Episode 80: Unlocking Higher Consciousness: Psilocybin Microdosing For Cognitive Health And Vitality With Adam Schell

One of Humanity’s greatest teachers- the psilocybin mushroom - has been sharing its higher consciousness with humans for millennia. There is a sacred relationship between this particular plant medicine and humanity. Today, we are going to learn about psilocybin mushrooms and the experience of micro-dosing for improved cognitive health, vitality and an enhanced life with Adam Schell, founder of BrainSupreme.

Adam Schell is a Former Big 10 linebacker, published author, cannabis distributor and yoga instructor turned microdose coach, Adam Schell has a great story to tell. After over 3,000 conversations with microdose clients, Adam is a leader in the coaching space and can shed a light of many of the misconceptions surrounding the mushroom space and what it means to micro-dose intentionally.

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Unlocking Higher Consciousness: Psilocybin Microdosing For Cognitive Health And Vitality With Adam Schell


One of humanity's greatest teachers, the psilocybin mushroom has been sharing its higher wisdom and consciousness with humans for millennia. In this episode, we are going to learn about the experience of microdosing for improved cognitive health, vitality, and an overall enhanced life with Adam Schell, Founder of BrainSupreme. Adam is a former Big Ten linebacker, published author, cannabis distributor, and yoga instructor turned microdosing coach. Adam has a great story to tell. After over 3,000 conversations with microdose clients, Adam is a leader in the coaching space and can shed light on many of the misconceptions surrounding the mushrooms space and what it means to microdose intentionally.


Welcome to the show, Adam Schell. How are you doing?

I'm doing great. Thank you for the nice intro. I'm looking forward to our conversation.

I reached out to you after hearing about you and your company, BrainSupreme, on the Tin Foil Hat show. It's so funny because I was thinking about myself. I was planning to relaunch my show. I took a couple of months off. I have a baby, so it's tough to do recordings. I was thinking about microdosing for myself because I have so many things going on. I want to be laser-focused and also have somebody on the show talk about psilocybin and micro-dosing, and ding, you show up in my ethos. It was amazing.

After hearing that episode you did with Sam, I reached out to you. Funny enough, you said that you have seen my show too in the past. All these synchronousy just show me that we're on the right path in life and the more synchronicities happen to you, the more you know that it's exactly in alignment with your highest good.

It's funny. I'm jumping way ahead here, but sometimes people ask me, like, "Have you noticed anything long-term about microdosing?" I say, "Yes." Did you ever see Fantastic Fungi, the Netflix documentary?


This was pre. I've sold my soul to the pharmaceutical industry, Stamets. It's pretty much about the life and work of Paul Stamets, who's one of the foremost mycology and mushroom experts in the world. There's this thing that he does where he talks about the mycelial network of the forest which are the root fibers of mushrooms that go out and interconnect the forest and relay information between the trees.

I've noticed over the years of developing the product and microdosing, this is what I call this network, like from my heart from my head, literally, fibers go out. They are deep in my empathy, my compassion, and my connection to human beings, my family, God, nature, and spirit. Also, it's like, now I need to give and receive. It conductor this etheric information. We're having a conversation, but there's another conversation. It's always going on.

It's made me a better listener. It's made me know like, now is my time to go and now is my time to pull back. Also, what you're talking about is synchronicity. It increased the synchronicities in my life. You have the Law of Attraction, the manifestation, and you have the synchronicities that you think about. You also have these other wild synchronicities and that one, like just the randomness of, "I'm thinking about microdosing again because I've got all these other new life challenges and stresses all my time. I need to compartmentalize and be efficient." There, I am and there is this product. That happens all the time. It's great.

I love it. Do you know what's so cool about that Fantastic Fungi, it taught me that my sealed complex is his own kingdom. It goes so vast and so deep. Every step you take on planet Earth, there's an entire complex of mycelium underneath. It's like up to five kilometers or something like that and the mushroom that you see itself is the flower that blooms when it comes out of the ground.

In that same light, when you have all this mycelium connecting and sending nutrients to trees that need the nutrients. Everything is so interconnected. I believe also in the flower and the offering that the mycelium complex is giving to us humans. We take that that mycelium or that fungus and we put it in our bodies. It's using us to do the work also of the coherence of the Earth and to do good by the Earth and raise our consciousness because it needs humans to start elevating their consciousness. Otherwise, we're not going to have a planet if we keep continuing the way that we're doing it.

I thought about mushrooms in every single way imaginable that I could think of. I've never thought about how somehow they are also using us to relate information that's benevolent and beneficial to them. Great point. I kind of lost my mind.

I'm going to hit you with the banger to start the show. What does living a limitless life mean to you?

I'm in my 50s, and I've taken some real lumps. My definition of that has gotten smaller. How well can I do the little things in my life with what level of mindfulness, consideration, and excellence? I'm a food nut. Unless I screwed something. My kids have never had a school lunch. How well can I make the lunch? When I'm cleaning, how well can I clean? When I fold, how well can I fold?

Also, in terms of my own well-being, physical health, and approaching this company and what I'm doing. It's the things that I can control that are usually very small. It's like, how well can I do that? A spontaneous answer to that question would be that, it's about mindfulness and going for excellence in every receivable and small situation then I'll let the big things take care of themselves.

Practice mindfulness and strive for excellence in every small task and situation, and allow the big things to take care of themselves.

When you're younger, you're focusing on the big things and it makes you a little bit crazy. You lose the intimacy and some of the connections with yourself, friends, family, and children. You get a little older, you do some major face plans. It's like, how well can I do these small things?" To answer your question, that's what I would say.

Adam’s Encounter With Psilocybin

You can't have the macro picture without the micro steps and the micro-actions. If you're doing everything with absolute intention, then you don't have to worry about the big picture. Everything is woven in this fabric with such beauty, love, and intention that whatever you create is going to be magic. You don't even have to think about it. Tell me about your story and how you got started with psilocybin microdosing.

I was a college football athlete. I was a high school all-State football player. I got a football scholarship to a Big Ten school. It was pretty much a perennial second string, but I had a couple of starts in there. There were a lot of hits on the body. This is a longer answer. I wasn't prudish or anything like that because I was in New Jersey-New York City kid because my parents got divorced, so I was in the city a lot and so forth. I was like very straight lace, a very minimal drug use. Alcohol always made me feel terrible.

I was a 240-pound linebacker reaching three beers and I'd be sick for literally 36 hours. I just couldn't function and perform well. I was never like a big party. I was living in New York City at 24 years old and my lower back was going out all the time, so that got me into yoga. It turns out that all the things that made me an average college football player, I was slow, weak, not too strong but Jewish, funny, and very flexible.

When I moved to LA, it made me the most extraordinary yoga practitioner and teacher. People started asking me about yoga. I started teaching yoga and became a little something like a celebrity yoga teacher, with packed classes. A typical of what happens in LA is celebrity clientele. I got exposed to the Cannabis industry and used cannabis as also as medicine then I got exposed a little bit to the mushroom industry and psychedelics.

I started to incorporate some of these things into my yogic practice as I was going about my life. I had written a novel. I studied film at college then I got a Master's in Creative Writing and English and I was working on a novel. I spent almost my entire 30s from late 20s to late 30s and the book sold. Everybody couldn't believe it. It's sold in four days for over a million dollars. It was exciting, but then everything just went to shit. The 2008-2009 housing economy crisis happened. The publishing world completely imploded. It was self-publishing and everything on Amazon. Everything was falling apart.

Michael Jackson died the day my novel came out. It was like this never happened. My whole life was supposed to change. The numbers 1, 2, and 3 at the division of random houses that we were with all got fired. It's like, "Oh fuck. What do I do?" I went back to teaching yoga and doing some private chefing. I had started a soccer not-for-profit during that time. My two-and-a-half-year-old and three-year-old seemed very talented in soccer, so I brought a coach over from Europe that I'd met at this clinic.

He started living with us. We were living in this part of Calabasas, which is the backside of Malibu. We would go into this school that had a lot of prominent influential families and I started this soccer not-for-profit. One of the guys in the club said, "I like the way you get shit done. Tell me what you're doing. Come to this meeting with me." He introduced me to the California Cannabis industry. I wasn't a weed guy, but I had to start making some money in my life and rebuild. The bar was so low in the Cannabis industry at that time that basically honest and competent was the new extraordinary.

