Episode 79: Finding Healing In Darkness: Tiffany Malone's Journey Of Self-Love

For all of human history since the dawn of man, ancient civilizations have used darkness retreats as a way to expand one's consciousness. Today, we have the blessing of talking to a highly conscious light worker, Tiffany Malone, about her life-enhancing experience spending four days and nights in complete darkness and silence. Welcome to the Limitless One Podcast; we are back after a break with all-new episodes featuring some of the most inspiring souls on the planet.

Tiffany Malone is an Akashic Record Reader, Akashic Womb Healer, Light Language Healer, Ascension Guide, and Intuitive Channel. Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others reawaken their soul’s journey. She serves as a bridge between your conscious mind and the guidance of your soul and is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your soul's wisdom, inner power, and purpose.

This is Tiffany’s second appearance on the Limitless One Podcast. Check out Episode 53, where we go in-depth about her work as an Akashic Record Reader and the multidimensional modalities of her healing practice.


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Finding Healing In Darkness: Tiffany Malone's Journey Of Self-Love

For all of human history since the dawn of man, ancient civilizations used darkness retreats as a way of expanding one's consciousness. We have the blessing of talking to a highly conscious lightworker, Tiffany Malone, about her life-enhancing experience doing four days and four nights in complete darkness and silence. Welcome to the show. We are back after a long break for all new episodes with some of the most inspiring souls on the planet.

Tiffany Malone is an Akashic reader, Akashic boom healer, light language healer, ascension guide, and intuitive channel. Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others reawaken their soul's journey. She is a bridge between your conscious mind and the guidance of your soul and is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your soul's wisdom, inner power, and purpose. This is Tiffany's second appearance on the show. Check out episode 53 where we go deep into her work as an Akashic record reader and the multi-dimensional modalities of her healing practice.


Introduction And Welcoming Tiffany Malone

Welcome to the show, Tiffany Malone. It's her second appearance. Thank you so much for coming.

It's wonderful to be here. It's been a while since we got together. It's been a couple of years since the last episode. I know that both of our lives have changed since then, especially yours with little Zen. It's wonderful to connect again.

I'm so excited about this conversation. First of all, I want to mention that we talked two years ago and I've had a couple of sessions with you. My wife has had a couple of sessions with you as well. You've impacted our lives in so many beautiful ways. One of the major ones was the womb healing you did with Kate. We were trying for quite a while to conceive and now we have a kid. Your work with her is high up there on the list of what we attribute our blessing to. Thank you so much for that.

I appreciate you sharing that. When I do the work with Akashic readings also, there's this beautiful soul-to-soul connection, but womb healings are so dear to me because it's connecting to not only the client's soul but the soul of the child that's potentially coming in or within the womb. I find that there's so much light there and the fullness and the energy that's present with these souls that are coming in. Even when they're in the field, if they're not even within the womb yet, it's such a beautiful way to connect. On such deep levels, it's amazing work.

Before we start talking about what I asked you to come on, the darkness retreat that you recently went on, can you give us a little background on who you are and the gifts that you share with the world? We did do a prior episode as I mentioned, so I would highly suggest everybody go check out that episode.

I do Akashic readings and that's how I started. I started being drawn to the Akashic realm. It started coming up in my field. This was quite a few years ago. Before that, I had done some animal communication and I dabbled in that realm, but never fully immersed myself in it. When I was introduced to the Akashic records, it was such a draw. I started doing readings for myself. First of all, I had a reading, which blew my mind. I then decided that I wanted to learn how to read for myself instead of always going to somebody else.

I started doing readings for myself and then friends started asking me for readings and it evolved in that way. It was a natural way of evolution for it. It's funny how things flow into something else because I started noticing this pattern of clients who were coming to me for Akashic readings who were women, who were either trying to conceive or having difficulties with pregnancy, or women who were even beyond that stage, menopausal, having issues with the womb.

I started doing womb healing and connecting in that manner. I feel like that's a calling for right now for the souls that are coming into the earth, for the mothers that are conceiving and during their pregnancy. I've helped women conceive in the first trimester having difficulties and then all the way through the pregnancies. Some women have had these sessions all the way through and it's such a deep connection.

