Episode 84: Sitara Fe On The Power Of Spiritual Awakening And Authentic Living
If we are limitless beings with the ability to tap into our psychic gifts, why aren’t we accessing our divine birthright? In this episode of the Limitless One Podcast, my guest and soul sister, Sitara Fe, shares how spiritual awakening not only makes this possible but also provides the blueprint to access our own cosmic connection.
Sitara Fe is the soul name of Samantha Fegert, marking her shift into a new resonance and heightened visions that have powerfully intensified her meditative transmissions. Her journey began nearly a decade ago, in her early 20s, when Sitara felt called to explore life beyond the surface. This desire to answer life's 'unanswerable' questions led her to deep soulful discovery and healing, ultimately earning her recognition as a Top 5 Female Psychic and Medium in the U.S. by the American Federation of Psychics and Mediums at the age of 28.
Choosing this path saved her life from a cycle of numbing coping mechanisms born from unresolved pain. Today, Sitara celebrates her freedom in all aspects and teaches others how to liberate themselves.
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Sitara Fe On The Power Of Spiritual Awakening And Authentic Living
If we are all limitless beings with the ability to tap into our psychic gifts, then why aren’t we accessing our divine birthright? On this episode of the show, my guest and soul sister, Sitara Fe, shares how it is not only possible but also instructs us on the blueprint to access our own cosmic connection. Sitara Fe is the sole name of Samantha Fegert. This shift into her soul name is creating new resonance and heightened visions that have powerfully intensified the effectiveness of meditative transmissions.
This journey began years ago in her early twenties. Sitara knew there had to be more than life than what was in front of her. Her desire to answer some of life’s unanswerable questions led her to the path of a deep soulful journey and healing to become ranked a Top 5 Female Psychic and Medium in the United States by the American Federation of Psychics and Mediums by the age of 28. Choosing this path saved her life from a list of numbing coping mechanisms developed by unresolved pain. She celebrates freedom in all aspects and has chosen to teach others how to liberate themselves.
Sitara Fe, welcome to the show. How are you?
I’m doing well. It’s such an honor to be here. Thank you.
You are such a special soul. I got to experience Peru with you on a trip. It was ten days. There was so much magic happening on the trip, especially on the ancient sites. I got to witness firsthand and see your skills, the magic that you’re able to create, and the portals that you’re able to open. I’m blown away by the experience and I can’t wait to unpack it all with you here.
I’m really looking forward to it. This is going to be a beneficial conversation on so many levels.
Power Of Integration And Experiences In Peru
We did a group integration call. There were 60 people there. You said that only 15% of the integration has happened so far. There’s probably a lot more that you’re uncovering. Can you tell us a little bit about what you meant by you were able to integrate 15% of everything that you experienced?
For the last few years, I started getting these insights that it was going to be important for me to travel to various sacred sites around the world and activate them and talk about them. Much of what we know about these sacred sites has been researched by the tangible third-dimensional understanding and trying to do research. I’ve always known that that’s not where the information is. The information is in the quantum field. The information is in the magic of these sites. The information is in the portals that we can open when we know what we’re doing. I believe that there are a lot of us who have participated in creating these sites on a soul level at a different time and we know how they work.
When I got the invitation from Robert Grant to go on this journey, it was an immediate yes. My whole body was like, “That’s the next move.” To be able to explore what I’ve been seeing in my own vision for several years and explore it not with 5 or 6 people or a handful of people as I usually do around the world secretly and silently by myself but do it with such a large group, it expanded the bandwidth of what I ever thought I was necessarily capable of doing. It showed me this internal strength within me that I always knew was there but I didn’t necessarily have an opportunity to put it into action specifically in that way.
Granted, I was there for ten days before the retreat, having my own journeys and my own experiences. I went to Intihuatana with a dear friend, clearly a star sister of mine, before the retreat, doing the ten-day retreat and then staying in Peru. I led a light language masterclass with 200 people after that, which was a whole other nervous system expander and capabilities expander.
Coming back home, it has been a little bit bumpy. It’s not too terrible but it’s been a little bit bumpy to re-acclimate. It’s interesting because it’s not necessarily that there has been the necessity of an ego death and a deeper level of acceptance of what I’m here to do and recognizing that there’s a different brevity to it than what I had been aware of before that entire experience.
I’m better. I’m probably 35% to 40% and it has been a few days so that’s good news. That number is an arbitrary number, but to me, it was representative of how much of what happened in the quantum field, the etheric reality, and also in the bandwidth of my physical body. It’s like my mind was catching up. The integration is the mind really understanding and digesting the totality of what happened. There were so many different levels and layers of my own internal experience that it took time.
How do you pull the ocean through a straw? It’s one sip at a time.
That’s a perfect analogy. It’s baby steps.
Defining A Limitless Life
Before we really dive deep into this, let me ask you this. What does living a limitless life mean to you?
For me, it means fully seeing what I’m made of. I woke up when I was 22 or 23 years old. I’ve been doing this work as a professional psychic for the entire of my adult life. There has always been this internal desire and drive to see what I’m capable of doing. I want to rev all the engines. I want to push all the envelopes off the table. I want to find where all the limits are.
I did not even want to be that seeker. It was naturally embedded within me. To live limitless, to me, is not necessarily an external concept. It’s more of where the limits are that I’ve created within myself, and who knows how they were ever created? It’s to be able to dissolve them into the expansion of my own heart consciousness and my own heart’s expression of what that means.
The more that you dive into this work, what is the theme that keeps going back to you? The more you see yourself, what do you see? If you see the puzzle pieces all coming together, what is the ultimate, or is there not an ultimate to it?
It’s surrender. How willing are you to surrender? How willing are you to allow any idea or perception that you have control of anything? How willing am I internally to dissolve any concept of self for the greater good? That’s aligned with the Bodhisattva vow, which is to reincarnate until every soul has walked through the imaginary finish line of enlightenment. It’s like stepping into the new earth. The totality of souls has evolved into a space where we are living in harmony.
It’s never-ending. It’s always evolving. I don’t think there has been a month since I woke up that I haven’t had to meet myself at the edge of surrender again and again. In some ways, it gets easier because of the benefits on the other side of surrendering, allowing the ego death, allowing the perception of self, and allowing the illusion of control to dissolve. There’s still always that edge of tension, the edge of anxiety, and the edge of like, “Do I really want to let go of control again?” The control itself is such an illusion.
I talked about this in an Instagram live that I did. I was talking about when we tune into the core of our hearts’ knowing, there’s a different quality of faith. It’s not faith that everything’s going to work out, but at the same time, it is. The way that I like to see that also is that our higher self has a bird’s eye view of what our limited mind cannot see. It’s how much we are willing to allow our mind to dissolve the idea of where we think we’re going to allow this higher purpose, higher intention, higher frequency, higher calling, higher timeline, or whatever it is to be able to step onto that. Oftentimes, that means that we have to let go of some sort of perception of reality that we may have attached ourselves to emotionally. Around every corner or every bend, there’s another edge of thrilling surrender.
Spiritual Awakening: Your higher self has a bird's-eye view of what your limited mind cannot see. Trust it.
That is so powerful. I love the fact that you said our higher self knows and has a bird’s eye view. It’s never going to abandon you. It’s always got your back. It’s always putting you in the right place at the right time for your soul to expand. Every time, there’s that hesitation of stepping out of the comfort zone. Magic is only increased in your life when you do the hard things that your soul tells you to do. You’re moving forward in it. You’re never disappointed by stepping outside of the known.
I talk about that a little bit because one of the first courses I ever created was trusting your intuition. One of the things that I noticed with people is that they would have an experience with their intuition that would lead them into a painful experience. They’re like, “My intuition led me to a painful experience.” It devalues the trust that we have in our intuition because we’re like, “That hurt.” We’re like, “If I grip onto the reins or grip onto the steering wheel and I know that I, the mentally go at consciousness, am driving this ship around, then I know what’s going to happen.” We lean onto that predictability in our lives and assume that’s the best or the greatest path that we have available for us.
