Episode 82: Unlocking India's Timeless Wisdom: A Journey With Amish Shah

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

What if all the answers to our world’s biggest questions were found in the sacred texts of Ancient India- science, math, technology, lost history, spirituality, and health? Today, we are diving into ancient India’s vast wealth of knowledge with our guest Amish Shah, where we will be unlocking many of its mysteries. Amish Shah is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and visionary who builds businesses that guide people to the source of their true potential.

That source is nature itself. You, too, are a part of nature. And yet modern life has distanced us from its gifts and from our true selves, leaving us stressed, anxious, sick, and disconnected. The key to reclaiming these gifts is in the ancient wisdom that guides us to live in perfect harmony with nature, instead of away from it.

From Ayurveda, to meditation, to Vedic astrology and more – his businesses harness this wisdom and spread it through leading-edge technology platforms, media projects, and humanity-first initiatives designed to transform millions of lives.

Amish and his companies have been featured 3x on Inc 500’s lists of fastest growing companies, has over $110M in online sales, and has spent over 20+ years in health, wellness and spirituality.


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Unlocking India's Timeless Wisdom: A Journey With Amish Shah

The Science Of Ayurveda & The Secret Lost History Of Dwarka

What if all the answers to our world's biggest questions were found in the sacred texts of ancient India, science, mathematics, technology, lost history, spirituality, and health? In this episode, we are diving into ancient India's vast wealth of knowledge with our guest, Amish Shah, where we will be unlocking many of its mysteries.

Amish Shah is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and visionary who builds businesses that guide people to their source of true potential. From Ayurveda to meditation, to Vedic astrology, and more, his businesses harness this wisdom and spread it through leading-edge technology platforms, media projects, and humanity-first initiatives designed to transform millions of lives. Amish and his companies have been featured 3 times on Inc 500’s lists of fastest-growing companies, have over 110 million in online sales, and have spent over 20 years in health, wellness, and spirituality.


Welcome to the show, Amish Shah. How are you doing?

I’m good. How are you doing?

Great. Thank you so much for coming on.

Thanks for having me.

You've been on my radar for almost a decade. I originally watched your Dwarka documentary years ago. I don't even know what year it was, but it was fascinating. Maybe we could talk a little bit about that documentary. The location of Dwarka is in my dad's backyard in Cambay or Khambhat, which is known in India. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about that to start.

Amish Shah's Journey Into Ancient Wisdom And Research On Dwarka

It was like a fascination as a child growing up. I had to hear these stories from the Bhagavad Gita of this big war and all these machines flying. They were flying around and shooting lightning bolts in the sky. I'm like, “Sure, Mom. Sure, Dad.” This was passed down. I was like, “These are great moral, ethical, value-based stories.”

As I started getting older, I started to realize through Graham Hancock. I remember stumbling upon something where he said, “Dwarka exists. They found proof near where current-day Dwarka exists.” That led me down this path of like, “Is this real? Is this not?” I started doing research into the government of India's papers and anything publicly available.

Growing up in America as an Indian kid was unique in a way. You go home and you're eating your Indian food and doing all these rituals, prayers, and stuff, and then you go outside and you’re playing basketball and eating hot dogs or pizza. It's almost like there were two lives that I had to some extent. One side was my Indian heritage from India where it was full of amazing stories, culture, heritage, and all this stuff that when I'd go back to India and experience them, I'd be like, “It's a completely different world,” quite literally.

That fascination with not just the Western world but also the Eastern world is what led to this curiosity of, “What if this place is real? What if this place really did exist? It’s not a coincidence that they found this old temple there and an underwater city that resembles Dwarka. What if this exists?” That question was burning for me. What led me to this moment was interesting. Can I tell the story of me going to Dwarka? It’s a lot.

Yeah. We have all the time in the world.

Personal Transformation And Health Journey

I'm going to go back to the duality of Indian and American. On my side, the American dream was like, “You got this. Go make money and succeed. Be smart and get As,” and whatever else was involved. My parents were immigrants. We didn't grow up with much. Their parents didn't have much. Being in a new world, it's like, “Wow.”

In my early twenties, I hit success at a very young age. I feel like a lot of that curiosity went away. It turned into money and all kinds of weird habits of addictions, alcohol, and abuse of stuff because I was partying. I had this huge business, a multimillion-dollar business, in my mid-to-late twenties and I didn't know what to do with that much money. What ended up happening was that I was depressed and suicidal. My cholesterol when I was 29 years old or 30 years old was 370. It was a near adrenal failure. I had migraines and sinus infections every few weeks. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I was like, “What's going on?” My lifestyle was playing a part in it.

I remember being there in my house in La Jolla, a 6,000-square-foot house. It had an elevator, a theater room, a pool on the roof, and a whole view of the Pacific Ocean. My Ferrari was there. I was in the shower and I could see all of this. I remember thinking, “I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to live here. I don't want to be on this planet anymore. What's the point of all this? This is bullshit. I'm not even happy.” My business partner and I weren't getting along. There was so much that didn't feel right, so I decided to push the reset button. I was sick. I wasn't mentally clear. I needed to get rid of everything, so I got rid of everything.

I went back inside and said, “What is the thing that used to bring you joy when you were younger? Where did you feel happiness? Where did you feel safe and secure? Right now, you don’t.” I was reading books about UFOs, megaliths, and things like that when I was 8, 9, or 10 years old. I was super young. Everyone else is reading Tom Sawyer and I'm in these weird books about vampires. I was always like that kid. I went back to that and I was like, “I love ancient stuff. Whenever I'm not focusing on my business, I'm researching ancient stuff. Why is that? There's something going on here.”

At the time, I was doing marketing and selling marketing courses on how to market online and how to buy ads. We had a piece of software that was doing really well. I realized that was not who I was or what I wanted. I don't even know how that had manifested in such a short time and took me off track to some extent. I was like, “I'm going to dedicate my whole life to this ancient wisdom. I don't know what that looks like. I'm from the software marketing, paid ads, and media buying world. What am I going to do with ancient wisdom?”

