Episode 83: Unlocking 80,000-Year-Old Secrets Of Peru With Rumi Llakta Alegria
For as long as I can remember, I felt a deep spiritual calling to visit the sacred Land of Peru. I know I've been there before in many lifetimes, and my recent trip there was a full affirmation of my intuition. Peru is forever connected to my heart, mind, and spirit. Today’s guest on the Limitless One Podcast is Rumi Llakta Alegria the beautiful soul who was our tour guide on this once-in-a-lifetime expedition to unlock the ancient secrets of Peru. Inspired by his father’s work as a stone mason and witnessing firsthand the advanced technology to shape the ancient megaliths by the original builders, Rumi dedicated his life to finding all the puzzle pieces to this mysterious story and bringing them together to show the world just how magical his homeland is. His first name Rumi Llakta, means “City of Stone” in Quechua. He is a seasoned tour guide and explorer with 17 years of experience in Peru’s megalithic sites, and his mission. With expertise in the secrets of these archaeological sites, he’s adept at reading stones and is well-versed in the lesser-known field of archaeoastronomy in this region.
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Unlocking 80,000-Year-Old Secrets Of Peru With Rumi Llakta Alegria
Exploring Ancient Megaliths And Archeoastronomy
For as long as I can remember, I felt a deep spiritual calling to visit the sacred land of Peru. I know I've been there before in many lifetimes. My trip there was a full affirmation of my intuition. Peru is forever connected to my heart, my mind, and my spirit. Our guest on this episode is Rumi Alegria, the beautiful soul who was our tour guide on this once-in-a-lifetime expedition to unlock the ancient secrets of Peru.
Inspired by his father's work as a stone mason and witnessing firsthand the advanced technology to shape the ancient megaliths by the original builders, Rumi dedicated his life to finding all the puzzle pieces to this mysterious story and bringing them together to show the world how magical his homeland is.
His first name, Rumi Llakta, means City of Stone in Quechua. He is a seasoned tour guide and explorer with seventeen years of experience in Peru's megalithic sites and his mission. With expertise in the secrets of these archaeological sites, he is adept at reading stones and is also well-versed in the lesser-known field of archaeoastronomy in this region.
Welcome to the show. I am here with Rumi, the amazing soul that I met in Peru. He was our tour guide. I could speak for probably every single person on our tour group that we were so blown away by your enormous heart and your courage to speak your truth about the true history of Peru. I don't think anyone on the trip was ready to re-hear about conventional history. We really appreciate the fact that you gave us some amazing knowledge as to what was going on in this very sacred land. We're super excited to talk to you.
It is nice to see you again. I am ready for all of the questions.
Living A Limitless Life
We're on the Limitless One show. You're such a deep thinker. I am interested in knowing about what living a limitless life means to you.
For me, I don't have a limit. I live every day and I say every day, “Thank you so much for one more day here.” I really appreciate my life, especially close to Machu Picchu. I appreciate staying close to this mountain. That's why, for me, there is not a limit. I feel like I have a mission over there to share all of the information, to share love with the people, and to share a connection one more time with our Mother Nature and our Father in the sky.
Peru: I do not have a limit. Every day, I say thank you for living one more day.
Rumi’s Interest In Peru’s History
Can you tell us a little bit about your background and what got you interested in dedicating your life to learning about the history of Peru?
First of all, my father was a stone mason. He was very different than the other people in my little town. My town is in Machu Picchu. My father started his house with stones. I was always watching my father. He was different than the other people. I asked him, “Why are you like that?” He told me, “This is in our blood. We are Incas. We are not able to make our homes with stones.” That's why I was interested in this civilization and this culture. I grow little by little with these costumes and the music from the Incas every day. We even lived in a rustic house like the Incas when I was a child.
Hearing Machu Picchu in the ‘90s was different with racism and everything, so my father put me in the Quechua name. Quechua is the language of the mountains. My name us Rumi Llakta. Rumi means strong and Llakta means city. It was very hard to grow up with this name, to be honest, but later, I learned and I started to appreciate my name because it was completely different than everyone, especially here in Peru. The majority of the people have Spanish names, like Carlos, Jose, and Fernando. My name is Rumi LLakta. Imagine in my classroom. It is very difficult. This name, for me, was something that was changing my life. I made more connections, especially with the people and also with the ancestors. That's why I investigate deeply, especially about ancient civilizations.
I have always been very interested in the mountains and the rocks and how ancient they were. I learned lots of history from my past and from my parents. I then studied tourism at the university. All the histories over there were, to be honest, boring and always the same. When I finished studying, I worked on the Inca Trail for approximately twelve years, doing hikes in the mountains. Every day, I hiked in the mountains and took 15 to 20 people. Over there, I was listening every day to different perspectives of different tour guides because I started as an assistant guy. When you finish tourism, you start as an assistant, not straight to the head guy.
