Episode 43: Healing Lyme Disease: From Being Wheelchair-Bound To Living Vibrantly With Mike Irizarry


The most common vector-borne disease in the US, Lyme disease can cause a wide range of infection - including rash, fever, arthritis, and even paralysis - when left untreated. However, it doesn’t have to be a sentence for lifelong dis-ease. Through alternative treatments, there is tremendous hope and potential cures out there. Do you know anyone suffering from Lyme disease? Our guest is on a personal mission to heal himself, and we are blessed to hear his story about seeing over 40 doctors and healers to finally meet the one that helped him through his ailment. Leaning into his faith, family, and his God-given abilities to heal himself through various modalities, Mike Irizarry went from being in a wheelchair and unable to speak just two years ago, to living a vibrant and inspirational life today.

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Healing Lyme Disease: From Being Wheelchair-Bound To Living Vibrantly With Mike Irizarry

Do you know anyone suffering from Lyme disease? Did you also know that through alternative treatments, there is tremendous hope and potential cures out there? Lyme is not a sentence for lifelong disease. Our guest is on a personal mission to heal himself and we are blessed to learn about his story. We want to welcome to the show an inspirational soul, Mike Irizarry. Mike was healthy for most of his life or at least he thought he was. Mike was athletic and played sports throughout his high school years.

Right before he got sick with Lyme, he was well into the process of becoming a law enforcement officer in New Jersey while having a great position working for a technology company. Seemingly, he was on top of the world as things were going well for him and his family. Suddenly, without any warning, sickness struck unexpectedly in 2018. Little did he know that the next couple of years would be the darkest moments of his life, where eventually, he became bedridden.

Mike was eventually diagnosed with Lyme in 2019 after multiple failed attempts to find answers for his mystery symptoms that over 30 doctors could not figure out. After many failed attempts in seeking treatment that worked, he was also eventually led and guided to natural medicine and the wonderful healing it provided him in rebalancing his entire health and life. Mike has his life back and continues to educate himself on health and wellness.


Welcome to the show, Mike. How are you?

I'm doing great. Thank you so much for allowing me to come on your show to share my story and hopefully give other people hope.

I met you at House of Flavor in Bayonne. It's a vegan plant-based restaurant with an amazing vibe and energy. Every time I go there with my buddy, Eric, who probably will be on the show eventually, we always meet the most amazing people. As soon as I walk in, you're already talking to Eric, who’s waiting for me. Eric's like, “You got to hear Mike’s story.”

When I listened to it, it's funny because you were telling me about how you went through this whole journey. One of my good friends, Ashish, was diagnosed the day before with Lyme disease and a little bit of arthritis, and he was down. It was the perfect synchronicity of the universe bringing us all together so I could introduce you to Ashish and then have your story be told on the show. I’m grateful to you. Your energy is amazing. I'm glad that we're getting to have this conversation.

Lyme Disease: Lyme attacks the neurological system. It can get you in a mental institute if it gets bad and left undiagnosed.

Lyme Disease: Lyme attacks the neurological system. It can get you in a mental institute if it gets bad and left undiagnosed.

It's funny because that day, I wasn't supposed to go into House of Flavor. It was a last-minute thing. By the way, that's my go-to spot in Bayonne. Awesome people and staff. I always come across awesome people in there and interesting conversations. I spoke with Ashish and it was awesome how that all worked out. I walked in there and I didn't think I was going to run into Eric. Eric introduced me and you and then you led me to Ashish.

It's all divine connections. Mike, before we get into this, let me ask you a question. What does living a limitless life mean to you?

To me, living a limitless life is living a life not controlled by fear. It’s living a life where you have dreams, goals, and you're going to do what it takes to obtain those things and enjoying life. Sometimes, we can look at life as if we have tomorrow promised and we don't. In my personal opinion, it wasn't until I dealt with sickness and I saw how fragile people are. Now that I'm on the other side of that, living a limitless life means not living in fear, enjoying life, enjoying the beautiful relationships that God brings into your life, and embracing those relationships. It’s going after your goals, your desires, and appreciating life in itself. Life is beautiful.

In my opinion, all of that summed up into one is what living a limitless life for me is. I joined jiu-jitsu. I always wanted to do that but I always let fear stop me. If it wasn't for me going through my sickness, now I’m saying, “Life is short. Let me go and try those things that I always wanted to try.” Living a limitless life is not letting fear hold you back and appreciating the gift of life that God has given us.

We live here on Earth and fear is a big part of that. We have to understand what our relationship is to that fear. Does it motivate us to say, “There are things out there. Are we going to play small and not expand ourselves and grow mentally, physically, and spiritually? Are we going to use that as motivation to live the best life that we can?”

In society, there's so much fear being thrown at us on every level. What are we going to do with that fear? In jiu-jitsu, you're using other people's momentum to move aside and use their brute force against them. Are we taking that fear? Are we letting it smack us in the face? Are we moving to the side and let it go by and then show the world how powerful we are? We're all sovereign and loving beings that have infinite potential.

That’s why I started this show. It’s to interview amazing people that had some adversity in life that they're such shining examples of how to overcome fear and live with purpose and live in their hearts. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you got to this place. Who were you before you started this journey? Who are you now?

A little bit about myself, I was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey. It's considered North New Jersey right outside of Manhattan, maybe 10 to 15 minutes off the path. I was raised by a single mother. I have two sisters. I grew up at least I thought I was healthy. I never had issues at the doctor. I played sports. I stood in this area for most of my life. Now I reside in Bayonne, Hudson County.

I've always been healthy. I started working at 14 or 15, handing out flyers in downtown Jersey City for a local gym. I've always been an active person. I was never somebody who was out of shape for the most part. I'm married and I have two daughters. I love being a father and a husband. It has changed me as a person for the better. I'm a big family person.

Before, I was never into health, to be honest with you. I never cared what I ate. I was somebody who likes fast food, Friday nights at Ward and Dominoes. If the wife is running late from work, we’re going to stop and get Burger King on the way home. I would consider my life your average American diet and playing sports. It wasn't until 2018, all of that took a twist and the unexpected happened.

Tell us a little bit about 2018. What happens to you?

In 2018, I was working for a technology company. I'm a technician. I fixed office equipment. A little bit of IT work is involved with that. In 2018, everything was going well. I had an awesome job. I was married, had two daughters, and was enjoying life. I was also in the process of becoming a law enforcement officer. I took the test that year or two years prior.

They contacted me and they took my name off the state list and they wanted to start me in the process to eventually get hired. I was excited. I'm like, “This is awesome. This is my childhood dream. I always wanted to be a cop.” Finally, this opportunity is presenting itself and I was excited. I was thinking for the best. I thought 2018 was going to be a year that a lot of my dreams were going to be fulfilled.