The great thing also is that the father of the child will come through during these healings. It's not just about the client. It's like if the energy of the father or healing for the father needs to come through, that's also present. It's so broad and so beautiful. That's mainly the work that I've been doing. I do incorporate light language with many of the healings. That's always been something that I feel takes it to a deeper level, whatever comes through at the time. Some sessions don't have any light language at all and there's a lot of light language and a lot of healing through light. That's all part of it also.

It's incredibly powerful work and I can attest to it. I've done 2 or 3 with you and they were about a year apart or maybe eight months apart or something like that. Every time, I had a renewed sense of who I was and I've incorporated little things that you shared with me. One of the examples was I never met 3 out of 4 of my grandparents.

You were telling me that I have a lot of blockages in terms of energetic flow in my life because, for some reason, I compartmentalize. I never met them, so they weren't a part of my life and you said, “No, they're a part of your lineage. It's important to acknowledge them and to send them love wherever they are.” Even though they weren't there for you growing up physically, they were there on another dimension and another level.

It made me think that I was holding back so much from giving them love because there was maybe a little bit of resentment towards them because they weren't in my life. It helped me look at things from such a different perspective. I had a big emotional release after that session. It's one of the small examples. Life is incredible. I'm living my highest purpose and now with the baby. It has changed my life so much. I wanted to acknowledge that. Thank you.

That's wonderful to hear because the ancestral lineage is so important in all of this, all of the healing that everybody does. That plays such an important role. That’s wonderful to hear that there's such a shift from that. They're so present too, those ancestors. Right now, I can see them all around you. They're so present and so supportive. They're there if you open up to it. They are all around you and supporting you. It's beautiful connecting to that.

Introduction To Darkness Retreats

It's like tuning into the right radio frequency. I was only listening to one channel for a long time. Now I have multiple playlists that I listen to on different channels. It's super important to broaden our perspective in every way, and for you as an Akashic reader. For those who don't know what Akashic records are, can you explain what the Akashic records are and then we can transition into why you wanted to do a darkness retreat?

Retreat Healing: Tuning into the right frequency means embracing the love within.

First of all, I'm going to explain the Akashic records from how I experienced them. If you look it up, it's like a library in the sky, and I can understand why it's shared that way. The Akashic records are vibrations that you can access, and they store your soul's history. Your soul from source and all lifetimes that come, every experience, every lifetime, everything, it's all within this frequency.

It's a case of accessing that frequency, and then all the information is there. It's so broad with Akashic readings because there's so much that can come up. With yours, there's some mediumship there too. Sometimes family members who have crossed will come through. It's broader than the soul's history. When there's a reading occurring, it's what the client is meant to receive at this moment and at this time because if you imagine how broad the soul's journey is. You're fitting this into a one-hour session.

What comes through in reading is so special because it's exactly in that moment and in that time that it's to be received. It's a beautiful way to access and to help people get to know themselves as not only who we are now, like not just me as Tiffany, but me as a soul and the client as a soul. It opens people up to who they were, who they will be, and the vastness of their soul, plus everything that can be going on in their daily lives right now. It's limitless what Akashic readings can help with.

Facing Fear Through Darkness Retreat

Past, present, future and parallel timelines are all part of the same thing. It's all one moment and one present thing in your soul's journey. For someone who can access these records, which is pretty incredible, what inspired you to do a darkness retreat?

The darkness retreat, I had never heard about them until 2022, and a friend told me about it. I remember my immediate reaction was, “I could never do that, I need the lights. If I was in darkness, it feels so overwhelmingly oppressive.” I noticed it came into my field again. Another friend, not even connected, brought it up and it brought up that fear again. I've learned to follow the fear.

I started to become intrigued, “Why is this so fearful for me? What if there's something here, there's something to be shown or there's some purpose in it?” I started exploring it and realized that this was something that I needed to try because it brought up the fear and I wanted to go straight for that fear to see what was underneath it. That's how I became interested in it.

The particular place that I chose is in Oregon. It's called Sky Cave Retreats. At the time, I had to book a year in advance. Now, from what I understand, it's two years in advance. They only have four caves. They are expanding, but for now, they have four. It was something that was in the future, which is also scary because it's not like something that you think, “I'm going to do this now. I'm going to face this thing and do it.” You have to wait a whole year and simmer in that. I enjoyed how I had that waiting period also before I went into the darkness for the experience.

I cannot imagine the anticipation. What were your expectations going into the retreat? You had a year to think about it. What did you think it was going to be like versus the reality of what it was?