When I was listening to all the histories, I was learning. Everybody has this knowledge. Everybody has this passion. By myself, I was investigating more and making more connections with Mother Earth and also with the ruins of the ancestral sites. I taught all the history too. They were telling us they weren't real. To be honest, all the history, especially here in Peru, was written by the conquerors. It was sad, this part of our history. That's the reason I decided to go very deep in the real history of Peru, following my heart. Every day, I was looking for information, asking, traveling, taking photos and videos, and watching.
Peru: The history they taught us was not true. Most of it was written by the conquerors. That’s when I decided to search for the real history.
One day, after many years of investigating, I got calls from bookwriters. One senior called me. His name was Jésus Gamarra Farfan. He was in the last program of Graham Hancock. He was one of the guys in the program Ancient Apocalypse. He said, “Rumi, I know what you post on your Instagram. I would like to share something with you. I have a book. It would be nice if you came to my house.” I went to his house and I got this amazing book.
You kept referring to this book. It was really incredible. You had it in your backpack the whole time. You showed me some of the pictures and everything. It was incredible.
The name of the book is Parawayso. The writer is Jésus Gamarra. In the introduction, he says the demonstration and the evidence to find the ancient paradise on the earth, the real Babel tower, and the capital of Atlantis in Cusco. For three hours, he shared with me his special book. It was very deep and interesting. He has all the proofs of the ancient architecture. He told me that for 100 years, he was investigating with his father. He told me, “My father started this investigation and then me.” When I listened to the history of this, senior, Mr. Jésus Gamarra, I said, “This is one of the things that I'm looking for.” This was the beginning.
Peru: When I started to search for history, I realized this was the beginning but not everything.
Mainstream History Of Peru & Rumi’s Discoveries
Sometimes, when we hear the truth, it opens up our perspective so much. It inspires us to really dive deep into it. When we're told lies, immediately, our soul knows, “This is not something that I can believe or I can get behind.” There are so many things in the world that there are lies being told and they expect you to believe everything. To give a little perspective, maybe you could briefly share what is the traditional mainstream history of the area. We can then go into what Jésus taught you and then from your own discoveries.
The history of the Incas, they have only 100 years. Our history was changing, especially for the Spanish to rule in our country. Cultures touch the tip of civilizations. When you change history, you can control what you want. That is real. I was investigating and I said, “This is not true. Probably I have to investigate more.” I went to Lake Titicaca. My father told me, “You have to visit one island, especially the island of the moon and the island of the sun.”
Peru: When you change history, you can always control what you want.
Over there, I found another book called Copacabana De Los Incas. I was reading on the bus when I went with my father to Tiwanaku, probably one of the ancient sites of the earth. This book was written in the 16th century by a Spanish priest. His name is Father Jesús Viscarra Fabre. In this book, when I was reading, I found documents. I found lots of proof that the Incas are not new. They are not 100 years old. It’s not even from many years ago. The Incas are 700 years old.
Behind that, in this book, the Incas were here for the last time. He also said the Incas were restoring lots of megalithic sites in Peru, especially Sacsayhuaman. According to Mr. Jesús Gamarra, he said more than 70% of the megalithic sites are located here around Cusco. When I was watching that, I said, “This could be possible.”
In this book, he talked about two different species of humans. Also, in Peru, it's easy to prove. When I was investigating the human skeletons and the human skulls, especially in Nazca, Paracas, and Lake Titicaca, you are able to see the difference between the people. If you go deep and you pay attention very well, the skulls and the morphology of everything are completely different. It's not the same. Even the background of the skull has an extra bone. This, for me, was why it could not be possible there is another history. In the book of Mr. Jesús Gamarra, he said there were living ancient cultures before the Incas. He said there were three human generations.
Peru: An extra bone in a skull could be another history.
On the first days that we were on the tour, you talked about the skulls and how they were finding skulls of all different types of types of humans. Many of them were of different races. You have redheaded ones. You have white. You have yellow. You have brown. You have all different types. In the museums, they were trying to paint them all brown to keep the history tight and make sure that everybody thinks, “This is one type of people.” We also visited the Huayqui skeleton. It had an elongated skull. It was this alien-type skull, very similar to the Egyptian gods that had elongated skulls as well. It's fascinating to see that human history is so different than what we imagine it or what we are taught to believe.
It was the original Atlántida. I was looking at the constellations to prove that it could probably be here the real navel of the world. Especially the Incas when they arrived here, according to the legends, they said they were coming from Lake Titicaca after one great disaster after the Great Flood. We also have the legend of the Great Flood. I doubt that the Great Flood only comes from the Bible. I doubt in the past, “It’s probably from the Bible,” but it’s real. Many people from the Andes, especially from the top of the mountains, always talk about the great flood.
The Incas were walking especially to the navel of the world. According to our legends, there is one special golden stick they received from the sun. When they arrived at the navel of the world, that stick made of gold was moving. God said, “This is the place where you have to put the stick because this is the navel of the world.” The Incas did the foundation in Cusco.
