the same fears. We all are terrified of the unknown. It’s not just us, and we are all alone in this world. We are all doing this together, which is amazing and incredible.

We each have our fears, and we will face them differently.

I wanted to share that because it was so profound for me that something so simple as taking a dive course is life-changing and if we perceive everything that we do in that way. It doesn’t even have to be as big as taking a diving course. It can be taking a new route to town, going to a new coffee shop, or anything new, it brings you back to the present moment, and that also did. When you face your fears, you are 100% completely in the present moment thinking of the past or future. You are fully present. It’s very beautiful. 

I love that analogy and/or that story. The reason why I asked you that question initially is because I also have never experienced a time where I went after a fear and felt like, “It was a bad thing that I made that decision. I should have played it safer.” The more we get comfortable in the uncomfortable or in that uncertain environment, the more we build muscle, and we are building our inner strength to go then and take bigger risks. When we take risks in life, we get varying results all the time and there’s no 100% success rate in things, but it leads us to better lessons in life, gives us more perspective, and expands our circle of knowledge. 

When you expand your circle of knowledge, you realize what you don’t know is even bigger. The circle of things that we don’t understand is massive compared to the things that we keep learning. You go on this rabbit hole of expansion. When you are expanding all the time, things are uncertain. If you fall in love with that uncertainty, then life becomes magical because you are always unlocking these secret doors and they lead you to the most amazing things.

Every single time I say no to fear and move forward, it creates so much beauty in my life. That’s the reason why I wanted to get into this conversation because you are like that as well and so many others that I have talked to. When you started becoming a scuba diving instructor, you said it was right after university. 

You came to this conclusion or realization at a very early age, which is remarkable compared to a lot of people when they go through life. Even for me, it wasn’t until my mid to late 30s that I decided, “I’m going to open up a wellness center. No matter what, I’m going to make this thing happen because I always thought that one day when I have the money, resources, and a full team, I will make it happen.”

I started my life years go by without making that decision. The minute I did it, so many beautiful things opened up. It’s always beautiful to hear, especially someone who has figured that out at an early age. I want to get more into your background. You went a different path than all of your other friends going into finance and whatnot. At a younger age, were you a very spiritual person, or did you not have too much of a spiritual awareness a little bit later in life? 

I would say it’s quite an interesting question because this is what’s interesting for me and a lot of my clients as well. A lot of what people say like, “I wish I had this gift and that gift.” When you start speaking to them about their lives, you start to realize that they are incredibly gifted in terms of listening to their intuition.

Because it’s been a natural part of them for so long, they don’t see it as something special. What I’m realizing now is that, in particular and a lot of people that I know, are starting to re-remember their childhood in very new ways. As we look backwards, we start to realize, “I was spiritual and connected,” and then something happened in between.

It makes sense to me intellectually because, as kids, we are in the theater of a brainwave state, so everything is magic. That closes up at 7:00, and we start determining our personality. It’s almost like what I perceive the veil to be that everyone speaks about is very much for me the separation of the conscious mind’s perception of the world and the subconscious programs that are projecting that subconscious world.

All of these journeys and awakenings that are happening is that veil that we are starting to become more self-aware and the more empowered we become in terms of, “I’m creating this reality. How am I creating this reality and which parts of my reality don’t I want to experience any longer? Instead of externalizing it, where is this coming from?” It pushes us into these deep questions of, “Who I am? What I am? What is life and what do I want my life to be like?”

To answer your question, looking back now, I realize that I was very in tune and in touch. Even working a lot with the ocean, I realize only now speaking to other people that I was very much working with nature and understood the flow of the tide. I wouldn’t say I’m not very visual at all. In terms of what some people perceive as spirituality, getting visions, and being clairvoyant, not at all but more of a deep and knowing. It’s cognizant, just knowing that there’s another way that we can live.

“None of this makes sense. Why do I need to do that?” I’m sure you and many people that we know are very similar to all of those questions and why that nobody could ever answer for us. We were like, “We have to do this, but why?” “You have to.” We all realize that we don’t have to do anything like that. We can do exactly what we want.

In that perspective, I wouldn’t call it spiritual, but I would say that we tap into how we felt before we started focusing on what it means to be successful, achieve,, are very goal orientated, and what the world has made us believe that our lives should look like. When we start questioning that and asking ourselves if we are still in alignment with that, “Is my belief system still serving me?” I would say I was always connected very much, especially with nature, a huge affinity with nature, which is why I ultimately ended up going into the ocean. It made sense. Everything flowed. It was so unpredictable. What drew me every day was completely different. The idea of a monotonous 9:00 to 5:00 thing was not resonating. I didn’t see the purpose of it.

Living in nature with deep connections with people, none of this meaningless chatter and social pretense. When you have watched somebody stare death in the face, there’s a connection there that’s beyond, “How’s the weather now?” You can’t lie to anybody when you have looked into their eyes and watched them meet themselves at that level. 

For me, it’s always been a draw of this superfluousness of what we call modern-day living. A lot of the layers that we put over ourselves for protection aren’t there in those situations. You are dealing with raw nature, and Mother Nature will show you who you are. There’s no way you can pretend. That drew me. I always had that feeling and was so grateful that point I made that decision to face my fear and do something different, which was frowned upon. It’s like you are throwing away your entire university career, and you are going scuba diving to be a beach bomb. That was interesting. 

