Episode 45: Frequency Generation Technology W/ Somavedic CEO Juraj Kocar

Frequency Generation Technology is much more advanced now as they can start protecting you from EMF. Are you aware that EMF, Wifi, and 5G frequencies are bombarding your bodies with free radicals? Your cells are aging faster and faster when you take in these invisible frequencies. Today you're going to learn all about the dangers of electromagnetic frequencies and how Somavedic can protect and harmonize your environment.


Join Anand as he talks to Juraj Kocar. Juraj is an Endless optimist with a passion to build and grow projects with meaning. Right now, he is the CEO of his dream project – Somavedic, a functional and broadly accessible frequency therapy device harmonizing the negative effects of EMF on our bodies. It’s designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals. Combining an Eastern medicine approach with frequency therapy technology in one device. Somavedic is helping people in the office and home environment to have more energy, mental clarity, and focus during the day. For a 10% Discount on this life-enhancing, biohacking technology, use this link: https://somavedic.com/discount/LimitlessOne


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Frequency Generation Technology W/ Somavedic CEO Juraj Kocar

Are you aware that EMF, Wi-Fi, and 5G frequencies are bombarding our bodies every single second, and those forces deteriorate the quality and structural integrity of each one of us? We are going to learn all about those dangers of electromagnetic frequencies and offer a technology that restructures it into a harmonizing balancing field that optimizes our overall health and wellbeing. Welcome to the show, Starseeds.

We have a very special man who is fighting back against EMF pollutants. Juraj Kocar is an endless optimist with a passion to build and grow projects with meaning. Now, he is the CEO of his dream project, Somavedic, a functional and broadly accessible frequency therapy device that harmonizes the negative effects of EMF in our bodies. It's designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals, combining with an Eastern medicine approach with frequency therapy technology in one device. Somavedic is helping people in the office and home environment to have more energy, mental clarity, and focus during the day.

Frequency Generation Technology: Customer feedback can act as your drive to work because it fills your fulfillment.


Welcome to the show, Juraj. How are you?

I’m great. Thank you for having me.

It’s so wonderful to have you. The way that I start the show is by asking my favorite question. What does living a limitless life mean to you?

For me, that would be doing the projects that I love, working with people, and traveling around the world without restrictions. Fulfilling my dreams and visions on a global scale would be the definition of it.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and how you’ve got started with Somavedic.

My background is in IT. I studied at the university and got an IT degree but during my university studies, I’ve got sick of high blood pressure, cholesterol, brain fog, and you name it. It was mainly because of my lifestyle and everything. The doctors wanted to give me some pills for the rest of my life, and I was not fine with that. I started the self-healing journey. I was educating myself on various topics like diet, supplementation, and everything.

This took me a few years to find the right spot that was working for me and the right diet. Thanks to that, I was able to get rid of all of the symptoms that I had. When I healed after that, I had this calling that I would like to help as many people as possible on their health and wellness journey. I was not doing that. I had regular jobs after my studies but I always was attracted to helping people after that.

To live a limitless life is to do projects you love, to work with people you love, to travel the world without restrictions, and to fulfill your dreams and visions on a global scale.

It is very similar to my journey. I was an entrepreneur in all different types of fields but in my heart, it was screaming, “Help people holistically through all these different types of modalities.” It was only after an experience with Ayahuasca. It is a psychedelic experience that showed me the path that I have to go on this journey. Otherwise, I will feel a lot of regrets later on in my life. I love the fact that you pivoted into that. Tell us a little bit about the company history and the mission of Somavedic.

Somavedic was established in April 2011. Originally, my very good friend is the Founder, Ivan. His story was very similar. He was also struggling with how doctors were not able to help him, so he started to study Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and the different healing properties of precious stones and minerals. After some time, he was able to heal himself. He started to help other people, and family and friends were helping as well. He is a Mathematician and IT guy as well. He is no doctor or anything like that but what he learned was to help other people.

Frequency Generation Technology: EMF creates free radicals which basically speed up the aging of your cells.

Eventually, he had the idea to put together a product that would be the culmination of his knowledge and experience. That was the idea behind Somavedic, to build a product that would mitigate some causes of illness and sickness, and the effects of EMF, electromagnetic radiation, and geometric zones. From the very beginning, the first models were working well. Since then, we have been exporting to the whole world.