The Incas found the ancient place or the ancient megalithic-sized ancient temples. That's why they chose to return and rebuild this area. That is my proposition. I thought it was only mine, but there are many researchers and writers who say the same. I paid attention to this symbol in my necklace.
It's the chacruna.
We call it Chakana. I thought this symbol probably has the key to where we are. This is a kind of symbol that you are able to find in the archaeological sites, There are Chakanas of three points. There are Chakanas of seven points. There are Cahakanas of four points. I was investigating and I was using my compass. I was also using astronomy and investigating astronomy of the ancient culture of the world. India, Egypt, Maya, and Inca.
One day, I went to investigate in the deep jungle in Peru. I went to a place called Vilcabamba. I was watching the megalithic side over there and I was watching the symbol also of the Chakana. I was there at night, especially in June. I was at night watching the sky. At night, I saw something very purple. I saw a strong purple in the sky that the Chakana was facing. I was investigating, “Which constellation could this purple star be?” I asked it in my mind. That happened several years ago. I was like, “What is this purple constellation?” I thought in my mind.
I was looking for information and then found another book from another mister. His name is Carlos Melia. He's an architect. He's from the southern part of Peru called Puno. He's a real investigator. He's a mathematician. He put all of himself into investigating the constellations in ancient times. Finally, I found in his book the purple constellation. He said it was Orion. I said, “What?”
I was investigating India. I was investigating Egypt. I was also investigating the culture of the Mayans. I was investigating all the ancient cultures around the world. I then said, “Why do we point to Orion? Could something over there be interesting? Why is it also in Peru?” Later, when I found out Shiva was Orion and also Machu Picchu was Orion, I was like, “What happened here?” I was watching the first constellation I found. I then discovered Orion, especially here in my book, in Machu Picchu on the 21st of June. He pointed to the mountain or the Picchu, Orion, and the sun, the three together. I said, “That is so spectacular.”
It is the summer solstice on June 21st, right?
In Peru, it is the winter solstice.
That's right because it's the opposite.
The Incas really appreciate the winter solstice because the sun is small. It’s a baby. It’s not the big sun but the small sun. They appreciate the baby or innocence. For them, that was God, the innocence of the universe. While I was investigating more, I found that the sun in our beliefs was a portal to Orion. I then was in Machu Picchu using estelario and watching every night the stars and Orion. In the middle of the day when I was in Machu Picchu at 12:00 PM, I saw Orion with the sun. They were together. That’s true. I am even able to prove that's true because I took a screenshot on my cell phone in the Stellarium. I was watching Orion at night also. I then said, “It’s true.”
Peru: The sun was a portal to Orion.
I was watching the other mountain. I was watching Machu Picchu not in a Picchu anymore because in a Picchu, we know very well it is Orion. What is Machu Picchu? I was investigating. It was a very deep investigation. Especially in our cosmovision, we always see two kinds of symbols. One of the symbols is the snake, and one of the symbols is the puma, the lion, or any cat. You always find the snake and the puma together, the two animals. I was asking, “Why the snake and why the puma?”
At that time in my mind, it was still Catholic thinking. I see religiosity, thinking the snake was not good. I was thinking that the snake was not very good for us. I then went deeper and found Amaru in the Quechua language is the Milky Way. That was the representation of the snake. That is why for the ancient Incas and before the Incas, we call Viracocha Ruma because, with Viracocha Ruma, there are documents of these people who were living here, especially in this book. This is a very special book. It is from the 16th century. The writer is called Guama Pola de Ayala.
In his book, he always talks about three generations of humans. He always talks about the first generation of Wari Indians. He always talks about the first generation of humans. They say the first generation was Wari Indians. He talks about the Wari, the Viracocha Rumas, and then the Incas. He never talks about only one people. He put the symbols of the Incas, the snake, and the puma.
Peru: The Intihuatana stone is the chair of the sun made for the first generation of humans.
In this special book, this was even before the Spanish or everyone here in America living with other generations of humans. It's a very interesting book because it's from the 16th century. Remember, here in Peru, we are still keeping books from the 16th century. These are very ancient books we are able to find still in the Bible. That's the book by Guaman Pola de Ayala.
When I found lots of evidence, I found in Machu Picchu and Cusco, it was the sun and the snake around. I was also watching all the symbology, especially the temple of the sun. I am able to see that symbology. You are able to see the two lights pass, especially through the two windows in the temple of the sun. This is pointing to the center. That is for the sun and this is for Orion. You are able to see a wall around it. This is the snake.
You are able to see more evidence in the sun disk, especially in the Inca sun disk. The kings were able to use this kind of symbology. You are able to see in the sun disk two phases, always the puma and the snake. This calendar is similar to the Maya calendar, Egyptian calendar, the Hindu calendar, and all of the ancient calendars. I then said, “Why?” The Incas keep this knowledge. We are far away from the world. This is South America.
Peru: The Incas kept ancient knowledge. We are far away from the world.