I don't think I had any expectations. I didn't even know why I was being guided there. I was like whatever I meant to receive, whatever I'm going to experience is what I meant to receive and experience. I just put it out there. I didn't follow the road of expectations. I was just, “This is what I'm doing. I'm being guided by spirits. I'm going to do it.” The experience was not necessarily what I thought it was going to be, but it was also exactly what I needed it to be. This isn't for everybody.

There are some people who go through some difficult times in the darkness, but my experience was so deep in self-love and nurturing. There's a whole story leading up to all of this. I don't know if you want me to go ahead and share about leading up into the darkness. This was back in April, and I arrived at the retreat center in the afternoon. Scott, who owns Sky Cave Retreats, invited people to enter into the darkness when they arrive, because you arrive the day before you go into the darkness, and then remain in the darkness all night to adjust your body, and then come out the next day whenever you feel called.

Retreat Healing: Every experience, every challenge is a step toward knowing the limitless within.

I had booked a somatic therapy session before and post-retreat. That's something that they offer, and it was so valuable. I went into the darkness and was there for that first night, and I stayed until 1:00 PM the next day when my somatic therapy session occurred. I came out of the darkness and realized, during that time I was in flight response. It's not that I felt like I wanted to leave, but my body was in a state of flight response.

What was so meaningful was I realized that every time I'm looking for nurturing, my go-to is nature. As soon as I go out in nature and spend time with the trees or spend time with the air, with the clouds, with the grass, with anything in nature, rocks, they're so soothing for me and it completely calms my nervous system. When I was in the darkness, I didn't have that.

There was a time when the trees did come in. They were very present for me, and I could feel their presence and their comfort, but it wasn't deep, it wasn't like actually being with them. They were bringing a sense of it, but they weren't fully bringing themselves because of the journey I needed to go within myself to find that self-nurturing.

When I had the somatic therapy session. Adrian, who is the woman who led these, she's wonderful. She went down the path of, “What if you allowed yourself to walk out of the darkness anytime you wanted to?” You're not locked in the room. You can walk out anytime you want. There's a light switch. You can turn it on anytime you want. It's all your choice. My immediate reaction was, “There's no way. I've been waiting for a year. I will never walk out. I'm not going to fail.” All of that started coming up, which was very useful to release that.

Permission For Self-Love

It was profound because once I gave myself permission if I felt that for my self-love I needed to walk out and go sit on a rock for ten minutes or touch a tree and walk back in, then I would give that to myself. That was my act of self-love. Once I gave myself that permission, my nervous system completely calmed down. I was very grounded and I felt so much relief. I didn't walk out at any point. I was there for four days.

After the first 24 hours, I remember thinking I could walk out if I wanted to, but as soon as the thought came in, it left. I was never tempted to walk out, but giving myself that permission to walk out was the game changer. If I hadn't had that, I don't know if my experience would have been different than what it was, because I did have a truly beautiful experience in the darkness.

If there was something I was going to share with people, it would be one of the things is sometimes self-love is giving yourself permission to bring that love to yourself. To allow yourself to do something that you might be blocking because you feel like you're going to be a failure. You feel like you have to stand up to this to be this person or whatever, but giving yourself permission to do whatever you need to do to nurture yourself and love yourself is a game changer, without judgment from yourself or anybody else. That was profound.

Retreat Healing: The journey within reveals the limitless love we can give to ourselves.

As I was spending time in the darkness, most of the time, I learned how to nurture myself. I didn't have nature and I became the nurturer. Whenever I went through something or moved through something or an emotion came up, it was myself. It was nurturing me. We so often don't do that in life.

Grounding yourself is essential. In the darkness, I found the strength to nurture myself without external support.

First of all, for some people, you might go to a partner, a family member, or a friend. Other people utilize nature as I do. There are so many ways that we receive nurturing and love outside of self, but when you're in the darkness and you have no distractions and you do have not your usual things to grab for that nurturing, you only have yourself. I then became so present in my nurturing nature. I remember thinking, “Where is this coming from? I didn't even know I could feel this way.”

It was so deep. That self-love and that nurturing were so deep that for moments, I felt like I did not need anything outside of myself. That has always been a concept. I've heard that and I could understand the concept, but I had never truly felt it, and I felt it. It wasn't something that came to me and has stayed. It was like an emotion that came up and moved through my body. I felt this emotion of I don't need anything outside of myself.