What was it inspired by? Is there any other technology out there that was doing something like this, or was it inspired like, “The frequency generator is a fascinating technology to me?" How did he combine? As a mathematician, there are not a lot of mathematicians out there that are working with stones, crystals, and all this stuff. It is an amazing confluence of research and knowledge.

Somavedic is based on stones and minerals combined with frequency therapy technology. There is no such product that combines the Eastern approach to health and wellness with Western technology.

When I talked to him about this topic or when I asked him about this, he said, “I didn't do anything. I had this flow or intuition to do this and that. I was observing my hands doing something.” Somavedic is based on precious stones, minerals, and metals that are physically inside together with frequency therapy technology. Until then or even now, there is no such product that is combining these two approaches, this Eastern approach to health and wellness with Western technology.

Behind any other product, there was an R&D behind it. He had to experiment a bit to use different gemstones and energy amplifiers but he was quite successful with it. Thanks to the initial intuition. He was testing it against bioresonance devices, which are devices that can measure the levels of EMF, the state of your organs, and everything. He measured it with five different bioresonance devices, and all of them showed great results.

Frequency Generation Technology: Some of the effects of Somavedic in an EMF environment are a good HRV and a longer, better quality of sleep. People feel more at peace and more rested.

I had some experience with bioresonance and I know it has been used for a very long time. I believe it started in Russia. Is that correct?

Yes. Russians and Germans are the biggest producers of bioresonance devices.

It is based on the premise that our body is an electromagnetic field. Once you send a signal, you are able to get a return signal. You are able to see if there are any issues going along the energy channels of the body. What do you love most about running this company?

This gets me back to the calling that I had. I had a job in the AR incubator connecting startups with investors. I was drawn to helping people. I was visiting a friend of mine, and he had these glowing, colorful lamps all over his place. I asked him, “What is that?” He told me a few interesting stories about what it is and what it does. Immediately, it clicked, and I knew like, “This is what I want to do.” I have always had this calling, and this is a product that could help me help people on a global scale because it is a product that you can deliver to the whole world. This is what drives and fulfills me.

Somavedic doesn't block EMF. It harmonizes the environment so it doesn't affect you.

On top of that, what fulfills me and drives me is the feedback that we are getting from the emails that I'm reading. When people write you an email that, “After so many years, I finally had the best sleep ever. My migraines or my brain fog is gone.” This is something that fulfills you and you have a good feeling about that.

My life is very much guided by intuition and synchronicity. I see it everywhere. I want to share the story of how I learned about your company. I was meeting a good friend of mine for lunch and I was a little bit late. I’ve got there, and he was sitting there talking to some guy who is taking his food out, and they were in deep conversation. My friend, Eric, he's like, “You’ve got to meet this guy, Mike.” It was a few years ago. He started feeling sick and got all these issues.

He went to 40 different doctors over the course of several years and nobody could diagnose him. They did Lyme disease tests and all this stuff. Nobody knew what was going on. He eventually ended up being crippled. He was in a wheelchair, and he couldn't even be around phones or anything like that. He went to his medical doctor and the doctor was like, “There is nothing wrong with you. You have a psychological issue. We were going to have to refer you to a psychiatrist.”

He was so disheartened, but then he kept going and found some holistic people. He met one person and made a whole loop around different circles. He finally met somebody that was able to help him through Chinese herbology. As he was getting better, he remembered he couldn't sleep at night because he was having a lot of parasite die-off. Around that time, he couldn't be around any electronics. He couldn't even be next to a cell phone or a computer in a room. Otherwise, he would start feeling nauseous.

He ended up finding out about the Somavedic. He started using it and said, “That was a godsend for me.” I learned about this and I had him on my show. I was intrigued, so I wrote it on my calendar, “Reach out to Somavedic on the next Monday.” Your team member, Veronica, reached out to me saying that she heard about my wellness center, Om.life, in Jersey City through somebody that works with you, Louis and Nicola. It was so funny. It was on my list, not specifically her but the company in general. It happened that she was able to connect.

You were able to generously send us some devices and I started plugging them in. I will tell you a little bit about my experience. I'm a biohacker. I'm all about living a limitless life. I want the best results in mind, body, spirit, and everything I can do to get that extra edge. She sent us the Vedic, which is the new device that you have, and then the Amber. I plugged both of them in the same vicinity. It was so powerful. We started noticing in the first week. We will be very honest. It was an adjustment period. When I plugged both those devices in, I had to off it as I felt tired. I slept pretty much like 3 or 4 hours.