There's nothing close to us in Peru.
Finally, in one ancient document, I also found the symbol of the writer Guaman Poma de Ayala. This is a snake eating the tail. I also found Egypt, the symbol of Benceno, and the symbol of Alquimia. I thought, “The constellation. The proof.” When I opened the constellation, I understood this symbol, the Chakana. I understood that this symbol is the symbol of Viracocha, the symbol of the Gods and sacred geometry. I was watching this sacred geometry in all of the symbols of the world, especially in India, the pyramids in Dubai, and also the pyramids in Egypt. All of these temples have this symbol secretly inside.
I thought of the Southern Cross and then Orion together. There is a symbol of the Southern Cross and Orion together on the 21st of June. Orion is the representation of the three stars, the three steps. Orion only moves in the center of the planet. That's why it's called navel. It’s the way of the sun. It’s around. The Southern Cross on the 21st of June is at the top of the Machu Picchu mountain.
Even before the Incas, Jesús Gamarra says this culture is called Intihuatana when the sun stops or the chair of the sun. I understand that. Jesús Gamarra says this stone was made for the first generations of humans many years ago. In his book, he has proof. He says a long time ago, the planet had less gravity. That's why everything was bigger. That's why even the megafauna were able to grow like that.
Animals, trees, and mountains. Everything was much bigger. There was a lot more oxygenation and less gravity.
He says those kinds of buildings like Sacsayhuaman, Egypt, and India. These ancient buildings were made in our normal history of the time. He says, “This was made less than 80,000 years old.” He says in his book that Cusco was the capital 2 or even 3 times. He says the first was the Lemurians. He called it Hanabacha culture. The second, the Atlantida, he called it Urampacha. In Cusco, it is possible to see the three kinds of architecture. When we were walking together, I showed it to you. It is very different. It's not the same.
We were doing a walking tour. We would see these massive megaliths that looked like they were glued together. There was no space in between. You could even put a piece of paper in them. They were perfectly aligned. You then have the next culture, which is Lemuria of 8,000 years. You have the Atlantians of 30,000 years. You have smaller stones that were still pretty well put together.
Afterward, you have the Incan, which are much smaller rocks. They use mud, almost like brick, mortar, and stuff. You could tell that the oldest stuff was the most advanced. There were no imperfections on the stones. The Atlantian was still great but a little bit less. You have the Incans. We could probably do that technology. There was nothing special compared to the Lemurian stuff that we saw. It looked like it was sliced with a butter knife, these massive megaliths that were razor sharp. You could even put your finger on some of these edges and you could cut yourself. They're so sharp.
There are still some young people in Peru who are starting to understand. We were looking for lots of images. Homo sapiens are modern. For me, they are not extraterrestrial, but humans, yes. Another species of humans, probably yes. It's difficult to say no. Brian Foerster had his own museum in Paracas, Peru. He was doing all the DNA tests. He said they are not completely similar to humans. He said around Lake Titicaca and the southern part of Cusco, you were able to find these human bones. He said for the Incas, it was the royal class, not the people. In the drawings of Guaman Poma De Ayala in the book, he represents the side of the head of the people very well.
They’re much different skulls.
When I was watching that, the evidence would be real and also with the proof of the constellations. Probably the real North according to the writer, Carlos Melia, is not the North. The Southern Cross is two stars, especially together. These two eyes are a representation of the dragon and the sun. The sun is the ambassador of our Milky Way.
To go back to the skull, you were showing pictures of elongated skulls. Mainstream archaeologists say, “These people did skull binding so that the heads would be elongated.” It was like a manufactured thing. They didn't naturally have it. Let’s assume that's the case. Why did they want to have elongated skulls? They were trying to mimic the people of the past, their ancient ancestors. Either way, that theory is a fallacy to say that if they didn't have anyone to want to mimic, why would you try to bind your own skull or the kids’ skulls?
Especially in this book called Tiahuanaco by Simone Waisbard, he says it was made in Peru and also Lima. This book is from the ‘60s to ‘70s. The writer, Simone Waisbarg, said the archeologists found something different when they were dating, especially with radiocarbon 14. He said they were putting the mummies, for example, inside of boxes, trying to not tell the truth. He said that in his book. This has all of the evidence when I was looking because there is more evidence. That history we are sharing could be true.
Peru: We look for more evidence so that the history we are sharing can be true.
The Sacred Sites Of Peru
We're living in a time where all truths are being revealed. Everywhere around the world, there are new technologies and new discoveries being made on these sites. I'm so excited about how with the internet, you can't hide or you can't keep sweeping this stuff under the rug. People have to address these ancient sites and how powerful they are. I loved going to visit a lot of the sites with you. Can you tell us a little bit about some of the sites we visited such as Sacsayhuaman, Korikancha, and these temples? Tell us a little bit about your take on why they were built and some of their uses.