There were three things that came up for me. I have loved sacred geometry, specifically Yantras and the power of Yantras, since I was sixteen years old. I've done a ton of research on that. The lost city of Dwarka would bring me so many questions about, “Who are we? Where do we come from? Was that real? I'm from India. Is that possible?” The third was, “How am I going to get healthy?” That was going to be through Ayurveda because I had seen all the doctors and had gotten ultrasounds, MRIs, CT scans, surgeries, and prescription drugs and they kept telling me that nothing was wrong with me. Meanwhile, I'm in pain every single day of my life.

I got rid of all the businesses and pushed the reset button. I got rid of the cars. It took a while to reset all of these things in my life. I was like, “Okay.” My wife got pregnant at this time. It was about three months before she was due. I was like, “I got to go to India.” This was right around 2012-ish. If you remember in 2012, that was also a pretty epic year in terms of timing in the Mayan calendar and the star constellations. It was a mini awakening at the time for a lot of people.

Something hit me when I was in the middle of pushing the reset button that I needed to go to Dwarka. I was like, “Stop. You're crazy.” I was really deep in meditation and it kept coming back, Dwarka. In full transparency, something that came to me was on a psychedelic journey. I remembered on that journey the first time I ever did a psychedelic was why I'm here and what I'm here to do. It made me remember the connection. I remember seeing this temple with a triangle flag. It looked like a beautiful Indian temple with this triangle flag at the top.  I remember seeing that in my vision and I was like, “Okay, whatever that means.”

I remember researching about Dwarka and looking at the temple. Sure enough, it was the temple with the triangle flag. I was like, “I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to go there.” I was like, “I don't know what I'm going to do if I go there, but I wanted to shoot a video log.” To be honest with you, that's what I thought. I was like, “I'll do a video log. I'll take my little handycam,” because iPhones were good but not that good at the time. This is in 2011.

I told my wife and she was like, “I'm due in three months.” I was like, “Something is telling me that I have to do this.” Also, since I was sick and not feeling well, it felt like a very spiritual thing to me. It felt connected to my lineage. It felt connected to the 2012 timing of activations and things like that. Something was calling me. It was a deep calling of like, “What is this? What is Dwarka? Why did it exist?”

The story goes that Krishna lived there. Krishna is the most worshiped God in India. Across almost every single state in India, it's one of the most widely accepted as well. It was really fascinating that he lived in Dwarka, fought wars in Dwarka, and would shoot missiles from the ground to the sky to destroy machines against his enemy and then the enemy would shoot down projectiles to the ground.

They said that the enemy came in a flying machine, which was granted to him by one of the lords of the celestial realms, Indra. I'm sitting there researching this and I'm like, “Am I really going to research flying machines, ancient wars, and nuclear weapons?” I don't know, but I knew I needed to do it. I knew it inside of the threads of my being.

That led to me going. I brought my little video log camera. While on the journey there slash the day before, I started frantically emailing people. There were no videos on YouTube. There were no blog posts. People didn't know what Dwarka was in 2011. There was not a lot of stuff on the internet about it. I was like, “How come there's nothing about this? Is this some weird cover-up?”

Even some of those mysterious things, I was like “Why did they stop the excavations in the ‘60s? Why would you stop if this could prove that this could be one of the oldest civilizations on the planet? This war happened. The flying machines and nuclear war, what does that mean? Maybe the cataclysm started here. Maybe the Great Flood started there.” We don’t know because it was said that after the war, the Great Flood came and Krishna fled Earth. It's really fascinating to understand the story of how it ties into all these other ancient cultures as well.

Lord Indra was always depicted as having an elongated skull, red tufts, and slightly lighter skin and was from Patala. If you take India and you dive right through the center of the Earth, there's South America, Peru specifically. That's what they used to call Patala. Patala was the underworld or the under-region. Lord Indra would fly his Vimana, which they're called Vimana in the ancient Indian texts, and come to India and vice versa. They used to also go there.

I wonder if there's a Viracocha connection. I was in Peru. I was there for two weeks. I never heard about underground tunnels there ever in my life, and then the day we got there, I heard about them. We go and see there's an entire vast network of underground tunnels that go miles deep.

Into the Patala or the underworld, quite literally. They would go through India into the caverns and then they would make it to the other side. What’s also very well documented across a lot of the ancient civilizations is that because of everything that was happening on Earth, they had to find places to live underground. There was no choice.

Who knows from thousands of years before that what was going on during the nuclear winter and what was going on on Earth? It’s really fascinating stuff. History fascinates me so much, and it's the unwritten history, not the history we learn in school. It's the stuff that we're curious about. It's like a piece of our soul is attached to that ancient history.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: History fascinates me deeply, especially the unwritten parts—not the history we learn in school. It’s the kind of history that sparks our curiosity and feels connected to our soul, as if a piece of our essence is tied to that ancient past.

I started emailing all these companies saying, “Do you have any footage? Do you have maps? Do you have something I can look at?” I was like, “I don't know what I'm looking for. Where is the template?” I'm sitting there looking at the old-school Google Maps and they don't even have the satellites of it because it was so old and half the streets were missing. I was like, “Am I going to find this place?” I was freaking out because I was going by myself.

I got to India and the next 24 hours were very bizarre. I remember the reception was really bad. There was no Wi-Fi. It was a sub 3G connection. It was horrible. I'm sitting there trying to get one email at a time. Somebody emailed me from India, a person that I had emailed 2 or 3 days before I landed. He goes, “We'd love to send out a video guy to come film you. We're inspired by your story. As long as we can share the footage, it's cool.” I said, “I guess so.”

This guy shows up the next day at my door in India in a city that I've never been to to film me. I was like, “This is being led by some divine spirit here because I was going to do this thing like, “Here I am,” and look at this ancient temple. Now, I have this guy with this thing on his shoulder and has a mic hooked up. What's going on?”

