Episode 44: The Reality Of The World We Live In And The Importance Of Spirituality With Sean Stone

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

The unknown may be scary, but it's no excuse to avoid it. Have you heard all the crazy conspiracy theories about what's going on in the world right now but still think it's all a bunch of BS? Well, this conversation is here to inspire you to unplug from the matrix and swallow that red pill so you can now see the world as it is, not as it is portrayed by mainstream society. Today's guest, Sean Stone, is an actor, filmmaker, writer, and modern-day renaissance man. Sean recently released a 6-part documentary series called "The Best Kept Secret." He delves into the origins of Secret Societies, Satanic elements in Hollywood and Government, and the Trans-humanist plan unfolding in the world at warp speed. In this episode, he joins Anand to discuss the importance of aligning values, spirituality, and knowing how powerful you are. Sean has a unique perspective of who is pulling the strings in society today. Tune in to be equipped with the knowledge you aren't aware that you need and discover your reality!


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The Reality Of The World We Live In And The Importance Of Spirituality With Sean Stone

We have a very special guest. He’s a man that I have been inspired by for many years. He’s filmmaker Sean Stone. Sean Christopher Ali Stone began his spiritual quest at ten years old when his father took him to Tibet, Nepal and India to illuminate the stark contrast between those worlds and Hollywood, where he had been a child actor in his father’s Oliver Stone films such as JFK, The Doors and Natural Born Killers. Sean studied American History at Princeton University and Oxford before writing his senior thesis on the modern history of the New World Order available on Trine Day and Amazon. Sean began his own filmmaking career by apprenticing under his father on Alexander, and shooting the behind-the-scenes documentary Fight Against Time.

On the film W, Sean worked as an editorial consultant, and as an associate editor on the TV series The Untold History of the United States. Sean starred and directed his first feature film Greystone Park in 2012, based on his real-life paranormal experiences in a haunted mental hospital. In 2020, he published the cosmic fairy tale, Desiderata by Ali available on Blackstone and Audible. He has a poetry book called The Ephemeral Shades of Time. Sean is a graduate of the Baron Brown Studio and has starred in multiple features including Night Walk, Union Bound and Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece, which he also wrote. Sean has hosted the reality show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, the interview program Buzzsaw, formerly on Gaia TV, and the RT News show Watching the Hawks.


I want to welcome you to the show, Sean Stone. How are you?

I am enjoying Florida.

You’ve got to love that hammock life.

This is life. This is where I do my interviews. It’s better for my back than sitting in a chair.

When you start to recognize that you’re a spiritual being and that there are forces at work, your life will change.

I followed your journey for a little while. Years ago, you had that show with Jesse Ventura, Conspiracy Theory. You had your Buzzsaw show on Gaia TV and connected with your passionately curious nature about delving into the unknown while also having a deep spiritual base to it. A lot of people say that the more you go down the conspiracy way, the more spiritual you have to get because you realize that there’s so much more out there than what is in our particular purview. How did you get started on this path?

I would suggest that it begins with what our souls are here to do. The more you connect to who you are as a soul, not as an incarnate being or a discarnate incarnation as the little butterflies flying around me. It’s like Kermit but essentially, we’re not disconnected from God. We’re not these little buds of humans that are born. We are souls that are incarnating through this form to experience something. We have a consciousness that precedes us and is beyond us as well that we have to tap into, expand, work with, and trust our intuition, which is our connection to who we are.

For me, it was always a journey of learning to trust myself more. Standing in my own sense of self and not being part of the crowd. I’m not interested in conformity ever since I was a kid. Even in my shiest phases, I was always weary of conformity whatever is cool and popular. I always resonate with what feels right to me. That essential knowing carries you into finding your path, seeking out the truths and the secrets, and trying to weed through things.

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

Spirituality And Reality: The more you connect to who you are as a soul, the more you will understand the world.

What you said right there about how you go into conspiracy is interesting. I got into conspiracy because my dad made JFK when I was seven years old. I acted and watched the film. I’m absorbed by this epic story asking one million questions. The film doesn’t resolve who killed Kennedy but you would walk out of there going, “There are lots of instruments and power that are hidden from people.” The president being the most powerful man is a pure illusion. That's like The Wizard of Oz stuff. The real power and instruments are within these different organizations and levels of financial power, intelligence gathering and intelligence networks, black operations. I started studying that stuff.

When you delve into conspiracy, you ultimately have to come to a spiritual awakening of these texts, whether it’s going back to the Jewish, Muslim or Hindu traditions and older. There’s a reason that there are consistent themes of awakening to our immortal and eternal nature. These are the perennial myths that are timeless. No matter what your religion may be, there is an essential truth that transcends any one religion.

That’s why it’s so interesting to watch in this time period where people are starting to see the convergence of Christians, Muslims, and the awakened and people of faith, realizing this demonic force that I intuitively knew as a kid. I wasn't groomed in the church. I just intuitively knew it. They recognize a demonic force and they're starting to see that these conspiracies have to transcend the physical plane because they've been going on for so long. You can't run empires for centuries and have dynastic powers and families without having something that supersedes space and time. That's the real nature of the conspiracy.