The place of Sacsayhuaman, since I was a little boy, I went there. For me, it was extremely incredible. I doubt the history. What they say in the schools and the universities and Peru is not true because you are able to see the erosion, especially in many of the temples. We were always talking with the ancient people here and the elderly. They say, “This was made by the Gentiles. Those people call them Gentiles. They say, “This is not made by the people.”
I walked for many years inside the caves, looking for more investigation. When I started to guide these tours, I wasn't able to prove my theory because I didn't find all the proof until now. All of these experiences allowed me to grow little by little. I am able to say, “It could be possible.” We were looking at ancient sites. They demanded real investigators and real archaeologists with real open minds and good hearts to know and write the true history of humans. They try to follow one simple history because they want to control even our history of humans. That's the reason. When you know the history is very different, even in your life, you understand spirituality. That’s why for me, it was changing my mind a lot.
When you learn that one’s history is different, you gain a deeper understanding of spirituality.
In the past, I was a really evolutionistic person. When I was investigating the constellations, the stars, and all of these ancient sites, especially what we call wakas and temples, my mind was changing. I was thinking, “What happened to these people? What are the resets of all the cultures of the world? What happened to the Egyptians? What happened to people from India from the ancient temples? What happened with the Mayas? The histories of all of these people are inside. Why does nobody pay attention to the history, for example, of the Mahabharata?” Especially in Peru and the Occidental cultures, nobody pays attention when they say, “10,000, 15,000, or 30,000 years ago, they were worse.”
It doesn't mean anything because we can't comprehend it with our lifespans of only being 100 years and the history that we're told. It's hard for people to even imagine there could have been life, civilizations, and thriving technologies that are way more advanced than what we have now.
Our ancestors also talk about ancient gods. The ancient gods had powers who were ruling then. This history could be real, especially in Nazca. When you go to Nazca, you are able to see lots of vitrification on the stones. Over there, there was probably an ancient world because in Nazca where the famous lines were, I found lots of symbology similar to the civilization of India. It was similar to the civilization of Mesopotamia. There is a lot of parallelism, especially the gods. I found Shiva. I found the god that we call Kon here. Especially the dead gods have similar parallelism. I thought, “Why similar?” It could have been possible that the earth a long time ago was only one and then the earth was split. Who knows?
Peru: Lots of symbology is parallel in different civilizations. It is possible the Earth was once whole and then split apart.
I had somebody on my show. We made a deep dive into Indian ancient civilizations. He was talking about how in the Mahabharata and many different ancient texts, they said if you take the globe and put a hole right through India going through inner Earth and everything, you come out on the other side and it's Peru. There could be these ancient tunneling systems or technologies that people use to get through to the other side as well as shared technologies, shared culture, and a lot of shared knowledge.
Another symbol I found is the trident. Especially on the coast of Peru on a mountain, it is facing the ocean. It is facing the West. Also, I found this trident in the symbol of the sun disk of the Incas, especially in the front. All of this symbology is not like the people believe. It's something else.
In the town square in Cusco, you have the statue. Is that Viracocha with the trident?
No. There is another symbol for Viracocha. It’s the snake and the puma together. This is the Milky Way. It is like the sun in the center and the Milky Way around. Some people and archaeologists don't understand because they don't have an open mind and they don't care about the symbology. The snake was destroyed in our culture because, for the Catholic religion, the snake was a devil. That's why they destroyed all of the evidence of the snake. Even in Puno, there is 1 portal or 1 gate that is called Aramu Muru, but the real name is not Aramu Muru. It’s Amaru Muru. From that, you are able to see somebody was even changing the names of the sites. That’s why we lost our ancient knowledge here also, but we are recording and learning again.
Peru: We lost our ancient knowledge, but we are recovering and learning again.
The Tunnels Of Cusco
One of the things I want to talk to you about is the tunnels that we went to in Cusco, especially when we went to Zona X. You took us down these massive tunnels. We only went a few feet down. Tell us a little bit about what you know about them. These things go down through the entire cities into Cusco. What were they there for? Have you ever gone all the way down? Do you know anyone who has traveled further down? It was quite incredible to see and very scary as well.
Since I was a little boy, when we went to Cusco, we always were able to listen to the histories of the people of Cusco, especially of our fathers and grandfathers. They were talking about chincanas. Chincanas are ancient caves. They told us that the chincanas are where the Incas were fixing gold and trying to escape the Spanish. Also, there are many histories of lots of Spanish priests and lots of people who were trying to look for the Inca gold. They were inside the caves of Cusco City.
In the ‘70s, one of the main entrances to the underground of Cusco was closed. There are two special gates. One of the gates is in Coricancha, the temple of the sun in the center of Cusco City. The other one is in the upper part of Sacsayhuaman. There is a huge rock called Chincana Grande over there. The priests and also the municipality of Cusco use explosions. They used dynamite to close the entrance to the chincana because lots of people used to go under the chincanas looking for gold.