My girlfriend also couldn't focus on work because there was so much energy going on in the room. We spoke to Veronica, and she was like, “Use one at a time.” We moved the other one into the wellness center because I wanted to see how it was before and started to talk about it. Over the course of that week, we started feeling every day a little bit better.

During the first couple of nights, we were a little bit tough to fall asleep very quickly. There were a lot of thoughts and stuff going through our minds, but then as we had it on, we kept noticing things were a lot better. There was calmer energy in the area in an apartment, and we have a two-bedroom. The plants started doing a little bit better.

Overall, we were in a great mood. We were getting up at 5:00 AM with no issues. Once the alarm goes off, we are up and ready to go. It was interesting to experience it. We have also had it at our wellness center, and then a lot of our clients were going up to our lounge, and we were telling them about it. They would sit there and meditate for about 10 to 15 minutes around it.

When you put your hands up next to it, you can start feeling the vibration coming off of it. That was our experience. It has been about a couple of weeks that we have been using it but it's getting better and better. We will go into the benefits of all this stuff in detail because I want to hear from you. It has been the most amazing product to add to a biohacker's home.

Thank you for sharing that, even when you shared the story of the friend or the guy that you interviewed. This is the reason why we are doing it. We had so many amazing experiences. What you are describing is the adaptation period or detox symptoms. It happens. It is not with everybody. About 20% to 30% of our customers are experiencing detox symptoms. Sometimes, it's for an hour, and sometimes it's for 1 to 3 days. When the body is in a home environment and all of a sudden, the whole energy changes, it needs to adapt and reorganize but it is for the better.

Not so long ago, I’ve got two independent emails from ladies who bought Somavedic. They plugged it in at home, and their husbands fell asleep immediately. They said like, “That never happened.” They become tired and fall asleep. Everything was well. It was just very unusual for them to see it. That sometimes happens but it's a part of the energy healing process. 

Do you have any tips for anyone once they start plugging in the device? Would you suggest that there's anything they can do to help with those detox symptoms?

It's by drinking a lot of water. Usually, our best seller is the Vedic, the green one. That one is also structuring the water, making it more bioavailable for our bodies and improving hydration. When you place a jug of water next to it, in 15 to 20 minutes, it will be structured. Drinking the structured water should be enough. If you still feel that it's too strong, then unplug it. It is still working because the core of the Somavedic is on the amplified energies or frequencies of the precious stones and minerals. It doesn't need electricity or a USB cable to work. It's still working but it's a bit weaker. These two things usually help.

I have to connect you with this guy, Mike, which I interviewed because he has to tell you his experience in more detail. It's amazing. My friend, Eric, who was also there having lunch, ended up buying it right there on his phone, and he got it. He said his wife was having so many issues sleeping prior to plugging this thing in for years, and she sleeps better than she has ever had. That is another amazing testimonial.

Sleep improvement is the number one thing or the most frequent feedback that we are getting from our customers. What you are saying is confirming it.

There are always going to be skeptics out there, “It's a device that you plugin. How much can it do?” Let's do a deep dive into some of the proven benefits of this technology. First, I want to set a background. What are the effects of cell phone radiation, EMFs, Wi-Fi, and how does it attack our body?

For phones to work, they have to constantly radiate something or emit frequencies. For our laptops to work, they need Wi-Fi routers in general, and we need BTS towers. These invisible frequencies that are only present everywhere and going through our bodies have hundreds of studies showing that they have a negative effect on us.

If I put it in a very easy and digestible way, what the cellular level or the EMS are doing is creating free radicals, which is starting the speed of how the cells are aging. This is what it is doing. Amongst other things, it's interfering with our brainwaves, so we don't have such a good sleep and lowering fertility. The plants are not growing that fast near a Wi-Fi router. There are lots of examples that we can find of how the EMFs are negatively affecting living beings. It is not very common knowledge but it is true.

We were being bombarded, especially if you live in a city, in the areas that we live. I'm right across the river from New York City, so there are many 5G towers going up. We were constantly getting this blanket of electromagnetic fields from every single direction. Somavedic has helped me. I have had a lot of stiff joints because I work out a lot, and then am being bombarded by electromagnetic stuff. I'm always on my computer. It's on my lap, and then I have my phone on me.