Retreat Healing: In the stillness, we find that everything we seek is already within us.

Everything that's outside of self is additional to it. It's great to have it. It's like the cherry on top. I will enjoy that love from that person or from that tree or from wherever I'm receiving it, but in the depth of myself, I don't need it. It's something extra. That moved through my body. I remember thinking, “I've experienced that now.” I've truly experienced not needing anything outside of myself. I wonder if I'll be able to experience it again.

Retreat Healing: In the depth of myself, I don’t need anything outside of self.

I did another time in the darkness. It came as profoundly as it did the first time, which was wonderful because then I was thinking, “When I go back into my daily life integration, will I be able to remember that feeling? Will I be able to tap into it?” I felt like I'd been given the gift of experiencing it twice. It's another layer of it. That overall was my experience. I was flowing through the darkness. It was this beautiful flow state.

There were times of boredom. I did feel boredom. Honestly, I felt like I could flow in that state for quite a while, and it was very pleasant and very peaceful. I always liked to challenge myself though. I was flowing in the state for a couple of days, and then I was thinking, “I want to go deeper because I could flow here for four days and it would be wonderful, but I decided I wanted to go deeper.” Some anger issues had come up and I decided that I wanted to face some of those and with two people in particular that had been in my life that I had not addressed this anger. I did do that.

It was a personal experience. What I did was I brought that person into the room and sat down on the bed with me. I said everything to that person that I had never said before. I cried and I punched the person. I let all of it out and they were there and they were present. I released it. This went on another time with another experience in my life. I'm glad that I experienced it, but I don't feel like I necessarily needed to. It's odd. I know that I needed to release some of this anger, but that was my choice to do that.

All that I needed to receive was that deep self-love and nurturing. That's why I had been guided to this darkness. It was to receive that. It was beautiful because, after the anger release, I did have some difficulties grounding. Grounding in the darkness was hard for me. What was so wonderful about the place that I chose, Sky Cave Retreats, is that Scott, who owns it and runs it, is so gifted at assisting.

What happens in the darkness is he comes twice a day. He'll come in the morning and then he comes again in the evening to bring all the food. When he comes twice a day, he'll check in through the door and if you want to speak to him or share anything you can or you don't have to, he's just present, he's there. That particular time he came was morning time, and he tended to the fire, which was outside of the door. That's what heats up the room.

He was tending to the fire, and I told him I was having difficulty grounding. He sat in silence outside of the door, and I felt his energy come in and was very present. He helped to co-regulate my nervous system and completely grounded me. It was so beautiful. That was amazing to receive that during that time in the darkness.

I also learned from that though. The next day, I was having some difficulty grounding and I remember thinking to myself, “I wish Scott was here. He could help me.” I stopped myself because I wanted to be able to do that for myself. Just like with the Akashic readings, I was like, “I had this amazing reading, but then I wanted to be able to do that for myself.”

Same with the grounding and regulating my nervous system, I was thinking, “It's wonderful that he showed me how I can be so grounded, but this is something I need to be able to do for myself.” That's been a journey that I've been going on also. It is that deep grounding, which is such a beautiful feeling because I tend to be flighty in the work that I do. I'm in the realms a lot. Grounding is very important for me. I feel like I've been given the gift of being able to go to a deeper level that I had not experienced in grounding from that.

Incredible. I mean giving yourself the permission to love yourself and to soothe yourself and to know that there's nothing else that's needed. Many people, including myself, struggle. Many of us want to do things for others or look for love from our wife, our dog, our baby, or our business for that outside external feeling that we've accomplished something or we have something special. Whereas it's very rare to go inward. It's very hard for me to just sit.

I meditate or whatever but my mind is moving all the time and I'm thinking about what I want to manifest or thinking about what I love, but it's on the outside. It's very hard. It's very challenging to give yourself permission to know that there's nothing else outside of you. All these other things are beautiful like you said, and they're bonus on top. For those who don't go into darkness, what are some things that someone can do to accept that love within them?

Much of it is loving the person that you are in this moment. When we think of self-love, we're like, “I'm going to love myself when I have this or when I can do this.” That's not loving and accepting all of the things that we think are our faults that we have. I know personally that in my journey of self-love, it is loving me in every moment.