Ultimately, even if our intuition leads us into a painful experience, sometimes that painful experience is meant to be because it loosens the pickle jar in some sort of way to allow the opening that needs to happen. If we stop at step one and we go, “My intuition led me into this,” but it led to a painful experience, we have this knee-jerk reaction to go back into the illusion of control. We’ve missed the point. What will end up happening is that you’ll keep having that lesson again until the understanding of faith, the ultimate surrender, and the choice of no choice, becomes fully embodied.
There’s one other thing that I want to add to this as well that I share with my students a lot. It is that your future self is your inner being is your higher self. There is no separation between the idea of who you are internally, who you are in the future, and who you are in the higher aspect of your being and your awareness.
Once we can grasp that our future self is in a constant feedback loop with our inner being that’s giving us pings like, “Go to this coffee shop. Call this person. Go to this website,” or whatever that is, we recognize that our inner being is this beacon system that is leading us onto our higher path and it is our choice to choose to activate our action in alignment with that or not.
It’s not something we can snap a finger at. It does take trial and error. It is a muscle that gets built. That connection to self and that trust in your inner world takes place after you see it reinforced enough times. I do believe that that is what starts breaking down the systemic programming that says, “Your imagination isn’t real. Don’t trust your intuition. Logic and rationale is superior intelligence.” There’s a lot that we all have to do to break down that programming.
Understanding Higher Self Communication
For somebody who’s starting on this path, how does one tell the difference between higher self-communication and ego?
In my experience, higher self-communication comes from somewhere inside of your body. It’s usually your heart. It’s usually your gut. It’s usually some type of internal feeling or sense. If we have anxiety about something, anxiety is usually an indicator that something’s off. It’s not that we want to turn the anxiety down. It’s that there’s something in the system that’s screaming, whether it’s, “Don’t go that way,” or maybe it’s a trauma point or something like that. Ultimately, our body is like an antenna of this navigation system.
There has been a lot of information that has been placed onto us that we have either consensually or non-consensually chosen to swallow which disconnects us from the power of our own body, which is believing that we are not capable of healing ourselves. That’s the big one. Our body wants to always be in a state of harmonious homeostasis.
I do believe that our body has the intelligence within it already built in to reconcile and rebalance whatever is an imbalance. The illusion or the idea that we are not capable of healing ourselves as individuals is one of the biggest lies that has been brought unto us. That’s another big part of the deprogramming.
There’s a fine line between intuition and something bringing you into a trauma bond situation. That's the most obvious when we look at it in a relationship. This trauma bond situation is your intuition leading you into a lesson, and that lesson is beneficial even if it hurts. I’ve often said that pain is our greatest teacher. When we lean into the pain, the pain has wisdom for us. The pain has information for us.
Spiritual Awakening: Pain is our greatest teacher. When we lean into the pain, it has wisdom and information for us.
We know that suffering is grace. Do we have to go through suffering to ascend? To a certain degree, yes because the dissolve of the ego or the ego deaths that we go through to understand that we are ascended beings incarnate and form. The delineation of this process happens for us in a step-by-step way, there’s a way for us to be able to meet it with grace.
To be able to check in, “Did that thought come from my mind? Was that thought something I heard from somebody else? Was that somebody else’s input? Did that thought come from within my body?” does take a little bit of practice to be able to discern where the thoughts or the information are coming from. It takes precision and self-awareness.
Silent meditation is the best barometer for learning how to listen to how your body is communicating with you. Many of us are so unbelievably disconnected from our bodies. This is a little bit of a vulnerable share. Even when I was in my early twenties and I was on birth control, I was drinking quite a bit at that stage in my life. I would still be surprised by my cycle coming because of how disconnected I was from my own body. The reconnection takes some time, some willingness, some hard pills to swallow, and some uncomfortable mirrors that we have to look in to see ourselves more clearly and where we have self-abandoned. For whatever reason, we have self-abandoned. That’s a long-winded answer for a beginner, but it is what it is.
Continually stripping away the layers of the onion until we get to our truth, which is stillness and nothingness. It is going into that quantum field where everything is potential and everything is possible but understanding we are living in all different dimensions, the dimensions of no space and no time all the way down to this 3D reality.
If we could compress and deal with all of these dimensions at once and we are walking step by step with each of these, that’s when we know we’re on the right path. Synchronicities are a big tell for us. When we see all these synchronicities come into our lives, we know that the direction that we’re in is the right one. Can you tell us a little bit about your background of how you discovered your psychic abilities and the decisions you made to step into that?
Absolutely. There are a few parts to this one. I was born with these abilities. I was born as a highly sensitive child. I’m also a manifester in human design. I was raised by three generators. I say that because my parents split. I have a stepmom, dad, and then my mother. In a lot of ways, I don’t think they knew what to do with me. I don’t think they knew how to handle me.
There was a lot of deep existential reflection even when I was very young. Even at 7 or 8 years old, I remember these potent thoughts coming through. This world was so intense for me that the first time I wanted to check out or that I wanted to get out of my body, I was about eight years old. I remember I was planning how to take myself out. I was on my bed and I was having this moment of misery. I remember hearing, “If it wasn’t you, it was somebody else.” It was this awareness that I had volunteered in some way to be here and I needed to see through whatever these experiences were.
It wasn’t until I was getting my degree in psychology and taking a transpersonal psychology class that I was reading Dr. Brian Weiss’ book, Same Soul, Many Bodies. He talks about how if we can do past life regression, then we can do future life progression. That future life progression, there was a concept in there that helped me understand the timelessness of our existence. I had this dawning realization at that time that what happened at that moment when I was 7 or 8 years old was a message from a guide, a guardian, or a being that was there in support of me having these really big emotions in this little body and not knowing how to navigate it.
The first time I saw beings, I was nine years old. I was afraid to sleep in my bedroom because there were two men in my room. My parents were like, “What are you talking about?” I was like, “I can see them clear as day. They’re in my room. I can’t sleep in this bedroom.” I got in a lot of trouble that night, so it taught me to shut my abilities down.
There were times when I was in high school and I’d go to high school parties and see someone’s dead relative sitting in the living room. I’m like, “That’s not supposed to be happening, but it’s happening.” It was a series of these events that I did not know how to face. I didn’t have the skills. I didn’t have the support in my life. I didn’t have the people to talk to. My answer was to drink and turn it off. That was easily one of the most futile, destructive things I could have done. It was a lot of fun. I had a blast in those years, but simultaneously, there was an extraordinary amount of pain as well.
I was working at a winery. My guests would often have big breakthroughs. This was before I even knew what a breakthrough was or what I knew what healing was. I would talk to my colleagues. I’m like, “Is this happening with you guys?” They’re like, “No. We’re telling jokes.” Everyone’s laughing and having a good time. I’m like, “There’s something going on here.”
I decided to go from that winery to finishing up my degree in psychology. It was through that period that I realized that psychology only focuses on the mind and body. It has made some progress. That was in 2011. It was disappointing for me. It was really disappointing to hear that the answer to schizophrenia was to put people on lithium and put them in a house. That was the answer and the best that they could hope for in their life. It could be multiple personality disorder. I, at 21 or 22 years old, was like, “This is clearly a spiritual ailment.” This was before I started developing my abilities. I was left wanting more. I wanted more answers.
I took a meditation class at a psychic institute. It was like jumping on a bike. I didn’t know I knew how to ride. It was like, “I get it. It’s making sense now. All of these experiences that I have in my life, all of the dots are starting to connect.” I was trained as a talk therapy counselor. I realized that what could happen in one reading with a novice psychic or a beginner psychic could take care of five years of talk therapy. That’s when I went, “I’m not going to be a therapist. I’m going to be a psychic.”