Within a few years, I have a multi-million dollar distribution company going up and down the state. I had a hundred farms, a whole team, and vans. We had great distribution but I wasn't a cannabis guy. I appreciate it. I know it's good medicine. It's so much better than alcohol. I use it topically a lot and I'll eat a gummy if I'm ever in some pain or something like that but I said, "I want to explore psilocybin." I had a psilocybin experience when I was nineteen years old. It changed my life and I went back to that. I had met a guy in my Calabasas Community.

We'd meet at the sauna. He was a Russian dude. Our kids were friends and we started chatting. We were talking weed then started talking mushrooms. He comes from four generations of mushroom foragers. It turns out that he's had a little cannabis grow. He grew interesting and very meticulous about it. I said, "Do you think you could grow mushrooms?" He said, "Yes." I was so cash-positive at the time. The distribution and the California Cannabis industry were booming, so I funded him to start to do a mushroom grow. We became partners and I said, "I don't want to do the chocolatey thing. I don't want to do shroomy."

I was approaching 50. I'm in my late 40s. I said, "I want to hack. I've got so much to do. I got started late in life. I don't have college funds. I got none of that 401(k) shit." I needed a middle-aged hack. We started with this concept of approaching microdosing as the ultimate form of supplementation. I didn't want to induce myself with steroids and do all experimental treatments, but I needed more energy and focus. I had a lot to accomplish. I still had young kids. That was the genesis of starting BrainSupreme. It was how we could maximize human potential in a completely beneficial fashion without side effects.

It's so cool because I heard your story about this previously then you telling us now. With supplements especially. You don't feel the supplement and you don't know if it's working. When I take like 30 or 40 different things a day and there's never any like, "This is working." If I'm taking NAD or if I'm taking glutathione or whatever. I feel the same. I feel relatively healthy. I'm in my 40s, but I work out all the time. I sleep well. I'm a biohacker and have a wellness center.

There's nothing that shows me that this is better than the other. When you take a psilocybin microdose, you know for sure this is working because you're feeling it and you're in it. That's the biggest thing for me. That's the one supplement I know for sure. It's making a huge impact on my life on a day-to-day basis the minute I take it.

I do these shows and they come up pretty quickly, but we've had a month to develop our relationship. Let me just turn the tables a little bit. I sent you BrainSupreme samples. You tell me what's been your experience.

I've been pretty consistent in taking it. I'll give you a little background. I never had any big mushroom experiences in my life. Maybe 1 or 2, but in a few years, I had maybe two and a half grams and another two and a half grams a couple of months later, but I never was exposed to it. I'm happy about that because when I was younger, I had alcohol and stuff like that but it never got into psilocybin or any other psychedelics. Later on in life, I have ayahuasca experience. I've done 5-MeO-DMT. I did it intentionally with the intention to connect with my spirit and stuff.

Now getting introduced to it more, I've tried LSD microdosing and THC microdosing but it never resonated with me. It just felt weird. I didn't feel like I was in the flow. I didn't feel like it brought me much in life. THC was just keeping me really neurotic. I wanted to be by myself and think or whatever, but with this, it's a completely different ballgame.

First, from the cognitive effects, I feel so much more focused. My brain is scattered brain. I need to have like ten different things going on. I have ten different browsers up. Anytime I think about something, I move on to the next. I needed a lot more focus. In running a business, there are a lot of things going on. Plus, working on having a child that is months old. There are always things that can distract you. This thing helped me in terms of focusing my energy on one thing at a time.

Secondly, from a mood perspective, I feel so much more living in my heart. That's one of my goals after having experience with ayahuasca and stuff like that. I know my life flows so much better when I'm living from the heart. When I'm in my head, I always get stuck around me. It's one of those things where life will only want to show me the results that I want when I'm living from my heart. Whenever I start getting in my head or living from my ego, the door slammed shot on my face.

This is amazing. It keeps me in the present moment. It helped me connect deeper with my wife and helped me appreciate the gratitude for my son. He's the most beautiful thing in the universe to me. Every time I look at them, tears of joy come down my face. This has helped me to deepen into that love and not hold it back. The same thing with my little pup. I have a golden doodle and he's like the love of my life. When I see my family, I'm super happy. That is the basis for everything I do in life. That's my inspiration. I feel so blessed every single moment of every day when I see them and when I interact with them. This microdose has helped me with that.

Could you quantify it? If you reflect back on the month, are you 5% better, 10%, or 20%? Is there a number you'd be at?

I would say a good 25% better in terms of overall mood. The focus part of it is important for me because I'm the type of person who has a checklist of everything I need to do in the day. On my phone, I have a planner that I put off. I'm like always, I need to check things off. It's a little bit of overkill of the things I need to do. It's always on my mind like, "I have to do this, this, and this." Rather than being in the present and enjoying every single thing that I'm doing.

Now I'm doing it from more of a flow perspective, rather than a scarcity perspective like, "We have enough time in a day to do this, this, and this. Don't bother me." Another thing I noticed, is that normally, I work out in the mornings but I've been doing a lot of running stairs. I live in a high-rise. It's about 45 flights up and I do about 60 flights of stairs to increase my cardio to help with some of the baby weight that I gained from having a baby. Not me personally but eating doughnuts and stuff like that. You never know these days.

Also, I'm going to Peru. I'm going to be in the elevation in October, so I wanted to make sure my cardio is good, able to climb, and do all these things. Normally, I work out in the morning and I'll do microdose after all that stuff. I did a microdose in the morning then I did the stairs in the afternoon. I noticed I had the best time ever. This was after four days of not working out, which is crazy because when you stop doing cardio for even a couple of days, it's hard to repeat the same performance. Unless you're doing it all the time and I had a little bit of a cold. That's why I took a couple of days off.

I said, "Hmm, that's weird. Two hours after I took a microdose and had my best time ever. After coming off a cold and not working out for four days. That's pretty amazing," then I did it the next day. I didn't have the microdose and it was like 30 or 40 seconds more time than I did this one time. From every perspective, it's incredible. I'm just figuring out the dosages of what I'm doing for the day.

Benefits Of Microdosing Psilocybin

I want to pause because you touched on a couple of things that I want to reiterate for your audience. In my experience, microdosing LSD and microdosing THC is what I call disassociative like you get in your head. Possibly, if you're working and you're engagement in life is very insular or very reflective or maybe very creative. Create a first draft egoistic standpoint. You just got to be in the zone and think what you're doing is amazing.

That's how I find the smaller doses of THC and small doses of LSD. They're disassociative. I'm not connected with the world around me with my life or my children. While microdosing psilocybin is associative. You're much more engaged in the world and the people that you interact with in an authentic fashion. It's so much more enjoyable to me at the microdosing level. Much more effective.

I also have found that with LSD microdosing much later in the day, 4 hours, 5 hours, or 6 hours later, I will get some anxiety that creeps up. It's almost like a jolt of LSD is in the brain that's a little too much. Texas has a lot of these overpasses like 60 or 70 or 80 overpasses. I coach microdosing. I got to know it all. I had been going through a course of microdosing LSD. I was not in love with the process.

Six hours or eight hours after the microdose, I'm going over an overpass that I go over all the time. I said, "Holy shit. I got to keep my shit together." I'm freaking out. There are real consequences here. I agree with what you're saying. It's nice to hear these confirmations from another person of this. You didn't have the language, but the THC and the LSD are disassociative and the psilocybin microdosing the associative. You're much more connected to nature, your wife, your children, your new puppy, or your baby. All that stuff, very much so.

The thing about performance, we have a protocol. We have three protocols. We tell people to start with a supplement dose. Treat it as a supplement to our coaching protocol. The way you begin the process of microdosing is to demystify. Get used to it. Any suspicions, anxiety, or anything you have around, demystify the process. Limp and start very small, then familiarize yourself. You start to understand it.

Psilocybin Microdosing: The way to begin the process of microdosing is to demystify it. Get used to it. Let go of any suspicions, anxiety, or concerns you have about it. Start with a very small dose, then gradually familiarize yourself with it and truly begin to understand the experience.