Discovery Of Dwarka And Ancient Evidence

It was a free videographer.

It was an official videographer. The name is missing me, but they are the National Geographic of India. It was really cool. That led me onto this wild goose chase, to be honest with you. I went to the temple. They wouldn't let us film inside but we filmed on the outside. We then went to Bet Dwarka, which is an island. You have to take a boat there or a ferry.

You see all these ancient structures and ancient ruins there. I was like, “I could feel the energy, the people, the belief, and the faith from this ancient temple from 1,000 A.D. which was built upon another temple that was built upon another temple because the water kept rising.” Eventually, they started finding stuff as you went out more to shore that was older, some of it being dated back many years ago. You're like, “30,000 years ago? That is bizarre.”

While I was there, I started frantically emailing people, calling people, and being like, “I'm in town. I want to interview. I have this video guy with me. I want to interview anyone I can while I'm here.” It led me to three different cities. We interviewed university experts. We interviewed one of the heads of ASI, which is the Archaeological Survey of India.

It was interesting because academics don't allow you to say what your beliefs are. You can only say what's by the book and what's by science. I was like, “Why were the excavations stopped? If we have proof that Krishna was possibly living there and that's the heritage of India, why wouldn't you want to do more research? What about these vimanas, these flying machines? Can we go find them? Did you find them? What's going on?” A lot of it was pushing me off and saying, “Nothing happened. There's no proof of this. We stopped excavating because people stopped asking questions.” I'm like, “I'm asking questions. You don't think everyone else is asking questions?” It felt weird and mysterious to me.

The answers I got eventually from a couple of different people were there are geopolitical issues in the area with Pakistan. It’s not that it shares waters, but it's nearby. If India claims that Krishna was there and lived there, it could cause a geopolitical event. That was the one thing I got. The other thing was funding money, like where funding and money go, what's important and what's not important to the government, and how that functions. The way I perceived it, it felt like ignorance, to be honest with you. I kept pushing them and no one would give me any answers. It all led to dead ends.

Here I am, flying back to America, being like, “What am I going to do with all this footage? I filmed for seven days. I don't even know what I said. I got on camera, started shooting, and interviewed a bunch of people.” The word documentary was flashing. I was like, “I don't even know. I've done marketing videos. It's the same thing but in a different format.” I was like, “Fine.”

I took it, did a ton of research, wrote the whole script, produced it, and directed it. I narrated it, got it all edited, and then released it. It went viral. It had a couple of million views in a few weeks. Since then, across all the different channels that it's on, it's had tens of millions of views and went viral. It was a very cool and wonderful experience. Since then, I shot another documentary, which is called The Natural Law. It's ancient medicine but not ancient mysteries and all of that.

Modern Validation And Underwater Discoveries

Going back to the story of Dwarka, when I finished the movie, there was too much proof from an excavation standpoint or an archeological standpoint that this city wasn't easily older than 3,000 to 4,000 years old, if not 5,000 to 7,000 years old. The verbal tradition that has been passed down through the Bhagavad Gita, hymns, songs, and mantras is still there. Why do people still live there? Why is the place still called Dwarka? There's still a lineage to this. It can't be made up.

Three, and this is the really beautiful one, was archaeoastronomy. The ancient texts, especially Sanskrit texts, used to talk about what's happening on the planet like how we do. We have news. It's like September 12th, October 15th, or whatever it is. There's some date. They didn't have an exact calendar like that. Their calendar was the sky. They would say, “This planet is in this house and it's this many degrees.” They would write out the sky and then talk about what's going on. That is present in the entire Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita where they talk about what is going on in the stars and then what's going on on the planet at the time.

There was a researcher from the University of Ohio who did research. You can use astronomy software to look backward into the sky because it's all based on cyclical movement. You can show where it was and show it in the future too. We plugged in all of that data and all of that information. Sure enough, there it was, 367 B.C. It was irrefutable. It matches up with the archeological digging up of all the evidence. It matches up with the verbal tradition and everything that's written in the books. It matches up with astronomy software. This did exist. This did happen there.

When we went back about two years later for the Discovery Channel, we got to go diving. We had to get a permit and we went diving underwater. I was on Expedition Unknown. You may be familiar with that show. We dug up an ancient stone anchor that we pulled out. It was thousands of pounds when we tied a string to it, pulled it up, and pulled it onto the boat. We put it back. A city existed there.

We took a sonar out there while we were there. There's a city twice the size of Manhattan underneath the water with very clear lines, roads, and structures that used to be there. There's no doubt in my mind that this city existed there and that this wisdom was from there. The stories of the vimanas and the stories of these ancient wars, there's definite proof to them.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: There’s no doubt in my mind that this city existed and that its wisdom originated there. The stories of the vimanas and the ancient wars—there is definite proof supporting them.

I'm going to share one more thing and then I'll pause and we can move on or talk about it more. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in 2024, went to Dwarka. He went diving and did a prayer underwater. He put on a whole entire suit, went underwater, and did an ancient ritual under the water where this land is set to have existed.

It's really fascinating that there's interest in India about this. They're going to start doing a ton more research in that area. These are exciting times. I hope we get to find flying machines and proof of nuclear weapons and the city of gold. It is twice the size of Manhattan and made of gold in the ancient text is what it said.

That is wild. It's unbelievable. It's crazy because you would think there's so much interest that somebody would take the initiative at some point and make this happen, whether it's the Indian government or wealthy financiers who really want to know. India is very different than the rest of the world. Our mythology is our history. Everybody believes in the mythology of the temples and the gods. We believe that everything existed in its time.

It takes one kid from Jersey originally going to California, living the high life in La Jolla, and deciding, “I have an interest. I want to make this happen,” and go without any kind of plan and without any knowledge of how you're going to do this. You made it happen. You unlocked tons of history and tons of secrets to inspire the next group of people.