Already, my family with the psychology thing, they were like, “What are you going to do with that?” I was like, “It’s what I need to do. I need to understand why certain things in my life were the way that they were.” When I chose to step into the world of psychics, I chose to do a year-and-a-half-long psychic development program where we were in class 4 to 5 days a week for a full year rather than getting my degree in counseling because I knew that I’d be able to go back to counseling if I wanted to. After that year, I was like, “This is how I want to help people heal.” I’ve been doing this as a professional psychic ever since.
That’s amazing. If somebody has this feeling that there’s something that they’re picking up but they don’t know how to channel it correctly, what are some of the things they would look for to work with somebody, whether it’s an individual or a school, to know, “This group can help me on my path.” I’m sure there are some red flags to look out for as well.
100% there are. The biggest thing that I can say about that is the difference between a good psychic and a bad psychic is that a good psychic has done their inner work and they know themselves inside and out. The best way to understand human psychology is to understand your human psychology. That takes a lot of rigorous self-honesty and looking in some less-than-desirable mirrors of your own traits and own behavior to see the motives behind them because then, it’s easier to see them in others and easier to identify them in others.
Spiritual Awakening: The difference between a good psychic and a bad psychic is a good psychic has done their inner work.
The spiritual world has a lot of landmines, red flags and predators, and all sorts of weird stuff, for sure. One thing that you really want to watch out for is men who are trying to help women heal sexually. If you are a woman who has sexual wounding and you are trying to reconcile assaults or things that have happened in your life, start with womb clearing and working with female practitioners. Eventually, you’ll get to a point where you’re able to work with a man who has balanced themselves and is not predatory. That’s the number one thing that I see too often in the New Age field and in the New Age field of healing. There’s a lot of wounding.
The thing about coming into the healing world, the irony of it is that people are coming into the world of healing because they’re wounded. There is a lot of opportunity for people to be taken advantage of because they are in pain and they want to get out of that pain. First things first is that we can’t protect anybody. I have guns blazing and flashlights on. I am calling out some of these people publicly in some chapters of my own life because I don’t like seeing people getting taken advantage of. What it really comes down to is that the person that is choosing to participate in these healing circles, it is up to them to use their own discernment of, “Is this person in alignment with my highest and greatest good? Does that feel right and accurate?”
Here’s the thing. If you can’t see someone’s intention, it’s because you have a mirroring and matching blind spot. If you have a challenging experience with a healing practitioner, it’s usually because you need that medicine. It’s usually because you need to see that or because you put someone else’s information on a pedestal above your own and you chose to give your power to them. The lesson is that you need to learn to take your own power and be in your own state of empowerment.
What I will also say to that is that there’s false power, which we see everywhere in this world, and there’s true power. False power is taking power from other people. You see this a lot in guru circles. It’s the devotion to the teacher. It’s the, “Listen to these teachings. Do this in this way.” You’re not giving the gift of sovereignty and empowerment to the students or the people who are there finding their way into their wholeness. That’s also something to look out for. It’s that if there is any sense of devoting to something externally.
We see that a lot in religion as well. What I have to say to that is it comes to an understanding. We are the embodiments of Christ Consciousness. Meaning, we have the teachings of Christ within our own world. That’s one ascended master or one teacher that is very well known that we can look after. I was having a conversation with my grandma about this. We have the capability of embodying the exact miracles that he was performing within ourselves. That is where I see the rise of Christ Consciousness. That is through the internal empowerment of sovereignty.
If you find someone whose teachings are encouraging you to be in your own power, that’s a very good sign. If you are finding someone who is saying, “You have to do it this way. Don’t trust yourself. Trust me,” that’s a huge red flag. If there is any teacher that is in any way leading you away from your own intuition, that’s where we want to go, “What’s going on here?”
Spiritual Awakening: If any teacher is leading you away from your own intuition, that is a huge red flag.
It can get a little bit funny because we have our own projections. I’ve experienced this because I know the role that I’m playing. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve done this with my own teachers too. I’ll have a student that’s onboard and then all of a sudden, they get hit on something in their subconscious that is so deep that they’re not ready to see it. They start casting that projection onto me that I’m the problem or I’m the one that did XYZ. I’m like, “I’m continuing to be consistent and I’ll continue to be consistent because I have many other students that I’m here to be consistent for.” We have to also have the courage within ourselves to go, “That was mine.”
The beautiful thing about mentors in that way is that we’re not married to them. We haven’t created these vows of connection. There are so many embodied, ascended masters on this planet. There are so many embodied masters and teachers. You see them all over. Blessings be to social media that has given us a platform and a voice to be in our own sovereignty and be in our own empowerment. Are we still feeding into the shenanigans of what that is? Yes, but simultaneously, there’s so much benefit to it as well.
From a very young age, whenever there were these gurus out there, something told me, “Do not put all of your eggs into any one person because everybody is human.” Whether they are completely perfect or they have all the right intentions for you, the most faith you need to have is in yourself. I’ve been on this constant journey to fall deeper in love with myself, be responsible for my behavior and my thoughts, and then be my own critic but also my biggest cheerleader. I call myself on my own shit.
Plant medicine was one of my greatest teachers to get me to a place of looking in the mirror truly and seeing it without the lens in which I want to identify. It completely stripped me down. I’ve run across so many amazing mentors. I thank them for the knowledge that they embedded in me and I integrated into what I do on a daily basis. That’s the best way to do it and to go about it. Find people who want to empower you, not those who want to take away your power.
The other thing I wanted to share is during one of my ayahuasca journeys, the Christ Consciousness came to me and I had a conversation with Jesus. I saw Him in this crystalline tower. I was sitting on a stoop with Him. I’m like, “What’s up, Jesus?” He’s like, “How are you doing?” He has His robe and everything on. What He told me is that the New Age is not about one man coming back. It’s about everybody finding that Christ Consciousness is within.
The more people that can open themselves up, it’s like a wave. We all have this ability to get to that place. It’s a choice to make every decision and every thought about love, peace, and forgiveness. Those are the three messages He wanted to share with me. He said, “Everything else, take it for what it is, but love, peace, and forgiveness are all I want to embark on you. If you can master those three things, then that’s the Christ Consciousness right there within you.”
If there’s anything that I’ve learned in my life, it is that if it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive. It took me years of hearing that to really understand it. It was in times of chaos that I was so far off my center that I was not able to see the path clearly for myself and that I wasn’t able to stabilize. It was because I allowed it to happen and I allowed it to take place.
Maybe the panini, as I like to lovingly call this experience we all had to embark on, I’d like to believe that there was a collective understanding of that as well. Any bit of manipulation, any bit of disempowerment, or any bit of a person, media, or whatever it is that’s trying to contort anything that is not clear is not worth engaging in at all.
We’ve heard a lot about authenticity. The interesting thing about authenticity is that this word is getting thrown around quite a bit. There are several steps that are important to acknowledge before we even start to be able to understand authenticity. Research is showing that authenticity is a more magnetic and more powerful frequency than love. We have believed for a very long time that love is the most powerful force in the universe. I very much still believe that that is forgiveness and compassion, which is right there along with the frequency and the consciousness of peace.
Authenticity is more magnetic and has a more powerful frequency than love.
What I know about authenticity is that I have been training psychics since 2016 on a weekly basis. I have been putting myself in this field of transparency on a weekly basis for over eight years. That means if I am training psychics and I’m training people to read between the lines and see what is true underneath the facade of what may be being said or what may be being presented, then I have nothing to hide. If I were to try to hide something, then there goes my reputation, my trust, the value of honesty, and the relationships that I have.