In the summer of 2018, I started experiencing mild symptoms. Looking back at it, it was a lot of symptoms that I brushed off. I thought, “Maybe I'm out of shape. I'm not working out as much.” I ignored it. One of those symptoms is shortness of breath. I noticed that doing simple tasks was taking the air out of me, as simple as being home and laughing with my family. If we were joking around and I was laughing, I felt like I was getting winded quick, which wasn't normal for me.

I was getting a ton of skipped heartbeats. I had leg pain, migraines, dizziness, and off-balance. It seemed like I couldn't walk straight and had a lot of vertigo. One of the major symptoms that struck me that something was wrong is they found that my ejection fraction was low. The ejection fraction is the pumping ability of the heart. A healthy ejection fraction should be 65 or up. They found my ejection fraction was at 44%.

The symptoms continued to add. To be honest with you, there were many symptoms that I can't even remember all of them. That's how many symptoms were happening. In 2018, I started having symptoms and I said, “Something is wrong.” I made an appointment with my physician. He did regular traditional bloodwork and he didn't see anything wrong. He did say that my cholesterol was slightly elevated, which I was like, “That's my diet because I was eating horribly.” He told me to change my diet. He quickly prescribed medication to lower my cholesterol.

Lyme Disease: Lyme disease doesn't come by itself. It brings other tick-borne illnesses along with it.

Lyme Disease: Lyme disease doesn't come by itself. It brings other tick-borne illnesses along with it.

I started doing that. I started changing my diet around. My symptoms weren't going away. As a matter of fact, they were getting worse. I'm like, “Something is definitely wrong.” I felt there was something wrong with my heart. I went back again and I said, “Doc, something is wrong. I don't feel right. I feel sick. I'm not making this up.” He ran some more bloodwork. He did a traditional Western blot test, which checks for Lyme and that came out negative.

He ordered an echocardiogram, which is a sonogram of the heart. When I went back for the follow-up, his exact words to me were, “You need to see a cardiologist right away.” Here I am, I'm 27, 28, and I'm like, “Why do I need to see a cardiologist?” He didn't want to tell me at the moment. He said, “See a cardiologist. They specialize in the heart. They’ll explain to you what's going on.”

That night I did something that sometimes doesn't benefit you. I started Googling and researching stuff. I'm over here diagnosing myself. When you research low ejection fraction, that signs for heart failure. Automatically, I start thinking, “Something is wrong with my heart. I'm only 28. I have two daughters and a wife. What the heck is going on?”

I followed his instructions. I made an appointment with a cardiologist. I couldn't see him for about 2 to 3 weeks. In the meantime, I got super sick. I had a hard time walking. The shortness of breath was increasing. I ended up going to the hospital multiple times. Every time, they discharged me and told me they couldn't find anything wrong. What I did was while I was waiting to see this cardiologist, another doctor put me on Entresto, which is a heart failure medication to try to get the pumping of the heart to work a little bit more efficiently while I wait. That tore me up. I got worse.

Finally, I had an appointment with the cardiologist. He had me do a stress test and that came out normal. He ordered something called a MUGA scan, which is a more thorough test that gets a better look at the heart and the pumping ability. That came out and it showed that my pumping was 64. He's like, “Your heart is good. There's nothing wrong. The echo shows that but it could have been a viral infection that hit your heart and now your heart is recovering.” I'm like, “Okay.”

I didn't have an explanation for the whole list of symptoms I was experiencing. At that point, I'm like, “What do I do? My doctors told me everything was good. The cardiologists cleared me regardless of me having a low ejection fraction and putting heart failure medication. I'm going to find answers. Something is wrong.” With my job as a technician, I'm technical. If I see something wrong, I tell myself right away, “Something has to be causing that.”

I'm not a doctor but when I looked at the echocardiogram and I was researching everything, I saw that my heart was inflamed. I saw that my EF shouldn't be going up and down. Having a mechanical mind, I started troubleshooting my body. It sounds crazy but that's how I think. As a technician, I fix things. It wasn't making sense. I decided that was the beginning of my search for finding answers.

I kid you not, within that timeframe of me trying to look for answers, I saw every type of specialist. I saw infectious diseases, neurologists, rheumatologists, Lyme literate doctors, and the list goes on. I saw every best health institute in New Jersey and then I started searching in New York. I said, “If the New Jersey doctors can't find what's wrong, I'm going to go to good institutes.” That's what I did. I went to Columbia University, New York-Presbyterian, Mount Sinai, and nobody could figure out what was going on.

At this point, this was the summer of 2018. We're getting to the end of the summer of 2018 and I'm getting more sick. My hands are getting clammy and pale and I can see my veins. It was scary. It was like all my veins were out. When I showed this to the doctors, they didn't seem concerned about it. I'm like, “This is not normal. How is this not a concern?” At least it wasn't normal for me. Nobody gave me answers. It wasn't until a friend of mine told me, “Mike, you might have Lyme disease. I know a friend and a family member who has had Lyme and it wasn't easily diagnosed. The tests are not 100% accurate.”

I made an appointment with another Lyme literate doctor. I went to this Lyme doctor in Jersey. They did a whole bunch of more advanced tests and I'm thinking I'm going to have answers, and every test came out negative. Her words to me were, “I can't help you.” At that point, I'm like, “This is crazy.” I felt discouraged. I'm like, “I know something is wrong. I'm doing the right thing. I'm trying to seek answers. I'm being left looking like a fool.” Twice I was told that it was all on my head. One doctor told me that if I had kept on trying to seek answers, I would end up in a mental institute. Looking back at that, that can be traumatizing. It's almost like they're looking at you like you're crazy.

I've read stories. I spoke to a guy who dealt with Lyme. He got so sick that he ended up in a mental Institute because of how bad the Lyme got. It was attacking his neurological system and it was in his brain. It was discouraging. These are professionals who, growing up, I always looked up to. I'm thinking that they're going to try to find what's going on and they're going to believe me and that wasn't the case. They looked at me like I was crazy. They told me that it was all on my head.

Lyme Disease: When an unhealthy person gets infected, these organisms wreak havoc, weaken the immune system, and take over the body literally.

Lyme Disease: When an unhealthy person gets infected, these organisms wreak havoc, weaken the immune system, and take over the body literally.

I remember one doctor I saw at Mount Sinai. This is a top doctor and he's well known. He looked at me and he pretty much told me in nice words, “You're going crazy. You don't have Lyme disease. You don't have anything else going on with you. You need to cut the crap out.” I was discouraged that I broke down crying in his office. It was embarrassing because here I am, a grown man, and I'm not getting answers. I have this doctor that’s supposed to help me and he tells me to cut the nonsense out.

I walked out of that office so discouraged. I remember that day clearly. I left the office and I felt hopeless. I was waiting outside for my Uber to come back into New Jersey. What I did was I prayed. I'm like, “Lord, why are you allowing this to happen to me? I've been a faithful Christian for all these years and this is what I get in return to deal with this sickness and people to look at me like I'm crazy.”