Once you understand it, then you go on a process of personalization because there's no hard science with microdosing. You could microdose one day on and three days off. You could microdose five days on and two days off. You could do a performance dose, which is something we teach where it sounds like you're going into that. A little bit of a higher level of microdose on your peak days and peak training or peak athletic days.

My professional and amateur athletes will do a higher dose on one training day. Let's say on Wednesday, then they'll do the performance dose again on game day. It's interesting how naturally you're following that process of demystifying, familiarizing, and personalizing and you're finding your arc. A lot of things that I teach naturally in my coaching course, you're already bringing up which is great. That was the thoughts I wanted to jump in on there.

Figuring Out The Correct Dosage

In terms of you know figuring out the correct dosage and for what I'm doing, do you have any suggestions or can you coach me on that? I've heard of the Stamets protocol and they're cycling and you have to take a few days off. Can you go into that a little bit? Is there any such thing as too much microdosing or too little or do you have to stay on it for a little bit of time in order for the effects to be accumulative?

There are so many variables. I'm 230 pounds. What are you, 165?

I'm about 190. I'm a tall Indian. I'm 6'1".

Good for you and your wife might be 5'4" and 120. Our brains and nervous system all weigh about 5 pounds. It doesn't matter whether it's my 5'4" and 122-pound wife or whether it's the 230-pound ex-linebacker. Our brains and nervous system are about the same. You take body weight with microdose pretty much off the table.

Alright, now you're doing in neurological needs and that's an entirely subjective process. Your neurological needs, my neurological needs, and my wife's neurological needs can be mildly different. I would say it's a general consensus if you're doing the supplement protocol. Microdosing is defined as 10% and less of a macrodose. If you're tripping balls historically at 5,000 milligrams. Your microdosing is somewhere between 1 to 400 milligrams. That's the range of a microdose. It can be a little less for some people. It can be a little bit more for some people.

Psilocybin Microdosing: Microdosing is defined as 10% or less of a macro dose.

The average for our product is 2 to 3 capsules or 2 to 300 milligrams of the active ingredient. If you're doing the supplement protocol, which is 5 days on and 2 days off. Always start at one capsule, just limp in. Especially if you're new to the process. Do it on an off-day. Start on a Saturday or Sunday. Take one capsule. Take half a capsule if you have any anxiety. Most likely, you're going to notice very little or maybe something mildly pleasant.

Let's take anxiety off the table. Don't do it on your first workday. Don't do it where there's any anxiety or pressure that could create that creep in. Honor that day and that process. Eventually, you can probably do your microdosing Monday through Friday like a lot of the supplement dosing protocols because it very much helps you with your work-life balance and your workday performance. You want to limp in. For the first two weeks, your microdose should be on the supplement protocol. That's 5 days on and 2 days off. You want to hit what's called your sweet spot, which is perceptible, non-intoxicating, and non-hallucinatory.

You want to perceive some level of benefit. "I was a little better now." It's more patient at work. I'm feeling a little hornier. I did extra reps at the gym, like some perceptible level of benefit in your life. That's your sweet spot. You just keep scaling your dosage up till you find the sweet spot. The general average is 2 to 3 capsules. Maybe somewhere between 1 to 3. You can also scale over the course of the week. You could do your first three days. Let's say Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on one capsule. Thursday and Friday on two capsules because you do acclimate to micro-dosing, then you take your two days off.

To answer the questions specifically about the dosage, from the supplement protocol. When you begin, you just have to experiment. For some people, one capsule is great too. They might say, "I'm a little shroomy." For others, "I got to take 600 milligrams. I'll do the first three days on 400 and for capsules. I'll do the last three days on two black stacks and one genius," which is a 600 milligram. It's wildly variable. Do not push yourself towards the higher dosage. Don't assume that. Even if you're very adept at microdosing. Don't assume that you need to do a higher microdose.

It's also expensive. Microdosing, for me, is a slightly expensive supplement that works and is perceptible. I'm just like you on the supplements. I go to functional MDS and integrative MDS. I spend a shit ton of money on supplements. It's always, "I hope they work. I think they work. Everybody else got sick. I didn't get that sick. For my age, I'm feeling good." It's never perceptible. I never take the vitamin C and I’m like, "Oh, wow. That was a great vitamin C."

Microdosing is a somewhat expensive supplement that works and is noticeable.

"My life is changed from this."

You put a psilocybin in your vitamin C and you're like, "Oh God, that is good." It's perceptible. If you can get that perception at 100 milligrams of active, one capsule. Great. It's going to last longer. Sixty capsules will last you 60 dosage days. It's better, or two capsules. Don't go pushing that you think you got to do that. Limp in the process. If you think about it, you can get a 5% to 10% level increase in your overall aggregate well-being. At the end of the week, that's like 50% to 70% better.

At the end of the month, it's 320% better. Whatever it may be, it becomes aggregate. Suddenly, your life starts to stack and things get better. Limp into the process. Push your dosing up until you get to that sweet spot. Once you know your sweet spot, then you can start to play around. You can start to go into performance dosing and other levels. I can't give you a hard answer about where your dosing should be. Your dosing should be at the level that it's most effective for what you want and need to do with your life.

Your dosing should be at the level that is most effective for what you want to achieve and need in your life.

The general rule of thumb is 2 to 3 capsules. In terms of taking the days off, I have this theory that I call bent versus broken. You're a well-adjusted and high-achieving 40-something-year-old man. You have a wife, a kid, and a business. You're doing great. You've probably got some bends but there's no real break step like high levels of anxiety and dysfunction, or PTSD. That category of person, you're going for like that 5% to 10% level of improvement that you're going to get.

This relates to taking the days off. Some of my veteran clients were dealing with some real heavy-duty trauma. They'll approach their days off or their weeks off and their microdosing is helping them so much in their lives that they do not want to take their days off. I tell them don't. The thing about psilocybin or magic mushrooms, is that they will literally let you know when you're ready to take a break.

If you're a guy like yourself, high-achieving, well-adjusted, and doing pretty well in life. You got your issues, but you're making it. You're doing all right. Take your days off. Follow a performance dosing protocol, a supplement protocol, and dose to the lowest level you can where it's most effective. If you're dealing with real trauma issues in your life and the idea of taking your days off is causing anxiety and taking you a week or ten days off after you finish a pack. You don't necessarily need to do that. You can stay with it.

Demystify, Familiarize, Personalize

That's the final step of the microdosing process of personalizing the process. Learn how to use this medicine, this tool that I believe God in nature has provided for us in it's most effective for you, demystify, familiarize, and personalized. That's what I would say with the dosage. It's an open science and what category are you in? If you're in the category that's bent on microdosing, you feel like you stop having suicidal ideation or your PTSD.

I hear from some veterans sometimes that they're 50% or 60% or 70% better. I've heard on a number of occasions that night terrorists have stopped. They stopped having night terrors. I've had some veterans with such bad night terrors that they attack their spouse in their sleep a couple of times a year or something and that goes away. Major PTSD and suicide ideation go away. If you're in that category, listen to yourself. The mushrooms will let you know when you're ready to take your days off.

If you are a guy like yourself and probably many of your readers, follow the supplement protocol, 5 days on and 2 days off or do the performance dosing, 2 days off and 1 day on. Follow those protocols. Go for about 25 to 30 days. Give yourself a good 5 or 10 days to flush. Let the neurological benefits set in. When you come back to your microdose to get that nice honeymoon effect, you notice it. It's quite nice, then you can adjust your protocol from there.

Also, I hope this speaks to the integrity of what we're trying to do because as a brand, you want to sell as much as you can. Honestly, you might go for a couple of months to be like, "It's served its purpose. I can save $100. I don't come back until when I'm ready." It wakes up your intuition in terms of your own health, well-being, and your own emotional honesty with yourself. Tune into that and these supplements will help direct you as well so you'll know when you need to take your breaks and take your week off or not.

The time off, let's say the two days off or even taking a week off. It's to gauge where you are without the medicines to see what the long-term effects have been or if there are any ideological reasons to take two days off. Maybe the body needs to reset or there needs to be some filtering out of the supplements or whatever.