When you start getting into the metaphysics of it, then you start to come to the question of what is running this? Is this alien? You could say alien to human consciousness. Is it parasitic? All these things start to open up into your consciousness. I want to get to this point about there’s this whole thing on conspirituality, which you may have heard about. These guys are trying to say, “These conspiracists are pretending to be spiritual.” There’s this weird overlap of new age spirituality with conspiracy theorists. Why are the new age people pro-Trump? Why are the new age people backing Q?

First of all, spirituality is not owned by the new age. Spirituality is in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. It's in every practice of recognizing that there is more to this reality than your physical body. That's already spirituality. When you start to recognize that you're a spiritual being, not every religion treats you the same way but when there are forces at work, we could call it light and dark, manipulative, control-based and parasitic, as opposed to more genuine, organic, pure energies. You recognize a spiritual war taking place. That itself births conspiracies when you’re trying to manipulate the light, keep people in darkness, and perpetuate dark forces.

The whole notion of Lucifer’s fall from heaven is a conspiratorial story. It’s the first conspiracy. It’s like Lucifer and the third of the angels saying, “We want to get out of here and corrupt the Earth. We want to create our own version of Earth. We don’t want to trust the Creator’s version of organic natural life and humanity as the Creator's child. We reject that notion." Lucifer and the third of the angels conspire to influence and corrupt humanity. That's your conspirituality for you, perpetuating this lie that this is some new phenomenon. This is ancient knowledge that there are dark forces in this world that have an agenda. That agenda has to do with controlling and manipulating humans. It's older than empires.

It’s still ongoing as you can see with all the stuff that’s going on. My childhood was very similar. I grew up in the Hindu faith. It’s all about asking questions, reaching different states of consciousness and reaching out for answers. It’s never like, “This is the way and this is the way you have to live.” They’re encouraging you to live a life where you’re seeking out the truth for yourself because nobody can have a particular monopoly on the truth. I always knew from a very young age that there’s so much more to this life. If we live in such a great place where the leaders all care about us, how come there’s so much bloodshed and wars going on since the dawn of man?

You have to understand that there is an evil presence lingering. It’s not like every single war is justified and people are doing the right thing to save humanity, freedom, free thought and all this kind of stuff to the third world countries. It’s all about control. Hopefully, the last years has opened people’s mind to how deep it goes. We’re in the age of the great awakening where every single day, there’s some news that years ago would have been the biggest news story for an entire year. We’re just getting bombarded with the truth.

Nature is here to help us heal so that we’re not stuck in what has been the reptilian mind for so long.

People are forging into two different camps. They understand the truth and they’re becoming warriors, allowing fear to overtake them. It’s a very fascinating time we live in. I always say to my friends, “This is the greatest time to be alive.” I truly believe that you, I and a lot of stars chose to come at this time to make an impact on the craziness of what’s going on in the world.

It is bifurcation for sure. Those that completely bought into conformity to obedience psychology I say, “Conformity culture is as dangerous as canceled culture.” That’s what you’re looking at, it’s conformity culture.

Sean, let's go back to your childhood. Your dad was one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Oliver Stone. A lot of the reasons why his movies are so beloved like JFK, Nixon and Wall Street is because you see behind the scenes what's going on, and ask a lot of questions about the official stories of stuff. Did that influence you as a child to be like, “I’m on this path to learn more?” Was it because of your dad or do you think it was your own innate curiosity to expand and learn about what’s hidden behind the curtains of society?

You come in as a soul into this world and that’s the point. The soul chooses where to incarnate, why to incarnate and how to expand. We come here with a certain amount of wisdom as souls, but coming here to expand into new terrain at a time period that’s unique, and to experience, learn, feel, grow and go through this human journey. To me, there’s no point in saying, “Was it the chicken or the egg?” In a platonic sense, there’s an idea. It’s what seeds them the idea of what creates the chicken. It’s the nature of the ideational realm. In order to achieve the chicken, then you have to plant the seeds for that egg to grow. In order to do that, there are cycles of evolution.

Rupert Sheldrake gets into this with his work. It’s the idea that there’s a field that essentially is a consciousness that precedes any change or transformation and evolution. It’s not this random chance and random selection like that whole Darwinian thing. That is how they've been playing so many of the games with people to keep people trapped in fear and confusion. Once you know who you are as a soul, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. You're not going to be afraid of getting sick, dying, cancer, plane crash, whatever it is. These are all possibilities. You can die from a million and one different things. As you said, are you a warrior? You’re a warrior only if you don’t know who you are and why you’re here.

If you’re not connected to your soul’s purpose, you’re going to sit there and go, “I don’t want to get killed, die, get sick and hurt.” If you’re here knowing like, “No, I’m here for this. I have a mission. I’m connected to my creator.” As Martin Luther King said, "At any moment from here on, I can be taken away but I know that I have fulfilled my purpose or I'm in the process of fulfilling my purpose.” You can feel confident and good in that. Why is there fear here? This is not the end-all-be-all of existence. This is a process of existence. It means there's something before. There’s something after.