First of all, I want to highlight that because in life, a lot of people wish things were the way they were so somebody would take the initiative, but it begins with us as individuals to make it happen and take a risk. You could have easily stayed in a really nice position of continuing your business and doing that, but you were drawn. Your soul called you to do this. Even having the sickness and the poor health drove you to the next level of your life, which is incredible.

Thank you. It's true. I inspired many others online. On YouTube, if you type Dwarka, there are hundreds of videos. Before, I was the only search result. I'm so glad because it's people like us who create content and are curious about life, history, who we are, and why we are here. It's important. We're sometimes so stuck in the future that a lot of our answers are already in the past.

I reflect on this a lot. Growing up in that dual culture as an Indian, coming here to the United States, and being first generation over here, we're so gifted because we get to see the best of both worlds. We see the Western culture and all its technology and advancements but also the ancient knowledge of the East, which is timeless.

When I was young, I was in the same position. My mom and dad read me all these amazing stories and it blew my mind. I wanted more. I wouldn't let my dad go to bed because I wanted to hear all these stories. Getting a little bit older, I abandoned a lot of that stuff. We're born and trying to be raised in this dualistic place. Sometimes, you don't fit in on the Indian side of the family because you're too American. In the American group, you're too Indian. I always felt so out of place.

I was very introverted at the time, so I abandoned the Indian. I'm like, “I don't want to be known as the Indian guy or have Indian friends.” I would try to be American, which was taking away from my roots, my ancestry, and my individuation. Slowly, I started coming back to it. I swung back hard because I appreciate so much the fact that we had this opportunity to have the best of both worlds. You look at the United States and there are a lot of successful first-generation Indian Americans because they're carrying both of those cultures with them every day in the way they live their lives.

The Ancient Wisdom Of Indian Culture And Its Influence On The West

There's a certain beauty to Indian culture, and that is how dynamic it is. The colors, the mantras, the Yantras, the acting, the dancing, and the music. There's so much culture. It's so dynamic. That creativeness and that function of creativeness is powerful for anybody. To tap into some of that ancient wisdom from India, it’s powerful.

I always jokingly say that meditation in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and probably even ‘90s was lame. You were some weirdo if you were meditating. People were like, “He is a hippie.” That became somewhat normalized. Then, yoga came along. People were like, “What are you doing standing on your head? You're upside down. Cow dog? What are you doing? What is that?” All of a sudden, yoga's everywhere. After yoga is Ayurveda, I believe at least.

You look at the culture of India and there are bindi, dots, bangles, and nose rings. A lot of women have nose rings. A lot of these ancient Indian things have been brought over to the West and made cool. Even toe rings are originally from India. You're like, “Wow.” What's so fascinating about all of that is that there's actual science behind it too. The toe rings have science on why you would put a ring made out of silver on a specific toe because it triggers certain points in your body and then sends certain electrical signals into your nervous system. They were geniuses. It was brilliant. The Vedas are so fascinating.

It's a timeless knowledge base. Anytime anyone wants to tap into it, it's open to all people. It's not a religion. It's a hall of records for humanity. In a lot of the ancient texts, there are instructions on how to build nuclear reactors, Vimanas, and all this kind of stuff. Even CERN is dissecting all of these texts to build their Hadron Collider. It's pretty wild.

In one of the ancient Vaimanika texts, there's something called Chumbak Mani. Chumbak Mani is a very interesting material. In the ancient texts, Chumbak Mani meant you can make this material and apply it as a lens to the bottom of your craft and you'll be able to see under the ground to see if there's anything that's underground from a craft. This was thousands of years ago. What does that mean? It had very specific instructions.

There is a company out of South India that got funding and recreated it. They didn't make enough of it. They could see through a small piece of cardboard or something like that to see if there was anything underneath. There had to be metal underneath. It's like a metal sensor if there's anything metallic under the ground. With stuff like that, science is catching up.

Ayurveda And Its Ancient Wisdom

You talk about science. You talk about architecture. Even health in Ayurveda, these are science that is at least 5,000 years old. Let's get into a little bit about your new documentary, The Natural Law. Tell us how you decided you wanted to start delving into this ancient medicine.

To back up really quickly, if anyone wants to watch the Dwarka movie, you can go on YouTube. Type in Dwarka: Atlantis of the East. You could check it out there. It was because I was sick that is why I started shooting The Natural Law in the first place. The Western system failed me. I had gotten surgeries, prescribed drugs, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, and blood tests. It was like a goose and they kept telling me nothing was wrong with me. I was like, “I'm in pain every day of my life.” I had gone to see acupuncturists and chiropractors. I started doing exercise. I started meditating and doing the red light sauna and everything I could.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: The poster represents why I started exploring natural law in the first place—it was because I was sick. As I mentioned, the Western medical system failed me with surgeries, prescribed drugs, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, and blood tests.

While I was losing weight, feeling healthier, and getting rid of all the addictions to alcohol, cigarettes, and whatever I was doing before, I felt better but I wasn't feeling good. I would have these bouts where I'd get migraines and stomach pains and be completely out of it. Bowel movements would be completely off. I had sinus infections every 2 or 3 weeks. I would be like, “Can I get a break?” That's when I realized that Ayurveda would probably be my last ditch effort because it's in my lineage and I didn't have an option at this time.

Since I sold my companies off and wanted to push the reset button, I had some capital. In the middle of finishing this Dwarka documentary and I had already come back from India and started editing it, and it was almost done, I wanted to work on another documentary because it inspired me. I was like, “That thing was led by so much serendipity.” It started going viral and I was like, “I want to do this now. I want to make another movie.” That along with me being sick was the inspiration for The Natural Law.

Ayurveda is an ancient science from India. It is over 5,000 years old. There are over 25,000 plants that have been identified in Ayurveda as well as herbs that have certain properties of what they can do to the human body. There are over 10,000 different prescriptions for different ailments of things that happen in the body and how to make it, some of them taking up to 100 steps. Something like that can't be woo-woo science because they're telling you what plan to pick, how to dry it, how to crush it, how to mix it with these three other things, put it into a paste, and then apply it. There's truth to this.