Isn’t it interesting how we get these labels or people tell us, “You are throwing away your future?” What does that even mean? They are already putting people inside a box. Growing up in an Indian family, most of the Indians that I know, especially the generation above me, so my parents’ generation, it’s like, “Become a doctor or an engineer. If you don’t follow those two paths, then you have no future.” Especially if you come to the United States from India, you have to do 1 or 2. Otherwise, you are stuck. 

Nowadays, we are living in an age where you can do anything. It’s always been that way. It’s following your mission and your purpose, but a lot of times, we let the external shape our lives rather than letting the internal shape our lives. The whole thing about knowing thyself is like a lot of kids aren’t encouraged to go inwards, spend time in nature, and ponder life, what they want life to look like, and how they want to feel. When you are a kid, and you are playing or going into the ocean and swimming and feeling that sea mist you face, that’s the beauty of life.

To hear a lot of people say, “I’m going to a corporate job. My manager is telling me what to do and putting tight pressure and deadlines on me. That’s making me feel exhilarated or happy,” we need to turn back to what it is that made us happy when we were kids and made us feel alive and tap back into that to see what is the direction that we want to create in the future. You mentioned that there is no such thing as the past. Can you tell us a little bit what you mean by that? 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: We need to turn back to what made us happy when we were kids and what made us feel alive and tap back into that to see the direction we want to create in the future.

We all know these words, all of these ancient wisdom, and all the spiritual teachers, and now quantum physics and quantum science are now backing up all of these ancient wisdoms that have been there all along. They call it this infinite present moment. What I have found, especially with quantum healing hypnosis sessions, is the present moment is the lens to perceive both the past and the future.

From the present moment, we have access to the lens of perception. How we perceive our past and how we perceive the potential future is a very limited perception based on our programming, limitations, and wounding as the lens through which we perceive the world. That is mostly the past and the future, the present moment, and how we experience it. 

Within the present moments, we have the potential to tap into that. I have found this in doing my inner work and also listening to clients who have profound expanded state experiences. What happens in that moment is when they perceive their past, they perceive it in a completely different way. This is non-scientific. It’s purely experiential because I have read all the books. I have intellectualized all the stuff, and I have tried to understand it by reading all the quantum physics and science.

For me, in real time, it’s the experience of it which allows me to embody it and understand it at that level of embodiment rather than intellectualizing the concept and not embodying it. It’s been incredible to watch how new memories surface as people do this deep subconscious work, everything in the subconscious mind and patterns that have been stuck there as the lens through which we perceive the past. 

For example, it could be abandonment issues, and this abandonment issue is completely playing out in somebody’s life and relationships, jobs, and wherever it might be. When they expand their states that allows the inner guiding intelligence of our higher self to bring up the most important thing to be dealt with, it opens the window on the subconscious projector of their experience. In that space, whether it’s breath work, which I do quantum healing hypnosis and plant medicine, people are shown the wounding that they couldn’t see. There becomes an understanding of why they are projecting this repeating pattern in their lifetime time and time again.

Think that they are living a life that is different every day but realize that it’s completely a pattern. From that point, that subconscious wounding comes to the surface, and it can be shown in a number of ways. It can be shown as a past life, childhood memory, or an alternate parallel reality. It doesn’t matter how your subconscious chooses to show it to you. It’s showing it to you as the winning pattern. That’s brought to light, integrated, and released because it’s been so suppressed. It’s sitting there and we think we feel okay, yet these patterns keep on coming and triggering us. As soon as we look at those triggers and go, “This is inside of me. Let me deal with that. Let me feel safe to feel this emotion,” that’s as simple as it is.

They now look back at their past and that repetitive pattern going backward into their life almost gets white clean. They are able to view the past with a completely different lens because now their subconscious mind has changed and shifted because they have accessed it, which they didn’t want to. Now the lens of perception of the past, present, and future has all changed. 

That’s my experience of it, which has been profoundly beautiful. It brings home the simplicity of the ability that we have to change our lives in profound ways if we allow ourselves to feel these feelings that we didn’t realize that we have suppressed for so long, yet are the projection of our life and therefore lead to the quality of the experience of our life.

We have to change our lives in profound ways. Allow ourselves to feel the feelings we didn't realize we've suppressed for so long.

It’s been the simplest thing. We can speak about ancient wisdom, read all the books, and try and understand the geometries, but for me, it’s bringing it back. All the hidden wisdom that’s been hidden from us for so long is within us all. We have the power to do this. It is if we stop externalizing things into the external world, recognize our triggers, and recognize the gift of like, “There’s something I didn’t know that was there. Let me delve into that. Let me tell my body it’s safe to feel that rather than suppress it and go running off after the next Band-Aid to cover the wounding that we are hiding from and running from.” That’s my experience of it in terms of everything that is happening now. From this point, we have the potential to completely change our perception and, therefore, our experience of reality. 

It’s like that movie Interstellar. I don’t know if you have seen that movie. It’s exactly like that. We are in the present moment and we get to going through a technique of QHHT. It is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique? We can go to any part of our life and open up that software program that was downloaded. You were talking about a feeling of abandonment for example. When you had an experience in life in the past, say you were four years old and you got lost in the mall or something like that, you couldn’t find your mom, dad, or anyone. You got scared and you felt abandoned or whatever the case was.

You had that experience. It was painful. Since that experience, you wrap it around in a story, and whatever that story is can be reinforced. The more you think about it, the more it gets reinforced. Now it’s locked in your subconscious so you are not consciously thinking about it, but subconsciously, you are constantly reinforcing it. 