Retreat Healing: Self-love is not about perfection but accepting who you are in every moment.

In those moments when I feel like I'm not fully present, it's okay. I still love myself. In moments when I'm feeling anxious and it's overwhelming, it's okay, I still love myself, and feeling of loving the person with all of the things that are faults and flaws. It's very easy to love the person that we want to be, that model of that person. “I'll love myself once I do this or once I achieve this,” but being in the moment of loving who I am right now, everything about it and all of who I am. That too was a concept to me at one point. Even when I say it right now, I hear it like it can be a concept.

Retreat Healing: Embracing every part of your journey means embracing the love that guides you.

When you feel it, it's so different. Even now, I don't feel that all the time. I know what it's like to feel it, and I have to remind myself sometimes to come back to love, but there are times when I'm out there reaching for the person that I want to be and the person that I feel like I should be. I have to bring myself back.

Another thing that I received from the darkness, and this has been a slow integration. You reached out to me in May. I was in the retreat in April. You reached out in May for the show and I thought I was ready. I contacted you the night before and I was like, “I cannot do it.” Thank you for being so understanding with that. I realized it was such a personal experience. I was not ready to share it. I was not in the space to share it. I needed more integration. I reached out to you recently saying, “I feel like this needs to be shared now.”

Another thing that was such a deep experience for me during the darkness was being more present. We talk about this with meditation all the time. That's how you and I met via the Dr. Joe retreat and the meditation you're coming into the moment. Now I feel like I'm able to be more aware of when I'm not present, my energy is out there. I can feel it now. I bring my energy back.

Sometimes when you think about somebody, if you're concerned about somebody, or if you have a partner and you're concerned about them, you realize when you're thinking about that person, your energy is all on that, not all, but a lot of it is on that space. When you consciously bring it back to self, you can feel that fullness and wholeness.

Retreat Healing: Grounding yourself in love means you can nurture others more wholly.

You can still be there for other people. You can still assist them, send them love, and be present for your family and your partner, but coming back to yourself and being present for yourself also. That's part of that nurturing and that love because so many of us, we scatter ourselves out to so many people and we don't leave enough for ourselves. That should be out of ego, not in an egoic way, but from love. That should be where we begin, within the self. Once that cup is full, we can then give more wholly and more fully to other people.

Being present with yourself allows you to truly feel love. Start by loving who you are in this very moment.

You're 100% right on that. Your vibrational state at every present moment is the most important thing you can do. Serving others, you do best by being in the vibrational state of love and harmony. Whenever I think about I'm concerned about this person and my mind is there, in a way, it's projecting some sense of fear onto them as well when you're thinking in that regard. I've been working on this a lot lately too as I want everybody to be happy. I want everybody to be loved, but whatever everyone is going through is for their highest good.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be going through it. That's my belief. The universe is perfect. There are no mistakes whatsoever. When I'm releasing my energy elsewhere, is it the best direction for my soul growth? It's not. One of those things I need to incorporate is allowing that self-love and not worrying so much about other people and how can I do these things for other people but be present for myself.

The more I focus on that, the more things are flowing a little bit easier in my life. It's challenging on so many levels because we're never taught to love ourselves, to accept that, and to think, “You don't need anything else in this world. As long as you have a sound mind, sound heart, that's all that we can ever want.” Without those things, what can you do in life? Nothing.

That's so true. I appreciate you stating that in your way also. It's so wonderful to hear other people in that space and in that state, because I remember they do this exit recording when you leave the darkness, it's optional. I remember one of the things I said when I first took my mask off and was looking around.

That was a beautiful video, by the way. Thank you for sharing that. I hope you don't mind if we share that on the show.

That's fine. I remember what occurred to me in that moment, and you're reminding me of it because of your bringing in that centeredness of love, is imagine a world where everybody was operating from that place. The world would be so vastly different. Maybe that's the goal. It's the non-egoic from the heart-centered self-love, it all stems from there. Truly, I feel would be a completely different place that we would be living in.

For everyone to change, it's like we have to start with ourselves. The number one mission for me, for you, is to get to that place within. Hopefully, that inspires other people. Hopefully, other people take on that initiative, and then it spreads. We should put all of our politicians in a darkness retreat. It's a wild world we're living in. Common sense would tell you, “If we want the best for the country, let's come together and see how we can work together to make this place a beautiful place to live.”