It was a humbling experience for me. It was a time that I look back at and I'm like, “How did I make it through the beginning of what eventually got even darker?” At that point, I had no answers from any of the doctors, none of the health institutes that I went to visit. My friend insisted, “Mike, I know the Lyme disease test came out negative. I know about this lab in California called IGeneX and they specialize in tick-borne illness. I want you to have your blood drawn at the local hospital and we're going to send your bloodwork there.” That's what I did. I sent my bloodwork to IGeneX.

In the meantime, somebody told me about a doctor in South Jersey, Long Branch. He's a chiropractor and he deals with the body holistically. They said, “Go see him. Check him out. This guy can help you.” That's what I did while I was waiting for the results from IGeneX. When I sat down, this guy looked at all of my paperwork, bloodwork, and symptoms. He looked at me in the eyes and he said, “Mike, I'm telling you right now you have Lyme disease. You probably have the issue with Candida and you have some type of mercury poisoning, some type of heavy metal issues going on.”

At the time, I didn't know what this was. This was all foreign to me. When he told me that, it gave me hope. Finally, somebody believes that there's something wrong with me and they can help. The first thing he says is, “We're going to send your bloodwork to IGeneX.” I said, “I sent my bloodwork to IGeneX.” It worked out perfectly. He said, “While we wait for those results, we're going to tailor your diet. We are going to start getting some supplementation going, regular vitamins and stuff for the immune system.” That's what I did.

Within about two weeks, I got the results back. The doc called me and he said, “Mike, you are positive for Lyme disease.” We're at the beginning of 2019. It's been about a year I have no answers. That day, I was in my house, I was sick, I was laying down, and my phone went off. Doctor Occi calls me and he says, “Mike, I have good news for you. You have Lyme disease.” You would think that is bad news but when you're dealing with a mystery illness that doctors can't figure out and you finally have an answer, it was relieving and it gave me hope.

He said, “You have it bad that I want to send you to a doctor in Jackson, New Jersey who treats it with antibiotics and natural medicine.” He made an emergency appointment for me. I couldn't get in there for about a week or two. It got to the point I got so sick that I could not get out of my bed. I had a fever. I was clammy. I was pale and gray. I could barely breathe. It got to the point I could barely speak because the Lyme disease got into my nervous system and it was attacking my vagus nerve. It was wreaking havoc. I was able to get into the doctor earlier because of how bad I got.

That day when I look back at it, my wife and my mother had to carry me out of the house. I live on the third floor of an apartment building and I could not make it out the door. I was sick that they had to carry me down the stairs, into the car, and bring me to the doctor. There was no way that I would have been able to make that trip alone. That's when I started treating my Lyme disease with the regular American way, which is antibiotics. I honestly got sicker.

This doctor doesn't only treat with antibiotics. She also treats with herbs and natural medicine. She does a form of muscle testing as well to see which vitamins and antibiotics are going to work for you depending on how your body responds. I wasn't getting better. I was getting more sick. I was working with her for maybe about 3 or 4 months. She diagnosed me with late-stage chronic neurological Lyme disease.

She also diagnosed me with a couple of co-infections. Lyme disease doesn't come by itself. It brings other tick-borne illnesses along with it. She diagnosed me with babesia, which is similar to malaria. It’s why I had such severe shortness of breath. She diagnosed being with mycoplasma, which is a type of fungal viral thing. Also, cytomegalovirus and Candida. I had a huge Candida outbreak and they got bad that my tongue was covered in white.

I was having anal itching, which is a sign of Candida. I had a white rash down in my private area. I was working with her for about four months or so and it wasn't working. One of the good things that I got out of this doctor was I learned about the natural route. She was also open to natural medicine. She used natural medicine. I'm thankful for meeting her because it opened my mind to natural medicine.

Mike, you said there are many different forms of Lyme. Can you tell us what is Lyme from a general sense? How can it be differentiated amongst the different variants?

Lyme, in a general sense, is a spirochete. It's shaped like a corkscrew. It's a living organism. This living organism of Lyme is called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is named after the doctor who originally found this spirochete. It's carried through ticks. If you live in an area that's heavily populated with woods and deers, most likely you're going to be exposed at some point to Lyme disease to a tick, which further research says that it's any insect that bites.

Do all ticks have this thing in that area or do some of them have it?

Not every single tick has Lyme disease. From my research and the doctors that I learned from, they're saying that majority of ticks carry it. It's not just ticks at this point. It's spiders and mosquitoes. Any insect that bites can transmit the spirochete over to a human. What happens is that spirochete also comes with other living organisms like babesia, microplasma, and the list goes on. It doesn't come alone. Most likely, you'll be infected with the spirochete that Lyme is after and along with other what they call co-infections. That's Lyme in its general sense.

What I'm learning from the doctor that I’m under is that Lyme disease is a term that they use to put all these symptoms in a category. From my research and what a lot of doctors who I follow are saying that MS, lupus, and Lou Gehrig's disease are Lyme diseases. What happens is you have these patients going to doctors and they have a list of mystery symptoms and the doctor can't figure it out. He's like, “You must have MS or lupus. You must have so and so.”

Lyme disease, as a whole and not just the Borrelia spirochete but also the co-infections, come and infect the person. If a person has a horrible diet, if a person is stressed out, had some type of emotional trauma happening around that time, and it's not a healthy person, what happens is these organisms wreak havoc, they weaken your immune system, and take over your body.

When they take over your body and your immune system is shot, now you have issues with Candida. You'll have Candida outbreaks. You'll have issues with heavy metal toxicity because your immune system is shot. You might have been a healthy person all your life and then all of a sudden, you get bit by an insect that transmitted Lyme disease over to you and you become the perfect storm for this stuff to take over and then you're a completely different person. It's crazy.

Some people say that this is a conspiracy but I don't believe it is because I did my homework and I researched. They're saying that Lyme disease was started as a bioweapon. From my research, they're saying Lyme disease started in Lyme, Connecticut. Lyme, Connecticut is right across the water from a US Military Infectious Disease Institute.

Lyme Disease: If you've had all these blood tests done and they all came out negative and doctors can't find out what's going on, but you have all the symptoms of Lyme disease, most likely it's Lyme disease. 

Lyme Disease: If you've had all these blood tests done and they all came out negative and doctors can't find out what's going on, but you have all the symptoms of Lyme disease, most likely it's Lyme disease. 

Is it called Plum Island or something like that?

Yes. There's a lot of researchers and they're saying that this is not even a question no more. There's been paperwork and reports on this stuff that that's what happened. That's not going to be disclosed. When you think about it, it's sinister. From my research and the people that I was learning from during the Cuban Missile Crisis with the United States, their plan was to fly over Cuba and drop these infected ticks into their crops.

