Episode 77: From Dreams To Realities: Recapping 4 Years Of Adventure With My Beloved, Kate Griffith

The true richness of life is found in how we grow together, creating magic from every shared moment, making dreams come true, and watching the beautiful journey we take together. The Limitless One Podcast is back in 2024...Happy New Year everyone! In this special episode, I had an enriching conversation with the most significant person in my life, Kate Griffith. She is not only my wife but also the caring mother of our child and puppy, my reliable business partner, and my closest friend. Let's reflect on our personal and group development in recent years. We'll recall the most memorable moments from our last podcast episode in 2021. The year 2023 stands out as a chapter of unparalleled magic in our lives. This year has been amazing. I got married, we are expecting a baby boy, I started a new business, and we went on a memorable trip to Egypt. Join us in looking back at the richness of our lives.


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From Dreams To Realities: Recapping 4 Years Of Adventure With My Beloved, Kate Griffith

Reflecting On The Last 4 Years

In this episode, I'm so blessed to have the most important people in my life. My wife, my business partner, my puppy mama, my baby mama, and my everything, Kate Sukhadia.

Thank you for having me back after we took a little hiatus. The last time I was on with you was early in 2021. This is going to be fun.

It was crazy because we had to look it up the last time we had this conversation. We talk every day about being married.

I talk way more than you do and you want me to be quiet at times.

We wanted to reflect on the last couple of years. We went back to the episode that we recorded together in 2021. We were only 8 or 9 months into dating. At that time, we were new to the relationship. We had a deep connection, spiritually, emotionally, and physically in every way. I knew I wanted you as my life partner and you felt the same way. We even talked about it on the show but we forgot about what we talked about. We ended up going back and reading it.

It was beautiful to reflect on where we were both individually and as a couple. It was so cute to listen to us. It's also beautiful to see how far we've also come individually and together as a couple, and how much has changed and shifted but in such a beautiful way. We are big on reflection, whether that's reflecting after a month or a year about things that happened in our relationship. It's important for couples to do together. It was beautiful that we had that timestamp of who we were and could go back and read it any time. At some point, we'll read this one and be excited with how much our life has progressed since. Thank you for having me.

In life, we're always planting the seeds for the future. When we were planting those seeds back in 2021, we talked a lot about the things that are going on in our lives. What's wild is that I got goosebumps thinking about it. We talked about our deep love, connection, and the future that we wanted to have and growing a family. We're in a position where we're going to be in Paris.

We're going to meet our baby.

It's beautiful to see that and know that everything that we're thinking in a few years, what's going to be, what's going to happen? What are the potentials? What I love about our relationship is that every day and every year, it gets better. We open up a horizon because if we have this dream life that we want to create, we're limited by our thinking.

Every single year, our thinking expands and more possibilities open up. More people come into our lives and more opportunities. It's beautiful to see and experience that with you because this is the first time I've ever been in a relationship where I feel supported and loved by someone who looks at me and knows who I am at the core. To co-create with you is such an honor.

A lot of the episodes from 2021 were taking action about manifestation. It's beautiful in our relationship and that's what we are about. It is about planting seeds but being patient, holding space for each other, holding space for ourselves, having our individual lives and things that we both want individually but things that we want together, allowing that space and time to let those things come to fruition. How they're meant to come to fruition and knowing in our hearts that nothing that is meant for the two of us will pass us by holding strong to those beliefs and being here to support one another.

A lot of the things that maybe we talked about that we wanted in 2021 didn't happen right away for us, such as having our baby. Our baby won't be here until 2024. It's something that we wanted deeply, and we were already trying it in early 2021. We had to be patient and know that it was coming. It was on its way. How that was going to look for us is up to the universe. We held space for each other to feel our feelings, go through the emotions, and hold strong to the belief that it's coming for us. It's an honor to walk through life with you.

An important point that you make is a lot of times, things don't happen like this, even though sometimes manifestations come can't that quickly. It's all about trusting but also maintaining our energy, knowing that it's happening, and not stressing about what we don't have. Every time we desire something and put energy into that, it pushes it further into the future. In the future, one day, I'll have this, rather than getting into that feeling of that moment when we were talking. I was reading that letter that I wrote to you years ago about my future wife.

Reflection Journey: It's all about trusting but also maintaining our energy knowing that it's happening and not to stress about what we don't have.

Having those feelings and holding that space of one day we're going to be parents, I'm feeling the parent’s energy and having that with us this whole time. These things happen. It's important that we maintain energy because 2021 wasn't the easiest year in terms of my business. It was stressful. We're coming off a pandemic. There were a lot of changes. You were going through a lot of changes with work, not being fulfilled at your corporate job, and going through the healing process.

Both of us individually are coming together as a couple and trying to maintain and bring our best to each other every single day. It's important to know that everything might not be perfect at this moment. As long as we maintain that energy, things are going to get better, and knowing the universe will always bring us to the place in which we need to be to learn the lesson. Sometimes, we go through detours and whatnot but it's always going to bring us back to our highest purpose.

We're big on not living in the I'll be happy one, which is easy to get into that habit. It's easy to have that as your default. I'll be happy when this happens. We were happy being together, happy with our lives, and happy with ourselves. That is important. We can be in the right frequency and energy to manifest. What we know in our heart of hearts is meant for us but we never let that be our baseline. We were happy regardless of what happened.

We could go back in time and do a little timeline. How did we meet?

I'll recap the episode from 2021 because we talk a lot about that. 2020 was for both of us. You may agree or not. It was exploratory. We were exploring ourselves. Your business was closed because of the pandemic. For those of you who don't know, Anand owns a wellness center here in Jersey City, where we live, and the wellness center was closed. You had to explore who you were outside of that business. It's when you started your show and when our relationship began. It's such a beautiful phase of our relationship.

We knew each other because of the wellness center. I was a client there. During the pandemic, we started meeting up. We were going for walks and getting to know each other. I was also going through a lot personally, as it was when I hit rock bottom, realizing how disconnected I was from who it is that I truly am from my core, from my heart. Through that, I was going through this major healing process, working with healers plant medicine, and going to different events. It was trial and error, trying everything to connect deeper to who it is that I am.

You were there to hold space for me in that sense. It allowed our relationship to take place and blossom in the way that it was going to, regardless of the way that we were both going through. You with your business and me more personally. We started going for walks and those walks turned into dates. Before we know it, we are deep in this relationship that is heartfelt, beautiful, and deep. By 2021, when we were recording the episode, we both knew that we were meant to be together. The universe brought us together. If you look at all the things that had to happen and take place for us to meet, it's beautiful.

Reflection Journey: We both know that we were meant to be together. The universe brought us together.

How we got there was we were clear on what it was that we wanted. You went to a Tony Robbins event. You wrote this letter. Before having met me without knowing who you were writing that letter about, it was the feelings and how you wanted to feel in the relationship that was meant for you. You read it every day, and you fall into those emotions. Here I am doing the work, where I'm putting a list together of the things and qualities I want in a partner.