You will acclimate to psilocybin. You will, and it's still beneficial. There are a couple of things that are going on with psilocybin. If you're readers wants science, go to Dr. James Fadiman. He's excellent. He's been at this for years. Stamets has done this thing with the vaccines and COVID that broke my heart and blew my mind, in the first 45 minutes of his most interview on Rogan. I couldn't believe it. I don't want to sidetrack our interview but I don't want to discount all the great work he's done because he crossed the red line in my book. He's a Covidien. For me, that's my life philosophy. I'm not going to sidetrack. We're not going to go down that rabbit, but if you got COVID.

You lose a lot of credibility.

You haven't gone on a major apology tour. That's a demarcation for how you should probably compartmentalize that person and everything they have to offer. In the seminal moment of our lifetime, they got completely wrong. I have a lot of suspicion or compartmentalization of how I process information from anybody. Especially if you're in the public sphere and you can offer healing and insight. You could have to courageously and you chose not to and you did. That's said.

Stamets has some great lectures and wisdom on the science part. Huberman has some great lectures and great wisdom. Particularly, he has 190 minutes of the Huberman Lab, which is all about the scientific aspect of psilocybin. Most of that research is done with synthetic psilocybin, which I completely disagree with. Even though the effects and outcomes seem to be similar, I think they're missing the whole point. God put these plants here and these fungi here. We grow and dehydrate them well, then we use the whole plant and a little mycelium because that's how it's meant to be. Single-molecule extraction with psilocybin with mushrooms. I just completely philosophically disagree with him. As a company, that's our feeling as well.

Talking about the COVID thing then going into the way that you guys build your product.

We were also going back into the neurological benefits of taking the days off. What I was saying, I was preferencing that if you want the science, there are better people out there for the hard brain science and hard mushroom signs. I've had 2,500 conversations on how to microdose. The thing with taking the days off, you will acclimate to psilocybin. You'll have some adjustments. Taking the days off lets the neurological benefits set in. It lets you flush a little bit and when you come back on, you get that nice little bump. You get the honeymoon effect. You notice it.

Neurogenesis And Neural Regenesis

What taking the days off does is reduce the likelihood of acclimating too much to the supplements, but there are two things going on with psilocybin. There's the neurological genesis. You have new wiring and new neuroplasticity that's getting formed, then you have old wiring from where you got concussed or those years of football or trauma where some maybe beneficial wiring that you had in your life got turned down. That can regenerate. That's neurogenesis.

Psilocybin Microdosing: Two things going on with psilocybin: neurological genesis and neural regenesis. You have new neurological pathways being created and you have the regeneration of old neural pathways, and that is more perceptible and will happen with greater speed.

You have new neurological pathways being created and you have the regeneration of old neuro-pathways. That is more perceptible and will happen with greater speed if you do take your days off because you let the brain flush and new psilocybin flushes into the brain. It's making this magic happen, new neuro-pathways and neurogenesis. The other thing that's happening with microdosing is if you don't take the days off, you're not even noticing some of the demonstrative benefits.

Psilocybin is a very powerful anti-inflammatory. I haven't heard this investigated much but I think part of the reason why you think more clearly on psilocybin, you see and hear better is because of subtle information that we carry in the brain. We have information all over our body then ocular information around the eye. Also, sinus inflammation affects the hearing and the eyesight. I think that all reduces just by even the tiniest bit.

Your vision gets better. Your hearing gets better. You're thinking gets a little clearer and that might not be as perceptible. Those are benefits that are happening because of the anti-inflammatory qualities of psilocybin. We also blend with other powerful anti-inflammatories to help accelerate that. There are perceptible benefits and benefits that you almost might have to think about that are less obvious, but also perceptible. Those lean more on the anti-inflammatory side.

Taking your days off allows the flushing and a little bit of the reset. It allows the neurological benefits to set in and maybe even be challenged a little bit. Challenged by some of those old habits and old thought patterns, then you have to think, "No, I want to focus on what I want. Not what I don't want but focus on what I want." It forces you with the benefit of psilocybin to reinforce the neurological patterns. It forces you subjectively to reinforce the benefits of the neurological pathways that are getting created or regenerated.

You're taking that 5 to 10 days off every pack. That's just a larger flush and you let it out of your system. There'll also be some wisdom that might come to like, "Maybe I'll take three weeks off. Maybe I'll take a couple of months off or, a week was good. I got to go back to it. I needed it." It helps you assess where you are with the product. Your readers should also know, and this is clinically shown as well that psilocybin is non-addictive and anti-addictive.

Non-Addictive, Anti-Addictive And Anti-Inflammatory Properties

It helps down-regulate other addictions that you have in your life. For some reason, they don't entirely know why. Psilocybin moves the brain in a beneficial direction whether you're cognizant of it or not. I've had hundreds of clients tell me about pornography addictions, smoking, eating, drinking alcohol, and particularly alcohol. It just down-regulates all those compulsive behaviors and addictions that so many of us have in our lives.

Psilocybin Microdosing: Psilocybin is non-addictive and actually anti-addictive. It helps down-regulate other addictions that you have in your life.

One of the things I noticed, I don't know if there are any studies or if you've experienced this. I felt especially when I was working out or doing breath work or meditation. My meditations are so much deeper, but I felt like my meridians are completely opened up my energy channels. I was so expanded even when I was running the stairs.

I noticed my oxygenation levels were so much better and I was less lactic acid production. When I was running out, I didn't feel as sore and I felt like I was getting stronger towards the end of the workout which usually, I'm just huffing and puffing and trying to finish it up. I felt great after the workout, too. Is there any more blood flow or more oxygenation to the body?

Yes, and I also think the way we've combined it tunes up your nervous system. It reduces inflammation and tunes up your nervous system. You're just 1% or 2% or 3% more efficient. If you think about athletic levels of performance, you think about the difference between making a basket and missing a basket. You think about like with a tennis serve, what's an ace and what's a fault? In soccer, what comes off the post and not a goal, versus what hits on the inside of the post is a goal. It's 0.5% or .25% or 1%.

Athletically, if you have a 1% improvement, that's enormous. A 1% improvement or reaction time. With these qualities of psilocybin of reducing inflammation, and increasing mental acuity, oral acuity, and visual acuity, you're just better. The anti-inflammatory quality of the mushroom, everything is 1% better. You're breathing a little deeper. Your sinuses are opened up. The inflammation and the sinuses are slightly reduced. You're delving into the benefits of the performance dosing and the performance dosing protocol that we've developed.

Those are very much the reasons. It's the neurogenesis and neuroregenesis, and it's also the anti-inflammatory qualities that help the capillaries. The lungs open up. Your nervous system is firing. A little bit of inflammation and the sinuses reduce, so you're breathing and you're more effective. Your readers can easily google brain testing, a non-psilocybin and a psilocybin brain. It's completely active. That activation inevitably stimulates the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.

Those are our real God glands. Those are our magic glands. Our pituitary gland helps regulate our consciousness, our frontal lobe, and our ability to think and function clearly. Our pineal gland is our spiritual gland. It's a gland that's very active in children from birth through seven. It's emotional understanding and language understanding. It's the 6th and 7th chakras that we're talking about as well. Those areas get stimulated just from the increased neurological activity of being on a microdose.

All your performance markers are going to go off slightly. If you have breath work and meditation. It's not like you had a microdose and meditate, but just after a few days of microdosing, it's in your system. When you approach your breath work and your meditation, you're thinking, "Close the eyes. Move the eyes a little bit between and above." You're aiming towards the third eye point and you're thinking about your pineal gland, oxygenating your pineal gland, firing your pineal gland, or decalcifying your pineal gland. It becomes very effective.

The fact that your breath work is deep and your meditation is deep. It's all very much the ancillary benefits of that neurological that just more electricity happening in your brain. Your meditation is going to deepen and your breath work is going to deepen. You can hack your life when you exercise and breathe through your nose. I do brutal Peloton, Tabata, and Hills workouts. I only exercise breathing through my nose. I work that. I like to do deep breathing. I tend to get up about 3:30 to 4:00 AM for about an hour, and I pray.

That's the best time. 3:00 meditations are the best.