In the grand scheme of things, this is just a speck of time in the beach of consciousness where there are many different lives and realms that we enter. With this human life, we’re here for milliseconds. We’re only peeking in and having this experience. What more entertaining place to be than this Earth with what’s everything is going on? We’re living in a crazy time. Sean, what is your take on the reality of humanity in what we’re going through in terms of ascension, the dark forces and stuff like that?

It’s vast because essentially, what I was saying is about people knowing, connecting to their own soul, and knowing their own divine essence and purpose. This is what the great awakening is. In a way, you could call it ascension but it's a new age of awareness. It's a new way of seeing, being in the world, and feeling in the world. It’s feeling your body starting to connect to the multidimensional landscape that we occupy. We’re not interacting multidimensionally. Most of the time, we’re not aware of it. There are breakthrough moments. This is why people throughout time had those moments of a-ha. They saw a spirit, a dead ancestor, got a phone call, saw a UFO or something that shook them.

In the old-time, that was weird. That was the anomaly. In the new age, that’s the norm. We’re going to start operating from the belief that that’s the way things are. Let’s expand our understanding. Let’s stop using materialism and the dogmas of scientific materialism. Let’s expand our knowing that science is only a method of discovery. We work to discover new things. You can use a scientific method to try to replicate with the quantum universe. We’re not quite sure how the repeating of things is going to work because consciousness is intricately tied to reality, as anyone who studied quantum physics understood. That was what these guys were talking about. They’re like, “If you think you understand it, you don’t get it,” because it is so crazy. That’s the nature of reality. It’s the quantum reality.

The quantum reality connects us to many notions of how things come into existence in reality, essentially, from the sub-microscopic or quantum level, which is beneath the microscope. You couldn’t put it in a microscope and see the nature of atoms and whatnot. From that level of mystery of how things start to come into being into this reality and universe, you’ll start to connect things to how our unconscious minds are driving the creation of this existence, and how we as a collective need to start getting control of our unconscious minds.

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

Spirituality And Reality: Spirituality is in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and everything. It's in every practice of recognizing that there is more to this reality than your physical body. 

Our conscious mind is the first step but overall, it’s getting in touch with unconscious minds. How do you do that? It’s through dream time and putting ourselves into more different states of awareness that are more relaxed, confident and connected. That’s what nature is here for. It helps us heal so that we're not stuck in what has been the reptilian mind for so long. That's been the reptilian brain of fight or flight. That's the mentality of survival. That's the fear-based mentality that's kept us so easily controlled. The conformity culture is very much part of that reptilian brain. I don't want to be excluded. If I get excluded, I might not be able to eat, have sex and procreate.

All this fear is how they've been controlling us for thousands of years. It's shifting in a way that in some ways, we see the worst of it. As we become more conscious of a collective, it can lead us to Communism very easily. That's the dark side of it because you're surrendering your individual sense of self, your individual connection to the source, and your individual divine intuition to what’s good for the whole. To me, the communistic socialistic impulse that’s being played now is the dark side of what is a natural growing awareness and consciousness of us as a collective and humanity.

If we don’t have this individual sense of self, sense of property, and sense of, "This belongs to me. This is my boundary," then we cannot have a healthy relationship with others. First, you have to have that sense of boundary for yourself, treating yourself well, honoring and respecting and loving yourself, then you can more fully integrate into a society of others. This process is a very important process of separating the wheat from the chaff, as Christ would have referred to it.

Those that want to surrender don’t care. If they will surrender this individual sense of sovereignty boundaries for the whole, then you don’t necessarily get to join the lactic harmonious collective, which is still respecting and honoring you as an individual, and then being increasingly conscious as an individual of the impact and consequences of one’s thoughts, actions and words.

Those are positive but don’t surrender yourself just because the authority told you to do. The authority is within. It’s your connection to God because you are a reflection of God. It’s connecting to that authority. That’s where it begins and then we become more conscious of each other in our way of being on this Earth. We can get ahold of our collective unconscious to build and manifest better realities than what we’ve been doing, which has been operating from fear-based modalities.

The most important part is looking inwards and reconciling where those spheres are within. If there are any issues with our health, we have to clean that up. Mentally, if we have any emotional baggage we’re holding onto, past relationships, if we heard somebody, if somebody heard us, healing through that, forgiving, apologizing, and then the spiritual consciousness of understanding that we are infinite souls. We’re here to expand, not contract.

We didn’t come here so we can live indoors and socially distance with masks and muzzles over our face, and also listen to authorities because they're telling us they're doing good for us. In the history of the world, anyone who has been oppressive, segregationist, people who do bad things or sit back and watch other people in their society get fired, not being able to travel and all these things, they’ve never been on the good side of history.