I’m reflecting on them and saying, “Am I all of those things for myself? Not that it needs to be tit for tat but am I all those things for the individual that I want to attract?” We know that relationships are mirrors. We're both here doing the same work, not knowing each other, not knowing what we're both doing but the universe brings us together in such a beautiful, harmonious way. That was our 2020. That was our meeting. That was our exploratory year of exploring ourselves and exploring our relationship together and what that could look like.

The only thing I will say is that when we first met, there was so much chaos around the world, the business uncertainty, and all these things that I had to disconnect. It was one of the times in which I had to look inward the most and tap into my spirituality because there was so much upheaval going on. I tried to look at everything in my past.

In the past, I would try to control every aspect of my life, thinking that I could do this, and this is what the expectation is for my relationships. Everything was so rigid that I decided I was going to let go of all expectations and all control of any situation and come with an open heart. I show up that way. The reason that you came into my life is because I realized the ways that I was going about life weren't necessarily working for me.

When you learn the lesson, that's when new things come in. You unlock that level of mastery or unlock that level of the video game. You don't have to repeat those same things as long as we're willing to look at things in a different way, go inward, and say, “How am I responsible for the outcomes of what I have in life? If I want different outcomes, I have to change my thinking to create new actions to create new results.”

Control is an illusion. The moment that we realize that life is going to happen and how it's going to happen can be magical, and we should allow it to flow. We white knuckle so many things in life, or we're holding onto to it, hassle it this way, I have to meet this person. I have to be married by this time. I have this many babies and do this with my career. You wake up one day and you're like, “I don't even recognize myself.”

What happened to me in the past was that I was controlling all the things in my life and thought I needed to look a certain way. I woke up one day and I was unhappy with who I had become and the life that I was living because I realized that it was me thinking that I was in control but not letting life flow and letting my heart's desires take me where I was meant to go.

Going back to the, I'll be happy when. Many of us live in that. I lived in that modality for a long time in my life. Once I started realizing that my life was amazing the way it was, I fell in love with myself. I am happy and know that it's only getting better. “My life is not fun or happy now but in the future, when I meet this person, I'll be happy.” You can't live that way because it's always, you're pushing that further away and you're not working on what's going on now. To attract that frequency of happiness, love, success, and abundance, we have to start living into that.

I've done self-development for a long time and I've known the law of attraction. Until you're ready to take on these tasks and live with it on an everyday basis and live it from your heart, I was going through it intellectually and not realizing it has to come from the heart. I've known intellectually for a long time that this was what I needed to do but I wasn't ready to up until a couple of years ago. We're always evolving and understanding ourselves better. The more we can understand and love ourselves, we can start making some amazing changes in life.

We're always evolving and understanding ourselves better. The more we can understand ourselves, the more we can love ourselves. We can then start making some really amazing changes in life.

It's integrating all of the work. Something big that you realize when you're doing this reflection or reflecting personally is that something that you might have taken on or learned during a certain phase of life is coming back around. This time, you're integrating it differently and quickly. If you think of life as that game or a Nintendo game, you breeze through certain levels of the game that you've played before because you've integrated that into your life. That's what all of these lessons that we have here in life are meant to teach us. How and when we integrate them is up to us. That's 2022. We move into 2021, where we are doing this episode in March 2021. Go back and read it. You start what was happening in 2021.

Around that time, what we decided to do was we were looking to move in together but we were new to the relationship. We wanted to make sure the little bit of a trial. I had my condo. It's ten minutes away from where we live now. We live in the same building that you were living in, which is right next to my business. It is convenient. You were staying over every night, in the morning, and working out of there a little bit.

You would go to work, which is right across from where I was living. You would go to the wellness center. We would coordinate what time I would be done with work and what time you'd be done. You'd pick me up and we'd spend the night at your house. I turned my little apartment into a healing studio where I had clients coming in for breathwork sessions. I got rid of most of my furniture and turned this into a studio because we wanted to experience life as if that were my job and work. I was going there and going home at night together to make sure that it flowed and felt easy. We're all about things feeling easy and being in flow. We wanted to make sure that worked for us.

Yeah, and it did.

I don't remember but it worked.

Everything meshed like we weren't getting each other's space too much. We had a little bit of room in there as well as a place we had to have our space and work out of an office if we needed to work out of a bedroom. It was a nice trial. It's a good idea always to tiptoe into it because we do know people who are in a great relationship start living together and realize, “This is not compatible based on lifestyles.” We're both early sleepers.

We go to bed early. We wake up early. We have our routines but it all meshed easily from what I remember. We did that for six months. I remember that it was February of 2021 and we moved in together in August of 2021. I recommend that for anyone, not that your place is like an out or having that second place but having a little space, making sure it works, and making sure you're in alignment.

One of the cool things we were able to do was find an apartment. It was the same building that you're in, which is right across the street from the business. My time is so valuable to me. Having a three-minute commute and walking over to work is powerful because time is precious. That's the only irreplaceable commodity in our lives. Money and material possessions can always be replaced. The people in your life and your time are things that I value so much. It makes so much sense because we are jumping forward. We resigned to stay here for another several months. It's such a blessing because our baby is going to be born and I don't want to be not around him.

Even though it was a short commute before, you don't want to be commuting. You want to utilize every second that you have. I want to be able to pop over with a baby and say hi when Dad is at work. We know that I would be working with you eventually, besides the events but also doing the marketing and a lot of that side of the business. We didn't know when we moved in together that it was going to be convenient for both of us but it has been convenient for both of us.

A lot of people say, “You should live so close to work.” It's the reverse for us. It's much more beneficial in life to have this situation. Around the end of 2021, I want to jump into one of the most magical experiences and something that's stayed with us for all this time. We started getting a lot of different people in our lives talking to us about, “I went to Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditation retreat.” I was thinking about you during that time. It happened to me a few times within a span of a week. Similarly, for you, I know one of your friends reached out to you from the event.

It’s another breathwork practitioner that I've met on Instagram. We've become friends. She reached out and she was going to one of the events. She wanted to know like, “You might be interested in this. Do you know Dr. Joe? Do you follow Dr. Joe Dispenza? If not, get into his work and see if you like it. I would love to go together.” We were both hearing about it. Going back to our episode from 2021, when there are enough breadcrumbs for us, these stepping stones, pings, pools, whatever it is that you want to call it, we know we have to take action.

It's a sign from the universe that it's a big freaking blaring sign. You have to do this. I've done self-development for a long time. I've done different courses and different people. Never has anyone ever said, “You would like this.” All are happening at once. It was three different people. To happen all at once, it's a no-brainer. We looked up one of the courses. We missed out because we were late on the application.

We went to register for December 2021. We went to register for that event, which was in Cancun, and we missed the registration by 15, 20, or 30 minutes. We didn't realize that when the event opens, you need to register the moment that the event opens. We missed that one. There was another event that was opening up in January and we happened to already have a trip booked to South Florida. I used to live in South Florida.