As I started digging in, I started to see the beauty of Ayurveda, what it's focused on, and how it was created. It was based on nature. Nature is made up of the five elements. Everything we experience around us is made up of the five elements. 1 of those 5 elements is ether or empty space. I'm moving my hand through empty space. That's ether. There's air. If I'm moving my hand, I can feel the air going into my face. I can feel the air going into my lungs. There's the wind that blows. There's air everywhere.

There's fire. There's this big, huge ball of fire in the sky that powers our planet. We have fire here on, on Earth to do all kinds of things. After a fire, there's water. There's water that we drink in our water cups. We have oceans full of water. We have water in our bodies. Also about fire, there's something in our body that keeps us at 97 or 98 degrees. Where does that come from? That is the form of fire. It's a form of heat that's inside of us. That was something that the ancients knew.

Going back to water, we know that we have water inside of us, there's water on the planet, and there's water in outer space. It exists everywhere. Earth is the last element, and that is structure. We have bones and muscles. We have structure. We can see the planets in outer space. We can see the moon. That's all structure. That's the element of Earth. We can see it.

These five elements, ether, air, fire, water, and Earth, are what create and manage the whole entire universe. My laptop is made up of these five elements. A glass with water inside of it is made up of the five elements. The two lights in my home are made of the five elements as well as the food we eat, the herbs we eat, you, me, the wall, and the poster. Everything we experience is made up of the five elements. We experience that through our five senses. It’s everything we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Those 5 elements and 5 senses are what the ancients said that make up our entire experience of life. Everything. All the 3D reality that we can call 3D reality is made up of the five elements.

When you combine these five elements, they turn into forces. They turn into physics. Ether and air create movement. It creates movement. Anything that has ether and air is called Vata, which is movement. Everything in the whole entire universe is moving all the time. We have food moving through our digestive tracts. There are ants on the ground crawling outside. We're moving at some ungodly kilometers per second around the sun. It's crazy. It's nuts. Everything in the galaxy is moving along within our bodies. Ether and air create Vata, which is the Sanskrit word for movement.

When you combine fire and water, you get what's called Pitta or transformation. When we take the food into our body, it goes into our gut. It transforms. It turns into things that we can use. It turns into nutrients and energy we can use. That's transformation. Everything in the universe is constantly transforming. It’s like that's happening with my light. Electricity is being transformed into a light that's shining light on me. It's being transformed. Everything is in constant transformation. That's the other piece.

The third force is water and Earth. When you combine those two, you get what is called Kapha or energy. That is structure. Everything in the universe has a structure. If we're made up of 75% water, how come we're not a puddle of water on the ground? It’s because we have structure. We are able to stand upright. We have bones and ligaments. We have structure to us.

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are movement, transformation, and structure. Movement, transformation, and structure are the three physical forces that govern the entire universe with the five elements.  When things go out of balance with 1 of the elements or 1 of those forces, then that's what causes us to get sick and diseased.

Movement, transformation, and structure are the three physical forces that govern the entire universe, along with the five elements. When one of these forces or elements falls out of balance, it can lead to sickness and disease.

We're born with a certain constitution. When you were conceived, your dad had a doshic makeup, a certain amount of those 3 Vata, Pitta, Kapha or a certain amount of those 5 elements in him. Also, your mother had a certain amount. They were not exactly the same. They were different. When you were conceived, the combination of those two became you.

I have a question for you. Let’s say your parents have two individual doshic makeups. Is it predictable that the kid will have this particular one or is it always going to be a different mix? Me and my sisters were all different in terms of the doshic makeup.

Your doshic makeup changes over time. Your sister will have a different doshic makeup because your parents were in a different state of mind. They were eating maybe different foods. If they are older or younger, their body is different. Their thoughts are different. Work is different. Money is different. There are so many variances at play that you and your sister will have different doshic makeups.

We all will have slightly different doshic makeup. Let's say your dad had a little bit more fire energy and your mom had a little bit more water energy. The average of those two becomes you. That's how it works. If your mom had also slightly elevated fire energy, then that's going to bring your fire energy a little bit higher. That becomes you.

With that being said, when you're born with that specific combination and you live your life, eat certain foods, go outside, get some bacteria, get sick, and start worrying, whatever your dosha from what you were born with starts changing. Ayurveda says, “When that starts changing and you start experiencing the symptoms of that changing even before you experience the symptoms of the changing, we can help you.

Even if it's already progressed where the symptoms have gotten so bad that it's turned into a disease and turned chronic, we can even help you at that stage and reverse it. It's all based on the five elements and these forces that are based in physics, which are movement, transformation, and structure.” It's fascinating that they had this thousands of years ago. They had some algorithms to help. I'm sitting there fascinated.

While I went to go do one of the detox retreats that Ayurveda recommends, I started filming everybody for the movie. I didn't want to be in the movie at the time. I was filming doctors. After the interview, I'd ask them about what Ayurveda is and how it works because I didn't know much at the time when I started filming. I was curious too.

After the cameras were being packed up, I'd be like, “If you were getting migraines, had sinus infections, your back hurt, you had abdomen pains, and your cholesterol's crazy, what would you do?” Each person that we interviewed gave me a tidbit. I'd go home and be like, “I’m going to start taking Tifla. I'm going to start taking CCFT. I'm going to start drinking this. I'm going to cut this out. I'm going to add this.” It turned into an experiment for me.

Over the next four years, we filmed many amazing scientists, doctors, experts, and influencers like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Vasant Lad, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. We had some of the world's most amazing Ayurveda experts in the world. We went all over India and so many different places. I started filming in 2013. Unfortunately, my health continued to get worse. Even though I was incorporating things and I was going to the detox retreats once or twice a year, I was keeping well, but overall, my health was deteriorating slowly over time. I was like, “I know something is still wrong.”

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: We had some of the world's most amazing Ayurveda experts, traveling all over India and many other places. I began filming in 2013, and by 2018, our journey had taken us far.