It's not like that. It's ego versus ego like, “If this is your idea, I have to take the opposite stance,” which never helps anybody. This country is suffering, but we need to see all this craziness for us to understand that there are better ways of going about things. It's just the collective consciousness. We've allowed all of these things to happen in terms of division and separation and all this, but it starts within. If somebody wants to change outside, you have to make that change within and rise above any duality in this world.

That's something that the last year has been a complete mindfuck for me because understanding everything has validity. The opposite side of what I believe is valid. There's altruism on the opposite side. In practice, maybe not so much, and maybe the things that I believe in practice are not so much in altruism, but I guess we have to understand that everything that's happening in the universe is here serving us for the reason that we need and understand how can we absorb all of it and not be affected by it. How can we put more light and more love into the world? It starts with having love within and love for others because we cannot love other people without truly loving ourselves.

We don't know what it feels like. How can you know what it feels like to love somebody else if you don't love yourself? I'm glad you brought up about the duality that's occurring right now everywhere, but in the US, with everything that's going on in politics. It's important to understand that somebody's opinions might be very important to them, but just because they're different than what your opinion might be doesn't make them wrong. To them, they're right. Everybody is operating from where they are at that moment.

We all have our traumas. We don't know what's going on with the other person. We don't know what their life experience has been. Just not getting drawn into that duality. You were saying coming from that place of love and it doesn't have to be all fairies and rainbows. We're human. We're in this world. We have shit that happens. Coming back to this person is responding, reacting, or being that way because that's who they are. That's their life path.

Not to feel anger, resentment, or hatred even for that because they feel different. That's part of that self-love. Like you said, it is all of humanity, knowing we're all going through it. Somebody might have a completely different opinion than you, but it's okay. Let them have their opinion. I might not understand it, but the judgment.

Their thoughts, their feelings, and their actions are all the sum total of every experience they've ever had. Until we step in that person's shoes, we have no idea. They're doing the best that they can in every moment. There are always opportunities for all of us to do better, to learn from certain things, not to accept things holding us back in life, and to continue to grow. Everybody is going to make that choice on their own terms. You cannot force growth on anybody, including nobody forcing growth on me unless I want to change.

Integrating The Experience Post Retreat

Tell me about coming out of the experience. You talked about the exit interview, but what was it like to come out of that darkness? First of all, right at the end, I'm sure you were like, “I'm settling in. Maybe I could do this a little bit longer.” Was it easy to come out? Were you ready or were you like, “Wait a second. I have more work to do.”

I was ready. The hardest thing for me, and I'm sure this is for everybody, was boredom. It would be the flow state, and you'd receive, and you'd move through, and then you'd come back to the boredom. I could have stayed longer, but I was also ready. It's not like I was dying to get out, but it was a wonderful feeling to be able to see the trees. There was this giant rock that was right outside my cave that I had spent a lot of time with before I went into the darkness.

That was the first thing when I took off my mask that I saw. It was this rock greeting me. It's like a child being away from their mother and then the mother comes and you feel all that love come in. I don't take it all for granted because nature is such a healer for me or Mother Earth and I’m not taking her for granted. We live on this amazing planet and we have such beauty around us. Even in a city, you have a tree on the street that you can touch and walk by and they're there for you.

Coming out of the darkness and being able to see nature was the first thing. Opening my eyes and seeing nature and feeling all of that again was beautiful. It took me integration. It took a while. It had different stages and different layers. Right after the retreat, I went over to Mount Shasta and stayed there for a few days and went on hikes and all of that because I wanted to. That was good to do instead of getting on an airplane and coming home to my children.

Come back and plug right back in.

Having to take care of other people and all of that. That was a gift to myself. It was being able to do that. That helped a lot. When I came back, there were times at first when I was like, “Am I going to forget all of this? Am I going to be able to retain any of it?” At times, I would feel it. At times, I don't feel it at all. I was going through all those cycles of, “Will this remain?” It's not always about the experience. It's about the integration, integrating it into your life and your being.

The reason I reached out recently was I realized that it is there. Before, back in May, I would have been coming from a place of maybe grasping a little bit like, “Is it still there? Let me talk about it so I can see if it's still there.” Now, I feel like everything that I went through and whatever I experienced and learned and that evolution, I feel in me. That is why I came to that space of being able to share it.