We were going together to visit some friends. The retreat ended up being in South Florida around that same time. We were already planning to take time off to be there. It was on the other coast. It was on the West Coast of Florida, where we planned to be on the East Coast. Regardless, it was a stepping stone. The breadcrumb from the universe is saying, “Here you go. You're already planning on this. You guys need to do this together.”

We had to switch our flights by one day. It was at a time when we hadn't even booked the hotels yet. We booked the flights but we never booked the hotels. It was great. We could book the hotels in Marco Island on the West Coast. It's only two hours away from Fort Lauderdale, where we're staying. We planned this whole amazing trip. During that time, once we got into this event, we had a few months to prep. We realized there were almost 27 hours of material that we had to go through, different meditation techniques, different lectures, and things like that we had to do.

Dr. Joe Dispenza wants you to be prepped for the event, be ready for what is going to happen, and have a foundation before coming to the week-long event. We get started on that in early December, maybe the end of November. You can share about that and how that was looking for us. I kept using the beautiful but it was such an important phase of our relationship.

One of the biggest parts of it he talks about is having real conviction in what you want to manifest. Every thought that you have is a frequency that's attracting something. The words that we speak, if they're being negative, if we're talking about other people, if we're doing things that are low vibrational energy, that's what you're going to get more of. If you're staying in high vibrations or if you have an inspired thought, you have to act on it.

Reflection Journey: Have real conviction in what you want to manifest in the words that you use and the thoughts that you project.

Before we went to the event, we were sitting on Christmas. We were sitting on our couch, talking about what we wanted to attract. I mentioned something about like, “It'd be nice to have a puppy to cuddle with.” I love puppies. I love dogs. Every time we saw one in a building in our building, prior, we were always like, “We need to get one.” We're looking at golden doodles.

I was taking all of the information and lessons from Dr. Joe's work. Who is it that we are when we know anything about manifestation? We know to take action. I was like, “Let's do it.” We can make all the excuses. We want to be able to travel. We didn't have time for a pub but we were like, “Let's do it.”

That same day, I was looking at Instagram, and one of our friends in the building posted that he got a golden doodle puppy. I reached out to him. He told us about this breeder that's in Pennsylvania and the Lancaster area. We reached out to the guy. He is like, “There's no more puppies from the litter that your friend got from but we have a new litter. In a couple of weeks, it's going to be ready.”

We were like, “What's the exact date that the pup would be ready? When would he be ready to come home?” He says, “January 22nd, 2022.” We look at our itinerary for going to Florida, and I am arriving. I stay a little longer to visit with some friends after Dr. Joe Dispenza's retreat. The 22nd is when I'm returning early that morning. We're like, “We're picking up this guy. 1-22-22, we're picking up our pup.” It couldn't have been any better timing for the two of us. It goes to show that when you want something and you have that conviction, it shows up.

We went to visit him the day after we spoke to the breeder. We went to meet him and he was the most beautiful little guy. I picked him up. He looked into my eyes and said, “Will you be my daddy?” I could swear he said it. I heard it in my ears. I don't know what was going on but at that moment, I knew in my heart that I wanted to bring him home and be his daddy.

We are being who we are and being a little on the woo-woo side. I know that when I picked up our pub and I held him on my chest, I remember holding him and his heart was beating fast. Slowly, I kept talking to him and petting him. Our hearts sync. His heart heartbeat calmed down. We've been soulmates.

We talked to a lady who's able to talk to pets like a pet psychic. I don't know what you call them, believe it or not, whatever it is. Without knowing anything about Kate and our dog's relationship, she said, “You guys are soulmates.” I believe it because as much as he loves me, and he loves me a lot but you are his goddess. He'll do anything for you. He is always around you and it's beautiful.

2022 was the year of becoming in the energy of parents. We’re bringing him home and immediately having such a deep love for this little guy. He brought so much happiness into our lives. We talked about this as like, “We want to become parents and have kids. Let's get into the energy of it. Let's get into the feelings of being parents and having a dog.” He's like a little human. We don't even look at him as a dog. He's our son. Getting into that feeling puts us into that vibration. A few years later, we were able to have that connection to have that baby.

2021 is when we started to try to conceive. It didn't happen for us right away but we kept holding space for it. We kept leaning into the feelings of being parents. Getting our pup put us in that frequency of I'm his mama and he is dada. We use those words and harness that energy for ourselves to create.

If you look at it from a practical perspective, dogs take a lot of energy, especially as puppies. We got them in the middle of winter and it was cold. You have to take them out at 3:00 in the morning. We live in a high-rise. I took the elevator down and went outside. It was windy. There are many reasons. 3 or 4 times a day, you have to go walk him. Food, expenses, and all these things. There are a lot of reasons practically not to get a dog.

When you have the experience of that unconditional love that he gives you, it's a no-brainer. The thing in life is it's never the perfect time for anything. If you look at it from a practical perspective, you could always be doing something else. When you want to experience and open up your heart and open up many different things, he's bringing so much value into our lives that I couldn't even imagine not having in our lives.

I don't remember what life was like before it happened. I assume when the baby comes, we won't remember what life was like before. You've always been there. It puts us in the right frequency and mindset. Something that we learned a lot from Dr. Joe's work is being in that frequency and right mindset as if it's already happened but letting the universe surprise you on how it happens.

Going into dovetailing into the rest of 2022, we put ourselves and golfed ourselves in this work and doing meditations every single day, no matter what. We didn't try to make any excuses. We went to three different retreats that year in January, April, and December to close out the year. December is one of the busiest months for me in terms of my business.

What we said was it was important for us to go there. We had one of the most amazing months anyway, even though we put all the work in prior to make sure that it flows and everything while we're not there. Sometimes, we think we have to be present and do all these things. If we're not there, things won't happen the way we want them to, trusting and flowing of the universe and putting our intentions out there.

We can tell ourselves all the stories on why we had three retreats, the expense of three retreats, and being away from the business for over three weeks in total. We had a puppy at this point. We had to have daycare for a pup for the event that we went to in April and the one that we went to in December. You can make all excuses and stories about why things aren't right or you're not going to do it. We don't want to be living our lives in that way. We push ourselves and push each other to say yes more often.

September was a big month for you, especially in 2022. Knowing the feelings that you wanted in life and then the disconnect sometimes with working in Corporate America, you could share your story about making the decision regarding your work and what you've been doing for the last several years.

I was working in Corporate America. I was in sales for thirteen years. For thirteen years, I was living in that rat race of monthly numbers, annual numbers, hitting goals, hitting quotas, and KPIs. It's a masculine energy. It was deflating the feminine energy and the flow that I want to live my life by taking me out of my heart space. You can't be on a sales call and be deeply in your heart. You can be slight, which I learned but you can't be in your heart and give away a product. You're trying to make a living and commissions.

I worked for amazing companies and had a great experience with all of them but I know it wasn't a line for me. It's hard for someone to come to the realization that when something's not in alignment, it's not bad. The companies I worked for were great. They're amazing companies with great benefits. I was making a lot of money. I love my manager in the last job. I love the sales team that I was working with. I have flexibility. I was working from home. I still knew that it wasn't meant for me.