You now have this projection of this feeling the software of non-worthiness or feeling abandoned. Now, all your subconscious energy is processing that to create your reality. Every time now you have something that happens to you that maybe can be perceived in that perspective, all of a sudden, that’s reinforcing that abandon. Logically, it makes sense that our subconscious is creating our lives because you and I can have the same experience. You can look at it from an empowering way. I can look at it as a disempowering way like reinforcing the challenges that I have in my subconscious. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Our subconscious is creating our lives.

Having a QHHT session is like, “Let’s go to that software program. Let’s take a look. Are these files corrupt? Let’s clean that out,” and then not have that program going forward. I was lucky enough to have an experience with you, and it was so magical. Before we go into it, can you tell us a little bit about the background of QHHT, how it was developed, and how it’s a little bit different than past life regression hypnosis that a lot of people are familiar with? 

QHHT has been integral to my journey and blew open my perception sitting and listening to clients’ experiences and where they are superconscious or where their inner guiding intelligence wants to take them to show them the message that they all perceive in the correct way. It opens up all of this multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves.

I knew nothing about QHHT. I knew nothing about any of this stuff. Coincidentally, I was listening to a video of Joe Dispenza, and the very next video on YouTube that came on was this video of this woman called Dolores Cannon. If any of you have seen any of her stuff, I’d never heard of any of this stuff. I never knew anything about multiple dominant past lives or any of that. I hadn’t considered it at all. I can’t remember what she was speaking about, but it came on and something in the resonance of her voice made me start to cry. 

I stopped what I was doing and I burst into tears because it resonated as a deep truth somewhere in my being. The Quantum Healing Hypnosis technique was started by Dolores Cannon. In short, she was practicing normal hypnotherapy and, accidentally, it became this journey that, in one of these sessions, the person slipped into her past life. What they experienced in the past life was fairly traumatic and very much related to the present life.

Being able to experience that, the person then was physically healed from the ailment, and so she started delving into this. It was over 50 years of her career. She started developing what now is called the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. The first part of the session is you ask the superconscious to take this person to the most appropriate time and place for them for their greatest good. This person can be shown anything. The second half of the session is you as a facilitator ask the client questions that they have about their life, their purpose, and anything that might be ailing them to that person’s superconscious. You speak directly to the inner guiding intelligence of the person and ask them their questions for guidance.

Over her career, Dolores fine-tuned the script and everything about it over a 50-year period, having direct conversations with people’s superconscious. She’s quite interesting because she never tapped into her own superconscious. She always called herself, “I’m just a reporter. I write down what the superconscious tells me and I do that.” It’s almost similar to qualitative and quantitative research over thousands and thousands of clients. The same information kept on coming through no matter who the client was and no matter what country they were in. 

The same very quantum information about the nature of reality and the universe as well as information guiding her on how to best use the scripts, that’s in short, this history that I’m aware of behind quantum healing hypnosis. When I first did the training, it was about a 4 or 5-day in-person course. I ended up there and I didn’t know why I was going there. I knew I needed to go.

I booked a plane to Orlando, having thought that I would never go to the United States in my whole life. Within two weeks of hearing about this, I was already in Orlando doing the training. The course was, “This is how you do it, this is the script, read the script, and keep yourself out of the way.” This is the client’s think. “Don’t lead. Don’t do anything like that.” Just the most appropriate time and place and then read your client’s questions to them and they will answer you.

I was a little bit dubious about this whole thing. It’s like, “You read this piece of paper and the script and then this crazy stuff happens.” I was like, “Let’s try.” In my perspective, the resonance of the script and the purity or the morphogenetic field of consciousness, the intention behind Dolores creating this thing, her focus was mainly to not lead anybody. Don’t ask leading questions. Ask open-ended questions.

You are not a healer. You are there facilitating a space for that person to find their healer within themselves. That, for me, resonated on such a deep level. Sometimes I feel completely useless. We are going to lie down. I’m going to read this piece of paper to you and then ask you your questions and that’s it. It’s that principle of empowering people to find within themselves information that they can access whenever they want to. It was what drew me to quantum hypnosis in the beginning. 

We had a session not so long ago. In your session, you told me they go anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. It’s very detailed. It moves at the pace of which your superconscious wants to go, and I was able to regress to the day that I was born. All the different feelings and emotions, I was able to tap into the other people in the room growing up or being born in Staten Island was like. I was able to see the hospital. It was many things that were affecting my life at this moment and from a different perspective. I was able to see from the observer rather than having to come in because being born into this earth, there’s so much beauty but it’s also, it’s not the easiest experience to have. 

There’s so much growth that needs to happen. There are so many lessons. The whole process of being a soul and then coming into this plane and seeing the hospital was in January. It was freezing out and it was rainy, snowy, and all these things and so much input to process, coming into the world, seeing my mom’s eyes my dad’s eyes, and my two sisters there in the hospital room. There was a lot and then we went into some of the questions.

I was able to flow. It wasn’t that my conscious mind was speaking to me. It was something a little bit higher perspective and almost like the way that sometimes I have a psychedelic experience. I’m getting these amazing downloads. Pure truth is coming out because, in psychedelics, you have to be fully honest with yourself. 

You don’t have the ability to filter anything through your own conscious or make excuses for yourself or whatever it is. It’s like you are getting pure downloads, and the same thing was happening when we were going through the list of questions I came up with in advance about why are certain things happening in my life and how I unlock some of these things that I want to move forward with.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: In psychedelics, you have to be fully honest with yourself. You can't filter anything through your consciousness or make excuses for yourself.