I haven’t had a choice other than to show up completely as I am in every class. It has been a lot. Sometimes, there are days I do not want to turn the camera on. I don’t want to put it in front of my face. I don’t want to be seen. I am in my cocoon of reconstruction. I’ve learned to keep showing up because we all have these days. We’re all human. We’re all going to have those days when we don’t want to come out of the trenches of our own system to be seen and witnessed.
What I do have to say about that is when we’re talking about authenticity, what we’re talking about is what I like to call vibrational integrity. It’s not just that your thoughts match your words and your actions. It’s that the energetic intention behind every single thing that you think, every single thing that you speak, and every single thing that you do is aligned with an internal code of your own authenticity.
If you are not in that alignment of vibrational integrity, it’s felt in the field. Where we’re going into the new earth is a 5th dimensional or a 5th density. It is all telepathic. It is all energy. Energy cannot be fabricated. Those of us who are tuned in to energy can feel when something is fake. We may feel that something is off. We may not know what and we may not have the evidence but we know that something’s off.
It’s that keen sense of precision around not just what is authentic to us, but what is also authentic to our own inner being and our own higher self that is expressed through our embodiment. There’s a lot that people are still trying to hide, which is what’s keeping us from being able to be in that space of that telepathic field that is pure authentic wisdom, pure authentic grace, and pure authentic forgiveness and compassion. It’s all there. We have to be willing to expose what’s within.
Spiritual Awakening: What is authentic to our own inner being is expressed through our embodiment.
That could be the scariest thing for everybody to have every intention in alignment. Especially in the space that we’re in, a lot of people say the right things and even do the right things but the intention behind it is off. I’ve also noticed with myself, to be honest. Everything is coming from a good place but I can be a lot more authentic in my communication with my staff, my guests, and the people that come through my wellness center in terms of the whole alignment between the intentions, thoughts, words, feelings, and also results. Sometimes, I wonder why the results are not there or what I’m looking for. I have to go back to the drawing board and see, “Where’s the step that I’m skipping right now?”
We’ve been bamboozled with so much fake crap. We have to take responsibility for our own addiction to consumerism, even though it maybe was not a part of something that we’re like, “I’m going to choose to be stuck in this material world and Gucci, Fendi, Prada,” or whatever that is. I had an experience where I got into a situation where I had trusted the wrong people for too long and I couldn’t get myself out of it. I had to surrender and see it through.
There’s a lot that I can share about this experience, but I ended up with $100,000 in debt after working with these people for 5 months. This was after I had already made about $500,000 in my late 20s running my own business and running masterminds and that sort of thing. One was that there was a lot of my own, “If I put myself in the center of the universe, what is in this for me?” There was a lot of my own shadow around the American consumerism, greed, and hustle culture.
I am programmed. I am here to help teach wealth and abundance. For me to have this experience of being $100,000 in debt, and this took place over the course of the pandemic, I was trudging up a landside. I was using social media to grow my business. My accounts got completely shut down. I couldn’t get out of it.
What was really interesting was that I realized that I was the happiest and most fulfilled I had ever been in my life sitting on the beach with a ripped sarong, drinking a $1 coconut, and surrounded by the most beautiful people. I was looking around being like, “We are in the new earth.” I can’t tell you how many moments there are of me living in Bali for those two and a half years during the pandemic where I was like, “We are living in the new earth.” We felt it. We knew it. It was conscious. We knew what we were doing. It was interesting because Bali was like an incubator for a lot of masters. We all knew it and we were all from all over the world. It was a really powerful experience. What’s interesting about it was that that experience gave me this almost indifferent immunity to it.
When I went from Bali to Dubai, I was working on these high-level crypto projects in Dubai in a completely different culture. I like to jokingly say that I was chanting barefoot in the jungle for two and a half years and then I went into this world of like, “What is real?” We’re talking about the metaverse. We’re talking about crypto. There’s plastic surgery everywhere. There are men who are talking about who knows what. You’re like, “Who can I trust?” That was the biggest question I had in Dubai. It was, “Who can I trust?” Whereas in Bali, I was surrounded by people that I knew I could trust at the drop of a dime. It was this really interesting reflection of what matters.
What I have continued to come back to what matters and what is shifting us into a new earth is deep true love. It’s the kind of deep, true love that holds the container for all of our own inner woundings of where we have blocked ourselves from feeling love to be brought to the surface, be reconciled, be seen, be appreciated, and be held in whatever that life experience has been by our divine partner. There is an inner union, 100% sure. It is also reflected in the external union of that true divine love and the true divine family blueprint.
That’s what I continue to see. Left, right, and center, the messages that I keep getting is that is what is bringing us into the new earth. I also believe that that is why so much of relationships, casual hookup culture, and binge drinking have been so unbelievably encouraged through media programming, BS reality TV shows, and all of this stuff that has. Let’s say 20 to 25. Pick an age gap. If you ask them if they believe in true love, what is the common answer going to be?
There was a study done on this. Most of the young generation do not believe in love and marriage. W With all the abundance of apps, dating, and this kind of stuff, it’s insane. Also, the way they’ve been programmed through society and culture when all the options are there is, “Why would you settle down and have a true relationship?” They don’t understand how deep the love can be. They think love is having a lot of money, hooking up with a lot of people, and rinse and repeat, but that doesn’t bring you any happiness in the end.
It’s so empty. I’ve been consciously detoxing from viral programming and systemic beliefs. The one thing that I see as the most detrimental to the evolution of human consciousness is that piece right there. Our younger generations have fallen out of the belief that true love exists. That, to me, is the biggest fracture in the evolution of how we’re stepping into the new earth. It is our responsibility as older generations to buck up, do our inner work, and be able to start bringing that true love. It’s a blueprint and a frequency. It starts with the self and then it is mirrored externally and mirrored in the family unit.
Spiritual Awakening: It is the older generation’s responsibility to do the inner work and start bringing true love. It is a blueprint mirrored externally in the family.
I came from a family where my parents got married because they were pregnant with me. They got divorced pretty soon after. I never experienced a cohesive family. There was yours, mine, ours, steps, and haves. I am a poster child for the modern-day American family. I have five siblings and I’m the only product of my parents.
Simultaneously, I do feel that my stepmom was soul-destined to be my stepmom as well as my sisters. We were soul-destined to be a family together. I don’t even necessarily think that it’s one of these things that, “If divorce has been present,” or, “If there has been breakups.” I don’t believe that that is not reconcilable. I do very much believe that it is reconcilable. I do believe that it is part of the divine plan in the sense that we are living in a lifetime where things have been so incredibly sped up that we don’t have to go through this one lifetime at a time with one partner.
Let’s say we have 5 lifetimes where we were with 5 different partners and the karmic cycles haven’t ended with them. In this lifetime, we have these 5 super deep karmic patterns that we have with these partners but it’s happening in 1 lifetime because we’re in this experience where the quickening has arrived. We’re living in the age of prophecy, so some of us have to get on that wheel of karma and find that point of forgiveness to wrap up those loose ends. As a psychic, I have seen that quite a bit.
I don’t necessarily have this shame of the disintegration of a relationship. I also believe that each of our partners in that sense carry a specific encoding that is designed to help us meet ourselves in a deeper way if we allow it. The distortion that’s happening, and I’ll speak to the United States because I know it the best, is that people are not taking responsibility for their healing, not taking responsibility for what their role has been in the dissolution of the relationship, and not owning up to the lessons that are there for them to help them grow and evolve. That’s where stepping into healing communities, men’s circles, women’s circles, and that sort of thing is extraordinarily beneficial and can help exponentially.
That is so true. I realized my life took off after I stopped blaming others for whatever happened in the past in terms of relationships and stuff. After an ayahuasca experience, and this was my first Ayahuasca experience, I had a life in review. Afterward, I spent six months reaching out to family members, ex-girlfriends, ex-fiance, and all these people and apologized, forgave, and said, “I wish you love. I wish you the best.” I truly felt it.