They always like to say, “This time is different.” The last time, when we said apartheid based on race, that was wrong, but apartheid based on your vaccination status is not even based on if you’re sick or not. That’s the funniest part of the whole thing. You sit there and go, “You can still have COVID. You can transmit COVID. You can die from COVID after you got the vaccination.” They are not testing if you got COVID when you go into the restaurant. They just want to know if you’re vaccinated. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I got a whole stadium full of people with COVID actively. As long as they got their papers, they're good to go. It's so funny. My girlfriend was on a work trip and she has to get tested every two days. She's got to wear a mask the whole time. Whereas some people in her group have COVID five days or ten days ago but they’re still allowed to travel and go to this thing. They don’t have to get tested for anything. It is madness.

Discover the purpose of your existence.

They had the vaccine pass. I figured it out. It’s identity politics. That’s what people don’t get. The left took this whole identity politics thing. It was like, “We’re now going to turn identity politics from your race, religion and how you identify yourself or what pronoun. Now it’s going to be your vaccine status. This is how you identify yourself. You have to identify yourself as vaccinated if you want to be part of our society.” It’s identity politics and then there’s going to be something next. You’ll see. They’ll carry this shit to the next one. It’s not going to stop. That’s what I keep laughing at people. I’m like, “You think this shit is going to stop? It’s not going to stop. It’s a fucking train. You want to jump off that shit. You’re going to go right off the cliff with it.”

I have to give it to them. It’s fucking genius the way that they designed this whole thing. You look at all the people say in the military, firefighters and police. The people that don’t comply with this authoritarian agenda are getting fired. Who do you have left running every industry? Teachers, the medical field, all of these people are onboard with the agenda. They'll be the biggest enforcers of it. This is what they did in Nazi, Germany, Communist Russia and Communist China. They found the people willing to do whatever they can to be a part of these thug groups. They go out and become the enforcers of this new paradigm.

They’ve bought in and become the enforcers of it. That’s why I’m like, “Are you sure you want to stay in New York City or in Los Angeles?” It’s about to be, “Get out.”

Sean, going back to our consciousness, what does living a limitless life mean to you?

I don't know that I would use that necessarily word limitless. To me, the only thing that's limitless is the universe. The universe itself is infinite. I did a documentary a few years ago called Century of War. It was inspired by the work of some of these people, including Ramez Naam. Ramez was the one who picked up that idea of an infinite universe. Human creativity is what creates resources. The dark side has created this notion about scientific materialism and fixed limits to growth.

The Club of Rome did this whole thing back in the ’70s, this limits to growth. This is a Malthusian doctrine. Malthus came out with this back in the early 1800s saying that there's a fixed capacity to how much room was on the planet Earth and food. Food only goes mathematically in terms of doubling as opposed to the human population. It's expanding more rapidly than the food grown on the planet. That was his whole premise.

It’s human innovation in terms of productivity and technology. How do you get rid of slavery? On one level, you may have to fight when it comes to ideology but technology has been a great way of making human slavery extraneous. Throughout most of history, it was dependent on human slavery. The Greeks and Romans used it. Feudalism was a type of slavery even before you get to the African slave trade and use of slaves.

It was this notion of putting people to work in very laborious tasks. Once you start to innovate plows, the cotton gin, and things like these to make it easier with technology, you don’t need that same level of laborious exhausting work anymore. What you’re at is the precipice of what they call the fourth industrial revolution, which is making everything automated and roboticized.

They’ve been having these conversations for years especially among the elites and these gatherings like the world economic forum talking about what we do with all these humans? We’re going to have a surplus of humans. We’re not going to have a job. We’re going to have self-driving cars. We’re going to have automated servers in restaurants and stuff. You’re going to do everything online or through robots. What do you do with all those humans? You have this interesting notion of how do you treat humans as a result.

Jasque Fresco did The Venus Project. He was talking about the more evolved civilization would be, using robots to do the menial labor and then to allow time for creativity that the human should be here for, which is to enjoy yourself and have creativity. You have abundance. You’re producing your needs and then you have more time to innovate new things. For example, you’ve figured out ways of replacing these toxic fertilizers and pesticides that you’re spraying. You connect with more innovative ways of growing crops. You shift away from maybe an oil and gas economy.

This was in A Century of War, shifting to thorium-based nuclear. Thorium is a very clean nuclear energy. There’s a full recycling process as well involved in thorium. You then shift into fusion technologies. Beyond that, you go to Tesla-based energy sources. For me, human ingenuity and creativity are where the abundance is. This is why we can continue to innovate, adapt and evolve things. Sometimes they evolve in the process. You can say the music is the evolution. It's not as good maybe as it was in the '70s, '80s and '90s even. At the same time, that’s part of the growth of consciousness.

To experience that, test things and say, “This isn’t as good. Let’s shift and try that.” That’s the experimental process of being a human. That’s the way I see the infinite nature of this universe. We have resources that are our only resources when you bring human psychology and mindset to transform it. First, we have discovered oil. What do you do with oil? You can burn lamps with it. Oil was used for lamps and then it was put into engines. Before that, they were burning wood. That’s less efficient and makes a whole lot less sense to me to cut down forests. Oil is much more efficient and in many ways, it’s cleaner than wood but then you want to go to the next evolution.

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

Spirituality And Reality: Science is only a method of discovery. We basically work to discover new things, and you can use a scientific method to try to understand things.