These special chincanas, we don't know why they are over there. In 2007 and 2010, some investigators from Russia came using georadars to investigate whether this was true or not. Finally, they were using the georadars at the top of Sacsayhuaman and found that it's a big system of lots of caves under Cusco City. That's the proof that everything that was made by the Incas was made before in the past.
Jésus Gamarra said the real history of the Bible is not in Mesopotamia. He said that in his book called Parawayso. In the Bible, that is the description of the rivers where it could be the paradise between the river and something else. He described that as paradise. Jésus Gamarra said the writers of the Bible used those names but they got different names because some parts of the Bible, especially inside of Exodus, are copies of Mesopotamian lands. The Bible is not ancient like Mesopotamia. Probably the Mesopotamians got an idea of one ancient paradise also and they wrote about that. They wrote to all the humans that we work together in one big building, especially to become gods.
Jésus Gamarra said that Sacsayhuaman megaliths in Cusco that are about 3,600 meters above sea level are not at sea level. The symbology of this is like the three snakes. In the center, there are 2 big towers and 12 lines facing the wall. According to Jésus Gamarra, the real name of Sacsayhuaman is not Sacsayhuaman. It's Etemanenki, the first real, original power of Babel but was destroyed and displaced. That’s why it is possible to see the evidence around Sacsayhuaman of big destruction. You are able to see huge rocks of probably 500 tons that are in opposite ways.
Jésus Gamarra said that all of these ancient lands, for example, Poseida, Atlantis, Parawayso, Paradise, Olympia, and lots of ancient cities, were Cusco. Another proof is Peru with lots of gold. It is a place of gold. When the Spanish came to Cusco, the roof, animals, and everything was made of gold. Not only was it one kind of gold. It was different kinds of gold until 25 kilowatts.
There were many kinds of goals. Jésus Gamarra said that's the proof of the Incas. They were the herederos. They got the touch of Atlantis. That's the reason they knew how to make different kinds of gold. Normal archaeology doesn't say that. They say the Incas only knew stones or simple things. They never wrote about the gold because the Spanish took all the gold from Peru. They don't wear gold. They took everything shiny. We lost the majority of the evidence.
They had complete knowledge of metallurgy but also manipulating rock. Without the technology that they must have had that was so much more advanced, how were they able to lift 700 to 800-ton stones? You said a lot of times, they brought it from the other side of the mountain, so they had to bring it over the mountain to bring it to the other side. It’s wild to think about how they were able to do this.
Incas were trying to copy the ancient Atlantis, one of his temples. When they were trying to do this with 20,000 people, there is a history that 1 of these big megaliths collapsed and killed 3,000 people. The Incas said, “That’s enough. We don't want to copy the ancient buildings.” This is in books. Especially in Peru, this history comes from Mariátegui.
Mystical Experiences At Ancient Sites
That’s unbelievable. Have you had any mystical experiences at any of these ancient sites that expanded your own spiritual insights?
To know why Machu Picchu is this symbol, one day, to be honest, I was praying in my house. At 3:00 PM, I was reading the Bible, to be honest, and then fell asleep. I had a very deep vision. I consider this a vision. I don't consider it a normal dream. Three angels came to me. Three angels took me to Machu Picchu. What I see here, “What is here?” The three angels took me to the front of the Machu Picchu mountain. I saw the three angles and they were shining like fire.
I was watching the sky and then this symbol was coming from the sky. It was a purple color. I said, “Why is this symbol Machu Picchu?” I was thinking in my dream, “I don't understand why Machu Picchu could be this symbol.” In the constellations and all of the symbology, I found this is true. This symbol is the mouth of Machu Picchu, especially of Huayna Picchu.
When I climbed the mountain, I meditated on the top. I was in the temple of the sun after my meditation. I saw lots of windows. Through these windows, I saw all the cultures of the world. I saw the Indians. I saw the Romans. I saw the Egyptians. I saw ancient cultures. It was one rock facing the sky. I was watching the sky, and one more time, this symbol was coming down.
I don't know why I happened to have these kinds of dreams, but these are real dreams and real visions that I have. I am not inventing these kinds of symbology or these kinds of visions. That was what was coming to me. I was losing my faith, but when I was thinking about this symbol in my dreams and also in my visions, it returned all the time to be balanced in our lives.
Peru: In all my dreams and my visions, it was always about balance.
That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. Do you leave any room for the theory of extraterrestrials having an impact on these ancient civilizations? What is your feeling? Anyone else that you follow or you respect their work, do they talk about it?
There are lots of believers, especially in Peru, of extraterrestrials. It's easy to understand why because there are different kinds of mummies, especially in caves. If you see mummies, they look very different than the humans. It is easy to say they are extraterrestrials. To be honest, I was looking for that also. I was working at night in the mountains. I saw only lights trying to connect probably with us but I never was able to see one extraterrestrial in my front, to be honest. I have one book. It’s called Yachay: The Sacred Ideology of the Incas. They say to the Viracocha Rumas and Wari Rumas in this book that they are extraterrestrials. I don't know why they say that, but over there, I was reading that history.