It was very powerful. I appreciate it so much because we were able to take our time and not feel rushed. There’s no way you could do something like this in an hour. It has to be done in a place where you can relax, get to that place of total relaxation, and allow your superconsciousness to come in. It was a very magical experience the whole way through. I felt so light afterward. 

I requested it because you are in South Africa. I wanted to do it super early in the morning because my brainwaves were still in Theta Delta during that time. We started at 4:00 in the morning. It was a beautiful time to experience that because I was relaxed at that time and I was able to go through the entire time.

Our session was three hours long and changed. It meant a lot. I listened to the recording a few times afterward. Newer things were opening up. I have been sleeping with amazing dreams coming about. I feel like the superconscious is still in my presence. I merged a little bit more of my superconsciousness into my consciousness to have a little bit more higher level of awareness. I was able to zoom out from my limited thinking and see things from a much broader perspective and much bigger timelines than what I’m thinking of now like, “How do I get all this stuff done in a month?”

The universe has all the time to give us these lessons and experiences. There’s no reason to rush anything because everything is perfect. As long as we can understand the perfection in it, each of us has gone through certain things in life because it was training us to become the people we are now. There are going to be more lessons, but who we are now is the most magical and most important time of our lives, and anything we move forward in is only going to be based on who we were.

It’s the ability to make those decisions and live with joy and happiness. If we could declare that and understand that there’s no separation from ourselves in our superconsciousness, then we have the keys back to our kingdom. If we could open that kingdom, then all the most amazing things could happen. I’m starting to see so much of that unfold now. Thank you so much. 

I still remember as you came out of your session. The sun was shining and you looked golden. It was the symbolism of that space that you go into. Whether it’s quantum healing hypnosis and meditation psychedelics, it’s changing perception in such a beautiful way that we can play the game of life and yet be the observer of it.

It’s so funny because people often say, “What is the most common message that comes through in quantum healing sessions?” I would say, “The most common thing that comes through in almost everybody’s session is you need to have more fun and stop taking life so seriously.” It’s easy to say that and it’s easy to get triggered by that as well because we have had deep trauma in our lives. It doesn’t matter what happened to us or what happened to us, the way that we are born and the way that we perceive things as we are being born. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: You need to have more fun and stop taking lives seriously.

I have done a breathwork facilitator course and looked a lot into the work of Stan Grof, who was the person who started Holotropic Breathwork. He first started by using LSD to attain expanded states, and then that was made legal. He developed breathing to allow us to use our breath in a specific way to access an expanded state of consciousness or what you’d call a psychedelic experience.

It’s so interesting because I was looking it up. The psychedelic in Greek means, and I can’t remember exactly, but it’s the soul, mind, and manifest. I thought that was so beautiful. It was like, “We have this whole different illusion of what psychedelic means.” Stan Grof’s work has intrigued me because he did a lot of work. It was a few thousand sessions. He came up with something that he called a birth matrix, in which he divided people who had been back and experienced their biological birth. 

He divided the process that we all have been through to comings in his lifetime into four different sections, first, second, third, and fourth matrix. It was incredible because, in the first matrix, he explained that as you are in your mom’s womb, it is mostly heaven on earth. You are floating around. You don’t need to do anything. You can hear your mom’s heartbeats. Everything is beautiful and magical. You don’t need to do anything.

The second birth matrix is when your mom starts having contractions. All of a sudden, everything squashes around you, but the birthing canal is not open, so heaven becomes hell. What you realize in the sessions is that consciousness, at that point, has no perception of time. It becomes eternal hell where everything was amazing, and then there was this thing that went badly wrong and now you are trapped.

The third matrix was when the birthing canal opened. That’s the first time you get a little bit of a glimpse of getting out. We use our most powerful physical energies, which are anger, rage, frustration, and sexual energy to propel ourselves down the birth canal. The fourth birth matrix is when we come out and we are born.

What he said, which is quite interesting, is it’s almost the cycle of death and rebirth coming into this lifetime. The way that we are all born at the moment, something happens there. This birthing is done in a very clinical situation. Most of the time, there’s a lot of fear involved. What he said is from that and in his research, he came up with something called a condensed set of experience, which was amazing. She was like, “It doesn’t matter if you go back to these psychedelic sessions. Your birth and your past life are something that happened in your biographical life. 

There’s something that we call a condensed sense of experience, which is recurring wounding that our superconscious chooses to show us as either of these places, transpersonal, biographical, or perinatal parts of our lives. Where it happened or where it was first or last, I don’t know, but it comes from our birth. It comes from our past lives coming into our birth. It doesn’t matter.

As long as what we have shown, we can perceive this in our everyday life. If we get triggered by something that is triggering something, a trauma that happened from that birthing experience, it then creates the lens of perception that we perceive and experience our life through. It dropped so many pennies of this incredible thing that we all have access to. Whether it’s quantum healing hypnosis, breathing, or deep meditation, we have access to be able to go back and allow those feelings to come to the surface. 

That’s how powerful we are. It’s very beautiful to be a part of your session. It’s my absolute honor to be in the presence of someone’s true nature, and you can feel it. It’s like I got goosebumps now because you can feel that energy comes in. It’s such an honor for me that what I get to do sometimes is sit in the presence of that, which is all about true essence and true nature. It’s beautiful and it’s humbling. It puts everything in perspective every time I facilitate this. We know all of this. It’s like, “I will go into that little drama on the side there.” This always brings you back to this potential of what we are inherently, which is beautiful and special, so thank you. 

Thank you. It makes the person going through the process if they have a facilitator who’s holding a loving space and keeping a safe space. It makes it so much easier. I felt like I could let go and be myself. If I had to cry or whatever it was, it’s fine because I know that I’m being in an amazing container. It makes a difference having someone like you.