That’s why many people will stay in something, whether that's a relationship, a job, or a city. It's not that bad but I don't want so-so. I knew that I wanted to be in service and contribution. Through my healing journey, I started to realize that I wanted to facilitate. I went through my Reiki certification, my breathwork certification, sound healing, tapping, and different practices that I wanted to incorporate into my life but I also wanted to give others coaching because the coaches that I had in my life were such huge advocates for me. They were amazing at helping me become who I am, and I wanted to offer that to others.

I found myself in this period. It was in July. We went to Sedona. That was when I was contemplating 2022. I was like, “Do it or don't die. Do I stay in the job or do I bite the bullet and say it's time.” I knew in my heart I had to let go of the position that I was in. I kept envisioning myself. It was two paths. You've talked about the two paths that you saw when you did Ayahuasca or one of the times that you did Ayahuasca.

I saw these two paths and I was like, “I can stay on this path. It's comfortable. I can look back and still be in sales. I'll be a VP of a territory in a couple of years. Will I be fulfilled? Do I step into the unknown completely, and do I create, and do I not know what each day looks like each week, each month, each year but do it now?” I had this now or never moment where I was like, “I have to do it now.”

We got back from Sedona and I let my manager know that I'm leaving, which is funny. Most people give two weeks' notice. I gave a two-month notice because I was a great employee. It's a great company. I had a great relationship with a manager. He was like, “How long can we keep you?” It feels good for somebody. I said, “End of September.” It was three months because it was the 4th of July when we went to Sedona.

You wrote the email when we were in Sedona.

No, I told him in person. Most people would write an email but I wanted to tell him. I have enough respect for him, the job, our relationship, and our friendship. The first response was, “How long can you stay?” I said, “End of September.” That gave me some lee away. That gave me some time to decide, “What does this look like?” At Jones Wellness Center here in Jersey City, I do events there, breathwork and sound healing events. I have one-on-one clients who come in for breathwork sessions.

I have some coaching clients that I've been working with since I started that. The beauty in all of it is the different iterations. The iteration of who I was in 2021 and the iteration of who it is that I was in 2022. 2023 has been a different iteration. I love all of them. I'm excited about the iteration of ourselves that we're going to meet in the future, especially how becoming a Mama affects my career. Our career and who it is that we are one and the same, especially when you are the product.

It's been inspiring to witness this whole journey of yours because, at some point, it's always good to ease into big transitions like that. At some point, you do have to rip the Band-Aid off. If not now, when would that happen? People could walk into worlds like one step in and one step out. To jump into the ocean of the unknown takes so much courage. You have me as well as the support. I don't suggest it for someone who doesn't have support.

I always tell people, “Create your runway, whatever your runway looks like, whether that's financial or a number of months.” I knew it was going to happen. I didn't know when. I was saving every dollar that I could. You have to do it with full knowledge and trust in yourself and surrender to the experience. What I envisioned for myself isn't exactly what took place. The work that we do with Dr. Joe and being in the unknown and discomfort with trust has allowed me to do it as gracefully as possible, sometimes. There are some moments that don't always look graceful.

Coming back to that and letting things take place, it is easy to look at what it is that you think it's going to look like, how you think it's going to go and be attached to that. It does a disservice to anyone who is stepping into the unknown. You cannot step into the unknown but you also have an idea to look at. You have to let go and know that you're going to fly.

You cannot step into the unknown but also have an idea of how to look. You really have to just let go and know that you're going to fly.

Set your attention and trust. That's all you can do. How do you feel after making that decision?

There are a lot of things that have happened in our life that wouldn't have been able to happen if I hadn't let go of that. My nervous system needed a little time to relax from the constant stress that maybe I was holding onto from a career in sales where you're pushing yourself. You want to do well, KPIs, numbers, and the stress of each month having a quota and having to get to it by the end of the year. Luckily, I was rather good at my job but that stressed me out even more.

My nervous system needed time to relax and rest so that we could conceive. There might've been a little adrenal fatigue and things that were going on that I wasn't aware of because I wasn't as in touch with my body. It's been beautiful to create a career around being in touch and flow. Working with you on your business and the wellness center and the way that I do it helps to keep me grounded because there are some deadlines we have to meet or numbers that we're looking at. It helps me to bring my business sense into that keeps me grounded but allows me to be in flow and floaty within the brands that I have developed.

It's fortunate that you have the tools. It's the perfect tool to transition out of where you were. It's nice to see you helping other people in your one-on-one coaching and at all life. I can't even tell you how many people come up to me and tell me, “I'm not happy in my job.” After a few conversations and working with you, somebody came to one of your breathwork courses, sessions, or group events and learned that the first time he did breathwork, he was like, “This is for me.”

He quit his job a couple of months later and made this whole plan to get certified and do all these things. He's thriving and creating new businesses. Many things have opened up for him because of the conversations you've had with him. You spent almost an hour after the event talking to him and coaching him on stuff.

Our goal and what we do at home life is to help people find the truest version of themselves. It's always an inside job. We only provide the environment but for them to make the decision, there's a disconnect in my heart, brain, and actions. If you could combine those all together and you're living with purpose and all congruently, that's when amazing things start to happen.

It's like the trapeze artists. Where they're up on a platform, you can't just jump off the platform with that swing and stay on that swing. You have to let go and grab the next swing on the other side. The only time that happens is if you let go of the certainty and swing into uncertainty to grab onto a new opportunity. That's your only way to do it. Unfortunately, that's how it is. There's no safety net. There is a safety net for trapeze artists but in life, sometimes there's no safety net.

It takes one second of courage to change the whole trajectory of your life. It takes either saying yes or saying no or moving right rather than moving left. It takes that one moment of courage to change. What's beautiful about our life is you talked about the things that were important in your life. That was growth, contribution, and love.

It just takes that one second of courage to change the whole trajectory of your life.

When I think of the way that we live, work, love, and are in our relationships, those are the three things that are the most important to us. That doesn't mean in our home and our relationship. That is what the business is built on. Coming, working, and doing events at Anand Wellness Center and supporting the brand is easy for me to do. I wouldn't recommend everyone working together in this sense but it's easy to do because growth, contribution, and love are the foundation of who we are, who our relationship is, and what the business is.

Having that conversation for an hour after a breathwork session is not part of the job. It's have the event and do the event. When the event is over, the guests leave. That's not how we operate. We have those extended conversations. We want others to see our growth. We want to share our growth. We want them to experience growth. We want to contribute more and hold space with them for love and hold that love in our hearts. That is a reflection of who we are in general and who the business is. It's beautiful to be a part of.

It's nice to have you because you've added fresh ideas and thinking. You do a lot of the marketing stuff for us. You take on so much responsibility that we wouldn't have been able to be as successful without your contributions. I only know what I know to a certain level. I try to always be open-minded but allowing or empowering you to do what you do and bringing your ideas, intelligence, sales, and all this stuff into the business has been such a blessing. I appreciate you for taking on this responsibility for me because it does open me up to be able to do a lot more things and spread myself out in different ways versus doing something that's not my core competency.