Learnings From The Recent Expedition
That’s very interesting. Based on this last trip that we went on, we had 60 people. Robert Edward Grant led the expedition along with you and a Cusco native. Did you learn anything new? Did you have any discoveries that really blew your mind with the energy of this particular group?
Yes. It was a very big learning, especially for everybody and also Robert. For me, it was an impact. Robert was talking also about Orion. I said, “Wow.” When I was watching the conference, I was not listening to all of the ancient sites and also the rocks. I was learning a lot about it and was also focused on the rocks. I saw lots of symbols from Lemuria and also from Atlantis. Robert was able to see. Everybody has different skills. Everybody's special. The only thing we have to know is to discover.
Peru: Everybody has different skills and is special. The only thing we have to know is to discover.
Even when we did the circle, to be honest, I felt energy without anything when we joined together. I said in my mind, “I will do it with the group to learn.” I was listening to what Robert was saying and what everybody was saying. I held hands and I felt the energy coming through everyone. After I had touched everybody, my energy was still shaking my hands. Since that time, I have learned that the spiritual world and also the energy is the real history of our planet. Probably lots of our histories were manipulated to lose these kinds of beliefs.
Peru: The real history of our planet, probably lots of our histories as well, was manipulated to lose the ancient wisdom or spiritual beliefs.
Especially going to a lot of these sites, they all hold a memory. When you have an elevated conscious group of people going there and connecting with that same frequency, so many of these discoveries came about for us because we were really respecting the land, asking for permission to enter these sites, and coming in with pure energy. It was very palatable.
I had some deep spiritual experiences being in the land alone, meditating in some of the caves, doing om, and feeling the beauty of this place and how these ancient people from many years ago built this but they also built it knowing that many years down the road, some other people are going to come and find it and connect with it. They did it out of love as well. That's one of the things I got when I went to Egypt as well. When they built these beautiful hieroglyphs, these temples, and everything, they made it with such love. You feel it when you go to these sites. It was the same thing I felt in Peru as well.
It's a pilgrimage to go to these ancient places around the earth and feel the ancient temples, like the Shiva temple, the Kari Krishna temple, Egyptian temples, and also temples in Jerusalem, Nepal, the Mayas, the Stonehenge, and Peru. They are a pilgrimage. For me, all of these rocks that are split around the world are places where we have to return to, remember our ancient memories, and remember who we really are, why we are here, and what kind of mission we have here. Probably one day, we’ll go little by little. Hopefully, God grants it. In May 2025, I am going to Easter Island. I say to always be humble. If people have the possibility, they should go to these ancient temples to remember and to have one beautiful reason to live here.
Peru: If people have the opportunity, they should visit ancient temples to find a beautiful reason to live.
All these ancient sites are places where we must return to remember our ancient memories, who we truly are, why we're here, and what our mission is.
Engaging With And Respecting The Sacred Sites
It gives you so much perspective on life. It's a remembrance. I truly believe that I've been to these places before, not in this life, but in previous lifetimes. It felt like a homecoming to not only connect with the people that were in the group but also to step foot in this home of mine that I used to have. For anyone who is looking to visit or is a tourist, how can you suggest they can authentically engage with these sites and also have true respect for the sites as well?
The most important thing for a group is respect, an open mind, and an open heart. With humbleness, you will always find the gods because all of these places have gods. They have people who are watching the ancient temples and are able to share with you. You have to call with your heart with humbleness and they come to you. It could be the more simple person. It doesn't matter how they look. Sometimes, people always look at how a person looks. They don't care about the simple people, to be honest.
Peru: Ancient sites demand real investigators with a good heart.
For me, it was always these kinds of people who were listening to everybody. Even the rustical people know more things than us. When I went to ancient places, they were always receiving me with love and sharing new symbols. They’re like, “Look at that. Watch that.” They teach you. My next destination one day and my dream is to go to the Shiva Temple and also Nepal. I am thinking of taking my father there also. In my life, to be honest, I was there. I was a priest there in that temple. That's why I have a big connection with Kari Krishna and also with Buddha. I don't know why.
The heart tells you. Speaking of that, the entryway to any amazing experience in life is when you have an open heart. Our minds can be the biggest block in our lives and the heart can be the biggest opener. That's one thing. I was lucky enough to have an experience with ayahuasca, this great medicine, from Peru years ago. It showed me that if you're living in your heart, then every single door opens to you. The minute you start closing it, then that's when you're going to run into trouble in life.
That's the reason. When I was learning all of these things, I was learning the real simple life. Life is so simple. I see everybody the same, in my case. I see everyone the same and I respect everybody the same.
Peru: Real life is so simple. I see and respect everybody the same.
Archaeological Exploration In Peru
That’s beautiful. If you had the opportunity to put resources into any type of discoveries or archaeological sites, what's something that you would like to see being done in Peru? Are there any specific places that you're like, “If we can go inside this place or have access to this, or dig here, I feel that the next mystery is going to be unlocked.”