Like we were talking about, there are so many avenues, tools, and modalities for us to get to this place, but it’s important that we do choose one or choose a few that it’s going to resonate with us. I love to experience so many different things and then fine-tune which ones work for me. That’s the important part. It puts us into a place where there could be some pain that comes up, but through the pain, when those tears come out, there’s a healing that comes about. 

For those who are stuck in life and feel like there are not a lot of outs, there is breathwork or QHHT. There are so many different psychedelics if you are in a position where you can handle it. I don’t recommend it for everyone. These are the most powerful moments in my life when I’m able to get past the conscious mind to get to the subconscious and have a true healing in a few moments through these processes. I have been blessed in my life to have several of those.

It’s never like we do one and we are completely healed. There’s a process that we go through, and our souls want that. It doesn’t want to just you to figure out all the answers at a young age of, “What’s the point of living in this life?” All the most painful moments can be the greatest blessings, and I truly believe that. When I keep that perspective, I always look at life as this is a magical place and how I can experience more love, happiness, joy, and fun. When I look through those lenses, then everything becomes more of that. This life journey is so incredible and every day I wake up with so much gratitude because of the experiences and the people that I get to interact with. 

The most painful moments can be the greatest blessings.

I agree with you 100%. I have heard so many people say it. We all have this thought sometimes like, “I’m tired of life.” To reframe that, understand all about the superconscious. It’s like, “No. You are not tired of life. You are tired of the pattern that you are in at the moment. That’s all.” That feeling is a little nudge from the superconscious going, “There’s a whole new pattern of life that you can play into the next unfolding of a new experience because we are only tired of something if we have lost the joy and excitement and if we are doing the same thing every day and are getting the same results.” It’s beautiful.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: You're not tired of life. You're tired of the pattern you're in at the moment, and that feeling is a little merged from the superconscious going. There's a whole new pattern of life that you can play.

For me to reframe it whenever, I’m like, “I am tired. What is that?” It’s like, “I’m repeating a pattern here that I’m not aware of.” I know that there’s a door somewhere because this is now a trigger that all I need to do is go into that subconscious or meet your fear face, and you are in a whole another pattern of reality, which is giving you that fun, love, and gratitude all over again. It’s a journey. It’s unfolding gradually and when it’s all perfect for us in this divine timing. Very beautiful. 

One of the things that brought us together was our mutual love for the country of Egypt. This was my first experience. I have always known I wanted to go there my whole life. I have felt this drawing to it and the ancient culture, the pyramids, and all of it. Tell us a little bit about your love for it. I know you have gone several times, had some magical experiences, and are going to be going again to lead a meditation and breathwork session inside the pyramids. Tell us a little bit about your fascination with The Land of Chem.

This is funny because most people, when you mention the word Egypt, say, “I have always been drawn to Egypt. I used to watch documentaries. It’s been a fascination.” I never had that fascination. Not at all. It was in my mind to go because it’s an amazing place. There’s a vortex. There’s an understanding. It’s a significant place. It’s the Great Pyramid of Giza. There are not many places like that on earth.

I was jaunted from that point of view almost out of curiosity. It will be amazing to go there and see what it’s like rather than any feeling or connection that I thought I had. I was meant to go exactly one year prior to the time that I initially started going, and my flight was canceled twice. It was for a quantum healing hypnosis reunion. I got to the airport, and there were two different problems with flights. It was delayed. 

I got the message like, “I’m not supposed to go,” and this was before COVID. The whole of COVID, I was like, “Now I want to go to Egypt because I didn’t get to go.” Doing sessions with my friends, we were asking, “Are we going to go to Egypt?” The message from the highest self was like, “If you want to go to Egypt, then create the experience.” Out of the blue, my friend messaged me and she’s like, “Matias De Stefano has had three cancellations on this trip. It was December, 2020. I have booked you, me, and my daughter.” I’m like, “Amazing.” I hadn’t followed Matias much. I’d watched some of the stuff on Gaia. It wasn’t something that was a lot in my reality. It’s like, “Egypt, I’m going.”

I ended up landing in Egypt on the exact day that I was meant to land in Egypt exactly the year before. I had no expectations. What did happen is that a week prior to my leaving, I encountered every single subconscious block to my going. I was in tears for the whole week. I was telling my friends, “I’m not going. I’m going to cancel my flights.” They are like, “What is wrong with you?” “I don’t know, but I had this absolute fear.”

Now knowing that this fear means a significant change is going to happen to your life when you step through this door. Something that you can’t perceive intellectually or understand how your life and the trajectory of your life are going to shift immensely by getting on that plane and taking that step. All of that fear, as I perceive it now, all of my subconscious patterning wants me to stay in the same pattern and go, “We don’t want to change. We want to stay where we are.”

When I was in the cab driving from the airport to Giza, I saw the tops of the three pyramids sticking above the buildings, and I started crying. I can’t explain it. I don’t know where it came from. It was like it opened a key. It was a key to a lock within my subconscious, which I had no idea was even there. Like I said, I hadn’t been drawn to Egypt and I had no idea that all of these memories were lying there ready to be awakened. That experience blew my mind.

The most beautiful thing about it was that it was the end of COVID, so there were no tourists there at all. I’m only realizing now what a gift it was to walk around these spaces and have them all to yourselves. I hadn’t read about the history of Egypt, Atlantis, or anything like that. Matias’s teachings were incredible because he teaches his path through the universe, but he very much says, “This is my path and my perspective.”