What happens is these people start getting infected with Lyme disease and they get sick. They get to the point of how I was. I was bedridden and you need a whole family to rally around you to get you going. Their plan was to weaken the population so that if something was to happen and we were to go to war, they can easily invade and they wouldn't have as much resistance.

It seems like history's repeating itself. I know another virus that escaped the lab.

The crazy thing is that a lot of people who I speak to about this, I got to be careful because some people look at me like I'm crazy. I'm like, “I'm not making this stuff up. I learned this the hard way.” I got sick. American medicine did not work for me. I became such an advocate for myself and I said, “I want my life back. There have to be alternatives.” As a Christian, a big factor that made me want to research was when you study the Scriptures, the Bible, God has so much to speak about health to the point that God gave the Jewish nation dietary laws. When you study those dietary laws, it makes sense.

A perfect example is the Jewish people can't eat pigs also Muslims. I found out that pigs are one of the animals that carry the highest population of parasitic infections. Being a Christian, my faith and my belief in the Scriptures and studying what God had to say in his word about health, I'm like, “Holy smokes. I had answers and a book that I've been reading and I didn't take time out to see what does this book has to say about my health and natural healing?” That's one tangent.

Lyme disease, in general, is a spirochete. These spirochetes are intelligent to the point that they can resist antibiotics. If someone is taking antibiotics, after a while, these parakeets learn how to dodge it. It gets to the point that they're burrowing in your muscles and tissues. The spirochete loves collagen. That’s why a lot of people end up having joint pain. They feed off that. It wreaks havoc and it brings these other infections. It weakens your immune system. You're a perfect storm for this stuff to take over.

Mike, can you tell us a little bit of what IGeneX does comparatively to the other tests? You got tested a few times prior. Why did those things not show anything? What is differentiating between what IGeneX does? There are many strains of it. Maybe one strain would show up if you had that but not the other.

From my research and what I know about IGeneX, their testing is more thorough. They have a number of different testing procedures that they put your blood through. I don't know every single one in detail. Unlike the regular Western blot test, they're running one panel. IGeneX doesn't run one panel of testing. They're taking their time. They're putting it into different exams. They're inspecting the blood.

With their testing procedures and methods, they're able to give a more thorough diagnosis by looking at what they're seeing and also the positive advance. They also use their testing along with the patient's symptoms. If the person's symptoms are lining up with what they believe they're seeing, they're like, “This is Lyme disease.” That's what separates them. A person can go to a regular Lyme literate doctor and have all the symptoms but the test is negative and the doctor will throw you out the door.

One doctor of natural medicine that I spoke to said, “If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.” That's how you have to look at people with Lyme. If you've had all these blood tests done, they all came out negative, the doctors can't find out what's going on, and you have all the symptoms of Lyme disease. Most likely, it's going to be Lyme disease.

I have to applaud you for the journey that you're on. Going to 30 doctors and all of them telling you no and a few of them telling you that you're going crazy, I understand how stressful that could be. There's a lot of compassionate, awesome, and amazing doctors out there. My parents were doctors. My sister is a doctor. There's also a lot that only knows a certain field of whatever study that they did.

It's unfortunate to have this complex where they think, “It's my way or nothing.” They’re telling you you're the crazy one when they don't have the knowledge. It's sad because it happens a lot. We should highlight that no one is going to be more invested in your health than you. You can't listen to a doctor that's going to give you bad news. There are millions of people out there that have spontaneous healings from things that they were given a death sentence from.

It's important to continue the journey because the journey is not over until you say it's over. You got to keep going and going. You started going to one person and you unlocked one code. You got to another person and unlocked another one. Even though not one of those persons cured you, you kept getting little bits of information that led you to get the right testing and going to the right chiropractor and the right doctor after that. Let's continue with that. After you went to the Chinese herbal doctor, it was helping you a little bit but you still needed a little bit more help. Tell us a little bit about how things played out.

I worked with that doctor who was providing the antibiotics. She saw I wasn't getting better. She sent me to a doctor in Staten Island, New York.

That’s where I grew up.

Staten Island has a supposedly high population of Lyme disease. There’s a huge deer population. There’s a lot of deer over there. She recommended a doctor in Staten Island. She wanted to get me on IV antibiotics. That was the plan. I went to this doctor and he said, “First, I want to megadose you with amoxicillin.” He was giving me over 3,000 milligrams a day of amoxicillin. I got super sick.

I ended up at the hospital in Staten Island. I had to stay overnight. They were running a bunch of tests on me and it wasn't working. I was following his instructions. I was getting sick. I was fortunate enough that this doctor said, “Mike, before I give you IV, I want you to go see a friend of mine. He's in New York City. He treats Lyme disease with herbs.” This is the first time I hear a regular traditional medical doctor tell me to go see a natural medicine doctor.

Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine

Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine

When he told me that, I was pretty shocked. I said, “Let's do it.” His friend was Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang has a clinic in Manhattan called Zhang Clinic. This doctor treats Lyme disease at his clinic with herbal medicine. When he told me to see Dr. Zhang, this was right when COVID started happening. COVID started breaking out. This was the beginning of 2020. I couldn't physically go and see Dr. Zhang. I called and they did a phone consultation.

Dr. Zhang was booked, so I worked with another practitioner and her name was Phyllis. We did a phone consultation and she said, “Listening to your symptoms, you have Lyme disease. You most likely have several co-infections and other viral infections. Mike, our treatment is strong enough in itself that we do not need to use antibiotics. I do ask you one thing. As we start treatment, we're going to send you our book. Dr. Zhang has a book that he wrote on Lyme disease and healing the body. It's about $10 on Amazon. You need to read it.” I said, “I will.”

I've read the book and I learned so much about what herbal medicine does to your body in regards to bringing healing, how it attacks Lyme disease, and how antibiotics ruin your body. It was awesome. At the same time they were treating me, I was also being educated on their protocol, why it works, and why people are getting their life back.

I started their treatment. It was 100% herbs. I was doing their treatment for about 4 or 5 months. For the first time, I started seeing progress. It wasn't major progress but I started getting my voice back. I wasn't able to speak before. I was to the point where I had to text everything out. I literally had no voice because of how bad it got in my nervous system.

When we spoke, you said that Lyme attacked you, particularly in the nervous system, so that was affecting your voice.

That doesn't happen to everybody. For some people, it might not ever get into their nervous system. In my case, unfortunately, it did. Your nervous system controls a lot of different functions. That's why my heart rate would go up and down. Sometimes it wouldn't be as low as 40 beats per minute and then it would go up to 120 randomly. I could be sitting down and my heart rate can shoot up 120, 130. It would scare me, to be honest with you.

From what they told me, it’s because your nervous system controls all these different functions. What happens is when Lyme gets into your nervous system, it starts throwing everything off. Your nerves become inflamed and you start experiencing these different issues. In my specific situation, I was having issues with my heart and voice. I lost my voice and my nerves were inflamed.