In Peru, there are 220,000 sites. Every site you go to, you can see different things. For example, I am going to Chavin. I found in the book of Mr. Jésus Gamara that this is a great building. I am going there to recognize new symbology and new things and to feel a connection, especially with this site. The ancient legends of Greece talk about Chavin, especially of the person Medusa and Prometheus. I am looking for parallelism in this kind of symbology because I saw all of the symbols in Chavin and they really look similar to the gods from Greece and different gods from Egypt. I think of the feline people.
Rumi’s Purpose On Earth
Why do you think you came here to earth as Rumi? What did you want to experience?
When I was young, life, to be honest, was hard for me. It was not easy. When life is hard, you learn more. In your life, you have different things to prove. When you pass, you are able to say, “You are stronger little by little.” To be honest, I am here because I have a mission. My mission is to remember the people we should return to and our connection with Mother Earth and with Father.
Peru: When life is hard, you learn more.
I listen to everybody. My mission is to show the constellation and the symbology. I have these skills to recognize the symbols, recognize the energy, and connect with the spiritual work. I was talking with Robert. The other energy is following me in dreams. They are trying to scare me all the time through dreams. I know it very well because since I was a little boy, I always had bad dreams. I also sometimes had good dreams, especially of connections with God.
I got a different mystical experience. I passed the cancer test with my father. I climbed the mountain when my father was with cancer. I prayed to the mountain while facing the constellations and the sun. That's the reason. We are here for something. We have a reason for living. We don't have to be scared of death. People in life are always scared of death.
Peru: We are here for a reason and we have a reason to live. We do not have to fear death.
It's a war control because people are scared too much of death. In all the news they are making, it is always to scare people. When you turn on the television, you see lots of crimes and lots of horrible things. You say in your mind, “That’s horrible. We are like animals. We are like monkeys. We shouldn’t be like that. Why should we live?” I don't believe anymore in God. There are lots of dead people. Lots of children are dying. I believe God is very different from all the histories they tell about Him. I believe God is in us and His energy. I am discovering little by little.
To be honest, I don't know what I know. I am still humble because I'm learning. I'm not able to say, “I know.” I am in the way. Hopefully, one day, I will be able to give peace to the people, give love to the people, and teach them to love. We are here to love. That's the reason there are dogs over there and there are cats living close to us. I am a father. When you see your child, you remember how beautiful the world is and you have a reason for living. To keep the faith that this world will change one day and everybody will live in peace, for me, is my faith. It is to teach people to live in peace together. There is no fighting between each other.
Peru: God, with His energy, is in us.
You are an incredible soul. You are such a beautiful soul. We were so inspired by you. The whole time, everybody talked about how much they love you. We were so blessed to have you with us on that tour. How can we learn more about you? If anyone reading wants to explore Peru with you, what is the best way to get in touch?
You can find me on Instagram if you want to do the tour. My Instagram is @PeruMegaitico if you want to make a connection. I do this for my mission. You can contact me. Thank you for that.
Peru: Keep the faith in this world that we will change one day, and everybody will live for peace.
Thank you so much for coming on. It was such a pleasure to recap our trip and be around your energy again. I'm looking forward to next time bringing my family and my son who's nine months old to explore Peru. We're going to reach out to you to take us around.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you very much for this moment. Hopefully, I will help people to live. I see God, to be honest, in the order of the universe. I don't have to see many books, but when I see the stars, the sun, the moon, Venus, the water, and the earth, I see God over there. I see He is caring for us every day.
It’s all in perfect alignment. All of whatever God produces is never struggling to survive. Everything is running exactly the way it needs to be. The one lesson for humanity is we need to get more in touch with nature and with God and life will be effortless. We cause too many problems for ourselves as a human species. We're bombarded by fear, and that’s what’s ruling the planet.
As we start individually becoming more like Christ and like Buddha, we open our hearts to each other, we look at everybody as a mirror, and we start finding love and loving ourselves. Truly, it starts with that. We then start changing that and we can start promoting love everywhere we go because we're full of it and we're overflowing with it.
I was thinking that I don't know what is going to happen in the future but we should be like Buddha. We should be like Jesus Christ. That’s it. This is the point.
Thank you so much.
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About Rumi Llakta Alegria
Inspired by his father’s work as a stone mason and witnessing firsthand the advanced technology to shape the ancient megalyths by the original builders, Rumi Llakta Alegria dedicates his life to finding all the puzzle pieces to this mysterious story and bringing them together to show the world just how magical his home land is.
His first name Rumi Llakta, means “City of Stone” in Quechua. He is a seasoned tour guide and explorer with 17 years of experience in Peru’s megalithic sites, and his mission. With expertise in the secrets of these archaeological sites, he’s adept at reading stones and is well-versed in the lesser-known field of archaeoastronomy in this region.