After that, my allergies went away, I had asthma and skin issues. We’re carrying all this burden of these feelings and emotions that are unresolved. I had to go through an experience like ayahuasca but at any moment, we have the ability to let go of all the shit that we’ve been trying to carry around with us, and it can happen very quickly if we allow it to. Understand that you’re only doing it for yourself to move forward without having all these burdens on you.
I made a reel specifically talking about forgiveness. Forgiveness, in its most simple form, is simply, “I let you off.” It’s letting go of the tug-of-war rope. We are holding that bit of resentment, that bit of anger, and the resistance because we’re like, “They owe me something,” when in reality, nobody owes any of us anything at all except maybe we owe ourselves the freedom of holding onto that pain. I see forgiveness as the letting go of the tug of war. We want to do all these cord-cutting ceremonies and we have to get them out of our field. They’re like, “It’s so intense.” I’m like, “You are the one holding it.”
Spiritual Awakening: Forgiveness is letting go of the tug-of-war rope.
If you feel that you owe an apology, then that’s a beautiful thing as well because it clears the intensity. If we go through and cut all these chords but we’re not integrating the lessons of what our responsibility was or what the gold nuggets were there for us, then I feel like we’re doing ourselves a huge disservice on our own path of ascension, which is taking the responsibility for the role that we played. Maybe sometimes, that role is that we stuck around too long and that we owe ourselves an apology.
It’s forgiveness for ourselves and taking full responsibility. Whatever people want to do, they’re going to do. You don’t have control over that. You only have control over yourself. It’s like when I play tug of war with my dog and a dog toy. I’m pulling and he’s pulling, and then all of a sudden, I let go. He’s like, “I’m done with this,” and he walks away. It’s the same concept.
Exactly. I love it.
Thank you for sharing all that. I’m sure anyone who’s reading this wants to know, “How can I take that next step?” to work with you or to understand what kind of offerings you have. A lot of my audience do have psychic abilities. They’re tinkering into it. Having someone like you to guide them is an amazing opportunity. Tell us a little bit about how you work with individuals.
I work more with groups. I started doing these three-day masterclass series that have been unbelievable. I used to do them three days in a row and it was way too much. I’d have half the attendance by day three because it was so much energy, so I ended up spacing them out. You can find them on my Instagram, which is @Sitara.Speaks, in the link in the bio.
We’ve got the Quantum Leap Immersive, Quantum Cashflow, and the Entity Clearing Masterclass. I like to think that these are beginner-level and anybody at any level can join them, but they are very strong. They’re strong meds. They are life-changing in a short period of time. I also have a membership that’s called Align. We meet twice live every month with probably about 50 live recordings. I also do business training. I’m doing quite a bit but it’s because I love every aspect.
Business training and development is where I am the most passionate because I really believe that there are so many talented lightworkers, healers, psychics, mediums, and intuitive. Choose your word. It may be creatives and even artists. Doing business development is not exactly intuitive. That is where our logic, reason, and the masculine side of us have to create that structure. It’s creating the pricing, the conversations, the marketing, and what it is that we’re doing.
That’s where I get excited because I really believe that when you are aligned with your heart’s true purpose and you start putting yourself and your offerings out into the world, it leaves no stone unturned. Any bit of your insecurities, unworthiness, people-pleasing, codependency, any bit of all of it, you get to look at it straight in the face and acknowledge what it is or where you are holding yourself back. It’s the full gambit. That is where my flagship passion is. It is in growing the soul-centered business and seeing that as our main path of growth and ascension as well.
When you are aligned with your heart’s true purpose and start putting your offerings out into the world, you will leave no stone unturned.
What is the website that they can go to to learn about these?
It’s MonadSociety.com. It’s best to find me on Instagram. I’ve got so many different keywords in the link in the bio, but MonadSociety.com is where we have most of it there.
Sacred Sites Of Peru
Everybody, check that out. The next thing I want to talk about is our trip to Peru. It was super intense. In terms of the sacred sites there, what is so significant in your mind about the sites in Peru and how they relate to everything connected in the world, the different sacred sites?
Luna nailed it in our integration call when she was talking about Egypt. She said, “Egypt’s so in your face. It’s built. It’s there. It’s undeniable.” What I really loved about Peru was speaking to the guardians that were on the land, on the site, or on the rocks themselves. With the consciousness of the stones, I felt that I was communicating to these guardians who were in Lemuria in the present moment as I was communicating to them. That, to me, was the most present and potent aspect. If I had to pick one space that was the most profound for me, it was the Zone X caves. I was lucky to be able to spend a few days there. I don’t even have the words. You were there for the Hathor activation that we did in the cave.
Let’s tell everybody what it is. We stayed in Cusco and we did day trips to all the different areas locally in Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytombo. Zone X is part of Sacsayhuaman. You go to Zone X and it’s like you’re on Mars, which is crazy, or a different planet. You go to these sites and all of a sudden, you start seeing these little openings in the rocks. We followed these openings and there were tunnels.
There are massive tunnels that go very, very far down. Our tour guide, Rumi, was like, “I’m going to take you guys twenty feet. I’m not going any further because if my light goes off, then we’re stuck. We can’t find our way back.” These tunnels go through the entire city of Cusco. Imagine how much effort it was to create all of these tunnels miles away from Cusco, and yet they’re traversing each other.
One thing I’ll share is, and I haven’t shared this before but I told you guys on the trip, is that a couple of days before I left for Peru, there was this lady. She’s an 80-year-old lady. She came into my wellness center. Immediately, I could tell she was from Peru. She has that Peruvian shaman woman look. She was telling me that her great-grandfather found a tunnel. I’ve never heard that there were tunnels anywhere over there. This was years ago. He went down this tunnel and had to take a ladder and rope. He went all the way down, miles deep, and found these civilizations that were living there.
Whether you want to believe it or not, this is what she told me. She said he ran into these beings, these giant redheaded people and these wisdom keepers. They gave him a golden book and it had all these healing codes in it for healing humanity. He ended up giving it to his daughter who is this lady’s grandmother. She became a shaman or a healer for her whole life. The daughter of this lady ended up having multiple extraterrestrial encounters. This lady that I met documented all of it with pictures, drawings, and all this kind of stuff.
That’s how I learned about the tunnels only a couple of days before. This synchronicity was like, “What are the odds of this lady coming to my center a couple of days before coming here?” It turned my whole activation on. I get there, and then on day three, we’re going to this place that has all these tunnels. I’m like, “Maybe we’re going to open up some portal here.”
You say, “What are the odds?” I would say the odds are pretty high. How many synchronicities did we see? The double rainbow above the Dragon Head Mountain after Ñaupa Iglesia in Ollantaytambo. Did that sentence even sound real? The things that we were seeing and experiencing were beyond in the sense that you can’t make it up, nor would you even want to.
If you tried to write the script, would it even be that miraculous, magical, and beautiful as we allowed our hearts to be so open together to explore these mysteries? That was the beautiful thing about the group experience. It was the openness and the curiosity that we were all in together. To be with people in that state of curiosity and even childlike play to be running and jumping on these jungle gym-type rock temples was so much fun. I feel like it compounded the magic that we were able to co-create and experience together that we get to share and the ripple effect to all those that are also open to hearing about it as well.
Spiritual Awakening: It is miraculous and magical to allow our hearts to be open together in exploring the mysteries of life.
It was like a bunch of children running around these sites with the chicken with their head cut off, like, “We’re seeing this.” We then see these other people walking around, the regular tourists. I want to go up to them and shake them. I’m like, “Do you not see what’s happening here? Do you not see how they cut these rocks with razor-sharp edges? Do you not see these thrones and these elephants in the rock? How can you not have your mind blown like ours?” We’re those crazy people.