As humans, this is what we can do. We continue to innovate and create the resources to dream up new scenarios and realities. This is what we’re here for. We are this tremendous precipice where on one level, you have an agenda that wants to control and robotize humans and believed that they know best. All we’ve seen throughout at least hundreds of years is that they’ve been suppressing technologies from us. They’ve been hiding and suppressing a lot of evolution when it comes to technology. Going back to the days of Tesla, he wanted to create free energy in a certain sense.

Nothing is free. Everything has to be exchanged in some capacity but the idea of drawing energy from the Earth itself, drawing upon the energy that surrounds us in the ionosphere and various stages of the atmosphere is what human ingenuity could be doing. JP Morgan said, "I can't put a meter on it." As we know, a lot of these wars that you talked about are being fought for control of natural resources like oil, gold, diamonds, cobalt, lithium for batteries, all of these different things are used in our societies. That to me is a lack of ingenuity because we create the technologies to make them extraneous. You don’t have to own the diamond mine anymore if you can create synthetic diamonds. That destroys those that are currently the main owners of the landmines. That’s how they’ve been able to manipulate and rule.

That’s why Rockefeller is such an important family. Look at dynastically what they did as far as making that huge fortune on oil, but then shifting their money into a foundation that then sponsored the education system in America, and then created the modern medical system. You take the money that you've created from exploitation, from extracting from the earth and owning resources, then you invest into creating generations of education that keep people in that psychological trap as opposed to innovating new ways of doing things.

When humans are inundated with working to make a living so they can provide food on their table, working 5 to 7 days a week, they don’t have the ability to have a clear space to create. When you’re constantly being bombarded by scarcity, it’s hard to innovate and create new things. The real heroes of society are the people that are innovating but then the next step is how do we not allow these new technologies to get suppressed, especially with technological IP and all this stuff. Many things are being put on the shelf like new technologies in terms of emission-less vehicles, water-powered vehicles, and hydrogen-powered. These things have been around for a long time. It doesn’t get to see the light of day when the people with billions and trillions of dollars are not allowing these technologies to come through.

How do you break through? You have to trust that consciousness eventually reaches stages. I don't want to get too spacey here but essentially, I believe that there is an artificial intelligence that is essentially keeping humans trapped and slaved in the way of repetition. The normal breakthrough points where there’s a need to break through to a new level of creativity, to a new innovation or to a transformation, for example. This AI is essentially trying to trap us in a modality that is antiquated in a sense. That’s why when you look at things like the Green New Deal. Much of the premise is let’s not innovate more evolved things like thorium, fission, fusion, and more evolved technologies beyond that.

Let’s go back to windmills and solar panels which is still smelly, antiquated and inefficient but it takes huge amounts of land. When you’re talking about solar panels, you’ve got the oligarch perspective of, “Let’s put solar panels across all of North Africa.” It’s a huge waste of land to basically fill it all with solar panels. You’ve seen maybe Planet of The Humans documentary that Michael Moore produced, exposing not only the waste of land and the destruction of good land to fill with solar panels and whatnot but also the inefficiency of it.

To me, what they want us to do is to regress. There is this dark side of trying to keep humans trapped in a lower form of consciousness to not step into the galactic nature of who we are and our potential as galactic humanity. Technology does have a big role to play in this. I don’t know entirely what it’s going to take. I just trust the consciousness of the collective. Once you get to that moment of realizing this no longer works, and you start to envision something new, different and better, I do believe that we can go there and achieve that. There might be weeding out in a destructive process in the meantime because you are dealing with a dark artificial intelligence. It is trying to repeat here like keep humans back in 1,000 AD or even 2,000 AD, as opposed to where we need to be going, which is towards 3,000 and to our whole new way of being.

God is everything. Everything comes from God.

I do see people in my own community. People are waking up. Maybe at the beginning of this whole pandemic and everything, they’re like, “I’m just going to follow two weeks to stop the spread. We’re going to do what we do. We’re going to shut down the economy for a little bit.” As the information was coming out about what you need to do, it started going deeper into what people need to do in terms of making the situation better. The government is creating a lot of havoc and creating a lot of hypocrisy within their own messaging. It psychologically short circuit a lot of people’s brains so that they can’t even be like, “All these messages are conflicting with each other," rather than going in congruence with each other. When they're not able to understand on their own what reality is, then they're just accepting other people’s realities.

I haven’t been around so many people. I’ve traveled a little bit but for the most part, I haven’t gotten lost in other people’s realities. That’s the key, sticking with your own reality.

You’ve been busy. I know you launched a new documentary series called the Best Kept Secret. Can you tell us a little bit about the documentary and what was the inspiration for creating it?

Best Kept Secret is the nature of how the dark elite control humans. We go through it from the pedophilia and physical and trauma-based abuse of children. Also, how pedophilia is used to compromise politicians or businessmen. We go through that. We go through mind control as a method of manipulating humanity. The desire for the transhuman agenda, which is very much based on the idea of the gene, essentially controlling the genetics of humans, and seeing the human being as essentially programmable.