About 3 or 4 months, I was working with the Zhang Clinic. For the first time, I started seeing progress but then I started experiencing another problem. As I was treating myself, I started becoming sensitive to cell phones. It got to the point that if I grab my cell phone, my symptoms will start to flare up. I'm like, “You got to be kidding me. What's this now?”

If I would hold a cell phone next to me or if my wife would be on her MacBook next to me, my symptoms would flare up and I would feel like my body was burning like something was lighting me on fire. I'm like, “What is this? You got to be kidding me.” I did my research and from what I found, I was experiencing EMF sensitivity, which is electromagnetic fields. Your cell phone and MacBooks were exposed to EMFs when it was around us.

Around that time, at the start of COVID, they started putting up all these 5G towers. If you look at the spikes, radiation was skyrocketing at that time.

That's a good point that you bring that up because when that happened, I became sensitive with my body. If somebody was downstairs below me using a MacBook or a computer, I can feel it. Around that time when COVID started, I remember I felt extra sensitive. You're correct. That's when they started putting up a whole bunch of 5G towers all around. That had an impact in regards to me becoming more sensitive.

When I started experiencing this, I let the Zhang Clinic know. They were a little familiar with EMF but they weren't experts in it. Her words to me were to keep attacking the Lyme. I kept doing research and I'm like, “I need to deal with this because it's becoming a problem.” It was affecting me. Everybody has cell phones. I couldn't visit or people couldn't visit without putting their phones in airplane mode or turning it off to cut off all service.

I was part of a Lyme community on Facebook and I'm researching doctors. I run across a doctor in Upstate New York, in Spring Valley, that had five stars, and people are recommending him. I'm looking at the reviews. He had awesome reviews but there was one negative review. I'm a little weird. I like to see what the negative is. I'm like, “That's cool. He's good. What is the negative stuff?” That negative review, all they said was, “Check out Dr. Granirer. He's the real deal.” I said, “Let me look him up.”

I typed in Dr. Louis Granirer, New York City. It happened that Dr. Granirer uses a technique that I discovered in my research called NRT, Nutritional Muscle Response Testing. I said, “This is awesome.” I was learning a lot from a guy who’s a pretty well-known YouTuber who recovered from Lyme disease. His name is Cyrus Kenny. He has awesome information in regards to healing your body. He recommended getting one of these doctors onboard who do muscle testing.

It's also known as kinesiology as well.

One of the big doctors who practice it is Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt from the Klinghardt Institute. He’s a well-known doctor. He has awesome success with people recovering from Lyme. I said, “I'm going to call this doctor.” God brought this to me because I’ve been researching this stuff. I felt in my spirit that the Zhang Clinic was working to a certain extent but something was missing. I call it Dr. Granirer. He did a phone consultation and he said, “You're somebody I can help.” He's the type of doctor who’s not going to waste your time. He's not going to take your money. He's not about that. If he can't help you, he'll tell you straight up, “Unfortunately, I can't help you.” He told me that he believed that he can help me.

I made an appointment. My first appointment was right in the middle of the pandemic when everything was shut down. I drove into New York City and it was like a ghost town. My wife and my brother-in-law brought me in. I was so bad that they rolled me in a wheelchair. I was slumped over, pale, and could barely speak. Dr. Granirer and my wife got me on the bed, laid me down, went over my symptoms, and started the muscle testing. After the muscle testing, he told me everything he found and what's going on.

Lyme Disease: When Lyme gets into your nervous system, it starts throwing everything off because your nervous system controls all these different functions.

Lyme Disease: When Lyme gets into your nervous system, it starts throwing everything off because your nervous system controls all these different functions.

When I tell you that this procedure is accurate, in my personal opinion, it's more accurate than bloodwork. Muscle testing is using your body to let the doctor know how your body's responding to what's being placed on it. He uses homeopathic vials and he places them on your stomach. You’re laying flat. My left arm is raised up and I'm pushing against his resistance while these homeopathic vials are on my body. He's touching different acupuncture points on my body while I'm pushing against his resistance while the vial is on my stomach. It's showing him what's going on.

He diagnoses it and he said, “Lyme disease is a general term. It's not only the spirochete but all these other friends it brings along with it. You have babesia and cytomegalovirus. You're sensitive to radiation and EMF. You have heavy metal toxicity. You have a little bit of mold going on. You have parasites. I can help you. Mike, I need you 100% in your mind. This is not going to be easy. It's going to be super tough. I'm going to need you to push through.”

I was at the point I was willing to do whatever to the point that I told myself that even if I was going to die, I was going to fight to get my life back. That's a little extreme but that's my mindset at that point. That was the beginning of what changed my life, those first five months of doing his protocol. His approach is he doesn't attack everything at once. Depending on how the muscle testing goes, he sees what's causing the major problem, and then he targets what makes the most sense depending on what he found.

We first did energy and detoxing. We then pulled out mold. We then killed parasites. After the parasites, we went into heavy metals, which I’m still doing. While we're doing all this stuff, he's still attacking the babesia, the viral infections, and the spirochete from the Lyme. His words to me were, “My treatment goes deep enough to remove the infection.” Along with that, they tailored a whole diet plan out for me. One thing people also need to understand is that your diet is crucial in regards to healing from any chronic illness.

It's everything, that and gut health, and the elimination and detoxification.

There's the old saying, “You are what you eat.” It doesn't matter if you're taking supplementation and you're following your doctor's instructions but if your eating is horrible, you're not going to see results. I know people who have good doctors and natural medicine but then they're not following the doctor's instructions and they're eating horribly. They're going to have a Burger King and I'm like, “You're not going to see results.” I made sure that I followed the diet plan 100%. It wasn't easy but I told myself, “I want my life back.”

Throughout this process, I was seeing him, in the beginning, every two weeks because of how sick I was. Every two weeks, he was muscle testing me. He told me as I get better, my visits will become more spread out. The first 4 to 5 months were the toughest for me. What happens is when you start detoxing, killing these organisms and removing this garbage from your body, your body goes to what they call a Herxheimer reaction or die-off. Your symptoms get worse before you start to heal. It got so bad. I had moments where I thought I was going to die.

It's all the parasites, the mold, the fungus, all those things being released back into the bloodstream. You're going to see all that inflammation. A quick question, when you said that he was killing mold and fungus, what did you mean by that? How was it done? Was it over time and through the diet? Was there another method that he used?

Lyme Disease: Your diet is very crucial in regards to healing from any chronic illness.

Lyme Disease: Your diet is very crucial in regards to healing from any chronic illness.