It takes all of our parts and all of our perspectives to make the whole. He’s like, “I’m going to teach my experience, but please don’t follow my experience. This is to show you your path through the universe is equally as important.” That resonated with me so much to see somebody teaching from such a place of neutrality.

What was interesting for me was the space of complete neutrality like the dark and the light and the fact that there has to be one to be the other. A lot of channeling and a lot of experiences that happened had very much to do with what we perceive as darkness. What I’d processed before going to Egypt was this fear of this darkness that exists in other realms. It’s only fearful because I don’t know anything about it so it feels fearful.

The biggest lesson for me in that space was a complete neutrality of nothing is good and bad. Everything is as it is. It’s our labels and definitions of it. Rather accept and let in the shadow aspects of ourselves and once we accept those and the world that it’s all within us, then we become all-powerful because we understand we hold all.

Giza is so interesting because it’s this huge sacred site and it’s right next to one of the poorest communities in Egypt. Everything is showing this polarity, which is what I love about Egypt. It’s not easy. I feel like Egypt is this massive, almost psychedelic experience except you walking around in your body. For me, it was amazing because it’s a way of integrating as you go. You connect it to your superconscious, but you are in your physical body so you have to navigate being a human being as well. 

Egypt is this massive, almost psychedelic experience, except you're walking around in your body.

I didn’t understand how this all worked. Listening to all the different perceptions of what the pyramids are, why they were built, and what they do was interesting for me. I have had valuable insight reading all that information and learning about it. For me, the most important thing is to go to Egypt and feel everything and allow yourself to experience it.

Now that I’m taking groups there, I say to people to do their research but come with no expectations and feel and experience what happens with you in Egypt because we can all share our stories and our experiences and crazy things that happen in Egypt. What made me understand it a lot was I took a BioGeometry course. BioGeometry was created by a man called Ibrahim Karim. It’s basically in short the study of vibrational science. He is developing a tool based on all the ancient Egyptian wisdom that was found in the temples of how to measure vibration as a color, sound, and shape. 

This has made me realize we don’t need to understand anything about Egypt. We need to go there and place ourselves in those structures because they represent, as far as my understanding, powerful earth energy vortexes, which existed there already. These structures were built on the earth’s energy vortexes to expand the vibration that the earth was already emitting.

For example, the hieroglyphics. He measured the hieroglyphics with his vibrational tools. Each hieroglyphic emits a certain vibrational frequency, as does the pyramid and temples in the way that they are designed and the ways they face. Understanding it now, I can completely understand why I could walk into a place, and for no reason at all, I would suddenly break down into tears. Maybe there would be flashbacks of memory, but that’s not even necessary. There’s no necessity for an intellectual understanding of what happens when you go to Egypt. 

I don’t think that we can fathom what happens when you go to Egypt. I always thought it felt like home was calling me. When I got there, it’s like, “I finally feel I have come home,” but it’s not home to the place. It’s home to the place within us that Egypt shows us underneath all the layers of who we think we are is who we truly are.

Egypt with the vibration, with everything there, with initiatic paths, it’s all about beginning to feel what it feels like to be my true authentic being when you let go of everything else. When you go to Egypt, it’s somewhat harsh. There are twenty million people in Cairo. It’s not pretty with green grass everywhere. It brings up everything that it needs to bring up. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Egypt shows us underneath all the layers of who we think we are and who we truly are, an Egypt with the vibration with everything there with an initiative past.

On some trips I go, it’s difficult. The energy feels frenetic. It’s like, “Something is coming up.” Sometimes it feels like absolute peace. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out, “Why are you going to Egypt again?” It’s like, “I don’t know, but I need to go.” That, for me, is one of those lessons of like, “You don’t need to know why. It doesn’t need to make any logical sense to you or anybody else around you. If you know you need to go, you need to go. If it’s calling you, it’s calling you and there’s a reason that you need to go there, and you have no idea what’s going to be on the other side of that.” There’s no way to predict what experience you are going to have in Egypt. It’s a magical place. If I can explain it in one sense, it’s like coming home to yourself. 

I had the same understanding and comprehension as who cares why it was created. It was created for you. When you go there, you will understand and you will connect deeper to yourself. Every possible thought and limiting belief, all that stuff will get brought up, but it’s a healing mechanism and a tool. Once you go inside, then you start understanding, “I’m home.”

I was having flashbacks of different lives there. It’s a timeless place. I felt I was feeling so much gratitude for being able to have the opportunity to go there. Even before the trip, I was so excited to do it. One of my plans fell through and then it reemerged a couple of days later. I’m like, “I have to make it happen.”

I made it happen. Even before the day before going, I was like, “Should I go?” All these thoughts came to my head. I decided to go for it and it was more than I could imagine or expect. The best thing to do is go without expectation. If you do have a calling for it, it means that your soul is calling and your soul wants to reunite with you. This is one of the tools and the mechanisms in which you can do it on a very cellular and spiritual level. 

That’s what I tell people. You will know if you need to go and you will know when you need to go. It’s to not make any sense of it because it doesn’t make logical sense. It’s something way beyond that calls people to go there. It’s always exciting because you know that something else is going to shift within you every time you go there, put yourself in those spaces, and connect with yourself on that level. It is a profound place.

I know that you are doing an event in which you can breathe inside the chambers. Can you tell us a little bit about that? It’s on September 19th, 2023 when you go. 