The problem with my breath work at that time is I wake the house up. Our house is a little smaller, so everybody can wake up. I have to breathe very slowly and deliberately so I don't wake everybody up. I'm still thinking about the pineal gland raising energy, stimulating the pineal gland, and decalcifying the pineal gland. The other thing that's interesting about mushrooms, psilocybin, and psychedelics in the world that we're living in, is I know that we're like-minded. I imagine most of your readers are. It arms you spiritually for what we're in for now and what we're going through.

It helps you evoke and wake up your humanity. If you then are cognizant when you're doing your breath work, your meditation work, or exercising, "Can I breathe through my nose?" I'm stimulating my lymphatic system and my nervous system. I'm increasing dopamine and serotonin release because I'm breathing through my nose. It's a very different experience, the placement of the tongue. You have that little palette ridge slightly behind the front teeth.

If your tongue can set on the front side of that pallet ridge, behind the teeth on the front side, upper palate. When you're exercising, if you can bring in these breath work and meditative so your tongue is placed there. You're trying to breathe through your nose. Push yourself as hard as you can breathing only through your nose. You're exercising experience becomes much more meditative. It's a significantly higher dopamine dump that happens.

If you can exercise with your eyes closed, can you think about stimulating your pituitary, your pineal gland, and your 6th and 7th chakra? All this is facilitated by the increased neurological activity of the microdose. You're boosting up your life and you're doing a great habit stacking. I always think at 54 years old, still with teenage kids and sports all over the place. Both my boys are super athletes. We do 26 hours of driving back into training sports, coaching, weekend games, club sports, and everything.

I've got always stack habits. I trained hard. I train like fast Tabata workouts, but I'm deepening my breath. I'm capturing all my breath through my sinuses breathing as lower belly, middle lung, and upper lung. I do my performance dose 40 minutes an hour before I hit the gym. I have a bulletproof BrainSupreme coffee recipe up on the website. I've got all these neurological boosters in my coffee with beneficial fats then I'm breathing deeply as I work out.

Anytime I can on a piece of exercise equipment, I'm closing my eyes. I'm taking the energy to the pituitary and the pineal gland. I'm inhaling with a mantra and exhaling with the mantra. I'm always trying to stack the habits and all that, then with the juice of the psilocybin going through the brain. It's fantastic and very beneficial.

I love that you mentioned that. It's all these waves of energy. It's improving every aspect of your life. It's improving your workouts, your time at home with your family, your meditations, and your cognitive abilities. As your energy goes throughout the day, we are nothing but energy. Our energy is always positive and vibrating outwards in the state of love, then it's hard for any one thing to bother you throughout the day.

In the past, sometimes we'd have a low sales day and I'm like, "It's the end of the world." I have to get myself out of that thinking because if you're in that low vibrational field you're thinking scarcity. That also is habits stacks. That one thought leads to another to another. You're either in a downward spiral of thoughts or your upward spiral of thoughts. I find the psilocybin microdosing is helping me no matter what in that upward spiral and staying in that good vibrational state.

Connecting With Your Higher Nature

Also, I have to say I feel it helps with the perception of it opens your intuition and it helps you with the perception of truth, which is so important in this day and age where the propaganda and the lies and also what we're learning about our world. It literally entirely destabilizes you. When that happens, what can you come back to? What's real? Love is real. My love for my wife and my children, that's real. I can come back to that. How much can I offer myself? How much can I be a good cheer? How much can I be of service? Those things are real.

As the fabric of our reality in this crazy time we're living in, starts to reformulate, shatter, and reformulate in a new and truthful way. These psychedelics and used at the supplement level particularly. Microdosing is very important and another conversation. At the microdosing level, it's a level of spiritual armaments. It prepares you and it keeps you connected to your higher nature. It keeps you connected to yourself and your higher aspirations for me, to God, to love and to family. It's all incredibly beneficial.

Microdosing serves as a form of spiritual armament. It prepares you and keeps you connected to your higher nature, your true self, and your higher aspirations.

The other thing too is if you go to our website for phenomenal feedback, but we don't edit the feedback. If somebody writes something negative, I respond. I'm usually like, "Do you want to call me for some coaching?" You can juice these things up. There are some things that you can do. Sometimes, they do and sometimes they don't. Most of the time, they do but don't just sit back and think, "I finally got the microdosing supplement. It's going to do all the work for me." You still got to work.

You still always have to do the work.

What microdosing can do, is you can put the wind in your sales a little bit but you still have to work. The more you give to the microdose, mushrooms, and psilocybin like anything in your life, the more you're going to get in return. You do the habit stack and you're deepening your breath. Your exercise becomes meditative, mantra repetition, an expression of, how much can I push my willpower? How much can I surrender?

I love mountain biking. I hardly mountain bike anymore. It hurts me to admit that, but when I go crazy on my Peloton rides, I'm doing it on my performance dosing days. I'm trying personal basketball and breathing through my nose. I'm thinking, there's an aspect of me pushing my will. I wanted to test myself, but with pedaling, I got to surrender a little bit. The more perfect your circle is as you're pedaling, there's an aspect of surrender because if I'm efforting here on the downstroke, there's no surrender to the momentum into the circle. You can use the microdose as a way to facilitate the perfection and excellence that you're going for in your life and also from a spiritual standpoint as well.

Life is a dance between that warrior energy and the wizard energy. We can't just always be warriors like Tony Robbins's mindset. It'll burn you out if you're just always trying to pump yourself up. You have to go with the flow of the universe like what Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches and allow these things to happen and be in the right vibrational state. You need both of them. Without action, you can't expect to let them come to you. You can't just be sitting around and doing nothing and then things happen in a good way. Action is required but also surrender. It's a nice dance between life. That's the lesson that we're always trying to learn in life. It's how do you balance all of that stuff?

The microdosing helps. If any of your readers have ever had a macro experience, what the microdosing does, a therapeutic dose or a heroic dose, that turns the lights on. The thing with turning the lights on is the lights go off. The experience ends and the lights go off, but the pattern of the darkness, the pattern of the room is never the same. The darkness has been exposed. You know where the furniture lies. Do you know what I'm saying?

If you arrive at a hotel room with blackout curtains and you stumbled to your bed at night. When you wake up at 4:00 AM to take a piss, you're going to walk into all the furniture, the desk, this and that. If you just walked in when you got in your hotel room and flipped the lights on for 30 seconds then shut them off, you understand the pattern in the darkness. The microdosing then helps you continually walk towards that light. They work very well in conjunction with one another. Even if you haven't had the macro experience, there's just something about microdosing that keeps walking in gentle steps toward the light, towards your higher nature. It strikes you as relevant, truthful, and meaningful.

Mushroom Strains That Are Best For Microdosing

Are there any specific strains of psilocybin mushroom? I've heard there are so many types. Are there some better for microdosing versus others? Which ones do you guys choose to work with?

We've been at this for a while. We created our own strain of mushroom and we're cross-breeding. My partner speaks a couple of different languages, so we were able to bring in genetics from around the world. We created our own specific type of mushroom that we use for BrainSupreme that we feel is most effective. We tested at the macro level, the micro level, and at a multitude of levels.

In the evolution of psychedelics in the United States, it pretty much started with the ones that grow on poop which are golden teachers. Golden teachers started to be cultivated, then there were different areas. Texas had a type of mushroom. It's called the Texas teacher. There was a type of mushroom that grow on poop. There was a Cuban that was a little more blue-like and almost gossamer and they call that ghost mushroom. There are all these different mushrooms, then the Hamilton. That guy's name, who does the great deep dives on psychedelics. He was on Vice for years.

I know what you think. Yeah, Hamilton something. 

He did this amazing radio documentary on penis envy then the albino penis envy. For most people from the recreational standpoint and microdosing standpoint, most people feel that that's the mushroom these days or a variation of albino penis envy or penis envy. They like a penis. That's why it has the name. No one knows the origin, but they seem to have come from Brazil then they were cultivated in the late '60s or '70s by somebody in Northern California, one of the forerunners in the mushroom space.

That seems to be the preferred mushroom in both the macrodosing and microdosing space. A lot of all the Cubans have their own powers and magic that they work. Most of the therapeutic counselors in the space, psychedelic therapist have their own combination that they like to use per their own recipe and so forth.