I went to India, and by this time, my left eye had stopped moving all the way to the left. I couldn't move my head to the left anymore. My lips weren't moving as much on my left side. It was all hard. I had elevated white blood cell counts. It was a precancerous type. Weird stuff was going on. I was really scared. I went to India and was on a spiritual journey. I was like, “Please save me. I don't know what to do now. I feel like I'm dying. I feel like I'm going to die soon.”

I took a genetic test in India. When I got the results, it showed that I have celiac disease. Here I was, 38 years into my life not knowing I had celiac disease my entire life. Celiac is a severe reaction to gluten where your body rejects it. It fights itself. By this time, I had 7 to 8 ulcers across my intestinal tract, my stomach, and stuff. I had diverticulitis and inguinal hernia.

The Western system, the doctors, and everyone that I spoke to said that there was no way I was allergic to gluten. Those were the words out of their mouth. They refused to give me a gluten test. Here I was with this diagnosis and I was like, “What the fuck?” to be honest with you. I had these ulcers. That's when I went all into Ayurveda. I cut all the gluten out and I had to cut some other foods out to rebuild my gut.

It’s not easy as an Indian to cut gluten out. There's quite a bit of stuff that has gluten in it.

Healing Through Ayurveda And Plant Medicine

It was tough. Everything has gluten in it. Soy sauce has gluten in it. Who would've thought? It was tough but I did it. Within 60 days of the herbs, all the regimen I was doing, and cutting out gluten, I started feeling amazing. I then got my yoga certification. I started working out like a beast, trying to reverse all the damage that was done to my physical body by the supplements and everything. It was about three years into that.

In 2021, I was in meditation. I remember smiling ear to ear and was like, “I'm not in pain. I'm happy. My business is good. My family's happy and healthy. This is the best I've ever felt in my life. I have to finish this documentary.” I remember in my meditation, I pictured the hard drive of where my footage was. It was sitting in my garage. I was like, “I filmed 50 of the world's experts on Ayurveda. It healed me and I had witnessed so many other people heal themselves.”

We had cancer people that we interviewed. We had people with MS, high blood pressure, and random autoimmune conditions that I'm like, “Ayurveda is the answer. It's the missing piece to our healthcare system in America and in the world.” It's widely used in Europe and India. It’s in America where it’s not very useful. I'm sitting there like, “I have to finish this film.”

It took us about two extra years to finish the film. In 2023, we released it. I ended up putting myself in the film and talking about my story too. It was a beautiful experience, a labor of love, and also from my own experience to release it to the world. Since then, we've been in 9 different film festivals and won 7. It has been such a journey. We went viral on Instagram. We're on Amazon. We're about to be on Gaia. We are very excited and looking forward to healing so many more people through our platform online at The Natural Law. It's called The Natural Law. We are so excited.

That's wild. What a story. My sister's an Ayurvedic doctor. I've been a part of the knowledge base of it for a very long time. I realized that our bodies are naturally healthy when we're in balance. Our divine right is to be healthy. It's the choices that we make but also the toxins that we're exposed to, the food choices, and all of these things.

When our minds, our bodies, and our spirits are out of balance, that's when the body is kind enough to show us a little bit of symptoms. It’s like anything. If a business is hemorrhaging money, how is it supposed to survive? If a body is in pain, the body is telling you, “There's something that we need to do here.” Ayurveda is always going to give you that balance point. It’s like anything in life. You have to stay on top of it.

It is a very powerful medicine. It works well. It works with nature. It respects the intelligence of your body.

It's unbelievable, man. What is next for you in terms of the next project? Hopefully, you don't have to get sick to start another amazing undertaking.

Future Projects And The Vision For Global Healing

This time, I feel happier, healthier, and more in tune than I've ever been. There are so many amazing things. One of the things I'll mention to you is that plant medicines have become very interesting to me. When I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me, two years before I got my diagnosis, I went to Peru. I went to Iquitos. I went on a shamanic journey with ayahuasca. I was there for ten days and did 7 or 8 ceremonies.

I remember going the first day, the day I landed, and them being like, “We're going.” I was like, “I got here.” The shaman was of lineage. His father was an Ayahusacero. He was an Ayahusacero. His grandfather was an Ayahusacero. His great-great-grandfather was an Ayahusacero. It was really a beautiful experience. At the time, I was getting over the businesses. I knew that I still wanted to dabble in cigarettes and alcohol but I didn't. It’s not that I had an addiction, but I had a need to want to do it more often than not. Maybe every 2 days, I needed a drink or I wanted to smoke a cigarette every 2 or 3 days. I had this urge to do it.

In 2016, I go and then the shaman goes, “Who here has high tolerance?” I'm like, “I’m from Jersey. I have a high tolerance.” He called me up and everyone with high tolerance. I didn't know this at the time. The average dose of ayahuasca is about a shot glass worth. This guy gave me so much in a glass. I didn't know. I'm sitting there gulping it down. I’m like, “This tastes so bad,” and then gulping it down.

I was off to a different dimension. I saw many facets of myself that I've never seen before come to life talking with ancient beings and getting healings on my body from ancient beings, alien-type figures, or skeleton-type figures. It was a bizarre and insanely amazing journey. I wrote in my journal two years before my diagnosis, “You have ulcers. Stop eating white carbs.”

Plant medicine, I feel, has a future in how health is, not just Ayurveda. The whole plant kingdom, everything in the plant kingdom, is there for our benefit to use to heal emotionally, spiritually, and physically, whatever that means. The Earth is here to provide. She is our mother. She created everything here for us to experience.

The question of what's next for me is an interesting one. There are a few things. As an entrepreneur, we always have millions of ideas. We want to go and do everything. It's like, “I want to do this and that.” We have a retreat coming up. That's going to be one of the few things that we're doing. I had this vision to create detox retreats for everyday people. I had this vision to bring people to India for the retreats that I was also doing to get these detox retreats and also go to Mexico and Peru and do retreats there as well.  We've done a few in the past after my Dwarka documentary.