I love that you brought this up because this is a really important piece to how we are understanding the integration into the new earth and what we’re doing there. It’s that we were at these sites. We were in a group bubble, so to speak. We knew when there were people that were aligned to our bubble. Maybe it’s 1 or 2 here or 1 or 2 there.
I experienced this when I walked into Telos in Mount Shasta in Pluto’s Cave. I was very aware that I was walking into another dimension of awareness, like frequency. I could feel it. It was almost like an energy barrier in front of me. When I would feel it, I would pause, open my heart, and ask permission to walk into that space. I could tell that I was elevating in a field. Simultaneously, there was a woman that was next to me and I could tell that she was not. She was three feet away from me, not far at all, but I could tell that I was in a completely different state of consciousness.
That’s what is so interesting about this new earth that we’re shifting into because that’s how it is. It’s that we will have one person that is fully embodied in 3D, limited in their perception of reality, and limited in their perception of what they’re capable of and what we’re here to do standing next to someone that’s vibrating in a fifth-dimensional consciousness, Christ Consciousness, that has activated their multidimensional self and multidimensional awareness. These two people can be standing side by side and experiencing two completely different worlds.
That’s something that’s really important to emphasize because there was a point in my journey where I was so perplexed as to how people could not see me. I’m almost six feet tall. I’m not an easily missable character. I remember there were times when I was in LA and I was in these very important conference room-boardroom meetings. I would talk to people who were in those meetings not that long after, like a month or so after, and they had no idea I was even in the room. I was like, “How was that happening?” I chalked it up as the male-female thing. They didn’t see me because I was a female in the male room. It dawned on me later that I was like, “They couldn’t see me.” There’s something that’s interesting to be said about that when we start shifting into that consciousness.
I see it every day in life. Everything is perception. There’s nothing wrong with somebody who’s not there yet or somebody who can see everything. Everybody chooses their path, and I truly believe we choose it before we even come here. For those who want to keep exploring the magic of life, then every single door is going to be open to them as they move. If people want to stay in a 3D reality and learn the lessons that they need to, their soul chose it and there’s nothing wrong with it. You said the Bodhisattva experience is when you want to wait for everybody to seek enlightenment before you stop reincarnating. I don’t know if I’m that patient.
I have no way to prove this, but I had this awareness because I remember volunteering. I remember being in a space with other beings. There were twelve of us in this space. It was a light pink, beautiful rose gold, orange space. There were twelve consciousnesses. We were energy beings, not even form at all. I remember we were in a circle and we were waiting. There was this opportunity that came up from the bottom of the space that we were in. It was almost like it came up on a podium. I remember stepping forward and saying, “I’ll take that one.”
The day that I had that experience and that came through for me, and I’m still tearing up about it, I cried for three days straight because I was pissed. I was so mad that I was the one responsible for coming into this world, coming onto this planet, and having this super-dense experience. I’ve been doing this since I was in my early twenties. I had a pretty rough experience. I have loving parents, and all of that is great and not anything we need to go into. Having the awareness of choosing to come here to be in this density and level of even my mind forgiving my soul and my soul also nourishing my mind to let my mind know that it’s okay and me, myself, and I came here for a very specific reason. It was after three days of crying that I snapped out of it. I’ve been mission-oriented and mission-focused ever since.
There was something interesting about that too because I had this awareness several years ago that I feel like I volunteered for 3 pack and that I’m on my 1st life. I feel like I volunteered for three lifetimes. I don’t go all the way back. When I leave my body eventually, my soul will go into interim space to come in round two. I have no way to prove that other than it’s a feeling that I have. It has helped me to lean back, get a little bit more comfortable, and not put as much pressure on myself on what I need to do here in this world or this reality. There’s no way that I’d be able to prove the accuracy of what that is but there is something in that knowing that has helped me to roll my sleeves up a little bit and get into the messiness of this world.
For a lot of us, a part of our own spiritual awakening is the desire to become enlightened. That desire, that chase, and that exploration to become enlightened pulls us out of this human experience. Our soul is already completely there. We came into this world and this reality to roll our sleeves up, get in the mud, experience what we came here to experience, have our hearts broken, rise in love, learn the lessons, and understand grief and loss. That's the beauty of what is here for us. Can we experience those moments of bliss and enlightenment in our form? I do believe more so every day the more that we lean into what this human journey and human experience is all about.
Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual awakening is our desire to become enlightened. It pulls us out of this human experience to find our soul is already there.
There was an awareness that I had because I realized I was sabotaging my relationship space. I was sabotaging my desire to have a family. I was sabotaging my business. I was sabotaging all of this because I did not want to make ties and agreements that would keep me here. I was like, “If I don’t make any ties and I don’t make any agreements, then I can get out as soon as possible.”
I’ve said this a couple of times now, but the intensity of being this sensitive in this world can be a lot. That’s where I have a lot of compassion for people who turn to drugs and alcohol to try to numb because I understand the intensity of that level of sensitivity of not wanting to feel and wanting to check out. My way of doing that was like, “I’m going to disconnect.”
That’s when my guardians had a bit of what I call a Come to Jesus meeting with me and were like, “This is going to be over in the blink of an eye. Your lifetime is like a drop in the bucket in comparison to what else is out there. It goes by so fast at the end of the day. It’s almost fleeting but it’s also so important and matters so much simultaneously. You’ve got to get in. Put yourself in the ring.” What they showed me was a mud pit. They were like, “You got to get in and get dirty. Embrace this.” There was a massive shift for me that happened. That was also right around the time that I changed my name from Samantha to Sitara, which was a whole other ego-death experience. There was a lot in that two-month period.
That resonates so deeply with me. Let me tell you what happened to me. I was in a sound bath breathwork. This was in 2012 or 2013, something like that. I had a very similar experience to you. I come to awareness. I’m in the circular room with a bunch of flat-screen TVs, these circular screens. People’s lives are flashing throughout. I’m with these tall, luminous beings. They’re my guides along this way.
They bring me into this room. It was a blue room or something. They said, “You have to choose a life now. These are the different options.” They were going so fast.” He was like, “You have to make a decision quickly. We have ten seconds for you before the next person comes up.” I’m looking, and then all of a sudden, I see my parents. I’m like, “I should go there.” He’s like, “Run.” I’m running and I dive into the screen. I come out the other side. It was so clear, this vision that I had. I was waking up from it and I’m like, “Holy shit.” That was more real than anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s similar to your story so I know I’m not crazy for imagining that.
You’re not crazy. I’ve met some crazy ones. You’re not one of them. That’s beautiful. Have you ever seen the Pixar movie Soul?
No, but everyone tells me to watch it.
It’s similar to what you experienced. As a medium, I speak to baby beings. These are beings that are ready to incarnate and form. I speak to loved ones that have passed that are on the other side, guardians beings, entities, the whole thing. Once you step into it, it’s all of it. I was really impressed with that movie and the research that they must have done to be able to depict it. From my perspective, I felt that it was very accurate. It was playful and cartoony like a kid’s movie-type deal but I did feel that there was a lot of accuracy to it in a beautiful way.
I wanted to get back to the Peru chat. We were talking about tunnels back in the day. We were in Zone X. There were a few of us inside of this one tunnel. I forget if there was a name for it. All of a sudden, I started OMing in there. I don’t know what happened in terms of time or whatever but then all of a sudden, I hear Patricia, one of the people on our trip, and a few others, and then you come and sit down. All of a sudden, I see you getting your phone out and you start recording. We were in it.
I did ask if you wanted to go before we were about to turn the place into a spaceship.