In terms of my product or other products out there, most people are trying to get penis envy or albino penis envy. Ours is a little proprietary. It's going to be a competitive field pretty soon, but we have a little bit of secret sauce in our BrainSupreme proprietary blend in the mushroom that we've created. Everybody knows its damage stack, nice and lion’s mane. That's affected but there are some other little secret key ingredients that you can stack in there too that juice up the effectiveness of the psilocybin.

That's one of the things that distinguishes us as a brand. It's the quality of the mushrooms that we grow, how meticulous we are about it, and the synergistic blending through a lot of effort and research we've come upon. Our athlete makes you feel more athletic. Genius makes you feel more genius and feel good. You do feel good. When you take a black stack, you notice.

Psilocybin Microdosing: One of the things that distinguishes us as a brand is the quality of the mushrooms that we grow and how meticulous we are about it.

For sure. I know you put a lot of adoption in mushrooms in there as well, shogun, mushy, and all this stuff.

The different nootropics, amino acids, supplements, vitamins, and herbs. They work in different combinations very synergistically.

Warnings And Contraindications

From a risk perspective, are there any side effects that people should be aware of from microdosing?

I created a coaching course. We got two free things on the website at BrainSupreme.co and we're going to give your audience a nice discount at the end, which we'll go through. There's a free coffee recipe and a coaching course is almost finished. I did the coaching course. I didn't put in this general information a little bit of warnings, contraindications, and so forth. I'm so glad you asked the question, It's very important.

There are no known contraindications at the microdosing level. It doesn't conflict with any known pharmaceutical drug. It doesn't conflict with any condition that anyone has at all. If you suffer from seizures, there is research out there that says, "Macrodosing and psilocybin can help cure seizures," but there are other people who feel and researchers found that it could trigger seizures. Seizures are a very small category. If you've suffered from seizures and you want to microdose. You should do a lot of research. You should start very small and have a complimentary quality naturopathic physician with whom you are having some conversation.

That's a separate category. A very small category. If you're on an SSRI or SNRI anti-depressant and you've been on one for a while, there's about a 50% chance that psilocybin will be effective for you. You eat psilocybin and it hits your liver. It converts to psilocin then your brain absorbs the psilocin and you have these psilocin receptors in your brain. For some reason, they seem to get blocked if you've been on an antidepressant for a long time about 50% of people. Not everybody. You just have to go for it.

Now, even if your psilocin receptors feel blocked to you, there are still benefits to microdosing. There's the anti-inflammatory benefits. You can also then start a process, which I'm going to say with the utmost respect. You have to assume tremendous personal responsibility and either be under the guidance of a good doctor or find one of these psychedelic therapists who's created the protocol for down-regulating your antidepressant and staying with your microdosing.

I have seen it with clients dozens of times where they can scale down their antidepressant stay with their microdosing and replace very effectively, but there's no contraindication. It just might not be effective for you. If I have 100 clients, there might be 1 out of every 100 who is not on an antidepressant, and lives a pretty clean lifestyle, and doesn't seem to respond to psilocybin. They're almost always redheads. Incredible. They're almost always ginger. I've had it happen ten times and it's been nine redheads. I've developed a protocol and had a crack that them.

The redhead protocol.

You have to shock the psilocin receptors in the brain. You got to find somebody who can get you a mid-dose. It doesn't have to be a heroic dose, 1.5 grams or more is a safe setting. The scene and setting matter so much. Please take personal responsibility for how you approach this. Take a slightly larger dose to the therapeutic or heroic level or recreational level, at least 1.5 grams or more. That will turn on the psilocin receptors or psilocybin receptors in the brain then you can go back to microdosing at a reasonable 1 to 300 milligram dosage level. That's another thing.

It's not a side effect. The most consistent initial maybe less than beneficial experience is sleepiness. If I have 100 clients, three of them during their first three days of microdosing might be sleeping. Now, this almost always goes away, so just stay with your microdosing. It lasts about two hours. About 30 or 40 minutes after you microdose, you're going to start to get very sleepy. There are a couple of things that are going on. One, you're generally fatigued. Mushrooms especially when you begin are going to take you where you need to be more so than where you want to go.

If you are fatigued, dehydrated, or your adrenals are shot, the mushrooms are going to want to put you down and say, "You need a twenty-minute nap. You didn't get enough sleep." Sometimes, if you're in a place where you can just give into it, give into the nap. I'm not much of a golfer but there's a very good metaphor for microdosing, "There's the front nine and there's the back nine." If the front nine's a little rough or a little sleepy or there's a little bit of anxiety, stay with it and breathe.

The back nine is almost inevitably going to get nice and beneficial. You'll feel the increased energy, focus, and qualities of the microdose. Sleepiness can also be an indication that you're dehydrated and mineral deficient. I've had 100% success curing this. It can be an indication of a little bit of neurotoxicity and neurodehydration. Drink quality water or spring water. Put a good filter system on. Try to get a fluoride filter as well on your water. Increase your water intake. Add some quality electrolytes like the LMNT electrolytes. I have no relationship with that company. I don't even use those.

We use a company called Zeal Natural. I order them on Amazon. They've got great flavor, and my kids love them. That's our go-to brand, but add quality electrolytes to your water, then take some magnesium supplements before you go to bed at night. With increased water, that almost always clears it up. The other little hack that you can do, it's very good to take a microdose in the morning on an empty stomach, water with lemon juice, or coffee with fats.

When you do your water with lemon juice, you can take a pinch of high-quality salt. This is the best way to mineralize the body. You can take a pinch of Baja Gold or Celtic Salt. Those are the two best salts. Pink Salt or Himalayan salt is great. You just got a push your provider because there's a lot of it that's coming from China. It's got some heavy metals. I'll use Celtic or Baja. Put a nice pinch under the tongue. Drink your lemon water, then 91 or 92 trace minerals that are in that sea salt, they Infuse the body sublingually and also through the digestion process. It helps hydrate the brain and provides proper hydration.

In every single situation, that sleepiness, sometimes people have with the first few days of microdosing. It completely goes away, then heavy cannabis users. If you are dabbing, you're doing extracted cannabis oil products and microdosing at the same time. It can be overwhelming for the brain. It's moving the brain. I have no science to back this up. I have no research. I just have the feedback that I've had from clients and how we've been able to correct it. If you need to use cannabis for your life, I have no judgment. I was in the industry for years. Try to microdose in the morning.

Follow the protocol, empty stomach, coffee with fats, and water with lemon then save your cannabis use for later in the day. Do the microdose to tune you up, bring you on point, get you associative, and connect it to your life, to your work, and towards your family. Later in the day, when you need to get disassociative, that's when you do your cannabis. If you do both at the same time, the only feedback I ever had on three occasions of real negative experiences for microdosing. When I pushed them, almost always, every time it was combined with wake and baker's.

They wake and bake, but not only wake and bake, they wake and dab. They do the dabs and they would microdose. Not a good combination. Microdose in the morning and save your cannabis usage for the afternoon. That's a good pain remedy too if you suffer from chronic pain. You can microdose and some CBD in the mornings, especially if you can find the cannabis-derived CBD products if you're in a market where it's legal. Cannabis-derived CBD products or CBD products with your microdose are very good for pain diminishment.

In the evening, then you can use your heavier cannabis use to reduce your pain. That's very effective. Microdosing, if taken later in the day, is not a stimulant in terms of caffeine, but its neural activating. If you microdose into the afternoon, it can be a little bit sleep-disruptive. Some people sleep better, but on occasion, it can be sleep-disruptive.

If you microdose in the front part of the day, I almost always hear that sleep improves overall. If you're pushing it all-nighter, you have some heavy studying to do or your competitive sport is in the evening. Go ahead and take your microdose in the evening. If it's a little bit sleep-disruptive, drink some water. Do some reading and breathing. It'll diminish and you'll fall asleep. Microdosing taken later in the day on occasion, some people can be mildly sleep disruptive. I think that's every warning contraindication and so forth.

In terms of any medicine that you're on and anything like that, there are no known contraindications. James Fadiman has been collecting over 50,000 anecdotal testimonies for a year, and there are literally no contraindications on the microdosing level. That said, if you are on any pharmaceutical products or have any concerns, start really small. Limp in. Do half a capsule or one capsule and see how it goes.