We have a detox retreat coming up where the trials and the studies that have been done on these types of detox retreats are called Panchakarma. After five days of Panchakarma, it reduces the level of toxins in the cells by 50% from phylates, glyphosates, and all this nonsense garbage that we get in our food.

Plastics and all this crap.

Water supply and all of it. We’re really excited to be bringing that, hopefully, and making it mainstream in America. As an adjunct to that, we bought 22 acres of land in Mexico. We're building out a healing center in Mexico because the need for this is so important. We have a vision to build 108 of these centers around the world so that we can provide healing to everybody, build community, and show that the natural kingdom or the natural world can be used to heal the human body on so many different levels and facets.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: We're building a healing center in Mexico to meet a critical need. Our vision is to create 108 centers worldwide, offering healing, community, and showcasing how nature can heal the human body on many levels.

I've dedicated a lot of my life to this, ancient wisdom and healing. That's the big thing that's going on. I have a couple of different projects. If I were to talk business, it's a holding company. We're going to be raising funds through a venture capital fund and fueling a bunch of these cool different projects that we're either going to help or we want to help with or the ones that we're incubating ourselves.

We want to make a measurable impact on consciousness, and the way to do that is not only through my website, the retreats I run, the land that I bought, and all that but how do we invest in the future of all these companies that are on the same path and how do we measure? If we can show through measurement, then how do we go to future governments and the people of the world and say, “We have proof. Look at the fastest way to solve diabetes. Go do XYZ.” It’s like, “Go do psilocybin. Do these three meditations. Go on a Panchakarma retreat and your diabetes might be gone.”

Anxiety, depression, PTSD, all these mental disorders that we have in our world, Ayurveda had the answers for these thousands of years ago. If you look at the plant science of South America and the wisdom that they have as well as the Chinese, it is brilliant wisdom. I am really excited about bringing that back to the world.

It is so exciting. If you look at the state of healthcare in the United States, and hopefully, it changes, we've tried a certain method of healing people and it hasn't worked. We are spending more money than any other country on the planet and we are one of the sickest nations. What's crazy is that we still maintain to live long lives, which shows you the power of the human body to withstand so much bullshit, whether it's dirty water, air pollution, or food sprayed with glyphosates. We're still able to make it. Pharmaceutical drugs are looking at one aspect. There's a reason for allopathic medicine. If I break my arm, I'm going to do it.

Without a doubt. If you have a stroke or get hit by a bus, go to the hospital. Don't look for an Ayurvedic practitioner.

100%. It's amazing that entrepreneurs like yourself and the stuff that I do at my wellness center as well, we're looking at the body in its entirety and also looking at the mind, the body, and the spirit. Conscious entrepreneurship is going to elevate our world. It has to be that way. I love the mission that you're on, and to do it at such a high level.

Pant medicine is one of the reasons why I went into this space as well. I had an incomplete life experience where I was able to have a life in review and make a lot of changes. I was going down the wrong path of very much selfishness. I was going after money and things like that and not doing it from an open-hearted perspective. I had to make so many apologies and forgive so many people after my experience. Once I did that, my health started improving. That led me to open up a wellness center here in Jersey City. Life is so incredible. We're living in such an amazing time to be alive that we have the opportunity to live out our mission and our passions.

It's beautiful. With RFK coming into office, we're going to see a lot of change. Ayurveda has been called pseudoscience by some groups even though there's clinical trial after clinical trial.

5,000 years.

The Failing Health System And The Need For Holistic Approaches

I thought of this quote one day. It’s something that came to me and I see people are starting to use it. It is that the truth is timeless. If something existed and lasted for 5,000 years, you would never keep spreading a lie. It has to stop at some point. The truth is timeless. Whatever has lasted eons is usually the truth versus big pharma where you find out three years later it causes heart disease and 30% of the people are dying. Why was that pushed through? What happened to the trials?

We live in a little bit of a broken system. This is a systemic issue. We have to change the system. Big food, big pharma, and big health, all three of those need to be re-looked at with a new lens. It needs to be functional medicine and integrative medicine. We have to start looking at other options because the Western medical system is failing us.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: We need to change the system. Big Food and Big Pharma need to shift toward a focus on Big Health. All three need to be reevaluated through a new lens. We need functional and integrative medicine, and we must start exploring other options because the Western medical system is failing us.

100%. I'm so glad we're living in that time where there are so many brave people who are making those changes. I'm super excited about RFK overseeing our health. It’s long needed. When we're a healthy nation, then we start living better collectively in unity and happiness. How can you live your best, most fulfilling life when you're sick all the time? It's a pretty simple equation. Let me ask you a question. Why do you think you came here to planet Earth as Amish Shah? What did you want to experience?

The Mission To Bring Back Ancient Wisdom And Technology

For what it's worth, and people can call me crazy as much as they want to, I have a very specific mission here on Earth. I came to that realization in many different plant medicine journeys and many meditations. I've gotten my yoga certification. I've flown all across the world. I have sat across shamans, gurus, and amazing people in my life. It's the same message every single time in those experiences.

In 2016, I got this hit while I was there in Peru. Everything that you've been thinking about in terms of technology, wisdom, and all this ancient stuff that you have inside of you is not random. The stuff that comes to you that may not make sense and these futuristic types of technologies that come to you or are ancient but also based in the future are not made up. Start documenting it. I was like, “I'll start documenting it.”

Around 2016, I started writing some things in my notepad about this technology and this wisdom that I used to get specifically around Yantras, sacred geometry, and how to use sacred geometry for technology. If you look at computer circuits, they're sacred geometry with crystals and electricity going through them. That always fascinated me. I got this hit that was like, “I’ll start documenting it. As I started documenting it, more started coming out.