Number one is diet. There are certain foods that either carry mold and funguses, like peanut butter. Believe it or not, if you were to take a peanut butter sitting inside of a jar and put it under a microscope, it has a high content of different mold or funguses. Even the jellies and stuff like that. My diet he tailored it where it wasn't feeding viruses. For the most part, I was on foods that are rare to have molds. Everything had to be organic. I had to inspect my fruit.

Number two, when he was removing molds, he had me on specific herbs that pull molds out of my body. One of the herbs I was using was the olive leaf. Olive leaf was super strong in regards to taking mold out of my body. When I went through that, I had some crazy symptoms. I remember becoming lethargic. I was in a dreamlike state. All of this stuff overwhelms your system. He also taught me different lymphatic drainage techniques to get my lymph system going to get this stuff out.

In regards to taking mold out, it was using herbs in my diet. When he was killing parasites, that was super tough. You have to understand that these organisms are living and they don't want to die. When they do die, they let off these toxins in your body and they're poisoning you. It was crucial that I had to try my best to do different lymphatic massages, Epsom salt baths, and warm water. I would experience a die-off. I would get worse in the evening when the sun went down. From what I learned, when the sun goes down, your immune system is weaker. It was crazy how sensitive I was becoming and all this stuff makes sense. I had to push through those moments.

Believe it or not, what helped me too was essential oils. My wife will wake up. I would experience die-off around 12:00 midnight and 1:00 in the morning, which is a big sign of parasites dying off. Even if somebody has issues waking up, around that time, it's usually parasitical. For some reason, a full moon gets the parasites going to attach somebody. It’s crazy. Researchers said that most homicides and murders happen around 12:00 midnight. People who go mad, they're linking it to having parasitic infections. They're saying that this stuff affects your mental health.

That’s why they call them lunatics because Luna is the moon. This has been known for a long time.

Do you know what's crazy? If somebody was to tell me these years ago, I would be like, “You're crazy.” If it wasn't for me going through all this and learning, this is the truth. There's something inside of you that resonates when you hear the truth and that's what was being presented to me. I was doing my research and my  homework, I said, “What my doctor and these doctors are telling me is the truth.”

To give an example of what it feels like when you're experiencing die-off. Your symptoms are ten times more. You have this overwhelming feeling of fear something is going to happen to you. You feel like you're going to die. I would get clammy. I would feel like I was going to pass out. My heart rate would shoot up. I would become super pale. My veins roll out. I would be on the floor because of how bad it got.

I was terrified when I was going through it that I would crawl through the room and hit the door to wake my wife up so she could hear that something was wrong with me. She would come and she would hold me and pray over me. She would take essential oils and start giving me a massage. It started getting my lymph system going and then I would have a bowel movement and I would feel amazing after that. It was an indicator that these toxins were trying to get out.

It’s super important that while you're going through this, to have your drainage system going. These toxins, if different organisms are dying and mold is being taken out and metals need somewhere to be eliminated. I was doing different massages on my chest, under my armpits, trying to push myself to take little brief walks. I was pushing through. The battle is also spiritual and mental. As real as the physical is as I was telling Ashish, if you don't deal with the mental part of it, in my opinion, you probably won't see success in the physical part.

Also, the belief. You never gave up hope that it was going to happen. Having such a lovely wife that's there to support you and telling you every single day, “We're going to get through this.” Belief from others and also belief in yourself go a long way.

It goes hand-in-hand. I was telling Ashish that it got to the point that when I first got sick, I was speaking death over myself. I was telling myself, “I'm going to die. I need to start preparing a will for my wife and kids. I'm not going to make it through this.” It wasn't until I took the time through my suffering and my sickness to study the Scriptures as a Christian.

There was one specific verse that spoke to me and it said that there is death and life in the power of your tongue. When I started to study that and understand it, I started to understand that if I'm speaking death over my situation, I'm not believing that I'm going to get well, I'm going to stay sick and I'm feeling that, that's what's going to happen.

It didn't matter how I felt. Even though I felt sick and I felt like I wasn't going to get well, I still told myself that I was going to get well. God has plans for me. One day, I'm going to be sharing my testimony. I had a picture of how I was right before I got sick when I landed a good job. It was my work ID. I had to hang it up and I will look at that and I would tell myself, “I'm going to be like that one day again. I'm going to be able to go to work again.”

What I started doing is I started writing down different Bible verses that had to speak about life and I put them around my house. I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would be experiencing die-off, I would be on the floor, and I'll be looking at those Bible scriptures and praying them over my life. It didn't matter what my situation looked like. It was a decision I made to not believe my feelings but to believe what God's word had to say about my situation.

I'll tell you one thing, when I started doing that and when I look back at it, it sent me to the next level in my healing when I started dealing with the spiritual. At first, I was ignoring it. I've been a Christian for about ten years. I will consider myself a devout Christian. I don't just profess it. I live it out but I never studied the scriptures or see what it was that God's word had to say about healing, diet, and mental health. It wasn't until I started applying that and I stopped focusing so much on me being sick. I changed my focus and I started focusing on what the word of God had to say. I started believing it and praying it over my life. Believe it or not, I saw a huge break in regards to seeing success in my healing journey.

You can't go anywhere physically without having that intention. If you are focusing on God and what it means to you and the myth, the omnipresence, the healing, the love, and all of that, then you're putting your mind, your body, and your spirit in the right frequency to allow for the healing. Mike, what does God mean to you?

To me, from my belief as a Christian, God is everything. God is the creator of the universe. I personally study the Bible. I study the Scriptures and I believe that to be God's word. God's letter in regards to letting us know why we are here on Earth? Why were we made? What's the point of life? To me, God is the creator. He created us. He has a plan for our lives. God also gives us free will. We make the decision, are we going to believe in God? Are we not going to believe in God?

I'm going to say something that somebody once told me. They said God is a gentleman. God is not going to force himself on anybody. God wants a relationship with his people but he's not going to force it. To me, God is the creator of the universe. God is my maker. He made me. God wants a relationship with me. Going through my sickness and my time of suffering, I can honestly say that my relationship with God got forged in the fire. It was through the fire and through the forging that I can say my faith got tested and my relationship with God grew.

I look back at it now and I'm thankful for going through those dark moments. I didn't realize at the time that God was allowing me to go through that. There were lessons for me to be taught during that. One of the lessons I learned was how to forgive. God taught me how to forgive people through my sickness. I was holding on to so much unforgiveness and resentment in regards to people who hurt me in the past. I learned that I had to let go of that. When I let go of those things, I saw more and more healing taking place in my body.

I had an experience with ayahuasca a couple of years ago. It’s psychedelic from the Peruvian jungle. I came into contact with Jesus. He told me one important thing and what he said was, “The only lesson I want to teach humanity and to teach you is to reach enlightenment. You have to love, have peace, and forgive.” Forgiveness, without God, you can't ascend.

A lot of times, when we get sicknesses, it's because we're holding that emotional trauma inside of a place in our body, and then it starts manifesting when things get out of whack. We all have different stress levels. When our stress level hit to the max, that's when the disease can trigger inside the body. It’s important to forgive.