Psilocybin Microdosing: There are literally no contraindications at the microdosing level. That said, if you are on any pharmaceutical products or have any concerns, start with a very small dose.

Adam’s Coaching Program

Thank you for sharing. That is so much wealth of knowledge that you possess. I would love to hear more about how you work with clients because everybody has their own individual journey and what they're trying to accomplish. Tell me a little bit about your coaching program and how it works. Maybe you could share some of the amazing testimonials you've experienced in your time.

I'm talking to you as a business guy now. I have a product and I want to move product. I give away almost all my knowledge for free, but the coaching is for people who have more hesitancy, are more concerned, and have never been to it. I'm quite affordable. With $250, you've got at least a 45-minute first consultation and it says two follow-up phone calls, but I'll stay with you as long as you need two follow-up phone calls. That's to help tweak the product, but it's basically hand-holding.

I don't know if you've ever been a trainer with your fitness in your facility. Some people can just charge into the gym, do it. Other people need a little hand holding a little tweaking and so forth. I'm there for them for that. Usually, it comes with people who are a little more anxious and anxiety in general. Particularly about using the product. They just want the comfort. Instead of the generalized instruction, we can get more specific and we can problem solve.

In fact, some of the ways I've been solving problems are by taking the larger dose, the slightly recommended level dose, and turning on the receptors. That was solved through coaching, the sleepiness, the dehydration, the magnesium, and the electrolyte depletion. That was solved through coaching. Through the coaching process, I can find out what somebody's life is about. I can help put them on a course and correct their microdosing and help maximize the experience.

I'll go through your morning routine. Are you waking up, taking a microdose, getting on your phone, and doom-scrolling? Yes. Guess what? Your microdose might make you more anxious because that's a shitty morning habit. Sometimes just having spent the money, and you assume somebody has expertise. I'm like, "I'm going to make it real simple. That's a stupid shitty habit."

Microdosing only adds the anxiety or increases your anxiety. Wake up. Put your phone aside. Do your microdose and just go for a ten-minute walk and breathe deep. Get some sunlight in your eye. Breathe through your nose, lower belly, middle lung, and upper lung, and exhale the breath out through the mouth or the sinuses then come back. That's all you have to change. "That works. Microdose is great. I came back to the walking. I didn't even want to pick my phone up anymore." I said, "Yes."

The coaching helps me subjectively perfect the process and problem-solve the process for clients. Most people fall into the space of the general recommendations that I gave on this show or my coaching course. I have a product. I believe in the product. I love what I do. I think the product helps people. I want to move products. The coaching is a benefit for people who need some assistance along the way either from an anxiety standpoint or from a specific technique standpoint or a complimentary lifestyle standpoint.

I have to vouch for your product. It's incredible. It's helped me in so many ways. It's just a short time. It's so palpable in the way that it's working in my life. It's so incoherent with what I do for a living in terms of health and wellness, helping other people being there, being there with an open heart, and also connecting with my family, my friends, and everyone. It's a beautiful flow to be in on a daily basis.

When a couple of days that I don't take it, I still felt the benefits were working in cohesion. It's accumulative. I don't think I need to have it or I have to take a big dose or anything like that. It's amazing. My protocol is I take it in the morning after I work out. Maybe I'll try it before I work out now. I'll also do fat coffee. I'll put butter, MCT oil, and a few other things. I'm creating what I got from your advice as well.

Ceylon cinnamon.

I bought some Ceylon cinnamon as well.

If you can get the Om Master Blend or a couple of other companies, the ten mushrooms and ashwagandha are also in the coffee. It's very good. If you take a high-quality Omega, I'm using the Life Extension, it's a blended Omega. At the same time, that is brain power. You could add Rhodiola. There's some Rhodiola in our athlete formula. If you're doing the performance dosing with the coffee with fat, raw cream, organic cream, and a little bit of butter, why not?

A little bit of coconut oil. I'm not a believer in MCT oil. It upsets my stomach on an empty stomach. It's so expensive. I don't know why. I just use good organic coconut oil then 2.5 grams of Ceylon cinnamon, and about 5 grams of creatine. All this is rough just like a chef throw it in. We'll do some raw honey, then I'll do about 5 grams of the Om Master Blend, then I take my vitamin E, Omega, Rhodiola, and niacin. I take niacin at the level where I feel it nano-niacin. I do that on my performance dosing days. I work out, so I flow state through the roof.

I've heard of niacin when you go into a sauna and I've done that, but I've never tried it. I know you feel a little bit like your blood is flowing. You get a little bit red in the face and stuff like that, so I'm going to try that on my next dose.

It sounds like you're naturally leaning toward the performance dosing, which is the two heavier training days. Performance dosing protocols are basically, you do 1 day on, then 2 or 3 days off. You could think about it. If Monday and Thursday are your biggest workout days, you do your performance dose in the morning. Try to do 30 or 40 minutes an hour before you have your real workout. It's a slightly higher dose.

Let's say your sweet spot of microdosing is two capsules or 200 milligrams. You might push to 3 or 4 to a much more perceptible level. You're going to burn off the more noticeable aspect of it in the workout then the benefits of the microdose linger throughout the day. The performance dosing is a slightly higher dosage. Maybe 100 milligrams above what your normal sweet spot is.

It's done about 40 minutes before your exercise. Better done in the morning, or if you are a competitive athlete or amateur athlete, you do it one training day a week then you do it on game day. Don't do it your first time on game day. Perfect it during your training days. You also have to honor your off days when you're doing performance dosing so you don't acclimate as much. The idea is that you boom. You want to have your performance level jump then the benefits of the performance will linger throughout the day and the next two days, then you do it again.

Psilocybin Microdosing: Performance dosing involves a slightly higher dosage, about 100 milligrams above your usual sweet spot. It should be taken about 40 minutes before exercise and is best done in the morning.

Would you say that there's a large percentage of professional athletes that are microdosing psilocybin?

No, I think it's very small, and the ones that are all using my product. I don't think that's the case. It depends on the community. In the mixed martial arts world, that's probably where it's the highest. Those folks are early adapters. In every other sport, it's probably shockingly low. Psilocybin could potentially show up in urine but it never has. Especially at the microdosing level. It just shows up as mushrooms or something like that. You saw the test. No testing is testing for psilocybin urine.

The only way psilocybin can show up and it's never popped at the microdosing level is in hair follicles. The only people who do hair follicle testing are the family court. I've never been researching. I use AI and everything. They say the potential but I've never been able to find a case where a microdose of psilocybin popped in a hair follicle level.

In terms of that, athletes should feel very comfortable about using it. Even athletes at the highest level. They should always check. Check the literature, what the testing for, and so forth. At the highest level, it's a wonderful natural performance booster. It's completely within the realm of legalities. Even moral and ethical legalities because part of being an athlete is pushing yourself nutritionally. You're not taking a pharmaceutical compound that was created like a steroid or anything like that or an EPO or a blood booster.

If you discover the cordyceps. Cordyceps and Rhodiola increase your cardiovascular performance, which has been clinically shown to do that. Are you cheating if you take an increase in rhodiola and cordyceps dose before your athletic performance? No, you're just being smart. I don't have any moral or ethical qualms about using athletically for an advantage microdosing.

Creativity is through the roof like all these Silicon Valley guys. A lot of them are microdosing as well to build companies and technology and things like that.

Creatively, it helps tremendously. I have a great story about that. I'm sure he would be okay if I mentioned his name because he's a friend of mine, but I'm not going to mention his name now. This doctor was the poster child for pharmaceutical character assassination. He discovered something in the late '90s. He was running a medical clinic practice at a University Hospital in the UK. He discovered a causality between one of the vaccine shots and irritable bowel syndrome in children that would then lead to either Asperger's or autism.

Basically, the paper that his team wrote ended with Warren's more research. It was published in the Lancet, which is the leading medical journal in the world. It was peer-reviewed. It won awards. Then maybe it was Tony Fauci who found out about this. They sent the jackals on him and within months, his career was being destroyed. He's under stress and losing his license. The whole shit happened.