I would love to. The trips to Egypt are like, “Let’s access expanded states and allow what needs to happen to happen.” This will be the third group I will be taking to Egypt. As I said, it’s less about regurgitating what I have read in a book or what I might have, even my own experiences in Egypt. It’s more about creating quantum healing hypnosis and creating a safe space for a group of people to experience what they need to experience together, bring through their truth, and get deeper into who they are. We combined breathwork with going to Egypt.

This will be the third time we are doing this. We had it privately booked, The King’s Chamber, which is the most incredible experience go into that place and have it all to yourself for a full two hours. For the first hour, we then do a holotropic-inspired breathwork where you use your breath to access more easily and expand states, connect to your superconscious, and allow whatever needs to happen.

You can do this stuff alone, but there is a huge power in doing this stuff together. Everybody’s energy is combined and everyone’s connected through the heart space. It creates a very powerful container and such a beautiful feeling of love and support together. What we did the last two times is we then ran online breathwork using the same musical track at the same time we were in. There’s no space and time so you don’t have to do it, but it’s amazing to be able to do it in physicality at the same time. Everyone is connecting at the same time. We are all connecting in that expanded state, which creates this massive powerful vortex of energy for us all to spread love everywhere. 

Everyone is connected through the heart space. It creates a powerful container and such a beautiful feeling of love and supports together.

It’s been incredible the experiences that we have had in that chamber. It was also a way because some people couldn’t get to Egypt. It’s a long way. Some people have super busy lives. They feel this calling to go and they can’t quite get there yet. It was also another way of being able to share that experience that everyone can feel because you can feel it.

It’s been incredible in the past. It’s like synchronicities between people online and the people in the pyramid. Some of the people online could feel exactly what was happening and, literally, we counted fact for fact what had happened. It’s a way of sharing with as many people as possible this place that has been so integral to my inner journey for the last few years for those who can’t get there now. To be able to share that energy and to be able to connect is the most important thing, connecting in that space, which is beautiful. 

It’s going to be powerful. The Maharishi Effect is proven when several people gather in groups or even from around the world having the same intention of love and unity. It does amazing things around the world. The crime rates go down. There are more feelings of peace, happiness, health, and all these kinds of things.

It’s important to understand our individual thoughts matter so much to the quality of our lives. They are generators of circumstances and manifestations. When multiple people are doing it all at once, it’s even exponential. You and I are both into the doctor work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and the meditations that they do, the walking meditations and groups. He’s organizing a Walk for the World on September 23rd, 2023 where, all around the world, people are going to be walking at the same time and listening to the same track for love, peace, and unity from around the world. These kinds of things can only have positive effects on the individual and the collective. That’s what I’m here for, and that’s what you are here for in this world. Other than that, why do you think you came here to earth and what did you want to experience? 

It’s so interesting. I was very resistant to being on Earth for a very long time. I had this feeling like, “What am I doing here? It doesn’t make sense at all.” Very much like you and a lot of people, having experienced some of the psychedelics and having complete ego dissolution brought it home for me, being in that space of everything and nothing for the first part of my inward journey when I started focusing a lot on like, “What is going on inside of me?”

It felt like this seeking towards this oneness, which I couldn’t quite get to. It became like, “I want to get to the place where I’m feeling this wholeness, oneness, and everythingness.” It pulls you out of the present moment all the time because you are not enjoying where you are in the journey now. You are so focused on the end of the journey that you start disregarding the present moment and you stop living and feeling whatever it is you might be feeling in that moment and fully feeling it.

The psychedelic experience brought home to me like, “You are going to get there. This is what you are.” It’s everything and nothing, which is pretty overwhelming of everything and nothing. In those moments, it was so amazing to go into those expanded states because it brought home the appreciation of every single little moment of life, even in the most difficult times that we go through.

Now that when I look back on my life, some of the most dramatic situations and relationships, I can look at that and go, “My soul wanted to have that experience. I wouldn’t have been happy coming to earth and not having that experience.” When you are in it, it’s a completely different story. It’s bringing up the deep trauma, but it’s this journey.

It’s interesting because people speak about a higher purpose all the time and figure out, “What is my higher purpose?” For a long time, I thought it was this huge big external deed that I needed to do for humanity in order to make the world a better place. It’s like, “What is it? I tried this and tried that.” It is this higher purpose of this big thing. It must be big. It has to be important to help humanity. That shifted a lot for me over the last few years. A higher purpose isn’t necessarily something bigger that’s going to be bold, seen, noticed, and recognized because you would be doing it for the same amount of validation as you did everything else in your life. 

The higher purpose is when you are truly doing whatever it is you are doing from a space of pure contentment, love, and joy for being in that moment, whatever that looks like. That’s been a beautiful reframing for me because, instead of seeking this external huge thing that I have to where I feel quite stressed about what that might be, it’s just to be me and, in every moment, find out what that means and go through the unfolding of what I am going to become.

The higher purpose is when you truly do whatever you're doing from a space of pure contentment, love, and joy.

Love being me and then through the unfolding of life, probably many deeper layers of more authentic versions of myself that may choose to do something completely different from what I’m doing. Be open to that if a fear comes up and you move into a different situation, then it’s like, “It’s because I’m about to play a different game and become a different version of myself.”

Possibly, that might mean I’m going to move somewhere else or do something different. It is, for me, the relief that the simplicity of what my purpose here is. It’s like it’s more to find out what is it that brings me the most joy and happiness truly, not because I need to be noticed, I need to fix anything, or I need to save the world, humanity, or the planet.