It's easy to get behind a brand and a business that I was a client to start with because I believe in the services. That's why I was a client. It's easy to support you, your brand, and your business because I believe in you so much but it's all intertwined in who we are. You are part of it. If your business was selling tires or an auto repair shop, I might struggle to work together. We might struggle a little bit more. It may be more difficult but it's in such alignment with who I am that it has been an easy transition for us to work together for the most part. There are times when we have some disagreements but we find the middle ground.

It's all about knowing what our goal is. Our goal is harmony and happiness rather than ego. I try to, as much as I can, understand, “Let's try all these new ideas.” Everything is feedback. If something works great or something doesn't work, we'll try something else. It's about not thinking we know everything in that sense and being open to different ideas.

Reflection Journey: Our goal is harmony and happiness rather than ego.

You're open. Sometimes, I need a little push to be a little bit more open. It's sometimes my way or the highway. Usually, it takes me a little longer to come back into my heart and say, “Let's find the middle ground.” You're usually right but regardless. It's fun to work together in that sense. It's fun to bring our ideas together and watch things come to fruition.

Not to jump forward but since working together, 2023 has been the best year that you've had within your business, regardless of some things that have happened over that time and maybe some services being down. You took all those things in such stride. We still came out. When you have that support, it's so rewarding. Two heads are better than one when manifesting or creating anything. Thank you for letting me be part of the team and enjoy in such a way and creating with you.

It has been the most amazing year on many levels but it went by fast. I remember going out for dinner in 2023 on New Year's Eve and then we're in the same position a year later but many things have changed. The date is the same.

When you're pregnant, it's okay for time to go by fast. It's been okay for 2023 to fly by because I was over eight months pregnant. It's been such a rewarding year overall. It started in such a beautiful way with your trip to Egypt, which I keep saying but there are many episodes we’re on and talks about Egypt.

It’s 6 or 7. I've interviewed people that I've met on the trip. To give you guys an idea, for this trip, there's a large investment. It took a big amount of time to go to Egypt but the opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

You have to apply and send a video about yourself. They want to make sure you're coming for the right reasons. You're going to be there to support the group.

They don't want any asshole in the group. I applied and got in. All of a sudden, some deep-rooted fears or uncertainties came up. I was like, “This is not the right time to go. I don't want to leave Kate and Oni for that long. I would love to bring her with me.” She wasn't available at the time, going 12 or 14 days without being in the business during a busy time. Is it feasible?

I had to sit with it for a little bit. As soon as I got in, I was like, “I might put it on pause because there are many things going on.” When I make a decision, I'm cool and fine with it. I kept having dreams about Egypt and going to the pyramids. There were signs. All of a sudden, I got another call from a friend of mine who was going. He said, “This is going to be special.”

A friend of ours is someone we met at Dr. Joe Dispenza. Talking about the synchronicities is a stepping stone and all the things that we've moved through. He was someone that we met in January at the first event that we went to. We see him again in April. He brings up being in Miami. I said, “What were you in Miami for?” It’s out of curiosity because I had lived there.

He talks about crypto. Anand is into crypto. They hit it off and have a great conversation. They become good friends. We see them again in December. This is the friend who is part of our Joe Dispenza group. The people that we met during those events and retreats are such amazing relationships and people. They are heart-centered and heart-based. They've been a huge part of our life since.

It keeps coming up in my mind. I'm going to bite the bullet once-a-lifetime opportunity to go and explore. Egypt is something that I've wanted to do my whole life. When I was a little kid, I used to watch cartoons like DuckTales and different things like that. I've always loved exploring ancient civilizations, ancient knowledge, and the spiritual aspect of it but also the high technology that they had. I always felt like I was there in the past and had lifetimes there.

Slowly by slowly, as I tap more into my subconscious and consciousness, I understand that this has been my home for a long time. I decided, “I'm going to do it.” When I decided that, I felt empowered and was like, “If I'm going to do this, let's do it right.” I booked my business class tickets over there and went luxury all the way because I wanted to feel those feelings of the abundance and the experience.

I was lucky enough to be able to do that. I had an incredible experience. I met the most amazing people, who were some of my closest friends. I got to interview many amazing guests because of it. The other thing was it activated many things inside the pyramid. We have been trying to conceive for a couple of years.

When I lay down inside the king's chamber in the great pyramid, I had this otherworldly experience where I left my body. I went into the universe. I met the souls of our future children. They told me that they were ready to come. I felt like I was being activated. I had this full kundalini awakening inside there. It was the most amazing experience that I've ever had. I came back from that trip all energized. A couple of months later, we find out some good news. I'll let you talk about that.

There are many things to chat about with your trip to Egypt before we get into the baby aspect of it. Partners sometimes hold each other back. I see it all the time. I don't like to witness that. I was like, “You need to go.” I could have said, “I agree with you.” When you send your application, you get approved, and you're like, “No, I don't know that I want to go.” I could see that it was taking up space in your mind.

If you make a decision, you don't waiver on that decision. I could see it was taking up so much mental space. You were back and forth about it. You are bringing it up daily. It is something that you don't do. I hope to push you and say, “It's good. The business will be fine. I'm here to support the business while you're away.” The business was thriving while he was away. The stories that we tell ourselves are like, “I needed there daily.” We were like, “You experience and enjoy.” It's beautiful to have that trust in our relationship and the support to push you to go, which I hope you felt.

It was a great opportunity for me to lean into those subconscious fears that I had. Maybe some scarcities and unknown things or traveling across the world by myself. A lot of these things came up subconsciously that I had to address and say, “Why did I feel this feeling that I'm not worthy of going and spending this money to go on a once-a-lifetime trip.” I had to work through that. What a blessing because I had to look through it and look at myself, “Where is the disconnect here? Why am I feeling this?”

Once I decided to go, I lived every single day. There was so much gratitude. I was meeting many people. The minute I got there, I started introducing myself to everyone and making an effort to sit down next to different people that I didn't know to get to know their stories. I felt like I was with my soul tribe at that time. I still talk to these people on a daily basis. We’re on a Telegram chat. We are always connecting and congratulating each other for milestones in each other's lives.

If I didn't do it, I would've missed out on that. A whole new world opened up to me because of that decision. Whenever we act in courage and act in brave regard, our lives open up. When we stay in our stubborn little comfort zones, we stay there. We don't move, grow, and expand. My whole life is about expansion. Anytime I lean into courage, it always leads to beautiful days.

It's beautiful for us to live our separate lives to be who we are individually. I don't know that much about Egypt. I don't have the knowledge that you have about ancient Egyptology and all these things. It was okay for me to be like, “You go and enjoy. You do that. I'll be here and support the business.” You came back. You shared so much of it with me and shared some of the relationships.

It's beautiful for me to listen to the interview with the people that you were there with and the experiences that you've had. It's also beautiful that you have introduced me to some of the individuals along the way, some of whom we've done sessions with because they do some healing. It's amazing to have it come full circle for us as a couple and allow the integration of what it was that you went through to also come full circle within our lives and as a couple and not keep that separate.