I've been studying Sri Yantra since 1996 when I was 16 years old. For many years, I've been studying this symbol called the Sri Yantra. The Sri Yantra was always fascinating to me. In 1998, I got a tattoo of it on my back because I was so fascinated with it. I started reading more about it. I would get books from India in Sanskrit. I would translate Sanskrit to English to understand what they are talking about, what the symbol is, why it represents the universe, what is the mathematics of it, what it represents spiritually, and what is the metaphysics of it. I was trying to understand every component of the Sri Yantra, the sound, the syllable, the shabda, and all the different things of the Sri Yantra but never understood why.

It was in that ayahuasca journey in 2016, which is a full 20 years later when I started liking or studying the Sri Yantra, where I was like, “That's the path.” All of this stuff started coming out of me. I have a binder that’s thick with all these notes that I've written, diagrams, schematics, and wisdom that I've received from that.

On my journey in Peru, I was speaking with Osiris in a language I didn't understand. Many of the other deities were around me and said, “The sun needs your help.” I was like, “Okay.” They said, “We kept you sick your whole entire life so that you can bring back wisdom for the sun.” I was like, “Okay.” They said, “We're going to heal you. You're going to be healed over the next few years.” I found out within two years of what was going on with me. They said, “You have to document this and bring this technology to the world.” I'm like, “What is going on?”

I've been documenting for several years. I have a binder that’s thick with all these things that came through to me since I was a child about this technology, the media behind it, how to create media behind it, what it represents, certain crystals, certain metals, and how to connect them. I wish I could tell you, and this is my fascination with Dwarka too since all these different pieces are connected, that there was this ancient Lemurian, Atlantis type of technology that I'm here to bring back. It starts off by creating awareness.

From awareness, we will move into land development and bring people to the land and heal them. From there, we'll start building technology and devices, bringing back and ushering in a new golden age to the world using this technology from the sun. In fact, I got suncodes tattooed on my chest that this is all related. It has been a wild journey. That is why I'm here, to be honest with you. I know it sounds wild, crazy, and nuts.

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Ayurveda: Everything is connected. I’m here to revive ancient Lemurian technology, starting with awareness. Then, we’ll develop land, heal people, and create devices to usher in a new golden age using solar technology.

Not on this show. We're here for it.

It is wisdom from above. It is wisdom that I could not argue with. It is wisdom that I've received multiple times over and over again that keeps streaming through me. It's stuff that I write and downloads that I get that I don't even understand what it means until I Google it and research it. Do you know what sutras are? Sutras are like the pearls of a sentence. They don't tell you the whole sentence. It's a codified sentence that gives you the basics you need to understand what the message is. You can unpack a sutra into many different sentences to tell you the meaning of it. That's what I felt like I received, and I've been unpacking it since.

One of the first things it said I needed to do was to acquire land. Sure enough, in 2023, we acquired land. I wrote that a couple of years ago. It's interesting the way that the universe works. I'm following what feels like wherever the divine is leading me. It's a battle between the ego and what I'm hearing from the divine where that is and how open my heart is going to be to surrendering. That's all I'm here to do, surrender more, love more, bring healing technology to the world, and try to limit the ego as much as possible. That's my mission in life.

What I’m hearing from the Divine is about where I am and how open my heart is to surrender. That’s truly what I’m here to do—surrender more, offer more love, and bring healing technology to the world. It’s about limiting the ego as much as possible. That’s my mission in life.

That is so powerful. Thank you for sharing that. What is God in your definition, and what role does it play in your life?

Another crazy, weird concept that I'd like for us to imagine here. I believe we live in a fractal world. Everything is constantly falling upon itself in infinity. The ouroboros, we've seen this symbol across millennia for thousands of years. It is the snake eating its tail and the infinity sign. It's all connected. My definition of God is whatever I experience in that infinite state when I'm in awe or when I am breathless to some extent like, “Oh my God.” You're in that ecstatic state.

That is my definition of God because in that moment, we're in love, happy, pure, and connected to the source and we know our mission. Whatever that connection is, that is my definition. It keeps falling upon itself. It's infinite in nature. We forget our infinite nature. We think like we're dead at the end of our lives, but are we really? We don't know. In this 3D world, we might be dead.

Maybe it's the beginning of the game when that life ends.

I'm glad you said the game because I was going to go there. It’s all a game. We are here for dharmic purposes, to live our karma, do good on the planet, and all of that. At the end of the day, it's a fucking game, like a simulation, that we live in, so none of it matters. Nothing should be taken too seriously.

Thank you for sharing that. I was journaling in Peru. The sun was hitting my forehead and I was in awe. In one of the sentences, I wrote, “Live as light as a feather with the creational energy of all the mass in the universe.” When you can live inside that range, which is pretty much everything, be intentional about it. You have access to both. That’s the download that I got. It’s to be present. Live in this eternal present moment.

That's the divine That's everything. That's all the understanding you need in the universe.

I want to thank you so much for coming on. It's an honor to have you on. I'm super excited to learn more about everything that's unfolding in your life. We'll have to do this again. How can we learn more about you? What's the best way for our audience to find you?

There are a few ways you can find out about me. You can go to my website. It's Amish-Shah.com. You can also go to TheNaturalLaw.com to check out the documentary. On Instagram and Facebook, if you want to learn more about Dwarka and ancient civilizations, you can go to @AncientExplorers and check out some of the content we post there.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

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About Amish Shah

Limitless One The Podcast | Amish Shah | Ayurveda

Amish Shah is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and visionary who builds businesses that guide people to the source of their true potential.

That source is nature itself. You too are a part of nature. And yet modern life has distanced us from its gifts and from our true selves; leaving us stressed, anxious, sick, and disconnected.

The key to reclaiming these gifts is in the ancient wisdom that guides us to live in perfect harmony with nature, instead of away from it.

From Ayurveda, to meditation, to Vedic astrology and more – his businesses harness this wisdom; and spread it through leading-edge technology platforms, media projects, and humanity-first initiatives designed to transform millions of lives.

Amish and his companies have been featured 3x on Inc 500’s lists of fastest growing companies, has over $110M in online sales, and has spend over 20+ years in health, wellness and spirituality.


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