Being in my utmost love and contentment is automatically going to change the vibration that I am in and will energetically help the collective all. For me, that’s my perspective of what all of our purposes are here, which is to be the most content and happy that we are, whatever that means that we might be doing. I drove through the toll booth. We have tolls here in South Africa. I was driving, and I was in a bit of a rush. I stopped, and the woman who took my card. She looked me straight in the eye, and she’s like, “You look like you are having a beautiful day.”

I was like, “That changed my whole way of being. It changed my whole day. It changed the whole way I felt.” I’m like, “Wow.” You can be in a toll booth taking people’s cards 24 or 12 hours a day. That is your gift to humanity, which is that you truly notice every moment you look people in the eye and you are present and focused on them. You can be a healer for as long as you want, but that was possibly even more powerful than anything that I do, and call it work for humanity. The gift of true presence is our gift to the world, whatever we choose to do with that. I’m very sure that it’s going to be many different things which I don’t know. 

I’m very excited and very open to all of them and flowing through them, the ups and the downs and all the parts of it. To bring myself back to knowing that life is about the dark, the lights, the ups, and the downs, and to accept that as a part of the process. It’s only our resistance to half the human spectrum of emotions that keeps us in our suffering. Once we can be open to feeling the fear and going, “I know what this is now. It’s okay,” it will flow through if I notice it and allow it. It is to be more present in all of those moments. 

The most important thing we can do is give the gift of presence. It’s also the simplest and most complex at the same time. It’s the most granular thing that we can focus on because it’s right in front of us at this moment to be in a conversation where there’s no other place you’d rather be in this interaction. In everything that we do, if we can look at life from that perspective, then we are laser-focused on that moment. When we can do that, we feel good. Life is happening for you rather than having to struggle to make anything happen because you are going to see the magic in every single moment. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Give the gift of presence, and it's also the simplest yet the most complex at the same time.

It is easier said than done. The most simple and yet the most complicated.

Lisa, what does God mean to you? 

That’s also very interesting. I grew up in a family. My mother, all of a sudden, when I was twelve became super religious. For a long time, I had a huge aversion to that word. It’s been a bit of a process. Now I have found myself using the same words and looking at myself and like, “I would say that God for me is consciousness itself. It’s all of existence of which we are all a small part, having one beautifully limited experience of it.” I don’t see it as external to ourselves. I believe that it’s something within us all that we haven’t come to recognize yet. It’s quite a contentious subject, some of these things. How I see it is, everybody, whatever they believe is true. That’s their belief. That’s the reality that they are going to project.

I started asking myself, “What is true? Is it this or that? How does it all work?” I don’t think we can comprehend or anything completely works. All I started doing was asking myself the question, “Does my belief system serve me now? Is it serving me, or is it giving me an excuse for doing this, that, or why I do certain things, externalizing my accountability for myself and my life onto something external to me, whether that’s a person, thing, place, or God?

I have no idea what God is. My belief at the moment is that God is within all of us. We are an aspect of consciousness, which is all the same consciousness separated itself into the deepest and darkest places of forgetfulness and possibly for the journey of remembrance of itself. It is possibly for that reason. I ask myself, “Is this belief serving me?” Yes, 100% at the moment because it means I’m taking full accountability for every single moment of my life. There’s nothing that I can blame it on, nobody I can blame it on, and no God that I can blame it on. That belief is serving me now. Maybe in the future, it could be changed, and I’m open to having my belief system challenged and questioning whether or not my belief system is serving me, but at the moment, it is.

We are an aspect of consciousness. It's all the same consciousness just separated itself into the deepest darkest places of forgetfulness.

Thank you so much for opening your heart and sharing with us all the gifts and lessons you have learned in your life. How can we learn more about you? 

The best way is on my website. It’s pretty much everything that I’m doing, links to social media, which has more updates, a lot more the breathwork and the pyramids, upcoming trips, and that type of thing. Also, two books that I wrote while I was in Egypt, which I didn’t write. It was scribble and, all of a sudden, the stuff came up, which was beautiful. I surprised myself even now. I read it, and I’m like, “I wrote this for myself. I wrote this to my future self to remember,” which was amazing. It happened all of a sudden in Egypt. There’s quite a lot of information that came through. It’s also an audiobook. It’s super cheap on Audible or wherever you can get it.

What’s the name of it?

It’s called Decode Your Own Matrix: The Courage to Write my Own Story the first one, and the second one is the Decode Your Own Matrix - The Egypt Codes. The website has all the links to everything, so that would be the best place.

What is the website? 


Thank you so much. It was such a pleasure to learn more about you. 

Thank you. It’s been an absolute honor for the session and this. Thank you for the opportunity to share. 

Same here. Thank you. 

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About Lisa Armstrong

With an innate quest for truth and authenticity, Lisa Armstrong never resonated with the old paradigm. With a financial career abandoned, she was drawn to the simple truth of nature. The magnetic call of the ocean lead the path to a career in Scuba Diving and a deep desire to share a different perspective of life with others. After building and operating an Eco Lodge in Mozambique, her passion for exploring and understanding the frontiers of human consciousness drew her on a path of self-discovery, studying Yoga ,Kinesiology, Psych-k, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Fractal Psychology, Breathwork and developing a passion for Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and Micro-biology. Lisa has an intuitive understanding that we each are gifted with the potential to be anything, do anything without exception. She provides a safe space and skills in which to break through the boundaries of the conditioned human mind allowing access to greater levels of human potential that are dormant within each human heart and mind.


Episode 77: From Dreams To Realities: Recapping 4 Years Of Adventure With My Beloved, Kate Griffith


Episode 75: Your Soul Code With Sarah Of The Light