I can't wait until the next time I go to Egypt. You're going to be coming with me and so is our little boy.

I also believe that you had to unlock something. There's a book that I'm still reading and rereading called Spirit Babies. It talks a lot about having to visit certain places to activate or almost come in contact with the spirit of your baby. Your baby needs you to go there, and I don't want to say retrieve them but bring them back home. Certain things have to happen in our lives individually, and certain things have to happen for us as a couple. One of the things for you individually was going there and activating something, whatever it is. I have this belief that that needs to happen for you for us to conceive.

There were several activations going on but I was told that during that experience, I had inside the chamber.

I want to ask you this because you are someone who doesn't weaver any decision that you make. With this one, you were back and forth. I was watching you the way that you move through life. When you make a decision, that's the decision. You don't think about the what-ifs. How do you have that perspective, courage, or knowing that you trust your gut? Sometimes, I can contemplate and go back and forth even after I make a decision. Is that right? What if? You're someone who doesn't do that. How do you think that you come up with your conclusion, statement, and decision, and you're like, “This is what's happening?”

It's going into my past and experiences. I've done a lot of things that didn't pan out the way that I wanted or didn't create the fruition that I wanted. It all led me to more lessons. What is the quote that my cousin said? It’s something about, “You don't go through life. You grow through life.”

He wanted us to fill in the blank. You win some. We all said, “You lose some.” Everyone was saying, “You win some, you lose some.” He was like, “No, it's, ‘You win some, you learn some.’”

I said, “You learned some.”

You got it right. Everybody got it wrong. Everyone was like, “You win some, you lose some.” That's it. That's the phrase. He is like, “No.”

That's what it is. Everything is feedback in life. Everything that you do is divinely planned and orchestrated. To go through life and have that conviction, you have to know that you're one with God. Everything is one. There's only experience. This is an illusion our whole lives. This is my perspective. Nobody else has subscribed to it but we are the self-conscious experiencing itself, the one experiencing itself.

Every time I go on a different path and try a new thing and action, I'm adding to the source of knowledge of the universe and consciousness of the divine. There's nothing to fear when you have that connection and know that, eventually, I'm here for a short amount of time. I'm going to return to that beautiful place of creation. Having these experiences that I've had in life and knowing what is there to fear?

You're okay falling and getting back up or learning a lesson and getting back up. You wouldn't even call falling.

That's happened many times in my life, more times than I've had successes.

You wouldn't even look at it that way. You would look at it as a lesson. That's why you're able to make decisions and say, “This is it. This is what we're doing. This is how we're moving forward.” If you have to shift or change along the way, we have to pivot. That's okay.

One of those examples is that we decided to make some big changes in my business at home and introduced this new technology, the energy enhancement system. First of all, it was a huge cost. Secondly, to bring it to the business, there had to be a lot of changes because we needed to create space. We went from 9 income-producing rooms to 5. For us to make this happen, opening up the loft space to put this new system in, and there was a lot of stuff going on. There was a lot of construction. I had to sell some of the equipment or some of them I couldn't even sell. We had to move those out.

If anyone is looking for cryotherapy, we have a cryotherapy machine in storage.

There were many things that had to happen and changes. We had to be proactive about communicating with our members, our guests, and the construction only until the end of 2023. By 5 or 6 months, we were down from 9 treatments that were making money to 4 or 5. We did the best we could in terms of how everything unfolded. At the end of the day, if you look back on it, we had our best year ever.

We put ourselves in a position to have this new technology. It's only been going on and everybody's been loving it. It's the most popular thing that we're offering. It's providing more value and contribution to what we're doing itself at home life. It's collaborative with everything else we're doing. This energy enhancement system, along with floating, saunas, cold plunges, and all this stuff is all working well together.

To go back to the earlier part of 2023, once you got back from Egypt, you only had 2 or 3 days home before you went to a training for this new technology to see if it was the right technology that was going to come into your space and what that could look like and do some planning, research, and understanding. My opinion is that because you were coming off of your trip from Egypt, the lens through which you were seeing life was positive and uplifting.

You were in this frequency of abundance. Things work out, and life is beautiful, sacred geometry. All this stuff was cycling through you that you went. Even though I don't know how it could've looked if you had gone to the conference and training and not gone to Egypt, you were in such a high frequency. You attracted that conference and the yes that you said, the investment that you made, the time that you made because you were in this flow with life.

Not a lot of people travel to Saginaw, Michigan. It's like Mount Pleasant, Michigan, in the middle of winter. It's freezing. There's ice on the roads. I have to take 2 planes, 1 to Detroit and 1 to Saginaw. It wasn't the most ideal trip to do in winter.

If you hadn't been in Egypt and you were traveling from Jersey winters to Michigan winter, you might be in a little bit lower of a frequency, not in that high of a vibe that you were in.

The first conference break was the first day at 10:00 in the morning. I got online to get some coffee. In front of me was this one girl, Emily, who was a good friend of mine. She owns one of these energy enhancement centers in Connecticut. She was talking to somebody else. They were talking about Dr. Joe Dispenza. All of a sudden, my ears perked up. The person she was talking to was Tony Robbins. I'm like, “I did Tony Robbins and Joe Dispenza.” We were talking about all these amazing commonalities. She introduced me to a few people who are higher-ups in energy enhancement.

It’s this beautiful flow of connections. These people are important in my life and have helped and guided me in many ways. I learned a lot at that conference. From there, I decided, “I'm going to go forward with this.” I put in the investment and everything to make this happen. I put in a lot of time over the months. It took eight months to get the technology from the time I ordered it.

On the last day of the conference, which is one of my favorite stories and experiences, we're always making magic whenever you and I travel together. We're always meeting people and having hard-based conversations. It's not uncommon for me to meet somebody in five minutes and start hugging them as we're leaving. This happens at home life. This happens anywhere we go when we're bringing in.

I want to chime in that you're so good at finding commonality with anyone. It doesn't matter who it is, where they come from, and how old they are. You'll sit at a table and find some commonality. It's so cute to witness but it's beautiful because you love human interaction. You always find that. When you got to Egypt, you were meeting people. You were talking with all of them. You want to know their stories. It’s the same thing that happened when you were at this conference and anywhere that you ever go in life. I love witnessing it.

I love people. I'm able to feel their heart and soul. When I see somebody, I'm able to tap into that. I know the love that they have. Sometimes, I can sense things about them. I'll give you an example. On the last day, the conference ended. I’m flying out the next morning and stopping in at a coffee shop that also is a wellness center that has floats and saunas inside their space. It's called Pure Vitality in Point Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

I go in and see the countertop. I'm saying, “Are the owners here?” I wanted to meet them being in the fellow industry, colleagues, and whatnot. All of them look at each other. There are three people, a young guy, a young woman, and a mom. They all raise their hand. They're like, “We own it together. It's a family business.” I was like, “This is amazing.” I was telling them, “I have a wellness center. We do similar things, saunas and floats. I love the fact that you guys have a cafe and do breakfast and juices.” One of the owners brought me around and showed me the place.