He became a documentary filmmaker and started to go into vaccine science and what's going on. I bumped into this guy at a coffee shop in Texas randomly and I said, "You're that guy." He said, "Yes." I said, "I'm a fan. God bless you. I know your whole life story." I just started like, "You're the best." He said, "What are you doing?" I sat there with a web designer guy. He said, "What are you doing here?" I said, "We're working on this product called BrainSupreme on our website." He said, "I'm very interested in that." I gave him a packet of genius. This was a few years ago.

I gave him a packet of genius and I got his phone number. I check in with clients, especially back then. I would always check in 5 or 10 days later. I get a phone call from the guy four days later. I said, "Doctor?" He's like, "Yes." I said, "You're calling me." He's like, "Do you got a minute?" It was 9:30 in the morning. He was super excited. I said, "Yes." He said, "You know I make films now." I said, "Yes, documentaries. I've seen that."

He said, "No, I make feature films. I write future films. The best thing I've ever written in my life, I wrote years ago and I never had an ending for it. It sits in my desk drawer and it torments me every day of my life. I woke up at 4:00 AM with the ending complete in my mind. I just finished writing. It's the best thing I've ever written and it's the next movie I want to do. The only thing I've done differently is I'm on day four BrainSupreme." I said, "Holy shit." We've been friends ever since.

It turns out, his son is now one of my partners and head of marketing and sales for the company. Even at the microdosing level, that increases brain activity. Certain things are going to get opened up and wired up. For this guy, he found the ending to his story that he never could. With his conscious, it mind never came to him.

Microdosing increases brain activity, leading to certain pathways being opened and rewired.

Incredible story, again, with the synchronicities. Randomly, you've made him in a coffee shop, but it's all meant to bring you closer to your highest purpose in life and having a new business partner. You folks are doing this together and it's beautiful. Let me ask you a question because you're all into this and the spirituality aspect of life. Why do you think you came here to Earth as Adam Schell? What did you want to experience?

The power of myth. For your audience, before there was Jordan Peterson, there was Joseph Campbell. Joseph Campbell created the field of comparative religion. He also wrote The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he quantified the heroic arc. All the steps of the heroic arc. George Lucas took this and made Star Wars based on his writing and the arc of Luke Skywalker. That blew Joseph Campbell up.

When I was coming out of college, he had done a series of interviews with Bill Moyers called The Hero with a Thousand Faces. It's a great documentary series. You can still dig it up on YouTube and everything. It's completely worthwhile, very inspiring guy and a great thinker, but he had this line. The first time I heard it, maybe I was about 21 or 22 years old and it said, "A vital person vitalizes. The point of your life is to become vital, then you vitalize the world around you."

I've done different things in my life but that always resonates with me. How vital can I be so that I can vitalize the world around me? You have to be careful. Not in a force of will egoic way, but how much can I raise my vibration to a place of health, wellbeing, love, and my physical stature inspire people? Can my intellectual abilities inspire people? Can I vitalize the world around me? That's my thing in small ways. I don't have to hit home runs so I can hit a lot of singles. That's fine by me at this point in my life. I want to vitalize the world around me.

The microdosing is vitalizing all of us who take it. It's hard to serve or inspire anyone else unless we're giving from a full cup. The products that you offer and what you're bringing to this world are more vitalization, more life force, more prana, and more chi in people's lives. I admire that. I always am inspired by people that are just living their purpose, and you're doing that for so many people.

Thank you so much. It's great.

Can Microdosing Bring You Closer To God?

Can microdosing bring you closer to God?

Micro and macrodosing for sure. There are a lot of people in the religious community who historically have a lot of problems with any form of what was considered an illicit drug. The takeaway from the macrodosing experience is almost always the closer connection to God. They feel more connected to the spirit. As I said, the macrodosing turns on the light. The pattern of the darkness is never the same. The microdosing just keeps walking you to the light.

I would like to 100% say that habitual microdose usage will bring you closer to God in spirit and deepen your spiritual practices. Sam Tripoli and I talked about some of the more nefarious histories of psychedelics, LSD, CIA, and all these things because this is his vein, but it's never been effective as a mind control tool psilocybin. Psilocybin is a mind-liberation tool, and it doesn't make better soldiers. It doesn't make better rule followers in a way. It makes better human beings. ‘Hu’ means light, and ‘man’ means mind. We're being with light in the mind. Psilocybin at the macro and microdosing level turns that light on. That light naturally brings you to your divinity and closer to God, so 100%.

Habitual microdose usage will bring you closer to God in spirit and deepen your spiritual practices.

What does God mean to you?

God to me means those things that are irrefutably real, love, kindness, joy, and authenticity. They did a study on emotional power. I forgot how they registered the power of it but it wasn't love, rage, or anger that registered the strongest on the charts. It was authenticity. God is many things. It's an etheric energetic field that pushes us to have the most meaningful and loving life that we possibly can and to be the best human beings that we possibly can. I also think that it means living with great authenticity. You feel like you're not at war with yourself at all. Your thoughts, actions, and deeds are unified and harmonized. It keeps you on a course of your higher nature.

I want to thank you so much, Adam, for coming on. How can our audience learn more about BrainSupreme?

In social media. Our main focus on building the company is just to do as many shows as we possibly can. That's the way then we'll build social media from there. If you have 1,000 followers, they don't need to see something from you every day.

"Show me the fucking stuff. Show me the good stuff."

The website is BrainSupreme.co. You can email me through the website or MicrodoseCoach.co or BrainSupreme.co. That's the best way to reach me to learn about the company. We're on TikTok and Telegram. We're building a YouTube channel, so all those things. We're old school. We're relatively new old school. Hit me up through the website, BrainSupreme.co. We're going to do a nice discount for your audience.

Basically, if you go on the website and you give us your email, you get 10% off. For your audience, we'll do 15% off LIMITLESS15. We'll do that for the first fifteen days that the show drops. We'll create some urgency there, too. The one thing I want to say too, as well just the nature of this business and the qualities controls. We're going to cap our company at 5,000 orders a month and the auto-renewal people.

I never say join an auto-renewal. There's not that much pressure yet, but if you do like the company, do think about the auto-renewal. You can do 30 days, 45 days, or 60 days. The reason why I'm saying that is because when we hit that 5,000, we're going to cap and we're going to become more of a club than a product that's out there. We just have to do that in terms of where we're at for a number of reasons and to control the quality.

Don't push. Only order one. You don't have to go crazy. Order whatever seems best for you. It's expensive. I get it. Use the discount code. If you like it, do think about joining the auto-renewal because we're getting there. Every show, we gain a couple of hundred more monthly subscribers, and so forth. That will eventually have to cap out, then we'll be a closed loop in a way. No pressure, but it’s something to think about.

Very understandable. In order to maintain the quality, it's like you’re not mass-producing this stuff. You're doing it on a small batch level and the quality is there for anyone who wants to experience that. The code is LIMITLESS15 for anyone who wants to try it out. I highly suggest it. I don't suggest a lot of products to people but this is one that is changing my life. I want to thank you for that. Adam, do you have any final thoughts or any advice for us?

If I have 100 clients that come in, 100 orders that come and different clients. Ninety percent of them might not all reorder but they appreciated the process. If you're curious about it or you've had any interest in it, give it a try. It's very beneficial. I didn't go much into my personal story, but for my own life and so many client's lives, we're onto something that works even if you only need itfor a short time. It can help.

I face-planted hard at 50 years old. I went from doing tremendously well to terribly bad. I lost everything. I zeroed out. I didn't have $20 to our name with family and kids and so forth. I had to completely reboot and start over. It was 100% in development of these products that helped get me through and put the wind in my sails. It's a great benign. It’s an ultimately beneficial life hack even if you just give it one try. If you have any curiosity about it, give it a try. It seems to work for the majority of people.

We appreciate your authenticity and the gifts that you share with the world. Thank you so much.

That was a great conversation. Thank you.

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About Adam Schell

Adam Schell is a Former Big 10 linebacker, published author, cannabis distributor and yoga instructor turned micro-dose coach, Adam Schell has a great story to tell. After over 3,000 conversations with micro-dose clients, Adam is a leader in the coaching space and can shed a light of many of the misconceptions surrounding the mushroom space and what it means to micro-dose intentionally.


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