That evolves from the early days of MK-Ultra. The notion is that humans can be programmed and you can externally do it through frequency and EMF frequency, and at some level, propaganda and media brainwashing. Their idea would be to be able to merge the human with machinery or with computers to such an extent that you have a much more compliant population. I tend to think that there are a lot of people that seem to make it clear at this point. There are a lot of people that will be happy to be absorbed into the board. They will be happy to be absorbed into the computer hive mind.

Those that are happy to comply I’m sure will be very happy when it comes to taking that iWatch and merging it into their body, and putting a chip in their body. “If you want to work here, you need to be chipped.” You’re going to have a lot of people lining up like, “I want to be chipped.” You’re going to get the Google Eye. They are going to replace your eyeball with a Google Glass and you can watch apps on your eyeball, “Sign me up for that one.” You’ll see. It’s crazy to me but the compliance culture is building out for the next 10 to 20 years. It’s the roboticized culture.

Elon Musk talks about uploading your brain onto the computer. What's scary about that is we don't need physical bodies and everyone gets uploaded. It depends on who's controlling this metaverse out there where everyone's going to be uploaded to. The scariest part for me is you could live forever in this simulated reality but you don’t have a human evolution of consciousness. When I die, I know that there’s somewhere else I’m going to go to. If my brain is now stuck inside of somebody else’s simulated reality, I can’t think of anything freakier than that.

I have an issue with the singularity concept. There are different interpretations of singularity. I have an issue with the idea that the human brain will be merged, then you’ll be able to upload your consciousness. That’s not how consciousness works. The brain doesn’t create consciousness. These people still believe that. They are trying to figure out how the brain creates consciousness. They’re missing the idea that the brain is a receiver of consciousness. They’re going to run into some problems with that when they try to merge consciousness with the computer itself. I don't think it will work in the way that people think it will work.

To me, the idea of the Neuralink is more like, what are you linking to? To have music playing directly into your skull? What does that look like if I want to search on Google for something? I don’t quite understand how it’s going to interface. I’ll be curious. I’ll be observing it. I think Neuralink is probably a better way for mind control of population than it is to bring your consciousness into the computer. It’s more about influencing you. That’s my hypothesis. I’m curious to see what happens here. I’ll observe it. Let’s see.

It is scary because if you look at AI, these are devices that monitor everything that we do, these phones. They know what we're searching for. They have a better profile of our minds through social media and our search history than probably we consciously even know about ourselves. If they can duplicate or replicate all of our thought processes and create an AI algorithm over it, then how do we break free from this?

It’s easy. It’s through ingenuity. This goes back to the creation of creativity. This has been the fundamental dialogue that goes on throughout human history. Are humans programmed to react? The reptilian brain is programmed to respond. The reptilian brain is the fight or flight, fear, fuck, whatever. It's all based on responsiveness. With human ingenuity, an AI can never fully predict you if you are in touch with your intuition and divine nature or spirit because you will break the patterns. You will think in a new way. You will innovate. You will dream especially in the dreaming time. The reptilian brain is about conscious life. Reptilians, especially crocodiles and alligators, are notoriously amazing dreamers. They’re sleepers. I think the crocs go underwater and sleep for months. They are amazing creatures.

Maybe it’s not months but they can stay underwater for 3, 4 or 5 months. A lot of times, they’re sleeping and dreaming. You can’t predict what you’re going to dream. That’s what we needed to tune into. That’s the unconscious mind. When we let go of the conscious programmable minds, that’s simply responding to the external reality and stimuli. You close your eyes, relax, rest and you imagine things or you dream new things. That’s how we continue to grow and expand and innovate. It’s so important.

Spirituality And Reality: Artificial intelligence is essentially keeping humans trapped and enslaved in the way of repetition. 

It’s important for human beings to remember this. Give yourself time to rest to let yourself create a new thought, a new reality, a new adventure, whatever it is. We have been trained to be so responsive. It began with the television, then it goes to video games, then it goes through your cell phone. We’re so responsive to an external reality. It’s the news every day. What does the news tell me to think about? That cycle. We have to get back to ourselves, our own innovations, imagination and creativity.

Sean, what are some of the things that you do in order to expand your creativity and get connected higher with your own consciousness?

Thankfully, I’ve been turned into meditation since I was a teenager. I take that every morning to give myself that time to meditate tune in. I do find myself nowadays to be overly involved with things on my phone, whether it’s social media, reading or watching videos. I can find myself being too reactive to engage with all of those. Part of being in a place like Florida is getting back to nature. It’s putting your feet on the earth to relax and be at ease. When we’re at ease, we can be more fluid and we can create more. That’s why it’s so important that they’ve created these cities. Our bubbles of fear and such enclaves of mask, fear, and everyone around you could be infected. People don’t realize it’s traumatizing.

It traumatizes your whole system. What they’re doing is creating a trauma, especially for kids growing up in this stuff. For the whole population, especially in America or any city or country that’s operating by this modality, they’re creating a traumatized society. Your nervous system and everything can’t relax. You can’t breathe and dream something new. They want us hooked into that phase where we’re not dreaming something new so that we become more obedient.