Lyme Disease: Parasitic infections literally affect your mental health.

After that experience, I went on a six-month journey of forgiving people and apologizing for any wrongdoings that I did to some people. I never felt free after having those reconciling conversations. If the person that you need to forgive or if you need to apologize and they're longer here or there’s not a way that you can communicate with them, write a letter to them but don't send it. At least you put your intention out there and let it out in the universe.

You hit it right on the nail with love and forgiveness. From me studying the scriptures, one of the things that God says is, “To love the Lord and God, you have to follow your heart, soul, mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” That's number one. The second thing in the Bible is it speaks about the power of forgiveness. There are certain scriptures that say not forgiving allows your bones to get rotten and sickness to come on. I forgot the exact words but it's along those lines.

It's crazy when I was going through that stuff, when I was studying the scriptures, and I said, “This is crazy. This is telling me what the doctors are saying.” The scriptures talk about fasting. You have doctors sharing the benefits of fasting and I'm like, “It's crazy because this book that was written years ago tells us the benefits of fasting. It tells us the benefits of following certain dietary laws. It tells us the power of when you choose to love. It teaches us about forgiving.” When you take God's word and you apply it to your life and every situation that you're going through, you can see God's work is working in your life.

There’s something I want to share with you. This might sound crazy. Hopefully, not. When I was sick, there were a lot of people from our church that was praying for me, believing God for me, and believing that I was going to get well. To be honest, there were moments where I felt discouraged and I thought that I wasn't going to get my life back. I have my wife by my side saying, “You're going to get well again. I'm believing God for you. I'm praying over you.”

There was one church service that these people were serious about getting me there. I didn't want to go. I'm like, “I don't want to go. I'm sick.” I went to the church service, I'm sitting down and they have this Evangelist from the Bronx. He came and he's preaching. Before he preached, he had someone singing. I became emotional. I started crying. I felt this heaviness come over me.

It got to the point that I started sobbing. It scared me. I'm like, “What's going on? Why do I feel so emotional right now?” I walked out of the sanctuary. It’s what you call the part of the church where you go to pray and stuff. I didn't want to go back in. I felt the power of God moving in that church to the point that the guy was singing.

The Bible speaks about the power of worship when people sing to God and worship God. It breaks bondages, oppression, and depression over people's lives. I ran out of the sanctuary because it scared me like, “What I was experiencing. What the heck is this?” I read about it in the Bible but I never experienced it. I've always been a skeptic by nature. I'm like, “Even though the Bible says this, I got to see it for myself to really believe it.”

I didn't want to go back inside. I felt the power of God moving. The Bible speaks about the glory of God coming down. When the glory of God comes down, people are healed and set free from things. It felt like there was a fog inside the sanctuary. It scared the heck out of me. I don't want to go back into the sanctuary. Whenever somebody would come to check for me, they open the door and I felt the fog coming in the door. This is real. I'm somebody who's a skeptic by nature. I'm like, “What the heck is going on?” I knew there was a power of God but I also had a fear. I’m like, “This is real.”

These three guys come and they're like, “Mike, you're going to get prayed for. We're going to believe that God is going to move your life and you're going to be healed from this.” They carried me like a baby. They picked me up and they pulled me into the church. I'm pushing against the wall. I don't want to go in. They said, “Mike, we're believing God for you. We're going to have the same fate that the paralytic had in the Bible.” There was a story of a paralytic who was paralyzed all his life and God healed him because of his fate.

They said, “We're going to believe God for you.” They pulled me in. This evangelist was walking and praying for people and came to me. He looks at me, praying, and he says that whatever is inside of me, he curses it in the name of Jesus. He believes that I'm going to be healed and set free. God is going to use me to share my testimony and to do mighty work for him.

I kid you not, as he’s speaking and praying over me, the guy didn't even touch me. I flew back and fell into my chair. It was such an experience that changed my life. I’m like, “What I'm reading in the Bible is real. This is serious.” I always tell people that you have to understand God is supernatural. When God moves in a natural, there have to be supernatural things taking place.

When these Christians would lay their hands on me and pray over me, I started having die-offs. It’s the same symptoms that I would have when this stuff was coming out of my body and these viruses were dying. I would experience it when these Christians were coming next to me, laying their hands on me, and praying for me. It showed how real the spiritual is in regards to sickness and everything.

That's something that I haven't told people. You're probably one of the first people I tell besides my wife. I don't want to freak people out. From my personal beliefs, it shows how real the Bible is and how true God's word is in regards to when we apply it to our situations. I started having so many breakthroughs when I started believing God and His word and applying it to my life.

I would wake up in the morning and I would start my day off by thanking God, “Lord, thank you for another day. Lord, thank you for my wife and children.” It’s changing your mindset. Not focusing on the sickness and the negative but focusing on what God has blessed me with. It was such a huge factor. I don't mean to go off on a different story.

I continued with Dr. Granirer. The first five months were the most difficult. After five months, it was getting easier. He told me that it was going to happen. He said, “After five months, it'll probably be easier for you.” I’m not saying it was super easy. For the most part, the harsh stuff was done. He kept on changing the protocol. He kept me on a strict diet.

Fast forward, I've been with Dr. Granirer since 2020. I see him every eight weeks. I'm still on the protocol. I'm on my diet. I'm able to add a little bit more things that I wasn't able to before. He tells me that people are not fully out of the woodworks for about two years of consistent treatment. Even after that, he recommends staying on some herbs, following a strict diet, and taking care of yourself.

I was finally able to go back to work full time. I work in New York City, which is awesome. I went from bedridden to working in New York City. It's one of the biggest markets in the world. I work out almost every day. I go for bike rides. Me and my family are doing jujitsu. To look at where God has taken me from, from being sick, bedridden, losing my finances, losing friendships, to God restoring everything and bringing me out of that storm. I'm grateful. I appreciate life. I appreciate the little things.

If I get out of work early, I make sure I go pick up my daughters and I bring them for a walk. These are things that we take for granted. It's not until we're hit with the reality that life is not promised to us, neither is our health. It took me being faced with that stuff to say, “I didn't realize how ungrateful I was for these things all my life.” It took sickness, suffering, and those dark moments for me to see that life is precious.

Back in 2016, my stepfather got killed in a tragic accident. I look back at that as well. You don't know when your time is and how important it is to touch upon the spiritual stuff to appreciate and embrace those relationships that God has put in your life and to appreciate the little things. If I can't find parking in front of my house, I don't mind parking 3 or 4 blocks away because there was a point in my life where I wasn’t able to walk. I don't mind washing dishes because there was a point in my life where I couldn't wash dishes. If we look at those little things that we do that are repetitive every day and if we learn how to embrace those things and say, “Lord, thank you that I'm able to do these things.”