All these things affect us on so many subtle levels, not just from a postural point of view but also from these frequencies that are attacking us all the time. In terms of how do we age faster, it’s those free radicals. That is why we want to take in antioxidants and absorb as many negatively charged ions as possible. Somavedic frequency is sending antioxidants or anti-aging benefits to you by increasing the amount of negatively charged ions.

That is one of the things. What studies we have done so far with Somavedic is that the German study is showing the increased speed of cell regeneration. They took the human cells in the lab conditions because they needed to compare it in a non-EMF environment, which is I would say a non-existing environment but for the sake of measurements, they put it in the non-EMF or shielded environment in normal level lab conditions with the EMF or the current environment that we are in.

They put in the normal lab environment Somavedic next to it, and they were measuring the speed of cell generation. You can see the direct correlation and differences between non-EMF, EMF, and EMF with Somavedic. This is one study that is showing how the Somavedic is affecting ourselves in an EMF environment, which means our normal environment. We have studies here from Prague showing how it's improving HRV or Heart Rate Variability.

It is not a study but people are sending us screenshots of their Oura rings where their sleep improved and everything, so we can measure the effects of Somavedic. With the HRV, length, and quality of sleep, people feel more at peace and rested. This is what the doctors measured. These are a few examples showing how Somavedic affects normal or EMF environment.

I know a lot of people in the holistic space but you are focused on making sure that everything you are doing is provable because you talked to a lot of holistic people, and they were like, “This works,” but they are not backing it up. You are scientists and providing the data, and that's not very common in this field of holistic wellness.

We try to do our best because we know that it is working. We get it from customers on an everyday level on how Somavedic is helping. We are trying and getting the measurements done on a cellular or biomarker level to see what is going on in our bodies.

I also noticed, in addition to the heart rate variability, there is some information on cardiovascular and nervous system improvements from using the Somavedic.

There is a study showing improvements in blood pressure. It is not only lowering the blood pressure but with patients that had low blood pressure increases like the normalization of blood pressure. This is some of the data we have.

This is something I never knew about but geopathic zones are also another overall determinant of our health. It could be negative and positive depending on where you live and especially where you sleep. Can you tell us a little bit about what geopathic zones are and how the Somavedic harmonize with that?

Geopathic zones are improving but they are not known in modern society. The Chinese knew for thousands of years amongst other things, they are called the dragon veins. In general, it can be tectonic plates touching each other with movement. There is friction and vibration surfacing. Most of the time, the geopolitics zones are caused by flowing rivers below the surface. If there is a flowing river, the flow and everything is causing a vibration that is surfacing. If you have a bed on top of such a geopathic zone, it is negatively affecting your health.

The scientists were doing experiments with this. When they moved patients away from geopathic zones, all of a sudden, their health started improving immediately without any other changes. This is one of the things that Somavedic is mitigating are these geopathic zones. The way how you can find geopathic zones is by dowsers with dowsing. They usually help you find wells where you want to dig a well but they can also help you find geopathic zones.

I had a couple of people ask me questions about some of the clients that purchased. What is the optimal space to put the device inside your home?

In general, the field of Somavedic is about 100 feet radius up, down, left, right, and penetrating walls and floors. You can think of it as a Wi-Fi router but in a good way that it creates a coherent protective bubble. The field is large enough to cover a whole apartment. The ideal placement for Somavedic would be somewhere in the middle of the apartment or home. Usually, it is a living room or kitchen where you can place the structured water next to it. What we don't recommend placing the Somavedic for the first days is in the bedroom because it can be too strong, and during the adaptation, it can influence your sleep.

The other question this person had was if she’s planning on traveling. She wants to take it with her. What would be the best way to get through TSA and the airport security without causing a ruckus?

I used to travel in Orlando and San Francisco. It was a few months ago in Orlando and 2019 in San Francisco. I was struggling with the Somavedic. First of all, it is fragile. The corpus is made from crystal hand-blown glass. Somavedic is hand-blown, so it's original. The old Asian masters are doing it. You have to be careful when traveling with it. It has a USB cable, so you can plug it into a power bank or anything. Be careful and cover it with a cloth, a shirt or something like that. That should be fine.

Take us through some of the different models that you have. We particularly have the Amber and the Vedic models and here as well as the Harmony for more small spaces and cars. Could you tell us a little bit about the most popular ones people get?