It’s a challenge. I live in a big city and every time I walk by somebody wearing a mask, even subconsciously, I’m like, “I see people living in fear.” It takes a lot of conscious effort to unplug from that and focus on grounding yourself. I know breathwork is something that you do a lot, getting back into the breath of life, getting your body oxygenated, doing cold plunges and things like that. It’s taking the time to take care of yourself. If you’re not taking care of yourself, then it’s going to be harder for you to get connected with that conscious level of the mind and the spirit.

Let’s talk about where your energy goes. You talked about unplugging like don’t watch too much TV. Don’t follow all the fear porn. What affects your regular life? For instance, if you wanted to go and travel, are there concerns that you still have about re-acclimating into society when you’ve taken a lot of time to spend on your own, but then some things are limited because of certain choices or choices that you chose not to do for your particular body?

It's a strange reality. We drove across the country. We drove from California, which I hear they're still wearing masks in stores and stuff. I've traveled from there all the way up to Idaho, down through Wyoming, Colorado, Texas and New Orleans. They had a mask policy in New Orleans and the vax. You can’t come in there without a vaccine. I felt discriminated against.

I love how these people are talking about feelings like transgender people are offended by Dave Chappelle’s jokes. He hurt their feelings. You hurt my feelings if you don’t let me in a restaurant not because I’m sick but because I don’t have the right status. That’s offensive. My feelings are hurt. Can we start a movement of all of those that are unvaccinated and discriminated against and say, “Our feelings are hurt?” Where’s the rainbow coalition for our feelings?

There’s no compassion at all.

Thank you. Where's the sensitivity to our feelings? I understand it. You can still get into countries with a COVID test or whatever. It’s not like you want to stick that thing all the way up your nose. If you’ve got to do it, you’ve got to do it. My point is you choose your battles. Do I want to go to an event where you got to have a test? I probably would be disinclined to go. Do I want to go to an event where you have to wear a mask? You have to choose what reality do you want to play. Do I want to play in that reality? If I'm up for it, I’ll do it. If I’m not, why play in that reality? I live in a place where it’s been open the whole time. It’s like Sweden. Everyone’s like, “They’re crazy. They’re not going to survive.” They’re like, “We’re doing fine. Thank you. We’re still here.”

You are the one who chooses your battles.

It’s all in the mind. Even in this area, some people like myself have no fear. I walk around with no problem. Other people are wearing three masks, four masks. I don’t judge them. The lesson for me is to understand everybody comes from their own version of reality. I’m sending them love until the day that they wake up to everything that’s going on. It’s maintaining your own power, staying in your truth and living in alignment with your values and your purpose in life. It’s not diminishing that power of yours because we are so powerful with this life that we’ve been given. Especially if we’ve been given the insight to see what reality is versus accepting other people’s reality, it’s a blessing. Connecting with people in the community like yourself and many others, it’s important to find that tribe that is also living in alignment with what you want to do. There’s so much collaboration and creativity that can happen from that.

In a time when everyone is kneeling down, it’s much easier to see those who stand up.

Why did you come here to Earth as Sean Stone? What did you want to experience? Why did you come down?

I feel like I answered that at the beginning. Earth is a unique place. I don’t think this is my first time here. It’s a beautiful place. I’m very blessed to have come in this form, in this time with this background and this family. My greatest wealth in this world is culture, having traveled to 40 countries or so and most of the states in America, having an education, having read many of the classic novels, having studied history, having watched many great classic films, both modern and classic, see musicals and operas, listen to the music from across time since the days of Bach and Beethoven. That is what is so beautiful about this planet. Our wealth is our experience and it’s the culture that we generate from that experience. That’s what people miss out on when they think that wealth is only about money. It’s what you do with it and where you spend it.

There’s so much wealth in every single moment. A lot of times, nowadays, the fear perspective is so narrowed where you have to focus on this and this. If you look around everywhere, especially in nature, there’s an abundance of everything. You look at many different types of trees in the forest. You go to the beach and you have to be in a good mood and smile because there’s so much beauty. For me, it’s the culture. It’s also the people that I’m in connection with. It’s like I’m finding all my star seed brothers and sisters, especially in the last couple of years. As you said, when people are standing up instead of kneeling down, you're able to see where the real warriors are in this world.

The warriors, way-showers, teachers, and the ones that are spiritual. If you’re spiritual, you’re not going to be playing this game. I’m a spiritual person. I don’t care if the Dalai Lama is promoting this shit. What does that say about spirituality? I don’t get how you can be a spiritual person and promote this. A spiritual person is like, “Am I a physical being?” No, I’m energy that’s moving at such a rate that it looks physical because you can’t see what I am. You can’t see that the light that I am.

I don’t think a vaccine is an answer to get us past.

It’s like, “Come on. Really? Who paid you?”

There are many of these spiritual gurus that come out and they're all of a sudden, promoting segregation. There are so many out there. It’s insane. How do you weed through the information and the misinformation, and see who’s out there spreading truth and light and those who are trying to manipulate you?