As importantly, speaking to you, I feel that shift in you. There's a resonance coming from you that's a little bit more elevated, and even before that, the last time we spoke. You told me one time that my power is in my presence. I feel that so much more coming from you now because everything that you did is now a part of you. It resonates on every cell and your energy in the auric field. How do you think this is going to change the way that you read for people or how you're showing up as a healer for others?

I don’t know, to be honest. I feel like things are shifting in my life, in my physical world right now. I am starting to do more in person. I feel like some of that has come from the darkness and what I experienced. I'm planning on doing some in person. I'm in Sarasota, Florida, and I'm going to be doing some in-person women's circles and womb healings. I feel like I'm being guided differently. Maybe a different or it's opening up another path.

I guess I hadn't thought about that, to be honest. That's a good question. I am going with what seems to be opening up or where my joy is being led to. You cannot experience something like this, like the darkness, and not shift. I do want to say that I'm sharing my personal experience and I'm very grateful that it was a positive experience for me, but I do know that there are people that have a very hard time.

I don't want to mislead anybody and it's going to be this beautiful, wonderful experience. Everybody is different. Everybody has their own shadows. Everybody is in a different space when they go into the darkness. There was somebody who was leaving the day I arrived. She emerged from her cave and I happened to be walking by. We had a conversation and she had come out a day early and she had a tough time.

It was very difficult for her even afterward. She also received whatever she was meant to receive from that, whether it be guiding her to some deeper self-work or whether she doesn't decide not to. We're all in that space of loving ourselves too. Even if it's not the experience you hope for it to be, it's what you need to receive. Loving yourself through that also is so important. I wanted to throw that out there. It's such a personal experience for everybody and it can be so different for so many people.

It’s super important to acknowledge that. Even with psychedelics, any spiritual work is going to force you to look at your shadow and integrate things that we might not be aware of or maybe that we're aware of that we try to push away. Do you think that it's important we have to integrate the shadow parts of us to have spiritual growth? Do you think you're able to have spiritual growth without going to measures like that? I thought it was a hard question, right?

Yeah, it is. I'm going to come from personal experience. I feel like shadow work is very important. We cannot bypass it. That's part of the healing journey. That's part of healing ourselves. That's part of evolution. The question is the depths of the shadow work that each person goes through. Some people go deep and hard. I have some spiritual friends who are like that all the time. I wouldn't be able to do it at that rapid pace with the vigor that they are.

Spiritual growth often requires embracing your shadows. It’s not always easy, but it's essential for true healing.

This is their journey and their choice, but shadow work needs to be addressed in the person's time with the methods that they feel they are called to. That brings up something that happened to me in the darkness the day before I went in. I had arrived and I was sitting there stating my intentions to the universe. I received this message that I released my intentions out to the universe, and to let that go and love myself. It's all I had to do. That's all I had to do. It seemed so simple.

When I was in the darkness, I brought up the anger thing. I made the choice to bring this shadow work in. I was like, “This flowing in this state was beautiful, but I wanted to go more. I wanted to have that.” It feels like it's coming around full circle with your question. Definitely shadow work, but we don't always have to pound at it. I feel like sometimes, depending on the person, we can move through shadow work in a more gentle manner.

It could be the place you are in your life too. It could be in one stage. It doesn't need to be so hard-pushing at it. Sometimes, we can still move through the shadows with so much love and grace. I see that in the spiritual community. Sometimes people want to push so hard and that can be a good thing, depending on where people are in their lives, but also bringing in the permission. I'm going to go easier on myself right now and still have the shadow work being present, moving through it, but I don't need to pound at it.

It’s very important. What advice would you give to somebody who feels a little bit lost or disconnected from their truest self? What are some maybe baby steps they can start taking to move towards this path?

One of the first things is the awareness of the present moment as much as possible. We're so distracted by thinking about the past and thinking about the future. We're very rarely in the present moment. Many people think, “I have to meditate for 20 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour,” and then they go about their lives and they do all the other stuff and they're in the past and they're in the future, but bringing that into like daily presence. It's amazing what being present as often as possible can do for your nervous system, like bringing your energy back to yourself, grounding yourself, and being present.

When you're present with yourself, you feel that love. If you don't start feeling that love, then love the fact wherever you are in that moment of feeling. Don't judge yourself because it's all this journey. That's the hardest part like, “I'm not being present. When I'm with myself, I'm judging myself.” Can you go deeper and love yourself through that like you would love somebody else? We're so much harder on ourselves.