I was in between worlds. It was almost like, “Everybody’s here for the ceremony. We’re starting now.” We went for it. Can you walk us through what you saw and what you did? You were doing a lot of the activations. All I was doing was OMng and holding space. I was the only guy in there with six other women who were chanting these beautiful hymns. I don’t even know how else to describe it. Let me hear from your perspective what happened.
My heart is beating so much and I don’t even know why. It was such a powerful moment. I felt like going in there because we saw the Hathor cow and the Hathor Omega symbol on the rocks in that particular tunnel. When I started channeling my light language, I played this like, “Cosmic, are you my mother?” for a little bit. I’m like, “Is it Palladian? Is it Syrian? Is it Arturian?” I couldn’t quite figure it out.
I asked Spirit to guide me to insights and they led me to Tom Kenyon’s website on the Hathor material. I read through a bit of that biography and it was chills rolling through my body. I have a very strong connection to Hathor. A lot of her abilities are abilities that I have, some of my strongest ones. Ever since I started channeling my codes, I had a clear connection.
When we saw that, that’s when I went, “This is where I want to be. I want to see what’s going to happen here.” It felt right and natural. We went in there, a small group. I didn’t want to make a fuss about it because we were doing so many transmissions with the whole group and there was a lot of energy to maintain and hold. I felt at that moment that there was this perfect synchronization of who was there.
I also had a potent experience that I feel is notable because I know that this had an influence on what happened. We were at the Viracocha face carving. I had put my hands on the walls on both sides. I’ve had a lot of my Lemurian past live memories start coming online since I was in Dubai. I had the first one in Dubai that was groundbreaking for me. This time, it was over and over again. That’s how I felt like I was able to connect with the guardians because I was speaking their language, and because they heard me speaking their language, they opened up and shared a lot of information with me.
I had this experience before where I was witnessing. I was a spirit in the room of a temple ceremony that was going on in Lemuria. There were twelve initiates. There was a heart above them, and this heart was beating. They were transmitting their information and their energy to this heart. That was the seeding of this information to humanity from that point in time. Do we have a timeline of when that was? Could we say it was many years before, even earlier, happening now, or happening in the future? It’s to be debated.
Who knows? Maybe it’s all of the above, right?
Yeah. What was interesting was that I was having this awareness that I, in this here, now, present time body, was in that temple space as a guardian in the energy of the field that was connecting to that heart. I started transmitting the information saying, “We’re here and we’re receiving this information. Your intentions, your prayers, and what you’re doing in this ceremony have worked.”
I started to see this heart that was beaming, and when I say heart, it’s an anatomical human heart. It went from this red-blackish color to where it started beating more to this golden orb. It started glowing. This is within a matter of five minutes. I have it recorded. It’s one of the transmissions that I recorded. I’m witnessing and I’m saying, “Thank you for allowing me to be a voice for sharing this information. I’m holding it to the utmost respect and in deep graciousness for this experience.” All of a sudden, that heart came out of that vision, hit me in the chest, and absorbed my whole being.
It was after that I had to have Cheryl hold my hand because I was like, “I’m having trouble walking. This is so much.” It was right after that experience that we walked into that space where Rumi was bringing people into the cave. I’d already been down there from the other time that we went. I went into this space where the Hathor encoding was. You were there. Patricia was there. Carrie was there. I know that there were a few other people that were out there listening. At that point, my eyes were closed.
My intention was to continue to activate the connection of our heart’s consciousness, the entirety of our being there simply saying that we were in union with the timelines and that we were there to harmonize and zip these timelines together. It was so that we could bring the wisdom of the ancients into this here and now to support the evolution of humanity and the evolution of the embodiment of the new earth.
Spiritual Awakening: We could bring the wisdom of the ancients into the here and now to support the evolution of humanity and the embodiment of the new earth.
What I saw there was my desire to activate all of those who were there listening and bring your soul encoding online to connect to heart-centered awareness. What started happening was I felt that everyone was harmonizing so much because we’d probably done it before. Everyone that was in there felt familiar to me before the retreat even started. It was like, “There’s a soul connection happening here. We know what to do, whether our mind knows what to do or not, we know what to do.”
What ended up happening was that the energy in this space started getting so light that I started to see full pure white light and plasmic energy. I was like, “I don’t want to be responsible for everyone disappearing into a spaceship.” As soon as that plasma energy started coming in, it was like, “Let’s oscillate. Let’s bring it in. Let’s allow it to come into our field. Also, let’s start taking the elevator down because there are 70 other people here.” It was that, but it was such a heightened peak experience and such a potent moment. What was also very interesting after that was that about ten minutes later, another one of the gals was activated in her light language.
Carrie, right?
Yeah. She started speaking it right after. To me, that was a massive celebration. People ask me a lot, “How do we learn to speak light language?” The thing is, you don’t learn it. It’s not something that your egoic mind can necessarily choose. It’s something that’s activated within you. I believe that it’s activated within us when our mental egoic consciousness is able to hold the brevity and the information of what it is with respect in this world.
In a lot of ways, even psychic abilities can be very exploited. There’s an immunity to light language and an immunity to light codes in the same way that Mount Shasta protects itself. I’ve been in these caves before. These barriers of energy allowed me to walk into Telos. I was like, “How was I able to walk into Telos?” I didn’t even know that Telos existed when people have been spending their whole lives trying to get into it. It’s an integrity piece of such deep reverence, deep respect, and deep honoring of the information that these places hold. When those codes within us are truly and authentically aligned, that is when we have the key codes to access that information.
To me, when people start channeling their light language, it’s such a massive celebration. It’s like, “We got one more.” I also had that experience with two other sisters of mine here in my hometown. We were in a cuddle puddle thing and I started channeling the codes. I could see that their hearts were open to it and I could feel the information of what I experienced in Peru pouring through my heart and then into their hearts. They both started channeling light language next to me.
Spiritual Awakening: When people start channeling their light language, it is a massive celebration.
They had their codes come through intermittently here and there. Sometimes, that’s possible, but it doesn’t become fully integrated with the system until our system allows it. That’s the piece of the dissolution of the ego. It’s not the dissolution of the ego in the sense that the ego is a bad thing. It’s the dissolution of the egoic identity that doesn’t even necessarily believe that light language exists. There’s a massive paradigm shift that has to happen in order to be able to hold the reality that our soul has an ancient language embedded within us already that comes innate with our human experience.
It is tuning into the right frequency. Once you find the right channel, all of a sudden what’s within you is always meant for you. You’re able to access it. One of the things I’ll mention is when I was going through these sites, I had these visions of these beings that created all these sites. I had these visions of meticulousness, precision, and the amount of volume and mass that they had to move these rocks over mountains. There was so much intention and so much love involved. I had this vision of them at the end. When everything was said and done and these beautiful sites were created, they looked at the site, smiled, and said, “One day, our people will find us. They will come back, they will see it, and they’ll be activated.” That’s what I was getting, the whole sense.
We talked about in the integration call that timelines were being shifted. It’s not from an ego place like, “We shifted the world’s timeline,” or whatever, but individually in our own lives and perhaps for the collective. There was only one group that was working inside of Peru on that level in terms of consciousness at that time and that place in each one of the sites. I feel very special for being involved in this whole group.
The other thing is when we were in that cave, we talked about it after the experiences. It was a beautiful experience, but then we also felt this almost exhale of this heavy energy. I felt like it was the burp coming out of the cave saying, “I’ve been holding onto whatever I’m holding onto. You guys sang to us in this cave and you’re cleansing the air.”
It was almost like an air exchange. We’re sending this beautiful love frequency into it as well as this honoring and gratitude for this place and the people who created it. All of a sudden, the darkness came out of it, whatever it was holding onto. That’s what I felt. It was almost like this jolting energy that came through.
It was intense.
What was that?