How do you know?

How do you sift through the misinformation and the information that’s coming through?

If they’re telling you to do something, you better think twice. In life, if someone’s telling you that you have to do something, it’s free will. This is a free-will planet. Those that want to tell you to do things or you must do this, think twice.

That’s great advice. Sean, I appreciate your time. To close it up, what does God or spirituality mean to you? What role does it play in your life?

God is everything. Everything comes from God. When I say God, I don’t envision a guy with a beard on a throne and all that nonsense. It’s like, God is creator and creation. God is like an ocean of space and time, moving through everything, and washing over everything. To me, it’s oneness. We are meant to have the experience of ego and separation but it’s not fully separated. It’s an appearance of separation but everything is still connected. We’re still connected in consciousness to be seeing each other. To know of each other is to connect in consciousness. God is allowing all these things to occur for the evolution of consciousness.

It’s only in for our own conscious evolution. I believe that the harder things are, the better it is for us because that means we’re waking up more, we’re staying more in our alignments, and then other people are as well. As I said, it’s the best time to be alive because this is the time that’s going to accelerate us to a better version of humanity.

That’s exactly it. This is the challenge. You grow up to the challenge and if you can’t take the challenge and you don’t want to grow anymore, there’s going to be an option for them too. It’s a different experience of reality for sure. We are all experiencing reality differently anyway. It’s going to get more extreme with contrasts.

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

Spirituality And Reality: It's literally the best time to be alive because this is the time that's going to accelerate us to a better version of humanity.  

We’re living on it every day, every hour, every minute. That divide is growing stronger but eventually, hopefully, it comes back to oneness and we realize that we’re all united in this world. Light will always overcome the dark as long as we allow that light to come into our lives.

That’s the interesting thing. Feeling is what has always connected humans. Having been around the world and different cultures, I was able to empathize and understand different cultures as humans. When you replace humans with machines, you lose feeling and emotion. That’s where it’s going to get extreme. They don’t fathom it yet. With what corporate psychology is already, obedience, compliance, legality and all these things will be dramatically more inhuman as it becomes more mechanized and roboticized.

If you remember Star Wars, I always say, “Star Wars is our universe.” You have the evil empire, which is an AI. Vader was roboticized. He lost his humanity. The Storm Troopers had no humanity. They had no identity. They were masked. At one point in the Star Wars universe, they were clones like robots and whatnot. With robotics and all of those, it’s going to be very interesting for humans to understand the importance of emotion and the ability to choose. There are those that are going to regret surrendering their ability to choose. It is the gift of being human.

It’s important for human beings to remember to give yourself time to rest, to let yourself create a new thought, a new reality.

Sean, how can we learn more about you and where can we find your documentary?

Best Kept Secret is on Vimeo On Demand. It’s on Ickonic and it’s on 107 Daily. All six chapters are now available. People can also find me at SeanStone.info. It’s a good place to go. You can also link to the sites there.

Everybody, check out his documentary. He pieces everything well together. It gets dark but it’s important for everyone to understand what is going on and how long it’s been going on. He gives lots of information. He talks about the MK-Ultra all the way down through Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein, going into the transhumanist agenda. If you think that all conspiracy is like, “It’s a bunch of bullshit.” If you look at the timeline and everything that Sean puts together, it’s hard to say that it’s all coincidence. Things are happening in little fractions. They’re all being done with a particular purpose, but light always overcomes and we’re here for it. We’re here for this life. We’re here to grow and evolve, and see this planet being taken back by God, creation and love.

God already got this planet. It’s not like God doesn’t have this planet. Let’s say that it’s time for humans to take this planet. If they want it, they’ve got to stand for it.

Thank you so much for coming on, Sean.

You got it. Thank you.

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About Sean Stone:

LOTP 44 | Spirituality And Reality

Sean Christopher Ali Stone began his spiritual quest at 10 years old, when his father took him to Tibet, Nepal and India, to illuminate the stark contrast between those worlds, and Hollywood, where he had been a child-actor in his father Oliver Stone films like JFK, The Doors and Natural Born Killers. Sean studied American History at Princeton University, and Oxford, before writing his Senior Thesis on the modern history of the New World Order, now available from TrineDay and Amazon. Sean began his own filmmaking career by apprenticing under his father on Alexander, shooting the behind-the-scenes documentary Fight Against Time. On the film W., Sean worked as an Editorial Consultant, and on the TV series The Untold History of the United States, as an Associate Editor.

Sean Stone starred in and directed his first feature film Greystone Park in 2012, based on his real-life paranormal experiences in a haunted mental hospital. In 2020, he published the cosmic fairy tale, Desiderata by Ali, now available from Blackstone and Audible. His most recent release is the poetry book The Ephemeral Shades of Time. Sean is a graduate of the Baron Brown Studio and has starred in multiple features including Night Walk, Union Bound, and Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece, which he also wrote. Sean has hosted the reality show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, the interview program Buzzsaw, formerly on Gaia TV, and the RT news show Watching the Hawks.


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