There are two basic differentiations between our models. It is the water structuring capabilities that we have talked about already and 5G effect mitigation. That means it is strong enough to mitigate the 5G effect. There are filters that you can choose from on our webpage. The best-seller, the most versatile unit we have, and the best power money ratio is the Vedic. It has 5G effect mitigation and water structuring capabilities. More than 65% of orders are for that specific model.

There's the top of the line that’s called the Amber. That is the one that you have. That is about four times stronger than the Vedic, and it's designed for corporate buildings, city centers, and 5G towers around. Below the Vedic, there's the model Sky. It has almost the same strength as the Vedic but it's not structuring the water, which means it is cheaper. For travels, there's the Harmony. They are smaller units that are designed for cars and hotels.

You said that the Amber is four times stronger. Does that mean it has a radius of a longer distance?

The radius with standard models is the same with all of them. It’s the field that is creating it stronger. What we did mention is that Somavedic is not blocking the EMF. If you would take an EMF meter, you would measure the same levels of EMF in your home after and before Somavedic. What it is doing is it’s creating that feel on a cellular level that your body is not responding that much to the EMF effects.

I noticed you are a very high-integrity company with a beautiful mission, and you are doing it holistically to work on the root causes of all these things. I noticed that when people purchase, you have a five-year warranty. Is that for most models?

The five-year warranty is for all models. In general, you get a 1 or 2-year warranty on their product that if something goes wrong, they will exchange it or fix it. That means if one of the LEDs goes off or there's something wrong, we will exchange the product 1 for 1, and you will get a new one. That’s what the five-year warranty means because we believe in the product.

What’s even more important is that we have a 60-day money-back guarantee because some people still can be hesitant and are not sure if it would help them or not. We want to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to try it out. They have two months to test it out, and if they don't see any benefits, they can return it, and we will give them the full refund.

That is very high integrity. That is why I love working with you. The delivery time is pretty fast. I see that it is anywhere between 2 and 4 days. Is it for most parts of the world or in the US?

We have two offices. We have one here in Prague and one in San Francisco. Our fulfillment center is in San Bernardino. From there, we ship to the whole world, and we can have 2, 3, and almost 4-day shipping.

If anyone is interested in purchasing this unit, we do offer a 10% discount through our special link. During the holidays, we get a better deal but it will be 10% because Black Friday will be over that time. The other thing a lot of people don't talk about with radiation is, sperm counts are much affected. There was a study where a 60-year old man in 1980 had the same sperm count as a twenty-year-old now, which is wild to even hear. That's why fertility and everything is going down and becoming more challenging.

Fetus and childhood development are affected by radiation, lowering brain function, and the brain fogginess that you talked about. The quality of our life and overall health is made up of every single one of those trillions of cells working harmoniously together. When each one is damaged, they all go to war and get injured. Now, they try to come back and rebuild your life. It is hard to function when your cell quality is not optimal. I thank you so much for coming to the show. You are an amazing guy and I love the mission of this company. The final question I will ask is, why do you think you came here on Earth and what did you want to experience?

I get to meet some interesting people and cutting-edge technologies that are already but will have quite a substantial effect on our society. I came to experience these technologies and the changing of society. Thanks to technology but applied in a good way, not only technology but also the mindset and everything. It’s to experience the shift and change in society, be present with it, and be with some of the projects.

What a great opportunity for you because you are already there and have so much more to share with the world. What is next for the company and what is your vision for its future?

We are a D2C company but my biggest mission for 2022 is getting Somavedic into our working environments, office buildings, co-working spaces, health and wellness clinics, and hospitals. It’s to bring more energy and vitality to a place where we spend most of our time and bring Somavedic to as many working environments as possible. If anybody would be interested in helping us with that, feel free to reach out.

As an affiliate, I am planning on spreading the word far and wide about you. Thank you so much for all you do and for this amazing company. I have to tell you, the team you work with are wonderful people. Veronica, who I mentioned before, was an absolute doll. I thank you, guys. If you are ever in Jersey, come visit Om.life right across from Manhattan.

I will. Thank you for having me.

Thank you so much.

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About Juraj Kocar

Juraj Kocar is an Endless optimist with a passion to build and grow projects with meaning. Right now, he is the CEO of his dream project -– Somavedic. A functional and broadly accessible frequency therapy device harmonizing the negative effects of EMF on our bodies. It’s designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals. Combining an Eastern medicine approach with frequency therapy technology in one device.

Somavedic is helping people in the office and home environment to have more energy, mental clarity, and focus during the day.


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