It was an entity, it was a being. It was a being that was living in the cave. Maybe not trapped, but living in the cave. I started clearing entities when I was 22 years old for myself through my own consciousness. This has been a part of my wheelhouse of understanding for a long time. That energy did have a darker consciousness, it did have a bit of a mal-intent. What I mean by mal-intent is that if you feel the presence of something and it evokes a sense of fear, then it is one of those that is a mal-intent kind of thing.
One of the things that were really interesting in that and something that I want to share is whenever we come across these consciousnesses, I hear a lot of people say that they don’t want to develop their mediumship abilities because they’re afraid of what they might see. The thing that I have to say to that is because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. You might as well be aware of its presence and know what to do with it.
Spiritual Awakening: Many people do not want to develop their mediumship abilities because of fear of what they might see. Just because you do not see does not mean it is not there.
What I’ve experienced is that 99 times out of 100 of the beings that I’ve helped people clear from their own consciousness, their own homes, their own experiences from haunted houses, and the whole thing is that they’re looking for a way back home. They’re looking for a way back to the light. In a lot of ways, they’re misguided or lost. That’s where the manipulation factor comes into play because they’re trying to operate at that lower level of consciousness that got them stuck in the first place.
With that, it was another opportunity to simply open that rainbow bridge and allow that being to cross. That is one of the natural abilities that I do have, which is being able to cross earth's bounds and being able to communicate with these lost spirits or misguided spirits that are causing or creating harm to human beings and walking them back home.
In terms of the rest of the Peru trip, what was your personal takeaway? You facilitated for 60 people at a time. These are people who have done a lot of work, have worked on their shadows, and come in with a lot of amazing energy. What was your feeling like when you were helping facilitate and activating for such a large group?
It was really intense. This was something that I kept trying to explain to Robert. I had a hard time when we were holding hands. The reason that I had a really hard time when we were holding hands, and especially doing the cycle of energy, is that part of the way my abilities work is that I have this encoding that gives me access to the collective pulse. If I’m doing a one-to-one reading, I’m connecting with the higher self of the person that I’m reading which gives me access to the information that I share and hold that mirror back to them of what they want to hear from themselves.
In that space, I could feel what everyone was feeling and I could feel what everyone was thinking. It may not have been very specific to each individual person, but I could feel it in my own system. It was the actual clearing out of what was not mine. It was everybody else’s energy, emotions, and all of that. That part was a bit challenging for me because usually, I would have a rest period after these to recenter and recharge. I didn’t feel that I necessarily had that. It was an extraordinary amount of input, acceleration, and processing. In a lot of ways, it was easily one of the most beautiful blessings and opportunities of my life to be in that space with people.
The other interesting thing, to be very transparent about it, was that I know that a lot of people came there to be with Robert and Robert’s teachings. Robert’s teachings are very different from mine. I know that there were a lot of people who were maybe not expecting and not as prepared for the level of depth that we were able to go to in that divine union with the divine feminine. That was an honor to be with, witness, and experience.
If that opportunity does ever present itself again in my world in whatever way that shows up, I would have to make more time for my own personal rest and integration to be able to show up more fully because, by the end of it, I was running on fumes a bit. That was my own internal, personal experience with what that was like.
Simultaneously, I feel a deeper and more beautiful connection with Gaia. We talked about shifting the timelines. There is zero doubt in my mind that because of the intention of the group and because of the intention of everyone that was there, which was clearly a soul family, soul union, and soul group type of experience, we were able to tap into the mainframe of the collective.
One of my favorite quotes from Abraham Hicks is that one person connected to Source is more powerful than millions who are not. The fact that we had 60 to 70 of us there at any given time with the collective intention to connect our bodies’ source through ourselves into Gaia and the heartbeat of that connection, there is zero doubt for me that we did tap into the mainframe and that we did have a significant influence on the evolution of humanity.
Spiritual Awakening: One person connected to the source is more powerful than millions who are not.
I know that we won’t always be able to see or experience the potency of that ripple effect, but I 100% know that we were all far more powerful and far stronger together than any one of us on an individual basis would have been. All and all, I learned a lot. I learned a lot about my own capabilities. I learned a lot of my own balancing. I learned a lot more about how I can show up more fully to harmonize and support the greater good in an even more beautiful and harmonious way.
I agree. Everybody brought their lifetime of medicine that they wanted to share. Everybody gave their part. They’re such incredible souls. You look at their faces and you’re like, “This soul is very familiar and all love.” We’ve been there so many times together. I had this experience with so many people. We’ve had conversations like, “We’ve spent lifetimes together as friends and workers.” It was amazing to see. You don’t see that every day in society.
When I go to my business and I’m talking to clients and stuff like that, I build connections with people. From minute one, you’re sitting at a table and you could open up your entire heart and your entire life story and people will support you with love and honor. That was a very magical experience. I’m so glad I could make this happen and you were a part of it. I’m sure that’s not the last time we’re going to be looking at ancient sites together. To wrap it up, why do you think you came here to planet Earth as Sitara Fe?
I came here, for sure, to facilitate as many awakenings as possible. That continues to show up. The how continues to evolve. I know that I’m here to help turn the lights on in people. When I first saw that, I had this funny vision. It was me in Lara Croft's gear. I used to wear motorcycle boots and a black leather jacket. I had straight hair and black eyeliner. It was black on black.
I had this vision where I was at the bottom of the floor level of Noah’s ark, this massive ship, being like, “Are you coming? Are you on? Are you off?” I was helping people choose, “Are you choosing the new earth or are you going to stay?” I had this awareness at a very early age that not everyone is coming with us. An evolution that people have in their awakening is that we don’t get to choose. We don’t get to choose for other people.
The most beautiful thing that we can do, going back to 1 person standing in the 3D reality and 1 person standing in five D, is that the more that we have choosing to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness, the more people we have choosing to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness. It’s like a permission slip that’s happening. That’s why we’re seeing more people waking up in the last few years. It’s because we’ve reached this crescendo of this great awakening that is allowing more people to hold hands as we walk in this way. I’m here to help with the sorting.
What is your understanding of what God is?
God is the omnipresent being that lives at the core of all sentient beings.
Closing Activation For Soul Alignment
That’s beautiful. To end, is there anything that you wanted to channel? Any light language or closing activation that you’d like to do for us?
Let’s go ahead and close our eyes, allowing that root chakra connection down to the center of Gaia and taking a moment to feel her heartbeat within yours, the graciousness and the gratitude of that connection. You are simply allowing yourself a moment to connect into the center of your own heart that is allowing for the graciousness of your true divinity to shine through.
You are activating the inner knowing of your life’s purpose, your ultimate reason for being, and allowing that to work as a magnet to call in our soul family and our soul brothers and sisters that bring us into that full harmonization and impurity of the embodiment of our true consciousness. I am taking a moment to bow gratitude for this beautiful opportunity. Thank you. As we go forth, maybe integrate the healing and the lessons received with courage, self-love, and compassion. A little mini transmission here is very much in love and very much complete.
Thank you so much. I love you very much. I appreciate you coming on.
Thank you so much. Love to you as well. The first moment I saw you in that funny restaurant, I was like, “That one.” It’s so good. It’s such an honor to meet and know you again here in this world.
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About Sitara Fe
Sitara Fe is the soul name of Samantha Fegert. This shift into her soul name is creating new resonance and heightened visions that has powerfully intensified the effectiveness of meditative transmissions.
This journey began almost 10 years ago in her early 20s. Sitara knew there had to be more to life than what was in front of her. Her desire to answer some of life's 'unanswerable' questions lead her to the path of deep soulful discovery and healing to being ranked a Top 5 Female Psychic and Medium in the US by the American Federation of Psychics and Mediums by the age of 28.
Choosing this path saved her life from a list of numbing coping mechanisms developed by unresolved pain. Today she celebrates her FREEDOM in all aspects and has chosen to teach others how to liberate themselves.