We're going to go for breakfast for a couple of minutes. We ended up staying there for three hours and the time flew by. I was telling him about my trip to Egypt. We were talking about business and psychedelic experiences. I still keep in touch with these guys. It's beautiful because there are many beautiful souls in this world. The more we can keep our hearts open, the more we can have these deep connections with anyone we pass on the street. We look at somebody like, “They don't look like somebody that we would like.” We’re making these judgments in our heads.

One of the things I try to focus on is being present with people and allowing them to open up their hearts. The thing I don't care about is what somebody does and what their status is. I want to know what's inside your heart. That's why I'm finding these people. We're attracting these like-minded people at these events and different places that we go to. It is because the tribe is searching for each other. We're entering such a new wave of humanity.

As much as things look crazy on one end, the pendulum swings the other way. There has to be balance. As much darkness as there could be in the world, the light is getting stronger. What I notice is people are waking up to their truest and divine essence. We're entering this amazing 2024 frequency with solar flares. The sun is expanding more light and photons on the Earth. It's time for an awakening. What's beautiful is that it's happening. The tribe and all these people are coming together.

We can go through life with blinders on. We have these goals for our life and what it has to look like. When we have blinders on, we're not looking to the right and left. We're not looking all around to see all the beauty that exists in our lives. We sometimes do that with people. We have blinders on. Our heart is not open. We're not looking at them as a soul. We are living in or making a judgment or an assumption of someone and who it is that they are, rather than taking away those blind spots and opening up our hearts to who it is that they are and what it is that they offer.

Many people have come into our lives in the past couple of years, which is a huge aspect of our lives but we wouldn't have met them if we were living with blinders. Thank you for opening my world to that because you're always willing to have conversations with anyone and everyone but it's amazing to witness the human interaction and the connections that you make when you give a little bit of space for that to happen.

It's about ourselves looking at life. We always use this windshield example. If you have a windshield and you've been driving on the highway for a long time and you have all these bugs and all this dirt, it's hard to see. When we have these filters of like, “This person looks like somebody I hated in the past. This person doesn't look like they're as fit as I am,” it's like having these filters that muddy the water in terms of who they are. If we have these preconceived notions, that's what we're projecting on them and that's what we're going to get back. Everything is a mirror. I look at everybody as this mirror that you are him or her, and they are you, and understand that we're all here to love. We're all here to do our best and evolve.

As we're packing our bags for the birthing center where we'll give birth, we wanted to bring some essential oils with us. The essential oils that we're bringing were sent and gifted by this individual that Anand met when he was in Michigan. You never know what little part of someone's life or huge part of someone's life you're going to play. That started by asking one question, “Are the owners here? I'd like to introduce myself. I have a wellness center.”

It becomes friendly. Part of them in something that they have gifted us is coming with us. These are huge things. You never know how you're affecting someone's life. We don't know how we're affecting someone's life. If you're living from your heart, you're living in your truth and alignment, and being a good, kind person, you can go a long way. You never know who's thinking of you.

As we move further into 2023, let's get into the birth story.

We conceived in May of 2023. There's a little energy of Mother's Day. One thing I will say is for me individually and for any woman who is trying to conceive, and it's not happening right away, it's easy to take a pregnancy test. It comes out negative and you get frustrated. I went through that cycle. I stopped taking pregnancy tests because I was like, “I'm going to know when my boobs start hurting and my period doesn't come for 1 month, maybe 2 months.” I'm not taking a test because I'm not going to put myself mentally through that.

I started opening up to friends of mine whom I hadn't before and a lot of mama friends that I have made here in Jersey City. I started talking to them about what it was that we were going through, not in what was my way but it's going to happen for us. It hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't say seeking advice but being open to having the conversation and not holding it all in because I don't think that it was doing me any good to hold that energy and frustration in.

I started talking to a lot of people. People started offering some advice and ways of thinking about it or looking at or sharing their stories. Opening up is big. I felt myself for some time trying. I felt myself seeing other people that it was happening for. Some people are on baby number 2 at this point, while we're still trying for baby number 1 and taking some of that frustration and being triggered by it. I kept sending them love. I kept seeing that happening for someone else.

I remember being in my lagree, a form of Pilates class. The lady next to me, now a friend of mine, is pregnant. I kept looking at her belly, sending her beautiful energy, knowing that it was going to be me and knowing that it was meant for me. I’m not looking at her and being triggered that it's happening for someone else but not me. It is easy to get into that mentality but I kept sending them love. I was like, “They are great. She's happy and healthy.” She's here taking that mama energy and saying, “I'm going to engulf myself in that same mama energy. “It went a long way to not sit in the woe with me through the period where it wasn't happening for us.

We talked about it. There was some like, “It's not happening yet.” There wasn't much during the time we were consuming. We were aware of your conception windows.

I didn't come to you every time I took a test and said, “It's negative.” I didn't need to do that but I did it on my own. I did it and sat with it. I sat with the feelings and emotions but I didn't bring them to you every time. There was a lot going on internally.

You started making friends with some ladies in the building who had children. You spend time with them and go for walks with them. You are opening up that possibility of the feeling. You told me, “One day, you were holding the stroller and rolling it.”

The baby was having a meltdown. Mama was helping the baby and had the baby. I'm pushing the stroller. I went into the store here in Jersey City by myself one day. That's a baby store. I bought something because I wanted to be in the energy. I know how important that is. I kept putting myself in the energy of being around babies and motherhood and having conversations. That also set us up, along with all the other things that we did. We found out in early June 2023 that we are pregnant. We decided that we should go to see an OB-GYN and maybe start to look into it after a few years. Why hasn't it happened? We start to do some tests.

He came with me to go to the OB-GYN. I go by myself, come home, and tell him all about it. He comes with me. They ask for the urine sample test when you come in. The nurse comes in and is like, “Did you miss your period?” I'm like, “I'm a day late. I stopped taking tests a long time ago because I started getting frustrated.” She's like, “You're pregnant.” I was like, “What?” We both sat there. I don't even know if we had a response. It didn't hit home yet. We both stared at her for a moment and said, “What?”

It is funny because before we left for that visit, we were standing in the hallway by the bedroom door. I remember telling you, “I keep having this feeling that I'm pregnant.” I feel like I'm getting worked up about it. We're getting ready to leave for the doctor. I feel like she might come in and be like, “You're already pregnant.” I'm setting myself up for failure. I have this expectation that this is what's going to happen and I'm going to be disappointed when it doesn't happen.

I was crying and telling you, “I've done this my whole life. I always have all these expectations. I remember going to prom and thinking that I was going to feel like a princess and I didn't feel like a princess. I was worked up about it.” We went there and what I thought was going to happen happened but I was still startled. I was still surprised. I was not expecting that. That's how we found out.

We were going to see a regular test. It was incredible. It was around the time of conception. You got tired that weekend. You slept a lot. For the first time, our dog was sleeping on your belly, which he never did. It showed us maybe he knew before. Your body was telling you to rest for a little bit as this creation and spark of life is happening. They do these sonograms where they see that at the moment of conception, there's this little spark of light that comes in when the sperm and the egg collide and create life. That light is life. It's incredible to see that. This is happening inside you.