We would give that to a partner or somebody that we love. We would nurture, support them, and help them. Often, we don't give that to ourselves. Being present is the first step. Present with your own energy, like getting to know yourself, your energy, and your body. Our minds are so out on the external. That's something the darkness brings too. It brings you in. You don't have anything on the external. That's one of the first steps. It’s that presence as often as possible.

Recently, I had this profound experience spiritually. I won't go into all the details, but essentially the takeaway was everything is a choice. When I decide to have a thought, I have to reframe it to say, “I'm choosing to have this thought. I'm choosing to be present.” It's coming from an empowering state.

If I'm feeling down, I could also say I'm choosing to feel down right now, but I could also choose now to feel this way. We're coming from that empowering state. We're not losing our power. We're being aware of the situation, what is going on right now, being present with that, and then getting to decide how I want to go about it from here.

That's the way we can start reframing our thoughts and stop being a victim of our thoughts but being the portrayer of our thoughts. We're able to now choose in every moment how we want to think, how we want to feel, what we want to do, what we want to act off of. That goes along with everything that you were saying, but doing it from a very empowered perspective.

That's a very powerful place to come from. I love that you are sharing that. I'm going to start using that in my life too because that is so important. You mentioned about giving your power away. It's almost like we're taught to do that from a young age and realize that we do have the choice and we do have the power. It's not like everything is we're being controlled by something else. This is our choice and our power. I love that.

Tiffany, I want to thank you so much for coming on and sharing your gifts and sharing your amazing story. You're one of the most beautiful people that we know, that Kate and I know in our lives and you come from such a place of light and anytime we tell people about you and they work with you, they're blown away. You have a very large fan base and it's growing more and more.

I highly encourage anybody who is looking for some spiritual direction in their life. It's about learning who you are. Tiffany is a conduit to help you see yourself. She's a mirror, but you get to see the best version of yourself. That's your gift and giving people so much, not hope, but inspiration to step into the beauty that they are on all levels and all dimensions, and knowing that it's not so far away from you that you have to ascend to this place, but you are that place. Thank you for being the amazing soul that you are, Tiffany.

I appreciate you saying that. On that note, I want to share that for all of the clients and the people that I come across because of this work, I'm not doing it. I'm not healing. They're doing it themselves. It's just that they are assisted with the frequency of healing. Talking about empowerment, the healing comes from them. When I meet somebody for these sessions, I'm receiving from them also. It's a gift connecting with these souls both ways. I cannot imagine doing anything else that was not connecting on this level and in this way. Like you and I connecting and your whole family, there's so much love from this energetic and soul connection, which is such a gift.

How can our audience connect with you and learn a little bit more about your work?

I still don't have a website yet. For some reason, I have not been guided to get a website. It might be coming at some point in the future, but I am on Instagram and I am recently moving back to Facebook, which I have been wanting to stay away from. I had gotten off of Facebook a couple of years ago. I don't like social media, but it's part of navigating this world that we're in right now, because I'm going to be doing some in-person sessions. Facebook is the avenue for that. On Instagram, it's @TiffanyAliceMalone. On Facebook, it’s Tiffany Alice Malone also.

Anything else you want to share?

Conclusion And Closing Remarks

I’m so grateful for you and for this show that you have. I watch a lot of them and it's so amazing to connect with these people. They have something to share and say. I'm grateful that you're doing this and continuing to do it because it's important for people to hear. Thank you for being present, for being here, and for helping me to be able to share this experience too because that's important.

You're very welcome. Thank you. I was your first podcast.

Yes. I remember I was so nervous on that first one. You've been on this journey with me for quite a while.

Now the throat chakra is wide open and you're ready for Joe Rogan now.

I wouldn't go that far.

Thank you so much, Tiffany. I appreciate you.

You take care.


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About Tiffany Malone

Tiffany Malone is an Akashic Record Reader, Akashic Womb Healer, Light Language Healer, Ascension Guide and Intuitive Channel. Tiffany has dedicated her adult life to inner healing and helping others to reawaken their soul’s journey. She is a bridge between your conscious mind and the guidance of your soul, and is dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual awakening and ascension journey by reconnecting you to your souls wisdom, inner power and purpose.


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