I wish that nobody would have to go through what I went through. Sometimes, that's how God opens your eyes. He allows these things to happen. I'm going into a new season of my life. There's a story in the Bible of a man named Job. The Bible says that this guy was righteous and lived holy. This guy was on point. He had a whole bunch of children. He was one of the wealthiest men on Earth. It said that God allowed Satan to attack him with sickness.

To make a long story short, Job loses everything. He loses his finances and his children. He gets to the point that his wife says, “Do you still believe in God? Why don't you curse God and die?” Job says to her, “Don't speak like a foolish woman. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Throughout Job’s sickness and time of suffering, he never stopped believing in the Lord. He always gave thanks to God. At the ending of that story, it says that God restored to Job everything that he had doubled. It says that Job's latter days were better than his former. That's where I'm going. I'm going into a season where I'm grateful.

You asked me what living limitless means to me. Living limitless means that I'm going to embrace life. I want to travel. There are many things that I didn't do because I let fear stop me. Now I'm saying no. I want to live limitlessly. I want to travel. I want to experience the world. I want to experience different cultures. These are things that I took for granted before.

Not to go far off topic but I want to give hope to those who are suffering and dealing with sickness. There are alternatives out there. Don't give up. Keep fighting. If one doctor can't help you, God has another doctor for you. It took me going through many doctors and finally, I was led to the doctor who was able to help me. You got to fight. I wish I can say sit back and let God work but that's not how it is. You have to fight.

One of my favorite things to say is to make your worst day ever and create it to make it to the best blessing, the best gift, the best opportunity of your life. Only in that darkness, that's how you can find your way. You have to walk through the fire. For you to reach out to Dr. Granirer while you're suffering from all this EMF stuff, you had to pull out a laptop to look him up and have a call. You have to go through the fire. Once you go through the fire, you're way stronger on the other side.

I applaud your journey. I'm inspired by it. I hope that a ton of people read this because this is powerful. You don't get to know stories like this because everything on the news is like, “Listen to the doctors. Do this.” There are many beautiful stories like yours. You're such an inspiration. I hope you're able to get that word out there. Mike, why do you think you came here to Earth? What did you want to experience?

The Bible says that God already had a plan for my life before I was even formed inside my mother's womb. I believe that I have a purpose. Based on my Christian beliefs, my job or at least my duty is not only to love people but to treat people with respect, to forgive, and tell people about my faith, to share my faith, to share about the God I believe in the Bible, to share about Jesus Christ, and what I believe is a reason for living. I believe in how we should go about dealing with every situation we find ourselves in.

My reason for being here is God has a plan for me. God wants me to reach many people. What I went through is going to be part of my story. I wouldn't think in a million years that I would be on a show sharing what I went through. To be able to do that, I'm saying, “God, this is part of the plan you have for my life.” It's not only about me. It's about the other person who's sick and It's about that person who needs hope.

Sometimes we get caught up and we're focused on me. Sometimes we need to take a step back and say, “It's not about me. It's about the other person.” It's about God having a plan and God using this to reach other people. That's what I believe my purpose is. Me getting Lyme disease was part of God's plan because he's using me to share my story and to give others hope, to not give up, and to keep looking up.

I appreciate you coming on. Any final messages to the audience?

Number one, do not lose hope. The minute you lose hope, the minute you start believing that you're not going to get well and you give into that stuff, that will eat you alive. I was once one sitting on the other side. I was once sitting in the sick person's shoes. When I heard testimonies, it gave me so much hope. If you're reading this, please don't lose hope. Keep fighting. You're going to find the doctor that is going to be able to help you. Personally, what helped was praying. Start dealing with the spiritual as well.

My personal belief, I was praying and asking God to give me strength to get through it. I was speaking life over myself. I was putting Bible verses throughout my house and praying those scriptures over my life. Start seeking God. Ask God to show you if he's real. There's a scripture in the Bible that says, “If you call on me, I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know.”

My recommendation is to ask God why he's allowing you to go through this. Ask God if he's real to make himself real to you. Find out why God is allowing this and how God can use it to bless or benefit somebody else. When you start doing that and stop focusing on yourself, you'll see how healing starts taking place even in what seems like little things but are big things.

Number three is you need to learn how to put what's going to feed life into your body, spiritually but also physically. Your diet is super important. Please eat well. I know it's hard because, as people, we get emotional. We can become emotional eaters. That's how I was. If I was sad or upset, I would get a big pint of Häagen-Dazs and down it. You're feeding death into your body.

That’s parasites' favorite food. When you get emotional about certain things, the parasites get hungry and they're calling for it, “Give me sugar, chocolate, ice cream, pizza, fried food.”

Something I learned is that a lot of these cravings come from parasites. It's not you craving these things. It's these parasites that want to be fed. I want the reader not to give up. I went through sickness and suffering and I'm out on the other end. Embrace what you're going through. Take that step in faith and believe that you're going to get well.

We're living in these crazy times. You don't know what to believe. There's are many things with this whole virus going on and stuff like that. By the way, I had COVID in December 2020 and I recovered from it. Thank the Lord. Dr. Granirer treated me with natural medicine. I recovered fully, me, my wife, our family. There are alternatives out there. My main purpose is to give the readers hope and for them not to give up.

You certainly did. How can we learn more about you?

If you want to learn more about me, it’s either on this show. If you want to reach out, I don't mind sharing my email. My email is MIrizarry911@Yahoo.com. If you have any questions, if you need advice again, I'm not a doctor, but I can share what works for me. If you need someone to speak to because I know how it is, reach out to my email. I can provide my cell phone number. We can talk and connect. Hopefully, we can build a relationship that can give you hope.

Mike, I appreciate you. You’re such a heart-based person. You’re inspiring many people. You inspired me, for sure, and all the people I introduced you to. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Thank you so much for having me on. I appreciate it.

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About Mike Irizarry

Mike Irizarry.jpg

Mike was healthy for most of his life or at least he thought he was. Mike was very athletic and Played sports throughout his highschool years. Right before he got sick with lyme, he was well into the process of becoming a Law Enforcement Officer in NJ, while having a great position working for a technology company . Seemingly, he was on top of the world as Things were going well for him and his family. Suddenly, without any warning, sickness struck unexpectedly in 2018. Little did he know the next couple of years would be the darkest moments of his life where he eventually became bed ridden. Mike was eventually diagnosed with Lyme in 2019 after multiple failed attempts to find answers for his mystery symptoms that over 30 doctors could not figure out. After many failed attempts in seeking treatment that worked he was eventually guided to natural medicine and the wonderful healing it provided him in rebalancing his entire health . Mike now has his life back and still continues to educate himself on health and wellness.


Episode 44: The Reality Of The World We Live In And The Importance Of Spirituality With Sean Stone


Episode 42: The World Most Dangerous Row