There's a lot of things that have happened. You make many preparations. I can't wait to see you as a mom because you're such an amazing dog mom. You've had so much experience, like connecting with and taking care of young babies. I know you're going to be the best mom ever. I am excited to be your partner and show this baby love. One of my favorite thoughts and quotes is, “A child that is loved can do anything.” We could read all the books on parenting. Kate read many of them. We could do all that. The most important thing is for the baby to know that they are loved. When they know that they're loved, the world opens up to them.

Becoming a parent is always stepping into the unknown. They always say, “I don't know if anyone is ever ready for it.” I don't know that we're ready for it. We're going to step into the unknown. All that we do know is that this baby has two people that love him unconditionally. We know that is enough. We have a strong intuition. I'm leaning into my mama instincts. We have the foundation that we have built in our home and relationship. I believe that even though this is unknown, uncharted territory, I know that there's such love between us. It's all going to be beautiful and blissful.

Becoming a parent is always stepping into the unknown.

This pregnancy has been blissful and I want to share all of it, even the pains, with you. Everyone always asks when you're having a boy or a girl, “Did you care if it was a boy or girl?” I didn't care whether it was a boy or a girl but we were having a boy. The most beautiful thing for me is to feel as if this baby gets every quality of yours and none of mine. I'm okay with that because I love you so much. I'm okay with the fact that it might be a little version of you running around.

I remember getting this advice from a friend who was contemplating a relationship with someone. She wanted to have kids. I was like, “If you want to have children and this little human is your partner at the time and mimics exactly, are you okay with that?” She was like, “No.” It’s because of the things that this person was making her feel. I'm excited for him to mimic you and mirror the way that you love on me, that you love on Oni, our pup, and who it is that you are as a person. I'm okay if he gets every quality of yours.

I love you and I feel the same way. I know how loving you are, how much of yourself you're going to give to this baby, and all the blessings and magic that you'll share. All we have to do is live our lives. The baby will understand, see, learn from the lessons, and mimic the way we live, not so much what we say but how we act. If we're in congruency, it's going to be all good. Anytime in the past, in our lives individually and our lives together, we've stepped into the unknown. Only amazing things have happened. This is going to be our greatest journey together. We caught ourselves up to the present moment.

Reflection Journey: We've stepped into the unknown and only amazing things have happened. This is going to be our greatest journey together.

That's such a side note, as well as all the other beautiful things that have happened. We were already married.

It was a beautiful ceremony with family. It was very intimate. We finished our ceremony in front of the eyes of God and the eyes of both our families and hearts. We were leaving the ceremonial hall. We were being showered with flowers. That was one of the most beautiful experiences. It felt psychedelic in a way because, in our culture, in the Hindu religion, you would embody and encompass God's energy that day when you combine and unite the sacred masculine and the divine feminine.

When they come together, that's the embodiment of God. That's the balance. That's the yin and the yang. It felt like we were that that day. That energy is with us all the time, and to create life was important for me, you, and for our family to be present for that. It was one of the best days of our lives. It was beautiful. Thank you. What are you looking forward to most about motherhood?

It’s leaning into my mama instincts. I want to get to know my baby, not put pressure on what it's going to look like for me, how it looks externally, and how others are doing motherhood and doing what is best for our family. Something that we've learned along the way is doing what's best for you and me and having to make some decisions along the way.

Even the way that we're having the baby at a birthing center versus a hospital is different than what other people would expect of us. You come from a family of doctors. That is a little abnormal. I am making decisions that are best for our family. You and I are on the same team. I know that we will be making every decision that's best for this baby. It's leaning into getting to know who he is and who we are. I'm excited about this new iteration of our relationship. Leaning in is what I keep coming up with when I keep thinking about the year that's to come.

Childbirth here is painful. I’m leaning into that pain. How do I accept that pain? How do I accept the sleepless nights? How do I lean into maybe slower days with this baby? How do I lean fully into my intuitive inner knowing, like the innate knowledge that I know that I have and the wisdom of the mama bear that's in me?

It's going to be magical.

What about you? What's your 2024?

I stepped into fatherhood and creation forces and lived without any fears because I was happy with the way life turned out to this point. Be grateful for everything that I have here in my life. I know that it's only going to get better and to be present with my baby, you, and Oni. I will create more freedom in terms of time so that I can be there as much as I want to be there, which is every day and every moment of my day. I’m creating more freedom of time with the business. We're setting ourselves up in such an amazing way that we'll be able to do many things, create this life, and move on to the next level of this beautiful life.

Do you have any words of wisdom that you want to leave readers? Is there anything that's come up from 2023?

Life is a reflection of our thoughts. The more we can focus on what we want and the more we can focus on love and gratitude, the more we're going to get back. If we're focusing on things that are lower vibration, that's also a reflection. It's an important lesson and opportunity to lean in to understand why these things are happening or why these thoughts are coming. It's important for us to be ahead of that and control what we're thinking rather than letting our thoughts control us. How about you?

Reflection Journey: Life is a reflection of our thoughts and the more we can focus on what we want, the more we can focus on love and gratitude, the more we're going to get back.

One thing I've been talking a lot about on my Instagram and something again that keeps coming up when I'm reflecting is that when I left prior years, I was excited for the year to end and a fresh start to a new year. I've been looking back over the last couple of years. 2020 ended. I was sad to see that year ago because it was such an amazing year. In 2021, it was sad to see that year ago because it was rewarding. It’s the same thing with ‘22. With ‘23 ending, I'm sitting in such gratitude. I'm excited to meet our baby but there's this part of me that's like, “I love this year.” Everyone should feel that way at the end of the year.

This episode will come out in 2024. If you're starting the year and you ended the year waiting for that fresh start, what's going to change for you? I had to own up to the fact that I had to make changes in my life and create that change for myself. Everyone should be ending each and every year on such a high note, gratitude and love in their heart. I want everyone to experience that. Whatever it is that you need to do individually, personally, or for anyone who's reading, there's always so much to be grateful for. Lean in, find that, connect to your heart, connect to your truth, find your most aligned self, and take inspired action.

Find your community and like-minded people.

You won't regret it. I can't wait to end 2024 and see how it was such a magical year and how this keeps happening year after year. There's good and bad that happens throughout a year but when you end it, you're like, “That was such a year.” It's beautiful to be able to experience.

We're so blessed. Thank you for being my wife.

Thank you for being my husband.

Happy New Year, everybody. We love you so much. We are sending you so much magic in 2024. Thank you for reading.

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About Kate Griffith

Kate Griffith is a Breathwork & Reiki Practioner, Sound Healing Facilitator & Mindset Coach. Her own healing journey led her to leave a successful career in Corporate Sales to follow her purpose & passion- to guide other to find a deepened sense of self & empowerment. Kate is also the Director of Marketing at om.life Wellness & Scalar.Health International.


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